LegalEagle: How to kill the Electoral College
Electile Dysfunction 2024:
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to winning the election
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп minion Elon Musk calls Jimmy a propaganda puppet & MAGA floats baseless election conspiracies
- Sandy Pliskin: ♫ We Are Marching to Dystopia ♬
- The Daily Show: Killing Mother Earth
- Darrin Bell: Timelapse video-political cartoon—Трамп win reveals USA’s true colors
- Ari Melber: Confronting Трамп’s “red romp” with facts over fear
- Sandy and Richard Riccardi: ♫ We Need A Little Xanax ♬:
- Bill Hoover: ♫ Shaking Трамп Is Hard To Do ♬
- Seth Meyears: The Dotard has won, now what?
- Bob Levin’s Videos: ♫ Трамп is Now America’s First Fascist President!!! ♬
- Liberal Redneck: Reaction to Трамп victory
- Vox: How Трамп’s second term will be different
- Seth Meyers: Seth Meyers addresses the outcome of the 2024 Presidential election
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The reason why liberals are upset ♬
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ Guess I Picked the Wrong Week to Quit Sniffing Glue (2024 edition) ♬:
- Stephen: You are not alone. The world reacts to America’s decision
- Jimmy Kimmel reacts to The Dotard winning
- Brenna Perez: The most upsetting thing you can say to a Трамп supporter right now… (apparently)
- Ronny Chieng: Biden & Harris vow peaceful transition and Трамп’s potential cabinet is a motley crew
- ONN: Neo-Nazi pulls off surprise victory in long-held KKK district
- The Late Show: Thank you, madam
- Seth Meyers: Dems pledge to contain Трамп; Musk profits from Трамп win; pundits blame the left
- Christopher Titus: The Felon Von Shitzenpantz won. What now?:
- Hitler Rants Parodies: Hitler reacts to The Dotard winning
- Desi Lydic: Трамп’s election win & the media’s blame game
- Robert Reich: What the felon’s victory means
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Luckily for us, we’ve got each other ♬
- Steve Shives: Now what?
- Tommy Campbell: Трамп wins election, but the FIGHT isn’t over
- Stephen: Plunging back into the Трамп hole, VP Harris concedes, & we know what’s coming
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Trevor Noah: We treated President Biden like SHIT!
Cult of The Felon Von Shitzenpantz:
- Tommy Campbell: Tucker Carlson claims a demon mauled him in his bed
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Advice for Трамп—When your microphone is smarter than you ♬
- Jesse Welles: ♫ We’re All Gonna Die ♬
- Knotheadusc: ♫ Break Our Strike ♬:
- Brenna Perez: Idaho counties ban vaccines while ALSO arguing abortion is bad for its population size…
- Parody Project: ♫ In D.C. ♬
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Football, The Flag, and Трамп. (It’s what Jesus would want for us) ♬
- Sandy and Richard Riccardi: ♫ Hopelessly Devoted to Pu–tin ♬:
- Alex Wagner: Giuliani runs out of places to hide from massive court penalty—and Трамп can’t help him
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп’s Gonna Do It! (Whether women like it or not) ♬
- Parody Project: ♫ Ghost Dotard in the Sky ♬
Grace Kuhlenschmidt: Non-voters teach her how to not give a fuck about politics
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Onion News Network, didn’t know The Onion had restarted making those again. I remember some good ones from 15-20 years ago. Nice touch with that one.
Donnie’s pootie call:
San Fran Nan, Thursday:
San Fran Nan, September:
She was correct in September. The DNC did hold an open primary. For roughly 70 hours.
I really loved the short video in the Semafor tweet, in which she called Boxcheck Momala astute.
Carl Ballard helpfully has some ideas to help Democrats choose a woman who does not carry the baggage of overt corruption (2016) or political incompetence (2024):
To me this seems worse.
@ 2
Whatever gets you through the night, girlfriend.
Enten brings it.
Meanwhile, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit stupidly continues to claim that Trump and the GOP do not have a mandate. Tell it to CNN, you bloviating, useless fuck.
Whitmer and Newsom sent word that they would not be willing to be vetted to be the VP nominee.
Shapiro turned her down within hours of the interview.
Boxcheck Momala was stuck.
Democrats this year had a balanced ticket of a black female commie and a white male commie.
The white dude was even a Manchurian candidate.
political incompetence
Which meant Joe could win from a basement and somehow inspire craptons more turnout in 2020 than 2024.
“competence” means risers, phony smiles, injecting bleach and defense of internment..
yawn.. next??
@ 9
DJT47. Unburdened by what has been.
A little frat boi has been bleating the same name calls for at least a month. When it’s not shoveling horseshit for its “commie” wife.
Playing with its own poo.. Infantile..
liddle maxpuddle is at least junior high.
Thank you acsw for finally admitting you spread it wide for the orange..
And the older, richer model didn’t.
It wasn’t even 2 months ago that you said you never voted for drumpf in your life.
heh.. congrats.. By the time drumpf and jerkoff dickhead bowman get through, you may be out more of your fookin’ munee than you’d lose in an IRS settlement.
You broke it and you bought it.
acsw is a big fan boi..
“Now that the election is over I think we can finally say that yeah actually Project 2025 is the agenda. Lol,” Walsh wrote. Walsh also mocked Americans on his podcast with a video message directly stating that Trump will be a “good dictator,” and that women won’t lose the right to vote, they will still be able to vote for “whoever their husbands tell them to vote for.”
There ya go liddle buddy acsw.. Set her straight now stable boi..
Why is she so attracted to “weakness”? Fix that shit. Gotta laugh..
Those other things? Not worth crying over, because they’re not going to happen. Except being priced out of stuff, which Biden and Harris already caused.
So cry more, Welfare Queen YLB. So weak.
I find it kinda funee that acsw went all “cunt” and “twat” over a FEMA supervisor doing something a little “political”..
we all must remember the wise words of acsw’s most hallowed buttlick:
“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
It’s simple.. those drumpfers in those wrecked houses are locked and loaded and “terrified”..
Who wants to get shot by degenerate, deluded asswipes? acsw stands ready to cheer at the vip room tuned to Faux Snooze.. A lotsa “cunts” and “twats” will fill the air as FEMA canvasser bodies drop.
