Robert Reich: The 10 biggest myths about our economy
Electile Dysfunction 2024:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Elon. Just One Letter Short of Felon. Coincidence? I Think Not. ♬
- Steve Shives: Why does Elon Musk want to kill Wikipedia?
- Tommy Campbell: President Musk is driving Vice President Трамп crazy
- Alex Wagner: Трамп introduces farcical foreign policy ideas into already dangerous international setting
- Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian: Kash Patel for the FBI? Buyer beware!:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ America Without Hate—The Only Way We Can Be Great ♬
- Jabari Jones: President Musk—About last night
- Darrin Bell: The Dotard wouldn’t want to see this video about Elon Musk
- LegalEagle: Трамп’s war against free speech
- Bruce W. Nelson: The Dotard turns attention to renaming America
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Gaetz ethics report shows Трамп has the worst moral judgment in staffing government
- Brenda Perez: For those of you missing holiday family drama…I present MAGA’s H-1B VISA meltdown…
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to bombshell Matt Gaetz report
- Mr. Newberger’s AI Funnies: ♫ The Трамп Plan ♬
- Jabari Jones: President Musk—Shut up.
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Dotard Трамп—The World’s Fourth Most Powerful Man? ♬:
- Stella Magz: Matt Gaetz ethics report released….
- Dark Brandon: The civil war between Elon Musk and Laura Loomer in cartoon form
- Graham Kay: Canadian explains why Trump can’t invade Canada
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard demands Vivek Ramaswamy apologize
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ President Musk and The Dotard Трамп ♬
- Jabari Jones: President Musk—Go make me a sandwich!
Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Matt Gaetz’s NEW TV Show ♬
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Didn’t think the Gaetz ethics report would be released. Most resignations by people before that committee, are to avoid such releases.
The irony of Elon tossing all those blue check accounts for daring to call him an autistic illegal alien…
I’m a fan of the platform but the Trump team amicus brief in the TikTok SCOTUS case is unhinged which is why I think Alito and Thomas will go with it.
To sum up, A law passed by Congress during a Presidential campaign and signed by the sitting President is unconstitutional because it robs the new President as yet undetermined the right to veto said legislation.
We can’t hire workers educated enough to do this work. And so we need to abolish the Department of Education!
We need workers who are motivated to do whatever it takes to get the job done if that’s 75 hour weeks with no bonus or half the salary of an American Native Citizen we NEED workers to shit on.
@1 The Gaetz report reveals how amoral Speaker Johnson is. He tried to cover it up because Gaetz’s vote mattered more than the integrity of Congress. He’d cover for a Ted Bundy if it gave him one more vote.
He didn’t give me a Cabinet Post so I switched over. I love immigrants. I hired immigrants. Americans are lazy. They carry bags of explosives but slack on detonation construction.
I’m behind you now President Musk. All hail the Illegal Immigrant KING!
Oh, I’m sure Bob finds this utterly disgusting because he has such high moral standards when it comes to this shit.
Did anyone even look at my skin color?
Greenland has a very large NATO base with quick strike ability directed at Russia and Eastern Europe. It was built as a deterrent to Russia from ambitions westward.
Panama currently has sanctions against Russian ships traveling through the canal due to Russian aggression in Ukraine and international oil embargoes.
Canada has the oil and gas exploration rights purchased from Greenland and the most efficient maritime route to refineries in Newfoundland.
IOF forces all patients and staff to evacuate functioning hospital in Gaza then set it ablaze.
I don’t like being threatened by foreign born drug addicts. I don’t care how much money they’ve got.
Sleepy Joe Biden and Democrats should have done a better job of explaining to me how disappointed I was going to be with my choices.
Listen you worthless peons. When I bleat “America” I mean ME..
Get it? Every mother lovin’ Xeet..
ME and “America” – there’s no difference..
I OWN this fucking place.. And I report to my Chinese and Russian masters.
I will hollow out what’s left of this miserable country with its social media addled peasants and together with my master’s money and resources I will become the KING of the White paradise of Mars.
Trending on Twatter.
Industry veterans with good follower count tweet H1B Visa increase is about driving down prevailing IT Engineering wages and not a lack of skilled engineers in the USA.
Elon replies, “Where did you get this lie” and nukes the user account.
“… Chinese and Russian masters.”
The Biden Crime family, particularly Hunter Biden, are the ones who have a master/slave relationship with China and Russia.
After much thought and consideration, and after consultation with my very good friend Elon, I am now very much in favor of some immigration.
Keep a close watch on your cats and dogs.
Necessary because my president has been a fucking asshole the whole term:
All you white Americans need to stop being such fragile snowflakes and just pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and compete!
Face facts.
