White House: West Wing Week.
Roy Zimmerman: Citizens United:
Thom: Are Americans better off than 30 years ago when the the Reaganomics experiment started?
The Democratic National Convention:
- SlateTV: Clinton brings it home for Obama.
- Young Turks: Analysis of Pres. Clinton’s speech
- Fallon: Clinton Speaks:
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Clinton and the Crazies
- Jon: Clinton had more stats than RNC did in entire week (via Crooks and Liars).
- Young Turks: Analysis of Michelle Obama’s speech
- Cory Booker’s DNC Speech
- Stephen: Democrats’ “God gaffe.”
- The Coultergiest tries to outdo Rush on Sandra Fluke.
- Thom and Pap on GOP trying to make Obama fail.
- Young Turks: Looking at Obama’s speech.
- Sam Seder chats with Obamabot Andy Kindler on his thoughts on Barack Obama’s DNC speech!.
- Maddow: Presidential campaign may hinge on VA candidate.
- John Lewis Crooks and Liars).
- Young Turks: Sen. Kerry has best line of the DNC.
- Ann Telnaes: The ups and downs of Bill Clinton.
- Jenn breaks down D v. R’s us v. me.
- Deval Patrick slams Mitt Romney.
- Maddow: Rocky Balboa secret Romney advisor?
- Young Turks: Analysis of Biden’s speech
- James Taylor performs at DNC (after empty chair joke):
- Gov. Granholm’s DNC Address.
- Young Turks: Analysis of Jenn Granholm’s
Indicision’s attack ad against FOX News.
Thom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Rob McKenna’s supersleuths uncover a secret video of Jay Inslee bulldozing. Oh…that smarts!
- Mark Fiore: The Love-Me-Mitt doll
- Sam Seder: Clint beats Mitt.
- Romney and Rep. Steve King: Partners in extremism.
Ann Telnaes: Are Democrats the new G.O.P.?
Obama’s beer recipes revealed.
Red State Update: Jackie talks to Obama’s chair:
Pharmaceutical Ad: “Legitimate Rape”.
Palin Around With Terrorists:
- Sarah complains (via Crooks and Liars).
- Slate TV: Sarah Palin doesn’t want the attention. Really!
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Ann Telnaes: A conservative view of the American Worker.
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, West Virginia edition.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Republicans suck. Just sayin’.
What an amazing man this Iranian Christian Pastor is. He deserves the Noble Peace Prize 1000 times more than Obama who had done absolutely nothing and then kept the killing going,
I’m sure those of you with no faith will have plenty of snide comments. I would expect that. But you have to admit, the man was willing to risk his life rather than renounce his faith in Jesus Christ. That’s powerful. That’s amazing.
Obama Regime stoops to yet another all-time low. FAA Senior Officials attempt to influence voting of employees while on duty.
The Gun Buyers Poll Predicts Obama Victory
“I should put Obama’s picture on the wall,” said one New Jersey
gun salesman. “I’d name him salesman of the month!”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gun sales are surging ahead of the election, which seems to indicate that people who think Obama will confiscate their guns if he’s reelected are stocking up because they believe he’ll be reelected.
Heh. Bill Moyers asks Bernie Sanders, life long self-identified socialist, “is Barack Obama a socialist?”..
The answer is no of course..
But try telling that to morons like the klown who’ll be voting for a Marxist in November..
Wasn’t the Dullard (R-Money) health insurance reform in MA “dripping with redistribution”???
New Jersey, big blue state having higher gun sales? Sez something eh SENILE Wabbit?
Just saw this on the HuffPo site covering Jon Stewart covering the DUMMOCRAPT convention…
TOPinPolitics ” ‘What’s Black And White And Killed Osama Bin Laden?‘: The “Daily Show” wrapped up their Democratic National … http://t.co/nPmWIBPW “
@3 This allegedly occurred in the Seattle FAA office. Fox’s report is as follows:
“Emails obtained by FoxNews.com show one FAA employee recalling what John Hickey, deputy associate administrator for aviation safety, said at the meeting.
“I would not be able to quote Mr. Hickey (sic) exact words but what I took out of it was, if the conservative (Republicans) gain control of congress then the FAA could be looking (at) as much as a 15% cut in budget and we (may) be looking at furloughs. If the liberal Democrats take control of congress then we would be looking at a flat budget,’ the email said. ‘In short if the Republicans win office our jobs may be (affected) … if the Democrats win office then our jobs would not be (affected).’
“The recipient of that email then relayed the account, and others, to apparent higher-ups at the FAA. He said, ‘there seems to be some energy within the office as a reaction to Mr. Hickey’s, inappropriate at best, comments and more than a few employees took umbrage that a person in such an elevated position in the agency would make those remarks. My understanding is that more than one employee’s perception was that Mr. Hickey was essentially telling them how to vote if they wanted to keep their job,’ he wrote.”
Okay, let’s see what we actually have here.
1. An FAA exec visiting the Seattle office allegedly told a staff meeting the agency’s budget might be cut by 15% under a Republican Congress or stay the same under a Democratic Congress.
2. If so, this is much more likely an expression of the exec’s objective opinion of the agency’s budget outlook than an attempt to influence employees in how they should vote.
3. My personal experience from working in government for many years is that it’s not at all unusual for agency managements to discuss the outlook for the agency budget in employee meetings. I sat through many such meetings and never interpreted managers’ budget talks as a direction about how to vote.
4. There is no allegation or evidence that the exec suggested the employees should vote for one party or the other. Rather, that is the personal interpretation that one attendee put on it.
5. That attendee himself explicitly admitted he couldn’t recall the exec’s exact words, so what we are getting is the employee’s paraphrase, not what the exec said.
6. The employee who characterized the exec’s remarks as “inappropriate” did not attend the meeting and is not a witness to what the exec said, but rather is making that charge based on hearsay from an employee who can’t recall what the exec said.
7. It’s not a violation of the Hatch Act for a federal agency manager to say the word “Republican” or “Democrat.” It may not be good judgment to do so, given the hyperpartisan atmosphere in the country and the fact we’re in the midst of an election season, but it doesn’t break the law unless the manager actually campaigns for one party or the other; and an objective opinion about how the election might affect the agency’s funding is not campaigning absent a specific suggestion about how to vote. Again, arguably not the best judgment, given the potential for someone to misconstrue the intent of the remarks, but the question is whether the law was broken; and that appears not to be the case. (Of course, the amount and accuracy of information one gets from a Fox news report is not what I’d base a legal determination on; and, ultimately, this question will be resolved by the agency’s formal investigation.)
8. Nothing in the news report indicates the exec is an Obama administration appointee or anyone other than a career FAA employee himself with no political ties to the White House, the Obama campaign, or any political party; or that he was acting on any such entity’s behalf. By all appearances, even based solely on the Fox news report, he appears to have been expressing his own personal opinion of what the agency’s budget outlook is.
9. The main takeaway here is the eagerness of Fox, the rightwing blogosphere, and our own troll(s) to jump on anything that can be inflated into a charge of misconduct by the “Obama Regime.”
10. Nice try, troll, but I grade your comment as a Fail.
@6 “Sez something eh SENILE Wabbit?”
Yeah, it says New Jersey has its share of stupid rightwing gun nuts.
So U saying left wrong types don’t stockpile guns to shoot criminals? Wrong again SENILE Wabbit.
@10 So U saying left wrong types who stockpile guns to shoot criminals think Obama will confiscate their guns but vote for him anyway? R U trying to set a new world record for Puddy Fail this morning?
Madonna Rocks the Vote for President Obama 2012 live in Yankee Stadium. Is she going to team up with Shakira and Snoop Lion to Rock the Vote in Florida?
The trolls wail and moan about the debt added since Jan 20, 2009.
Oh! Big Spender! It’s gone off the charts! It’s unsustainable.. We’re going bankrupt!!! Vote for Dullard this Nov who’ll balance the budget with tax cuts!
Ok what’s the 6 trillion or so been spent on?
Bush policies: 5.1 trillion
Obama policies: 983 billion
Another real story missed by the Friday Night Comic Purveyor
You progressive DUMMOCRAPTS are so much fun to watch.
Pearl Jam and Eddie Vedder hook up with Jay-Z to Rock the Vote for President Obama in 2012.
@13 Except Romney, if he becomes president, won’t balance the budget. Not next year, not in 4 years, or 8 years, not ever.
