Young Turks: on that Allen West ad.
In his own words:
The Professor and Senator Brown:
- Young Turks: Scott Brown has nothing…so he goes for TEH FORM!
- Maddow: Sen. Brown holds course with racial ploy.
- Sam Seder: Is the Scott Brown campaign desperate, or what?
- Scott Brown staffers do Indian war whoop and tomahawk chops to show their class and style.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
The Pollster-Liberal-Media-Industrial Complex Conspiracy:
- The effect of Romney’s 47% statement on the polls (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- FAUX News Poll Trutherism—that must include their own polls showing Obama leading (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Tweety: Poll self delusion syndrome.
- Young Turks: Dick “twinkle toes” Morris’ predictions.
MockTV: Eastwoodin’:
Jon on FAUX News’ hypocritical coverage of school lunch changes.
Latinos for Obama.
Thom: More of the Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Good ‘ol Tommy Thompson promises to ‘Do away with Medicare and Medicaid’ (via Crooks and Liars).
- Young Turks: The Romney Torture Memo is leaked.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Mitt Romney, “the taker”
- Gov. Romney’s record on education
- Sam Seder: Romney begs supporters to chant his name
- Flashback: Mitt Romney on harvesting companies for profits (via Political Wire).
- Thom: Mitt Romney explains Bain’s zombie economics in leaked ‘harvest’ video
- Thom and Pap: on Romney “harvesting” America’s middle class.
- Ann Telnaes: Romney says uninsured have access to health care.
- Bill Maher tries the new iPhone Romni app.
- Sam Seder: Shrub gets higher favorability than Willard!
- Mitt’s new health care plan
- Pap: Romney is mentally falling apart.
- Kimmel: on Mitt Romney’s “Too many Americans” ad.
- Maddow: Romney campaign puts the ‘mess’ in messaging.
- Mitt Romney: “Those people”.
- Maddow: Mitt Romney wonders why airplane windows don’t roll down.
- Bashir: Whose campaign is it anyway?
- Mitt Romney was an ineffective Governor.
- Jon: Mitt Romney gets dumber as election approaches.
- Mark Fiore: Willard’s World!
- Ann Telnaes: Ann Romney addresses conservative critics.
- Romney’s sorry Sunday.
- Ann Telnaes: Romney’s self-inflicted wounds.
Thom with even more Good, Bad and Very, Very Ugly.
Pap: Republicans crippled by fear.
Obama mask dance.
Crazy Akin:
- SlateTV: Todd Akin ignores dropout deadline.
- Buzz60: Todd Akin doesn’t think Clarie McCaskill was ladylike in debate.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Sen. Claire McCaskill is not “Ladylike”
- Akin TV: Tod Akin’s top ten crazy moments…and so much more.
Cenk predicts Obama will win.
Jon on The Labor Dispute (via Crooks and Liars).
Obama with some straight talk:
Mock the Vote:
- Samuel L. Jackson: Wake the Fuck Up!
- Young Turks: On Samuel L. Jackson’s video.
- OneMinuteNews: Samuel L. Jackson’s new story.
- Register and vote.
- Thom: The G.O.P. is turning in fraudulent voter registration forms.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Republican voter fraud.
- Ed and Pap: Voter suppression tactics show GOP’s desperation
- Celebrities fucken’ ROCK THE VOTE.
- Young Turks: Republicans and voter fraud.
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: Rep. Gohmert’s bizarre Ottoman Empire conspiracy theory.
Sharpton: The G.O.P.’s new idea…Obama lies.
SlateTV: Social media and the Presidential debates.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The death throes of a dying political paradigm. Fascism is rattling off that last breath for another generation. In Spain and Greece, the people are protesting en masse against the fascist “austerity” measures, designed specifically to preserve and protect the wealthiest members’ ability to maintain that rate of ever increasing wealth for themselves while punishing and starving the people out of their homes for their disrespect and lack of sycophancy.
In that last desperate effort to extract the last pennies from their pockets, the millionaires are calling for Military intervention, although the Military itself has been gutted and stuffed full of the people who come from the class being punished.
I’m not a huge fan of Obama, his policies of using remote-controlled drones for warfare, firing more or less indiscriminately into houses in the middle of the night, his policies toward marijuana enforcement and his willingness to compromise with the Fascists in Congress are anathema to my own ideals. But I voted for him, and will again. considering the alternative offered by the Republicans in 2008, and the real Satanists being held up now for their ideals of selfshiness and hate. I have yet to see any viable economic policy at all coming from the “Conservatives” that doesn’t promote the same things here. The thieves class.
Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the whole world.
They demand that Americans tighten their belts, and to with just a little more of Less, so they can continue to strip the Nations wealth and put it in their own pockets.
Those 150 foot yachts and million dollar plastic high performance vehicles and 100,000 sq/ft houses on 200 acres aren’t going to pay for themselves. Greed is it’s own schizophrenia. They’re demanding that WE pay for their excesses and their selfishness. They demand WE sacrifice, that their own kingly lifestyles never be affected.
It’s the Cornell Law Professor vs the Harvard Law Professor. And the Cornell Law Professor was a Harvard Law Graduate. The Cornell Law Professor has laid out everything he’s found LEGALLY about her “law practice”. Very damning evidence. It’s so damning Warren and her “team” have shut up and claims it’s a distraction. Yes talking about her “character” is a distraction. If she was black she’d call it racist!