Your culture sucks. You’re lazy and entitled. You care more about beer and sports than about math and science. You don’t want to work for anything. Part of Making America Great Again means getting your shit together and working for it.
With the capitulation of our Republican minions lead by Vice President Trump, once we blow open H1B restrictions and make the program unrestricted every job in America will become salaried, scheduled for 80 hours per week, with no breaks or benefits, and staffed by immigrants who dare not complain.
So cute how ken got you all fired up. Doesn’t he realize that literally nothing undertaken by a president as part of their duties can be illegal?
Americans have too many jobs already.
We need to bring in WORKERS to take the more expensive jobs that COST AMERICAN employers too much.
Oh absolutely somewhere in that forest of dick pics on the laptop is solid proof of crimes that make what Kushner got from Bonesaw look like chump change.
keep looking, over and over again, in all those dick pics, there has to be a prosecution in there somewhere for team elmo and its orange pants shitting coffee boi.
Keep looking..
President Elmo wants immigrants.
Vice President Trump suddenly loves immigrants.
The proof is right there before your eyes.
That was evident to me long before you Vivek.
Next you ought to know that the Heterosexuals such as yourself have a virus that kills women
I can’t wait for the pitch forks of the coned ones going after the swamp creatures
People, Bob is becoming irrelevant, don’t forget to throw him a bone every once in a while, the dog is starting to look real mopey. Dopey yes, that’s always been the case. But now he’s looking real mopey.
6)Definitely would cover for Ted Bundy, right party.
Normally I am wary about Metro buying from new manufacturers in the market. This one might succeed, they have been building electrics on their home continent for about 15 years, which is a little more than most US Transit Agencies are required to keep them if Federal Funds are used. Solaris is a Polish company ownded by Spanish train builder CAF.
AS they enter the US market they will have to find a US manufacturing site. Can see NY, especially in the interim. CAF has a manufacturing facility in Elmira.
Does this qualify for a Darwin Award?
@19 You still don’t understand our system. Nobody gets rich in America from hard work. You get rich by inheriting a trainload of money or by pulling yourself up by your stock portfolio.
31 – That does beg the question as to how the inherited money was made in the first place. Somebody, somewhere, actually did the work to make the money.
What’s wrong with that?
What’s wrong with that?
That question begs the question: how stupid and ignorant can one who bleats platitudinous tripe can be?
There’s plenty of “wrong” with all kinds of “that”.
Start with private equity.
Delray Beach firefighters try to beat a Brightline passenger train, didn’t go well. Must still be living in the pre-Brightline days when there were no passenger trains on the Florida East Coast Railway. Brightline runs more trains Miami-Orlando than Amtrak runs Miami-Orlando via CSX.
@32 Depends on what you consider “work.” Sitting in an office figuring out ways to screw partners, investors, suppliers, workers, and customers isn’t “work” in my book.
Bi-Done increases the strength of DJT47’s mandate with unpopular moves like this.
The previous four years of unpopular moves cut Boxcheck Momala off at the knees.
@ 34
This is what happens when fire fighters vote Democrat.
I think his much stronger argument is that he hardly could have done worse than she did.
Who thought up the DNC strategy of paying celebrities millions of dollars so that they would endorse Boxcheck Momala, anyway?
The 2024 DNC made 2016 Robby Mook look good by way of comparison.
@ 35
… isn’t “work” in my book.
And you’re not a millionaire in anyone’s book, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Did someone mention books?
Obama at a steep discount.
Discounted more than 50% in fewer than four weeks after publication. How far the mighty have fallen.
Mexico knows Trump has a mandate, and a powerful one.
Mexico Worries Trump Will Order Strikes Against Drug Cartels
Mexico’s new president cracks down on organized crime to blunt criticism from incoming U.S. administration
Gonna be a different southern border over the next 12+ years.
What if it’s not the tariff, but the threatened use of the tariff?
It seems to be more effective than Bi-Done’s “Don’t.”
Democrats are now reduced to arguing that Joe Biden is not corrupt because he only actively participated in the corrupt enrichment of his family.
Not much difference here:
He had a cold!
It was a loan!
Welfare Queen YLB is so weak.
It helps me to feel a lot less regret if I can submerge myself in corruption myths about the other guys.
The pretend john dutton bleats crap at ha to comfort itself while it shovels horseshit.. yawwn..
lmao.. a “future” of excusing the inexcusable. what a dope.
Sitting in an office figuring out ways to screw partners, investors, suppliers, workers, and customers isn’t “work” in my book.
Case in point.. widbee dumbfuck appears “offended”.. obviously guilty as charged.
the corrupt enrichment of his family.
Case in point.. babble ad nauseam shit like this while jarvanka gets 2 billion from bonesaw..
a gun charge, behind on taxes.. Gotcha!
