That Fox News Dot Com has nothing on Mark Robinson?
They do have a big banner story on Secretary Mayorkas’ Net Worth
Nate Silverspews:
Wonder if anyone put a poll in the field for North Carolina this morning?
Donald J. Trumpspews:
Donald J. Trump ReTruthed
Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump • 1d
What an asshole. Must be a Republican.spews:
The further adventures of pedo Gaetz and its “varied sex life”:
One eyewitness cited in the court filings, a young woman referred to as K.M., provided a sworn affidavit that claimed the teenage girl was naked, partygoers were there to “engage in sexual activities,” and “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy … and marijuana” were present. The teenage girl was identified in the filings only as A.B.
“The discovery taken in this case to date reflects that on Saturday, July 15, 2017 … Dorworth, hosted a party at his residence … with the following guests present: (1) A.B.; (2) K.M.; (3) B.G.; (4) Matt Gaetz,” lawyers wrote in the filing, also listing several others. The defense lawyers filed testimonies from those three women — who the attorneys say placed Gaetz at Dorworth’s house that night — under seal pending a judge’s approval to make the records public.
This was an hour and a half long televised townhall. This portion on Dobbs and Republican abortion bans comes at about 40 minutes in. That’s not accidental. They know that their maximum live audience will peak right about that timestamp.
The whole thing is very effective. But this section on Republican abortion bans is devastating – up and down the ticket. It’s absolutely deadly to Trump/Vance in swing states among women voters. And they know it.
Share it widely and often.
Women Votersspews:
2700 LV, Morning Consult out this morning has Cancun Cruz down one.
Shame the RNC can’t just roll in and spend money to rescue Ted. But have you seen Laura Trump’s music video?
Elijah Donimic NcFuckheadspews:
Trump isn’t going to lose in Texas. But he’s got to scrounge up resources and volunteers to save North Carolina. So Raphael Cancun is on his own. And Colin Allred is surging, thanks in no small part to his outspoken support for women’s right to reproductive health care. It doesn’t hurt that women find Raphael Cancun’s MILF porn addiction gross and weird.
What an asshole. Must be a Republican.spews:
An hour and a half of questions.. I see no teleprompters..
Softballs? Yeah sure but no different than what drumpf gets from Faux Snooze, Newzwackos and onanism..
The war on women from misogynists like kreepshit has never been so intense but in their rapeshit hate frenzies they forget women vote and huffing their own copium babble “fill the tank, make the rent”, copypasta online polls, etc.
Jewish Votersspews:
How do you attend an event on Fighting Anti-Semitism and blame the Jews for your problems?
Donnie the Schmuck Trump
“If I don’t win this election—and the Jewish people would really have a lot to do with that if that happens, because, at 40%, that means 60% of the people are voting for the enemy—Israel, in my opinion, will cease to exist within two years,”
What an asshole. Must be a Republican.spews:
@10 those joo space lasers will throw it to Kamala… klownspiracy donnie sure knows how to turn out the base..
Elijah Donimic NcFuckheadspews:
A lot of the live events you’ll see at are phone and text banking opportunities. These are not cold calls to all phones. They are targeted. But who they target can vary depending on the campaign and the objectives.
In a lot of cases right now, as registration deadlines in targeted states are imminent, the targeted phones belong to people who are not registered voters. The campaigns sort and analyze these folks to look for those most likely to support Democrats and our issues. And these texts and phone calls are just the first step. Depending on the results of initial contact there can be lots of follow up culminating in personal visits from neighbors like these:
But in order for canvassing efforts like Neighbor2Neighbor to work effectively it’s really imperative that these neighborhood canvassing volunteers have high quality, qualified leads. That all starts with these initial contacts via text and phone bank. And that’s why it’s important to realize that every Democrat, even Democrats living in solidly blue safe states and districts where there are no national canvasing operations, can still make a huge impact and contribute with time and effort.
The platforms campaigns use to generate phone bank and text bank contacts are super efficient and do not use your own personal phone number. They allow a volunteer to make hundreds of contacts in as little as an hour or two. And yes, the response rate is very, very low. Five hundred texts might only generate a single response. But with hundreds of thousands of volunteers doing a few hundred contacts per day the responses will add up. And those responses are the seed corn from which swing state and swing district victories are sown.
