Roy Zimmerman with a Michigan edition of Vote Republican.
Thom: Why is FAUX News supporting the Christian Taliban?
The truth about the Recession.
Thomas Friedman is an enormous mustache.
Craig Pridemore is running for WA State Auditor.
Thom with some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Marriage Equality:
- Stephen on Obama’s rainbow button.
- Suzie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Gay marriage.
- Jon on Obama’s big announcement.
- Ann Telnaes: North Carolina votes on gay marriage ban.
- Stephen on Obama’s announcement that he’s gay.
- Roy Zimmerman with a North Dakota edition of Vote Republican:
- Darcy Burner on President Obama’s support for marriage equality.
- Top Lines: Obama is gay…friendly.
- Alyona: Obama endorses gay marriage.
- Thom: Gay marriage rant — it’s NOT a state’s rights issue!
- Newsy: Obama endorses gay marriage.
- Mitt Romney: Backward on marriage equality.
- Young Turks: Bristol Palin gives Obama advice about parenting?!?
- Jen: The sound of history in the making.
- Jon on the gay marriaging of America.
- What can I say about this one but, “fucking INSANE”!
- Sam Seder: The bigots’ Last Hurrah in North Carolina.
ONN: In bipartisan spirit, Obama makes deal to get kicked in the balls.
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: McChrystal’s ‘off the record’ lectures at Yale.
Pap: Republicans are a threat to National Security.
Young Turks: Sheriff Joe Arpaio lawsuit.
Scott Walker:
- Scott Walker in early 2011: “Divide and conquer” the Unions.
- Thom: Walker is using taxpayer dollars to bribe voters.
- Sam Seder: Scott Walker ‘Divide and Conquer’ union strategy caught on tape.
White House: West Wing Week.
Bill Maher on Citizens United.
Nurses for Obama.
Ann Telnaes: Regime change in Russia.
Mitt Moments:
- Young Turks: Romney was a bully in High School.
- Jen: Bullygate memory problem or simple lying?
- Newsy: Romney accused of gay bullying as teen.
- Young Turks: Mitt is lying about not remembering.
- Mitt Romney: More severely conservative than Rick Santorum?
- Sam Seder: Mitt takes credit for Detroit auto bailout he opposed.
- Jen: ‘Romney bubble’ is separate from harsh realities many Americans.
- Buzz60: Romney was a high school bully.
- Romney versus Reality: Auto Bailouts
- Ed: “Let Detroit go bankrupt.”:
Thom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Alyona: Trayvon Hoodie target sells out.
Pap: Fear rules Republican minds..
Sam Seder: A Trayvon Martin gun range target sells out in 2 days.
The Republican War on Mothers™ (and other Women):
- The 7 dumbest things GOP politicians have said about abortion recently.
- Obama: We don’t need another fight about women’s reproductive health issues.
- Ann Telnaes: The best country for mothers.
Thom: High School student suing over global warming.
Mark Fiore: Assaulting Austerity.
ONN Week in Review.
Succeed: Obama for America.
Thom with The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Kathleen Drew is running for WA SOS.
Young Turks: Is Wall Street upset with Obama?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Of course the Friday Night Funny Pages doesn’t process REAL NEWS…
Hey crazed databased pukester ylb… You can’t attack The Guardian… because they think like you and other leftist pinheads here…
created the “Operation Clark County” letter writing campaign against GW Bush
the KGB loved The Guardian and paid one of it’s editors “benefits”
As one of my friends said at work last week, “Obama realizes his 2012 election year political position is weak so he’ll reveal methods and operations to make himself look strong”.
Puddy response: Obummer’s gang are idiots to tell it all like the Seal Team Six operation to get Osama.
Of course… Puddy delivered the Wall Street 1% money men who backed Obama and the DUMMOCRAPTS in 2008. It was a veritable who’s who list of financial giants. Then when it was politically expedient Obummer starts attacked Wall Street, the very hand that fed him the dough to become president. Now this preznit (headless lucy term) called them fat cats, 1%ers and other “terms of endearment”.
Just ask the HA crazed data-debazed moron ylb to replay all the entries Puddy placed on this blog. As Ron Paul once said [paraphrased] the only rich people Obummer dislikes are the ones who don’t contribute to him.
Yet when you look at the street interviews of standard OWS characters, they are clueless on the real deal and how the 1% supported Obummer in 2008 way more than McCain. Then when the OWS morons become educated they fumble and bumble on camera.
BTW when will OWS peeps be declared a terrorist organization?