HA’s ylbuttspigot arschloch farted something from these two leftist clowns…
ylbitchslap, they count all that trillions as Bush spending? Still with that continuous bout of BDS eh buttspigot?
Now watch… ylbuttspigot will claim what isn’t true. Their PREMISE you jerk. Porkulus, Son of Porkulus, Obummercare, etc.
Bruce Springsteen, Eddie Vedder, Tom Morello, and the rage against the Romney Machine 2012 live in Chicago.
@14 Stop the presses! A rightwing blog has located nine (9) — count ’em, NINE!!! — vulgar Democrats in the entire 300-million-population US of A!!!
Let’s throw them in the same barrel as Jonathan Gardner, Ann Coulter, Ted Nugent, and other wingers who talk about killing people they disagree with and see what happens. Should be fun.
17 – Any facts there??
@17 Take your fucking meds, you raving loon.
@19 I’ll bet at least 8 of those vulgar “Democrats” were GOP plants.
Snoop Lion and Madonna go all in to rock the Vote for President Obama this year.
“What To Expect In A Romney Economy”
“Impacts On The National Debt
“Romney’s plan calls for tax cuts and spending cuts, though I think pretty much everyone realizes most of the major tax cuts are politically impossible and spending cuts are also unlikely.
“The real question, as Ryan’s plan makes explicit, is whether government can slow government spending increases. …
“Assuming Paul Ryan’s plan is perfectly implemented, and no terrorist or military events in the next 30 years occur, … and no more financial crises occur, then the national budget should be balanced by the time a lot of the people reading this will be dead. …
“This is kind of silly, and is way too long away for us to be optimistic. Bad things happen. And plans don’t work the way we originally think they will. …
“It’s possible we could go through seven or eight presidents between now and when Ryan plans on balancing the budget. It’s not going to happen. Not even close.
“So … anyone who thinks our national debt problems are less severe with a Romney win really need[s] to have a more realistic view ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This neutralizes all the wingnut bleating about deficits — just buy gold, dummies! — and all of Puddy’s idiotic posts on the subject, because Obama’s deficits are politically irrelevant if Romney would run the same deficits, as this article points out he will. You get deficits under either man. So we really should make up our minds about how to vote for based on some issue where they differ, such as what they’ll spend our tax money on. Romney: Guns and billionaire tax cuts. Obama: Education, infrastructure, programs that benefit the middle class. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
Madonna and poop snoop…..lol……yawn…..
Greggy seems obsessedd with musical acts singing for obama..not sure wtf that has to actually do with the qualifications for presidency, but sure seems to make the lemmings happy.
Lemmings like greggy are an odd species…
Keep staring at the pretty lights greg, you tool.
First off there are 12 examples there SENILE Wabbit. You can’t count? Those were some of the most vile ones.
Progressive DUMMOCRAPTS are so “classy” and vulgar. Exhibit One: Horsesass.org blog!
Tsk tsk! Nuff Said Sucka!
Go Jay Nixon!
Bruce Springsteen, Tom Morello, Eddie Vedder, play ” Twist and Shout” live in Chicago Friday night. This is what Musicians United will look like to Rage Against the Romney, Rove, Adelson, Koch Brothers Machine.
Argumentum reductum… another lost argument from Roger SENILE Wabbit!
Senility… mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations with animals and drugs.
Another story missed by the Friday Night Comics Purveyor…
Allen tells it like it is!
Would someone please push the down button on Puddybud’s elevator shoes?
@31 Now that we all see Musicians United against the Romney, Rove, Adelson, Koch Brothers Machine. I was wondering if they will get on one stage and play this old Woodie Guthrie song to the Murdoch Propaganda Network?
@15 Twist & Shout! Those folks were having fun!
I never warmed up to Springsteen because of the way I was introduced to him. Living in a house in Boulder about 1975 or so, one of my room mates was a smarmy, condescending, name-dropping ass from back east who went on and on about some guy named Springsteen I’d never heard of before and he’d play his one record over and over again. As I was big into Coltrane, Sonny Stitt and Brother Jug at the time, I suffered greatly.
He also liked to talk big about how his uncle was or had been the head of the CIA or whatever, and how his family was this and that. He’d get on the phone with his cousin, George, and name-drop with each other, talking loud so the whole house had to listen to his narcissistic tripe. I swear, never had I encountered such a narcissistic asshole before in my life. God, what an ass, a coke-head dealer-student at CU. The type of guy who would blow up a frog or something and and laugh about it, if you know what I mean. So many times I was tempted to beat the living smarm out of him. I look back and don’t know how I stopped myself. I figured his whole family must be fucked up beyond words. I obviously had no idea at the time just how right I was.
I can say that I am no longer am disgusted to hear the name Bruce Springsteen, or with the sound of his music. It’s not Bruce’s fault that his first big fan was such an ass.
Back in 2004 Senate erect Barack Obummer said this and this again about 300,000 jobs added in a month under President George W. Bush. So when 96,000 jobs were added we’re to be “joyous”?
@31 “In Barack Obama’s own words he stated that if he could not turn this economy around in four years he would be a one-term proposition.”
He did turn the economy around in four years. Actually, much faster than that, more like four months. That’s when unemployment turned around and began improving. When he took office GDP was shrinking; it’s been growing since the third quarter of 2009. The economy was losing jobs; it’s been adding jobs since the first quarter of 2010. The stock market is 60% higher than when he took office. There’s absolutely no question the economy turned around, and quickly, after Obama became president.
So what’s your point, raving loon?
@35 Still beats the Bush Depression. Sometimes you have to take whatever you can get.
@36 I think puddybud is worried about the battle of the bands Rocking the Vote in 2012. Do you remember Seattle in the 60s and the Battle of the Bands: A short-lived, but peculiarly Northwest phenomenon from the mid-60’s, to be credited to Pat O’Day (or possibly Lan Roberts) of KJR fame, I believe. The idea was to have two bands at an all-city dance, say the Kingsmen and the Sonics (see below), for instance, each with their own stage, and have them battle it out, alternating songs, rather than sets. The loudest band won. Also tended to break out into an all-out melee. An all-city rumble. (The different high schools tended to hate each other’s guts.) So, didn’t last long, unfortunately. City authorities banned the all-city dances (which were the only ones that could afford to both erect two stages and hire two feature bands).
Now this is an interesting observation of the two conventions…
Elizabeth Warren – Fauxcohantas? Sandra Fluke – My body, my mind, your money!
Yes, the DUMMOCRAPTS really had a rousing lineup of strange speeches. Does anyone remember what Fauxcohantas said before Clinton besides the author above? Well, she claimed to be Cherokee. Yeah, didn’t think so.
Nope we’re supposed to ask why isn’t it better? And if you look at the facts honestly then you must conclude that Obama’s policies have little to do with the answer..
The Republican idiots in Congress being the part of the PROBLEM is much more of the answer to why job growth isn’t stronger.
Our trolls? Honest? Wouldn’t be trolls if they were.
Puddy knows you are crazy. Puddy has not mentioned anything on this topic. U R delusional.
Job creation. We have someone like my friend Puddy posting alarming statements such as, “141,000 not even enough to keep up. Wow and now it’s 96,000 in August.”
There’s obviously a reason for the unwillingness to allow examination of their own record. You know, cries of “Bush Derangement Syndrome” and all that nonsense.
Let’s induldge in Bush Derangement Syndrome for a moment and look at the Republican record for job creation. Fact, the Bush administration averaged 63,500 jobs per month over eight years.
We’re into math this week. The “not even enough” 141,000 jobs is 77,500 more than what Bush averaged, over twice the average. And the “wow and not it’s” 96,000 jobs is 32,500 more than Bush averaged, over 50% higher. Now, 96,000 jobs is still a low number for Democrats. With high expectations, it disappoints. But it is still far better than what America could ever hope for from Republicans. That is the math. That is the record Republicans have to run on, and it is one of falling far short of President Obama’s acheivements.
There is no reason to reward Republicans for their dismal job creation record, especially when they propose to simply do more of the same of what they did before, which nearly led this nation to economic ruin.
“In Barack Obama’s own words he stated that if he could not turn this economy around in four years he would be a one-term proposition.”
Given history, yes the odds are against him..
But people would be fools to think Dullard and the teabag R’s in Congress are going to be anything better for this country.
We already did Bush..
@34 Pearl Jam and Eddie Vedder are standing tall and singing loud for President Obama this year. It is nice to see East Coast Bruce and Madonna united with world class musical talent from Seattle and LA this year. Here is Eddie speaking about jobs to a sell out crowd.
