Bill Press rejoices.
Greenman: Hurricane Sandy’s double whammy:
Obama thanks his campaign volunteers.
Thom: Corporate personhood lost big on election day.
Mark Fiore: Perpetual campaign.
Thom with The Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Ugly.
Key & Peele: Luther & Obama’s Victory Speech.
Stephen on Obama’s re-election.
Tweety and Bill Maher: facts and reality.
Stephen does Rachel Maddow.
Young Turks: Election night highlights.
White House: West Wing Week.
Jon does Nate Silver.
Fallon: Romney concession phone call.
Andy Cobb: Voter suppression in Ohio.
Thom: What Karl Rove promised, but couldn’t deliver on.
Stephen: Romney uses Colbert SuperPAC slogan.
Lewis Black on Totally Biased.
Maddow: The aftermath.
Jon: McCaskill ‘legitimately raped’ Akin.
Ann Telnaes: Women kick Romney to the curb.
Ed and Pap: Extremist GOP no longer relevant in politics.
Bad Lip Reading: 2012 Debates Highlights.
Young Turks: GOP and the Latino vote.
Jonathan Mann: Karl Rove Goes Nuts:
Jon: Media coverage of marijuana legalization.
SlateTV: The GOP mad rush to embrace immigration reform.
Sam Seder: FAUX News in state of shock on election night.
Maddow: Some things that happened on Tuesday (via Slog).
Jon: Avalanche on Bullshit Mountain!
Ann Telnaes: The G.O.P.s not so happy hour.
Stephen on platonic friends.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Here’s a guy from Emory who correctly called Obama’s exact EV numbers in JUNE.
Not bad. Courtesy BBC
‘People like me don’t hate Obama because he’s going to raise our taxes, although we hate that plenty. We hate him because his views about the importance and primacy of the middle class diminish our status. The threat he represents isn’t economic; it’s existential. It’s not just our pocket books that are threatened, but, more importantly, our prestige and our influence on this country. Our manhood is at stake.’
‘We plutocrats have a long and proud history of controlling human societies, and the belief systems that we create about how the world works enable us to do that. “Earth is the center of the solar system” was a useful one for us in the past. “Lowering taxes on the rich produces growth” is one of our current favorites. You show me an orthodox belief, and I’ll show you plutocrats who benefit from it.’
‘We understand human nature well enough to know that people believe and accept ideas for all sorts of reasons, but rarely because of facts or evidence. Mostly, people believe what suits them, what makes them feel good. And what makes us feel good is a set of beliefs that reinforce our status, privileges and power.’
‘When Jack or Mitt or I call ourselves “Job Creators”, it isn’t because it’s true or that there is any evidence for it. It’s because being a job creator puts us right at the center of the economic universe – where we deserve to be. This belief system isn’t just convenient to us, although it is. It’s essential in order to justify our status and power.’
‘We used to call this divine right. Today we call it “economics”.’…
‘So what’s puzzling you about why we hate Obama? He’s in our way. And that’s a much bigger threat to us than higher tax rates. Our incredible sway over politics, the economy and culture is being challenged.’
‘Repeat after me. You sir, are a job creator and the richer you get, the better off my family will be. Regulation is bad, and the less of it we have, the better off my family will be. Never forget these things. And never forget that the rising inequality you see all around isn’t a sign of decay. It’s a sign of prosperity. Get with the program. Now. Or we will fire you.‘
The General “betrayed us” by going “all-in”???
General Betrayus on “How to Surge!”
General Betrayus gets a woman to put him in her binder…
he “owed” her…
Now he’ll get to finish his car elevator.
Maybe not “all of it” Frank.. But ALL of our most unhinged trolls here at HA were in the grip of extreme brain damaging Obama Derangement Syndrome.
And all of us on the sane side witnessed how well THAT worked out for the troll brigade.
6: Or they were getting paid to be deranged.
Oh Happy Days!
A thought crossed my mind this morning. WA’s vote by mail is kind of like the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah, every day there’s another gift!
Washingtonians should feel very proud this weekend.
Unlike some states in our nation (and those states just happen to be led by Republicans) Washington had tremendous voter participation and no voter problems. Vote by mail IS the answer, and WA is leading the way.
In Washington we said “No!” to going back to the days of discriminating against people based upon who they love and said “YES!” to marriage equality.
Washingtonians looked at the decades old policy of classifying marijuana and those who use it as criminal and understood that works for nothing and no one, and we changed it.
