Young Turks: Florida Republican Governor Rick Scott to drug test all public employees and welfare recipients.
Ann Telnaes: G.O.P. outlook for the 2012 presidential race.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Eric Cantor tries to rewrite the Constitution.
Newsy: Ohio Dems vow to fight anti-worker bill.
Young Turks on The Donald.
Mark Fiore: April message.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Tina Dupey with Andy Kroll: Recall effort in Wisconsin.
Maddow: Vermont’s “Medicare for All” single payer plan.
Young Turks: AK judicial panel nominee thinks premarital sex should be outlawed.
Congressional Correspondent’s Dinner:
- Anthony Weiner on his name (and other funny topics):
- Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) does stand-up.
- Daily Show’s Larry Wilmore does the Congressional Correspondence Dinner:
Newsy: Arizona law bans abortions based on sex and race.
Tina Dupey: Sarah Palin, obviously channeling Shakespeare, makes up another word.
Maddow: Why are Republicans afraid of Rachael Maddow?
Cenk: Wacky Republicans on Obama private army & jobs flip-flop.
Rep. Gohmer’s (R-TX) odd conspiracy theory: Libya action will deplete military to allow Obama to call up that private army authorized in health care bill (via Crooks and Liars).
Newsy: Battle budget.
Bill Maher’s dumbed down citizenship test:
Cenk: Leaked tape shows FAUX News executive lied about Obama & socialism.
Ann Telnaes: South Dakota passes 72 hour waiting period law.
Ed and Pap: The alternative reality of the Koch Brothers.
Maddow: Republicans attempt to change child labor laws in Maine.
Jon: I give up (via OneGoodMove).
ONN: Damaged women stage drunken 2 am march on Washington.
Thom: Is Fukushima already worse than Chemobyl?
- Obama’s address on Libya.
- Sarah Palin exaggerates cost of Libya intervention by 700% (via ThinkProgress).
- Sarah Palin wonders if Libya action is a war, an intervention or a “squirmish” (via Crooks and Liars).
Ed and Pap: GOP passing laws to keep liberals from voting.
Gov. Gregoire (D-WA) on radiation from Japan.
Red State Update: The end of times:
ONN: American dream declared dead as final believer gives up.
Young Turks: Gov. Walker (R-WI) wants federal money.
Pap: Koch Brothers—The more we know you, the less we like you.
FAUX News executive confesses to lying on the air about Obama (via Media Matters).
Cenk: Glenn Beck claims Obama is helping terrorists in Libya.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Young Turks: Sarah Palin is a national embarassment on FAUX News.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Heh. A certain knee jerk right wing fool is MIA this morning..
Wow! So much GOP bullshit, so little space! let’s start with Alaska. Instead of going full-bore out of the starting gate, I suggest they test the concept with a pilot project, and test it on the Alaska governor’s children.
…yeah, after the ass-kicking he got from you last night.
LMFAO….nice way to spend Friday night.
RE: Welfare recipients and drug testing. I’m sure Rick Scott will start drug testing CEO’s of corporations that get corporate welfare from Florida sometime soon.
@5 It’ll be interesting to see how much corporate welfare the teabaggers in Congress are willing to cut.
Even a malaria-carrying mosquito isn’t as mean as a Republican.
Primitive Tribalism Dep’t
A 42-year-old Santa Cruz paramedic is hospitalized in critical condition with severe head injuries after being attacked by two Dodgers fans at the Giants’ season opener.
So you’re a Dodgers fan and you go to Dodgers Stadium to watch your team and you see a guy wearing a Giants baseball cap so you go over and sucker punch the guy and then kick him in the head and nearly kill him … I’ll betcha anything these Neaderthals vote Republican.
Business Week has an informative article on public-sector pensions worth reading by those interested in this current-events topic.
How many C-130s does it take to fly 369,000 pounds of US currency from the East Coast to Iraq if you wanted to do the job in, say, one week? How would you stage your crews? Where would you position your major repair teams and aircraft servicing equipment and personnel? How would you work the issue of planning the missions so that none of your aircrews or aircraft spent the night in Iraq, i.e., no crew rest in the hostile zone?
The point is that your comments several years ago about a single C-130 flying that much weight are looney. A C-130 can only carry 25,000 pounds at a single time, max, and that’s assuming not flying too far away. You can’t simply fill up the fuel tanks of an aircraft (any aircraft)and then load-up the cargo compartment to max weight, too. It overstresses the airframe.
You read some bogus, uninformed article in Vanity Faire and believed it. You’re a rube!
the bunny is dumb as a brick…why anybody even reads his garbage is beyond me.
they guy is a straight up phony…
More likely they were just drunk…too bad they didnt pound you into the ground while they were at it.
ya…lets just hand them debit cards(with ZERO accountability) and send them debit card….oh wait – we already do that.
I think it was KING 5 that did an expose’ on the welfare debit card fiasco and how crooked it is.
You want public money? fine – we will help you out – but damnit your gonna follow some rules and EARN the right to spend OUR money.
and stop having fucking kids if you cant afford ’em! for fucks sake! Mine are expensive enough – why I gotta pay for yours too?! lazy fucks.
Lawrence O’Donnell’s piece on Eric Cantor is stunning. How low is the fucking bar for congressional Republicans now? Is there any level of idiocy that they don’t embrace? The number two House Republican says the House can pass a bill and if the Senate doesn’t act on it (forget the president, he doesn’t count, of course, when it comes to whether legislation becomes law), the House bill becomes law? Really? He’s their number 2 guy? Where the hell is the outrage in this country about the level of idiocy of these people? Is Michele Bachmann the standard? Steve King? Allen West?
