Liberal Viewer: Fox News lies about Libya attack response?
Thom: Right Wingers and the poll truthers.
Jonathan Mann: The Romney Shake It Up Song:
Thom and Pap: Koch front group seeks revenge against Florida Justices.
- Ann Telnaes: Romney shapes up for the debate
- Jonathan Mann: Romney fires Big Bird:
- Mitt’s debate: Mostly fiction.
- Kay and Peele Luther on Obama’s first debate performance.
- Jimmy Fallon joins the debate
- Obama: Mitt was fact checked by his OWN CAMPAIGN! (via TalkingPointsMemo.)
- Young Turks: Advice for Obama’s next debate.
- Ann Telnaes: No mention of the 47% in first debate.
- MockitTV: Obama and Romney make America great again
- Young Turks: Why did Obama lose the first debate?
- Big Bird responds.
- Thom: Hey, Media, how can Romney lie all night and be “the winner?”
- Sam Seder and Ari Berman: Mitt lies his way to a debate victory.
- Mitt Romney: Protect big oil, fire Big Bird
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Debate!
- Tweety and Louis Black: The day after the Denver debate
- Conan: Mr. Romney and Mr. Bird.
- The great Mitt Romney cheating conspiracy theory (multiple videos).
- Maddow: History favors the challenger in first debates
- Young Turks: Did Mitt cheat?
- Sam Seder: No mention on 47% in the debate.
- Stephen praises FAUX News for something important.
- Martin Bashir: The two faces of Mitt Romney and John Sununu’s ugly remarks
- Young Turks: Breaking down the debate.
- Health care: Out of luck.
- Ed and Pap: Republicans full of “Dog Hope” after debate
- Tweety unloads over Obama’s performance (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Nobody won!
- Young Turks: Some lies during the debate.
- Jon: The Debate (via Political Wire).
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA):Evolution, Big Bang ‘Lies straight from The Pit Of Hell’
Thom with some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Romney flip flops on his 47% comment!?!
George Takei: “We’ve got to be actively involved in the electoral process.”.
G.O.P. Voter Suppression:
- Zina Saunders: Daryl Metcalfe Says You Don’t Deserve To Vote!.
- Maddow: US court forces Ohio to reinstate early voting
- Gavin Newsom with Rosario Dawson: Disenfranchised Latino vote is a major problem.
- Sam Seder: PA Judge blocks GOP voter ID law
- Maddow: Mixed messages on voter ID as Pa. slow to obey court
- Mark Fiore: Voting with Right Wing Ralphie.
Steve Martin, home crafts expert, makes an endorsement:
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom: Has the GOP/Right Wing Media Jumped the Shark?
- The crackpot Jobs Numbers Truferism movement emerges. (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Maddow: Good jobs news drives right to delusion
- Young Turks: The unemployment rate ‘conspiracy’
- Romney campaign resists FAUX News’ Job Report Truferism (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Sam Seder: The Right Wing freak-out over jobs numbers.
- The politics behind the jobs numbers
Ann Telnaes: The Supremes begin a new term.
Sam Seder: Rick Santorum Rick Santorum wants to kill and eat Big Bird.
Mitt Romney’s Disdain For The Middle Class: He Said It, He Meant It.
Young Turks: Tucker Carlson makes a fool of himself over 2007 Obama speech.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here (via TalkingPointsMemo).
You don’t pull the mask off the ol’ Lone Ranger
And you don’t mess around with
ExxonMobil returns fire at Obama
…ExxonMobil’s U.S. tax expense amounts to more than $1 billion per month. In 2011, our total U.S. taxes of $12.3 billion exceeded our U.S. earnings by almost $3 billion, and our effective income tax rate in the U.S. was 31.4 percent — far higher than many critics have claimed,” Cohen writes.
Obummer needs a bogeyman everyday. When you have his record it’s tough to say you are great and wonderful for the last 3.75 years.
Regarding the first link… Seems your link is FOS!
There is a big difference between calling it an “act of terror” on the first day and waiting a LONG TIME to call it a a “terrorist act” David Broken Axlerod. It wasn’t until someone went to congress and told them it was a terrorist attack. Then Jay CarneyBarker claims yeah we knew this all along. HorsesASS manure! Why did Obummer’s sadministration’s State Department trot out Susan Rice on the Sunday shows when the evidence was right there? The call and wait was pathetic, since the Libyan government said there was an Al Qaeda planned attack three days before and the leftist British and European fish rags told the world this the next day. You bring RPGs to a demonstration? You have 100 men in a three way attack. You lie about the two retired navy seals providing phantom security because everyone knows they were there for other reasons. Puddy provided the links and HA’s buttspigot and can replay them. The terrorist act came after Susan Rice lied to the world. So that’s a worthless, factless link to open the 10/5/2012 Friday Night Comics page!
Yeah Hillary Clinton is doing a bang up job too! She’ll get thrown under de bus. Or she’ll quietly retire IF Obummer is reerected. Golly Puddy hopes that doesn’t happen!
Poolboy @2
So…you’ve run away from the spanking you were taking here, over “Death Panels”?
You know, where you couldn’t wrap your pointy head around the fact that Palin’s lying resulted in a victory for her?
Where you suggested that you actually believed there where going to be Death Panels that decided who lived and died?
Do you really believe there were provisions for Death Panels? Do you believe everything Sarah Palin says?
Speaking of running away, you kinda slinked away, Cap’n, from your ridiculous assertions about the infamous $716B and you manifest misunderstanding of Medicare reimbursements, eh doc?
So, why should the American people vote for Willard Romney?
Or are you going to spend the day regurgitating – where was it? – Breitbart and Daily Caller agitprop again?
Wow, can Rachel Maddow ever tell the truth? This “dramatic” unemployment rate drop is not depicted in the monthly U6 rate. Makes you scratch your head since these are part time jobs. Listening to the Maddow spiel demonstrates she’s a charlatan and kook-aid maker for Obummer.
Facts… enemies of libtards!
Nope you dope dunceman. There was no spanking. Puddy ignores your worthless rants on things Puddy never claimed. Puddy stand 1 vigintillion percent behind Puddy’s claim in that thread. Ask the HA buttspigot. He catalogs every PuddyMissive cuz I own that fool! Lock stock and barrel. Having a useful conversation with you is like talking to a brick wall. The only thing you get is hoarse!
Sucks to be you dunceman!
Santorum wants to kill and eat Big Bird, even though he loves him?