Heh.. more always wrong wing asswipe mentality..
gubmint’ workers just can’t get a break…
they get their lives threatened by drumpfers when they try to help..
and persecuted by a degenerate reptile in risers when all they want to do is perform their service while keeping out of harm’s way. They just work there.
while a little infant in widbee babbles “cunt” and “twat”..
look for more hail marys and desperation moves from the reptile in risers trying to rehab itself after crossing “the boss”..
the freek is such a fucking unlikable asshole.. what worked for liddle marco won’t fly for teh reptile.
The other day Elijah pointed out that drumpf will tariff the fuck out of Canada and Mexico..
I thought well .. I mean NAFTA is a deal that’s working out for everyone involved.. why do that?
Silly fucking me.. drumpf doesn’t give a flying fuck about honoring treaties..
It wants Mexico for pay for the fucking wall..
I’m sure its fee fees were hurt by Canada at some point.. prolly Canucks flipping it the bird..
Anything goes.. we all get screwed.. FLAYSHUN!
@ 15
…doing something a little “political”.
“A little political” means although you have a house with no roof on it, no running water, and your family has no means of communication with the outside world and no access to food because there is no working road, FEMA is not going to assist you with some of the tax dollars you have paid to fund FEMA.
Because of the name of a politician on what’s left of a sign in what’s left of your front yard.
Don’t ever change, Welfare Queen YLB. Dumb cunt’s gonna dumbcunt.
you have a house with no roof on it, no running water, and your family has no means of communication with the outside world and no access to food
yet preppers have guns and lotta klownspiratorial shit in their heads you ignorant fuck..
see the link @ 15
jury’s still out but the point remains – just because you’re too “weak” to own a gun that’s not an antique.. or too whipped..
Democrats, Tuesday morning: Our democracy is at stake!
Democrats, now: Just wait ’til next time!
Holy shit.. Struck gold..
Video of acsw after buying out the store at the affirm clinic.. Notice how “diminished” it is by its misogyny..
Whoa it gets so fucking better..
Here’s MARY KAY setting the asshole straight..
I love it.. Long live Mary Kay!
My work is so done here.. Goin’ on vacay..
Last thing..
Does acsw remember Tammy Towers Parry in West Seattle?
Are FEMA canvassers armed liked process servers?
’nuff said.. Bye..
can’t help it…
@22 for acsw, an example of
“piece” through “strength” lmao…
@ 24
… remember Tammy Towers Parry in West Seattle?
Are FEMA canvassers armed liked process servers?
In which HA’s unserious twat likens being helped to rebuild your house with being kicked out of your house.
Darryl winces yet again at the inanity that is Welfare Queen YLB.
Idiots will claim what idiots claim. And the exercise of raw power in disregard for facts is only likely to be a long term effective approach if the GOP holds the House (still in doubt) and does not immediately lose it again in two years. Baring that, it would be worth keeping in mind that in a majority of states won by Fat Hitler more registered voters declined to take part than voted for either of the two candidates.
Given the political realities that Fat Hitler faces in the next two years there’s some risk his “agenda” will produce backlash against his party in the 2028 midterms. And at least a few of those “agenda” items appear to be fixed politically in a damned-if-he-does/damned-if-he-doesn’t paradox.
He has to shut down immigration and begin some kind of mass enforcement against legal asylum seekers currently residing in the US. Even if these steps fall short of Stephen Miller’s fascist wet dreams they will likely result in large disruptions to the economy and effect some sectors very negatively. This is likely to contribute to higher prices and shortages.
He has to implement some punitive tariffs in some key industries. This is widely understood and openly admitted by his own supporters to produce some “economic hardship including much higher prices and near term shortages.
With the help of Congress (if available) he has to implement some pretty huge tax cuts and at least greatly reduce coverage in the ACA marketplaces and remove employer mandates. This will produce huge deficits that his own party will likely insist be offset with massive cuts to targeted social programs his own states depend upon. And it will strip healthcare access away from millions of his own voters but also likely many millions more who did not bother voting in this election.
Democrats have a good opportunity right now to begin a pivot of messaging towards these motivating issues in a way that may help galvanize support for change in 2028. But it’s anyone’s guess if they can summon enough unity to do so.
Welfare Queen YLB is taking a brief vacay before diving twatfirst into her next gig:
Let’s not forget that time in 2020 when Minneapolis was burning, and Cut and Run Walz POS daughter shared on social media that it was safe to keep on rioting because it would take at least another day for the National Guard to show up.
Tim Walz is a coward, not an accomplished leader.
Good riddance to that spineless fuck. And to the asshole she picked to be her running mate.
@26 Parry waved drumpf flags at planes going to Seatac.. she was as nutty as you.. only you’re too “weak” to arm..
But then there’s Susie Wiles – RINO…
A moderate in the mold of Jack Kemp, the star quarterback turned Republican congressman from New York who hired her as an assistant in 1979..
As a political adviser in Jacksonville in the 1990s and 2000s, she was known for promoting environmental causes and seeking greater spending on local services…
she fell out with her former boss, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), in 2019.
OMG.. on the outs with the reptile in risers???
She’s not going to last.. Out the door the first week after drumpf makes it “official” that it’s dictator..
And if she’s somehow “effective”.. Dang I’d luv to see the fascists scream.. but that’s a pipe dream..
A good bet for the next COS would be on #2:
he scribbled signed copies of his book for two of his advisers: Ms. Wiles, the woman who had led his 2024 campaign from the very first day, and Corey Lewandowski..
in a characteristically over-the-top gesture, asked who got the first book and who got the second one. It was Ms. Wiles, and then Mr. Lewandowski.
“That’s the order,” Mr. Trump said. “One, two.”
#2 straight from the diaper – Corey..
Who the fuck vetted Cut and Run Walz?
Team Boxcheck Momala spent more than $1 billion during the campaign, and ended it $20 million in the hole.
Ended it, also, as losers.
@27 It said it wanted to suspend the constitution:
Susie Wiles won’t even last till Jan 20.. Mass resignations but legions of hacks stand ready to fulfill its wishes..
It’ll be a mess. Make a hurricane look like a fender bender.
YLBs post-election teeth gnashing, anger and crying are truly at epic proportions.
Its literally Tantrum Fest ‘24
Maybe it’s that time of the month…
@34 Don’t drink the water.
They better do a hell of a lot more than just that or I’ll never vote for another cuckservative Republican for as long as I live.