Sam Seder on his video claims to have known many Scott Browns. Rachel Maddow is a moron! Puddy knows many Sam Seders right now. Many populate HA crying the oh my blues. BTW Sam, since you seem purposely to forget the facts or mislead your simpleton viewers on them; it was the Boston Globe who gave us Fauxcohantas and her fake Cherokee Indian heritage. It was the Boston Globe who gave us her practicing law without a law license. Scott Brown went with the facts and the facts are kicking Warren’s ASS.
This story goes to the core of who Warren claims to be. Warren claims to be an ethical lawyer. The facts are proving she’s not. The facts are proving she is for the man in the asbestos case. The facts are she’s a lawyer practicing illegally in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Texas law license has been inactive since 6/1/1992. Her New Jersey law license assumed she was using her Harvard professor office as her “official office”. Her protectors (one here) claim that’s not true. Therefore if it’s not true then she just invalidated her New Jersey law license claim. Sucks to be her right now. In normal realms (Massachusetts is not normal, maybe that’s why Sam Seder isn’t normal), this is a misdemeanor that would land an ordinary lawyer in jail.
Butt, when you are a libtard in MA libtard land you get a pass.
It’s so good to see OWS Fraggy complain about capitalism,renaming it Fascism because the left wrong web sites he frequents make that silly claim. The reason the masses come to the US to make it their land is capitalism. Glad to see Fraggy is a socialist. Are you keeping your Josef Stalin pictures dusted Fraggy?
You know after all the personal smears from the leftists Da Perfessa links to, after all the slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media, polling showing Romney is only losing Ohio by 2% is very good. We know many of the HA leftists are part of that 47%. Just admit it. The truth will set you free.
@ Spuddy
Please do not address me in public. You are a fucking lunatic. A gibbering, drooling, sycophantic imbecile. Your disjointed lying rants have no place in adult discourse.
@4 Puddles,
How you doing this morning?
Why does Slick Willard refuse to post an ad bellowing the truth of his 47% moocher remark?
Fortunately, Obama/Biden have that ad and most assuredly it will help.
You should send Obama/Biden a donation for telling that truth. Or at least go down to the New Black Panther Party HQ and pick up a free Obama iPhone.
You are an OWS moron. You frequent left wrong web sites and regurgitate their comments. You are one of the missing links. Deal with it!
See ya!
Cub Scout,
The problem with your thesis is no one has heard the 47% comment. Unfortunately for Obummer and that Obummer ad, everyone has heard the 47% over and over and over and Mitt isn’t that far behind in Ohio. That’s what sucks for your side. Your slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media, has played their hand for so long these Obummer ads don’t have much effect. And from the way biased CBS poll of Ohio Puddy posted earlier in the week… Ohio INDEPENDENTS are breaking for Romney.
We have 47% moochers who post their crying da blues class warfare on this site tout le temps. A bunch of simpletons who, for their early in life choices, are now dealing with their early in life choices later in life!
And that’s the way it is!
No where has Da Perfessa placed on link where the slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media asked why did Obummer’s sadministration lie to the slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media about Benghazi. To Da Perfessa’s credit, no one in the slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media has asked that hard question of Obummer’s sadministration. No one in the slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media is asking Obummer’s sadministration why the coverup. Y’all don’t think Romney isn’t going to go after Obummer on that?
And y’all still claim the slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media isn’t for Obummer!
Romney’s failing campaign hurting Republicans in congressional races
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home
This could be a terryfying election when Obama wins and Puddy’s meds and food stamps run out simultaneously.
@11, the Puddles cliff
Yeah those free phones… Now that’s a hoot! It was pushed by Al Gorebasm when he was VP back in 1996 and became law. Everyone pays for it with a phone tax.
Sorry dude don’t qualify either. Puddy works honestly make sawbucks all over the world. Maybe your teaching pension qualifies you for some?
Shades of 1996
Unless Mitt Romney does something—quick—he could see GOP donors abandon him, just as they did Bob Dole.
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home
Allen West, best black man in Congress. With his reelection and Mia Love winning in Utah, we’ll have the best black man and best black woman in Congress. How will the CBC keep them out? Racism? Ideology? They be too OREO? This will be funny in January 2013.
CubScout@15… Charlie Cook?
That’s just from WikiPedia. Please don’t use DUMMOCRAPT talking points when trying to throwback at Puddy! That’s what HA ylbuttapigot does with his continual diarrhea stains. rujax on the other hand is blatant. He throws down his leftist wrong sites blatantly up front and proud of it. Puddy knows just about all the leftist media players and their bios!
And unlike most leftist digital rags… The National Journal gives play to DUMMOCRAPTS like Charlie Cook. Where does the HuffPo give prominence to a conservative voice with that much pixel space?
Puddles, When Rmoney loses Ohio, he can win Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado, and Nevada, and still lose the Electoral College 270-268.
That could be CubScout… We’ll see. All those protesters were paid by the SEIU at $11.00/hour to carry those signs and say those useless slogans when Romney/Ryan visited Ohio.
BTW what happened to that Charlie Cook expose you “hammered down” above? Outed as a DUMMOCRAPT!