And in the political realm Washingtonians looked at the Republican party with its disdain for the common person, its bigotry towards Women, Latinos, Gays, the economically disadvantaged and disdain for the concerns of the middle class and we rejected them across the board.
We elected a Democratic Governor who understands climate science and who voted for ObamaCare, did not elect a man who fought against our state’s best interests as Attorney General and then tried to hide his positions.
In the two new and open Congressional seats we elected middle of the road Democrats with business experience and a dedication for using government to help and support the common Washingtonian.
And so much more.
Washingtonians should hold their heads up high. Washington Democrats should be beaming from ear to ear. Together we discussed and debated the issues and we made choices; the right choices.
Oh, and we overwhelmingly chose the most accomplished POTUS in a generation, our first (re-elected) African American POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Yes, WE did Washington.
Oh, happy days!
MoRe FrEe StUfF!!!!
“there are 47 percent of the people… that believe they are victims”
and they are Gekko/Galt Republicans
oh, the irony!
Hey, they finally called Florida for Obama. Final score Obama 332 Romney 206.
@11 Did you notice Obama won every swing state that CNN rated as a “tossup”? CNN noticed.
Lockheed’s CEO-designate Christopher Kubasik was sacked this week for having an affair with a subordinate. According to Barron’s magazine he’ll a $3.5 million “separation payment.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Does anyone have that gal’s phone number?
I wonder what Petreaus will get? Probably just his Army pension. No “separation payment.” You have to work in private enterprise to get paid $3.5M for fucking the help.
How come Billy Clinton didnt after being caught in an affair.
free stuff!!!
hebephrenia a common occurence in your family?
(Psychiatry) a form of pubertal schizophrenia, characterized by hallucinations, delusions, foolish behaviour, and senseless laughter
Applebee’s NY sez it may implement a hiring freeze due to ObummerCare… so what do the leftist loons propose…? A BOYCOTT… Yes, let’s punish those who work at Applebee’s with a work slowdown so more of them can lose their jobs. Let’s have more people on the dole like ylbuttspigot. You just can’t make this up.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Elections have consequences. That’s what you people wanted so the people have spoken. Enjoy it.
Free speech only counts if you are a libtard speaking at libtard universities… Fordham University president Joseph McShane had a COW over Ann Coulter being invited to speak.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Elections have consequences. That’s what you people wanted so the people have spoken. Enjoy it.
Applebee’s NY franchisee Tankel mentioned he would be paying annual Obamacare penalties of $80,000 to $100,000 per restaurant. He has 40 restaurants. You do the math libtards.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Elections have consequences. That’s what you people wanted so the people have spoken. Enjoy it.
Hey, Pud, tell me again how dumb Patty Murray is. Let’s look at how she did leading the Dem’s senate campaign v. the Reps.
So will Inslee implement a carbon tax? I read the ICLEI Carbon Tax Initiative and it seems it’s right up his alley being a green dork tree hugging libtard. So libtards how much ya gonna pay if he decides to implement it? His own words last October…
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Elections have consequences. That’s what you people wanted so the people have spoken. Enjoy it.
That’s okay Jay. Puddy will continue to drive my gas guzzling SUV so I can be high above libtards and their Prius’.
Hey K, ask ylbuttspigot when’s the last time Puddy talked about Patty Murray. That woman hasn’t been in Puddy’s vernacular for a long time. Go ahead… FlubScout asked and ylbuttspigot jumped. Maybe he’ll do da same for ya!
BTW since you mentioned it, she’s still dumb. You think she actually coordinated all that activity? You have got to be kidding. Keep da faith though!
That’s okay Jay. Puddy will continue to drive my gas guzzling SUV so I can be high above libtards and their Prius’.
Hmmm…hebephrenic contagion within cloa==sely related groups…..????
Andrew Sullivan on Real Time with Bill the Misogynist asked why didn’t more people attack Romney on his Moromnism. Wasn’t this the same Andrew Sullivan who cried a big COW when people brought up Obummer’s association with Jeremiah Wright?
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
No facts just ad hominem attacks…
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
For da dunceman…
The judge turned down Allen West recount request because the election results are not official. Good try dunceman. Of course you would slant the facts.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Papa John’s said ObummerCare would add 10-14 cents per pizza. He also mentioned since ObummerCare is the law of the land everyone will have health care even if he doesn’t provide it.
