– Tom Schaller has a post at FiveThirtyEight comparing the 1994 midterm election with the 2010 midterm election. This chart tells a very interesting story:
It seems hard to fathom that only 16 years ago the South had a higher percentage of Democrats than the Northeast.
– I’ve started watching the recent National Geographic series on the drug war, Drugs Inc. The first episode was about cocaine. It’s a timely topic since this week marks the 10th anniversary of the launch of Plan Colombia. The Drug War Chronicle discusses the successes and failures of our attempts to stop the flow of cocaine from Colombia. We’ve managed to weaken organizations like FARC that have long profited from the trade, but the overall amount of cocaine coming from that part of the world remains unchanged.
– Mike Konczal points out the inherent contradiction between the Broken Windows philosophy and the libertarian view on marijuana laws.
– Dave Weigel calls out Megyn Kelly’s race-baiting.
– Another ugly Taser incident.
– Someone posted Mr. Cynical’s old schoolwork on the web.
Nice catch on Cynny’s schoolwork. How old is that, last quarter, perhaps?
Love the school work.
Thieving Republican #10-20456-9-7
Speaking of schoolwork …
“Former Republican Rep. Scott McInnis is losing support among fellow Republicans in the race for Colorado governor in the wake of stories that he had plagiarized a series of policy papers he had been paid to do by the foundation of a prominent GOP family, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted July 15 for the Denver Post.”
What’s really interesting about this chart is that 16 years ago the percentage of Democratic representation was almost uniform across the country, ranging from 58% in the Northeast to 59.9% in the South. Now, the Northeast is 82% Democrat and the South is 43% Democrat. Looks like a reverse migration is taking place — all the KKK types are going back to their roots!
Those numbers really are quite telling. We should have let the South go, way back when. Without the South, this would be a very progressive nation, true to its constitutional roots. I would propose that we let the South now have its own nation. No federal dollars headed its way. Let’s see how it would do. I have several friends who live here now from the South. Young friends. They say it hasn’t changed so much. Racist still. The smart ones leave.
I think it’s an indication that there’s much more of a national perspective in Congressional races these days. People in Alabama will vote against local Democrats because of their opinion of Nancy Pelosi and people in California will vote against their local Republicans because of their disdain for the radicalism of southern Republicans.
In the past, I think nationwide political parties were much more capable of fielding diverse candidates across the country, but the internet has changed the game somewhat. Democrats in places like Alabama now have to prove that they’re different from those pot-smoking, gay-marriage-supporting Democrats on the west coast, and Republicans here have to prove that they’re not the immigrant-hating, anti-choice radicals like in the south.
I don’t know where that quote is from, but it seems pretty damned accurate to me. The “conservatives” are all about law and order. But its all politics. They make big noises about getting criminals off the streets, but then do everything they can to create the widest possible definition of the term. The most obvious purpose being to insure a massive herd of cash sheep for them to loot at will, without any scrutiny as to the purposes of the monies being spent. The primary targets being social minorities, and the poorest economic sectors of society.
They exploit the system as much as possible to extract as much money as they can from it. All paid for by the taxpayers. Rationalized through their political gamesmanship. Law and order above everything else. All just to make huge sums of money, and gain levels of political power to guarantee that the source of that cash flow remains ever increasing in size and scope.
The incarceration industry is the second largest lobbying industry in Congress, spending nearly $470 million a year lobbying State legislatures and the US Congress to increase prison sentences for petty crimes such as marijuana possession.
Police Unions invest their pension funds nearly exclusively in the prison industry and ancillary industries such as weapons manufacturers, hardware manufacturers and protection gear/vehicle manufacturers.
These companies then turn around and hard sell their products to law enforcement agencies all over the world. Thats firearms, tasers, bullet proof vests, handcuffs, belts, badges, uniforms, specialized vehicles and forensic equipment.
It is a gigantic multi-national industry, worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
The police can search your house without ever even entering it, using infrared cameras. They can run a drug sniffing dog around your property without entering the buildings and that is considered a legitimate way for them to justify probable cause for a search warrant. This has already been ruled on by the US Supreme Court.
This is the Conservatives paradise. An ever increasing level of militarized law enforcement, and a behemoth of a economic/industrial complex surrounding it. With a huge political system in place for maintaining it at any and all costs. As long as it gets them elected, and keeps their friends in the industry happy and contributing to the next campaign cycle.
Welcome to the purest form of religious capitalism. Stay in line, citizen.
No, really.
Stay in fucking line.
I’m thinking that, if the woman in the taser incident had a hand gun you’d be posting about another police shooting.
Glad to hear they fired one cop and disciplined the other.