@11 WTF are you talking about? Link, please …
@12 “More likely they were just drunk…”
So now you’re an apologist for murderous drunken rampages?
“too bad they didnt pound you into the ground while they were at it.”
If you like this idea so much, why don’t you try it yourself?
@13 “ya…lets just hand them debit cards(with ZERO accountability) and send them debit card….oh wait – we already do that.”
You ARE referring to Bush administration dealings with crony contractors like Halliburton and Blackwater, are you not? Of course you are …
@12 (continued) “why anybody even reads his garbage is beyond me”
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I’m a hell of a lot more popular on this blog than you are.
Every day we see that just about EVERY FUCKING THING one can possibly imagine is beyond you!
@14, It’s less a question of idiocy than a display of arrogance, hubris and true character. Remember the quote from the chimp (whom they’re now rehabilitating back into the pary fold), “a dictatorship wouldn’t be so bad as long as I’m the dictator. Hey, hey, hey.”
To keep tyrants in check there must be a viable counter weight. Where’s the minority leader in the House on this? Why no press release from the Dems? Where’s the President?
@14, 18 — They think saying something makes it be true.
@19 As Gov. Walker and the Fitzgerald twins are about to find out, it’s not so.
There is, actually, idiocy at play, in addition to the other factors you identify. There are fucking idiots in the House and Senate, people you wouldn’t rely upon to look out the window and tell you if it was raining or clear. The GOP is on its way out. Stupidity only goes so far.
OMG… Why hasn’t Eric Cantor been torn apart?
Exactly. And the wingnuts claim the media is liberal? Really? The media sucks the rightwing’s dick. Everyday. Cantor should be the laughingstock of the nation right now. And, that orange-faced baboon, Boehner, was standing right there while Cantor spewed. These people don’t give a shit about the separation of powers, yet they are the ones carrying a copy of the Constitution in their pocket. Why the hell are people not enraged about this nonsense? Hey, you wingnuts out there, defend what Cantor said.
23, Lord help me, check out the look on Boner’s face during that tripe spew. Their behavior resembles that of a dog pack pissing on each other’s legs, sniffing ass and fightin’ over scraps.
BTW, I heard about this Cantor statement on Hartmann Friday morning, but found nothing about it on any of the major lefty sites. In fact, there are still not posts up.
@23, 24: Overton Window.
I hate to keep harping on this, but Beck et al have successfully made their nonsense banal, unremarkable.
We have all been inured to the ravings of lunatics.
The Balkanization Of America
A notion is gathering steam among states’-rights Republicans that state governments (controlled by them) can ignored any federal laws (favored by Democrats) they don’t like. One such idea is that federal law enforcement officials would need the permission of county sheriffs to make arrests. Under evolving wingnut ideology, the rightwing vision of Future America more and more resembles the fractured remnants of the former Soviet Union. But then, we’ve known for quite some time that these guys are closet Trotskyites, haven’t we?
Despite posturing to the contrary, Republicans want a government shutdown. One of them even admits it.
Union-Stripping Hits Congress
Under the FAA reauthorization bill passed by House GOPers on Friday, any FAA employee absent from a vote on union representation would be counted as a “no” vote.
I can see where this goes next: Republicans will pass legislation that keeps students, the elderly, poor people, and soldiers deployed overseas from voting, and then counts their votes as Republican votes because they didn’t vote.
This is what GOP tyranny looks like.
A new CNN poll shows the average American thinks public broadcasting gets 5% of the federal budget, or $178 billion a year, which is 424 times the actual amount.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is actually a strong argument for pulling funding for public broadcasting, because when the American public is this ignorant, the$420 million a year spent on public broadcasting obviously isn’t doing any good and is simply being wasted.
@29: Our local (and most other urban) PBS/NPR affiliates will do fine regardless of fed funding.
It’s the folks east of us and in fly over country that will lose their stations.
“Florida Republican Governor Rick Scott to drug test all public employees and welfare recipients.”
To make this fair, this would also apply to all elected officials as well.
Do you think it’s appropriate to tax the public employees and welfare recipients pay for the test.
I think your comment is spot-on. We’ve become so desensitized to wingnut lunacy that it no longer even catches our attention. The media has abetted this development by treating the crazies like their spewings are legitimate opinions.
@30 “It’s the folks east of us and in fly over country that will lose their stations.”
So in other words, it’s the only competing voice to the crushing conservative media in the red zones and it’s being eliminated.
Drug test the CEO of every company that gets a tax break.
Everyone who has been on this blog for more than 4 or 5 years knows what I’m talking about, so no link is required.
You’re a liar.
What you’re talking about is as important (and relevant) as the hair on your ass.
You’re another partisan hack joke.
@35 “You’re a liar.”
heh- That must be Pudge operating under a new screen name.
@26: And sponsored here in our very own state by none other than Rep. Matt Shea (TP-Spokane), who is so nuts that Spokane Republicans wouldn’t pick him even when presented with him, a drunk-driving screw up, and a businessman with NO political experience. Whom even the U.S. Army apparently decided was so crazy that he wasn’t allowed to carry a firearm, despite being a SOLDIER (according to his ex-wife, at least).
Seriously, check out the bill he’s sponsored.
My favorite is the one he cosponsored that would make DOH conduct a study of the epidemiological consequences of wolf reintroduction, but would bar DOH from spending any state money on it.
…welcome back Steve…missed ya!