Funniest line today so far from ylbuttspigot, another diarrhea spot…
That’s strange… Back in July Obummer claimed his policies were working when it was 162,000 jobs which we know now was 20,000+ over estimated!
I’m surprised Dr. Buttface hasn’t picked this one up:
Oh wait! Maybe he has!
So let’s force a law down disagreeing Americans.
@ puddy & kim jong
Mitt has his Music Klan with old Charlie Daniels Jr. and Turd Nugent to play in the mud at the stockyard.
The Romney family for generations has avoided war. They figured out ways not to serve like five deferments Dick Cheney and Ted Nugent who told the Detroit Free Press in 1990 that he meticulously planned to get out of the war. He stopped bathing 30 days before going before the draft board and later ate nothing but junk food and Pepsi. A few days before his appointment, Nugent started defecating in his pants. It obviously worked — and it’s a good thing, because “if I would have gone over there, I’d have been killed, or I’d have killed all the Hippies in the foxholes. I would have killed everybody.”
45 – They have been working..
Could be working even BETTER if NOT
for the Republicans idiots in Congress..
Answer me this: how many times did they try to repeal PPACA?
I’ll answer that for you: at least 30 times
How’d that work out?
How many jobs did that create?
greg shows how lame-brained this country has come. To think some slut like Madonna is going to influence independents is nuts. It may get out some non-voters, but it has absolutely nothing to do with facts about Obama decimating our economy..the $16 TRILLION in debt, lies about ObamaCare cost & funding, failed stimulus, high unemployment.
greg admits obama’s only chance is to have someone scream & shake her appendages rather than address the record and give us a specific plan.
Oh Steve,
Job creation in Bush years took a dive when the DUMMOCRAPTS took over congress in 2007. Revisionist history can’t change facts.
That’s how a right wing, all talk, no action coward answers his country’s call.
Greg, Earth to Greg… I haven’t mentioned anything about music here.
Crazed and delusional moron!
10 of which was incurred before Obama’s took office and 5.1 trillion of the remainder from continuing the Bush policies..
See comment 13.
This article is a News Analysis by the leftist NY Times. After the Party, it’s still about the Economy. Yeah, Obama will get some votes from the lame-brains who are influenced by rock bands and incapable of understanding even their bank statements..and Obama will get those in the handout crowd that have no intention of working.
Yup. What a testimonial.
Check this article out.
Yawwwn.. Only an uneducated fool, a liar, or a bullshit artist equates correlation with causation.
ylbuttspigot sez:
Why diarrhea king? Puddy doesn’t visit Thoughtless Progressives much. They are moronic, hence you love them. They are your “speed”.
53. “little maxie” the asshat troll is a funny little “man” like Dori Monson his role model. spews:
It’s laughable. The Dems controlled the House & Senate and could have stopped any spending they wanted to. You are being ridiculous. That argument is so full of holes, you are getting us all wet.
Grow up you fool.
Trying to blame Bush after Obama took control is a fools wish.
@rhett, What is the matter with Musicians United to Rock the Vote? Did you right wing negative naybags think the people would not stand up and sing? It is about getting new voters and people to the polls this year. There is nothing the Romney, Rove, Adelson, Murdoch,and Koch Brothers propaganda network can do about it. Check out the Foo Fighters Rocking the Vote in North Carolina getting the crowd revved up by playing 15 encores.
And if people are thinking they’ll point the finger of blame for their dissatisfaction at the right crowd..
The right wing idiots in Congress.
Dullard has been pandering to that crowd forever..
Here he goes again:
Baloney on continuation of Bush policies. False premise. Obummer was erected to stop Bush policies. If Obummer continued them then Obummer is a failure!
See how simple that was ylbuttspigot.
ylbitchslapped again!
And look at all the American death’s in Afghanistan. I suppose little maxiepad will try to blame that on Bush too! People have become numb to it. The in the tank MSM fails to report with the vigor they used to. It’s just buried somewhere. But alas, USA Today (a leftist rag) just dragged themselves out of the tank momentarily to report–
Now, I thought Obama was the Nobel Peace Prize winner?? What a joke. He has our soldiers in the position of sitting ducks in both Afghanistan & Iraq. Fight or get out!!
Republicans are afraid to bring this up. Cowards. It’s important to point out Obama’s entire record, vet it publicly and let the voters decide.
That’s right Puddy.
I get a kick out of the lefty’s moaning about the Bush Tax Cuts. They were ready to expire 2 years ago. OBAMA extended them. They are now the OBAMA Tax cuts. Again the Republicans feebly point this out.
Would the Bush Tax cuts still be in place if Obama had not extended them?? Of course not.
Obama signed the extension.
They are the Obama tax cuts.
http://latino.foxnew… | Facebook
See More. August 10 at 2:36pm · Edited. Greg McAllister 150 Musicians United in Chicago last weekend and Rock the Vote had the hottest T-Shirts at …
Are you ready for… | Facebook
Greg McAllister What we need to see this year is Artists and Musicians United to Rock the Vote in the Swing States. 150+ voices on a Peace and Justice Train …
There Will Be No… | Facebook
Greg McAllister It would be nice to see a Musicians United effort to counter the Citizens United Billionaires Cartel. Is it time to Rock the Vote in 2012? In 1992 the …
Greg – greg mcallister of Facebook?
Obummer should have been sitting down giving his acceptance speech.
An empty suit in an empty chair!
@38 “Do you remember Seattle in the 60s and the Battle of the Bands: A short-lived, but peculiarly Northwest phenomenon from the mid-60’s, to be credited to Pat O’Day (or possibly Lan Roberts) of KJR fame, I believe.”
I remember very well, Greg. I played in one of those Battle of the Bands at Lake Hills. The flier for that particular battle is posted here,
It was a lot of fun. I don’t think Lake Hills had seen anything like us before. The guys in the band were really, really good and we could cover Hendrix, Cream and stuff like no other local band at that time could even dream of. When we played the kids stopped dancing and just stared at us for 15 minutes. We didn’t even place in the top three but afterwards some guy from Warner was really desperate to sign us. But we weren’t into that stuff. In fact, we weren’t into Lake Hills either. We were from Rainier Valley and it was January of 1969. I’m not sure how the fuck we ended up in a battle of the bands at Lake Hills. I suppose because we knew the people at Bandstand East or something.
My bandmates all went on to name bands but I dropped out of the rock scene and went funk, playing in the house band at a place on Rainier Avenue called the African Hut, which used to be the Chalet Tavern, if you’re familiar at all with the old valley.
The Seattle funk scene of the era when I played is documented in the Wheedle’s Groove Movie,
I was floored when I saw that film on PBS. I had no idea that anyone gave a fuck what we did back then. I thought it was a time and place that had been long forgotten. It brought back a lot of wonderful memories.
@puddy & rhett, Do you remember when Musicians united to Rock Berlin and 200,000 people came out to hear Senator Obama? How many people will would show up for free concerts if Springsteen,Madonna, Pearl Jam, Rage Against the Machine, Beyonce, and a few dozen of their friends decide to get the crowd energized for the President?
Nope and didn’t care!
I love these trolls. Keep repeating the same bullshit!
How long did the Dems have “control”??
5 months maybe..
Anyone imagine Arlen Specter or Joe Lieberman or Ben Nelson voting for tax increases or cutting military spending???
I haven’t seen the movie, but I love the Wheedle’s Groove sound track.
Heh. Never thought I’d see the day when the idiot would criticize a politician for continuing his beloved moron-in-chief’s policies.
ODS can do that to a fool!
Seems I remember a certain fool saying the Congress creates the laws (like TARP)..
@68 If it shows up again it’d be on NW Reel on KCTS.
Here is another World Class Band who will be Rocking the Vote for President Obama this election. I wonder who Mitt is planning to get to Rock the Latino Vote?
whats your point, fucktard?
Anybody, regardless of party(you get that yet, lemming boy?), who looks up to musicians or actors for their “opinion” regarding politics is a fucking tool and a lemming.
and that describes you…why dont you go rub one out while looking at old Madonna pics.
@68 I was kind of surprised that the movie didn’t include clips from the African Hut as KCTS came down one night and filmed for an hour or two. I’m not sure what they did with it as we payed no attention to that kind of stuff. They had bright lights on us for filming and our response to this unwanted intrusion was like, “WTF? Those lights suck, man!”