Sort of like having to destroy the village to save it, eh?
Yup, run away it is. Poolboy folds…again.
Ahhh yes, if you don’t ascribe to dunceman’s comments he beats his chest like a silverback gorilla and “claims” victory!
P A T H E T I C! Such a great role model for your 16 year old son!
Now that‘s projection!
Are you having trouble remembering?
You were insisting that Sarah Palin’s demagoguery about “Death Panels” couldn’t have been based on a lie – a vile lie, as I put it – because the Democrats then took the end-of-life counseling provision out of the ACA.
You were asserting that if a political outcome occurred, then the force leading to it couldn’t have been dishonest.
As I said then, WMDs anyone?
I suppose you want to run away from that thread because it makes you look like a simpleton – but puddl, all your comments make you look like a simpleton…
I do my best…teaching him to detect and detest lies, especially given how well camouflaged some of them are, particularly Republican lies, is a challenge.
He was able to handle sophomoric bullshit like yours years ago, however.
Projection? You act like a silverback gorilla in every thread. Pompous asinine commentary; then you beat your chest… “Look at me look at me… I’m so great”
There you go again, twisting facts. You couldn’t answer the real question regarding the removal of the consultations from the bill. Since Obummer, Pelosi and Reid didn’t listen to Republicans on anything else in the bill why did they listen to Palin? If someone is LYING as you claimed why does anyone react? They are reacting to a lie.
dunceman, stooooooooooooooooooooopid as ever. Wait for it… another stupid comment will immediately appear
Pavlov calls it!
Hilda Solis is interviewed by CNBC here over the “magic” drop in unemployment numbers. Watch her fast eye blinkrate then mosy on over to Tanya Reiman and see what she says about high blink rates.
Why is Solis under stress? Maybe cuz she’s having to defend the indefensible! Maybe CNBC busted her B I G T I M E!
Martin Bashir,
Another in the long line of MSNBC idiots. Hey Martin, listen to Bill Maher… “can’t believe i‘m saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter.” Your hero looked so foolish on Wednesday night, so he claims another Romney was there. “The other Romney kicked my ASS so that’s the ticket.” John Effin Kerry prepared me for a different Romney, not the one on stage in Colorado!
Then poor Bashir, John Sununu smacks Andrea Mitchell around… OMG OMG OMG he just said Obummer is lazy… Take that back Sununu… Then listen to all those excuses from “professor” John Peterson – HuffPo leftist libtard blogger. Butt Martin… Oopsie Obummer claimed Obummer was lazy himself…
Martin Bashir… another disingenuous pompous ASS from PMSNBC, in the tank for Obummer!
Why does Da Perfessa put forth so many leftist idiot comics on the Friday Night Comic Links… Well they are trying to be funny! NOT!
Tonya Reiman, with an ‘o’ poolboy…
This is all you’ve got – a FoxNews shill ‘analyzing’ the Secretary of Labor’s EYE BLINK RATE to support your contention that the BLS is rigged???
Tinfoil hat territory – why am I not surprised?
So Puddl, I take it from you cracked commentary and bizarre diction, as best I can tell, that you in fact believe Sarah Palin when she screeched that Obama was going to create literal “Death Panels” that would enforce the withdrawal of care from elderly people and force them to die – yes?
Do you believe that Palin was being truthful when she screeched about “Death Panels”?
Oh my…
Notice what Charles Krauthammer said…
Looks like the $5 Trillion tax plan touted by Obummer was a LIE!
Erin Burnett spanks Stephanie Cutter! Notice how rude Staphanie Cutter is to a fellow DUMMOCRAPT when they finally get fed up with the Obummer campaign lies and challenges them on it. So it seems that attack line is outta da window after Obummer used it again Thursday in Colorado.
Tonya Reiman, has been used on other programs… And see what others say about a rapid eye blink rate dunceman!
Can’t refute truth or facts so dunceman attacks Reiman.
Disprove her dunceman!
Deflection, the best train wreck attack dunceman has. Once again everyone dunceman will not answer these questions…
dunceman won’t answer these two questions. Why? Because it EXPLODES is feckless argument proffered earlier last week. Why react to a lie if it’s a lie?
The rest of dunceman’s rant is a poop needing flushing.
@ 5
Speaking of running away, you kinda slinked away, Cap’n, from your ridiculous assertions about the infamous $716B and you manifest misunderstanding of Medicare reimbursements, eh doc?
Actually, we were at a “Yes it is.” vs. “No it isn’t.” point on that issue. I let your word be the last one, Lib Despair. I had made my point and don’t have the time to split hairs on what constitutes reimbursement and who is harmed if it’s cut.
No, puddl, you haven’t answered a simple question I’ve asked over and over…one that gets at what appears to be the basis of your contention, which seems to be, if I can decipher your rambling, that the Democrats removed coverage for end-of-life counseling because those consultations were in fact “Death Panels” that would decide whom we pull the plug on.
It’s a simple question I have for you…do you believe that the ACA would have mandated panels of people that would in fact have declared that some insured elderly would have their medical care cut off, allowing them to die?
Hey, Lib Despair:
Last night someone posted about the fourth consecutive trillion-dollar deficit and you were quick to your knees in front of The One, claiming that a 20% drop in the deficit was good news.
Here’s why the deficit dropped:
The biggest reason was legislation changes. Note that the federal government pumped in less to Medicaid, more people lost eligibility for unemployment benefits (they really weren’t going back to work, since only about a 3% decline in the deficit was due to higher wages and associated payroll taxes). You could give Obama credit for reduced defense spending but that’s only 10% of the deficit and some of that was put into place by reductions in Iraq that were initiated before GWB43 left office. There were some tax increases, notably on corporations but also on private citizens through higher payroll tax hits. Oh, and we’re disbursing less under ARRA as that program wanes. We have no real idea whether or how much it helped. We sure know it added to the deficit in the Obama years.
Ask yourself, Lib Despair, did anything noteworthy happen over the past year that would cause the deficit to drop 20% in real terms?
Of course not. It’s changes in legislation and variations in accounting.
Would you cheer a 20% increase in your bank account if it was because money was transferred from your other bank account? Of course not.
But you’ll gin up any excuse to cheer for The One.
I think Facepalm is the Secret Service code name for Biden.
Utter bullshit from a dishonest propagandist coward.
Oh noes… Medicare Reimbursements… $716 Billion… Affect on future seniors
@ 23
do you believe that the ACA would have mandated panels of people that would in fact have declared that some insured elderly would have their medical care cut off, allowing them to die?