Maybe you can’t be in Michigan or Pennsylvania, or Arizona to knock doors. But your small efforts can make those local efforts a big success.
Elijah Donimic NcFuckheadspews:
Official ad from the candidate campaign dropping now in North Carolina:
In the last month, his campaign has spent more on ads featuring the page of Alina Habba, one of his telegenic lawyers and advisers, than on those for Senator JD Vance of Ohio, his running mate. The Habba ads are meant to encourage small donors to contribute.
“Do we not have the best-looking team in the world?” Ms. Habba asks in one ad, as she walks around the campaign’s office. “Yeah, we do.”
Vicious Trollspews:
Trump wanted Guard troops. Transcripts prove it.
“[January 3, 2021] The President justsays, ‘Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of
protesters here on the 6th, make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiersto make sure it’s a
safe event.’” *
“[POTUS said] ‘Hey,I don’t care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have
to do. Just make sure it’ssafe.’” *
“The President commented that they were going to need 10,000 troopsthe following day…Iinterpreted it as
a bit of presidential banter or President Trump banterthat you all are familiar with, and in no way,shape, or
form did Iinterpret that as an order or direction.” *
When the Capitol Police called for backup, they were turned down:
“I’m making an urgentrequest forthe National Guard. We are being overrun.I gave a quick rundown of
what we had going on and that officers out there are fighting fortheirlives. We were about to be taken over.
The representative from the Secretary of the Army said, “I don’t like the optics of National Guard standing in a
line with the Capitol in the background.”” *
“I explained to them that the building is being breached.I need their assistance immediately. He [General
Piatt]said, “My recommendation to the Secretary of the Army isto notsupport the request.” *
Each of these interviews was conducted by the Department of Defense Inspector General.
Vicious Trollspews:
Canadians get ready to rumble.
Politics ‘I’m right here, bro’: Singh, Poilievre have tense exchange during question period
Singh was called out as the bloviating chickenshit that he became:
“He is a fake, a phony and a fraud. How can anyone ever believe what this sell-out NDP leader says in the future?”
At which point Singh came out from his hiding spot behind Goldymade a scene:
Singh left his seat and walked into the aisle to shout at Poilievre. Two MPs who were in the House told CBC News that Singh said, “I’m right here, bro,” while another said they heard the NDP leader say, “I’m right here.”
Liberal MP Kevin Lamoureux told CBC News that he couldn’t make out what Singh said to Poilievre. He said the NDP leader “looked upset and somewhat confrontational, which seemed to amuse the Conservative leader.”
Of course Poilievre was amused. Likewise, it was hilarious watching Welfare Queen YLB wail, “Why are you here?” when she was in the throes of despair over her party’s 2014 midterm losses.
When chickenshits try to grow a spine for show, it’s always funny.
Elijah Donimic NcFuckheadspews:
Looks like Putin’s most elite armored assault division, The 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division, relies on the same OpSec as the Trump campaign:
This is the same armored division that was stopped cold and routed while attempting to surround and beseige Kharkiv, the second major objective in the opening hours of the invasion, losing up to 90 percent of their fielded component. A similar fate was suffered by the 1st Guards Tank Army assigned to surround and beseige Kyiv. These massive opening defeats were made possible by nine-eyes intelligence delivered directly to the AFU by Vice President Kamala Harris.
Now the same elite armored division is being sent a grimly terrifying message. This is particularly true in light of the recent total destruction of the largest Russian defense depot in Toropetz Tvir, also deep in Russian territory. The destruction was so immense that it was picked up and confirmed on seismic monitors in neighboring Latvia. Satellite imagery has been unable to provide analysis of the level of loss in the Toropets attack due to continuous ongoing fires and thick smoke, obscuring both optical and infrared imaging.
Russian news agency reports suggested that the Toropets attack was carried out by UAVs. If true that would suggest a capability and a level of sophistication not previously thought to be possessed by AFU. Such a drone attack would have to fly a ground contour flight path relying on the most sophisticated surveillance data using some degree of stealth technology to avoid Russian radars. And to reach specific targets and penetrate them with relatively small warheads would require the most sophisticated guidance and targeting systems known to exist.
If AFU has such a capability then the video collected from inside the reserve headquarters located within the Moscow Oblast sends a terrifying message to the Russian armored command.