We’ve been promised a river of tears from hairy lesbian pinko dyke bitches. We’ve been promised mass incarcerations of ungovernable gimmee-gimmee hip-hop thugs and cholos. And before the next four years are out I fully expect to be earning at least twice as much money in an actual sit-down job. If I have to stand while I work while alongside me some rag head or kike gets to sit I’ll grab some gas and a book of matches.
We voted for real fundamental change. We intend to get it. No excuses.
Hey climate deniers, how d’ya like this ICE AGE we’re in???
Hooboy. Sure looks like global warming is accelerating. And quickly. This place could go Venus before we know it.
This is what sucking up to Trump got her:
Good. Serves her right. She won’t be the 2028 nominee, either. There’s an heir apparent, and it’s not here. Maybe she can get some tips from Kamala on applying for a McDonalds job.
“This place could go Venus before we know it.”
No rabbits on Venus – could be an upside to this global warming stuff.
I couldn’t read the whole article, it goes on and on and on and on. But I trad most of it.
I guess Trump has big shoes to fill to satisfy the uneducated. 4 years or more of time, I guess he has plenty time to do it, so long as the Bird Flu doesn’t kill everyone first.
No mention of the widening of the wealth gap because of Republican policies. I guess what happened in the last four years economically was not due to outside forces, like the pandemic. I guess when you are uneducated you just need someone to blame than to try to understand the reality of things.
I remember a time when interest rates were being cut under Obama that the Wall Street journal was worried that that was bad, and stagflation would occur.
I’m sure if Trump isn’t successful in the economy it will because of Democrats and Joe Biden and not him.
Small little focus on the Transgender, mostly about the economy. So I guess, phobia and bigotry is acceptable if it’s the majority opinion.
I guess being on the wrong side of something because the majority want it, is something you have to bend to, to win. Maybe it’s better to lose than compromise your morals. I guess if the majority want the transgender dead then let’s do it! Or the gays!
No, no mention of the uneducated, especially the black and Latinos, being misogynistic. No, that couldn’t be part of it. Or the bigotry and phobia, no, all about fairness and things have to be fair.
It really doesn’t matter why and what happened, what’s to learn if the better man won, the next four years, or more, should and will be great. We don’t need democrats or democracy, we just need Trump and Republicans, and everything will be great for everyone, especially the uneducated.
Now maybe I’m misunderstanding you. Maybe you are just sending me this for the purpose of understanding why she lost and not because you agree with it all.
But I guess if you agree whole heartedly with the article then you are looking forward to a better future because you think the voters are right in thinking they are worse off without Trump.
I was rewatching parts of For All Mankind, and got curious the Season 4 intro. At 0:50 , President Wilson’s second inauguration in an alternate 1997 is shown,(yes, the President , a former astronaut, is an out Lesbian, the coming out was a major sub-plot in Season 3), trying to see if the Chief Justice looks like a real life Rheinquisdt. In Season 2 Intro, Justice O’Conner was appointed by Reagan in 1981, at the beginning of Season 2. So it looks like the Supreme Court vacancies are the same as real life. That means Justice Douglas’s replacement was by President Edward Kennedy, but since O’Conner was In Reagan’s Second Term, if Chief Justice Berger’s retirement is at the same time as real life, President Gary Hart will be replacing him, so and all other vacancies up to 1992 in this show. Wilson will have appointed two justices. By the way, she beat Clinton in 1992, and Hillary leaves him.
@39 You won’t be here to enjoy it.
@40 I’m expecting a Republican-inspired population drop, and not because of deportations or climate change.
Neither will you.
@44 That can be your consolation prize when the sun is blistering your skin and you’re taking your last gasping breath of stifling air.
It’s official: Kari Lake lost. If you’d like to watch me make fun of her (again), go here.
There will be a point in time that the poorly educated white and the poorly educated black will have to compete with each other and the Latino.
The irony, Trump sides with the uneducated Latinos because they are better workers than the white and black ones. It is why he’s has Latinos working for him right now at Mar-A-Largo.
@ 43
I’m expecting a Republican-inspired population drop …
Mass Democrat suicides are unlikely – not after what they experienced in 2016 – so I’m not expecting it. Relishing the possibility is a different story.
@ 38
Maybe she can get some tips from Kamala on applying for a McDonalds job.
Or at least on sucking cock in order to advance her career.
Hell yes! Fuck that dirty fucking dog-eating rag head whore. Fuck her right in the ass. If you’re not MAGA your’re out.
MAGA starts and ends with loyalty and purity – loyalty to Trump and purity of race, and ethnicity. That’s not to say that there isn’t room in America for non-whites. But their existence here and their participation in our success must be on our terms.
First woman VP.
First black VP.
First Asian-heritage VP.
First to spend a billion dollars, outspend the opposition 3-to-1, and then get blown out in the general.
Not nearly the first to get ahead by sucking dick.
Marn’i Washington. May she never find another job in her lifetime.
America is absolutely not ready for a woman. And sure as fuck not a mud-blood woman.
That’s the problem for Haley and why her career in politics is over.
I think it’s okay for a woman to be a Governor in the right state. And the blacks and browns and beaners and whatever else can probably be a Governor too. But this nation was founded by white Christian men for white Christian men. And that’s how it will stay as long as us MAGA Republicans are in the majority.
A brown smelly cunt like Haley can be governor in a lesser state like South Carolina where half the population is already Ethiopians and Mexicans. But she showed how she fails to understand America when she challenged Trump. And especially after 911 a rag head could never be President. They could never be sufficiently loyal. And she already proved that by betraying the man who single handedly has saved white America from tyranny and ruin. Haley should have thanked God for Donald J. Trump and simply come before him to kneel and beg for a way to be of service.
But she came for the King.
And she missed.
@52 I would’ve fired her, too. I support a nonpartisan federal bureaucracy, and non-political dispensing of federal disaster relief, and I’m for keeping it as long as possible, which won’t be much longer.
@53 “mud blood woman”
I predict Doctor Dumbfuck will be fine with this. He only calls out calling vegetables by their actual name.
All I know for sure is I’m going to make money from this election disaster. My stocks will go up (they already have) and my taxes will drop. Sure, there’ll be lots more inflation, and homebuilding will slow to a crawl, but I already have my digs and I don’t buy Made In China anyway. It will hurt the Walmart and Amazon billionaires who sell that stuff, not me. I’m going to be fine.