Great editorial.
Ha! I knew there was a reason I liked Claire McCaskill.
Claire McCaskill is, indeed, a great senator. She is someone to watch.
If you aren’t reading Ta-Nahisi Coates, you should be:
What a bunch of pablum from you lefties here.
Anti-choice? What choice? Kiling your future progeny is a choice? Telling kindergarten children it’s okay if your gay is a choice? Golly a whole bunch of future windies and gmen? Oh no!
Immigrant-hating? Implementing all ready approved federal law is hating? Since most HA Libtardo HAVE NOT READ the Arizona law you take another’s word for it. The Arizona law is much tamer than the Prince William County, VA. and not one racial profiling case has been brought by your American Criminal Liars Union since the law went into effect in 2008. They threatened but it was all hot air! Why? When the PWC Sheriff catches a criminal performing all the major serious felony crimes they check the illegal immigration status of whitey just like everyone else. BTW illegal crime is way down in Prince William. So are anchor babies in PWC hospitals. You can compare crime stats in the surrounding counties vs. PWC. Remember the dopey dumb bunny’s favorite county, Stafford, is right next door. But has Lee checked it out. Nope he puts some dopey link on the blog to “justify” his position.
Since it costs $10Billion a year to Californians to support anchor babies and other illegal activities in CA, you can see where the money goes. And you continue to smile as the wallet is emptied.
Check with the arschloch… it’s in his personal home version of the HA database.
Good job creating an issue when none exists Lee. It’s the progressive way!
Puddy read Dave Weigel’s worthless article. Not once is there the correct comparison of if the KKK held a night stick in front of a voter polling place what would be the consequences? It would be in every slobbering libtardo MSM newscast. It would be front and center on Goldy’s blog. The arschloch would be working overtime capturing threads for his personal home copy of the HA blog. No where does Weigel mention the courts gave a summary judgment against the NBPP defandants to the Justice Department and the Justice Department then decides to drop the case. Instead Wieigel attacks Megyn Kelly over the NBPP’s own words of killing cracka babies.
BTW Lee, this wasn’t the first time it happened. Watch “WE Will Not Be Silenced”
“I got out of my car and there was this lady, probably about 80 years old, who was slowly walking up the street. As she was approaching the entranceway to go into the building, one of the young men called to her ‘If you’re not voting for Obama, go home, because you’re not voting here today.’ She turned and walked away. The pain that I felt, because of the people who have fought for African Americans to have the right to vote, this fight that has gone on for many, many, many years and to see two African American young men deny the right, under the veiled threat of violence, to a woman who looked to be around 80 years old, and not allow her an opportunity to vote. I felt appalled. While I was standing there, there were other people approaching, maybe four or five, and when they heard that they all turned and walked away.””
Oh no, anecdotal story.
What a bunch of crapola! More progressive swill ingested by Lee.
It’s more comical only you found it!
More progressive swill ingested by Lee.
You think Dave Weigel is a progressive? LOL!
Immigrant-hating? Implementing all ready approved federal law is hating?
Well yes, if the current federal law is set up in a way to make it impossible for immigrants to come here legally to do the kinds of jobs that our economy has right now.
There are two sides to the debate. Let the people come here legally to work – or round them all up and send them home. The immigrant-hating position should be pretty obvious. The correct position is to provide amnesty to the folks who are here working, even if they’re illegal. Nearly all of them are doing it because they have no legal avenue to be here but there’s simply no economic alternative in their home countries.
The problem with that statement is, not everyone wants to make a baby. Not everyone is capable of taking care of that offspring as it grows. I doubt even you would dispute that. Why enforce reproduction on people who don’t want it? There is already a huge surplus of unwanted children, spending their entire lives in foster care or institutions until they do something that allows the State to imprison them at an even greater cost to taxpayers and their Governments. Is it really that important to maintain such a huge socioeconomic burden on the human social system?
Noodles knows, before abortion and birth control methods were technologically feasible and legal, there were thousands of unparented, unwanted kids running around in the streets. Until the middle of the last century, London, Paris, Amsterdam, New York City, San Fransisco, Boston and Moscow were all famous for their street urchins. Poems and whole genres of fiction were dedicated to this notion. In modern times, there are cities in India, Thailand, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and all over the African continent and eastern Europe that have this problem. If every life is so precious, how are you going to make sure those children are adequately fed, housed, clothed and educated?
Right now, the world is already massively overpopulated with the total population approaching eight billion souls. The human race now has at least four times the population the planet can safely support for any extended length of time. There just isn’t enough room, or enough arable land to sustain the food supply to support this.