One of the things thats been really bothering me for the last couple of weeks, is the fact that the Fascists are openly deriding the polls that everyone does. They are making all sorts of bullshit fairy tales about how they are being deliberately skewed and are providing false reports. This is being hammered on and repeated even though most of the Fascist polls themselves are showing Obama with a vastly superior support level. This to me, is just preparation for inciting riots.
What bothers me the most, is this theme is going to provide them with the excuse to start shooting people and bombing schools, government office buildings and such when Obama walks away with 400+ electoral college votes, simply because their own candidates are a pair of such fuckin greedy imbecilic morons with no talent for anything but hawking the cheap poisonous snake oil of greed, and the reality is that most people, while being as normally dense and short-sighted as usual, aren’t really that stupid as the TeaNazies believe they are or wish they could be.
This is from Puddy’s link above regarding Elizabeth Warren’s jock strap Laurence Tribe
Puddy didn’t imbed their links. You can click them on their site and have a great laugh at Warren’s defender! Tribe is a real piece of work!
Once again Fraggy lives in fairy land. Does this moron actually pay attention to facts? NBC News puts forth a poll and many on their staff actually admit the poll was biased toward DUMMOCRAPTS. The CBS Ohio poll admits oversampling DUMMOCRAPTS at a 9% higher rate with Independents breaking for Romney and Fraggy writes that horse manure above.
Fraggy you truly are a Horses ASS!
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home
“Satanism is just Ayn Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added.”
– Anton Levey
“I think Ayn Rand did the best job of anybody to build a moral case of capitalism, and that morality of capitalism is under assault.”
– Paul Ryan
Bear in mind that the 9 Satanic Statements, as written by Anton Levey, are cribbed nearly word for word from John Galt’s speech in Atlas Shrugged.
Deep Thought:
What hurts Gekko/Galt more, Rmoney’s double down Bush policies coupled with infinite gaffes? Or Gekko/Galt supporters?
GOP Volunteer Calling FL Voters (with audio)
Amen to that.
I’m just getting here this morning, and I’m quite concerned about the tone and content of puddl’s rants – he’s visibly deteriorating (not that they contained much to begin with) – posts now are just gibberish, without identifiable sentence structure even.
I think the impending doom of the election is really getting to him…billmon has a good diary about the paranoia and reality-denying tendencies of the right-wing here, particularly in light of the present ‘polls are SKEWED!!!’ tinfoil hat schtick.
I’ve always wondered if puddl was an act or a talkbot – but his present descent into intractable unintelligibility makes me think we’re experiencing a real puddl melt-down.
I’ve always thought that that was very telling about the entire Romney candidacy…that he couldn’t win the state he called ‘home’.
Could be that it’s hard to identify which is ‘home’ – he’s sort of a stateless multinational in that regard.
Michigan? Massachusetts? New Hampshire? California? Do we even know where he’s registered to vote?
@ 1
They’re demanding that WE pay for their excesses and their selfishness.
Written by a guy who hasn’t paid shit in about three years.
Found on Daily Kooks and
Fraggy, Puddy thought you Christ haters want to obliterate all moral judgments? That’s what Satan proposed against God! And the person who wrote this was a Lavey lover!
@ 27
I’ve always thought that that was very telling about the entire Romney candidacy…that he couldn’t win the state he called ‘home’.
Was that similarly telling about Gore’s candidacy? That he couldn’t win a state in which both he and his father served as US senators?
Then you better drink that cup of coffee and get rid of the drunken stupor or weed high before visiting HA dunceman! Butt, what’s more telling is duncemand’s first post is linked to Daily Kooks.
Now that’s so telling of the dunceman. He has to visit Kooks to get his man up action!
You know…the fact that Romney doesn’t seem to have a home state reflects a certain rootlessness, related to ruthlessness, actually.
He’s for hire, and will follow the money anywhere. He’ll be anything you want him to be, or what he thinks he needs to be to sell you something.
He has no authenticity, reflects no regionality, come from no natural constituency.
He’s a chameleon dedicated to nothing but power and money, and a perfect reflection of the plutocracy, the stateless cloud of locusts willing to alight anywhere there are resources to exploit, wherever the rules are most lax, wherever their personal advantages are most protected.
The puddl wants to talk about morals this morning…
Puddl, when are you going to tell me about whether your Jesus would condone torturing one’s enemies, should they be captured alive?
Say a US Soldier captured the guy who killed the Ambassador…would your Jesus say it was OK to torture him to extract information?
What response from the Obama Administration, regarding the killing of Americans in Libya, would be most consistent with the teachings of your Jesus?
@32 – Don’t forget, as absolutely horrid and craven and electorally doomed Slick Willard is as a candidate with no base of support (with the possible exception of LDS believers in Utah) whatsoever, he was far and away the best the Republican Party could produce.
Republicans must be proud.
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home
Yes, I think so, in fact. At the time, much was made about Gore’s inability to carry Tennessee. Had he done so, of course, the theft of Florida would have been inadequate to ensconce Bush II on the throne.
Gore suffered from being a bad campaigner, not unlike Romney in some ways, and being sort-of left from a state that was/had tacked hard-right – part of the race-based Southern Strategy of the Republicans that puddl can’t wrap his ‘mind’ around.