To the Friday Night Comics Funny Pages Editor:
How come this never made the Funny Pages? How come real news never makes its appearance here?
These characters look like the standard DL crowd on a Tuesday Night!
Sums it up perfectly. These comments never make it on The Friday Night Funny Pages!
1 – 4: Ignore; no content.
I wonder if Mitt Rmoney and his frat bros got their Friday night jollies by sneaking into the local zoo and stomping baby Koala bears. Not saying they did it; just wondering …
Welcome back Roger – we missed you!
And your comment about 1-4 is of course spot on – I was thinking that his posts were starting to read like fascist versions of Dr. Bronners bottles.
… Or maybe they punched thalidomide kids without arms on the school bus … not saying he did, just wondering …
@7 It’s good to be back, but I’ve gotta go to a wedding this morning, so I’ll see you guys later.
Of course any real news scares the wabbit!
Yes OWS have no content… that’s why HA leftist back their “program”!
Spuddy is the type of black man that, 150 years ago, would have whispered in his owners ear: “they went ovah dat way massah” when his kids went over the fence.
My little test to prove that everyone is a racist.
Every house in your neighborhood is going to have low income families move into them. You have the secret power to exclude one race from moving into your neighborhood. Which race are you thinking of?
And with that, I have just proved everyone is a racist.
How racist of you Fraggy! (spelled correctly!)
Troll, give it a rest. Your friend Steve already knows his answer!
@12 I was thinking ‘teahaddists’ so I wouldn’t have to live next to the likes of you.
Sadly this fresh material never made it to the Friday Night Funny Pages
Bill Maher incorrectly farted
Bristol Palin’s real quote:
Of course leftists in the audience won’t check what Bristol really said. They’ll take what Maher said at face value. His audience reminds Puddy of those little dogs in the back windows of cars with the led eyes that would bob up and down nodding yes when the car came to a stop!
Personally, Puddy thinks Bill Maher wants some Bristol Palin. And Bill Maher is an idiot! What do you expect from this misogynist moron who’s humor is on the wane!
In my neighborhood there are white people, and black families, a Lebanese/Irish couple across the street, a number of Asian families, including a Vietnamese couple with chickens in the front yard keeping the grass trimmed; old people who the neighbors help keeps the house and yard tidy, newly retired and downsizing (it’s a neighborhood of small but nice houses on Queen Anne), and young couples with children, many very young, and some with teenagers like ours.
It’s a multihued, multigenerational, multi-incomed community – and there are people here struggling with the economy.
It’s spot in the middle of the urban hell-hole of Seattle, a place where ‘people’ like troll and the fiends at SoundPolitics decry as sodomites or communists.
What we don’t seem to have are Republicans. Borne out by both statistics and my experience as a Democratic Party PCO, there are almost no Republicans here. I mentioned LD statistics a few threads ago, and the 36th produces more total votes, and in greatest proportion for Democrats in the whole state. There just aren’t any Republicans here. Well, there are a few – when I walk my neighborhood reminding people to vote and handing out material for Obama, or Inslee, or Murray or about various ballot initiatives, nearly every house has registered Dems, but there are 3-4 with Repubs. We tend to point and laugh at them.
Which is I think what makes this community so wonderfully livable and fun.
Newsweek is a favorite of HA leftists. Here’s some help for Newsweek missed by the Friday Night Funnies Editor…
As if it mattered?
Born-again virgin Bristol lecturing Obama? She’s doing her best to secure a spot on the Wingnut Welfare circuit, and is not to be taken seriously.
So now you’re down to this, defending Bristoll Palin from Bill Maher.
You grow more pathetic by the day.
Can you say anything cogent? Can you write anything that doesn’t progress from an initial brain fart or outright lie?
When mind-numbed robots of the 36th all think alike it was called Stepford.
Tell me again puddles, in which Liberal Sodom Metropoli in Oklahoma, Wyoming, Arkansas, Mississippi are all the leftist who you claim are responsible for the horrendous rates of domestic violence, teen pregnancy, divorce, etc?
OOOH, what a pithy retort! I am wounded!
Uhhh there he goes again off the deep end!
Where does Lib the moron process information? Must be in his ASS!
puddles, did Jesus ride a dinosaur, and if so, which species?
I already delivered the goods Lib the moron. You chose to skip and ignore.
Just calling your sick ass out on the pollution you seem so obsessed with dropping around here.
Nope Lib the Moron, just identifying Bill Maher for the sick misogynist he is… and you love him so much! A tweet from the week…
See Lib the moron, Maher wants some!