Population pressures and resulting competition for food and basic living space are the major source for wars, crimes and poverty, resulting in the necessity for dilution of resources such as foodstuffs and education and housing. That just creates a stripmining effect on the basic resources for feeding, housing and clothing all those people. Bulldoze forests for building housing and to make room for agriculture, cover already available arable lands with houses and apartments and stores, further reducing the land surface available for agriculture by building on it, and then cutting down more forest to make room for the resulting increases in population.
Its a terrible, totally unsustainable cycle and will utterly collapse as soon as there is no more room for expansion and the resources run out.
The land ends up stripped of fertility and becomes desert. That necessitates further migration to more fertile lands to maintain the food supply. The Gobi desert in eastern China is solid, absolute proof of this.
We MUST figure out a way to reduce and limit the human population. Asking for volunteers to limit their own reproduction is the only moral way to do so and any available tool including abortion is acceptable. The alternative being massive, incredibly destructive wars, famines and diseases that entire cultures and populations often do not survive. History has proven this over and over again.
What the FUCK is a “windy”? And since when do we have kindergarten classes doing anything but teaching the very basics of reading, writing and social interaction? Maybe your kindergarten teacher told you such things (which would explain a lot), but I don’t know anyone else that had this taught to them at that age. The reality is, young people need to be taught that because someone is “different” doesn’t make them necessarily a bad person, which seems to be the founding principle of most dogmatic belief systems.
Basic social skills are extremely important, teaching exclusion and encouraging prejudice does not serve the need to develop a peaceful modern society.
As usual, you’re just making shit up to further your own excuses to maintain your phony outrage. Typical tealiban. Theres just not enough outrageous shit in the world to piss you off, so you invent new shit to rationalize your antisocial personality traits. I guess thats how religion has always been so successful.
Lee re 17. Dave Weigel, last I heard, was a free market advocate and the freer the market is the more progress people have made generally speaking. Point of fact though is we do not have a free market.
Good stuff from TNC. I’ve been reluctant to wade into that debate, but Weigel’s reflexive defense of the Tea Partiers brings up a recurring theme that Balloon Juice hammers on a lot as well. The Reason folks (Weigel was a former Reason editor) have a very strong tendency to try to claim that the Tea Party folks are their ideological brothers and sisters. But they’re not. The Reason folks are motivated by small government and an opposition to all forms of socialism. The Tea Party folks are not. They may hold up signs that say that they are, but the root of their opposition is not to small government, it’s to multiculturalism. And because they see multiculturalism as a burden on society, they become anti-government only through that initial motivation.
That’s why they sound like the folks at Reason when they talk about reducing welfare and other entitlements, not because they’re small government champions like them, but because they see those things as ways that “the others” in our multicultural society are draining their own wallets. But when it comes to things like immigration, building prisons, or the drug war, or their own Medicare and Social Security, government is awesome again. The Tea Party message is completely incoherent in that respect, and it’s always been that way. But the folks at Reason, perhaps in a desire to make their own philosophies seem far more popular, stay blind to that incoherence and continue to embrace the coincidental similarities.
Shit, I’ve gotta post this up to the front page soon…
@14 “if the KKK held a night stick”
Why on earth does Puddy hate black people?
That’s true, Weigel came from Reason magazine, and while his viewpoints are nuanced enough that he doesn’t snugly fit one particular label, progressive is certainly not one that would be close.
Guns keep you safe, from imaginary clowns!
Once again you resort to childishness which means you lose the argument! I guess I’ve really gotten under your skin. You are convicted…like all rootless Atheist Progressives ultimately are.
And as for the Progressive Movement?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
This 2010 Election Cycle is going to be awesome with all these Toss-ups. Same with 2012. But you KLOWNS are true believers in your Socialist Movement. Good thing most REAL Americans are not.
Yet another COSTLY example of Gregoire’s incompetence. The list of failures like this is endless. Seems like the Progressives are comfortable with the vicious deaths of innocent children as they remain quiet every time some settlement like this happens…then they gleefully support tax increases framed as FOR THE CHILDREN!
By Jill Kimball
Seattle Times staff reporter
Gotta love those law and order Democrats!
Wow, I’m a fake American! Thanks for pointing that out, I did not know that.
@19 – Reason is utterly lost on the psychotic.
@24 – Probably a relative/sycophant of Klynical the Klown.
Phew… The idiot wind from the right in this thread reeks.
Gotta code.
Don’t listen to the NAACP Tea Baggers! The NAANCP are a bunch of fake Americans!
“vicious deaths of innocent children”
STFU, you dumbfuck, racist KLOWN.
The same sorts of things have happened in states where Republicans are running the show. Try using The Google, if you don’t believe me.