Well, Lib Sci, there must be some reason Britain’s NHS determined the annual value of a human life. Wouldn’t it to be to balance it against the cost of preserving it?
Take Britain, which provides universal coverage with spending at proportionately almost half of American levels. Its National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence uses a complex quality-adjusted life year system to put an explicit value (up to about $48,000 per year) on a treatment’s ability to extend life.
What, exactly, do you think Rattner was arguing for in his Op/Ed?
What do you think the lesson of the red pill/blue pill parable offered by The One is supposed to be?
Lib Despair, it’s denial of care, cloaked in other terms. I am not necessarily against denial of care, depending upon the instance. I am against denying that it’s being discussed at very high levels in the government. Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.
Notice the blatant commentary of dunceman
Almost but you run from the main point, and it’s on purpose. If Palin was telling a lie, why was that exorcized from the bill. As Puddy said above which you continue tot run away from because if you answer it your feckless argument explodes louder…
You see, you are being blatant and disingenuous and it’s purposeful. So the rest of that rant is poop in a toilet.
What is health care rationing to a senior dunceman?
@ 26
Utter bullshit from a dishonest propagandist coward.
Lib Despair, click on the link @ 27 and follow it to the Capital Times piece (or use the link I helpfully provided below):
Madison clinic’s decision to stop taking new Medicare patients could be start of trend
Wildwood is the first clinic in Madison and maybe even the entire state to bail out of accepting new Medicare patients. Dr. Tim Bartholow, a senior vice president with the Wisconsin Medical Society, fears it might not be the last. “This is the canary in the mine,” he says.
A massive report released just last week by the federal commission in charge of Medicare suggests he could be right. While more than 90 percent of doctors still participate in the program, a close read of the 400-page report reveals a worrisome trend: 14 percent of participating primary care doctors surveyed refused to accept new Medicare patients, compared to 4 percent of physicians in other specialties. At the same time, the percentage of beneficiaries who report a “big problem” finding a doctor doubled.
Read more:
That’s a liberal publication (if it’s propaganda it’s liberal propaganda) in liberal Madison, it’s an article about doctors refusing Medicare patients NOW, and it’s an article describing future scenarios in which more and more physicians stop accepting Medicare. If we’re going to cut reimbursement, will that problem get better, or worse, Lib Despair?
As you resort to claims of dishonesty and cowardice on my part, I understand that you are having ever-increasing difficulty arguing your points on their merits, Lib Despair, and so you morph from reasoned argument to name-calling. Your children would be embarrassed for you.
dunceman runs from that.
Oh noes…
You actually think dunceman will click a Forbes link? Sacre bleu!
Four point swing in two days:
Saturday, October 06, 2012
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 49% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 47%.
Tomorrow’s poll will be the first in which all days comprising the poll are post-debate.
I believe we can stop talking about Obama’s post-convention bounce now.
Game on.
@ 33
Where else did I read about a post-debate four-point swing for Romney?
Oh, yes, now I remember:
Romney closes gap with Obama to 2 points after debate: Reuters/Ipsos poll
The online tracking poll conducted between Monday and Friday showed 46 percent of likely voters backed Obama, versus 44 percent for Romney.
Obama had led Romney by 6 percentage points in the poll released on Wednesday and the edge narrowed to five points – a 48-43 percent lead for Obama – in polling up to Thursday. That was the first including a day of interviews after the meeting in Denver.
I think that was the poll Lib Despair referred to yesterday when he thought it meant something else. Nice own-goal on that one, guy.
OK, everyone who thinks Obama will have a good day in the Sunday talk shows this weekend, raise your hand.
Lib Despair, you can raise both of yours, because then there will be two hands up in the air.
Hey dunceman if Rattner wants to block
on seniors how does that make seniors feel? Also reading into Rattner’s comment where he sez…
isn’t that senior voting suicide for 2012?
Just axking dunceman (Jesse Hi-Jackson pronunciation).
“It looked like he took my million and spent it all on weed.”
This was a very good reason why liberals should not be entrusted with large sums of money.
Yes, there are two jokes in that last sentence.
Now where did the dunceman slink off to? Oh yeah he’s on left wrong web sites looking for his next response!
If we needed more than 120,000 new FULL TIME jobs to be in stasis as we read in September, and Obummer “claims” to have created only 114,000 jobs how did the unemployment rate drop so low… Must have been many Americans leaving the job market. No wait that’s an insult to Hilda Solis.
U6 really sucks if you are a libtard politician! How does Jay Inslee plan to reduce the U6 value? A new government office dedicated to helping businesses? Yeah that’s the ticket.
To puddl…
Good to see you’re hiding behind Cap’n Crunch’s skirts….
You still can’t wrap your point head around the fact that Palin was screeching “DEATH PANELS!” while the ACA negotiations were going on, and the Democrats (wrongly, I think) retreated from those provisions to neuter her as a political factor – a strategic retreat.
My contention is that her demagoguery was built on a lie – there were to be no ‘DEATH PANELS” – as she characterized the provisions supporting end-of-life counseling, an extremely valuable and medically appropriate type of care.
I’ve asked you over and over whether you think she was telling the truth – and you duck and dodge and ignore – as is your habit.
I, on the other hand, have explained to you – in the smallest words I can muster – that the fact that the Democrats retreated on the issue does not mean that Palin was telling the truth, as you seem to be contending. I don’t know how to put that in smaller words for you, but I’ve said it over and over on this thread and the prez debate one.
As for Cap’n Crunch…
As I explained to puddl on the other thread, and as you probably know but choose to pretend otherwise, I understand and applaud the conversation that Rattner is trying to have about how and when we deliver – or don’t – medical care.
You’re clearly smarter than poolboy, but you plan an imbecile on these threads sometimes.
Obviously, we can’t go on spending twice as much per person per year as other industrialized countries and not cover everyone, and have poorer outcomes. I agree, can’t go on.
And yes, as I tried to point out to puddl in the most civil way possible the other day here, we absolutely need to examine how and when to deliver, and NOT deliver, the medical technology we have at our disposal.
You can call that ‘rationing’, especially if you want to scare and manipulate people, or you can engage in a way that you actually think might educate people about a topic that is mostly foreign and frightening to many.
Death is something we’re all going to experience, but it’s a topic that most are in denial about – you’ve implied several times that you’re a doctor, and if so, I’d be curious about your professional experience in this regard – it really could be enlightening for non-MDs on this thread.