@ 32
“Capitalism has no nationality, nor any loyalty to the people.”
– Karl Marx
Why does Milo Minderbinder keep coming to mind when I think of people like Mitt Romney? Certainly 9/11/01 was the best possible thing to have happened to George Bush. Even he said it was the greatest moment of his presidency. Why not a similar event for Mittens? Perhaps a sneaky nuke in San Francisco or even New York. Perhaps Ryan could make bank on those hedge funds he’s invested so much in, that depend on the devaluation and collapse of the American dollar. Hell, he could be a rich man if only they could boost inflation to 1500% per year.
We must never forget what the Republican party tried to foist on us…
Gingrich. Bachmann. Cain. Santorum. Perry.
If a company had a product line like that, how long do you think they could stay in business?
@ 37
Depends on how addictive they could make it. The paradigm has certainly worked for the Pharmaceutical and tobacco companies. Not to mention the Oiligarchs.
The difference between Gore and Romney, though, WRT the home state thing…
Gore moved away, politically, from his home state, he slightly to the left, and the state hard right.
Romney has no identifiable home state. He’s a cipher in that regard, consistent with a theme that I think is partly what makes him repellent, on a gut level, to many many people.
Oh, this is bound to go well.
Wednesday night, after it is over, remember this:
Nobody. Could. Have. Predicted.
Fascist one posts old news @41,
Fredrickson has since backtracked.
But stay 4 days behind the 8 ball Fascist! You are as stooooooooopid as ever!
WRT Scotty Brown, I’m still waiting for puddl to weight in on the Brown campaign’s apparently systematic racism, from the Native-American X-Ray vision that he purports to have, to the war whooping of his staff that he refuses to apologize for, not to mention this, from a site abetting the crazy rightard Prof Jacobson.
puddl will tolerate anything from a fellow right wing nut, while braying incessantly about phantasmagorical tales of Democrats keeping ‘his people’ down.
Transparently shameful.
In a sense he’s right about DUMMOCRAPTS. Low information voters!
Only because the BBO responds to official complaints…and there have been none, as yet.
Which seems weird, if there was such blatant and recurrent flouting of Massachusetts law, no?
Doesn’t this Professor Jacobson have an ethical duty to file a formal complaint, if he has such airtight evidence that Warren was breaking the law?
Shouldn’t some other ethical lawyer file a complaint, so that the BBO can indeed weigh the evidence and come to an official conclusion?
Or perhaps no one will, because there is no there, there, and none of them are stupid enough to go out on a limb and behave in a truly ethical fashion, when they can stay safely ensconced on their blogs and fire as much FUD as possible, because smearing, not ethics, is the agenda here, nothing else.
BREAKING – – – –
Santorum, defacto front runner for the 2016 Republican nomination, scheduled to announce the launch of his 2016 candidacy Thursday morning after pending Romney debate zinger debacle.
So puddl, if your Jesus had solid evidence that Elizabeth Warren had committed a crime, would he turn her in to the proper authorities, or would he fire political pot shots at her from the sidelines?
puddl, if your Jesus were working registering voters to participate in our democracy, as provided for in the Constitution that He wrote, would He do his best to see that all of them were properly turned in, or would He shred those forms belonging to people who He was paid to fuck over?
Goodbye, Columbus: Why top Ohio Republicans think Romney has lost the state
Go read the whole piece.
I. Just. Can’t. Wait.
I’ll bet you $10000 this goes over really well.
Two words that will destroy the Republicans in November:
“Legitimate” Rape..
@51 LOL!
We need a pre-debate Rmoney Zinger Thread.
That may be true, Mr. President, but I’m rubber and you’re glue
“Legitimate rape” is no accident. It’s part and parcel of how the Republicans view women:
All I can say is women better stand up this November and vote against these degenerates.
But right wing idiots would call this “free stuff”.. A student NOT owing a freaking house after he or she graduates. And holding the Pentagon accountable for its waste? Shit they call that “weakening America”..
And she’s a hell of a lot richer than any of you trolls.
Shit even Willard Romney’s dad got “free stuff” for a while..
Being right wing means having a freaking hole in your head.. Shine a light at the hole and there’s nothing inside to see.
Shit, maybe Anne doesn’t want to be first lady after all..
LMAO!! She ought to know. She’s been married to guy forever. As if Bain wasn’t enough, the Oval Office will sent Willard into the nearest rubber room!
Wow. Republicans registering “dead people”…
Too bad Breitbart is dead and James O’Keefe (JOKIII) is a clown of a non-entity. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch.
shorter deathfrogg: gimme my free stuff!
Has MikeCubScout opened up his own business yet?
he sure likes to tell us how easy it is and how owners “dont do anything”
cmon mIkey! show us all how easy it is!
shorter deathfroggy: if you work hard and make a great living, then you are a FAZITZ!!!!
if you are lazy and expect free shit, then you are good progressive!
the world according to fraggy….
@60 Sh*tStain, don’t worry. I’m not going to open a lemonade stand next to yours.
And prettier.
whats the matter? cant afford to buy the lemonade?
cmon asshole – you said it was so fucking easy – lets see it, you little bitch.
put your pennies where your mouth is.