@17 You are misrepresenting Queen Anne. It’s a is mostly white area. Minorities are under-represented compared to their percentage in King County as a whole. And it’s not economically diverse, either. It’s a middle, to upper middle class white area.
You most certainly did not. Though it is your M.O. to claim such.
It’s what you do – making ridiculous statements, punctuated with links you hope no one follows – and then claiming you won an argument.
As you have done over and over and over. You’re a dishonest man. You appear to have no shame, either.
You provided links to generic FBI and CDC sites, NOT sites that had any data to support your ‘argument’. Yet you claim to have “delivered the goods” when you have done no such thing.
I’ve asked you before, doesn’t your ‘god’ ™ cry when you lie?
That’s kind of funny.
I love watching Maher’s show.
He had Grover Norquist on last night, who predictably talked over and dropped Heritage-sourced lies.
Fortunately the gorgeous and SMART Eva Longoria was on talking about her work with Mexican immigrants and migrant farm workers – WOW.
I was describing the neighborhood around my house – 1-2 block radius. And no, it’s not Highland Drive, it’s a regular place with a diversity of people, in smallish houses (compared to the suburbs) with a multi-hued demographic. It’s what I see when I walk out the door.
And you’re an asshole.
There he goes again being Lib the MORON!!!
Well let’s see
Newsweek on HA
Newsweek on HA
Newsweek on HA
Newsweek on HA
Newsweek on HA
So Lib the MORON is a lying again… How many more does Puddy need to post you IDIOT!?!
Man they don’t come much stupider than this one!
What’s not accurate?
Bristol got knocked up by Levi, then kicked him out.
He went and knocked up some other young woman – probably all of them have suffered from inadequate education regarding birth control in the Teahaddists paradise of Alaska – and he does plan to name the new kid after a gun manufacturer.
The Colt45 part is humor – which is what a stand-up comedian does, dipshit.
Once again blown apart by facts…
Oh, you’re a master of the false equivalence and straw man, puddles, I’ll give you that.
Like I said, doesn’t your god cry when you lie?
I just looked up a neighborhood on QA and compared it to a neighborhood around Rainier and Henderson in the Rainier Valley, to see if Liberal Scientist’s claim that Queen Anne is a multi-ethnic, racially-balanced neighborhood is true.
Here’s the race statistics of each area:
Queen Anne: 88% white, 1% black, 4% hispanic, 3% asian, 4% other.
Rainier and Henderson: 21% white, 39% black, 10% hispanic, 23% asian, 7% other.
Liberal Scientist’s idea of a good racially balanced neighborhood seems to mean a whole lot of white people, with a very small number of minorities.
Where’s the proof moron? Another Maher lie in the “throes of comedy”!
Where is the lie? I said “Newsweek is a favorite of HA leftists.” The facts bear my assertion. Oh BTW there are many more examples. 5 was a great starting point!
Caught again eh Lib the moron?
Here’s the NYT mapping tool I used that shows the racial breakdown of neighborhoods. Just put in the zip code and it takes off NYC and shows parts of Seattle.
Great ethnic food stores. Bet Lib the moron is scaaaaaaaaaared to go there.
My, wouldn’t you be more comfortable over at Stormfront?
I NEVER said any such thing. Why are you people SO dishonest? Can’t you make an argument without dishonesty? Are your ideas that weak, or repellent?
My biggest point was that my neighborhood had almost no Republicans, but you, and your friend puddles, seem especially adept at missing the point.
You want proof that a stand-up comedian was making a joke?
A funny one at that, riffing off Bristoll’s hypocrisy and born-again virginhood, indirectly attacking her homophobia, laughing at the whole white-trashyness of her baby-daddy’s naming his second (that we know of) kid after a gun manufacturer (especially given the gun-worship fetish of your people, puddles – the red-necks), tying it all together with the synonym of ‘Colt45’ as both a gun and a cheap drunk!
HAHAHAHAHA – I thought it was great.
Oh darn Lib the moron here’s another two from one you cheered in #7 above…
Newsweek on HA
Newsweek on HA
puddle, do you usually have to have jokes explained to you?
You’ve been putting words in other people’s mouths for years on HA Lib the moron. You do it each week!
Cry me a river.
Neither link goes to anywhere having to do with Newsweek. What’s your point?
I did like the picture of the buttons with “Hillary supporters for Obama” and “Employee Free Choice Act” – that was cool, thanks.