We have to find a way to humanely, justly and appropriately stop doing invasive, expensive, dangerous and relatively futile things to old and sick people that don’t really help them.
In my experience, the VAST majority of patients, when they really understand the industrial medical complex, would rather die at home among family in a gentle and comfortable way a few days or weeks or even months earlier, than in an ICU on a ventilator plumbed with plastic in every orifice, numbed to the world.
There’s something called dignity that I said was a right and you ridiculed in another thread…you might do well to revisit that, doc.
@ 39
This is the explanation, some think:
“The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) rose from 8.0 million in August to 8.6 million in September. These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.“
So at least there’s a numeric explanation. That quote’s from the Labor Department report, BTW, reported by AEI. Just to head off Lib Despair dismissing it because it’s from a right-wing site.
In the household survey, the number of people with jobs rose 873,000 from the previous month. The last time that many people found jobs in a month, GDP was increasing at a 9% rate.
Anyone feel a 9% increase around them? I don’t.
I gotta go work in the hospital all weekend…I’m outta here.
Enough time trading barbs with witless twits…
@ 40
Dr. Lib Sci:
Let me try to make this a simple discussion (after I’m gone for 2 hours).
“Obama’s planned $716B reimbursement cut to Medicare providers will negatively affect patient care.”
Please explain to me why my statement above, in quotation marks, is incorrect.
Thank you in advance.
(edited the quoted statement for clarity)
BULLSHITTIUM ALERT Star Trek Klaxon horn sounds
End of BULLSHITTIUM ALERT Star Trek Klaxon horn sound ends.
You are such a moron dunceman. What Palin thinks is what Palin thinks. It’s amazing DUMMOCRAPTS reacts to her lie as you claim to “neuter” her? Puddy asked you two simple questions way before SC appeared and you won’t answer them.
Where did Puddy contend that? Another of your standard train wrecks you proffer when your original argument fails. Then you can’t answer Rattner’s assertions above.
The rest of that pixel wasting rant is worthless as ever.
Butt, unlike Palin… I take DUMMOCRAPTS at their word… Rattner claims health care rationing is coming with ObummerCare. And if seniors have no money except Medicare with ObummerCare who determines if that procedure is vital or not?
dunceman decoder ring enabled: Man this sucks today… let me use my job as an escape… Listen to some left wrong radio and make their thoughts my thoughts! Get back on later today when no one thinks I’ll come back!
@ 43
HI-02 (Merriman River Group for Civil Beat): Tulsi Gabbard (D) 70%, Kawika Crowley (R) 18%
On my way out the door….
I really don’t think poolboy speaks English. I just don’t, it’s the only explanation that avoids either severe developmental delay or unspeakable dishonesty.
Hmmm…? Is that like FCUK?
Yes we know dunceman. That’s why your rants above are devoid of useful content.
Outsource fewer part-time jobs?
“ExxonMobil returns fire at Obama”
There was a recent tax court case where PepsiCo won a $363 million trial against the government (the IRS). That’s good, because any time the government gets it ass whipped in its own court, freedom grows.
Government is force, and when its own courts rein-in its force, we’re all a little more free because of it.
Wow, a cogent libtard excuse for Obummer bumming out the leftist libtards and Da Perfessa doesn’t link to it. So sad that the HA leadership lives in a bubble like Obummer does!
Dana Milbank is a leftist libtard. Notice his words here sweeping the crumbs from the DNC and drinking their kook-aid.
But once in a while he writes the truth in a paragraph or two. Then he reverts to standard libralism is a mental disease commentary!
If Obama doesn’t win in November (and I’ve said numerous times that he will), you usual suspects are going to go ballistic. While that may be an amusing outcome, if Obama loses, the far left crazies and the so-called black leadership will be raising holy hell about it. We’ll never hear the fucking end of it, so we may as well just re-elect the Milk Chocolate Messiah and call it a day. He won’t be able to cause any harm even if the Dems keep control of the Senate.
“Message to the President: ‘No weed before the next debate homie.'” – Ice T
Apparently some in the hollyweird establishment knows about chooming!
And this was missed by Da Perfessa. Instead he opted for myopic comedians with sucky commentary.
Clint Eastwood was right! Puddy said so earlier in the week.
LOL! Starts at 5:19 am and he’s still at it at 10:03..
What happened to sky god time?
Well, Romney has certainly gotten the Debate Bump. It’s still not reflected in all the pre-Debate Polls so I suspect things will get even better for Romney than what is shown by RealClearPolitics this AM.
Florida 47.0 47.0 Tie
Virginia 47.2 46.8 Obama +0.4
Ohio 49.0 46.0 Obama +3.0
North Carolina 47.6 48.4 Romney +0.8
Iowa 48.5 45.0 Obama +3.5
Colorado 48.0 47.5 Obama +0.5
So the key swing states are now pretty much within the margin of error. A legit question is, will it last?? Fortunately for the Romney/Ryan ticket is next up is the leftist Savior, Joe Biden, trying to save the day against an always prepared Paul Ryan.
We will see Ryan where Joe out, who in the end, will show America the true fumbling, bumbling chump he is.
Cannot wait for Ryan/Biden debate!
Since Bob has no complaints and wants to stay with the status quo, I assume that he’s fine with insurance company executives deciding who will live or die, with these decicions being based solely on the bottom line and it’s effect on executive bonuses and golden parachutes. How Randian.
Values. Bob hasn’t any. Sad.
I wonder what crazed excuses the Democrats will come up with when Biden shits all over himself in front of America and is ripped a new one by Ryan??
How about–
1) Ryan was disrespectful to a mentally deranged person?
2) Ryan was mean to a Senior Citizen
3) Romney/Ryan put some stupid pills in Biden’s water.
I’m sure we’ll hear these & more.
It really sucks for the Dems that they have to endure the nail-biting & angst that goes all with watching Joe Biden try to save the ticket. Gut-wrenching for you chumps, ain’t it? Admit it, you are worried that Biden will shit himself with some stupid ad lib comment. And Ryan will draw it out of him..guaranteed!!
This close to election day with many ballots being returned, Obama will be up against the wall next debate of his with fewer undecided voters to court.
This is getting to be fun. And all thanks to the knee-jerk, bed-wetters on the left name-calling and shrieking LIAR and other dung in an attempt to court…independents!!
Very real corporate death panels with decisions driven by the bottom line? A very good thing, says Bob.
Non-existent government death panels? Very, very bad, causing Bob to birth a goat over it.