Libtards attacked and said BOYCOTT. Yes, let’s punish those who work at Papa John’s with a work slowdown so more of them can lose their jobs. Let’s have more people on the dole like ylbuttspigot. You just can’t make this up.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Elections have consequences. That’s what you people wanted so the people have spoken. Enjoy it.
Oh no… A real Chicago political criminal # 2012-277739938-JJR
You just can’t make this up. And he won with 63% of the vote. Apparently the Chicago media forgot to tell his constituents he was being criminally investigated. What will Operation Push daddy do now?
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I’ll pay 10-14 cents per pizza for the workers to have healthcare. Hell, I’ll pay a quarter. Then I don’t have to pay for the emergency room costs for what would have been treatable cheaper, earlier.
And on JJ jr, if we knew out here he was being investigated, didn’t the media cover it?
Now this is interesting Port St Lucie County voter registration facts for dunceman and why Allen West knows some shenanigans happened behind closed doors when Florida law says recounts are supposed to be open and transparent. Well only if the DUMMOCRAPT is losing the election.
From their site… BTW Gertrude Walker DUMMOCRAPT runs the show… this is the FL county where mysterious ballots appeared dunceman.
Registered Voters as of 10/1/2012; | Total 173,304 | Dem 74,281 | Rep 55,755 Yet here are the vote totals…
175554 – Registered Voters
247713 Voter Cards Cast
141.10% – Turnout
Vote early vote often; that’s the DUMMOCRAPT way. Nuthin wrong here move along…
You know these DUMMOCRATS are morons when Roseanne Barr gets 145 votes for president!
Hey Pud, you lost!
No need for juvenile “HA…” or your other foolishness. You lost!
Got link? This isn’t about the Blagojevich. This was about something else “K”. Now you can’t go back and search Google for a link “K”. You have to demonstrate some libtard posted JJ Jr was being investigated on HA. That’s how libtards communicate around here. Puddy posted it but did any libtard?
Go ahead search HA.
So post the HA link “K”. I’ll wait.
Right wing is a brain damage disorder..
Swing!!! Goes the reality bat! Hell yes… Applebee workers can apply at the more humane employer and the greedhead owners of Applebees can close their miserable doors.
HELL YES! SMASH! Goes the empty heads of morons who were “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the conservative entertainment complex..
LMAO!!! You mean the grifter who told Willard Romney that he “owed” her???
Look where he is now! He’s going to get to finish his car elevator! Lucky man!
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of a moron who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the conservative entertainment complex..
Of course with 141% voting, Allen West would lose “so far”. But with 141% voting he loses by 4,400 votes? Yes it’s fishy.
If was a DUMMOCRAPT there would be news stories on the nightly news, the NY Slimes and WaPo would have front page stories about “voter fraud”. Of course the media is silent on this cuz West isn’t on the reservation. So bray all you want.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! – Not foolishness just facts alumni dude!
BTW did you go to your last reunion?
So all can see the unemployed moron of HA, ylbuttspigot wants more people to be in his position in life; on the dole with a hand out for dat guvmint cash!!!!!
Very telling…
Mitt Romney loses and ylbuttspigot rejoices.
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world.
Oh my aching pocketbook!
10 cents more for a personal cheese!
12 cents more for a medium pepperoni
14 cents more for a large supreme..
Never been to PJ’s. Probably crap pizza!
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of a moron who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the conservative entertainment complex..
LOL!!! I bet that skinflint didn’t spend a DIME of his own to run..
He grifted it ALL from his clueless benefactors in the throes of OBAMA DERANGEMENT SYNDROME!
It’d be sweet justice if they sued!
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of a moron who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the conservative entertainment complex..
Link yourself Puddles. We knew about JJ’s problems here. It was in the media. I won’t do your work for you.
Gee, where did I hear that?
Actually ylbuttspigot Papa Johns is pretty good pizza. Better Ingredients Better Pizza. Much better than that libtard offering who runs Dominos. That’s cardboard!
And whine all you want about West. Tell me about the Senate, you know where Senator Murray led the D effort. Tell me about the President.
You lost. Get used to it.
Find your own links
K just lost the argument. Can’t post no links. Sad sack of a leftist.
See ya K. Another waste of time having a discussion with you!
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world.
Why in the world would I play your game. You are the loser. Look at the election results.
Saying it don’t make it so.