@72 “actors”
On the other hand, if Clint had walked out on the stage, pulled out his .44 magnum and said, “Go ahead, Obama, make my day”, and then proceded to blow that chair to smithereens, Mitt would likely be in the game today.
“Every other cop in this city is satisfied with a .38 or .357, whattya have to carry that cannon for?”
“`Cause I hit what I aim at, that’s why. .357’s a good weapon, but I’ve seen .38’s careen off windshields. No good in a city like this.”
Iraq??? No combat soldiers there last I looked. Soldiers guarding the Vatican sized embassy maybe.
Gee I guess they should shoot anyone in Iraq who looks cross-eyed at them or leave the diplomats in the embassy with concealable weapons. Great Republican policy that one!
What an ignorant klown!
I wonder how many of the tools at greg’s Cock the Throat concerts are looking for “free stuff”
I wonder if he will there, Cocking the Throat..
US troop strength is currently 34,000
you said something about “ignorant”?
Heck, I might have ended up voting for Romney! But I wanted to see the Clint from Dirty Harry, not the Clint from the Beguiled.
@72 Shakria is all in to Rock the Latino Vote for President Obama this year. She has a song on youtube with 500,000,000 hits. Her latest song with Pitbull has 9,000,000. I was wondering who is going to rock the Latino vote for Mitt? Is it going to be Turd Nugent and Charlie Daniels Jr.?
your post confirms my point, Steve.
now you have devolved to “you tube hits”.
the new generation truly is stupid as fuck – thanks for playing your hand.
does that mean Obama has the Justin Beiber 12 year old fan-girl vote?
I bet that includes you, greg.
You know Puddy hears this Southern Strategy argument from HA libtards. Butt, history doesn’t support that… For the black vote:
FDR received 71% in 1932 and he rewarded blacks with – From WikiPedia…
Then Harry Truman gets 77% of the black vote. Remember he desegregated the arm forces. A good thing.
When JFK got MLK Jr out of an Alabama jail… blacks cememnted their move to the DUMMOCRAPTS.
So historically this Southern Strategy is a bunch of useless crap!
Doesn’t matter ylbuttspigot. Obummer wasted a big chance!
So stooooopid for so long.
is Menudo going to be at the Cock the Throat concert?
if so, then we know which way YLB will vote…
Obummer was the candidate fo change.
So stoooopid for soooooo long. Another useless ylbuttspigot diarrhea spot!
ylbitchslapped again!
LMAO!! Any link to back that up asshat?
Of course not.
Wrong Steve. The loons this past week would have gone apoplectic!
@85 With 16 of 16 professional odds-makers having long odds on Bullshit Mitt & Lyin Ryan it is no wonder why the fox fools are acting neo-nutbag here today.
LMAO!! Greg you gotta have some sympathy for little maxie the asshat @ 72. He’s only ignorant, racist, homophobic and mysoginist..
He’s so in love with his own bullshit, he’s posted over 6000 comments here.
On second thought.. Sympathy would be wasted on such a pile of excrement.
If you can handle teh stupid, this is hilarious. The stupidity of this woman nearly has Republican Steve Schmidt, someone who I happen to like, banging his head on the table.
He delivered change:
There’s be even MORE change.. if NOT for
the Republican idiots in Congress.
rujax, another of the most stupid has to eat his words. From Michael Moore
Wow Michael Moore actually is telling the truth when the slobbering leftist media won’t tell you this!
Another myth EXPLODED! U can find this in the HuffPo!
“your post confirms my point, Steve.”
That was my intent.
Yeah logic and facts don’t matter too much to a pathological liar.
“Wrong Steve. The loons this past week would have gone apoplectic!”
Um, you didn’t get it, friend. At least Max did, and he was the person I was addressing.
Wow first Obama is criticized for continuing Bush policies and now Michael Moore is telling the truth about Obama being too much like Bush.
This is too much fun for one day.
@ puddy
Check out the free market.
yep, I was looking at old data…my bad.
And the ylbuttspigot stalker stalks everyone who thinks RIGHT!
and how many have you posted here? 10,000?
basement boi….
Hope and change is lost on ylbuttspigot. Obummer was the candidate of change. Even Michael Moore sees this. Not ylbuttspigot. This moron can’t figger anything out!
Who cares what ylbuttspigot posts. He never makes any sense!
if you check out the comments at Grog’s post from Daily Kooks, you will notice that none of the tools there even understand betting odds and how they work.
too funny, no wonder these clowns need free stuff just get from day to day.
not surprised most of them are out of work…I wouldnt hire them either.
Im out….gonna take a cruise to Mt St Helens and put the Pirelli’s to the test…
..and putting out some extra CO2 to keep our weather warm is just a bonus.
@50 Really. Pukes lose a midterm election because they did a shitty job of running the country and hiring instantly collapses. So tell us, putz, what laws did the Democratic Congress pass in 2007 over Bush’s veto that caused hiring to collapse?
@72 Who do you look up to?
2007 SENILE Wabbit? Nope it was the forced toxic sub prime mortgage market of 2004-2005 catching up with people.
Later SENILE Wabbit!
It appears Obama got a net bounce from convention week.
“The three national tracking polls that were published on Friday all moved toward President Obama, probably reflecting momentum from the Democratic convention.
“In the Gallup national tracking poll, Mr. Obama moved into a three-point lead over Mitt Romney, up from one point on Thursday. What’s a bit more worrisome for Mr. Romney is that Gallup’s … poll occurs over a lengthy seven-day window, meaning that … most of the interviews in the poll were conducted just after the Republican convention in Tampa, Fla. [when] Mr. Romney should have been enjoying a convention bounce of his own. …
“Mr. Obama’s approval ratings shot up to 52 percent in the version of poll published on Friday, while his disapproval ratings declined to 43 percent … this is a sign that there could be more good news for Mr. Obama in the head-to-head portion of the poll in the days ahead.
“Mr. Obama still trails Mr. Romney in the Rasmussen Reports national tracking poll, but he narrowed his deficit to one point from three on Thursday … [and] almost none of their interviews yet reflect reactions to Mr. Obama’s speech on Thursday night.
“Finally, Mr. Obama moved into a two-point lead in the online tracking poll conducted by Ipsos, which had given Mr. Romney a one-point lead on Thursday. About half of the interviews … were conducted after Michelle Obama’s speech … although only about one-quarter will reflect reaction to former President Bill Clinton’s … speech, and almost none to the speech given to Mr. Obama.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It looks like Obama has a 3-point bounce at the midpoint of the Dem convention prior to his speech. That’s very bad news for Romney.
I’ve been out in the garden collecting coriander seeds and picking basil to dry. I should have enough of both to last me until next spring, so I’ll only need to buy a couple bucks worth to see me through until the fresh stuff is available again.
Big ups for free stuff!
@108 Oh, I see. The Democratic Congress subprime mortgages over Bush’s veto.
Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) Blame Obama (tick) …
@110 I like the free money I get from the stock market. It lets me buy all the organic lettuce and carrots I can eat.
Puddle sez:
Are really being that willfully stupid?
The Republicans’ Southern Strategy came after the examples you gave. Those southerners that FDR wanted, and and made a pact witht he devil to get, as you rightly point out, to his and our shame – eventually became Republicans, for Nixon.
From wikipedia (though there are all sorts of sources for this – it’s extremely well understood universally, outside of your thick skull):
And don’t forget REPUBLICAN Lee Atwater:
(Of course, here it comes, I’m a racist! for writing a post with the word ‘nigger’ in it)
And of course, don’t forget St. Ronnie:
You are either playing at being profoundly stupid, or you really are. Again with you people, “Stupid, or lying?” is inevitable.
When Bawney Fwank was the rank member of the House Financial Services Committee, Fwank continually blocked Republicans who wanted tightened oversight over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Back in 2003 Fwank farted
All this is well known by people with a working mind. Even the Boston Globe, leftist newspaper admits this. Too bad Roger SENILE Wabbit’s mind is getting more decrepit each day.
Lying? Apparently your reading skillz weally suck! But we do agree. Blacks went to DUMMOCRAPTS way before this “Southern Strategy”.
You are another historical idiot Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck. Blacks were already voting at 77+ percent before 1970 you moron. When MLK Sr, approved JFK, then number climbed up to 90%. PUDDY already proved that! Puddy supplied the links.
Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck – stooooooopid and still built that way!
There’s many different routes that lead to the same place.
Bill Maher strikes again!
Another case of NY City police trigger happy? You decide!