Speaking of the election, Republicans didn’t do so great. Sure, they elected Trump by 1% margins in the swing states, and they flipped 3 Senate seats. But they were going to get West Virginia, and probably Montana, anyway. Of the half dozen or so vulnerable Democratic seats, they picked off only red Ohio. The Democrats probably are going to lose 1 House seat. All in all, hardly a red tidal wave, and if the millions of voters who stayed home this year resume voting after Trump & Co. increase inflation, put millions back into crushing medical debt, and leave their supporters worse off four years from now, let’s just say 2026 and 2028 will be interesting. And now their first order of business will be to get Thomas and Alito off the Supreme Court, and the best thing that can happen to us liberals is they’ll tell them to fuck off and choose to stay. Jaydee won’t be a senator anymore and there’ll be a special election in Ohio. And if we get really lucky, Loose Cannon will leave the bench for an administration job and never be a judge again.
@57 Note, the Pennsylvania Senate race hasn’t been called by news media yet, but Wikipedia shows McCormick edging out Casey, so the Senate probably will be 53-47. Republicans will have the votes in Congress to run up deficits, reinstate inflation, put people back in medical debt, increase the worker shortage, cause food shortages, and cut my taxes. I’ll manage. And the midterms might actually be fun.
These Latinos think Trump will only deport criminals, and …
… no, they’re not “American” in Trump’s view, and they could have a rude awakening coming.
@ 57
Of the half dozen or so vulnerable Democratic seats, they picked off only red Ohio.
And Pennsylvania. You forgot Pennsylvania, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Republicans defeated three incumbent senators. A fourth chose not to run in order to avoid certain defeat. Three other Democrat senators barely survived.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is doing his level best to claim that this election really was a nothingburger. What Democrats did with a 50/50 Senate and a barely Republican house puts the lie to that, and what the GOP will do with solid Senate control and House control will further expose it as a massive lie.
Admit the loss and commit to do better next time, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. You embarrass yourself and the HA moderators with any other claim. You embarrass the family of SeattleJew on a daily basis.
@ 58
@57 Note, the Pennsylvania Senate race hasn’t been called by news media yet…
The AP called the race for McCormick three days ago, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. You are a useless, bloviating fuck.
Casey is in the process of embarrassing himself. For Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, self-embarrassment no longer a process. It’s with every breath he takes.
Given the unfettered bloviating inaccuracy of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, HA deserves to die.
The moderators have had years to do something about it. Instead they have provided tacit encouragement to the Dumbfuck Rabbit misinformation train.
What a waste of once-valid effort.
Trump’s not using the State Department’s resources when he communicates with world leaders. He just dials them up for a chat.
The federal government spent four years leaking anything and everything it could in order to try to take down Trump while he was president, and four more scouring the archives to try to damage him further. He’s rightly learned not to trust the people who work for him in those roles.
Fuck ’em.
@63 He might as well use T-Mobile or Verizon. He’ll tell the Russians everything anyway. There are no secrets between friends.
I’ve decided to profit from the stoopidity as well. I’m working out a legal four year grift scheme to capitalize on the unmet economic expectations of working class white bigots. Still deciding if it should be Xtianity adjacent or greed based. But I’m leaning strongly towards greed for what I assume are obvious reasons.
The level of economic dissatisfaction among the emerging coalition that Fat Hitler has assembled surpasses anything in modern history. That kind of dissatisfaction can make stupid people do anything.
Like send me money.
And I think I know exactly how to talk them into it.
How hard can it be. South Koreans have been selling them “Trump Bucks” and crypto garbage for years now.
As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Good things may come to those who wait. But only those things left by those who hustle”. He was a Republican.
@65 “deciding if it should be Xtianity adjacent or greed based”
Is there a difference?
Awww … SNL hurt Elon’s feelings. What a sensitive guy. Or maybe just a thin-skinned one, like his mentor.
It won’t happen, but I like the idea. Someone needs to bring the dispirited Democrats back together, and Harris would be better positioned to do that as a former president than a defeated candidate. It would also give her a chance to showcase her leadership skills.
Memo to doc: Fuck off. This is an internal party matter, and none of your business.
It would also allow her to be the one to replace Sotomayor with Ocasio Cortez.
@ 68
Nothing will pull disaffected Democrat white women together like giving a black one yet another job she didn’t earn.
Obama could have done that for #CrookedHillary.
Regarding that “leadership skills showcase”, she just demonstrated her ability to blow through more than a billion dollars with nothing to show for it but a bunch of liberals claiming her loss wasn’t a mandate for the other side.
I think we’ve seen enough.
If you have no morals or ethics and you are at all charismatic, going the prosperity gospel route is like printing money.
@ 69
It would also allow her to be the one to replace Sotomayor with Ocasio Cortez.
Yeah. That’ll work.
Ocasio-Cortez calls out Manchin for referring to her as ‘young lady’
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Joe Manchin Has Been Given Everything He Wants
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Ends Twitter Hiatus to Jab at Joe Manchin Over Social Spending
The New York progressive wondered on Twitter whether she should send her constituents to “Manchin’s yacht” as the West Virginia lawmaker continued to balk at the trillion-dollar legislation
Ocasio-Cortez Says Filibuster Defender Sinema Can ‘Take a Seat’ on Women’s Health
“Hold everyone contributing to this disaster accountable, GOP and Dem obstructionists included,” the New York Democrat said. “She should be primaried.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocks Kyrsten Sinema’s announcement to leave the Democratic Party and register as an independent: ‘She lays out no goals for Arizonans’
See, the problem with being a vicious little cunt is that you eventually earn the reputation for being a vicious little cunt. AOC might never lose her seat but in 50 years she’ll be Maxine Waters. She’s already a joke to anyone in her party who is serious about anything.
Here’s what the HA Legal Eagle Squad of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and QoS McHillbilly has recommended as consolation prizes for the party that just got electorally assfucked:
1. Boxcheck Momala should be awarded the job of First! Woman! President!, thereby depriving women voters of being part of an election that ends victoriously with this result. We’ve seen what happens to black voters when there’s not a black first, anymore.
2. Sonia Sotomayor should somehow be forced to resign, or perhaps poisoned, so that Joe Biden can replace her with the only woman in the Democrat party more unlikable than #CrookedHillary. AOC will miraculously survive a confirmation vote by a Senate body that includes either Manchinema, each of whom AOC has trashed as if there will never be any blowback from it, or 53 GOP Senators, all of whom she has referred to either collectively or individually as the worst human beings in the world. The confirmed AJ AOC will then replace Clarence Thomas as the author of the most unjoined opinions by a SCOTUS justice.