Thanks for sharing your values with us, Bob. Oh, wait, you don’t have values, just insatiable greed. Sorry, my bad.
Apparently Obama’s debate performance cost him pretty dearly.
Five points in this one.
Maybe the HA crowd will stop the victory laps until after the Biden/Ryan debate.
What am I thinking? Of course they won’t.
@61 When the fuck did you emerge from the Klown car?
Good grief, another troll with projection issues. Once again we learn that which we didn’t need or want to know. In case you didn’t know, Klown, it’s a Psych 101 thing. Doctor Steve can help you with that!
“Maybe the HA crowd will stop the victory laps until after the Biden/Ryan debate.”
Project much, you who spikes the ball on your own 10 yard-line after a play that lost yardage? Whatever, Bob.
Here’s what Bob and the Klown, Jerry, believe and support.
Jon Hubbard, a Republican member of the Arkansas House of Representatives, from Huffpo,
I imagine blacks deeply appreciate a racist telling them that slavery was a good thing.
Regarding slavery, Hubbard wrote:
Yeah, I’m sure that went over well.
On the subject of school integration,
He’s on a roll! So why stop there?
Greed and hate. Tell me, have you guys got anything else on the ball or is that it?
So are you implying that Romney lost the debate??
Seems like you are the only one feeling that way. I guess in Steve’s world, everyone else is nuts except for him! I know it’s a bitter pill to swallow, feeling Obama had things all locked up until he snatched defeat out of the jaws of certain victory. Seems like you are guilty of spiking the ball on the 10 yard line while going in for the winning score. Now there is a loose ball on the field and rather than fight to recover the fumble, you are standing around watching and bitching!
I also get a kick out of the “regressive Progressive” articles every Friday night. Mean spirited and nothing to do with the issues that impact independent voters. It’s a moronic echo chamber. Good thing only partisan folks visit this Blog.
20. greg spews:
Have you actually looked at how little money has been bet so far with these bookies??
Take a lot at Betfair. $13,000 on Obama. Wow. That really says a lot, doesn’t it? It’s currently immaterial. Nice try though.
Romney is now at 34% on Intrade, up from 31% yesterday.
Oops, Intrade now shows Romney at a 35% chance of winning.
Let’s see, if Romney improves by 4 % points/day for the next 30 days, Romney will have a 155% chance of winning.
I hope HA does it’s next poll analysis with only post-debate polls. Polling frequency is increasing rapidly, especially in the key swing states. And Romney has certainly looked much improved.
But hey, Joe Biden will save things for the Democrat ticket. Fear not. Whacky Joe will probably come out in some super-hero costume. Tights and a cape.
@67 Gawd, you’re fucking stupid. A real Klown. You do know that, don’t you? If not, Doctor Steve will be very glad to help you with that one as well.
I understand that you freaks have some, um, issues regarding poll results and jobs numbers reports these days. We’re talking Psych 201 now, but Doctor Steve will be very glad to help you with these issues as well.
Mitt Romney is a snake.
Heh. Is the KLOWN barking orders at Darryl again?
This would be my response:
Klown, your orders are IG-NORED!!!
You didn’t check the timezone buttspigot?
Another useless diarrhea stain left by HA’s buttspigot! Shits to be him!
Butt unfortunately for the ylbuttspigot, we on the right laugh at you. Even your “own” peeps seldom converse with diarrhea droppings.
Hey, Puddy, did Darryl forward my email to you?
I just checked and I have not received anything Steve.
Just received an email from my grand niece in CA. She’s shocked by the gas prices. Puddy holding Puddy’s tongue cuz she’s about ready to pop in three weeks. Y’all know what Puddy will tell her. Thank the person she voted for in 2008!
McCain did nothing like this-
How many cold phone calls have you leftist idiots made?? I’ve made more than all of you combined. You idiots waste all your time & energy pissing and moaning while people like me are calling folks in Iowa and Ohio.
I’m very surprised Romney didn’t make a huge point about gas prices in the debate. It’s something we can all relate to. More than double under Obama’s reign of economic terror.
HAHAHAHA. More real news skipped over for clown comics!
That vendor is now in the Obummer campaign cross hairs!
I’m sure the Obama lazy asses are having a difficult time understanding that the number of people who signed up to volunteer to make calls, knock on doors and sign up supporters for the next President Romney has shot up by nearly 63% since Wednesday night. Romney has amazing momentum, something you idiots cannot comprehend. I just got a call from a Romney supporter who is not even part of the organized phone campaign. He, his wife and 3 dozen others set up their own call center at his business. Awesome!
Time for the smackdown! Now this is classic. Puddy can understand why da perfessa didn’t include this! Did y’all hear the THUD?
83 – The klown always shouts to the rooftops about right wing grass roots nutcases springing into action.
Remember I-912???
How’d that turn out??
Cover up? You decide…
Can you imagine if Ryan brings this up next week? Oh baby!
Indeed the noise from all the voices inside your pin head must be deafening…
And you know this is “klown” how ylbuttspigot?
Your silly arschloch tracking people again?
84 – Ignore that link – otherwise some right wing nutcase will be tracking you..
The fool has forgotten preview.tinyurl..
Deliberately I’d say.
Darryl how dumbass..
Making crap up again arschloch buttspigot? Projection… it’s a Psych 101 thing!
Yeah, it’s through FACEBOOK you jackASS! Obummer lovers!
I figured as much as I know that I would have heard back from you. I sent an email to Darryl on the 1st.
I was trying to share with you what we did for Rachel and to get you my name and email address so we could get together someday. Max was included in the same request. Maybe Darryl’s just busy.
The Rachel gift has been well recieved by the family and her foundation. In fact, they’re absolutely thrilled. There’s several grand worth of work to be done by professionals to put a bit of polish on what we gave them. We were going to pay for it ourselves but Lynnwood Honda has offered to pay all the costs of one aspect of the work that’s needed and it looks like KING5 might donate staff time on their very expensive video editing and processing consoles at the station to perform the other tasks. That’d be so cool! We’re not talkin’ $89 video editing software anymore. The badass consoles they have to work with probably cost six figures.
I hope all is well.
Ah, now I can just sit back and watch my friends YLB and Puddy tussle with each other. That’s always a kick. Get it on, guys!
LMAO!!! Like Peter Thiel??
The Tea Bagger “jockstrap”????
Remember this brain fart of yours fool?
Gotta run a couple errands.. Later..