Elijah Donimic NcFuckheadspews:
Each of these interviews was conducted by the Department of Defense Inspector General….
…then carefully edited and recomposed by Congressman Loudermilk’s nephew Skipper over summer break from his program in Violent Nazi Pipe Bomb studies at Liberty University’s Roger Ailes College of Propaganda.
Powerful stuff. /s
Vicious Trollspews:
First cabinet meeting in nearly a year, and Bi-Done had to have DOCTOR Jill do his work for him.
This is not normal.
Mark Robinson never heard of himspews:
In other words, Trump was so often full of shit and giving imaginary directives to shoot protesters on the National Mall that everyone had stopped listening.
Very Demure. Very Presidential.
What an asshole. Must be a Republican.spews:
“Why are you here?”
This from a silly troll who was MIA in November 2022…
What happened kreepshit?
In the throes of despair over the faylure of noun, verb, Chicago?
All things go nicely, it will be MIA this November as well..
The complete list of noun, verb, blah, blah will be a treat to laugh over.
Yawwn.. next…
Elijah Donimic NcFuckheadspews:
Blessed Saint Ronnie drooling into a bucket after 5pm muttering “Mommie Mommie Mommie” when he wasn’t testifying “Well, I just get confused about these things” from 1985 onward.
I don’t know why anyone should be “surprised” by that, though.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 That’s why they’re inventing stories about immigrants eating dogs and cats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Ted Crud was always on his own. So is every other GOP down-ballot candidate. Fat Donny was never going to spend RNC money on anyone but himself. That’s why his daughter-in-law is in charge there.
Elijah Donimic NcFuckheadspews:
Fat Donny was never going to spend RNC money on anyone but himself.
Probably true. But undoubetdly likely to complicate Lindsay Graham’s efforts to get Nebraska Republican lawmakers to pass winner-take-all legislation. He’s got to have something to offer these fuck sticks. Some of them have to pull votes from Omaha Democrats.
Vicious Trollspews:
Boxcheck Momala: I’m gonna lower prices by going after price-gougers. Even though almost none of them do it.
She accused companies of taking advantage of extreme weather emergencies or the COVID-19 pandemic to raise prices and pad profits.
“People are desperate because of these kinds of emergencies, desperate for support. And then some, you know, corporations — and it’s very few of them that do this — but then jack up prices to make it more difficult for desperate people to just get by,” she said.
Ms. Harris has made combating price gouging one of the tentpoles of her economic proposals, vowing to penalize companies “that exploit crises and break the rules.”
So after she’s done going after Massengill for its price increase on Summer’s Eve douche, what else will Boxcheck Momala do to in order to reduce prices?
Useless. Clueless. Small wonder Welfare Queen YLB supports her. Because she didn’t melt under @ 6 softball questions from Oprah.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 One thing that doesn’t lower prices for average consumers is more tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires. Tariffs don’t, either.
If Harris does absolutely nothing to lower prices, her policies still will be better for most Americans than Trump’s policies.
You, of course, will vote for the higher prices, because you’re a dumbfuck.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 31
Fat Donny was never going to spend RNC money on anyone but himself.
Obama was so generous in sharing his OFA money after telling people to donate to OFA instead of the DNC.
Organizing for Action, the political group that grew out of Obama’s first presidential run, decentralized power from the DNC by building a parallel infrastructure that competed for donors. It was a move that many state party chairs loathed, and in the years since have faulted for Democrats’ losses at the gubernatorial and statehouse level.
“It wasn’t helpful to the political work that needs to get done in building a bench,” said Stephen Handwerk, executive director of the Louisiana Democratic Party.
It has Trump within the margin of error in Virginia.
Harris has the support of 47 percent of 756 Virginia likely voters, as compared to 46 percent favoring Trump in the survey, which includes 1,000 adult respondents and was conducted for UMW’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies by Research America Inc. Sept. 3-9. Several third party and independent candidates received a total of four percent support in the poll, while the remaining likely voters said they were undecided.
A one-point lead when the MOE is 3.1 points is not much at all.
Trump wouldn’t need NC if he takes VA.
What an asshole. Must be a Republican.spews:
she didn’t melt under @ 6 softball questions from Oprah.