Considering the source of this information and the asshole who runs the outfit itself..
I’ll stick with Zeke’s and Pagliacci…
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of a moron who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the conservative entertainment complex..
Actually ylbuttspigot is as his original name Clueless as ever… Rating Very Good!
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world.
No, our ideas lost “K”. Puddy not a loser. Puddy still has a beautiful wife. Puddy still has a great job. Puddy still making money. Puddy travels. Puddy enjoying life.
Sucks to be you stuck in WA State!
LOL! Guffaaaaw!..
What “winner” called President Obama “the messiah” how many times???
tctmgr search -pv -ord count numdesc .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘the messiah’ | cut -f1,4,5
the messiah count 413
413 times! How’d that “idea” work out for the “winner”??
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of a moron who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the conservative entertainment complex..
Speaking about ideas… here is another of those hope and change failures.
Oh my ylbuttspigot forgets who FIRST called Obummer the messiah. It wasn’t Puddy you blooming smelly diarrhea stain! Of course ol clueless forgets facts when ylbuttspigot can’t use them correctly.
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world. Did you reapply for unemployment checks ylbuttspigot? It’s a new year a coming.
BTW ylbuttspigot, when did you take your wife to Europe being unemployed playing the class warfare game from your laptop? How about Africa? How about Australia? Maybe Asia?
Yeah, didn’t think so!
Or did you drive to Wenatchee? Maybe North Pasadena so you could look down your nose at those black folks living there? Hmmm…?
Stay at home keeping tally of what Puddy posts while Puddy will continue to post from round da world!
Sucks to be you ylbuttspigot!
Does it matter? It’s documented the moron who repeated it 413 times.. Great idea huh?
And whose idea was it to call President Obama “odumba” how many times?
tctmgr search -pv -ord count numdesc .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘odumba’ | cut -f1,4,5
odumba count 720
Wow! Just increase the stupid! How’d that work out????
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of a moron who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the conservative entertainment complex..
Yawn, puddles.
Glad your personal life is fine.
Glad your “ideas” lost.
Let me know when you want to talk about Patty.
In the meantime, my personal life awaits.
More of the same from ylbuttspigot above… Nothing else in his putrid life so he obsesses over Puddy. Proves to all Puddy PWNS this moron!
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world.
So where you taking Mrs buttspigot this year ylbuttspigot… Hmmm… Puddy needs to rephrase that… Where is Mrs buttspigot taking YOU this year ylbuttspigot?
Stay at home keeping tally of what Puddy posts while Puddy will continue to post from round da world!
Sucks to be you ylbuttspigot!
Oh holy sheet.
Get the fuck off the internet!
Did ya notice how fast ylbuttspigot drop the Papa Johns attack when FACTS appeared to discredith is normal factless smelly diarrhea screeds?
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world.
Dear person calling himself Puddybud,
The real story in St. Lucie County is that “cards cast” means “ballot pages scanned”. There were so many issues and amendments on the ballot that it required two opscan pages to include all of the items. A PDF of the St. Lucie County sample ballot is here. Somewhere along the line, they forgot to program that particular counter to be aware that each ballot had two pages.
If you look at the county’s most recent Election Summary Report (PDF), you’ll see that it shows 249095 cards cast and 124606 turnout. Dividing cards by turnout, you get 1.999 (apparently, 117 voters forgot to fill out the second page of the ballot).
So quit the drooling about this non-issue.
Yours truly,
Man of “ideas”
How many times did he call President Obama “Obummer”???
tctmgr search -pv -ord count numdesc .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘obummer’ | cut -f1,4,5
obummer count 1309
Just dial up the stupid even MORE!!! How’d that work for ideaman???
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of a moron who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the conservative entertainment complex..
Akin and Mourdock lost cuz of their ineptitude and callous commentary. They deserved to lose. Other candidates took a beating because of their comments and stupidity. Read the exit polls “K”. Both had big leads and blew them. She had nuthin to do with it. Romney won Indiana, Mourdock’s mouth lost his candidacy. Romney won Misouri, Akin’s mouth lost his candidacy. She can gloat all she wants but she didn’t offer anything. If she did it would have been a clean sweep of those state. Now back in 2002, she had everything to do with it.
To #60 N,
That’s why they are having an emergency meeting tomorrow morning to perform a partial recount.
Yeah, that’s so final N.
Still on that Puddy said this meme eh ylbuttspigot?