@64 “To fight for the GOP’s very existence, we have chosen Mitt Romney as our standard bearer. Unfortunately no one can stand him or bear him.”
—Stephen Colbert
“New documents show that Mitt Romney’s campaign is $11 million in debt. First Romney’s advisers had to explain that he was running out of money. Then they had to explain to him what running out of money means.”
—Jimmy Fallon
“I saw a guy today scraping a Romney bumper sticker off his car. It was Paul Ryan.”
—Jay Leno
LOL…thats a pretty good one.
How many times has puddydope done this?
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
(Grady Warren, teabagger ass, does it here)…
b cs -r -t puddymoron -b ‘*barack hussein obama(!|()) m|mmm(m|())(,|()) mm’ -c
| count |
| 172 |
1 row in set
Chronicle of one troll’s hideous affliction with ODS..
Wow. Have I underused POSIX regexp’s over the years..
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
182 and counting buttspigot!
Better start counting ObamAA+ cuz soon it will be ObamAA!
Oh, puddl is here…good to know…
Could you please enlighten me on this:
69 – I count comments the shit appears in..
Yes, I’m presenting “conservative” estimates of your ODS..
Oh my.. That’s what too much exposure to right wing bullshit from trolls will do to one.
So? Brown is milking this one good. All because of her Traveler’s representation on the asbestos. And the little people are still waiting to be paid. So much for her jock strapping the little guy! Maybe the Massachusetts tribe BBO General Counsel Fredrickson belongs to is Spreading Bull! You are a card carrying tribal member dunceman!
Why? Your continual drivel is worthless and useless!
That’s nice buttspigot. Puddy doesn’t count your diarrhea stains. The smell precedes them!
And BTW dunceman, do you really think the MBBO will actually vote against someone they quietly support?
Coward. Spin spin spin…
Can’t bring yourself to face your hypocrisy.
All you have is tinfoil tricorn conspiracies.
Because, like you, he is a coward.
Which reminds me, puddl, you racist poolboy for Scotty, when are you going to stand up and call your BFF out for the vile racism he’s depending on to smear Warren?
Oh, wait, if it’s racism in the service of a Republican, that’s OK, especially if it’s racism directed at a group different from yours.
Puddl has gloated gleefully that when his Jesus returns in his Clouds O’Glory, He’s going to smite me for my atheism.
I ask puddl, what would your Jesus say about your dishonesty and cowardice?
Why won’t you stand up for Him? Why won’t you enlighten me about what He would want us to do in the various situations I’ve posed?
Somehow when the Daily Beast prints stories negative to Obummer, the HA leftists skip right past them.
So what did Obummer and his sadministration do? Well they used their slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media co-conspirators to hide da facts. Now that these slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media co-conspirators can’t use Romney’s attack on the Egypt embassy communique anymore the house of cards is falling down. Think Burn Baby Burn like the Benghazi consulate.
So Romney will enlighten everyone on Benghazi by telling the world about the lack of security at the consulate. Remember the lie Clinton’s state department said the navy seals were security? Oopsie… they farmed that out to a British firm. EPIC FAYLE for Mrs Stevens.
Remember the lies about this being the result of a spontaneous demonstration about some stupid movie trailer? Well who brings RPGs, grenades and uses 100 skilled people in a three way attack? Al Qaeda.
Now we come to the cover-up activity. We see the cover up of numbers one and two and the complicit slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media co-conspirators. It’s gonna be glorious!
BTW, here, in the interests of dispelling some of puddl’s reality distortion field, is a brief synopsis of Elizabeth Warren’s role in the Travelers/JohnsManville/asbestos case.
Once again, the Republican moving his lips is lying.
Puddl, doesn’t your lying make Jesus cry? How will you answer for your lies when He returns in His Clouds O’Glory? Won’t He smite you the way you say He’ll smite me?
Wrong again dunceman… Massachusetts people are beginning to ask questions. Go check MA blogs dunceman! Next Monday’s debate will be very interesting. Since NBC’s Gregory will be moderating I expect useless questions from a useless moderator.
Um…no one reads the certifiably insane Krauthammer.
Where is the link to “your material”? Plagiarizing again dunceman?
Moron dunceman… Krauthammer didn’t write the article.
Gee dunceman… the Cherokees seemed to be upset over Warren claiming this heritage to suit her personal advancement. So this link is a reminder to you of how this all got started by her own self-aggrandizement… Kinda like yourself here dunceman… Snooty nose in the air, better than everyone else attitude…
ReBUTTal to Samuel L Jackson.
Best comment!
BTW, here, in the interests of dispelling some of dunceman’s reality distortion field, is a brief synopsis of Elizabeth Warren’s role in the Travelers/JohnsManville/asbestos case.
“Of counsel” is often the title of an attorney who is employed by a law firm or an organization, but is not an associate or a partner – WikiPedia
THAT was just 2 paragraphs. Legalese, long winded and wordy just like dunceman’s comments on HA! So much for dunceman’s crackpot ANALysis! Cognitive dissonance maybe?
Man this is a funny cartoon.
I’m finding, at the start at least, puddyfiend’s ODS kind of ebbs and flows. One or two months it’s on and then for a month it’s off..
Actually it always alternates with HALCDS – HA liberal commenter derangement syndrome..