3 times DUMMOCRAPTS vote NO to GOD! They are rejected by Villagrossa. He says they voted Yes!
From HuffPo!
These libtards are dangerous when in power.
Obedience training? That’s what HA libtards need!
You are confused. Again.
The Southern Strategy was about white people, not black. It wasn’t about the phenomenon of black people voting for Democrats, it was the explicit Republican strategy of caging racist white southerners from the Democrats, to the Republicans.
What don’t you understand about that?
As you know, the Democratic party was home to the bulk of the Southern white racist populace in the first half of the 20th century. These people, henceforth known as ‘crackers’, grew uncomfortable as the Democratic party grew more identified with civil rights – in part because of the examples you gave in 83 above.
Johnson’s signing of the Civil Rights Act set the stage – and Johnson knew it, using that famous statement about giving away the South for a generation.
The Southern Strategy was the approach by the Republicans of that time – Goldwater and Nixon at first, famously also by Reagan – to the present day Republican Party – to swing those crackers from the Democrats to the Republicans. They now make up the heart of the Republican party now, which more than anything else is a rump regional Southern party, rather than a bona fide national party.
This is a central, core fact of the present Republican party, and expains many things, froms Reagan’s shameful speech in Philadelphia Mississippi to Romney’s shameful courting of crackers with his welfare lies.
This is your party, puddle, the WPPPP – White People Plus Puddle Party, and the Southern Stratety of Richard Nixon and Lee Atwater and Pat Buchanon created it – racists all.
Deeply sad. There are Bibul thumpers everywhere, and Democrats are, alas, not immune to pandering to myth-believers like puddle.
Seriously he’s that stupid.
Since puddypussypissypants is
(just ask him)
…maybe he’d like to tell the class just what the Republican “Southern Strategy” was/is?
Extra points for where Saint Ronnie Ray-gun’s first campaign speech was (and why it matters…hint, it wasn’t Philadelphia, PA) and what it was about.
Bet the puddypussypissypants has no idea what I’m talking about.
“Nothing’s wreaked quite the havoc on the U.S. economy, and indeed the national psyche, as the six-year slide in home prices. It wiped out some $7 trillion in household wealth, savaged bank balance sheets, and induced the Great Recession and the tepid recovery.
“Yet there are unimpeachable signs that this national nightmare is now over. Home prices are starting to rise … in most areas of the country. And a number of forecasters predict home-price increases around 10% or so nationally over the next three years ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA!!!
“Another case of NY City police trigger happy? You decide!”
Only a decade ago all we heard from the right was, “First responders are our heroes, not yours!”, as Republicans posed on smoldering ruins for photos while flags waved. Times change. Now Republicans openly hate on our first responders, want their unions busted, wages cut, and most of them fired or unemployed, all because Republicans want to give yet even more tax cuts to the rich. One could almost conclude that Republicans didn’t mean it when they called first responders heroes after 9/11.
Indeed, it almost possible to believe that Republicans only viewed first responders as political pawns. Kind of like how it’s almost possible to believe that Republicans have turned their backs on our troops and wounded warriors because they never cared about them either. Damn. They were even worth a mention by Romney. That’s cold.
They weren’t even worth a mention by Romney.
Talk about not seeming to care about something, the editing function at HA has been fucked up for years.
“That’s very bad news for Romney.”
And it’s gotta really suck for a few trolls we know. Apparently they don’t have a life so they’ll likely be more bummed out than Romney when he loses. At least Romney could still get some kicks in life riding up and down in his fancy car elevator. But what are our trolls gonna do?
It’s not like the debates will save Romney. It’s certain that the President will mop the floor with him. I doubt that the oddsmakers would even bother with the odds of Romney saying something really stupid and crippling to his campaign.
As for Galt, it’ll be even worse for him when Biden gets hold of him, seeing as how Galt’s pathological lying has caught up with him already. Now it’s assumed that, if Galt speaks, he’s lying. That’s some reputation to have, and it only took Galt a couple of weeks to earn it. I bet the Big Money Boys didn’t see that one coming when they ordered Mitt to pick that twerp.
…and in the face of facts and rationality, puddle appears to have folded again.
Perhaps his shutting up is a sign that the meds are kicking in?
Actually what will end up saving Romney is that brash moron Joe Biden. What a tough-talking fool.
He publicly ‘dares’ Romney/Ryan to fact-check his speech. Ooops! Romney obliges.
Joe is so caught up in his celebrity that it dilutes what little common sense the man has.
Not that it means much, but here are some of the current battleground state poll of polls.
Ohio 46.2 45.5 Obama +0.7
Virginia 47.3 46.7 Obama +0.6
Florida 47.3 46.7 Obama +0.6
Wisconsin 48.2 46.8 Obama +1.4
Iowa 45.0 44.8 Obama +0.2
Colorado 47.8 45.5 Obama +2.3
New Hampshire 48.3 44.8 Obama +3.5
Michigan 47.8 45.4 Obama +2.4
Pennsylvania 49.0 41.3 Obama +7.7
Missouri 43.7 49.7 Romney +6.0
Nevada 49.0 45.7 Obama +3.3
North Carolina 45.3 47.3 Romney +2.0
And did Dr. Buttface forget this?
Oh I guess that was just a closeted gay guy going on an “apology tour”.. in 2005..
Nothing to see there wingnuts.
If Romney gets the close ones–
Ohio, Iowa, Va, Fl, WI, NC, Mo and using the RealClear Electoral Map..
Romney’s only at 282 Electoral Votes.
Oh yeah, he only needs 270
Looks doable with a couple hundred million of punishment on the joker in there now.
Wow Dr Buttface’s beloved moron in chief – a man that Dr. B, to my recollection, has never dumped on – unlike the klown, unlike MTR, the HNMT and other right wing trolls
The moron in chief has FAILED to live up to his duties as a man:
LMAO!!! Moron in chief! Lay down the law with your women – otherwise your loyal worshipers like Dr. Buttface will feel
partyin’ hard was a decent guy a little trollish at first..
nolaguy was almost always a gentleman..
only name-calling jerks get any negative feedback from me.
I hadn’t seen this video before. It’s about 10 minutes long. Chris Mathews does a masterful job of kicking a couple of birthers’ asses.
And in this video, John King ass-kicks another birther nut who goes by the name “The Donald” Trump.
the editing function at HA
It works consistently for me in Firefox.
Are you coming to the site from http://horsesass.org/ or some other redirecting site?
What browser are you using?
Do you have your javascript turned on?
Do you have cookies enabled, at least for the session?
That video is a hoot.. Anyone who watches it and doesn’t think Trump is a bloviating, bag of wind clown, well some multi-level marketing rep is out there to sell you Trump branded merchandise.
Anyone still think it wasn’t Obama who blew the Grand Bargain?
“Mr. President,” Boehner challenged, “as I read the Constitution, the Congress writes the laws. You get to decide if you want to sign them.”
Reid, the most powerful Democrat on Capitol Hill, spoke up. The congressional leaders want to speak privately, he said. Give us some time.
This was it. Congress was taking over. The leaders were asking the president to leave the meeting he had called in the White House.
Once again when Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck writes, he proves confusion reigns supreme between his eyes.
Diifus, the argument was the Southren Strategy cemented blacks voting for DUMMOCRAPTS. Nope you DOPE. Blacks started voting in droves for DUMMOCRAPTS when MLK, Sr. gave the green light to JFK. Blacks been voting for DUMMOCRAPTS forever. So “southern strategy” or not blacks been in DUMMOCRAPT back pocket since 1960.
Oh BTW Nixon was not a racist. He implemented affirmative action to overcum all those years of racist Southern DUMMOCRAPTS who impeded blacks from getting ahead. Libtard DUMMOCRAPTS turned it into quotas.
Facts… something unchangeable by Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck!
Looks like Harry Reid’s chief of staff thinks Obama was the one who blew the Grand Bargain.
“Mr. President, I am sorry — with all due respect — that we are in this situation that we’re in, but we got handed this football on Friday night. And I didn’t create this situation. The first thing that baffles me is, from my private-sector experience, the first rule that I’ve always been taught is to have a Plan B. And it is really disheartening that you, that this White House did not have a Plan B.”
Several jaws dropped as the Hill staffer blasted the president to his face.
“So I don’t have a lot of options, in the past 36, 48 hours, to put together,” Krone continued. “We’re supposed to be the ones that fend off an economic catastrophe. And what we find ourselves is now, with no deal, we’re going to have to root for the worst possible things to happen in order to prove to the Republicans that you cannot be so callous and let the debt limit expire.”