Over the weekend I took the most comment-prolific 81 handles, grouped the contained aliases under a single tag (e.g. all of Puddybud’s various handles under the tag “junkshot”) and categorized the tag as troll or non-troll.
Weekend? This is your full-time job, zero-time dad, living on HA while Mom earns money to put food on the table and pay the rent!
its bad enough that a black kid calls 911 with a fake call to set up police, but here’s the rea; shame…..,
what a moron, and they were coming from georgetown university, a fine example of the products of our purposely dumbed downed school system. no wonder people like bernie madoff and lloyd blankfein figure they can rip off the goys because they’re all so stupid.
I laughed so hard I blew coffee out my nose.
Fuck you’re funny!
Cyn, yes people aren’t real happy with the folks in DC right now. No, that doesn’t mean any of the crazy shit you post about on here is going to come true.
Real Clear Politics has Murray/Rossi listed as a tossup. Does any really believe that this race is a tossup?
Cyn, I haven’t heard you crow about tea bagger favorite Scott Brown for a bit, how’s that big victory working out for you?
The KLOWN’s schoolwork is a really hoot. Good one, Lee.
A teabagger showing Senator Scott Brown some love on Brown’s Facebook page,
33 – Yawwn.. What kind of a right wing troll lives in (gasp!) Seattle? Well perhaps you’re proxied through our fair city.
No one in our household uses XP at the moment much less Chrome on XP so keep on lying right winger! You’ve been trained well.
Do you attend UW by any chance?
Krazy wingnut comment over at SP,
The really funny part about Brown is that there wasn’t a single thing in his very publicly lived life to suggest that he’d be a Bagger once elected. Just shows what a bunch of idiots they are.
“Not once is there the correct comparison of if the KKK held a night stick in front of a voter polling place what would be the consequences?”
WTF? A black guy finds equivalency in a couple of black guys hanging out in a black neighborhood and the KKK??
Why on earth does the self-loathing Puddy hate black people so much?
“Oh no, anecdotal story.”
Which is evidently all it takes for Puddy to be hating on blacks, comparing them to the KKK.
WTF? Why on earth does a black guy hate black people so much? Does he spew the race-hate to win the racist Klynical KLOWN’s approval or something?
Hey, Puddy and the KLOWN, what do you two imbecilic fools think of Scott Brown now?
Now why would a Russian care about my hobby?
Once again you resort to childishness which means you lose the argument!
What argument? I didn’t post it to win an argument. I posted it to give people a good laugh at your expense.
42. Steve
Last I heard there were five dead and 17 others infected in the 2001 anthrax attacks.
And also last I heard, mass shootings are just ordinary (though horrific) crimes, despite fervent Republican wishes for domestic terrorist attacks.
@41 No one in our household uses XP at the moment much less Chrome on XP so keep on lying right winger!
But you’d never know this “dad” because mom kicked your sorry butt out the door for your family contributions – zilch!
Do you attend UW by any chance?
Is this supposed to by funny? You know mom couldn’t afford this on her own, with nothing coming in from you.
50 – Heh. I knew my question would get a rise out of you.
It’s seems there’s no end of right wingers these days sending their kids to “socialist” schools where HA bloggers teach.
It’s too funny.
50 – Oh and by the way…
You’re still lying..
No I’m not – and you’re still a deadbeat dad. You can’t stay away from HA and that database you’ve spent years on, that’s why you were kicked out.
53 – LOL! Liar, liar – right wing pants on fire!
Mostly right wingers in that list. Maybe we should add you?
Oh my so much to respond to afta church.
Did you notice how Lee couched the legally come here to work? THey are ILLEGAL ALIENS! Let people who apply and go thru legal channels and come here legally to work is fine. Some one who oesn’t is an ILLEGAL ALIEN. Mrs Puddy came here through legal channels so Puddy has some skin in this game!
DeadToaddy, if you don’t practice procreation then you can’t procreate. Abstinence works 100% of the time. If you pump the well sometimes the well produces! Stay away from the well and you won’t have the problem. Teach the well the consequences of well probing and all is “well”.
Hey arschloch,
We’ll see in four years where li’l arschloch goes to skuul. You hope he’ll have a brain (more than you possess) and gets into UW let alone getting accepted into a study abroad program!!!!
You’re all arschloch every day in every way! An all day arschloch. Whatafool!
Wow you can teach an arschloch new tricks. Puddy sees the arschloch using Puddy’s found St Pete Times Truth Meter. They keep track of the Odumba swill!
More good news from the Obama Admin.
We’re fixing up the country, yay us!