Look at farmer jim trace 40k going into Joe’s pocket… a loan repayment.. Gotcha! makes the horseshit shoveling duty “easier”.. lmao..
What if it’s not the tariff, but the threatened use of the tariff?
Yawn.. the horseshit shoveling drudge doesn’t get it.. the orange pants shitter USED tariffs on China and all of a sudden, the Chinese moved production to Vietnam and else where.
Whack a mole didn’t work in the 30’s with Smoot Hawley and it won’t work now.
Tariff munee for the orange rapist and pants shitter, while it lasts, (a 4 year crime spree in the White House) is a corrupt scheme to reward friends and punish enemies.
$9 eggs is nothing. AMERICA can do $15 eggs!
Then WE can pay the MILLIONS of new immigrant H1B WORKERS we import with EGGS!
Please enjoy this Hanukkah gift, a JPost piece about how Mossad fooled Hamas with the exploding pagers.
Think about this the next time you tell your libbie friends a joke about Jews and money.
a joke about Jews and money
Didja hear the one about Epstein’s largesse and hospitality putting Judge Starr in the hot tub?
Didja hear the one about Bill Ackman’s wifey poo and her groundbreaking original research?
scuse me, I gotta answer a page.
It was a loan!
Witness teh widbee dumbfuck horse sanitation slave excusing 953 billion dollars of gubmint’ handouts to businesses bleating it was for the benefit of workers “sitting on their asses”.
Any lame excuse works now that it’s expecting a tax cut.
Bathing itself in laptop dick pics does wonders for the dumbfuck in tax cut withdrawal. 20 years.. 8 for Clinton, 8 for Obama, 4 for Joe.. dang, sucks to be dumbfuck. The pain…
Brightline posted the view from the cab in yesterday’s accident with the fire truck. The fire engine was probably on a call, but should have stopped to look if a train was coming. Brightline is capable of 110mph operation, and they and the Florida East Coast Railway have installed at almost every crossing on track they share, quadrant gates, which are designed to deter the people who try to cheat . Florida East Coast and DispatchCo should make their feed available on all scanner apps.
Compare and contrast.
What are you going to do after you leave office?
“I’m going to build millions of low-income housing units, negotiate hostage releases and follow my lifelong faith of serving others to the best of my ability.”
“I’m going to hawk gaudy shit with my name on it including bibles and spend the rest of my days at my chintzy sex club in Florida.”
Next to a tax cut and and a hand job at the vip lounge, happiest day of a moldering dumbfuck’s life.
Not even rbg’s passing could compare. Am I kidding myself again?
“America’s greatest ex-president”
@39 Oh lookee, a very small and insecure man has to insist other investors aren’t successful or he can’t live with himself.
Blanket pardons for all of them.
CRAZY DONKEY! It was a liberal false flag all along,
@59 Biden moves them from death row to the lifer wing. Trump moves them from the violent inmate cellblock to the front gate. Compare and contrast.
I wonder if Dumbfuck asked the dead cops’ families what they think of this.
57)Rest in Peace, Deacon.
IOF claims they detained ‘hundreds’ and Hamas was using the hospital as a base of operations. The same lie they’ve been telling for years.
Among the detainees, the hospital director who refused to order staff to leave as the IOF demanded. The entire staff of the NICU unit who were not keen on leaving critical infants to die without care and at least ten western volunteer medics.
We get to have TWO pandemics under Trump 2.0.
In other news, Netanyahu can piss again while making Palestinian babies freeze to death.
They were called slaves. They allowed the early elite families to build great wealth and pass it along.
They also just killed and relocated the tribes and took the free land to build railroads generating incredible wealth directly and for steel producers like Carnegie whose descendants remain wealthy in modern times.
Candice Owens. Literally. It was a tweet she claimed it was happening. Good of you to spread the lie though. Funny thing that. PACS and Campaign file SEC expense reports. Get back to me when you find the Beyoncé payments.
If we had just never paid the bill for renting a production studio like the other guy the headline would have been about not paying our bills instead of “Paid Oprah!”
Who would have thought a lifelong Catholic would be against the Death penalty.
The lack of comment from conservative Catholic Bishops is duly noted.
@68 Well he did leave three terrorists on death row so Trump can satisfy his bloodlust, you gotta give Biden credit for that.
69)At least those commuted will be serving Life Without Parole, unlike California’s Class of 1972. Still think Van Houten should never be out, but unfortunately the California courts overrode Newsom’s veto of the Parole Board’s decision.
@70 None of the Manson killers should ever get out.
As of right now, the DJIA has lost ALL of its post-election “Trump bump.” I guess Wall Street isn’t thrilled at the prospect of a war between the U.S. and NATO over an ice-covered island.