Here we have a high-level Democrat staffer referencing his private-sector experience in expressing his profound disappointment with the president’s actions.
A couple of paragraphs down (line @ 141) Reid characterizes it as speaking truth to power.
If Krone’s words had come out of a Republican’s mouth, people like Chris Matthews, Toure, and Doctor Steve would have characterized them as racism.
The puddypussypissypants is (as usual) WRONG AGAIN.
I hope the motherfucker tries again…
…so fucking stupid.
Yawwwwnnn.. For some reason Obama had some trouble with some Republicans doing something they had no problem doing 7 times for George W. Bush..
No worries say Obama haters, they’ll do it 14 times for Dullard (R-Money), he’s a debt wizard!
There’s no way to talk to you – you appear to be nothing so much as a simpleton.
There’s no consistency to what you write, there’s no…thinking.
You started @83 with this:
…and then you gave examples of blacks tending to vote more for Democrats in the 40s-60’s.
Now above we get:
You’re completely confused about the Southern Strategy. While the Democrats’ movement toward civil rights support laid the groundwork, and certainly Johnson’s signing of the Civil rights Act tee’d things up, the Strategy was a Republican plan to use simmering and inchoate white racist resentment to swing big blocs of them to the Republicans, particularly in the South. Reagan’s great innovation was to apply it to white working class industrial workers in the rust belt of the late 1970s and early 1980s.
In part he did this while standing on the dead bodies of Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner and declaring that he “Supports states’ rights”.
The modern Republican Party is built on the voting power of racially resentful, poorly educated working class white people in the service of about half a million really really rich people who don’t give a shit about them. Oh, and the Bibul thumpers, too. Also.
And you know, puddle, if you keep going on about
Affirmative Action, your Republican buddies are going to confiscate your Junior Fascist Scout card for being ‘uppity’.
The Republican’s have been trying to re-write history on the southern strategy for about a decade. Puddy probably stumbled across some recent attempt and decided to crib from that.
Like maybe this one.
Nice find, Michael.
Yeah, it had to be something like that. I don’t think puddle has original thoughts – he’s a parrot.
More FUD.
You know what? I’m glad this ‘grand bargain’ bullshit went down in flames.
Enough catfood commission. Enough 10:1 cuts to tax increases. Enough government in the service of wealth.
@141 “Anyone still think it wasn’t Obama who blew the Grand Bargain?”
I can hear laughter coming all the way from Venus.
States Rights In The Real World
Hey you fed-hating, states-rights-loving righties, eat THIS for breakfast:
“Three states where members of the clergy and justices of the peace today marry gay couples argued on Friday that it’s a violation of states’ rights for the federal government to then ‘unmarry’ those people under the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
“In an amicus brief to a New York case involving a lesbian widow, Vermont, Connecticut, and New York argue that the federal government had no right, despite the federal designation of marriage as being between a man and a woman, to demand $350,000 in estate taxes when Edie Windsor’s partner died. That would not have happened under a marital tax deduction that lets other married couples pass their assets to their spouse without penalty.
“The three states who filed amicus briefs argue that states regulate marriage and family relationships and that Congress doesn’t have constitutional authority to interfere with that license at any level.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So, how about it, trolls? Should states — and only states — determine marital relations, or should IRS bureaucrats decide who’s a family and who’s not? Are you going to stick up for states’ rights in this case, or be two-faced hypocrites like you are about everything else?
@150 Yeah, I think the Dems should do NOTHING about the “fiscal cliff.” Just let it happen. Spending goes down, revenue goes up, voila! massive deficit reduction! That’s what Republicans say they want so let’s give it to them — and blame them.
@126 The housing bust illustrates the conceptual problem with this whole “wealth creation” business. Viz.:
1. When a person buys a house and actually pays $350K for it, we can quantify the house’s “value” as $350K, but in actuality houses are always sold to the highest bidder and there is no one else who will pay $350K for it, so that’s not really what it’s “worth.”
2. If a person pays $350K for a house and then sits in it watching its paper value go up to, say, $500K (according to Zillow, or Schiller, or King County Realtors, or whoever) … all other things being equal, neither the original builder, any of the previous owners, the current owner, the tax assessor, Zillow, or anyone else has “created” any wealth — nobody has. If anything, wealth has been destroyed because the house has gotten older and more shopworn with the passage of time while its “value” supposedly went up.
3. If a person buys a house for $350K, and the government prints 20% more money causing a dollar to be worth 20% less, and the house’s nominal dollar value therefore increases 20% to $420K, that does not make the house worth more or create any new wealth.
4. Somewhat along the same lines, if demand for houses is artificially inflated by creating magical mortgages that will never be paid, and the artificial demand created by imaginary loans causes buyers to bid up housing prices, such that a $350K house is now sold to a buyer for $500K who takes out a magical mortgage and pays for it with imaginary money, $150K of new wealth has not been created.
5. Somewhat along the same lines, when a $350K house whose nominal value has been artificially inflated to $500K by giving that amount of imaginary money to a buy by means of a magical mortgage that will never be paid, reverts to a market value of $350K after the $500K buyer defaults, no wealth has been destroyed because the additional $150K of wealth was never created in the first place.
6. When someone assembles concrete, lumber, nails, roofing materials, drywall, paint, fixtures, etc., into a completed and usable house, wealth has been created.
7. When someone signs a promissory note for $500K to take possession of a $350K house, no wealth is created.
8. When someone adds up the nominal face value of all the promissory notes that people signed to take possession of all the houses in America and comes up with a figure of X trillion dollars, America’s housing stock is not worth X trillion dollars simply because people promised to pay X trillion dollars for it in the future; America’s housing stock is worth whatever is actually paid for it, which does not include mortgage payments that are never made.
9. It follows that no wealth was created when artificial demand created by imaginary money created by magical mortgages artificially inflated the nominal market value of America’s housing stock.
10. The corollary of #9 is that no wealth was destroyed when the nominmal market value of America’s housing stock fell by the amount of magical mortgages that weren’t paid, because that wealth never existed in the first place.
11. The only net accretion to America’s aggregate household wealth represented by home ownership since 2006, when the housing boom peaked, is the net housing construction since then (i.e., new units minus razed units) minus depreciation of the existing housing stock.
12. The fact you own a million-dollar house which you bought by borrowing a million dollars does not make you a millionaire; ergo, the act of buying a house does not, ipso facto, create wealth.
13. As a corollary to #13, the act of selling a house does not destroy wealth, even if you sell it for less than you paid for it, because that difference represents wealth that was never created and therefore never existed in the first place. Such a sale merely transfers pre-existing wealth from one person to another.
14. When buyers bid up the price of a house offered for sale, they do not create new wealth, nor do they make America any richer.
15. This brings us to the final and encompassing truism: The vast nominal wealth created by our credit system over the last 30 years never really existed except in people’s imaginations and Americans were not, in fact, anywhere near as wealthy as they thought they were. After all the dust has settled, it turns out that a $350K house is worth $350K no matter what it was sold for or what derivative the magical mortgage the buyer used to buy it was bundled into.
@154 I try not to twist my rabbit brain into tight knots over this kind of stuff, because conceptual thinking has a nasty habit of interfering with practical thinking.
As a case in point, much the same analysis above could be applied to stocks.
Actually, stocks are even more problematical than houses, because with a house at least you’ve got something tangible that you can live in, whereas in the case of stocks, you are paying conceptual money for a putative asset that itself exists only conceptually. I mean, what the hell is a share of stock? It’s a company’s promise to pay you a share of the dividends it pays out. Except what if the company doesn’t pay any dividends? The it’s the capital gain you get when someone else pays you his conceptual money for your conceptual shares of stock — do you see where this is going?
As I said, you don’t want to think about this kind of shit too much when you’re trying to rip off the next guy worse than that last guy ripped you off, which is what stock trading is. It interferes with clear thinking.
Let me use an example to explain how this works. Let’s say you pay $50 a share for 100 shares of XYZ stock, or $5000. You don’t really care whether such a thing as XYZ stock even exists. The only thing you care about is that someone else will come along and pay you $70 a share for XYZ stock. If/when that happens, you pocket the $2000 profit and don’t give a damn whether XYZ stock has ever existed, exists now, or will ever exist in the future. To make this whole setup work, you have to focus on what’s important, and only two things are important: The $5000 you paid to some stranger for his shares, and getting your $5000 back plus a gain from some other stranger by passing those shares along to him. Whether the shares actually exist — and that’s questionable, because nobody has ever actually seen them — is beside the point. All you care about is the money that changes hands, which is the only thing in this transaction worth caring about.
