Do you have an offshore bank account?
The Health Care Killing Floors:
- Bill-O-The-Clown fesses up….
- Ann Telnaes: The Republican solution to fixing our health care system.
- Susie Sampson: Health Care and Independence Day.
- Young Turks: MittFlop #1,712, “Obamacare mandate a tax”.
- Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, Rhode Island edition:
- Sam Seder: “Katherine Harris” calls to chime in on Obamacare, SCOTUS + More!
- Even Bill-O-the-Clown mocks Rep. John Boehner.
- Mark Fiore: RepubliBliss.
Maddow: Ron Paul not out until Nebraska sings.
Obama kicks off a campaign tour.
Pap: The fracking industry’s dirty secrets.
Tom: The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Nasicornously Ugly!
Growing Up:
- Young Turks: FAUX News rips kid for turning liberal.
- Lawrence O’Donnell talks to fallen conservative Jonathan Krohn.
- Young Turks: Conservative Kid Jonathan Krohn evolves into a Liberal.
- Sam Seder: 13 YO conservative kid pundit Jonathan Krohn…now a 17 YO liberal.
- End of a Teen Dream (photo essay): The Conservatives who once loved Jonathan Krohn (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Slate News: Jonathan Krohn responds to the responses.
The Daily Show explains Wall Street.
Alyona: Rhode Island’s new disclosure act.
Young Turks: Conservative Judge says GOP has become ‘goofy’.
Slate News: Ron Paul’s new crusade.
Sam Seder: Florida Congressman Bill Young (R) pulls a McKenna; tells minimum wage worker to, “Get a job”.
The Onion Week in Review.
Romney’s Romper Room:
- Slate NewsRomney’s Spanish advertisement FAIL.
- Thom: Mr. 1% and his offshore millions.
- Mitt explains the free rider provision.
- Pap: Romney is in deep with oil lobbyists.
- Newsy: Murdoch criticism suggests rift with Romney.
- Sam Seder: Lemon. Wet. Good.
- Gov. Strickland calls on Mitt to release tax returns.
- Young Turks: Romney’s abortion clean-up service…investment
- Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, Washington state edition:
- Thom: Pirate capitalist Romney vs the average Joe.
- Newsy: Romney camp confused in tax penalty.
- Sam Seder: Everyone deserves a fair shot if they can afford it.
- Ann Telnaes: Mitt Flips.
- ONN: Romney’s numbers skyrocket after prostitute reveals she paid him.
- Young Turks: Murdoch tweets on Mitt.
- Liberal Viewer: MSNBC’s false edit of Romney immigration stance.
Obama likes the kid’s hair.
Sam Seder: Rush Limbaugh, “The country went downhill when we let women vote!.
Young Turks: Anti-tax movement burned in Colorado fire.
Thom: more of The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Mother Pitt:
- Young Turks: Brad Pitt’s mother.
- Buzz60: MOOoooOmmm!
- Slate News: The strange case of Brad Pitt and his mother.
White House: West Wing Week.
Maddow: Thaddeus McCotter resigns… weirdly.
Young Turks: Koch brothers helped by ear marks from tea party Congressman.
Thom: Will RI disclosure bill keep out the super PACs?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Probably not. RI’s a little tiny state and it’s laws aren’t going to effect the media coming out places like Hartford and Boston.
The Bible is a great thing.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Forget about the pollution risk, do we even have enough water to waste towards fracking. Why are people so stupid. Glad I don’t have kids, grand kids and great-great grand kids. I’d hate to have to tell them that there is no water left because we fricken fracked it all away.
Lunatics is putting it politely.
Again, the Friday Night Comedy Purveyor always misses pertinent topics.
And yet the HA libtard faithful regularly watch him on HBO.
More real news missed by the Friday Night Comedy Purveyor
Yep, they are getting agitated so people NEED to know Obummer is preznit!
You’ve got to be kidding – that’s what you’re bitching about? President Obama speaking at a lectern with…a Presidential Seal?
God you’re an idiot.
How about this – reminds me of Bobbie ‘Cupcake’ McKenna – Republican Rep tells employed man to “get a job” when asked about minimum wage hike.
Why are Republicans such assholes? Is it genetic?