Maybe it’s treatable with HALDOL?
Anyway, only into March of “the year of obama derangement syndrome” where the idiot averaged almost 23 comments each and every day – yes for a whole year!
Heh. The blogs are glowing as
Dumbya vists Willard’s MONEY!!!
Too damn funny.. Can’t be seen in the same room as “the candidate” but Dumbya can pay his respects to where Willard’s money is stashed..
Can’t make this stuff up..
You’re absolutely right, I forgot it. Here it is.
puddl sez:
Puddl’s quote:
Can’t help it if you don’t read the article moron!
@91, FAYLE!
And you’ll keep failing as long as you keep sucking the shit out of Rmoney’s ass.
Especially since he’s getting a nice, hard beat down running up to the debates, and releasing memo saying he won’t win the debate http://politicalticker.blogs.c.....ectations/ :)
Hey meme1, still sucking Obummer’s bung home on this aren’t you.
Yeah he’s tasty!
Of course lower expectations and when you hit the homerun everyone is shocked!
“Bung home”? HAHAHHAHA
Teabagging, shit sucking goat fucking spuddy gets stupider by the minute.
The only shock will be you admitting Rmnoey got torn to shreds at the debate instead of pretending he won.
And don’t turn your shit sucking ways on me; just come clean (pun intended) and admit you suck shit out of Rmoney’s ass.
So what is Elizabeth Warren hiding now? She demands Scott Brown release more of his tax returns while she released less of hers. DUMMOCRAPT hyprocrisy!
Now I see where Althouse got her comment from. Hey dunceman, it seems Warren isn’t for the little guy after all when she can make a big buck or two…
Now there’s more to this charlatanette…
This was before she was notified by Professor Jacobson
This is after she was notified by Professor Jacobson.
This moron doesn’t realize he’s got screen shots? She’s really as stupid as dunceman?
I just spent a bit of time this morning perusing Massachusetts political blogs – both left and right – as well as the Globe and Herald sites – and there is nary a word about this ‘scandal’ that puddl is braying about, aside from a single right-wing site that was very reminiscent of Stefan’s Sucky Little Blog, in terms of both the febrile nature of the posts, and the number of comments – usually 0-2 – that those posts garnered. Pathetic, really.
I paid particular attention to the Herald, the right-wing Boston fishwrapper that is essentially the Brown campaign’s semi-official mouthpiece. They had nothing about this non-issue that puddl has gotten his panties in a twist over.
Wonder why that is?
They had a number of pieces on the whole ‘Cherokee’ non-issue, including a front-page opinion piece by one of their in-house knuckledraggers urging Scotty to not let up the pressure on the ‘entitled’ “Granny Warren’, as they call her.
Law license issue? Nothing. Not a word.
Why would that be? How could that be?
Maybe the morans at the Boston Herald are a whole lot smarter than poolboy puddl, who is diligently, obsequiously serving his betters, carrying their water, covering for their racism, apologizing for what they do to to working people and the non-entitled everyday.
I really do find it amazing that puddl goes through life every day this stupid without hurting himself.
How do you know meme1 is an idiot… He shoots his wad way to early. No wonder people leave unsatisfied after he’s been here! More sucking Obummer’s bung hole
Tasty isn’t it meme1?
Puddl, are you ever going to call out Scott Brown for his racism?
Or is that OK with you?
What does your Jesus think about his children attacking each other over the color of their skin, or the nature of their ancestors?
Of course now dunceman… They are in the tank for Warren.
Man, this dunceman doesn’t comprehend the slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media. They will not print anything negative about Warren. They want her to win.
And that “racism” is a winning attack! NOT!
Why? You still haven’t over the Mia Love, Artur Davis, Allen West DUMMOCRAPTIC attacks. In fact you cheer them on!
Suck on that dude! Meme1 has a plate waiting for you!
Attacks from the left on those nitwits you mention have nothing to do with their race – they’re either crazy, or narcissistic or just downright vile, utterly independent of their melanin endowment, as I’ve documented over and over here.
Your inability to stand up to Scotty Brown and his vile racism is really telling, poolboy. You’ll let anything slide, as long as the perp is a Tea Party fellater.
You are a coward, and without principle.
Really? That’s all you’ve got?!
The Boston Herald is in the tank for Warren?
First there’s a conspiracy of pollsters out to get Romney, and now the semi-offical Brown mouthpiece is in the tank for Warren. Priceless.
You really are a dimwit.
Speaking of Mia Love, you’ve never explained this…
How does that work again?
Or is this just another example of Republicans nominating someone whose only qualification is to shamelessly spout platitudinous word salad?
Or am I being racist??
I see puddl has slunk off….unwilling to engage on the facts…only here when he can re-slime us with the worst of the delusional fever swamp…
Like I’ve said before….coward.
I’m outta here…got to work on the mancave…check in later.
I look forward to puddl explaining both Mia Love’s contentions, and how the Boston Herald is ‘in the tank’ for Elizabeth Warren…that should be excellent!
BULLSHITTIUM ALERT Startrek Klaxon Horn sounds
What a moron. Calling them uncle toms and other useless names doesn’t count for dunceman!
End of BULLSHITTIUM ALERT Startrek Klaxon Horn sound ends
Because you can’t explain your way out of facts!