If this is what the best and the brightest of HA’s liberal wing is able to come up with, there is no reason for the continued existence of HA.
HA is dead. The weekend after a major presidential election and fewer than 80 spews?
Think on your sins, libbies. Come back stronger next time (which will prove democracy didn’t die, after all), and on a blog that means something to somebody. The only thing this one does is give Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit a forum in which to publicly debase himself and the HA moderators.
Boxcheck Momala paid Oprah’s production company a cool million, in two disbursements.
Wonderful things, FEC filings.
To be fair, this includes the period in which the Harris campaign was the Biden campaign.
It looks like working for the Harris campaign was more lucrative than working for the Trump campaign. Who would have thunk it!
Seize the day.
Poland’s voters reject their right-wing government
Support for the Conservatives plummeted, propelling the Labour Party into power.
Modi declares victory in India election but party faces shock losses and will need coalition
When the going gets tough, the tough liberals hide their heads in the sand.
Also busy deleting recent history: Nancy Pelosi and George Clooney.
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.’s (TSMC) Phoenix plant produced 4% more usable chips than equivalent plants in Taiwan
“Our first fab entered engineering wafer production in April with 4-nanometer process technology, and the result is highly satisfactory, with a very good yield,” said TSMC’s CEO C.C. Wei on an investor call last week.
@ 78-80
• Italy?
• Argentina?
• Anything on how life is going for the new UK PM?
The PM might run Poland but perhaps not for much longer.
Happy Veterans Day to all those who serve or have served.
Happy “Losers and Suckers” Day to all those who serve or have served and who voted for Fat Hitler.
…amended filings over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Forever. 🤡
A ballot measure to increase Alaska’s minimum wage and provide guaranteed sick leave to most workers was winning by a large margin as results streamed in late Tuesday.
Ballot Measure 1 proposes to increase the minimum wage to $13 per hour in 2025, $14 per hour in 2026, and $15 an hour in 2027, raising it in stages from the current $11.73 an hour. Increases after that would depend on inflation.
It would affect thousands of low-wage workers in Alaska. A $15 wage is still considered below a living wage for all Alaska adults, according to research from MIT.
The measure is designed to ensure that most Alaska workers receive at least 40 hours of paid leave per year. It also would prohibit employers from punishing employees for declining to attend meetings of a political or religious nature, which can sometimes be used to dissuade employees from unionizing.
Carefull what you wish for “lefties”… lmao..
Lightweight @ 82
I really have to wonder where those Arizona production numbers are coming from, given the fact that the first TMSC Arizona plant isn’t expected to come online until 2025.
That’s quoting a news release from TMSC itself:
Oh, and I just searched the TMSC news archives. The only release mentioning Arizona or Phoenix issued in 2024 is the one given above. Wouldn’t the CEO’s purported claim that Arizona is outpacing Taiwan chip production show up in a news release? One would think so, wouldn’t one?
Your linked piece is bullshit..
By the end of the day today I am required to have sent out letters noticing all clients of rate/fee increase negotiations to be completed by the end of the year.
Everything will be much more expensive.
Note: nationwide average gas price today is $3.191 and one dozen grade A large eggs is $3.82.
The current annual inflation rate today, Nov 11th, 2024 now stands at 2.4%. I’m getting that date and rate printed onto a red trucker hat. Look for them on etsy and soon coming to Amazon.
Fareed Zakaria, yesterday:
Congratulations to Welfare Queen YLB and to her fellow unserious twats. Your efforts to scare people about a potential loss of democracy worked!
Names of Trump II appointees are coming out.
Welfare Queen YLB is gonna need more Kleenex. And fresh panties to replace the ones she’s twisted so tightly they won’t unwind.
The incoming Senate won’t have to concern itself with the sensitivities of Senators Murkowski and Collins when considering DJT47 nominees for positions requiring Senate confirmation.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wants you to believe that this stark reality does not constitute a mandate.
Drug cartels, CSAM traders, Unibombers, and the Klan all collectively rejoice.
Scotty P really knows how to cover himself in glory. 🤡
Cheerful news:
MAGA Groyper King Nick Fuentes will probably face some charges and a lawsuit over a recent bad decision.
After purchasing her home in 2020 (undoubtedly as part of some corrupt and potentially unlawful effort to avoid taxes) Fuentes had recently moved back into the basement apartment of his mother’s home in Berwick, Illinois. Following some indiscreet and hostile bellowing on a recent podcast one of his own mother’s friends on Friday doxed his home address to the whole world.
Over the weekend activist reporter Marla Rose reportedly approached Fuentes’ home, rang the doorbell, and was allegedly met with pepper spray and a physical confrontation. She claims Fuentes pepper-sprayed her, kicked her down a flight of stairs, and took her phone, which was later returned by the police. Emergency services, including the police and an ambulance, arrived following the incident.
Fuentes’ army of incels are now widely defaming the 57-year-old woman claiming (falsely) that she attacked Fuentes after attempting to break into his home. However Ms. Rose had her phone out and was recording the encounter in order to protect herself. Her conduct appears entirely legal and entirely non-violent. While photographs published by Ms. Rose clearly show Fuentes directing a stream of some kind of liquid into her face at the moment he opened the door.
Presumably heeding the sound advice of attorneys Fuentes has so far maintained his silence about the attack.
Apart from the tangible benefits to the U.S. from maintaining the post-WW2 global order (e.g., world wars, especially nuclear ones, are bad for the economy and general prosperity), this guy doesn’t know what charity is (after all, he stole from his own charitable foundation).
If Trump ran a church soup kitchen, he would make the poor pay market prices for the coffee, soup, and sandwiches.
@92 A mandate is when voters want a specific thing and give permission to do it.
It’s questionable whether any of the low-information voters who immerse themselves in Fox propaganda and shut out all semblance of reality know what they’re doing. But let’s assume they do. They’re going to get what they deserve. So are you.
The reported spending total on candidate campaing coordinated GOTV, including substantial sums on canvassing and coordination. These efforts were carried out in-house in order to remain in more strict compliance with FEC regulations that otherwise forbid candidate campaign coordination with outside PACs. The early data indicate that the effort produced about a 3% turnout effect in targeted precincts, which is a very large result by any measure. However, in those targeted precincts Harris lost by 3%, reflecting an overall gap of 6%, consistent with other similar precincts not targeted for turnout.