I’m reminded that Dorky Dorkman wants to see an Arab Spring in this country.
Maybe this is what he’s hoping for?
Apparently the joy in having fucked over Al Gore in 2000 is dissipating.
Time to go back to the well.
Cereal’s back!
Hey, bub, I never got an answer from you yesterday – you must have been writin’ checks, or something. I’ll repost:
People are beginning to notice the incompetence:
Democrat former Secretary of Labor tells Obama to STFU and start creating a job or two:
But the excuse is wearing thin. It’s his economy now, and most voters don’t care what he inherited.
@ 11
Gman blamed it on the Republicans without a shred of evidence.
In my post, I called the lying lesbian a liberal, intentionally despite any evidence in the piece, which I noted at the time.
See? It works both ways. If Gman can blame Republicans for something he doesn’t like, why can’t I blame liberals for something I don’t like? Who needs evidence? Not here on HA.
While you’re cogitatin’, bub, I would also LOVE a response to my question to you, asking for 5 positive things that a Romney presidency will bring to the American people. You still haven’t answered that, either.
I would LOVE to be convinced by you, through positive persuasion, to support Romney. Whatcha got?
More real news missed by the Friday Night Comedy Purveyor
But that’s okay we’ll still vote for ya because politics always comes before God!
Will this make any slobbering leftist newspaper or news show? Nope, because the slobbering leftists think po black peeps don’t have the internet or iphones or android phones and can’t read the real news.
Flip Flop!
Such a schmuck and a moron!
Somehow this was missed too by the Friday Night Comedy Purveyor
Thin gruel you serve, bub.
False equivalence, much?
Republicans control every statewide office in Texas and dominate the political climate, and control the legislature. The civil rights protesting gay couple were arrested by law enforcement in Texas. Not too much of a stretch to blame opposition to gay rights on Republicans.
You ‘counter’ with an obscure story of a dishonest fool who happens to be gay and is using that for…something. AND you call her liberal for that.
How are those equivalent? Was the Texas couple lying or deceitful? Should they return to the closet? Should they settle for second-class citizenship? What’s your point?
And please, ‘everybody at HA does it’ is not an excuse. Show your work.
@ 15
This is timely:
I think the African-American religious community will swallow hard and pull the lever for The One.
I think Obama thinks that as well.
@15, 17
Stories about the same asshole pastor. Couldn’t you find at least one with that schmuck Hutcherson? You know, the black megachurch pastor always blowing on about ‘Teh GAYZ!” but is too afraid to present his case in front of a audience of ordinary (non-church-packed) citizens?
C’mon, you can do better fullsize!
@ 18
I have no idea if she’s liberal. That was my point. I had no basis, in the link I provided, to make that judgement.
Similarly, Gman had no basis to determine that it was some sort of Republican call to arrest the gay couple.
I suspect that someone protesting and refusing to leave, for ANY reason whatsoever, would have been arrested in that situation. What is the municipality to do? Lock the door at the end of the day and go home with the gay couple still there?
People attend protests all the time with the intent of getting arrested. It’s not a GOP or Dem decision that causes the arrest. It’s the protester doing something that crosses a line. Period.
There’s plenty around to blame the GOP for doing or for not doing. At least have the stones to post credibly. Show your work. What a concept.
Done here.
Link for @20 – ooooh, there might be scarewy scarewy GAY people there!
Then why do it?
To ‘counter’ a post that criticized Republicans for denying the civil rights of gay people, that’s why.
What you’re doing, despite the very lawyerly focus on “determine that it was some sort of Republican call to arrest” – the minutiae rather than the policy – is diverting and obscuring criticism of Republican-associated anti-gay bigotry.
Ergo, you’re facilitating anti-gay bigotry.
Now, bigot, about those 5 fabulous Romney-led advances for the American people….
Oh please OH PLEASE!
@6 Here puddles explains to us how wingnuts like him prefer to resolve disagreements.
Right To Be Poor And Sick
Republicans have already established laws in a number of states that give you the right to work for low wages. Following that up, they also plan to set up states were you also have a right to be sick and uninsured.
Republicans are nostalgic. They miss horse-drawn buggies, whale-oil lamps, slavery, sharecroppers, sweatshops, dust bowls and Okies.