For more info:
While we’re on the topic of fixing up the country take a look at this low-tech, 1959, Opel, wonder.
See, we can solve the planet’s problems without spending a big wad of cash, but if we do that the stock market and the top couple of % of earners that make their scratch off of the stock market will take it in the teeth. So, oh fuck, we can’t do that! We mustn’t upset the rich folks!
57, 58 – Yawwwwn…
but most interesting to see that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree..
A right winger spewing right wing bilge in these threads to the tune of 27,000+ comments over 5 years paying to have a “socialist” school in (gasp!) Seattle educate his kids – the irony is too rich..
Yep yous a flaming libtardo and li’l arschloch isn’t. Like Puddy sez arschloch, we’ll see if you can afford to send li’l arschloch to UW. First it has to demonstrate a brain, since you are lacking in that department.
BTW arschloch most schools are libtardo. We’ll be watching the li’l arschloch.
“Yep yous a flaming libtardo and li’l arschloch isn’t”
Good grief! If it weren’t for the high probability of encountering a shitload of Puddy-bile, I’d put on a pair of Puddyspeak-goggles and interpret this one.
“We’ll be watching the li’l arschloch.”
Oh, great, Puddy’s going all pedo-creepy on us.
Heh. I knew my answer would get a rise out of you.
Tell everyone what you brought home last year, before mom finally had enough having to be the only bread winner. Remember what she told you when she found out?
Go ahead, dig it out of that database you’ve been working on forever and tell everyone what you made.
Sorry liar – I don’t take orders from liars ESPECIALLY right wing liars.
Nighty night right winger…
Oh my did you just admit you’re having a “libtardo” school educate your children???
What will your right wing friends think?
How about this:
mylaptop:~$ b cols “-f=c -c=handle:matches~’*little ylb’ -o=datetime:strasc -V=datetime,article_id”
| article_id | datetime |
| 21813 | 2009-11-04T11:58:00+00:00 |
| 21963 | 2009-11-06T09:02:00+00:00 |
| 22073 | 2009-11-08T17:41:00+00:00 |
| 22259 | 2009-11-12T08:34:00+00:00 |
| 22567 | 2009-11-22T21:14:00+00:00 |
| 27835 | 2010-06-20T11:19:00+00:00 |
6 rows in set
Can you dig it?
Now this is a shocker!
They really need to change that headline to: Bloomberg Propagandist Totally Misinterprets Bloomberg Polling on Offshore Drilling
@7 The “conservatives” are all about law and order.
No, they’re not. They’re all about repressive government. Iran has a conservative regime. The old communists who ran the Soviet Union in the post-Stalin era were conservatives. The Vatican is a conservative organization headed by an authoritarian Pope and conclave of Cardinals that just this week classified the ordination of women along with sexual abuse of children by priests as “grave canonical crimes.” Conservative clerical regimes in Sudan and elsewhere stone women to death for adultery. (In Saudi Arabia, they shoot female adulterers, and behead their male lovers; Saudi Arabia is run by a conservative monarchy.)
Franco was a rightwing conservative. Salazar was a rightwing conservative. Pinochet was a rightwing conservative. And so on. All of these guys were dictators, thugs, and murderers.
Executive summary: Everywhere in the world, where you have conservative regimes in power, the following hings are true:
1) Citizens have no say in how things are run.
2) The people who run things are using state force to cram an ideology or religion down everyone else’s throats.
3) The people who run things are killing ordinary citizens for trivial or nonexistent “offenses” against the ideological or religious “order.”
“Law and order,” as practiced by Republican conservatives, reminds me of a cartoon I saw years ago. Two old guys are sitting on a park bench in New York’s Central Park. Their conversation goes like this:
First Guy: “I miss the old days.”
Second Guy: “Me too. There was law and order. No crime, people knew their place, and everyone did as they were told.”
First Guy: “(Sigh.) Now the world is chaotic. Everyone does as they please.”
Second Guy: “It makes your head spin. Well, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you again tomorrow, Heinie.”
First Guy: “Ja, Schulz. Jawohl.”
And they stand up and give each other the Nazi salute.
Here’s a fun little graph:
Steve Steve Steve,
If you had a memory you’d remember what teh arschloch said about little arschloch.
Since you are a flaming moron, you don’t remember.
Sad sad so sad Steve Steve Steve. Even Mr. Opportunity passes you by now!
This fool the arschloch spends all that time on his HA home version database and then claims he’s “coding”. Maybe he’s making a nail the arschloch game. Butt, we who think right play that everyday here!
Funny that my kid today was officiating at a sports tournament today and he got to see “real americans” in action.