The other half billion was spent on coms and messaging. It was obviously not at all effective. Harris inherited Biden’s coms and messaging team. Their strategy is “under review” by everyone, everywhere.
By the way, the “author” of Scotty P’s source is a fictional character created by Pasco Washington born, Oregon Duck educated, Portland based novelist/asshole/street fighter Chuck Palahniuk. The character of Tyler Durden is in fact a florid psychotic delusion arising from the main character’s decompensation into schizophrenia.
How fitting.
@91 No reason for DoJ lawyers to feel “terrified.” They’ll have no trouble finding new jobs, and there will be plenty of work. America is about to see an explosion of litigation on all fronts. Not all of it will inure to the benefit of who you think it will.
@72 The problem with a 60-year-old incel who fucks a horse thinking all women are “cunts” is that won’t improve his sex life.
@84 Happy Veterans Day to all those who serve or have served.
That doesn’t include Corporal Bone Spurs or the Whidbee horsefucker.
Yes, I fought for their freedom to be insufferable jerks and turn half our fellow citizens into the same. The dumbfuck doctor assumes this bothers me, but he’s mistaken. To the contrary, I revel in the fruition of my sweat, toil, and tears, because freedom is the whole point. They get to be what they are, and I get to laugh at them. 🤡🤡🍿🍿🤣🤣
I’d certainly argue that the 20 million voters who sat this one out are giving their permission to Fat Hitler to continue to reshape the Supreme Court. And he will. Sort of. It’s likely that Alito and Thomas will retire to emeritus status giving Fat Hitler the opportunity to appoint Aileen Cannon and Matthew J. Kacsmaryk to those seats, provided they are willing to resign in the next two years. That won’t make those votes on future cases any more idealogically extreme. Just more incompetent. And it will probably result in even fewer cases being accepted for review.
That will drive further justification for expanding the court, especially after they outlaw porn, online gambling, and birth control.
The problem with a 60-year-old incel who fucks a horse thinking all women are “cunts” is that won’t improve his sex life.
Actually, it’s the incel who gets ass-fucked by the horse.
@ 94
…Fuentes has so far maintained his silence about the attack.
Also maintaining silence about it: the MSM.
Yeah, I found it. But no one of importance thinks that an admittedly FAFO report by the woman about her own embarrassing behavior warrants coverage.
Probably in part because of the number of times she doxxed him in her screed.
@89 Democracy is never threatened by prosecuting criminals, but dumbfucks voting for a criminal threatens democracy.
It appears you need help with understanding this. You’re welcome.
This isn’t a good reason to elect someone president, but it’s what you expect from the immature jackasses comprising the MAGA masses.
SciAm has morphed into the worst kind of partisan political rag.
Editor of Scientific American apologizes for expletive-filled tirade against Trump voters
Of course they reflect her beliefs, the same way Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s perpetual intentional dishonesty reflects his.
Science does not lean left. Or right. Left-leaning reports of science are dishonest.
Scientific American is dishonest.
Say, why aren’t libbies spewing snark about Elon Musk these days?
@ 105
This isn’t a good reason to elect someone president…
Neither are skin color or gender. Those were the only two reasons your candidate offered.
Didn’t. Earn. It.
May have been on the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.
@106 “Of course they reflect her beliefs, the same way Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s perpetual intentional dishonesty reflects his.”
Perpetual and intentional, yes (I prefer the terms “consistent and thoughtful”), but where do you get “dishonesty” from? I know where: You pulled it out of your ass, like everything else. Unlike the wimpy editor, who’s obviously sacrificing her values to keep her job, I don’t respect and value people across the political spectrum. Respect must be earned, and some voters are of no value to society or even themselves. You impress me as one of them.
I think this transition’s going to be different than the 2016 transition. Already picked:
Border czar
UN ambassador
EPA chief
Get the fuck out of the way, Bidenites.
@107 You’d expect the conflict-of-interest trade to elevate his stock. It would be strange if it didn’t.
Democracy works. There’s no need to “hang Mike Pence!” The mouth-breathing middle-finger arsonists will get what they want: Tax cuts for the rich, a greedy banker class, more wealth inequality, inflation, wage repression, medical bankruptcies, faster spreading infectious diseases, dirtier air and water, more frequent and violent storms with less reliable weather forecasting, higher insurance premiums, skyrocketing food prices, fewer homes being built, exploding deficits, less social welfare, and lots more. Lower pump prices? Nah. Saudi Arabia can easily offset any increase in U.S. production by cutting their output to maintain the prices they want.
Nothing says Seattle liberal like a white POS punching a black woman over a political disagreement.
The POS was arrested and police are considering a hate crime enhancement.
The POS probably should not have admitted to the targeting of a black woman.
Turns out I can use The Holman Ellipses to advantage. Who knew?
@111 Biden and his cabinet still run the show until noon of January 20. One of the things they should do right now is load the entire inventory of Ukraine military aid on ships and send it all immediately, instead of parceling it out. Another item on their to-do list is push every pending judicial nominee through the Senate. Every Pell grant application in the pipeline should receive expedited approval. Move up awards of Infrastructure Act grants. And lots more.
A big “fuck you,” indeed.
Entirely anonymous reports, unless they wish to be named in a defamation lawsuit. Which ought to be all the evidence needed to establish their falsity.
As a matter of law it’s perfectly legal for anyone, including law enforcement, to walk from the public right of way to approach your door and knock or ring the bell. In terms of legal niceties, that area is called “curtilage”. And you should know that your rights to exclude people from those areas can be limited.
If Mr. White Supremacist Groyper King wishes to exclude the pubic from approaching his front door and porch he would be advised to spend some of his vast earnings from spreading anti-Semitic hate on a fence and locked gate. Another good piece of advice is that if there is someone on your curtilage without your permission and you wish to have them removed, summon law enforcement before you begin deploying weapons of violence. Since he’s sophisticated enough to have had the Google Street View image of his home address blurred, I’m sure Mr. Goryper King has some kind of camera surveillance system at his home that records. He’d also be advised to hang on to those recordings if he actually thinks they might help exonerate him.