@ RR
Would you agree that, no matter what the makeup of the White House and Congress come 2013, that there will be legislative changes to the ACA, due to errors and unforeseen (at least by the drafters) consequences of the existing bill?
I believe that happens no matter what. There’s some shit in there that just makes no sense and is the legislative equivalent of the federal government shooting itself in the foot.
Tell me right wingers. With a contribution limit of $6000 a year (less in previous years) how does anyone accumulate 100 million in an IRA???
A million or so sure, but 100 f’ing million? It’s unheard of.
@ 29
You would have answered your own question had you read the piece you linked, dumbass:
Tax law experts we spoke to explained to us how an IRA could in theory reach the size of Romney’s.
I know it is confusing when your lips move, but try.
@8 “Is it genetic?”
I don’t think so. I believe it’s an acquired behavior. I know several Republicans and all of their kids are Democrats. I know this because the kids make a point of coming up to me and telling me they’re not Republican assholes like their parents. For some reason, it’s important to them that I know they turned out differently. I can’t explain their parents. You’d have to ask a psychologist what makes people selfish, greedy, and dishonest. Maybe it came from childhood abuse and/or deprivation. If psychologists don’t know ask a biologist — maybe they’re mutants.
30 – “in theory”.. Ya right moron..
@ 32
Keep pushin’ the rich thing. Think you’ll bring him down because his IRA’s really big?
You go, girlfriend. Anything to avoid talking about Obama’s failure to produce jobs and his penchant for blaming everyone but himself.
Romney’s rich and that’s why times are hard. Good luck with that.
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
In another of those extremely rare gun-mishandling incidents that happen only a few times a day, an apparently disturbed person gunned down his girlfriend and three members of an Ohio family before shooting himself in front of police.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A little birdie tells me American laws make it too easy for the wrong people to get guns.
@33 How many jobs has Rmoney’s IRA produced?
The latest jobs data shows the economy gaining private sector jobs but losing public sector jobs. In fact, government downsizing has been a major contributing factor to job loss throughout the Great Recession and its aftermath. Republicans are in favor of laying off government workers and against the Obama stimulus that helped state and local governments keep teachers, firefighters, and cops on the job. Tell me again how Republicans are for job creation?
@15 Bible-thumping bigots come in all shades.
@ 33
How many jobs has Obama’s $1M home produced?
A lot of what you spew is too stupid to warrant a serious response, RR.
If he avoided taxes by illegal means, why not?
I asked how do you do that by the way? You didn’t even proffer the details of a “theory”..
The guy’s great at accumulating ginormous sums of money for himself and parking it in strange places and in strange ways..
Think that’ll be good for the country? Fine. I’m skeptical to put it mildly.
@ 36
RR, wrong again on jobs data.
Government worker unemployment rate 5.2% now, vs. 5.8% a year ago. Unemployed government workers 1.079M now vs. 1.232M a year ago.
@40 Nice try, ace. But this recession didn’t start a year ago, and neither did our unemployment problem. If you compare today with 2007, here’s what you see:
“The dismal data in Friday’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics … will add fuel to the debate over whether government at all levels is downsizing – and if it is, is it downsizing so much that it is weakening the larger economy?
“One way to get an answer to this question is to compare the number of jobs at the start of the recession and in June in three key sectors of the economy: … construction, retail sales, and government ….
“Here [is] what you can see in Friday’s data, compared to the month the recession officially started, December of 2007.