Hurling verbal abuse at their kids saying they “sucked” and admonishing them for not playing to their bloated expectations.
People from Yelm, Nisqually – places like that.
The people from Seattle by and large didn’t act like that. Most of those parents knew they were just kids – 8 year olds. They didn’t have to perform like professional athletes to please their parents.
Nice lesson for my son about the values of right wingers.
arusha:~$ b cols “-f=c -c=handle:matches~’*YLB’ -o=datetime:strasc -V=hoursOn,month”
| hours | month |
| 140 | 2009-11 |
| 162 | 2009-12 |
| 185 | 2010-01 |
| 205 | 2010-02 |
| 141 | 2010-03 |
| 198 | 2010-04 |
| 156 | 2010-05 |
| 182 | 2010-06 |
| 076 | 2010-07 |
Income produced for family: $0.00.
Can you DIG that?
75 – Greetings to “arusha” from Russia perhaps?
Nice editing job..
However I’d be really surprised if you could tell us how many variations of my handle that regex picks up.
And it’s kind of sad that your “database” seems to go back to just 11/2009.
Such skill combined with such a paucity of vision.
mylaptop:~$ b cols “-f=c -c=handle:matches~’*YLB’,datetime:matches~’^2009-(11|12)|^2010-0[1-7]’ -V=handle -u”
Hmmm. How many rows does that produce? Only YLB (and the blog moderators) know for sure!
Because a certain right winger is (surprise)..
Rabbit @ 70
Precisely. Today’s “conservatives” don’t have a clue who they are, or what their heritage is. They are a remarkably stupid breed of people. Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck lead them. Yet, our media tells them they are serious people. They are not, of course, serious people. Idiocy, apparently, is a drug for these folks.
e 56:
Several women have become pregnant simply by soaking in hot tubs at gyms and hotels and such
What about Mary?
@76 I can make a cute fluffy female bunny pregnant simply by willing her pregnant. ESP, or something. There aren’t enough rabbits in the world, and too many get run over by cars, so I make as many rabbits as I can. It’s what Ma Nature designed me for!
Headline: The Moderators don’t care what you think arschloch! You should appear at a DL and you’ll quickly learn. Remember it was one of your kind who called you monomaniacal. That was direct from the fingers of a HA libtardo, ya idiot.
Seattle parents don’t do that. Puddy calls BULLSHITTIUM. My younger is a good baseball player. Yeah, right about Seattle parents ya moron! The Donkey ‘rents bray loud and proud.
Puddy is glad you found a doll that really represents you in hair style, facial features and stature.
Sucks to be you. The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Still stupid as ever!
Your edit function only allows for 3.5 minutes of post editing not 5.
Once again facts and HA libtardos don’t mix. Puddy placed video evidence of additional Odumba jockstrap voter intimidation and nary a peep. Prince William County passes an illegal immigrant law, violent crime drops over 30% and anchor baby births drop to almost 0%, no American Criminal Liars Union lawsuits because the law is fair, and nary a peep from the libtardo morons.
Steve Steve Steve continually farts why does Puddy hate black peeps. Puddy don’t hate black peeps. Puddy is sad how DUMMOCRAPTS have misled my peepsa and how DUMMOCRAPTS only use black peeps as racial props as needed.
Witness this 2010 election. It’s libtardos who continually remind Puddy and others Odumba is black. Really. Puddy knows from the NBPP Odumba is a cracka baby, so he white too. You don’t see that coming from our side in political commentary except to respond to your side’s attacks.
Remember Steve Steve Steve, Barack The Magic Negro was an invention of a libtardo LA Times black man.
So Steve Steve Steve why do you want a race riot? Why do YOU hate America and want to see riots like 1965-1967?
Heh. And they REALLY care what you think fool. (not..)
27,000+ posts of miserable bile and you’re still waving your hand trying to be called on.
And they tell their 8 year old kids they “suck” like overweight, chain-smoking tea baggers from Yelm. Again – for the most part since 17 percent of Seattle votes right wing – NOT.
Still a miserable liar like always.
Once and as you’re so fond of reapeating yourself:
mylaptop:~$ b cols “-f=c -c=handle:matches~’*puddybud’,body:matches~’*monomaniacal’ -C”
| count |
| 209 |
1 row in set
Stupid I’d call THAT.
mylaptop:~$ b cols “-f=c -c=handle:matches~’*puddybud’,body:matches~’*the prosecution rests’ -C”
| count |
| 118 |
1 row in set
Same old bullshit different day.
Coming from the arschloch… badge of honor!
Were you at those baseball games? Nope you Dope. So what are you farting out of the arschloch again fool? Hot smelly air.