Better that than wrinkling her nose at gotcha questions like:
Q: “How do you respond to asswipe trolls from widbee who call you a ‘boxcheck'”?
A: (after a bit of nose wrinkling) Oh I call them ‘dipshit assholes’…
The freak is looking ever more sad and despondent after the implosion of that pickleball fiasco.
Feds to faylure with the “serious” maga boots: Fuck off!
Vicious Trollspews:
NC blue? Not yet.
Visegrád 24
Anti-Israel protesters at University of North Carolina attack & vandalize the US Navy Reserve Officers Training Corps building
They have torn down the American flag & hoisted a Palestinian one instead
This is an attack on the U.S. Armed Forces
Old Row
1:03 PM · Sep 19, 2024
What an asshole. Must be a Republican.spews:
This is an attack on the U.S. Armed Forces
Shorter internet troll brigade: Let’s have a war! Elect drumpf (who called Iraq a disaster and wanted to host the Taliban at Camp David.)
If only drumpf was re-erected. Then the US would still be in Afghanistan (even after negotiating a sweetheart withdrawal) and kreepshit would the happiest camper alive with drumpf pissing away billions in Afghanistan rather than investing in broadband for underserved Americans.
Elijah Donimic NcFuckheadspews:
In a question that asked likely voters only about the major party nominees, the results also remained well within the margin of error: 48 percent favored Harris and 46 preferred Trump.
Keep on coping on, Scotty P!
FKA HOPSspews:
Well at least the need for a ‘whaddabout’ got you into the previous decade this time.
Elijah Donimic NcFuckheadspews:
Scotty P wants you to believe that hundreds of thousands of Virginia voters turned out on the first day possible to support a nationwide abortion ban and a tax cut for Elon Musk. 😉
What an asshole. Must be a Republican.spews:
drumpf has called Mark Robinson, “MLK on steroids..”
Given the shit-talk kreepshit has babbled here about Dr. King, the kreepee freek of widbee can only be in total agreement with its beloved orange dear leader.
Well perhaps leaving out certain views on economic justice and slavery..
In about 10 minutes. Caltrain Local 136 is due to leave the CalTrain Terminal at 4th and King in San Francisco. Yesterday on Social Media, CalTrain announced 136 would be, as the electrification phase-in is complete tomorrow, 136 will be the last train powered by F40 Diesels pulling Gallery Cars. The Gilroy trains retained after Electrification will be using Bilevels like SOUNDER uses pulled by MotivePower MP36s.
45)Was Local Train 132,
Also, being retired is CalTrain’s Baby Bullsy, folded into the Express and Limiteds.
The Big Sleepspews:
The Deep State is attempting to assassinate Trump because he will cause them plenty of trouble if he gets re-elected in November. Trump threatens their existence.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 I’m sure that’s of great comfort to this year’s down-ballot Republicans. You’re a master of irrelevancy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 As far as I’ve heard, only two deranged individuals, both present or former Trump supporters, and neither employed in government, have tried to assassinate their demigod. This seems to be a family dispute having nothing to do with the state.
Would it surprise you
A: Not At All
B: Zero
C: Diddly Squat
That Fox News Dot Com has nothing on Mark Robinson?
They do have a big banner story on Secretary Mayorkas’ Net Worth
Wonder if anyone put a poll in the field for North Carolina this morning?
The further adventures of pedo Gaetz and its “varied sex life”:
One eyewitness cited in the court filings, a young woman referred to as K.M., provided a sworn affidavit that claimed the teenage girl was naked, partygoers were there to “engage in sexual activities,” and “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy … and marijuana” were present. The teenage girl was identified in the filings only as A.B.
“The discovery taken in this case to date reflects that on Saturday, July 15, 2017 … Dorworth, hosted a party at his residence … with the following guests present: (1) A.B.; (2) K.M.; (3) B.G.; (4) Matt Gaetz,” lawyers wrote in the filing, also listing several others. The defense lawyers filed testimonies from those three women — who the attorneys say placed Gaetz at Dorworth’s house that night — under seal pending a judge’s approval to make the records public.
Another high bar moment for politicians of the party of “family values”..
Phone video to follow.
This isn’t about fundraising at this point.
This is about targeted turnout.
This is what messaging to target turnout looks like:
This was an hour and a half long televised townhall. This portion on Dobbs and Republican abortion bans comes at about 40 minutes in. That’s not accidental. They know that their maximum live audience will peak right about that timestamp.
The whole thing is very effective. But this section on Republican abortion bans is devastating – up and down the ticket. It’s absolutely deadly to Trump/Vance in swing states among women voters. And they know it.
Share it widely and often.
2700 LV, Morning Consult out this morning has Cancun Cruz down one.
Shame the RNC can’t just roll in and spend money to rescue Ted. But have you seen Laura Trump’s music video?
Trump isn’t going to lose in Texas. But he’s got to scrounge up resources and volunteers to save North Carolina. So Raphael Cancun is on his own. And Colin Allred is surging, thanks in no small part to his outspoken support for women’s right to reproductive health care. It doesn’t hurt that women find Raphael Cancun’s MILF porn addiction gross and weird.
An hour and a half of questions.. I see no teleprompters..
Softballs? Yeah sure but no different than what drumpf gets from Faux Snooze, Newzwackos and onanism..
The war on women from misogynists like kreepshit has never been so intense but in their rapeshit hate frenzies they forget women vote and huffing their own copium babble “fill the tank, make the rent”, copypasta online polls, etc.
How do you attend an event on Fighting Anti-Semitism and blame the Jews for your problems?
Donnie the Schmuck Trump
@10 those joo space lasers will throw it to Kamala… klownspiracy donnie sure knows how to turn out the base..
A lot of the live events you’ll see at are phone and text banking opportunities. These are not cold calls to all phones. They are targeted. But who they target can vary depending on the campaign and the objectives.
In a lot of cases right now, as registration deadlines in targeted states are imminent, the targeted phones belong to people who are not registered voters. The campaigns sort and analyze these folks to look for those most likely to support Democrats and our issues. And these texts and phone calls are just the first step. Depending on the results of initial contact there can be lots of follow up culminating in personal visits from neighbors like these:
But in order for canvassing efforts like Neighbor2Neighbor to work effectively it’s really imperative that these neighborhood canvassing volunteers have high quality, qualified leads. That all starts with these initial contacts via text and phone bank. And that’s why it’s important to realize that every Democrat, even Democrats living in solidly blue safe states and districts where there are no national canvasing operations, can still make a huge impact and contribute with time and effort.
The platforms campaigns use to generate phone bank and text bank contacts are super efficient and do not use your own personal phone number. They allow a volunteer to make hundreds of contacts in as little as an hour or two. And yes, the response rate is very, very low. Five hundred texts might only generate a single response. But with hundreds of thousands of volunteers doing a few hundred contacts per day the responses will add up. And those responses are the seed corn from which swing state and swing district victories are sown.
Maybe you can’t be in Michigan or Pennsylvania, or Arizona to knock doors. But your small efforts can make those local efforts a big success.
Official ad from the candidate campaign dropping now in North Carolina:
He may be proud to call himself a “Black Nazi” in favor of slavery, but at least he never used the “M” word on teevee. That we know of. Yet.
About that….
In the last month, his campaign has spent more on ads featuring the page of Alina Habba, one of his telegenic lawyers and advisers, than on those for Senator JD Vance of Ohio, his running mate. The Habba ads are meant to encourage small donors to contribute.
“Do we not have the best-looking team in the world?” Ms. Habba asks in one ad, as she walks around the campaign’s office. “Yeah, we do.”
Trump wanted Guard troops. Transcripts prove it.
When the Capitol Police called for backup, they were turned down:
Each of these interviews was conducted by the Department of Defense Inspector General.
Canadians get ready to rumble.
‘I’m right here, bro’: Singh, Poilievre have tense exchange during question period
Singh was called out as the bloviating chickenshit that he became:
At which point Singh
came out from his hiding spot behind Goldymade a scene:Of course Poilievre was amused. Likewise, it was hilarious watching Welfare Queen YLB wail, “Why are you here?” when she was in the throes of despair over her party’s 2014 midterm losses.
When chickenshits try to grow a spine for show, it’s always funny.