WRONG as always! Puddy doesn’t live tout le temps on ASSes!
Ok puddl, if you’re ‘here’ and not lying low until you can post your insane drivel unopposed, please explain Mia Love’s statement, as I’ve asked on numerous occasions. Please, she’s your heroine, and I’m asking you to engage on her own words, nothing to do with her ethnicity.
I know you won’t, because you’re a coward and an imbecile.
Just like you won’t call out Scotty Brown’s racism, because you’ve sold your soul to you betters, poolboy, and anything a Republican does is Okey-dokey, even standing on the graves of civil rights heroes and proclaiming support for States Rights.
Vile pig.
And if standing up for your heroine Mia Love is beyond either your courage or your intellect, explain in detail you contention that the Boston Herald is ‘in the tank’ as you say, for Elizabeth Warren.
I expect silence, or senseless word salad, as usual, from you.
Cuomo, Jr., rather than Hillary for president in 2016?
In Libya, security was lax before attack that killed U.S. ambassador, officials say
U.S. officials appear to have underestimated the threat facing both the ambassador and other Americans. They had not reinforced the U.S. diplomatic outpost there to meet strict safety standards for government buildings overseas. Nor had they posted a U.S. Marine detachment, as at other diplomatic sites in high-threat regions.
A U.S. military team assigned to establish security at the new embassy in Tripoli, in a previously undisclosed detail, was never instructed to fortify the temporary hub in the east. Instead, a small local guard force was hired by a British private security firm as part of a contract worth less than half of what it costs to deploy a single U.S. service member in a war zone for a year.
The two U.S. compounds where Stevens and three other Americans were killed in a sustained, brutal attack the night of Sept. 11, proved to be strikingly vulnerable targets in an era of barricaded embassies and multibillion-dollar security contracts for U.S. diplomatic facilities in conflict zones, according to interviews with U.S. and Libyan officials and eyewitnesses in recent days.
If State had wanted these guys dead, they couldn’t have done much more than this to make sure it happened.
Outsourced security to supposed protectors without bullets in their guns.
It’s like a metaphor for the entire Obama administration.
Boston Herald reporter on the radio regarding Elizabeth Warren.
Boston Herald…
Why does Puddy need to be dunceman’s bitch? Answer his beck and call on HA. NOT HAPPENING dunceman! Mia Love will explain her comments when she wants. Puddy not her spokesman and you can call Puddy what ever makes your scrotum and sphincter tighten up!
Notice how dunceman runs from DUMMOCRAPT hatred and racism but want an immediate answer from his “identifications”?
Ain’t happening dude!
Regarding the Boston Herald, you claimed you didn’t find anything in their newspapers.
So much for relying on dunceman and his search skillz!
Puddl – there’s no explanation for you other than illiteracy.
You claimed that the Herald was ‘in the tank’ for Warren.
I asked you to prove it.
You provided @117 that is a link to a Herald article attacking Warren, supporting my point, not yours, bozo.
Do you not understand what an imbecile you appear to be?
Regarding Mia Love, you threw her out there as a counter, a defense for you not calling out Scotty Brown’s racism.
I asked you to defend Love’s insane statements, and further, pointed out that her insanity was the reason to criticize her, not her race.
You refuse to do that, demonstrating again both your cowardice as well as your stupidity.
With regard to ‘Uncle Tom’ which you ridiculously claim is racist, Harriet Beecher Stowe merely gave us a convenient literary device to call out a person for toadying up to their oppressor for their own petty advancement to the detriment of their peers (those with more character and dignity and integrity). It may have been written about Black people cozying up to white masters, it applies equally well to any group with such traitors, as applied devastatingly by Barney Frank recently against the Log Cabin Republicans, who, like you, cozy up to the people who despise them.
You are an imbecile, and a toady for your betters, poolboy.
Poolboy, both @116, 117 are instances of the Boston Herald attacking Warren, further proving my point.
You are an imbecile.
Everyone… here are the operative words
Those are the dunceman words… Never trust the dunceman! He’ll spin it all ways except pointing at him! Notice Puddy trusted the dunceman! He said he perused those sites.
Now when caught with his hand scratching his ASS he runs and says Puddy should have checked. Well everyone… didn’t dunceman say
Notice his deflection and redirection blaming Puddy for trusting his words.
BTW Puddy may have used the Herald sparingly… ylbuttspigot can verify it for you dunceman but the Warren damage came from the Boston Globe.
That’s why you never trust the dunceman. Notice his spinning like a disheveled top in later blog posts.
Notice when blacks are attacked by DUMMOCRAPTS dunceman spins it!
NOPE YOU DOPE. Puddy brought up Mia Love since the convention you DOPE! She was attacked that night after she spoke by DUMMOCRAPTS! U R a chronologically challenged moron dunceman.
And Puddy will continue to use Mia Love since she was attacked again late last week. Now the police are involved. Nice going by your DUMMOCRAPTIC friends!
Sheeesh, trying to have a conversation with you is just spin spin spin! Very tiring!
Good day!
BTW where did meme1 go?
Oh his head is up Obummer’s ASS chomping down on Obummer’s lower intestinal tract by products!