BTW, the mnoderators DON’T care what you think. Puddy was there and with others looked at some of the moderators “talking” about you fool! It was
P R I C E L E S S !
Keep braying in the wind monomaniacal one.
210 and counting monomaniacal one.
Now at 211.
Really sucks to be you… monomaniacal pond scum! Now at 212.
Didn’t have to be silly fool. Again 17 percent of Seattle votes right wing..
It was your peeps saying their kids “sucked”.
I’d say you’re obsessed with the legend in your own mind.
What a frickin’ head case. This is how he spends his time, morning, day and night, 7 days a week, building a database to track HA users. Of course, who knows if there’s anything in it that’s correct. For all we know he’s cutting and pasting from his imagination.
Bring that laptop of yours to DL, YLB, and show us.
89 – Oh my the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree indeed.
Oh wow. How stupid are you? Track them? You’re already tracked here in the comment threads. All your comments are date/time stamped for someone like me to ponder over and Goldy has your ip addresses to boot. Is Goldy “tracking” you?
Me? I couldn’t care less about you. It’s your behavior that amuses me. “You dope”.
And your stupidity amazes to boot. Look at comment 68 and verify for yourself dipwad.
Even junkshot believes in the database. One day I’ll count how many times he’s quivered in fear over it.
Heh. Software is write-once, run many times. It’s called automation genius.
Bullseye Jon! Been trying to get that fool to visit a DL for years. Puddy wants to meet someone who shockingly “thinks” like that! If he brings li’l arschloch Puddy will buy li’l arschloch dinner.
Monomaniacal pond scum… 213 and counting.
Poor poor arschloch… the fecklessbiomass, the useless biomass
Quivered in fear… Whatamoron. You told the world how you were gonna show how Puddy loved porn from your database… Then you kept pleading Puddy to ask you nicely. Fat chance fatASS. Puddy doesn’t respect racists like you North Pasadena moron! So if you have it in your vast database, “bring it” monomanical one!
Hmmm… 214
Your “database” could the reason you were named!
That word wasn’t used to describe Puddy. It was used to describe the HA arschloch, YOU!
Puddy remembers who called you monomaniacal. It’s in the Puddy archives under arschloch sayings.
Take the test. take the test… Oh it’s fake nevermind. Among others! Been dancing on Mike Webb’s grave lately chronologically challenged one?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA now at 215 and counting!
@90 Software is write-once, run many times. It’s called automation genius
All that’s automated is your slavish 7×24 devotion to a database that tracks people. Bring it to DL so people can decide for themselves what it actually does. You’re a nut.
>If he brings li’l arschloch Puddy will buy li’l arschloch dinner.
YLB is fearful li’l arschloch will quickly discover how normal people live and seek asylum at DL from the one at home.
Shit, I’ve done that many times. If jon and you ask nicely I’ll replay your “nympho slut” explosion – a classic right wing fiend fantasy!
You have to ask nicely though – I’m wise to your feckless “pavlov” attacks.
To meet with the likes of you? You gotta be out of your mind. Well we all knew that.
Ok jon. Just for a “dope” like you. Ask me to do a query.
Then there will be no need to see your miserable face at DL.
Let’s start with this:
mylaptop:~$ b cols “-f=c -c=handle:matches~jon:datetime:strbw~2010-06 -C”
| count |
| 3 |
1 row in set
You had more comments in May.
Bwaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaak
Look at the monomaniacal chicken run away.
So arschloch who named you monomaniacal? Friend or foe?
96 – Bwaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaak
Sends his kids to socialist university instead of fightin’ the terraists.
You at least 209 times. Someone else?
Maybe once.
It’s hysterical your bullshit over that. Shall I replay some of that?
My bad you dope jon.
mylaptop:~$ b cols “-f=c -c=handle:streq~jon:datetime:strbw~2010-06 -C”
| count |
| 1 |
1 row in set
Shoulda done a streq. You had 4 comments in May.
Got that query request yet?
@97 Sends his kids to socialist university instead of fightin’ the terraists.
Does your database have a spell check?
“You don’t see that coming from our side in political commentary except to respond to your side’s attacks.”
To hell with you and your lies, you pathetic bitch. You choose to stand with right-wing racists who tolerate your existence only as long as you serve them as a political pawn. And for what? Nothing more than a insignificant tax cut. You sold your soul for thirty pieces of silver, Puddy. End of discussion. You lose again, and in more ways than one.
100 – I’m using a spelling coined by the faltering speech of the miserable incompetent you voted for twice.
Heh. You DID vote vote for him twice did you?
Alas “you dope” jon has flown the coop.
Maybe he’s convinced that I really do have something interesting for my own amusement.