Looks like Putin’s most elite armored assault division, The 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division, relies on the same OpSec as the Trump campaign:
This is the same armored division that was stopped cold and routed while attempting to surround and beseige Kharkiv, the second major objective in the opening hours of the invasion, losing up to 90 percent of their fielded component. A similar fate was suffered by the 1st Guards Tank Army assigned to surround and beseige Kyiv. These massive opening defeats were made possible by nine-eyes intelligence delivered directly to the AFU by Vice President Kamala Harris.
Now the same elite armored division is being sent a grimly terrifying message. This is particularly true in light of the recent total destruction of the largest Russian defense depot in Toropetz Tvir, also deep in Russian territory. The destruction was so immense that it was picked up and confirmed on seismic monitors in neighboring Latvia. Satellite imagery has been unable to provide analysis of the level of loss in the Toropets attack due to continuous ongoing fires and thick smoke, obscuring both optical and infrared imaging.
Russian news agency reports suggested that the Toropets attack was carried out by UAVs. If true that would suggest a capability and a level of sophistication not previously thought to be possessed by AFU. Such a drone attack would have to fly a ground contour flight path relying on the most sophisticated surveillance data using some degree of stealth technology to avoid Russian radars. And to reach specific targets and penetrate them with relatively small warheads would require the most sophisticated guidance and targeting systems known to exist.
If AFU has such a capability then the video collected from inside the reserve headquarters located within the Moscow Oblast sends a terrifying message to the Russian armored command.
…then carefully edited and recomposed by Congressman Loudermilk’s nephew Skipper over summer break from his program in Violent Nazi Pipe Bomb studies at Liberty University’s Roger Ailes College of Propaganda.
Powerful stuff. /s
First cabinet meeting in nearly a year, and Bi-Done had to have DOCTOR Jill do his work for him.
This is not normal.
In other words, Trump was so often full of shit and giving imaginary directives to shoot protesters on the National Mall that everyone had stopped listening.
Very Demure. Very Presidential.
“Why are you here?”
This from a silly troll who was MIA in November 2022…
What happened kreepshit?
In the throes of despair over the faylure of noun, verb, Chicago?
All things go nicely, it will be MIA this November as well..
The complete list of noun, verb, blah, blah will be a treat to laugh over.
Yawwn.. next…
Blessed Saint Ronnie drooling into a bucket after 5pm muttering “Mommie Mommie Mommie” when he wasn’t testifying “Well, I just get confused about these things” from 1985 onward.
Yeah. That guy wasn’t running either.
This is not normal.
This is perfectly normal…
The base getting bored with orange dear leader’s babble and its all too evident cognitive decline.
At least here at HA we have a potential reward coming in November for putting up with boring troll blather.
lmao @ 16.. And again this from the big Tulsi Gabbard fan who can’t come to terms with her lifetime adherence to a kooky kult.
She worked out great for you, didn’t she kreepshit?
oops still no comment from kreepshit… run, kreepshit, run!
It’s so sad.
Vance has a new TikTok video. He’s wearing a suit and someone has wheeled a bar video game into an office for him.
“JD Vance here playing some Buck Hunter. Also known as the closest Tim Walz has been to combat.”
Three things in this attempt to make Vance seem not weird.
1. You’re wearing a suit and someone put the game in an office which visually is quite strange.
2. It’s called Big Buck Hunter. Always has been. It’s been in Pizza Parlors and bars for 30 years and it’s called Big Buck Hunter.
3. You should have let someone play for you so the screen we can see does show you missed 2/3 shots on level 1. A Toddler can go 2 for 3 on level 1
Hey kreepshit, any comment about Mark Robinson’s taste in porn?
It’s right in your wheelhouse…
It’ll be SAD if drumpf loses NC..
Here’s something for little maxpuddle:
Set in rural Spencer, Indiana, 15 miles west of Bloomington, the show is from the same creators of the show ‘Duck Dynasty’
A standout from a “low density” locale.. Could easily pass as one of little maxwipe’s neighbors complete with “hillybilly doorbells”..
@1 Fox isn’t News, but today it does have this interesting item:
“The Wall Street Journal reported this week that more and more liberals are buying guns, …”
I don’t know why anyone should be “surprised” by that, though.
@6 That’s why they’re inventing stories about immigrants eating dogs and cats.
@8 Ted Crud was always on his own. So is every other GOP down-ballot candidate. Fat Donny was never going to spend RNC money on anyone but himself. That’s why his daughter-in-law is in charge there.