Finally, there is nothing especially private about the adress of the home where Mr. White Supremacist Groyper King resides. Celebrities and public figures of both greater and perhaps lesser notoriety have had to endure the publication of maps and in more recent years mobile apps providing the public with directions to the locations where they reside. This is quite settled First Amendment law where it concerns public figures. And Mr. White Supremacist Groyper King has labored tirelessly to make himself into a public figure. This comes with the territory.
He’s obviously just a pussy. And so is Scotty P.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit haz a sad that tax cuts don’t help him and that he’s on the wrong side of the expanding wealth gap.
His sadness, of course, will be short-lived, as will his remaining time on this earth.
@114 Let’s agree that political violence is off limits and should be prosecuted. Which means charges for this woman, and no pardons for J6 convicts.
@ 116
…Entirely anonymous reports, unless they wish to be named in a defamation lawsuit.
Not what I was referring to. You should read the two posts by Marla Rose. First-person description of what happened. In them she claims to have video. Well, good. Let’s see some of it.
@117 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit haz a sad that tax cuts don’t help him and that he’s on the wrong side of the expanding wealth gap.”
You’re not as delusional as some MAGA morons, but you’re getting there.
The Pennsylvania Senate race still isn’t called (except by trigger-quick AP), with over 122,000 mostly Philadelphia-area ballots yet to be counted. If Bob Casey gets the same percentage of those ballots Fetterman got two years ago it’ll be enough.
If the McCormick campaign really believed they have this thing won, they wouldn’t be going to court trying to block provisional ballots from being counted.
It’s Veterans Day, and we should remember Beau Biden, who was killed by an exploding burn pit in Iraq. Or something like that.
Explanation by HA libbies: Democrat voters are racist.
Explanation by voters: We voted for this in 2020 and we got fucked by it.
You Oughta Know:
One wonders how much Amal Clooney was paid by Team Boxcheck Momala to convince her husband to let his name be used on that backstabbing Op-Ed that helped topple Bi-Done. If she was smart she would have held out for at least as much as Mother Teresa got with her Nobel.
Confidential @ 124 to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
She was fucking awful.
Stop searching the data for any other possible explanation. You don’t need one.
$2.3 million for a Lizzo appearance?
That’s , like, nearly $7,000 per pound.
For QoS McHillbilly, who frequently references this event:
Kamala Harris ran the Fyre Festival of campaigns
For the uninitiated:
Even without Twitter/X, disgruntled former Boxcheck Momala supporters managed to tell all of their friends about the fraud that was the Harris campaign. How did this happen, you ask?
I blame Mastodon.
I really plan to leave this dead blog. Problem is, I’m nowhere near done with the mockery.
And I haven’t even begun to give it to The Even Bigger Fucking Moron and to G-clown. Those two spineless wimps have gone to ground. Pussies.
Everybody around here was so fucking tough when it was 19-to-1. Those were the days.
Ross Perot began running two years ahead of election day and announced his campaign ten months ahead of the election And he even bought national prime time air time on the networks to promote himself.
He received just under 20 million votes.
He was fucking awful.
Jebediah Butterscotch Bush announced his campaign a year and a half ahead of the 2016 election and spent all the Fanjuls money to finish last and become a permanent meme – “Please clap”.
He was fucking awful.
Ross Perot would have been better than any of the presidential candidates who ran in the past 100 years.
Russian faceplant. Enjoy.
By the way, I’m reading that Trump left Zelensky out of the surrender negotiations with Putin.
@131 You’re saying better than FDR, Eisenhower, JFK, Reagan, the two Bushes, and of course better than Trump …
@125 I’m not dating Lauren Boebert. What made you think I am?
He was fucking awful.
Ross Perot never even had his own fragrance.
He was fucking awful.
There will be a lot of special elections for House seats, and a Senate special election in Florida, as Trump staffs his administration 2.0.
And better than Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden.
You’re entitled to your opinion, even if it’s fucked up!
@ 130
He was fucking awful.
And he was’t elected.
He was fucking awful.
And he wasn’t elected, either.
See how easy that was?
Where’s Welfare Queen YLB to tell a Little Marco height joke?
There’s a new sheriff in town.
@ 132
By the way, I’m reading that Trump left Zelensky out of the surrender negotiations with Putin.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, did you read that one day earlier, Trump left Putin out of the surrender negotiations with Zelensky?
Of course you didn’t. It’s in your link, but you didn’t read past what you thought would getcha a gotcha. You lazy, bloviating fuck.
SeattleJew rolls over in his grave, out of embarrassment.
How did that work out for you, McFuckhead?
If Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will not use the term mandate to describe the onslaught that Team Trump is about to unleash on loser Democrats, perhaps he would prefer the term triumvirate.
’cause DDHQ just called the House for the GOP.
Team Trump Gets Ready To Take Over
Trump is going to take office with a triumvirate. He’ll have the House and the Senate. He’s going to fill his top ranks with actual business leaders.
That‘s from Ben Shapiro, who makes liberals cry themselves to sleep and have nightmares about being slaughtered by Hamas while Boxcheck Momala laughs and wipes clean the blade after each slash.
After True Gretch and Hair Gel refused to be vetted and Josh Shapiro said No Fucking Way within hours of his interview, Boxcheck Momala had a choice of willing VP running mates.
It was either Cut and Run Walz or Anthony Weiner.
Walz will be primaried by a big gun Democrat after this embarrassment.
@ 142
How did that work out for you, McFuckhead?
Actually, it will work out fine for him. He’s also on the good side of the wealth gap.
We would have been fine with whichever side won. It’s just that now, McHillbilly gets to feign righteous indignation while laughing his way to the bank when he thinks other libbies aren’t watching.
Meanwhile, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can only feign wealth.
Ross Perot never earned even a single electoral college votes nor raped even a single journalist.
He was fucking awful.
Generally speaking, vast, sweeping, and precipitous increases in general incompetence serve as a kind of huge make-work program for my industry and profession. When the federal government does it, it’s like a huge taxpayer subsidy mediated through the FTCA.
The 44% of women who don’t dress like whores just turned their backs on the 56% of women who are sexual assault survivors.
@143 I’m crying all the way to the bank. Btw, have you noticed Generac is $195? I paid $98 for it two years ago. That’s a double in 24 months.
@149 You still work? You have my sympathy. We capitalists don’t work, we prosper from other people’s work.
(Rabbit paw goes up.) Question. Planes to where? And what if the destination countries don’t give permission to land?
“As of 2022, unauthorized immigrants represented 3.3% of the total U.S. population and 23% of the foreign-born population. These shares were lower than the peak values in 2007 but slightly higher than in 2019.
Meanwhile, the lawful immigrant population grew steadily from 24.1 million in 2000 to 36.9 million in 2022. The growth was driven by a rapid increase in the number of naturalized citizens, from 10.7 million to 23.4 million. The number of lawful permanent residents dropped slightly, from 11.9 million to 11.5 million. As a result, in 2022, 49% of all immigrants in the country were naturalized U.S. citizens.”
fascists and white supremacists suck.. they blame all the crime committed by the “legals” on immigrants. Anyone with a brain can see that immigrants, authorized or not, commit much less crime.
But fascists masturbate to hate anyway. They project hate and fear. Always have.
They not only want to cattle car 11 million people out of the country. They want to go after all those who are lawful permanent residents and any naturalized foreign born citizens they don’t like. 99.999 percent darker skinned. i.e. “Norwegians” are ok.
Bier calculated release and removal rates for the last two years of former President Donald Trump’s term and the first 26 months of Biden’s, using DHS data, including the lifecycle report, ICE detention statistics and other figures published by the Republican majority on the House Judiciary Committee. Bier wrote in November that his work showed the Biden administration “has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released [into the country] after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden.” [wink, wink, fascists need cheap labor]
While the raw numbers are much higher under Biden — 5 million encounters compared with 1.4 million under Trump in those time frames — the percentages for the two administrations were similar: 47% removed under Trump and 51% under Biden. Bier’s estimates are for illegal immigration between ports of entry. (As our bar graph above shows, both administrations had removal rates above 50% when Title 42 was being used to expel people.)
“These numbers highlight how difficult it was even for the most determined administration in US history to expel everyone who enters illegally,” Bier wrote.
i.e. The fascist administration will put on a big show for their sycophants and the fascist voter base will orgasm to the skies but at the end of the day are unlikely to have much more success than the outgoing administration.
Conversations with Republican voters and speeches at the RNC made it clear that their idea of “unity” is conformity. That the obstacle to “unity” was all these liberated women and queer people and minorities and academics and artists who keep insisting on being different than what MAGA wants everyone to be. Implicit in many discussions about “unity” was a hope that all those liberals would shut up, bend the knee, go back into the closet, or whatever else it takes to hide or eradicate difference.
DOCTOR Jill truly is awful. Just look what she did to poor Kamala.
And why did DOCTOR Jill wear red on Election Day, hmmm?
Puddy told me a few days ago that he had recently visited HA. Going through the threads of the past week it appears that he didn’t leave a comment. Too bad. He would have significantly raised the average IQ of trolling here.
Looks like the dumbfuck’s lack of self-awareness is now off the charts. He has absolutely no clue that his every post this last week practically screams at you people that he’s one of life’s biggest losers.
I only wish I could end this comment by leaving the dumbfuck an audible loser sneeze.
It’s time for a new thread, Darryl.
“America’s going to be like one of my rockets that’s super cool and super fun. But there’s a chance it could blow up and everybody dies.”
– Russian presidential aide Nikolay Patrushev
I guess I’m canceling my WaPo subscription and switching to TASS if I wan’t to know whatever the fuck is going on… here in America.
This is fine 😐
@157 Mafia wife refuses to meet with prosecutor’s wife. Huh. Is this due to her inferior social rank, or is she afraid her husband will think she broke omerta, and have her thrown off a bridge?
Doctor Dumbfuck has consistently relied on DDHQ to call races. Except for one. He called Pennsylvania’s Senate race himself, because DDHQ refuses to, for reasons he’d rather not think about.
As I have been saying for five decades we need all the Jews to get back to Israel so that the rapture can commence and they can all be left behind and I’m honored to be the Ambassador to Israel so I can bear witness to their damnation.
By the way, they killed Jesus. As I’ve preached for well on 40 years.
The stock market’s “Trump trade” is fizzling today. TSLA -6%, DJT -8%, 10-year Treasury yield +4.4% as deficit and inflation worries return.
@ 163
He called Pennsylvania’s Senate race himself, because DDHQ refuses to, for reasons he’d rather not think about.
For a reason Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit knows all too well Chuck Schumer backtracked on his earlier refusal to permit Dave McCormick to attend the orientation of the new Senate.
That reason is weakness. Chuck Schumer’s position was too weak to defend.
“Yes. We started a new denaturalization project under Trump. In 2025, expect it to be turbocharged,”
the fascists won’t stop at darker skinned people. they have an extensive enemies list.
a repellent fascist in a pickle:
“Friction point: Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) called for DeSantis to appoint President-elect Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, to Rubio’s seat.
DeSantis and Trump have, at times, had a fraught relationship.
Now, DeSantis finds himself pressured to appoint Trump’s daughter-in-law over a loyalist who could keep the seat warm for him.
Should Trump intervene in the 2026 special election, DeSantis could face a similar situation to Crist.
The bottom line: DeSantis again faces the challenge of balancing MAGA loyalty against his own ambitions.”
break out the popcorn. either way the nasty fascist of florida bends.
The video showing Nick Fuentes pepper spraying a visitor who rang his doorbell, grabbing her phone out of her hand, pushing her down a flight of stairs, carrying the phone into his front hall and then stomping on it has now been published.
And yes. It shows precisely what I just described.
@166 You’re dancing in the dark.
It makes perfect sense to say Senate orientations are for senator-elects, not ordinary civilians. But Schumer is a politician, and bends to pressure. McCormick is being invited based on nothing more than an assumption he’ll win. If he loses, he can say, “Cool! I got to attend a Senate orientation with the winners!” before he goes back to being a super-rich hedge fund guy.
@167 That can be a two-edged sword.
The GOP under Trump certainly qualifies as a totalitarian and terrorist organization, which flings the door wide open to denaturalizing and deporting a lot of Trumpistas.
@168 DeSantis has a hard decision to make. Under Trump 2.0, the only role for him would be as a servant to the king.
Pete Hegseth will be SecDef.
Damn. I was hoping it would be Erik Shinseki.
Insert Rethughlican/horse joke here.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can empathize. His penis has been paralyzed since before the beginning of the current millenium.
@174 I don’t joke about real people’s tragedies, but apparently you’ll stoop to it.