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world. Did you reapply for unemployment checks ylbuttspigot? It’s a new year a coming.
Stay at home keeping tally of what Puddy posts while Puddy will continue to post from round da world! Obummer, Odumba, the messiah… Puddy PWNS this creep fiend stalker ylbuttspigot.
Sucks to be you ylbuttspigot!
Hey “ideaman”..
How’d this right wing “wisdom” work out?
Fools didn’t know what him ’em! You didn’t know what hit you!
Buying guns and farmland yet? LOL!
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of a moron who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the conservative entertainment complex..
Keep on being “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the right wing entertainment complex…
I talked to a lot of “average citizens” in the run up to this election and if I had a dollar for every one of them that told me some version of “of course I’m voting for the Democrats, the Republicans have gone insane” I’d probably be a 1%er.
Oh noes… now Obummer was reerected and Dodd-Frank stays more small banks to close? CNN libtards.
Hmmm… guess we’ll see.
Hey @65 ylbuttspigot,
Lost another argument so you change the topic again… So sad little man… in so many big ways!
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world.
Who said anything about “final”? It was simply the most recent report. I was trying to circumvent potential idiocy about the fact that the counts of cards and votes were higher than in the report you linked to.
Why an emergency meeting of the canvassing board? Maybe it’s because Florida has such a short time span between election and certification (and Monday is a holiday, so they won’t be able to do it then). Maybe it’s because of technical issues about the format of the early-voting ballots; those are the ones they’re considering on Sunday. Could be a lot of reasons.
We need to follow Maria Cantwell’s lead and ditch Dodd Frank and reinstate Glass Steagall.
What? U don’t read Daily Kooks?
Hmmm… Georgia Republicans are looking how to court blacks in future elections… Even the NAACP has taken notice.
DUMMOCRAPT Crook # 2012-3443521963-MI
You gotta love these stories…
Except when you receive one of his rubber checks!
Yes Massachusetts got what they wanted a dolt for a senator…
Then proceeded to say nothing worthwhile… Meanwhile dunceman will make a pithy comment.
Elections have consequences… can you say deer in the headlights look? Good luck with that Massachusetts!
Nope. She’s not a right wing tool repeating crap fed to her from the right wing entertainment complex.. She replaced a hustling former nude model right wing tool in the U.S. Senate..
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of A FOOL who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the right wing entertainment complex..
What a freak show!
Uncle Puddy!
Not only is Slick Willard still a multimillionaire, many of his staff have moved into that category by skimming “consultant fees” from his LOSING campaign.
Did you get any of the delicious grift gravy? Or did you donate to Gekko/Galt and get grifted?
I think y’all will appreciate this as testament to the effectiveness and determination of the Obama campaign.
Anecdotal, the staging area I worked in Denver averaged 200 doors an hour on Monday the 5th, and 343/hour on Tuesday.
Yup…the community organizer beat the plutocrat by, you know, organizing communities.
How many times did he call Goldy “voice of chalk scratching”???
tctmgr search -pv -ord count numdesc .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘voice of chalk scratching’ | cut -f1,4,5
voice of chalk scratching count 158
How’d that work out? bin Laden is dead! GM is alive! Barack Obama has 4 more years!!! and..
The HA comment threads continues its mission. To proclaim one simple overriding TRUTH:
Hey @80 ylbuttspigot,
Lost another argument so you change the topic again… So sad little man… in so many big ways!
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world.
What’s it like to be jobless for so long? Now all can see the fiendish stalking you do every day. Puddy PWNS you diarrhea breath!
Suck a sad existence you lead.
81 – zzzzzZZZZzzzzzzz…..
What’s it like to be “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the RIGHT WING BULLSHIT COMPLEX???
You read that CBS story right??? I know you read it because all of sudden you’re fantasizing that I did harm to a young woman in Wenatchee.
The wives are crying and the idiot bullshit artist vulture capitalist and his Randroid sidekick ARE SHOCKED.. SHOCKED..
How could this be??? They’re “CONSERVATIVES”???? Even for a “CONSERVATIVE” losing is hard??? HAHAHAHA… Now you’re all limp like Limbaugh without his viagra.. Right Bob of Enzyte???
Where’s Bob dumbass?
Where’s Jerry the clown fool??
All that’s left is
Little maxee, wanking himself with “free stuff”, “free stuff” a meme started by a washed up rocker gun nut who’d said he be DEAD or IN JAIL if this came to pass.