If, at this point, you’re beginning to harbor a strong and growing suspicion that all the supposed wealth in this country that exists in the form of stocks, bonds, and other promises to pay money in the future (because that’s all they really are) are no more real wealth than magical mortgages are, you may be onto something significant.
But as a practical matter, I couldn’t care less about that, as long as the electronic blips constituting the market value of my stocks is higher this week than it was last week. I made 6,000 of those blips on Thursday and Friday alone. I’ll take ’em.
And if, someday, people decide this whole setup is a hoax and that putative money doesn’t really exist, I don’t give a damn because I never intended to spend any of it anyway and I don’t need it as long as grass is free.
A rabbit can get along just fine with nothing more than grass to eat and a hole to hide in. If you humans have more complicated needs, that’s your fucking problem.
@ 151
Those noises you hear aren’t from Venus. They’re from Uranus.
Hey, hey fellow HA’ers..
Adam Curtis is catnip:
I think everyone who’s a regular here, troll and hero alike are fascinated similarly..
Here’s his blog:
The essay about Petraeus and COINT is disturbing..
This is the pattern. Scientific theories are concocted to substitute for the bloody, messy and politically unviable old approaches. They are served up in the press for domestic consumption as more humane “winning hearts and minds” but the reality almost always ends up leading to even more heinous mass murder.
This is what is happening with Obama and Petraeus.. Obama is a technocrat who with Petraeus is “managing” the spectre of Islamist insurgency for domestic political ends. Their tools are surveillance and targeted assassination with means both low tech (death squads) and high tech (drone aircraft).
No right wingers it won’t change with Dullard. Or maybe it will. If we’ve learned anything, the right wing are the masters of making the bloody and the messy politically viable all over again.
For your consideration:
5. Registration numbers in key states ain’t pretty for Obama: in 2008 Dems had a 670k reg adv in Fl and he barrrely won. Now? Only 440k.
Rick Wilson
15 hours ago
It’s not enough to answer the phone and say you’re an Obama supporter. You actually need to show up, or drop a stamp, and vote for it to count.
@ 157
I don’t know WTF you’re talking about. It doesn’t help that I clicked the link and the top story is a month old and is about a guy who claims to have communicated with Martians in the 50’s, or some such garbage.
Put down the crack pipe and try again, YLB.
159 – Heh. Getting old Bob? Scrolling down the page is getting a bit beyond you?
Here, I’ll help
Thinking?? Uh.. Practice makes perfect Bob is my advice.
@ 160
Thanks for the help, YLB. Those of us with jobs don’t have the spare time you do, and anything that gets us more directly to what you are trying to explain is useful.
As far as age……
Growing old is only going back to where you’re from.
At work right now Bob? On a day most people take off? Tsk, tsk.. Trolling HA as much you do doesn’t serve your customer too well in my view..
I was glad to help anyway.. Three taps of the page down key is too much for some to handle it seems. America’s future is in doubt.
Doesn’t seem like you’ve moved too far off the dime politically since the early 1980’s Bob.
Fuck, talk about not moving off the dime:
Cheap Trick was a much better band. Myself I was listening to Steely Dan, Steve Lacy, Cecil Taylor and Coltrane.
Slick Willard – proven
leadershipidiocy you can count on.If only there was a Republican House Leader, a man who Slick Willard could rely upon in budgetary matters who he could choose as his running mate,
They don’t call him Lying Ryan for nothing.
@156 Radio telescope’s fucking direction finder is broken again.
@157 Governments have been trying to sanitize war since the beginning of time. War is war. The technology of killing changes but the end result is still the same.
@161 “Those of us with jobs”
I’m so sorry you have to work. It especially sucks that you have to work on Sundays. You go to Hell for that you know, because you’re violating the Sabbath which is one of the Ten Commdandments. As for me, I slept until noon today. I made $6000 in the stock market on Thursday and Friday, and slept in on those days, too. Working is for saps and suckers, especially if you have to work for the wages that Cheap Labor Conservatives want to pay. I hope for your sake that your job isn’t stoop labor in the fields. I feel sorry for the people who have to plant, hoe, weed, and pick the lettuce I buy with the money I don’t have to work for. Free money sure beats wage money! I (HEART) capitalism! And these dummies think I’m a socialist or commie because I’m a liberal who votes Democrat — they’re clueless about many things but none so much as they’re clueless about the fact that I and lots of other liberals make our money the same way Republicans do — the capitalist way, by flipping stocks and other assets.
Let ‘Em Eat Freedom Fries Dep’t
“[School] cafeteria workers across the nation can’t just make fruits and vegetables available anymore. As part of the first changes in school-lunch rules in more than 15 years, the federal government this fall began requiring schools to make sure that each student takes the minimum half-cup serving.”
“Question for those of you that are outraged by this: Why? We’re talking about giving kids veggies. THIS is the concern you have with government policies? Vegetables?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now here’s an example of government intrusion into our private lives: Making public school children eat their vegetables!
Actually, that’s a misstatement of the policy; the federal government realizes it can’t make kids do anything, so it only requires the schools to serve the kids veggies, but it doesn’t make the kids eat the veggies.
No doubt many, if not most or all, of these veggies will end up in recycling containers. Which makes me suspect it’s just another farm subsidy program.
Drowning Grant County In The Bathtub
“In January 2009, the [Republican] commissioners for Central Washington’s Grant County were poised to name a new chief prosecutor … when they received a warning letter … signed by seven of the county’s assistant prosecutors and the administrative assistant who helped manage the county’s prosecuting attorney’s office. Their message was: Please do not appoint D. Angus Lee. … ‘This position is much too important to be awarded solely based on political maneuvering and work for the party!’ they wrote.”
“To finish the term of the county’s chief prosecutor, who had recently been elected a judge, the county’s Republican Party had forwarded three candidates to the commissioners, including Lee. The three commissioners received the warning letter about Lee on Jan. 6. On Jan. 7, they interviewed Lee. And on Jan. 8, they selected Lee to be the county’s head prosecutor.
“For the Grant County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, the months and years since then have been marked by tumult, with bar complaints whizzing back and forth, along with civil claims and counterclaims, whistle-blower complaints, criminal investigations of former office personnel, and the occasional unprintable insult.
“This year, the Washington State Bar Association filed formal disciplinary charges against Lee, accusing him of engaging in conflicts of interest and of trying to force an assistant to do the same. Bar officials said they know of no other instance in Washington where a county’s top prosecutor has faced formal charges while still in office. …
“For his chief deputy, Lee named lawyer Edward Owens, a former police officer who got hooked on methamphetamine and wound up being convicted of a drug felony. ..
“For Teddy Chow, a former deputy prosecutor who signed that letter to the commissioners, the turn of events in the prosecutor’s office amounts to: ‘I told you so.’ Stephen Hallstrom, another signatory, says: ‘I think that letter has been borne out to be pretty accurate. Why the commissioners would have disregarded the concerns in that letter escapes me.’ Cathy Neils, the office’s former administrative assistant, looks at the words ‘unmitigated disaster’ and says: ‘That’s exactly what it is.’
“Grant County … has one of the state’s most troubled criminal-justice systems. Seven years ago the county settled a class-action lawsuit challenging its woeful public-defense system; among other lowlights, two public defenders were disbarred for requesting payment from clients they were supposed to represent for free. The county’s judges, past and present, have been disciplined at least seven times since the early 1990s …. Now the prosecuting attorney’s office is under scrutiny. …
“Seattle University law professor John Strait, a specialist in legal ethics, said …: ‘If the allegations are true, I think that’s pretty serious misconduct on the part of a prosecuting attorney.’ …
“Cindy Carter, one of the Grant County commissioners who tapped him for the position, said … Lee offered sound, budget-conscious ideas for running the office …. ‘I think he’s done an excellent job,’ Carter said. She referred to Lee’s difficulties with the bar as ‘politically motivated.'”
[Emphasis added — RR]
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I posted this simply to prove Republicans are idiots. Cindy Carter isn’t a lawyer (I checked the WSBA online lawyer directory) and doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Professor Strait, on the other hand, is a law professor and a very good one at that. (Prof. Strait isn’t a personal friend — I don’t know him that well — but I’ve heard him speak at legal seminars, and I’ve talked with him one-on-one, in fact he and I once served on King County jury duty together.)