” … Employment in construction stood at 7,490,000 jobs when the recession began in December of 2007. … Friday’s BLS report … said that there were 5,509,000 construction jobs in June …. [T]he number of construction jobs has ticked up a bit from its lowest point in November of 2010. . .. Alan Krueger, a labor market expert from Princeton University, said, ‘The unemployment rate is … high for construction workers because we over-built so many homes during the housing bubble years ago — and we’re still working our way past that excess.’ …
“The number of retail trade workers … stood at 14,747,200 in June, a decline of 5.3 percent since the recession began. The retail sector has bounced back from its low point in December of 2009 – up by about 396,000 jobs since then – and has grown … for most of the past two and a half years. …
“Federal employment … spiked with the Census in 2010 … [Since then] federal headcount has drifted down …. The most recent available data … shows that in March executive branch head count was at 2,102,269 – compared to 1,862,404 in September of 2007 …. With state and local government headcount, the story is different. State government employment stood at 5,139,000 when the recession started and was at 5,060,000 in June, a decline of 1.5 percent. Local government employment stood at 14,481,000 when the recession began and was at 14,077,000 in June, a drop of 2.8 percent.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Using the same BLS data our friend @36 relied on to claim I’m “wrong,” we see that private construction and retail employment has bottomed and is moving up, but overall government employment (federal, state, and local) is still skidding. It is, in fact, government downsizing that is causing one of the largest continuing drags on employment in the U.S. economy. Do we need to ask which party’s legislative policies are costing public sector workers their jobs and blocking any further job-stimulating federal aid to states, counties, and cities? No, of course not — we all know who that is. Don’t let some wingnut propagandist cherry-picking one year’s data tell you the drag on hiring is coming from private companies held back by government oppression. That’s bullshit. The truth is there are far fewer government workers now than 5 years ago, when the recession began, and private companies are expanding their workforces even as public sector employment continues to slide downhill.
@40 “Government worker unemployment rate 5.2% now, vs. 5.8% a year ago. Unemployed government workers 1.079M now vs. 1.232M a year ago.”
Maybe that’s because ex-government workers are taking private sector jobs because there are no government jobs.
@42 (continued) Here’s another point. When workers are laid off from government jobs and take private sector jobs, the latter usually will be lower-paying jobs. That’s because of a combination of factors, including labor surpluses and the fact many public jobs have no private sector counterparts, and mand of the skills needed in the public sector aren’t transferable. What does a laid-off $80,000-a-year cop do to make ends meet, take a private security firm job paying $10 an hour? Yes, if he has to, and in today’s economy many people have to take any work they can get. What I want to point out is that not only has the economy downsized in absolute numbers of jobs, but it has also downsized in earning levels of the stil-employed and re-employed. All economists agree the cause of the weak economy is lack of consumer demand. People who don’t have money can’t spend, it’s as simple as that, and you can’t ask the family of an ex-cop whose income has gone from $80,000 to $20,000 to support the economy with consumer spending.
The Cheap Labor Conservatives have won; Prosperity has lost, and we’re all going to live smaller lives because of the idiots who thought sinking everyone else’s boats would lift their boats. They — not me — are wrong.
@11 “Who said she was liberal?”
You’re talking to Bob, the simpleton who concluded that Trayvon Martin was a “thug”, refering us to some of fake photos and a tweet he saw on a racist wingnut blog, and long after they were proven to be a hateful fraud.
Bob has repeatedly proven himself to be a racist asswipe and I’m sure he’ll continue to believe in the thuginess of Martin and his hoodie no matter what contradictory evidence is placed before him.
@14 “I would also LOVE a response to my question to you, asking for 5 positive things that a Romney presidency will bring to the American people”
Bob still hasn’t answered that question? Well, that’s fucking telling. You’ve only been asking for several weeks. Of course, what positives could we expect to be spoken of a sociopathic vulture capitalist cult member who loves firing people and outsourcing jobs, and who hates dogs? Maybe you should try asking if he could just name three positive things?
Sigh! I suppose it wouldn’t be any easier on Bob if we instead asked him if he could just name five political positions of any import on which Romney hasn’t flip-flopped multiple times. If that’s too tough, he could try coming up with just three of those. Hell, maybe he could just tell us one reason, just one, why the bullying, cop impersonating dog torturer shouldn’t be considered a dangerous sociopath.
@44 “Bob still hasn’t answered that question?”
Baleful Bob can’t answer that question, because Rmoney won’t answer that question.
Rmoney is anti. He’s anti-Democrat, anti-Obama, anti-his own health care reform, pretty much anti-everything except giving Big Bidness a free hand and low/no taxes. But he won’t tell us what he’ll do as president.
Now why doesn’t Rmoney want us to know? Because we won’t elect him if we know? Could be.
LOL… You’re posting this on a site full of atheists…
“Anything to avoid talking about Obama’s failure to produce jobs and his penchant for blaming everyone but himself.”