And YOU…
Doin’ the same old, same old expecting different results…
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of AN INSANE FOOL who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the right BULLSHIT complex..
Stayin’ an idiot forever since April 2005.
We righties are Bob and you lefties look at what you are lacking.
How did playing “Bob” work out for you dumbass?
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of AN INSANE FOOL who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the right wing BULLSHIT complex..
What are your writing about diarrhea stain? Puddy’s Wenatchee quip was about your unemployed status and knowing your wife will never see Europe, Australia, Asia or Africa with your life attitude. So Puddy gave you the benefit of doubt and wrote you could afford spending some of her gas money and drive her to Wenatchee to get some apples you moron! You know where Puddy is right now you idiot. You checked like always. Puddy PWNs you ylbuttspigot. Puddy didn’t read any CBS article. PERIOD. Puddy has no clue what ylbuttspigot is babbling about, just ylbuttspigot leaving another smelly diarrhea stain in a thread.
Since you brought it up you must have a guilty conscience. Such a loser ylbuttspigot, HA’s diarrhea stain is.
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world.
What’s it like to be jobless for so long? Now all can see the fiendish stalking you do every day. Puddy PWNS you diarrhea breath!
Such a sad existence you lead. Looking for some Free Stuff diarrhea breath?
BTW ylbuttspigot, Puddy was once a libtard like you. Except Puddy left the reservation after seeing the heartless devastation DUMMOCRAPTS did to my people in Philly for their continual vote, blaming the other party. Funny Jesse Hi-Jackson made some stupid comment Obummer owes the black inner city for his second term. Well Jesse, what makes you think Obummer going to act any different?
84 – zzzzZZZZzzzzzzz. You looked at the CBS article my current handle points to. On the sidebar is a link to an hour long video about a young girl that was murdered in Wenatchee and a young man who went to jail for 14 years in a plea deal. Another miscarriage of justice by the notorious evidence planters of that miserable burgh.
I think you’re lying.. Wenatchee?? What fucking reason would I waste gas going way out there when there’s apple orchards that are much closer? You’ve lied your ass off before.. Darryl called you a pathological liar. His judgement about data and people it seems to me is
What else?? Know where you are?? No I don’t at the moment. Nor do I care..
What else?? Oh more repetitious wankery trying to avoid AGAIN accountability for the lies, name-calling and RIGHT WING BULLSHIT you put so much faith in.
How’d it work out for you last Tuesday?
85 – zzzZZzzzzzzzz.. Don’t care about what you were. I see what you are NOW..
Here’s your lifetime achievement in the threads:
>> cs ‘-t puddymoron -c’
| count |
| 37145 |
1 row in set
How’d all that bullshit work out for you? Those countless hours of reading worthless right wing bullshit and pasting it here so sure it amount to more than
You felt smug and satisfied about Bush stealing another election in 2004 until Christine Gregoire put a boil under the collective right wing ass in this State. We celebrated her victory here and you’ve resented our “progress” against right wing bullshit EVER SINCE..
Now with the economy here in this State as sucky as it’s been, Jay Inslee is taking over for her? The “orange revolution” days of the mad pied piper of Greenlake are long forgotten. The fool Crapkansky hasn’t posted shit in weeks it seems.
Look at the trolls that have come and gone in these threads and it’s only dipshit little maxee (who said he voted for Obama) and YOU left.
Wow what a run you’ve had dumbass!
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of AN INSANE FOOL who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the right wing BULLSHIT complex..
Uncle Puddy!
Hey, I want to congratulate you. You did an excellent job in this election in WA. What did your side win again? Oh yeah, 1 statewide elected office and 0 for 3 of the 3 open CDs.
Keep up the good work driving the thinking crowd to Team Blue.
Who knows, at this rate we may go one hundred years before we see a Republican governor again.
Hey puddyfool,
How many times did you wank to see your silly moniker here in the threads?
tctmgr search -pv .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘puddy’ | cut -f1,4,5
puddy count 11687
Many, many times!
You know, puddl is the entire Republican experience, writ small.
Living in his own Private Idaho, babbling about things he feels are terribly important, that no one else actually cares about. Forming a world view based on myth and ‘faith’ while rejecting objective science. Preening self-congratulation in place of honest self reflection.
…hazzing a sad.
Oh Puddy did ylbuttspigot? Got proof?