The main takeaway of this article is made in the sentence toward the end that I italicized. Grant County’s Republican commissioners appointed an incompetent and arguably unethical individual as prosecuting attorney because he “offered sound, budget-conscious ideas for running the office.”
After three years of turmoil in the prosecutor’s office because this inexperienced quack lawyer doesn’t know what he’s doing, one of the non-lawyer Republican commissioners who appointed him still asserts he’s doing an “excellent” job. No doubt she means he’s running the prosecutor’s office on the cheap. She and her fellow Republican commissioners don’t care about anything else.
This is an example of what happens when voters elect people to public office who don’t believe in government and would rather “drown it in the bathtub” than spend enough on government to do things right — even when it comes to prosecuting criminals.
How many criminal prosecutions in Grant County have been compromised? How many dangerous criminals will go free because of botched prosecutions? The county’s Republican commissioners apparently don’t care, as long as county government costs as little as possible.
As a closing note, it should be pointed out that the criminal justice system — police, courts, judges, and prosecutors — is usually the biggest cost item in the county budget. Here in King County, as I recall, it’s something like three-fourths of the county budget. I would assume it’s comparable in small-population counties like Grant County. So if you have Republican county commissioners managing the county’s finances, and they’re bent on paring expenditures to a sub-minimum, one of the places they’ll look is the prosecuting attorney’s office. Being Republicans, they’re much more likely to be open to cost-shaving there than in the police department. And, of course, the area they’ll want to cut most of all is public defense. If Republicans had their way, people accused of crimes would simply be “processed” without any investigation of guilt or innocence, or any legal defense, at all. To them, that’s just another unnecessary cost of government imposed on county taxpayers by “bleeding-heart liberals.”
Grant County, which is about as Republican as counties come, captures this Republican attitude perfectly. It’s a reeking example of what a governmental microcosm created by Republican ideology and attitudes looks like.
Timmeh Lieman is under investigation for possible violations of campaign finance laws.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Somehow this feels like old news even though it’s in today’s paper.
Sounds like Nobel Peace Prize fraud, President Obama, hasn’t earned the prize. Afghanistan is a big mess. Iraq is a disaster. 92 Killed
Pakistan–over 100 killed
Do they ever take back the Nobel Peace Prize?
I mean they gave it to Obama before he ever did anything but talk. Now Obama has a 4-year record of anything but Peace. Cutting & running from Iraq will lead to massacres. Obama needs to fess up. These deaths are on him.
Not only do the Dummocrat BOO God repeatedly at their clownvention, but now they are talking about taking God off of coins and currency. Oh they deny it, but I’ll bet many of you lefty’s @ HA would support such a move.
Eliminate God. Isn’t that your goal?
How can you eliminate what never existed?
Wow. Willard makes a dog whistle, and right on time you’re here pounding the table about this fiction. Were it only true.
What is pathetic is your gullibility.
It’s obviously Klown Time.
“Afghanistan is a big mess. Iraq is a disaster.”
That’d be funny, except it isn’t, especially coming from a Bush cheerleader.
We’ll clean the mess you made. You can just go to your barn and STFU.
“Eliminate God. Isn’t that your goal?”
No. Dumbfuck Klowns are the problem, not God.
@173 And if God does exist, how can humans, and especially lowly Democrats,* eliminate something that is omnipotent, omnipresent, and eternal?
* Even if Wall Street (aka “Master of the Universe”) could do it, mere Democrats (whom they consider inferior) certainly can’t.
GOP Strategist Says Dems Won Convention War
“The Democrat Convention versus the Republican Convention … where shall I begin? Republicans were organized, methodical and formal. Democrats held a convention that … was political Mardi Gras.
“The two very different conventions featured dramatically different nominees. Mitt Romney’s speech was focused on introducing Mitt Romney to the nation. His acceptance speech was meant to tell us who he is, what has shaped him and what’s in his heart. That’s what he needed to do. Americans did not know much about him before the convention and before we trust him, we have to know him.
“Barack Obama’s speech was not an introduction. We know him already. It was a reminder of what he stands for. He admitted it hasn’t been quick or pretty, but he’s a president and commander in chief in control. That’s what he needed to do. Four years ago, Barack Obama was America’s hope for change. Today, keeping Americans hopeful is his only hope for re-election. …
“I hate to admit it, but if the presidential race was solely based on who had the better convention, Mitt Romney would be gasping for air.”
Romney: GOP Screwed Up
“Mitt Romney said congressional Republicans were wrong to accept a deal last year that could ultimately result in across-the-board spending cuts, including massive cuts to the military.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s what I said at the time, and have been saying ever since. The GOPers got screwed. They painted themselves into a corner. Obama and the Dems in Congress don’t have to do a damn thing to raise taxes and cut military spending. That’s already a done deal. Best of all, they can blame higher middle class taxes on the Republicans. The only way out of this for the GOPers is to agree to a new tax-and-spending deal on the Democrats’ terms. One way or another, the rich will pay more taxes and less money will be spent on war and weapons. Republicans are full of bluster and swagger, but they’re not very smart.
@60 “Baloney on continuation of Bush policies. False premise. Obummer was erected to stop Bush policies. If Obummer continued them then Obummer is a failure!”
So, puddy, you finally admit that Bush was a failure and anyone who continues his policies is also a failure? What took you so long to come around? Feeblemindedness?
McCain Says Dems Won Convention War
“Speaking in an interview with CNBC’s Ross Westgate in Italy over the weekend, John McCain said he thought the Democrats delivered a successful convention last week but wasn’t quite as sold on the GOP convention’s boost for Mitt Romney.”
New Poll Says Dems Won Convention War
“President Barack Obama, picking up support following the Democratic National Convention, widened his narrow lead over Republican U.S. presidential challenger Mitt Romney in a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Saturday.”
“‘The bump is actually happening. I know there was some debate whether it would happen … but it’s here,’ said Ipsos pollster Julia Clark, referring to the ‘bounce’ in support that many presidential candidates enjoy after nominating conventions.”
Nice description Lib Sci.
Too bad it’s wasted.
Romney/Ryan get very specific on Health Care and Taxes. Romney will repeal the highly flawed ObamaCare but propose a number of the major points like kids on until 26 etc.
Romney start ad campaign in Wisconsin today. So much for the dummocrat intentionally false rumor mill.
Obama did outraise Romney by $3 million in September $114mm to $111mm…but his burn rate of cash is much higher. Will be interesting to see where they both stand with cash on hand. Romney was up by $60 million at the end of July. It’s probably larger the end of August. Plus the Republican PACs are outraising the Dems significantly.
I still laugh thinking how you fools talk in the echo chamber long enough to actually believe Romney would give up on Wisconsin, Ohio or any of the swing states. I guess it shows the delusion echo chambers can have on commn sense and reality, especially this echo chamber.
I also heard that Debates have little impact on the polls. I think the last time it mattered significantly was in 1980 where Reagan crushed Carter. I don’t see that happened here. Romney may get a very slight bounce since he will be on the offensive about Obama’s record. Ryan will crush Biden. Biden will be restricted to narrow, canned answers so he doesn’t hurt the ticket. But that will make him fodder for Ryan..but it may only be worth a little.
Updated report from Reuters on the Obama Auto Company (formerly known as GM) pretty much sums up Obama’s fiscal acumen, doesn’t it? But hey, Obama’s union thugs got their pensions protected ala quid pro quo.
“Ryan will crush Biden.”
LMFAO!!! In your dreams, dumbfuck.
“Ryan will crush Biden.”
All Ryan has to do is wink at the klown’s in the tv audience.
Game over!
@189 Thanks for the reminder. Too funny for words.
“I’m sure I’m not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, “Hey, I think she just winked at me.” And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can’t be learned; it’s either something you have or you don’t, and man, she’s got it.”
“Starbursts”. Silly wingnut wanker.
@184 “Romney will repeal the highly flawed ObamaCare but propose a number of the major points like kids”
So Romney’s “plan” is to repeal Obamacare, then re-enact it, and call it Romneycare? Tooooo fun-neeeeee … !!!
Here’s the tricky part about Romneycare: It doesn’t work without its least popular provision, the individual mandate, so you can count on its failure under a gutless panderer like Romney.
@186 “I also heard that Debates have little impact on the polls.”
Romney had better hope they do, but you’re probably right, against a debater like Obama a breakeven result is probably the best Romney can hope for.