Helps hone my programming chops as well.
Apparently you are a Double Minority according to the latest Rasmussen Poll–
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The good news Puddy is you are also a majority in terms of men…and human beings who Strongly DISAPPROVE of ObaMao
Bloomberg Reporter Totally Misinterprets Bloomberg Polling on Offshore Drillinghttp://www.enviroknow.com/2010.....rium-poll/
whar do you expect from a jew? funny, y’all call me antisemetic, but its always a jew behind every issue discussed.
@102 I’m using a spelling coined by the faltering speech of the miserable incompetent you voted for twice
Right, sure.
Get a dictionary . . . and then get a life so your children have a dad they can respect.
school marm @ 107
Thanks. Nice to know we’re in agreement.
I have a dictionary and there’s plenty online not mention the one in my web browser.
But you should know by now that I never take orders from right wing nutcases. But do get your freak on in these comment threads..
It’s good fodder for laughs.
Just checking… heh- Yup, Puddy’s still krazy.
Hey school marm,
Here’s a right winger you can admonish about his spelling:
mylaptop:~$ b cols “-f=c -c=handle:matches~’*puddybud’,body:matches~’* butt | cum ‘ -C”
| count |
| 446 |
1 row in set
446 errors, spelling bee proctor!
Heh. And the same right winger has made the same vocabulary usage error 38 times.
Even his sockpuppet made it one time!
That’s 39!
What a dope fiend Steve Steve Steve is this past quarter!
Butt monomaniacal arschloch, cum on, everyone knows you are the HA leftist dumb brick dope.
Count #447 and #216.
We who think right know you are an idiot monomaniacal butt cum arschloch.
Heh. C’mon junkshot your right wing peeps are chiding me on my spelling when I point out your kids won’t fight the terraists. They’d rather study making money than making war – well, I can’t say I blame ’em. After all the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree but I digress.
Now you misspell shit all the time and say it’s because you like it that way. You have a bit of a fetish for butt and cum. Is that fair?
And some of your vocab usage – sheesh – even MWS made that error you keep making though by now it’s probably deliberate.
Puddy knows exactly what you are referring to butt since you are monomaniacally and chronologically deficient, at DL the wordsmiths said you were wrong. Maybe you need to cum and show your “‘wares”.
Sucks to be you dumb brick dope!
Meaning you are “right”? Heh. Well you are right wing that’s for damn sure and batshit insane – lovin’ torture and sending cannon fodder to wars of choice for which you and your peeps fist pump and cheer while barcalounged in front of Faux News…
Cannon fodder excluding your own of course. Now what’s wrong with that picture?
You’ll never say will you?
“at DL the wordsmiths said you were wrong”
Endless horseshit. So tiresome. So pathetic.
Don’t change the subject arschloch…
monomaniacally chronologically butt challenged blog cum copying ASSwipe!
There Puddy has all the arschloch food groups covered. All those to your “counts” fool!
Still waiting for the “porn” from the vaulted database. We know your acts
Steve Steve Steve
You finally looked in the mirror and called yourself out. Good for you!
The Prosecution Replies “Bout Damn Time!”
And still waiting for you to ask nicely for it.
Say pleeeeeez..
I don’t why you’re waiting. I posted it before.
If someone else wants to see your greatest hits I will oblige.
You on the other have to learn your manners!
Speaking of food – dinner and a movie is waiting.
“If someone else wants to see your greatest hits I will oblige.”
I think Puddy’s conversation about his dick that he had with his sockpuppet MWS should be posted here every day. At least once a week. If you’ve got other special Puddy moments, then please post those occasionally as well.
If you ever search your database for posts by Puddy’s friends talking about hating “niggers”, keep in mind that they often tried to conceal their hateful words from a later search by using off-spelling, such as “N#gg#rs”.
Sweet home Alabama…
Not that they’re doing much better in Penn State.
Another Steve Steve Steve ad hominem attack. Poor man has no argument left. Used Yo mama in another thread as a response.
Once again It’s a Psych 101 thing. Seems Steve Steve Steve is jealous. Well nuthin new there. Even GBS is a wanna be black man below the belt line.
Why won’t the arschloch answer the simple question from his vaulted database of the libtardo who first called him monomaniacal. The arschloch should be able to tell everyone the date and time.
Ohhh sure sucks when the database demonstrates what other libtardos think of the arschloch.
How many times has Puddy called the arschloch monomaniacal?
Take the test feckless freaky fool!
yo mama
Feckless fool can’t even remember what he added in this thread.
Expecting different results.. Again..
That was a rhetotical question to you arschloch.
Such a useless person!