Such horseshit, Bob. Anything to avoid talking about how Republicans and the failure of thirty years Reaganomics got us into this damned mess in the first place. It is your pathetic, lying ass who has a penchant, one of never accepting responsibility for your damned failures. No, instead you whine and lie about the people who are fixing the very disasters that you and yours created. You are the one who blames anyone and anything but yourself for your countless fuckups.
This is so funny! WHO could have guessed?
Typical republican hypocrisy.
Did you see the one about the private school that’s teaching that the lochness monster is real and disproves the theory of evolution?
I think that’s not just a single school, but factoids from books from publishers (like Bob Jones University Press) that are used extensively by homeschoolin’ Christianists all over the country.
Raising the militantly ignorant, by design.
Why does everyone here think the government’s job is to produce jobs? There has to be an economic reason for a job to exist. Paying people to do make-work jobs is a waste.
And what is wrong with having a foreign bank account? If you want one, you can have one, too. It’s relatively easy to do, even for ordinary people.
We don’t. But, how many jobs are you going to have and how well is your society going to function if you layoff all the engineers that do bridge inspections and highway bridges in your state start to collapse?
@51 “Why does everyone here think the government’s job is to produce jobs?”
Government’s job is to look after the welfare of its citizens. Government is the only actor concerned with broad economic success; all other economic actors are focused on their self-interests. Only government has the authority and resources to deal with economic crises caused by private misuse of economic freedom and the breakdown of “free” (read: manipulated and rigged) markets. Thus, while government is not directly responsible for job creation, we look to government to remedy the market excesses that lead to mass job destruction.
“Paying people to do make-work jobs is a waste.”
Ah. The tired old canard of rightwing government-haters that government employment is unproductive make-work. My response: The only people who think being a cop is make-work are the people being arrested by the cops. There’s a reason why some folks hate government: They want a free hand to enrich themselves by hurting the rest of us.
And what is wrong with having a foreign bank account?
Nothing, unless it’s used to dodge taxes. And why would anyone want a foreign bank account? To dodge taxes. Otherwise, it’s a hassle. The reason most of us don’t have foreign bank accounts is because we don’t have enough income to make tax-dodging worth the trouble. The rich are currently enjoying the lowest marginal tax rates of living memory. Over the last 30 years, we’ve given them nearly every tax break they’ve asked for. Why don’t they just quit playing games and pay what the law asks of them, under a system that’s been rigged in their favor? Is that too much for the rest of us to expect? In Rmoney’s case, apparently it is.
Look, I don’t really care whether Rmoney uses foreign tax havens to dodge taxes. That’s his business. I just don’t want someone like that sitting in the White House making decisions and policies that affect all of us. That’s my business. So here’s the deal: He doesn’t get to be president, and he doesn’t have to pay taxes on his foreign holdings. I can live with that.
Fuck! Even a Sylvilagus floridanus is smarter than than this brainless ninny.
@54 A brick is, too.
What a difference 4 years of life experience makes!
Please, Bob, tell us you’re 14 years old so we can believe there’s hope for you!
Roger DUMB Wabbit, short memory disease… October 2009, Obummer claimed the recession was over.
I realize being stooopid comes more naturally now. So what are you today? Stock broker, retired lawyer or lagomorph?
As a black man, I’ve done well under those “draconian policies” Steve!
Republicans don’t like government and won’t pay taxes for things like this:
” … [T]hough it finished building the 300-bed facility in April, the California Department of Veterans Affairs said this week the state budget crunch means no veterans will be able to move into the Fresno veterans home …. The same is true for a new 150-bed facility in Redding ….
A buddy of mine is an engineering tech for a county roads department. I don’t think making sure roads are properly built and safe and that the private contractors that are hired to do road work don’t cheat on their jobs qualifies as make-work. I, also, don’t think that the people who make sure that when I pump a gallon of gas into my car, I really get a gallon of gas are doing make-work.
Ditto with the folks from the department of nursing (mostly RN’s) that would come though the group-homes I used to help run and make sure that the residents were all getting proper medical care. I’ve seen the kinds of hellholes you get when those nurses don’t come though. No one should ever be treated like that,
Translation: I GOT MINE
How very Christian of you.
“As a black man, I’ve done well under those “draconian policies” Steve!”