When Obama is doing well in the polls, the wingies bitch about rigging. When Romney’s ratings rise, the wingies extol the polls. Any chance someone could explain this phenomenon to me?
Ok I’m back.. I’ve been having some fun lately working up a simple program to build a lexicon of our comment thread participants words and phrases..
With special emphasis on the trolls of course..
I found a tabulation of Dr. Butthead’s (Puddybud) words very interesting..
What is the ONE WORD Dr. Butthead uses the most in these threads? More than even commonly used words like “like”, “said”, “do”, “did”.. Hold that question just a second..
Just to show I’m fair-minded what is it for Roger Rabbit – our most prolific participant??
It’s “republican” or “republicans” – and that’s AFTER “har” (he does that a lot in his comments) and “do”, “don’t”, “like”, “get” and “people”..
Any wonder?? Of course not. The rabbit comes here to bash Republicans!
What is it for MOI??? It’s “right” and “wing”.. Any wonder??? Of course not.. I’m all about bashing right wingers!
So I put out the question again. What is Dr Buttface’s aka Puddybud’s most used word in these comment threads??
Anyone care to guess?
@98 –
I’m guessing “Obummer”, at least for the last few weeks …
99 – No it’s not that one but he has used that one a lot.
I count 1049 uses of “obummer” through the end of August.. It’s definitely more by now but I don’t add a new month into the database until the 10th of the following month.
“Obummer”‘s usage is less than a 10th of his most used word..
Another guess..
Hint: it’s a word that reveals what Puddydope’s commentary is all about like “republican(s)” characterizes Roger Rabbit’s commentary and “right wing(er)” describes my own.
Good point. I look at cross tabs in either situation.
Speaking of polls, Romney is within 2 now in WI, according to PPP. Strong showing by Ryan in the debate and WI could move red. If it does, OH and IA might go, too.
Lotta time left.
At times like this I really really wish all polls would include major 3rd party candidates (Gary Johnson) in their polling.
I also wish someone would track the post-debate trendlines on G.J.
My “gut feeling” is that among establishment Repubs, they’re just ecstatic that their guy finally got some traction. They don’t care how he got it.
I also think, though, that there’s a large group of no-compromise principled conservative Tea Party types who felt like Romney threw them under the bus in the debate. For some of them, having Ryan on the ticket also may be enough, for others it won’t.
I just wish I had some solid numbers to go on rather than a “gut feeling” … but so many pollsters don’t even include G.J. in their questions.
There is some solid evidence that G.J. pulls more support from Romney than from Obama when his name is included in polling … and this was found before Romney’s flip-flop from “severe conservative” to moderate…
@ 102
I guess Rael’s now sufficiently nervous about Obama’s prospects against Romney that he now desires a spoiler to dilute Romney’s support.
Quite the change in attitude. Only a couple of days ago he was telling Republicans to give up. Now he’s saying Obama needs the help.
Democracy is good.
Republicanism is stupid.
Give up.
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
@103 – thanks for the reminder about my daily public service announcements … crazy weekend … it slipped my mind.
@103 –
Whether I desire it or not, Gary Johnson will be on the ballot in 47 states & D.C. If having his name included shifts the polls, NOT including his name in polls in those states where he is on the ballot seems likely to make the polls less accurate.
I’d like to know what effect that is having, whether that’s good, bad, or ugly for democracy.
“Let me try to make this a simple discussion”
Why should anybody take things down to your level? Just stop trying to engage in discussion with people smarter than yourself and you just might feel a little better about how stupid you are, Randroid.
“Lotta time left.”
Yeah, there’s plenty of time for Mitt to fuck things up for himself. Again. As usual.
And you want that greedy dumbfuck to run the country. Oh, wait, you’re a greedy dumbfuck yourself. Yeah, I reckon you’d vote for that. Fucktard.
“Quite the change in attitude.”
You’ll notice that my attitude doesn’t change, fuckface. I’m still waiting for you to grow a fucking spine and stand up to me like a man. It ain’t gonna happen, is it, Bob?
You realize I PWNS ylbuttspigot! Diarrheaboy has this big love for me. Now he’s evaluating my phrases. I humor myself with the gutter dwelling arschloch. Too bad the big black vibrating dildo is scratching too hard his one brain cell way up his ASS. ylbuttspigot, is it 8, 9 or 10 inch? Wait for it… he’ll claim he’s got one more than me. HAHAHAHAHA! He calls me Dr Buttface. That’s all he could think of since I correctly named HA’s arschloch ylbuttspigot.
I look forward to viewing the email. I will be traveling a lot this fall, as many companies are installing our systems and little old me has a great job inspecting and validating the systems. And future comments will HA ylbuttspigot checking on where I am because I PWN that fool! Lock, stock, and barrel. Remember Steve, I offered to get that 24X7 stay at home moron a job, but he’d rather stay on the dole. Hasn’t 99 weeks ended yet?
As they say ylbitchslapped!
proud leftist… For a lawyer you play the SENILE Wabbit at times. Is that a prereq to becoming a lawyer?
When leftist polls admit they are oversampling or over weighing DUMMOCRAPTIC responses in the polls, y’all turn a blind eye when we present the evidence. Don’t lawyers inspect evidence? Or, if it goes against your position, you try to have it removed? When the same polls demonstrate Romney strength y’all claim we are poll happy. Well in a sense that’s correct. If you oversample DUMMOCRAPTS and the poll has Romney ahead, then that means Romney is further ahead than the poll indicates. Also look at the cross tabs. When there are 9-12% more DUMMOCRAPTS than Republicans or Independents than you know the poll is rigged!
Notice HA’s ylbuttspigot cumback in #95. When he’s busted by facts, he pulls a dunceman… change the subject.
So what does ylbuttspigot write?
Nothing of any significance. He lost that argument so train wreck time, change the subject! Another diarrhea spewing. That’s why he’s ylbuttspigot!
ylbitchslapped AGAIN!
BTW ylbuttspigot, it’s 94 sordid attempts with the crazed databaze. Just 6 more to 100 EPIC FAYLES.
Come on, Pavlov knows you have it in yourself. Remember when you claimed Puddy’s last name was Pavlov? Wanna see that stooooooooooopid comment again?
Obummer, ObamAA+, now ObamAA, the messiah (credit to DUMMOCRAPT Donna Brazile and others), etc. Ask ylbuttspigot for the full list. Puddy is sure “he” has it cataloged in the crazed databaze. Why the “he”? Well does an arschloch have a gender?