Probably true. But undoubetdly likely to complicate Lindsay Graham’s efforts to get Nebraska Republican lawmakers to pass winner-take-all legislation. He’s got to have something to offer these fuck sticks. Some of them have to pull votes from Omaha Democrats.
Boxcheck Momala: I’m gonna lower prices by going after price-gougers. Even though almost none of them do it.
So after she’s done going after Massengill for its price increase on Summer’s Eve douche, what else will Boxcheck Momala do to in order to reduce prices?
Useless. Clueless. Small wonder Welfare Queen YLB supports her. Because she didn’t melt under @ 6 softball questions from Oprah.
@32 One thing that doesn’t lower prices for average consumers is more tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires. Tariffs don’t, either.
If Harris does absolutely nothing to lower prices, her policies still will be better for most Americans than Trump’s policies.
You, of course, will vote for the higher prices, because you’re a dumbfuck.
@ 31
Fat Donny was never going to spend RNC money on anyone but himself.
Obama was so generous in sharing his OFA money after telling people to donate to OFA instead of the DNC.
Poll conducted Sep 3-9 wasn’t released until today for some reason.
It has Trump within the margin of error in Virginia.
A one-point lead when the MOE is 3.1 points is not much at all.
Trump wouldn’t need NC if he takes VA.
she didn’t melt under @ 6 softball questions from Oprah.
Better that than wrinkling her nose at gotcha questions like:
Q: “How do you respond to asswipe trolls from widbee who call you a ‘boxcheck'”?
A: (after a bit of nose wrinkling) Oh I call them ‘dipshit assholes’…
Q: GOTCHA! See that ‘hesitation’????
Trump wouldn’t need NC if he takes VA.
lol.. Early voting started today..
Sux to be you… knock, knock, knock..
Asked to fantasize teh kreepshit of widbee babbled: “Oh look at all those beautiful magats… thank jeebus, I was really sweating an IRS audit.”
Awwww.. poor irrelevant kon-klown has been sidelined by the Feds:
The freak is looking ever more sad and despondent after the implosion of that pickleball fiasco.
Feds to faylure with the “serious” maga boots: Fuck off!
NC blue? Not yet.
This is an attack on the U.S. Armed Forces
Shorter internet troll brigade: Let’s have a war! Elect drumpf (who called Iraq a disaster and wanted to host the Taliban at Camp David.)
If only drumpf was re-erected. Then the US would still be in Afghanistan (even after negotiating a sweetheart withdrawal) and kreepshit would the happiest camper alive with drumpf pissing away billions in Afghanistan rather than investing in broadband for underserved Americans.
Keep on coping on, Scotty P!
Well at least the need for a ‘whaddabout’ got you into the previous decade this time.
Scotty P wants you to believe that hundreds of thousands of Virginia voters turned out on the first day possible to support a nationwide abortion ban and a tax cut for Elon Musk. 😉
drumpf has called Mark Robinson, “MLK on steroids..”
Given the shit-talk kreepshit has babbled here about Dr. King, the kreepee freek of widbee can only be in total agreement with its beloved orange dear leader.
Well perhaps leaving out certain views on economic justice and slavery..
In about 10 minutes. Caltrain Local 136 is due to leave the CalTrain Terminal at 4th and King in San Francisco. Yesterday on Social Media, CalTrain announced 136 would be, as the electrification phase-in is complete tomorrow, 136 will be the last train powered by F40 Diesels pulling Gallery Cars. The Gilroy trains retained after Electrification will be using Bilevels like SOUNDER uses pulled by MotivePower MP36s.
45)Was Local Train 132,
Also, being retired is CalTrain’s Baby Bullsy, folded into the Express and Limiteds.
The Deep State is attempting to assassinate Trump because he will cause them plenty of trouble if he gets re-elected in November. Trump threatens their existence.
@34 I’m sure that’s of great comfort to this year’s down-ballot Republicans. You’re a master of irrelevancy.
@47 As far as I’ve heard, only two deranged individuals, both present or former Trump supporters, and neither employed in government, have tried to assassinate their demigod. This seems to be a family dispute having nothing to do with the state.
@49 It has everything to do with the State.
@50 So does the moss growing in your butt crack.