Holy Crapola Batman…
Univision asked Obummer the tough questions the slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media wouldn’t ask and Obummer was very shaky in his answers. Now we see Univision found more Fast and Furious lost gun victims.
This expose couldn’t have come at a better time… Domestic policy debate!
It’s gonna be glorious!
Wow a network breach in the Obummer network!
Wow, the foreign policy debate will be interesting too!
@124, 125, 126
Do you even speak English? Your posts make no sense, none.
You want to be free to post all the right wing fever swamp bullshit, yet when you are called on it you spin spin spin to the point of unintelligiblity. You make no sense, and the fact that it is on purpose make you all the more contemptible.
You are a coward and a fool, poolboy. You can’t defend what you write, you can’t defend those you claim to support, like Mia Love, or Jesus for that matter.
You make mighty claims, you make mighty threats, but when you’re called to account, you run away like a frightened child. You have no integrity, you have no honor, you have no courage.
You are beneath contempt.
Poolboy is also too afraid of the massa, of his betters, to call Scotty Brown the vile racist that he is.
See, Scotty is a Republican, so if he claims super-powerful Native-American Detector X-Ray vision, well, that’s OK. If Scotty’s paid staff goes out and taunts his opponent with racist stereotype pantomime, well, that’s OK too. If a Brownie supporter posts Warrens picture doctored with car paint and a feather headdress, well, sure, no problem.
It’s all A-OK with the puddl, the poolboy, ’cause he’s here to serve. He’ll take any shit from his betters and swallow it with a smile, ’cause they’re Republicans and they play at supporting his insane misogyny and racism and hatred of facts and science and stuff.
Criticize Mia Love for saying bat-shit crazy nonsense? You’re a racist, according to puddl.
Attack Elizabeth Warren as a ‘fake’ injun? Cool with puddl.
What’s so pathetic is that you’re so transparent, puddl. You lost your self-respect, if you ever had it, sometime in the 1970s, and have been sucking shit ever since. As long as you can pretend you’re righteous, and your enemies will burn in eternal hellfire, you A-OK with the most hateful lies that your Republican friends can make up.
As I said, beneath contempt.
You know what’s gonna be glorious?
To recap…
Poolboy spends post after post howling about the terrible scandal that is Elizabeth Warren, reposting accusations from right-tard sites about improprieties with her law license, and says that Mass blogs are all over it.
I examine Mass blogs, and big Mass media outlets, like the Herald and the Globe.
I state that there’s nothing about the topic he’s frothing over anywhere, particularly the big dallies.
Puddl counters that they’re all in the tank for Warren, and posts, nonsensically, links to Herald stories attacking Warren.
I point out his feeble mind.
He posts content-free word salad, ending with ‘too damn funny’ with his left finger stuck down on the keys, his right hand…well, you don’t want to know.
Another typical day on HA.
When caught with his thumb up his ASS dunceman first asks… Does Puddy speak english. Upon realizing that’s a failing proposition he then spins whines and cries about being shown how much of a moron he is.
Last but not least he forgets his own comments which Puddy will replay…
When Puddy replays his words dunceman cries fowl. He claimed he checked the Herald. Puddy never claimed that.
So it goes to show, liberalism is a mental disorder and dunceman above is a mental case!
Puddl the illiterate poolboy quotes me…
Indeed, that’s what I did, and wrote.
I went looking for a shred of evidence to corroborate puddl’s contention that the Warren law license non-scandal was being discussed widely in Massachusetts, ‘all over the blogs’ was what I think you said, IIRC. You’ve certainly been braying about it here non-stop.
So I did – looked at a bunch of political blogs I could find on Massachusetts, both left and right, as well as the local ‘libtard’ media as poolboy usually puts it, the websites for the Boston Globe and Herald.
I found nothing on this non-issue anywhere…well, except for a single right-wing site that had post after post about it – and each post had 0-2 comments – very much like our own SoundPolitics sucky little blog.
I said this as well…
To all of this poolboy puddl replied, shrieking…
More tinfoil, of course, but a rejection of all the media in Massachusetts as ‘in the tank’ for Warren.
Poolboy puddl then proceeded to give links for the Herald attacking Warren…further support for my point that they are hostile to her, and further supporting the notion that if they’re not attacking her over the law license non-issue, then there really is no there, there, because they certainly would, if they could.
What do we get from poolboy after this?
Posts # 124, and 135…where poolboy says completely unhinged things like…
W.T.F? Just, W.T.F?!
My only guess is that poolboy is illiterate, deeply stupid, or totally dishonest.
The ‘thinking’ has a totally concrete quality to it – note above how I looked at a bunch of sites, and “paid particular attention to the Herald” due to its known hostility to Warren. Poolboy takes that and shrieks that he never mentioned the Herald (though he forgets he tarred them collectively with the ‘libtard’ media), and then seems to make that the entire basis for his unhinged rants above. Somehow that he didn’t mention the Herald this time is supposed to negate the fact that there is no big discussion of the ‘law license’ non-issue anywhere in the Massachusetts big media or blogs.
Also to note…poolboy still refuses to defend his heroine Mia Love and her crazy-ass NewSpeak statements about women being freed though draconian reductions in health care services.
Poolboy has no dignity, no integrity…a liar, and a stupid one at that.
ButtBoy does have 3 goats, a bitch and a very nervous chicken.