Now this is
Why didn’t Da Perfessa put this on the Friday Night Funnies? It’s hilarious! Obummer followers think ObamAA+ should have a TOTUS at the debates. Do these morons actually realize what they just said? To beat Romney in a debate the “smartest preznit evah needs a crutch.” He can’t think extemporaneously. He needs help. He’s got too many things going on! You’ve got to be kidding. “It’s not fair”. HAHAHAHAHA!
Will Obummer have 100 nimble handed people in the background fact checking? Imagine Obummer at the debate “Wait a minute, my answer is coming. Hold on. Okay, Governor Romney said…”
Damn you leftists are hilarious!
And another slobbering MSM libtard report missed by Da Perfessa. Da Perfessa would rather offer losers and rejects every Friday Night!
Tell them Obummer loving leftist Mort.
Now how did Da Perfessa miss this? It was Friday Morning at 8:00AM. It’s Snoop Dog’s 10 Ten list of reasons to vote for Obummer?
LOL! Everyone’s favorite idiot is back!
Here it is folks…
What ONE WORD does this maniac (Puddydope) repeat more in his droolings here?
Ravings that number almost 36,000 comments since April 2005..
ONE WORD that characterizes this miserable legacy, what this fiend’s idiocy here has been all about?
ONE WORD used WAAAAY more than commonly used words like:
“like” (6885 uses)
“said” (6449)
“do” (6428)
“don’t” (6413)
“did” (6312)
Waaaay more than references to other commenters like
“steve” (3568) or even “ylb” (3090)
That ONE WORD used most by Dr Butthead aka PuddySilly in his commentary
AT 11,247 USES is
Yes, these comments threads are his mirror of narcissus And as we see @ 113
A hopelessly compulsive self-stroker.
Another diarrhea stain falling flat. PWNED by Puddy! What a ylbuttspigot!
ylbitchslapped AGAIN!
“steve” (3568) or even “ylb” (3090)
That surprised me. I would have thought that you’d be way ahead of me. Then again, Puddy and I have fought quite a bit over the years.
120 – He refers to me as “ylb” in his calmer, more lucid moments..
He refers to me in many, many “other” ways..
You forget all the times he addressed you as,
“steve, steve, steve”
My program counts each one of those..
Oh Noes… Obummer has to go visit the
99%ers1%ers in Hollyweird cuz they be in shock!Where are the HA libtard OWS creeps screaming about the 99%ers. Oh yeah Obummer is using y’all like a cheap penny!
So bitchslap,
You forgot librul, libtard, (moron, idiot – describes you and rujax) among others. How many for those buttspigot?
Puddy is always lucid; calm, kool, and collected. You on the other hand have hatred 24×7, hence the crazed databaze!
Puddy personally liked wondermoron… It was a wonder you survived life as a moron!
Crowd photo of Romney’s event yesterday:
Obama draws crowds like this on weekdays. Romney can’t do that – his supporters have jobs.
Could it happen? Could it happen? That would be interesting…
So the Taliban doesn’t want Code Pink around. Puddy guesses the Taliban are upset with getting support from Code Pink women who dress up as giant vaginas.
Nope you dope.. They’re there..
In numbers way less than your favorite word of all,
the name of your beloved “character”..
Well, this will make for some good TV this week:
The subpoena compels Lt. Col. Wood to appear at a House Oversight Committee hearing next week that will examine security decisions leading up to the Sept. 11 Muslim extremist terror assault on the U.S. compound at Benghazi. U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three of his colleagues were killed in the attack.
Lt. Col. Wood has told CBS News and congressional investigators that his 16-member team and a six-member State Department elite force called a Mobile Security Deployment team left Libya in August, just one month before the Benghazi assault. Wood says that’s despite the fact that US officials in Libya wanted security increased, not decreased.
I’ll be particularly interested to learn how the Lt. Col. knew that diplomats on the ground wanted their security increased.
Pulling security away from diplomats in the middle of Jihadistan leading up to 9/11. Not smart.
@ 125
Puddy guesses the Taliban are upset with getting support from Code Pink women who dress up as giant vaginas.
Medea Benjamin is about the only woman next to whom Amy Goodman would come off as looking clean and smelling good.
My snarky guess is that Obama’s pissed that Benjamin is protesting drone use and has used back channels to tell the Taliban that they get a free shot at her. Hell, I’d help set up the tripod stand.
Time for some GOP propaganda:
Romney’s internals have him +3 in NH and +4-5 in OH.
If you want to believe his campaign as reported by Breitbart, that is.
PWNED… You always do Puddy’s bidding!
ylbitchslapped again!
Rasmussen home page:
Virginia: Romney 49%, Obama 48%
Florida: Romney 49%, Obama 47%
Ohio: Obama 50%, Romney 49%
Swing State Daily Tracking: Obama 49%, Romney 46%
Keep clinging to those HA poll analyses, libbies. I think Darryl still uses a two-week window if I read the FAQ correctly, which means the most recent poll analysis includes the Obama convention bounce. Anyone think that bounce still exists?
Both candidates have plenty of money. Next time around we’ll get to see Obama’s “Mr. Hyde” impression in a debate, which should make for interesting viewing.
Game on.
Your headline du jour:
Obama Flying to LA to Reassure Hollywood Donors
Time for the HA usuals to revive the argument that Romney doesn’t understand how they feel, while Obama jet-sets with the A-listers in Malibu.
Peggy Noonan set HA hearts aflutter when she criticized Romney a couple of weeks ago.
Not so much today (ABC’s This Week):
PEGGY NOONAN, WALL STREET JOURNAL: Barack Obama was supposed to be this sort of moderate, centrist fellow who looked at Mitt Romney, this extreme, strange fellow. By the time that debate was over, Mitt Romney seemed a completely, moderate, centrist figure who showed up as Mitt Romney the governor, not as Mitt Romney the candidate.
LOL! Of course you are!
It’s the truth about your behavior here: looking into the mirror of narcissus every chance you get.
It’s too funny your most used word: Puddy..
Just too damn funny!
Tell us something we don’t know!
Which union is it?
In fairness, they endorsed McCain in ’08. Still, Obama’s job in NV just got a little bit tougher.
Early voting in Nevada begins Oct. 20. Election Day is Nov. 6. Over the last few weeks of this campaign, Nevadans must ask themselves which candidate will embrace policies that will put the people of this state back to work, creating the jobs that lift our incomes, our home values and our hope.