As have many blacks I’ve known. Classmate Franklin Raines can’t complain. As we both know, one reason so many blacks haven’t done so well is, ironically enough, because of Affirmative Action. I’m happy to engage in conversation with the right about failures and shortcomings on the left as long as it’s tit-for-tat. However, if all it leads to is the person on the other side saying, “Yeah, your side sucks”, without offering up some self criticism of their own, leading to a sharing of lessons learned, then what’s the point?
As for Bob, so far he comes off as being incapable of moving past acting like a racist, right-wing “thug”. I see myself having little choice but to treat him like shit for being like that until he shows me that he’s got something more on the ball. Hey, who knows? Perhaps the day will come when he’ll display a redeeming quality or two.
Lots-o-people have done well. More have done not so well.
@13 – we all know how republicans live gay marriage. Since I am the topic of these posts I will clarify. My accusation towards republicans was in reflection of how the majority of those opposed to gay marriage are Republicans. That was the just of my post. Republicans acting like Nazis, going against ones liberties, supposedly the party of let freedom ring, but freedom just doesn’t work for them in this instance. So doesn’t letting someone openly gay serve in the military.
@21 – where did it say in the story that they were protesting and refusing to leave. The way I read it was that they just got hand cuffed fir making the request for a marriage license. Something that every freedom loving person should understand to be a right!
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Posting on an iPhone, sorry for the mistakes.
You got to love Puddynutz trying to school Roger. The funniest thing going here.
Got proof DUMB Wabbit?
Translation, Lib da schmuck is FOS!
It’s a Psych 101 thing!
Stoooooooooopid moron!
Ask Roger the meaning of IF.
Funniest one evvvva!
So will Obummer’s sadministration trade Afghan wimens’ rights for a fast escape?
@73 If you want to do something about it, why don’t you enlist? I have a niece in the Army who just came back from Afghanistan. I served in Vietnam. Have you ever been in a third world shithole country, puddles? Have you ever seen a war?
Your comment at #73 raises an interesting question, one that’s been asked many times, but never adequately answered:
Should the U.S. be the world’s cop, or just guard its own interests?
Afghans have been doing this shit to each other for centuries. The Russians spent 10 years trying to communize them and got nowhere. We’ve spent 10 years trying to civilize them and are getting nowhere. How long should we ask our young soldiers to beat their heads against this brick wall? Do you really think Obama can change that society? Is that his responsibility? What’s our mission in Afghanistan, puddles? Do you know?
Frankly, I don’t think this incident is within our military’s TAO (tactical area of operations) or OOB (order of battle). It’s an Afghan issue and Afghans should deal with it. I feel sorry for the Afghan women who have to live under this kind of shit but keep in mind that’s a country where 40% of the children die before age 5 and the average lifespan is 43 — they have lots of other problems besides Taliban firing squads such as no education, no health care, no economy, etc. We should do what we can to help them, but sometimes you just can’t solve other people’s problems for them.
@58 “So what are you today? Stock broker, retired lawyer or lagomorph?”
Two out of three isn’t bad for an idiot like you. Probably your best effort today.
@59 “As a black man, I’ve done well under those “draconian policies” Steve!”
Note the focus on “I”. Puddles, do you give a shit how others are doing? Or do you care only about “I, me, mine”?
I’m doing pretty well despite the lousy economy, but I at least give half a damn (and maybe more) about somebody besides myself. That seems to be the main difference between you and me.
Exploding Myths About Health Care
“Myth: Europe has socialized medicine compared with a free-market system in America.
“Fact: By nearly any measure, the U.S. government spends more on health care than most European governments. … Here’s the real mindblower: The U.S. government spends more money per citizen covering a minority of its population than most European governments spend covering their entire populations.
“Myth: The U.S. health-care system is more efficient than other bureaucratic behemoths around the world.
“Reality: By most measures, America has one of the least efficient health-care systems in the world. … U.S. health insurance companies have the highest administrative costs in the world; they spend roughly 20 cents of every dollar for … such [costs] as paperwork, reviewing claims and marketing. France’s health insurance industry, in contrast, covers everybody and spends about 4 percent on administration. Canada’s universal insurance system … spends 6 percent on administration. … Taiwan … has administrative costs of 1.5 percent ….
“Myth: America’s uninsured are cared for by churches, charities, and at last resort, emergency rooms.
“Fact: Put starkly, the uninsured face a 40% higher mortality rate than those with health insurance, even after adjusting for income, health status, body mass index, smoking, and alcohol use. … The uninsured are three times more likely to claim problems getting needed care than those who have insurance.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans support a status quo that sucks. The only substantial alternative any Republican has offered is the plan Mitt Romney enacted in Massachusetts — which is virtually identical to Obamacare which he now says he wants to “repeal and replace” … with what??? He won’t say.
@70 You want proof? Okay, show me a tax the GOP faction in California’s legislature voted for. Can’t find one? There’s proof.
Oh really Roger DUMB Wabbit? I don’t brag about how much money each day one makes on the stock market. Yet YOU do!
See ya!
When called on his adolescent bragging, and asked to compare that behavior with the tenets of the Christianism that he wears so ostentatiously on his sleeve around here, fullsize reverts to gibberish.
What’s with you and the bragging, fullsize? ‘Concierge floors’, ‘fullsize’ car rentals, ‘doing pretty well’ – you’re clearly trying to prove something about your status, but all you’ve given us are the petty trivialities that pass for ‘luxury’ in the life of an average worker bee.
@79. What is the relationship between the two comments that you make, the one cited of Roger’s and yours. They are apples and oranges. You make no sense, you never did, do, or will.
How about showing us some evidence that you give a half a damn or more about somebody besides yourself. You always want evidence but never offer any evidence yourself. And the evidence should include giving a shit about someone unlike you, someone one that is an atheist, non black, or a non Republican.
just getting up this morning afraid to look at news, probably tons of murderers by you know who, who else.
Puddy stop double spacing your posts, you are wasting valuable bytes of information
Oh, G, how silly of you.
Pudnutz couldn’t complete a coherent sentence if his life depended on it. He’s a slightly less polished form of bub, all bomb throwing and show, all provocation, without introspection or critical thought or even simple honesty.
One dares to dream, however.
“The 1978 Ethics in Government Act requires presidential candidates to file personal financial disclosure reports with the Federal Election Commission.”
Does Mitt consider admitting to secret bank accounts adequate disclosure? This is going to sink his campaign.
re 85: Aren’t you glad that I don’t have a self potrait like Puddy does?
@79 and @84 – the only thing I can reason is that Puddy is jealous of Roger for making the money he makes. Puddy wise up – you can learn a thing or two from Roger. Maybe you could even give up your job at McDonald’s.
@80 Gummint workers don’t even get those petty luxuries. All they get is a raft of shit from “customers” like puddles. And when you work for the gummint, you can’t refuse service to anyone or turn any “customers” away for bad behavior. They can walk into your office barefoot in pajamas and act like they own the place, and there’s nothing you can do about it. At least in private enterprise you get to choose your customers and you get a few petty luxuries.
Ummm no you moron. I don’t get into petty jealousies or class warfare. That’s the DUMMOCRAPT playland.
And even after all that commentary, your life still sucks Lib da schmuck!
That’s why you attack others. It’s the DNC playbook!
Damn there goes the DUMB Wabbit projecting again.
It’s DUMMOCRAPTS who don’t say please or thank you! Walk into the DMV or other locations and watch the DUMMOCRAPT in action. How can you tell they are DUMMOCRAPT. They make demands! When they leave there is no please or thank you coming from their mouth!
hahahhahhaahhaha! If you only knew…..
I’m not the one bragging about the glories of fullsize rental cars and staying in the San Jose Marriott on business trips, fool.
@91 What planet are you on? I want to know so I can calculate the redshift. That might tell me how big our universe is, because I’m pretty sure you’re not from this one.
Was just at the DOL the other day getting my kid a learner’s permit.. Was treated just fine. Didn’t even have to wait that long although they were busy. No human institution is perfect but just sayin’..
Such a miserable existence – trained to hate by right wing propaganda..
@96 Actually, the way that works is in states where you need a photo ID to vote, and you have to go to a DMV to get a photo ID, they close the DMV offices in Democratic-leaning counties.
For some reason the DMV doesn’t (or at least didn’t last fall) take Visa debit cards. I find that odd. I pay cash for most everything*, so I don’t really care, but still that seemed odd.
*There are a lot of conspiracy theories that revolve around debit and credit cards, I don’t believe any of them. I just don’t see any reason why my money should go to anyone other than the business I’m doing business with. Plus, where I spend my money is nobodies business but my own.
Apparently having GOP governors running states in the past 1 1/2 years has been good for the employment in those states.
And then there’s California.
Oh – Cereal is here!
Hey – when are you going to get back to me on those 5 positive things that Mitt Romney is going to bring to the American people with his presidency?
Also, cereal, you explanation about being as evidence-poor as gman the other day didn’t pass the smell test – he had a rational basis, you did not, other than gay-hate.
I’ll ask again – do you think gay people should have no right to protest? Should they stay in the closet? Are you in favor of allowing employers to be able to fire a person simply because of their gay-ness? Should gay people continue to be denied the right to marry? Are you in favor of keeping DOMA, as the Congressional Republicans are?
Cereal? CEREAL?
Must have just dropped by to drop a Breitbart link and then slithered off.
@100 he is a homphobe who has a problem with the real freedoms in life. But there are a minority of republicans that are not. I’ve got two Republican friends that are supportive of gay rights. Just many bigoted ones still exist. The two friends even go as far as saying that it is un-freedom like to be anti gay.
It was libtard Lib da schmuck claiming I stayed at antiseptic smelling airport hotels. I clarified it and we all know about Lib da schmuck’s projection and deep hatred.
Now we know Lib da schmuck has really lost it. gman hates heteros 24×7.
Seattle city DMV?
Do tell libtardo!
This baffles me. I don’t get how conservatives who hate the idea of a federal organization controlling education are so willing to let an oligarchy or an individual control their kid’s education. Is that socialism vs. dictator mentality, where anything that smacks of socialism that helps everyone is bad but it’s perfectly fine to have a dictator run the schools because they can now control who get educated?
@106 “I don’t get how conservatives who hate the idea of a federal organization controlling education are so willing to let an oligarchy or an individual control their kid’s education.”
Substitute “fascist” for “conservative” and you’re there.
Obama Seeks Tax Cuts; GOPers Say No
Once again, Republicans hold the economy and middle class hostage as they demand more tax cuts for the rich.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Democrats theoretically have Republicans by the balls on this issue. All they have to do is let the Bush tax cuts expire, which requires no action by Congress. Then, taxes will go up, deficits will fall, and Democrats can blame GOPers for higher taxes on the middle class and simultaneously take credit for declining deficits. But it probably won’t work out that way, because Spineless Democrats (TM) will again cave in to GOP demands and get nothing in return. That seems to be what always happens. Republicans get their way, not because they have a majority of voters behind them — they don’t, not even close — but because Democratic electeds are gutless wonders who let themselves (and, by extension, the 99% of us who are non-rich) get pushed around by the bullies who represent 1-percenters. Why? That’s my question to Democratic electeds — why do you keep selling us out to the people we elected you to protect us from? Why? Why? Why?
Now that we finally have some actual data on cellphone surveillance we’re learning that:
1. Police use of warrantless cellphone surveillance is massive, widespread, and is becoming a routine tool in police work;
2. Police are keeping cellphone surveillance records even on people who aren’t criminal suspects indefinitely;
3. Police are submitting “inappropriate” requests for cellphone records and data to carriers;
4. When it comes to paying carriers reimbursements of their costs to which the carriers are legally entitled, police agencies often are rogues and deadbeats who refuse to pay their bills;
5. Which means these costs get passed on to the rest of us through higher rates, i.e., we’re paying for police agencies to spy on us without court authorization or legal justification.
In short, police use of cellphone surveillance is out of control, and Congress needs to step in and enact some rules.
The Talibanization Of Our Public Schools
“In 2002, only about a dozen schools were separating the sexes …. Now, an estimated 500 public schools across the country [have] all-boy and all-girl classrooms.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s next, public stonings of girls for flirting with boys? Everywhere you look in American life, we’re going backwards, thanks to stupid wingnut ideologues.
@104 – nahhh, not completely true, just stupid ones.