Silly useless piece of fiendish stalking crap!
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world.
What’s it like to be jobless for so long? Now all can see the fiendish stalking you do every day. Puddy PWNS you diarrhea breath!
Such a sad existence you lead. Looking for some Free Stuff diarrhea breath?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Try again moronic pendejo idioto!
ObummerCare layoffs – of course dunceman doesn’t care about his fellow man. That’s not progressive… I got mine figure how to get yours from the guvmint.
ObummerCare tax – of course dunceman don’t care about his fellow man. That’s not progressive. SCOTUS siad ObummerCare is a tax. ~$2500 per person. Yeah that’s the ticket!
Tomorrow a new round of layoffs coming… dunceman could care less.
The mind of a progressive… a sewer that needs cleaning. Clorox cleaning!
So now we saw Obummer winning 8 of the 10 wealthiest anvil counties… When will the tax hammer fall?
Looks like the real Gekkos (anvils) voted for Obummer eh MikeBoyScout? So Obummer gonna be da hammer eh?
LMAO!!! Where’s this idiot been? It’s been Obama and Reid’s position forever that any future “grand compromise” will hinge on tax increases on the wealthy..
To what they were under Clinton.. OH MY! We all remember what an “economy killer” that was. Had to be worse than what this country suffered under Ike!
The morons on the right in the Congress have been the party of NO since the start.
SWING! Goes the reality bat! SMASH! Goes the empty head of AN INSANE FOOL who was “fleeced”, “exploited” and “lied to” by the right wing BULLSHIT complex..
Hey puddymoron,
How many times did you call Goldy this:
tctmgr search -pv .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘assie voice’ | cut -f1,4,5
assie voice count 107
How’d that work out for you?
@57 More popcorn please!!! =:D-<
@62 “Akin and Mourdock lost cuz of their ineptitude and callous commentary. They deserved to lose.”
You could say the same of almost any Republican candidate. Akin and Mourdock aren’t different from the rest of their flock. They simply were caught being themselves (as was Mittster in his “47 percent” remark).
@77 “Not only is Slick Willard still a multimillionaire, many of his staff have moved into that category by skimming “consultant fees” from his LOSING campaign.”
Meanwhile, the lowly campaign workers had to walk home because The Grifter canceled their expense credit cards before they could hail cabs … they just found out what it’s like to work for a Republican!
Puddles is just plain BORING tonight.
It’s fascinating to browse a lexicon of puddyidiot trash in these threads, starting with with words and phrases that he FIRST used starting in 2009 – Obama’s term to date in office.. If you arrange the trash by descending frequency here’s a sampling:
obummer count 1564
libtardo count 1198
libtardos count 1011
odumba count 724
ha libtardos count 447
kook aid count 338
democratics count 216
ha libtardo count 210
obamaa+ count 207
porkulus count 169
epic fail count 165
daily kooks count 155
sadministration count 152
fayle count 140
crazed databaze count 140
libtardo msm count 139
tea party count 130
left wrong count 120
ha swineflu count 119
whitey house count 119
ya moron count 111
cass sunstein count 101
ha databaze count 95
epic fayle count 91
tctmgr count 90
the dummocrapts count 90
dumbocrats count 79
van jones count 78
obummercare count 77
the whitey house count 74
porkulus bill count 72
the libtardo msm count 71
swineflu weasels count 70
prosecution rests your honor count 66
puddymissives count 56
odormann count 54
barack hussein obama mmm count 53
herman cain count 50
benghazi count 49
obummer sadministration count 49
sotomayor count 48
czars count 42
debazed count 42
the crazed databaze count 41
the preznit count 40
fwank count 37
grayson count 37
scott brown count 37
where did puddy say count 37
cenk count 36
wasserman count 36
dragger count 35
cantor count 35
holdren count 35
mcchrystal count 35
friday night funnies count 35
tiller count 34
immelt count 33
eunuchbomber count 33
puddy provided count 33
allen west count 33
tarp1 count 32
trigg count 32
baggers count 32
obamacare count 32
goldman sucks count 32
Fascinating insight into a whackjob’s “mind” in the grip of ODS..
Of course this is just a sampling. I left out all the namecalling he does to other commenters here. That’s BY FAR the bulk of his swill here.
Never knew what the F hit them!
P R I C E L E S S ! ! !