The choice is clear. Only Mitt Romney has the principles and experience needed to put America back on the road to prosperity. The Review-Journal endorses Mitt Romney for president of the United States.
“I never thought it would go this far. It was just a paper I wrote when I was eight.”
“My name is Barry Soetoro.
I am a third-grade student at SD Asisi.
My mom is my idol.
My teacher is Ibu Fer. I have a lot of friends.
I live near the school. I usually walk to the school with my mom, then go home by myself.
Someday I want to be president.”
“How did I get here? I don’t even like Denver. It’s our anniversary and Michelle looks really pissed sitting over there. Probably another night in the bathroom with a magazine and the inside of my sock.”
Does Barack Obama really want to be president?
Any fan of Obama who tells you he expected the country to be in this condition at this moment is either lying to you or lying to themselves.
Read more:
On the other hand, there are those of us who warned the rest of you that this was pretty much what to expect with Obama pulling the strings.
So… The Mormon church want’s to control where you live? Whether you move or not?
Please don’t confuse the question marks above for periods.
A brief history of 2012 Democrat strategy:
1. Seamus
2. Ann Romney’s horse
3. Magic underwear
4. Sandra Fluke
5. Hasn’t paid taxes for 10 years.
6. Vagina costumes
7. Big Bird.
I suppose it’s preferable to Obama running on his record. It’s certainly nothing about which one can be proud.
October 5, 2012 3:26pm
At Religion Newswriters Meeting, Obama Campaign Bans TV Cameras
I really don’t blame him. Just reading “I pray to Jesus every night.” sounds awfully tortured. What if people actually got to watch him say it?
(Thanks, Michael. Got this a couple of clicks away from your link @ 139.)
I just noticed that two of the last three polls in Colorado (RCP list) have Romney in the lead. And they aren’t Rasmussen polls.
A brief history of 2012 Republican strategy:
1. Lie their asses off about everything
2. Undermine freedom and democracy in America by preventing citizens not of their party from voting
I suppose it’s preferable to telling the truth and upholding the principles that made this country great. After all, what’s really important is power and obtaining it. Maybe then all of their secret plans for us will finally be revealed.
On 9/26 RCP moved Ohio from Tossup to Leans Obama.
Friday they moved it back to Tossup.
“You forget all the times he addressed you as,
“steve, steve, steve””
I did forget!! LMFAO!!
With CO, OH, VA, FL tipping back either to dead-even or to Romney, one would think that Team Obama would be scrambling and putting faces in places. Joe Biden’s their secret weapon, right? Where’s Joe this week?
Good question.
I guess the ‘War on Women’ has run its course.
Now it’s the ‘War on Big Bird’.
Can we stop blaming the Bush tax cuts on the economic crisis yet?
Obama’s claim that the Bush tax cuts led to the economic crisis
The Pinocchio Test
It is time for the Obama campaign to retire this talking point, no matter how much it seems to resonate with voters. The financial crisis of 2008 stemmed from a variety of complex factors, in particular the bubble in housing prices and the rise of exotic financial instruments. Deregulation was certainly an important factor, but as the government commission concluded, the blame for that lies across administrations, not just in the last Republican one.
In any case, the Bush tax cuts belong at the bottom of the list — if at all. Moreover, it is rather strange for the campaign to cite as its source an article that, according to the author, does not support this assertion.
We nearly made this Four Pinocchios but ultimately decided that citing deregulation in conjunction with tax cuts kept this line out of the “whopper” category. Still, in his effort to portray Romney as an echo of Bush, the president really stretches the limits here.
Three Pinocchios
If they were the kind of folks to run about like chickens with their heads cut off they probably would. But, they’re a pretty calm and collected bunch and they understand that these are swing states. It’s nice to see that their keeping their eyes on the long-term.
War on Big Bird? How about Obummer’s war on middle america’s pocketbook? Anything to deflect real americans from the economy!
“Can we stop blaming the Bush tax cuts on the economic crisis yet?”
Of course. The blame is with the abject failure of 30 years of Reaganomics. The travesty that was Bush and the Great Bush Recession was only the latest of years of failed policies.
It must be nice to be able to accept absolutely no responsibility for your failures. And how becoming, to lie and blame everyone but yourself for your failures and the damage to the nation and its people that you’ve wrought. Way to go, spineless. You’re one to be really fucking admired.
Romney really needs to ratchet up the discussion on gas prices, which have more than doubled since Obama took office. Obama’s actions have impact supply of oil and no new refineries.
High Gas prices are akin to a tax increase because the Obama Regime has failed to move on oil, instead pissing away billions & billions on underfunded dreams like Solyndra and numerous others that failed.
As Romney said, Obama isn’t trying to pick winners & losers, he’s unfortunately just picking losers at the taxpayers expense.
I think you will see the gas price discussion explode in the final 4 weeks.
So Steve, what precisely did Obama do to overturn Reaganomic policies in the year Obama & the Democrats had a supermajority in the House and filibuster-proof Senate??
Give me a list.
ObamaCare??? How did that help grow the economy?
Stimulus? Almost $6 Trillion in new debt and 1.3% growth.
The only way out of this economic mess is about 5 years of 7% growth. Obama is incapable as he has shown the past 4 years. Romney understands what government can do to stimulate growth. Lower taxes, get rid of costly, bureacratic sludge and create an aura of success. Obama couldn’t sell Girl Scout cookies to a bunch of hungry fatty’s.
Whatever happened to that dude calling himself Roger Rabbit? At least he made a glancing blow effort at obtaining facts before venturing opinions. I kind of enjoyed his musings, although I oft disagreed with his conclusions/.
Another Democrat-dominated success…Detroit.
Detroit and Obamaville (aka Chicago)
This is what Democrat rule has done for you!
Oil companies have all sorts of leases that they’re not drilling on and we have so much excess refinery capacity that we’re exporting refined products, like gasoline. Gasoline usage in the US peaked in 2003.
Why do we need added refinery capacity when we’re making more gasoline than we need and usage peeked in 2003?
LOL… Peaked, not peeked.
Please note that on this chart:
that the EROEI of oil is @ the 20:1 level and that tar sands and shale oil are down around the 4:1 level. Teapot Dome had an EROEI of around 100:1. There are a lot of reasons why you pay more at the pump these days, but that’s the biggest one. It simply take more energy and more money to get a barrels worth of oil out of the ground than it used to.
Btw, we import a lot our oil from Mexico. Here’s what Mexican oil production looks like:
Please read: