Roy Zimmerman with “Vote Republican,” the Virginia edition.
Sam Seder: Woops! GOP admits voter ID laws are a scam.
Health Care Ruling:
- Ed: The G.O.P. reaction
- Young Turks: The Wingnut Reaction.
- Jim McDermott weighs in.
- Stephen: John Roberts betrayal.
- Ted Strickland: Romney is the inventor of the individual mandate
- Sam Seder: Bill O’Reilly promised to “apologize for being an idiot” if Obamacare upheld.
- Ann Telnaes: Conservatives turn on John Roberts
- Young Turks: Can Romney repeal Romneycare?
- Obama and Romney: dueling SCOTUS reactions (via Indecision Forever)
- How Obama causes unemployment:
- Thom and Pap: Is it a tax?
- Young Turks: Republican threatening armed rebellion over Obamacare
- Jen: Play a little ‘Romney Feud’ with Jennifer Granholm
- Jon on reactions to the health care ruling.
- Young Turks: Rand Paul doesn’t buy the Constitutionality of Obamacare.
- Odonnell: The fallout.
- Al Sharpton: Some Republicans who used to support the “mandate”
- Jonathan Mann: Healthcare (I’ll take what I can get).:
- Al Sharpton covers it
- David Axerod: Penalty was fine with Romney in Massachusetts
- Young Turks: CNN & FAUX News’ BIG FAIL.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Jon with Watergate-gate-gate-gate-gate (via Political Wire).
Mark Fiore: Little Suzie Newsykins on free speech—units.
Eric Schwartz brings back a classic.
Opening statements from 1st CD candidates debate 27 Jun.
Immigration Politics:
- Jon catches FAUX News lying through their motherfucking teeth.
- Liberal Viewer: FAUX News creates false Obama contradiction on immigration.
- Ann Telnaes: Scalia’s temper tantrum on immigration.
- Daily Kos Radio: Has Scalia lost his marbles?
Sam Seder: 63% of Republicans still believe there were WMD in Iraq at invasion.
Pap: Fighting the voter suppression tricks.
Ann Telnaes: Supreme Court strikes down Montana corporation campaign spending law .
Clinton and Bush: A Bad Lip Reading experience.
SlateNews: Sen. Rand Paul holds up key flood insurance bill with anti-abortion amendment.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
- Romney’s business experience.
- Maddow: Republicans see an enemy in their own candidate.
- Vetting Mitt’s Veeps: Gov. Chris Christie:
- Vetting Mitt’s Veeps: Gov. Bobby Jindal
- Actual Audio: Mitt Romney on…um, something.
- Romney retreat: What is he trying to hide?
- SlateNews: Romney raises millions after SCOTUS decision
Young Turks: The bizarre Texas GOP platform.
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom: The “two Black guys in the White House trying to take away our guns” conspiracy theory.
Sam Seder: Rush Limbaugh throws tantrum because you can’t jail someone for free speech
Senate candidate Tommy Thompson mistakes refers to 9/11 As 9/18 while bragging up his experience.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
“With more triple-digit heat in the forecast, millions of people … were without power on Saturday after violent storms … toppled trees, cut power lines and killed … people. … Forecasters warned of more dangerously high temperatures Saturday … top[ping] 100 degrees in … 25 states … impacting 47 million people ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey globull warming deniers, howd’ya like this fucking ICE AGE yer livin’ in?!
In the Republican Free Market! of stupid, it is hard for anyone or anyone group to come out on top. But, to their credit, Republicans are always trying to out stupid each other.
This week, Republicans down in Texas took a reliable vehicle for stupid, the Texas Republican Party Platform, and raised the bar.
Yep, if you’re not satisfied with the level of stupid where you are, take the kids to the land of stupid, home of the Education President, Texas!
via – Texas GOP: No More Critical Thinking in Schools
re 2: It’s almost unbelieveable. However, all of my siblings are conservative, so it kind of rings true.
My sister is planning on moving to the Gulf Coast in Texas because there are some great deals on housing and the beaches are beautiful.
@3 You have my sympathies. But on a positive note, if Gulf Coast residents would just stop thinking, then their emotional health might improve.
Gulf Coast Residents Remain Worse Off Emotionally Post-Spill
I bet there are some great deals on housing.
Here’s the best elucidation of the SCOTUS ruling I’ve seen:
“The Supreme Court’s ruling that the health-insurance mandate is constitutional because it differs from a tax only in a pointless semantic sense is a bitter defeat for those of us who love pointless semantic distinctions. It has been a great disappointment to me to learn that you can’t (for example) get out of paying real-estate taxes on your house by claiming it’s really a very large, very heavy car, because the law isn’t actually a word game.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is, of course, right (in a correctness sense) and is consistent with how our courts have always tackled statutory interpretation problems. And that matters on a broader scale, because
“Kidding aside, one of the most profound reasons for relief at yesterday’s ruling was the recognition that victory in a deep ideological and political struggle, of tremendous consequence for Americans in need of health care, would not be awarded on a technicality. … The Democratic authors of the ACA chose to phrase it as a penalty rather than a tax for political reasons. If the fact that the word ‘tax’ is unpopular … had led to universal-health-insurance legislation being disqualified for purely linguistic reasons, given … the extraordinary real-world stakes, there would’ve been political hell to pay.
“The argument over Obamacare wasn’t and isn’t … about whether or not the federal government can order people to buy something, as opposed to taxing them and buying it for them. The argument is … about whether wealthy citizens should be required to pay for poor citizens to get health insurance, and about whether healthy people should be required to pay for sick people to get health care … broadly speaking, people who wanted Obamacare struck down … do not think that Americans should have a right to health insurance. People who wanted to see it upheld, do. The argument tends to become one between the strong and the weak: between those who are likely to benefit … and those who are likely to have to pay ….
“[T]he constitutionality of the individual mandate … has been a distraction. The real argument is more basic, and it would be healthy if we could start to address it head-on.”
And so it will be, starting with the presidential campaign, in which the Mitt$ter promises to make repeal a centerpiece of his agenda. That will frame the 2012 election as The Selfish vs. The Humane. I know which side I’m on.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey globull warming deniers, howd’ya like this fucking ICE AGE yer livin’ in?!
OK then, what’s the solution?
@6, not sure what you’re looking for, but the first step would be to stop denying science.
but I realize that’s all critical thinkingee.
Here’s the real reason why online merchants want your personal data: It’s called “price customization,” i.e., charging each customer a different price based on the merchant sizing up the customer’s willingness to pay. Welcome to the online bazaar:
“Sellers will eye up buyers arriving on their home-page, make some assumptions, then charge accordingly. This will be especially true for products whose pricing is complex, variable and therefore unpredictable to buyers, such as insurance, air travel, mobile-phone plans and hotel rooms. The makers of price-customisation software are eagerly promoting its potential for boosting profit margins ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In this brave new world of customized pricing you may be able to get better deals by posing as your 12-year-old daughter on an allowance of $5 a week. Or just paying your kid to do your shopping. This could create a whole new employment genre for the subteen set.
“…not sure what you’re looking for, but the first step would be to stop denying science.”
OK, the world is getting warmer. How do you propose that we stop that and get the world to cool?
No Conservatives I know deny that the climate is changing in many areas. The facts speak for themselves. The question is WHY??
How much of the impact is human and what can be done about it short of all of us becoming Luddites?
The Global Warming alarmists have overcooked the issue for money & power.
Read this article from Forbes–
We cannot sway to & fro because of anecdotal heat waves. Even if the planet is warming, what is the cause? How much is natural causes and how much is man?
Seems like both sides have developed some cherry-picking techniques to justify their pre-determined conclusions. Certainly we should be good stewards of God’s creation. But phony scare tactics don’t help.
Looks like big donors are stepping up to root out Obamunism. Great!
Suggest you leftists start to pony up or more likely, write letters to Michael Moore and other 1%er leftists to pony up for you.
I saw this Bumper Sticker this AM
@6 “OK then, what’s the solution?”
These things should be obvious:
1. The problem is so large and complex there is no single solution, but rather calls for many solutions.
2. The problem was 150 years in the making, and won’t be solved overnight, so solutions necessarily will be incremental and over time.
3. This does not imply, however, that solutions should be patchwork and piecemeal. Solutions will work best if coordinated and integrated.
4. The initial stage of a permanent solution is to stop causing the problem.
5. Subsequent stages may involve remedial approaches to the problem already caused.
6. Getting people to agree on solutions is not an end but an avenue.
7. The three governing principles of our search for solutions must be:
a. This planet is finite;
b. We all share it; and
c. Your right to swing your arm stops where my rabbit nose begins.
For those who need interpretation 7(c) means you do not have a right to keep polluting, damaging the planet, and causing adverse effects to others’ health and well-being. If this means you do not have a right to drive cars or use all the coal-fired electricity you want to consume, so be it. Hopefully we can, with our brains and through clever and foreward-thinking engineering, come up with ways to make personal transportation and electricity generation available in less destructive ways. Which brings me to #8:
8. The best solution is one which lets you get what you want without causing harm to me or others.
In this respect, I’ve always thought the best solution to atmospheric pollution-caused climate change would be to invent our way out of our dependence on fossil fuels. If Solyndra doesn’t succeed then try something else. Which brings me to #9:
9. Never, ever, give up.
@8 in keeping with that theme.
@10 “We cannot sway to & fro because of anecdotal heat waves.”
That’s been the scientists’ point all along.
@13 Maybe it’s a problem for you, but it’s not a problem for me. Would you like me to send you a sympathy card? Here ya go:
As we approach the Fourth of July, it may be worth reflecting that our fellow countrymen will blow up more gunpowder next Wednesday than was expanded in the entire Revolutionary War.
I’m sure the signers of the Declaration of Independence had no idea they were creating a munitions industry that would still be thriving 236 years later.
The only thing in my experience that comes remotely close to a Fourth of July in Seattle is a night in Vietnam. (For those of you not in the know, the Vietnam War — at least its later stages where I was — was fought almost entirely after dark.)
Where’s Bloviating Bob? Did he commit suicide after Chief Justice Roberts called a tax by its right name? He’s been ominously silent — should we send the police to his house to do a welfare check?
@19 Roger,
Word on the WINGNUT street says Bob was sentenced to a FEMA Death Camp! by an ACA Death Panel! chaired by Stalin’s love child, SCOTUS Chief Justice, John Glover Roberts.
Fetal position, sucking thumb.
A little hopeful news for a change.. Technical innovation and R&D still happens:
Air conditioning uses 15 percent of all electricity. An efficiency gain of up to 80 percent is HUGE.
From a “gubmint” lab.. I remember when the moron-in-chief that our trolls voted for twice made a speech at NREL and the idiots in Congress had just cut their budget.. The embarrassment was CLASSIC and NREL’s funding was restored.
#20 FTW!
Guess what trolls??? Obama is still NOT a big spender:
Sorry dumbasses.. Btw it’s kind of nice without the incessant noise from Bob and Puddyidiot.. Just have the klown these days..
What the election in November should really be about:
Corporate Profits at All-Time High; Wages at All-Time Low: Can We Call it Class War Yet?
This isn’t going to change just by keeping Obama in the White House.. We need a Congress that’ll make the necessary changes and keep them that way for a freaking generation at least.
LMAO!!! Right wing idiocy is a brain damage disorder:
Stupid trolls like birfer mark and birfer yd(iot) and their heroes like Sheriff Joke in AZ.
@26 YLB,
Well, you really can’t argue that Michael Savage does not have tremendous first hand experience with mental slowness and cognitive problems and if you (Dog Forbid!) listened to him you would hear frequent examples of his cognitive dissociation.
@11 “Obamunism”
I seriously doubt that you or any other troll on the planet could offer up just what that word means other than it being a way of saying, “Republican-lite”.
“Certainly we should be good stewards of God’s creation.”
I don’t doubt that you’re a good Christian.
“Looks like big donors are stepping up to root out Obamunism. Great!”
Um, Christian, your big donor is a sleazeball casino owner, raking in the big bucks off sins like gambling and prostitution. Tell us, what is he buying from you with his ill-begotten money? Do you even have a clue?
You don’t hate “Republican-lite” any more than a person would hate shades of grey. You hate something else. You hate something else so damned much that you, no doubt by surface intent a good Christian, would associate with the Devil himself. And to give you a clue in parting, anybody with even a lick of sense knows that you can’t square any of this vile hate of yours with the teachings of Jesus or even the realities of American politics.
You must be really fucked up in the head.
@19 “Roger Rabbit spews: Where’s Bloviating Bob?”
Low-level staff cutbacks with the ACA news at GOP campaign offices. The GOP may not know what to say or do yet, but they likely do know that they’re toast. So why waste money on a loser like Bob?
@10 “No Conservatives I know deny that the climate is changing in many areas.”
Apparently you don’t know these folks then.
Republicans hoping for a boost from the SCOTUS decision won’t like this poll:
“Friday’s poll from USA Today/Gallup showed 46% of Americans agree with the court’s ruling, with 46% saying they disagree. … Independents mirrored the poll’s larger results – 45% agreed with the Supreme Court’s decision, and 42% disagreed. … The Gallup survey taken after the court’s ruling showed 31% of Americans said they wanted the entire law repealed.”
Urban downhill is kinda awesome
Super Guppy!
@34 Maybe all that work includes restoring the Star Trek shuttlecraft sold at auction the other day. The buyer is unknown and purchase is reported as possibly being with the intent to restore and display it in a museum. That’d be kind of a cool thing to have in the shuttle exhibit.
I just made the mistake of perusing (un)SoundPolitics – pudge’s thread about the SCOTUS decision.
What a mistake. I need to go bleach my brain now.
29 – Hear, hear.. Well said.
Wisconsin Update
One of the many things Wisconsin’s non-wealthy residents will do without, so rich businessmen can get more tax cuts, is publicly-funded mental health services.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker is a fraud in more ways than one. He told public workers they had to give up $128 million of benefits to close a state budget deficit. They agreed. Then Walker turned around and spent $117 million to eliminate the state’s manufacturing tax. Consequently, almost none of the money that public workers relinquished went for balancing the state budget. It lined the pockets of people who are already wealthy.
Now that they’ve lost their challenge of Romneycare in the courts, Republicans are digging in to resist implementation at state and local levels. Scott Walker is saying Wisconsin won’t have Romneycare. I wonder what Rob McKenna would do if he became our governor. Can his word be trusted or is he a liar like Scott Walker?
That question makes me laugh, Roger.
@40 It’s supposed to. I’m a fucking comedian.
O’ yeah, cause this would be fucking tragic if Wisconsin had the following:
Remember when newly elected Walker tripped on his dick refusing funds for “high-speed” rail and then the state had to pick up the cost of repairs for a whole lot of freight rail that was part of that “high-speed” rail package? That was a nice one.
A Tale Of Two Kings
How did it happen that two of the most iconic African-Americans in our country’s history were both named “King”? Was that just an accident or is there some greater power out there in the Universe that is sending us a message?
I don’t know the answers to these questions but I know troglodytes and racists are on the wrong side of history, and neither history nor the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit will be kind to them.
What’s the solution to global warming? How do we end global warming if the earth is warming due to something in addition to our activities? How much do our activities contribute to the increase in global warmng.
It would be nice to have your succint answer. We’ve already heard from you-know-who as to his long-winded, let’s all hold hands and sing Kumbayah, answer.
I just checked – I’m un-banned over at SP. That sure took a long time to get undone.
Health care is hard to explain to tea party yahoos with the intellects of a bunch of bananas. So let’s keep this extremely simple: Our present system doesn’t work. Everything else, including Justice Roberts’ reasoning, flows from that.
“The ruling … has paved the way for an orderly rehabilitation of America’s gravely dysfunctional health care system.
“The law’s drafters could have proposed a simpler and more efficient … single-payer system … [b]ut that would have meant abandoning … employer-provided health plans. That these plans are a catastrophically bad model … was beside the point. Forcing voters to abandon a status quo … they like would have doomed more ambitious proposals ….
“The important point is that because … reform had to be built atop the current system, each feature … upheld by the court was an essential precondition for … improvement.
“Nearly every … analysis of … health care … rests on the observation that … private insurance is not a viable business model for providing medical services. …
“Many countries solve this problem by having the government provide health insurance for all. In some … the government employs the … providers. Others … reimburse private practitioners — as does the Medicare program for older Americans.
“The United States probably would have adopted one of those models had it not been for historical accidents that led to widespread adoption of employer-provided plans in the 1940s. To control costs of World War II mobilization, regulators capped growth of private-sector wages, making it hard for employers to hire desperately needed workers.
But because many fringe benefits weren’t capped, employers spied a loophole: they could offer additional benefits, like health insurance. Its cost was deductible as a business expense, and in 1943 the Internal Revenue Service ruled that its value was not taxable as employee income. By 1953, employer health plans covered 63 percent of workers, versus only 9 percent in 1940.
“Eligibility for favorable tax treatment hinged on the plans being available to all employees, a feature that mitigated a serious defect. Although hiring workers with pre-existing conditions meant paying higher premiums, tight labor markets made many employers willing to bear that cost, because insurance was an effective recruiting tool.
“Employer plans are thus a significant improvement over individual private insurance, but they are still deeply flawed. If you lose your job, you can lose your coverage. …
“Modeled after proposals advanced by … conservative … organizations …, the main provisions of the president’s health care law were intended to eliminate … problems associated with the current system.
One provision establishes insurance exchanges, … [a]nother imposes a … penalty on those who fail to obtain coverage … [a]nd a third prescribes subsidies … for low-income families. (The Massachusetts plan engineered by Mitt Romney as governor in 2006 took an almost identical approach.)
“Without each of its three main provisions, the law won’t work. … To claim the right not to buy health insurance is … to assert a right to impose … costs on others. Many legal scholars insist that the Constitution guarantees no such right. …
“The new law will hardly be the final word on these issues … government budgets will be decimated unless we … reduce inflation in medical services. And in Medicare … tough decisions remain ….
“The point worth celebrating is that last week’s ruling will at last enable our … dysfunctional health care system to evolve into something better.”
[Emphases added — RR]
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This law is what a Democratic congress and president enacted because it’s what was possible. Let’s not forget it’s a Republican plan dreamed up by conservative think tanks and initially enacted by a Republican governor, and what Republicans rejected in the end was their own plan.</em? So don't believe them when they say they something better; a party that works to defeat its own plan has nothing at all to offer. The Republican plan upheld by SCOTUS is imperfect, but is the foundation on which a better solution must now be built, because there is nothing else waiting in the wings. Tearing it down will take us backward, to nothing, not forward to improvement. Remember this when you vote in November: The Party of No has evolved into the Party of Nothing. And that — nothing — is what you will get if you vote them in.
The dysfunctional damned WordPress edit function timed out before I could fix the previous post so I’m reposting the last paragraph below.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This law is what a Democratic congress and president enacted because it’s what was possible. Let’s not forget it’s a Republican plan dreamed up by conservative think tanks and initially enacted by a Republican governor, and what Republicans rejected in the end was their own plan. So don’t believe them when they say they something better; a party that works to defeat its own plan has nothing at all to offer. The Republican plan upheld by SCOTUS is imperfect, but is the foundation on which a better solution must now be built, because there is nothing else waiting in the wings. Tearing it down will take us backward, to nothing, not forward to improvement. Remember this when you vote in November: The Party of No has evolved into the Party of Nothing. And that — nothing — is what you will get if you vote them in.
Why Roberts voted to uphold the Republican plan is easier to understand if you grasp that he upheld the Republican plan for health care reform. He knew perfectly well the Democrats’ alternative plan would be Medicare-for-all. The righties calling him a “traitor” have their heads up their asses. They should give him credit for saving the conservatives’ approach to health care reform.
@44 You deserve some sort of fucking prize for disingenuity. Someone should take the answer given to you at #6 above and pound it through your thick skull by whatever lawful means is necessary. I suggest this:
I’ve been enjoying gloating about our recent success on righty blogs and YouTube channels like this one:
This is some serious fun.
@50 This guy is what the right considers an intellectual?
P.S., he doesn’t look like someone whose freedom to drink sodas and eat hamburgers has been restricted in any way.
Yeah, he can talk without dribbling spittle on his shirt, so he passes their litmus test.
I love watching the replay of Fox/CNN’s whiff on the ruling announcement, but it’s getting mighty hard to find those videos on the internet; it’s almost as if those organizations maybe don’t want us watching that.
Before ObamaCare the uninsured freeloaded off off the insured and raised our insurance rates. After ObamaCare everyone either has insurance or throws some money into a pot so that they don’t jackup the rates of the insured. Sounds good to me.
Not sure why the righties are so keen on defending freeloaders
Do you really believe EVERYONE will pay something for insurance or money in the pot?
I don’t.
What’s the penalty for folks who truly freeload little buddy?
@55 This dragnet won’t catch everyone (no dragnet ever does) but it’ll catch enough of the freeloaders to significantly impact insurance rates for the paying customers.
@54 “Not sure why the righties are so keen on defending freeloaders”
To paraphrase Pogo, because they have met the enemy and he is them.
Been outta town making money, frequent flyer miles and hotel points.
Let’s see now…
The Health Care law is a tax… Roberts and the court’s liberal justices said the individual mandate is constitutional because it functions as a tax. So when Obummer claims otherwise he’s lying. The court and his wise latina say otherwise. Can’t stop laughing over that.
So we now have people making under $250K paying up to seven new taxes.
1) The first ObummerCare regressive tax that is part of this law began in 2010 and that is the Indoor Tanning Services Tax, which places a 10% excise tax on people using tanning salons. This is a blatant move by the Obummer Sadministration to control the behavior of citizens. This year we see how Moochelle has been telling us how to eat and drink. More control of the US Citizenry!
2) The ObummerCare Medicine Cabinet Tax that took effect in 2011. This tax prohibited over-the-counter medicine reimbursement expenses, with the lone exception of insulin, from an employee’s pre-tax dollar funded Health Saving Account (HSA), Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Reimbursement Account (HRA). A real hit on the middle class.
3) ObummerCare requires a couple to pay the higher of a base tax of $1,360 per year, or 2.5% of adjusted growth income starting with lower base tax and rising to this level by 2016. Individuals will see a base tax of $695 and families a base tax of $2,085 per year by 2016.
4) The ObummerCare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Cap, begins in 2013, is killer provision to the middle class. Now there a cap of $2,500 per year (which is now unlimited) on the amount of pre-tax dollars that could be deposited into these accounts. Why is this hurt the middle class? The funds may be used to pay for special needs education in America. Tuition rates for this type of special education can easily exceed $14,000 per year and the use of pre-tax dollars has helped many middle income families. See ya due to ObummerCare.
5) The next ObummerCare tax on the middle class, and all Americans, is the Health Savings Account (HSA) Withdrawal Tax Hike. This provision increases the additional tax on non-medical early withdrawals from an HSA from 10% currently to 20% beginning in 2013.
6) The Medical Itemized Deduction Hurdle which is currently 7.5% of adjusted gross income. ObummerCare raises this to raises this hurdle to 10% of adjusted gross income beginning in 2013. Currently, that family can get some relief from being able to take a $2,000 deduction (7.5% X $80,000 = $6,000; $8,000 –$6,000 = $2,000). Now in 2013, they will lose at least $500.
7) The last one is the Cadillac tax. This ObummerCare provision imposes a 40% excise tax on the employer-paid premiums. But what’s interesting is how Obummer gave his union goons and peeps a free pass until 2018, after Obummer would have had a second term. Not happening now with Roberts going with the court libtards!
Now you have senior adviser and messaging strategist David Plouffe (He got his ASS kicked by Candy Crowly on CNN 2 weeks ago) screaming to congressional DUMMOCRAPTS to campaign on the health care law.
Another new tax is the ObummerCare tax on Medical Device Manufacturers that begins in 2013, places a 2.3% excise tax on all items retailing for more than $100. So all mobility assistance devices and personal testing supplies now have this new excise tax. Another new tax. HAHAHAHA libtard peeps!
Remember Obummer claimed ObummerCare was not a new tax. The Libtard Supremes and John Roberts said it’s tax. Gotta agree with the Supreme Court of the land!
The court ruled 7-2 and rejected the Medicaid expansion as written. Associate Justice Kagan even went with the majority against Obummer! Can’t stop laughing over that. So the 26 states won that battle.
Yes, Romney now has a great campaign issue!!!!!
Nope… He claimed it is a tax and so do all the libtard justices! Medicare is an institution and the libtard justices who agreed the states are not going to get screwed over this!
New taxes on those under $250K. Lovely!
And how does a state attract new bidness? Remember when then Guvnur Locke gave Boeing all those union job tax breaks?
Of course it wont catch everyone. But, the system will be a big improvement over what we have today.
The court ruled correctly on that one. Not everyone on the left supported Obama’s position. Most righty states don’t turn down federal dollars very often. Look for almost every state to participate, evenif they argued against it in the past.
Which was one of the arguments that Obama’s folks made before the court.
At the last minute. So Michael, if it’s a tax, why is Obummer and his surrogates running around afterward claiming otherwise?
So when McKenna was sued by all those wimens you supported McKenna Michael?
Watch da Obummer spin doctors tomorrow on all the tv shows!
Now onto Fast and Furious… NUFF SAID Suckas…
See ya Joe Williams…
Another leftist schmuck without a job.
BTW Moonbats… here are the people’s thoughts on ObummerCare…
And the middle class suffers the MOST!
Where was the standard Bill Maher obligatory link in the Friday Night Funnies?
Oh wait… it’s a bad day!
Yes, Bill is an ASS. That’s why he’s a HA favorite.
Really? Republicans are the party dedicated to defending the accumulated power of the wealthy. Most wealthy people got that way freeloading – stealing someone’s wages or labor, usually. They’re the party of freeloaders.
Oh, god, puddles is back….
I’m terribly impressed.
Puddles obviously isn’t allowed to read a newspaper or watch TV or access the internet when he’s on one of his hotel-point-gatherin’ junkets – or he would know that the whole FAST-NFURIOUS!!11!1!! thingy was all blown to hell the other day.
Poor, out of touch puddles. This is what happens when homeschooled, ‘Jesus-rode-a-dinosaur’ rational-thinking-opponents are unleashed upon society – the stoooopid quotient goes way, WAY up.
Puddles’ post @57 is entirely cribbed from Breitbart’s site here (watch out – it’ll make you stooopid).
1. We all know the veracity of something associated with Breitbart.
2. Puddles’ using it at length and without attribution is expected, but utterly dishonest and in violation of the rules around this place.
re ’69’: “Oh wait…’
This is formulaic. You’ve been doing this for years — and it’s boring.
Oh wait…. Puddy thinks it’s clever, so it never gets old!
What an ASShole. Too bad this fool doesn’t know what a Renaissance Marriott Hotel is and what the concierge floor is either.
Business Class… Something Lib da Schmuck will not enjoy either.
Full Size Class Rental Cars… Something Lib da Schmuck will not enjoy either.
See ya chump. Thanks for playing!
Oh and why did 17 DUMMOCRAPTS vote to impeach.
Lib da schmuck… so outta touch with reality!
And the truth on those 7 taxes will set you free.
NOTICE: Lib da schmuck can’t refute the truth.
NOTICE: The Supreme Court libs said ObummerCare is a tax. George Steponallofus – “it is indeed a tax!”
Has Lib da schmuck provided any refuting evidence?
Nope cuz as always he’s a dope!
You’re bragging about that?!
They didn’t, moron. The vote was a contempt vote, not an impeachment vote. You should think about listening to other sources than Glenn Beck and Answers in Genesis.
And those 17 are assholes.
AND…FAST-N-FURIOUS was blown out of the water days ago…
One of those points of your concerned tanning booth use. That’s your big argument against the ACA? Tanning booths?
You really don’t realize how ridiculous you sound, do you? Bragging about your full size rental cars on your business trips? Really?
You betcha! Your claim…
Apparently you’ve never been waited on in a hotel. That’s because you R an ASS!
When I travel to San Jose… It’s the JW Marriott ya moron. Sucks to be you!
It’s you who loves to denigrate others. And ya idiot, why spend the extra COMPANY cash on a luxury car? You just don’t get it when you travel on the company dime. It’s a game ya idiot.
And all here know you don’t have game. Butt, thanks for playing!
Where’s da link?
I wonder if this guy is an Obummer supporter?
I think ‘Full Size’ should be your new nickname, puddles.
sorry – thought it was old news – see here.
This made the news where I was Lib da schmuck. A few of us cracked up cuz:
He’s from San Fransicko
He’s from Pelosi’s area
He probably voted for Obummer
Golly it’s amazing this didn’t make the Friday Night Comedy Link!
A CNN blog is your “argument”?
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
I read it, nothing new there. But the DOJ leaks are interesting… Funny this is CNN didn’t cover the story at all for those 16 months.
It’s a reprint of a story published in Fortune, fullsize.
Nice try. Read it, you’ll love it.
How terribly Christian of you, fullsize, laughing at the troubles of another.
OK, I got work to do…enough time spinning fullsize in circles…too easy…
I wonder if that “gman” in post#88 was a follower of Harry Hay, you know one of those early gay rights activists campaigning to repeal sex age of consent laws?
Just some screaming about someone with a vendetta after Brian Terry was killed. Oh and the moronic comparison between the Bush administration and the Obummer sadministration was so sad. The article had to be written by a libtard!
Butt, the Issa released transcripts are even more powerful than someone’s conjecture in a Fortune Magazine article.
Once again Lib da schmuck is a EPIC FAYLE.
Remember ObummerCare is a tax. The libs on the Supreme Court said so.
Thanks for playing!
gman told us all sex crimes were heterosexual in nature. Need to see the HA evidence lib da schmuck?
Libtard Katherine Eban and her many aliases since graduating from Brown University wrote the slanted nonfactual Fortune article. Butt she screws up all the facts.
And as all can see, when the kitchen heat elevates Lib da schmuck gives a lame excuse and leaves.
A question
if you are pro life, why are you against universal health care?
In this “Meet the Press” video, Gov. Howard Dean bitch slaps GOP Gov. Bobby Jindal for refusing to extend health care to poor children in his backwater state even though the federal government will pay 100% of the costs.
In that video, GOP Gov. Jindal compares health care reform to “Mardi Gras” — don’t miss it!
In a state-by-state ranking of highest deaths resulting from lack of health insurance, GOP Gov. Jindal’s state is the second-worst place to live.
“Florida Gov. Rick Scott now says Florida will do nothing to comply with President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul and will not expand its Medicaid program. The announcement is a marked changed after the governor recently said he would follow the law if it were upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It certainly appears that if you elect a Republican to run your state, your state will be run by someone you didn’t elect whose name(s) you don’t even know. If Robbie McKenna becomes our governor, will he be bossed around by an out-of-state secret cabal, too?
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
In another of those rare incidents that happen only a couple times a day, six people were gunned down at a house party in Seattle.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Everyone knows guns don’t kill people. People kill people. So the obvious way to solve this problem is not banning guns but simply keeping them away from people.
Although GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna apparently broke state law by using his King County Council office for political campaigning, the county ombudsman won’t investigate because it happened 10 years ago.
Roger Rabbit: It’s now up to voters to decide whether McKenna should be barred from future pulic office for committing misconduct, misusing of taxpayer resources, and breaking laws.
Danny Westneat calls the GOP meme for what it is: Bullshit.
“When Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Mitt Romney’s liaison to Congress, got to the podium after the big Supreme Court ruling, she led with their campaign’s strongest punch.
“‘The court ruled today that, in fact, the Affordable Care Act is a tax,’ the Spokane Republican said. ‘It is the largest tax in American history.
“None of that is true.”
Westneat also criticizes his own employer (which makes you wonder why he’s still working there):
“These statements went mostly unchallenged, including in The Seattle Times. We quoted … the Washington Policy Center. ‘A majority of justices interpreted the mandate as a tax, making this one of the largest tax increases in American history ….’
“[T]his tax falls on about 1 percent of people. And will bring in less than two-tenths of 1 percent of all federal tax revenues. Which means it’s more like one of the smaller taxes in American history.” …
“PolitiFact, the fact-checking website, has noted that many tax packages dwarfed this one, including one passed under Reagan. It rated this claim as a ‘Pants-On-Fire’ falsehood.
“At this point, you’re probably saying: OK, OK, they’re exaggerating. What’s the big deal? The big deal is that this has the feel of a Big Lie. It’s beyond the usual spin. It’s one of those choreographed misstatements that is so far off it can perversely become truer than true. Annihilating the facts from the blind side.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Perhaps Westneat has coined a new phrase to describe the New Republican Party: “Annihilating the facts.” That’s what Republicans do. And that’s what you do, too, if you swallow their bullshit.
What do I mean by “New Republican Party”? Well, this isn’t Lincoln’s or Eisenhower’s or even Reagan’s Republican Party anymore.
The New Republican Party has come to stand for everything that is selfish, mean-spirited, dishonest, and corrupt in American society.
Today’s Republicans would make even Nixon blush. And Lincoln? He’s spinning in his grave.
Hey Roger,
The Supremes called it a tax! Good nuff for Puddy!
Regarding the stupid Sam Seder comment above, Libtard Justice John Paul Stevens made history with Voter ID Laws.
They are constitutional. So your bud in San Diego remember her, who told illegals to go out and vote… Francine Busby… yeah!
Facts, always the enemies of libtards!
Not the party of JFK, LBJ or RFK anymore. Today it’s run by loons!
In other news Usain “Lightning” Bolt, Olympic and World Record Holder, got his ASS kicked on Friday Night. Why didn’t the Friday Night Funnies Purveyor include this fact?
57 –
Which union is it?
Anybody (but the idiot @ 57) know?
What took you so long my marionette @110? Still right on time.
So stupid for so long and the stupid is so strong. How many hits on that useless blog?
Not many your honor!
111 – Answer the question you hypocrite!
Are you sceeeeeeered???
Of course you are! Run away now!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa
I will never be your beta! You R my beta boi!
113 – Like I thought. A miserable coward..
Goons huh? How’s it feel to be married to the mob?
Hey look, it’s not a tax it’s a mandate!
Why do you still beat your SEIU wife?
Spin it all you want… the Supremes mandated that you will now pay a tax!
Whatacrock. Well they have to spin it now that those three libtard Supremes called ObummerCare a tax!
@106 Lots of things are “good nuff for Puddy” and other people with low standards.
@115 Republicans never had a problem with forcing people into military service to die in some muddy ricepaddy in Korea or Vietnam. What makes buying a product so awful?
Ohhh pooor pooor Roger DUMB Wabbit. After the decision was fully processed all we see are the taxes going up. 3 libtard wimen justices called it a tax.
Yep facts always hurt the libtard mind!
Hey Michael,
You know maddog-20-20 ylb is having a fit you reading NewsMax. Well he is the moronic of the left. Glad to see you are expanding your documentation horizons!
A gay activist with c h i l d p o r n on his computer and the HA crowd is silent. The gay activist makes whackamole sick comments.
Crickets chirp!
LMAO @ the moron idiot @ 122..
I know where Michael stands on the issues stupid.
And it’s not the “stink right” side..
See ya coward!
Businessmen Are Thieving Bastards Dep’t
No person is too poor, elderly, or vulnerable to be exploited by greedheads. Here’s another example of why we need consumer protection cops.
And gun nuts aren’t above exploiting taxpayers and kids, either.
“Chicago’s firearm buyback program … aims to get dangerous weapons off the street. But a pro-gun rights group gleefully says it used the program to turn in ‘non-firing junk’ to raise money for a National Rifle Association youth shooting camp.”
We were probably too busy discussing Kong Hee & Michael Alan Crippen.
And that rally down in SLC where 150 people quit the Mormon Church in mass.
@121 I won’t pay higher taxes because of the decision, and I bet you won’t either. OTOH Romneycare could save me and Mrs. Rabbit up to $2,500 a year on our insurance premiums if it means we no longer have to pay for freeloaders. It’ll save you money, too — unless you’re one of those freeloaders. Are you?
@124 It’s so much more pleasant around here when the loon is gone for awhile. Maybe we should take up a collection to send him on a long cruise.
what an ugly face.
Roosevelt, Truman, and LBJ were Republican? WOW! I didnt know that!
Thanks for clearing that up for us.
The Republican’s talk a good game, but in the end they tend to suck up federal dollars just as fast as they can get them. And even if the current governors don’t join in the program, future governors probably will. Net result: by 2014 most states will be fully onboard, by 2016 all states will be.
Moving to Massachusetts?
Well see ya DUMB Wabbit!
Seems the crazed databaze deala is projecting again. A Psych 101 thing. And he’s still beating his SEIU wife!
Tsk tsk!
This is just insanity. The boulder to the face @1:10 had to suck.
You mean ‘FullSize’? You’re right about that. And best thing? When we send him on that vacation – we can get him a ‘full size’ rental for cheap, because all of them have free upgrades!
The sad thing about puddles – he’s too stooopid to realize that we’re making fun of him.
The nature of the perp is irrelevant – you’re still yucking it up over the failings of others.
I ask again – is that very Christian of you?
Well, PRI is back in power in Mexico. I have no idea what that means for the country, haven’t been paying attention to this one.
Now foreign investors can lose there shirts investing in Pemex!
A federal judge has blocked a Republican law designed to put Mississippi’s only abortion clinic out of business.
@134 “Moving to Massachusetts?”
Nope. Haven’t you heard? Romneycare is coming to Seattle.
@132 Eisenhower and Nixon were Democrats? Thanks for clearing that up for us, moron.
When? How?
@108 We seem to be kicking your rightwing ass pretty good at the moment.
Like I’ve said before, Obama certainly could lose the election, but there’s nothing there to support the chorus of “Obama’s crashing, Obama’s in trouble” that we’re hearing from our righty trolls.
“Attempt” Lib da schmuck… “Attempt”…
And a poor “attempt” it is.
The really sad thing is everyone sees your “attempts”.
Facts seem to explode your attempts!
Pot meet Kettle!
Your M.O. forever!
Tell that to gman! Oh wait… he’s one of yours so gman gets a pass!
I think it might have something to do with that “mandate” that John Boehner keeps talking about.
The really sad thing about Lib da schmuck is he forgets what he posts…
EPIC FAYLE! More of Lib da schmucks’ projection. A Psych 101 thing! From then on Lib da schmuck just swirls down his leetle toilet. He gets nastier and nastier. Jealousy!… Very Frightening!
Seriously doubt he’s flown international first class. Had a personal chef on a plane. Received flannel pajamas to sleep overnight. Seriously doubt he’s flown bidness class. Cattle car for that moron. So what does Lib da schmuck do… he denigrates the opponent to bring them down to his level. Well dude, another EPIC FAYLE!
So sad so sad!
Make fun all you want moron. Mrs Puddy and I will fly free all over da world, laughing at fools like you Lib da schmuck!
Oh you mean ObummerCare and those taxes coming to everyone!
If it’s a tax why does your man Boehner keep calling it a mandate?
Mandate a new tax Michael! Something Obummer said he would not do to peeps making less that $250,000
One of our trolls came on here hollerin’ about how every time Obama says “mandate” he’s was going to be called a liar. But, it’s Boehner hollerin’ mandate and I don’t see our troll around callin’ the man a liar.
People are funny like that.
See how simple that was Michael?
Clear as day!
@155 It doesn’t even apply to any business with less than 50 employees, dumbass.
Once again an EPIC FAYLE! Poor DUMB Wabbit!
You needs to tell it to your troll buddy, not me. I don’t give an F’ what they call it. I just thought it interesting that our troll was all up in arms about Obama saying mandate and silent about Boehner.
The mandate is a tax per the Supreme Court. That’s what Boehner discussed on CBS’ DeFace The Nation! Somehow that’s lost on your little mind! Boehner discussed the mandate as a tax!
Remember Obummer told George Steponallofus in 2009 ObummerCare mandate was not a tax, it was through the Commerce Clause. The Supremes said no, it’s a straight up tax, not through the Commerce Clause and they could not suck da money from Medicare to fund ObummerCare. So the 26 states won their argument 7-2.
Good night leetle Michael.
Man you are as dense as da schmuck!
But I’m not a Christian – I’m a godless atheist.
I ask again, fullsize, is it ‘Christian’ of you to take such joy in the failings and troubles of others?
I haven’t forgotten anything, fullsize. I find it hysterically funny that you need to brag about the tiny details of your travel…you seem to think that full size rentals, or flannel pajamas, or the JW Marriott in San Jose somehow confers special-ness on your sorry ass, and your insane right-wing opinions.
We’re laughing at you, fullsize.
“Boehner said the real definition of small businesses are those with up to 500 employees.”
So what? P.S., you sleep in pajamas? You sleep in fucking pajamas?
I find it sad Lib da schmuch has to denigrate others for your lousy sucky life. A Psych 101 Thing!
How is that Motel 6? Did Tom leave the light on for you? Or is it Days Inn? A Beautiful Morning? Do tell schmucko!!!!!
Hence I have to set the epic record straight. So how does it feel sitting back in cattle class?
Mrs Puddy and I will not be thinking about you on our next free trip!
HAHAHAHAHA! Laugh all you want while you pay for airfare and accommodations!
On airplanes? ABSOLUTELY!