Watch the tax dodging vulture capitalist bullshit artist DISAPPEAR in real time:
Wow ylbuttspigot, you are OBSESSED with Puddy. Puddy guesses your life sucks so bad you need to check into mine. Well you know where Puddy is right now. Been here how many times this year ylbuttspigot? You seriously need help with your PuddyObsession!
You realize you will never be as successful! Silly useless piece of fiendish stalking crap!
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world.
What’s it like to be jobless for so long? Now all can see the fiendish stalking you do every day. Puddy PWNS you diarrhea breath!
Such a sad existence you lead. Looking for some Free Stuff diarrhea breath?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Try again moronic pendejo idioto!
obummer 1564
libtardo 1198
libtardos 1011
odumba 724
ha libtardos 447
kook aid 338
democratics 216
ha libtardo 210
obamaa+ 207
porkulus 169
epic fail 165
daily kooks 155
sadministration 152
fayle 140
crazed databaze 140
libtardo msm 139
tea party 130
left wrong 120
ha swineflu 119
whitey house 119
ya moron 111
cass sunstein 101
ha databaze 95
epic fayle 91
tctmgr 90
the dummocrapts 90
dumbocrats 79
van jones 78
obummercare 77
the whitey house 74
porkulus bill 72
the libtardo msm 71
swineflu weasels 70
prosecution rests your honor 66
puddymissives 56
odormann 54
barack hussein obama mmm 53
herman cain 50
benghazi 49
obummer sadministration 49
sotomayor 48
czars 42
debazed 42
the crazed databaze 41
the preznit 40
fwank 37
grayson 37
scott brown 37
where did puddy say 37
cenk 36
wasserman 36
dragger 35
cantor 35
holdren 35
mcchrystal 35
friday night funnies 35
tiller 34
immelt 33
eunuchbomber 33
puddy provided 33
allen west 33
tarp1 32
trigg 32
baggers 32
obamacare 32
goldman sucks 32
Now you can up them by 1 sucka!
You forgot PuddyEmphasis and pendejo, you true last name! ylb pendejo!
102 – It’s a laugh a minute writing some simple code to analyze your moronic behavior here.
I told you we’d be having a laugh at your expense.
And you didn’t have to write all that shit. But you did because you can’t help yourself. How’d it all work out for you Nov 6?
Where’s Jerry? Where’s all the rest of the trolls? How’d did work out for them?
It’s just you and little dipshit maxee.
You’re a fool! You can’t stop!
Free stuff!
tctmgr search -pv .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘puddyemphasis’ | cut -f1,5-7
puddyemphasis 58 first_seen 2009-08-13T18:03:00+00:00
Meets the criteria, just didn’t find it interesting at the time – like all your miserable name-calling which I left out. Btw, I’m going to put all of that on a blog post. Everyone can then see what a miserable cretin you are!
3010 % tctmgr search -pv .ha/data/lexicon/puddymoron.tct ” streq ‘pendejo’ | cut -f1,5-7
pendejo 27 first_seen 2006-05-21T07:44:00+00:00
Nope, first used in 2006. Doesn’t meet the criteria cabron!
Poor little Maxee reduced to behaving like Technical Sargeant Garp…
Freeeeeeeee. Stuuuuuuuuuuuuf.
Eh Obummer puta maricon ylbuttspigot, koro king…
Stalker… Puddy PWNS you.
Mitt Romney is still legally a multi-millionaire, and ylbuttspigot is still unemployed.
Maybe there is some justice in the world.
What’s it like to be jobless for so long? Now all can see the fiendish stalking you do every day. Puddy PWNS you diarrhea breath!
Such a sad existence you lead. Looking for some Free Stuff diarrhea breath?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Such a sad life on this national holiday.
Meanwhile Tavis Smiley and Cornel West saw through the bullcrap of Obummer… but they still voted for him anyway.
Ain’t that racist? Wait… West is a libtardo black man… libtards can say anything they want…
Of course none of this discourse comes out before the election.
Wow!!!!! Knuckledragging Dead Sgt Schultzie could lose his PMSNBC show to The Journolist? Remember this NY Times leftist said PMSNBC is more libtard than Fox is conservative.
Puddy would accept The Journolist over the Knuckledraggger!
Dumbass @ 109… YLB LAUGHS AT you.
If your stupid right wing bullcrap was shown to be 100% percent WRONG about Obama and he is serving 2 terms in spite of it, why are you carrying water for it?
Because you’re stupid, that’s why.