And again, could you get me some real statistics showing that ‘liberals’ are responsible for high teen pregnancy in southern red states, or for high divorce rates in southern red states, or for domestic violence in southern red states?
Funny, you drop Bristoll Palin when you get slapped upside the head.
I was thinking the other day – you’re like a yappy little dog, squeaking and nipping at one’s ankles – just dropping stupidity after inanity on any line of attack you can muster, without the dignity or character to tell the truth or engage in honest debate.
You are pathetic.
I’ve wasted enough time with you, puddles, this morning – I’ve got constructive things to do.
I will check back – and I would LOVE it if you would:
1. provide the links I asked for, that you claim you’ve delivered but never have.
2. explain how Emperor Penguins got from Antarctica and back so they could ride on Noah’s Ark.
3. Explain whether you believe that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time.
All you have left this morning!!!
And you can’t read. The Wabbit made reference to it as I said in the post!
Man you are stupid!
What a minute! I demand for you to back up your claim that Queen Anne is, and I quote, “The most racially diverse neighborhood in America.”
@ 12
Little story.
A good friend of mine bought a house in North Seattle about 15 years ago. It cost him a pretty penny compared to his income, but he got a pretty good deal on it as it was empty and had stood empty for several years after the previous and original owners had passed away. The neighborhood was mostly blue-collar or low rank white collar folks and the previous generation of owners were mostly white folks of the same sort.
There was one old black woman in a house across the street. The house was one of the smallest on the block. She was quite elderly and a few of the neighbors sort of kept an eye on her, she kept a nice little garden and always welcomed visitors. She’d always offer a wave and a hello to anyone walking past her house. Then her grandson moved in.
Tough guy. Gangbanger. He had a gold grill on his teeth. Had a mid-80’s Cadillac with 22 inch gold plated spoked rims on it. Would sit around in the driveway with his buddies with their thumped up stereos blasting at full volume at all times of the day and night. One afternoon they had a gigantic party where all the guests were parked up and down the street, across driveways and double parked next to each other in the street. So the neighbors started calling the cops to get their driveways unblocked. Cars got towed. A lot of cars.
The grandson kid went apeshit. For weeks afterward he and several of his friends went around confronting people doing yard work or whatever, getting in their face about who called the cops on them and why did they have to such assholes and whatnot. Bottles were broken in driveways, a couple of cars had large yard rocks thrown through the windows. My friend and his immediate neighbors got to talking to each other about the shit that was going on. And folks realized that nobody had seen the old lady in several months. As neighbors do, they shrugged and went on about their own business. One had gone up to the door to ask about her and was told in no uncertain terms to fuck off. She’d known that woman for something like 25 years and all that did was make her very curious. So, after almost a year of not seeing the old woman, she called Social Services just to sniff around and make inquiries. They had no record of the woman, she’d never taken welfare and her Social Security checks were being deposited as usual. Apparently, she got worried about the old woman and knocked on her door several times, trying to see her. So she finally called the cops.
The cops showed up, and as this house had had probably 30 calls from neighbors over the previous year or so including for at least one drive-by shooting just a few weeks earlier, they got a warrant and searched the place. What they found, was a bedridden, terribly sick old woman who’d essentially been locked in the back bedroom while her grandson was partying up her Social Security and savings, and selling cocaine, weed and heroin out of the house.
They found stolen shit stacked to the rafters. They found weapons. The raid ended up breaking up what must have been a horrible nightmare for the old woman, who died just a couple months later in a nursing home.
The point of this is, it isn’t the skin color of the person, it’s the person. Nobody minded a black family in the neighborhood, they had bought the house in the mid 1960’s and raised a couple of kids and did all the stuff that “good folks” are supposed to do; Be good neighbors, be nice people. But the grandson was an asshole of the highest order. What did he do? He screamed “racist bastards” at the neighbors whenever he saw them. He and his friends vandalized neighbors cars, spraypainted the street signs with their gang symbols. They ran over mailboxes and slashed tires.
It never occurred to him or his friends to just lay low and quiet things down, mind their own fucking business and leave their neighbors alone. It never even entered his mind.
So the cops raided again, this time with full SWAT outfits and armored cars and shit. The kid was arrested again and they found more guns and stolen shit in the house.
Folks cannot tolerate it when their once quiet neighborhood goes totally to shit because of one individual. Skin color doesn’t play into it. Before the kid had moved in on his grandma, the cops never once had to go down that street. After, it was several times a day. After he was convicted on elder abuse, drug dealing, possession of stolen property and illegal weapons charges, the neighborhood went nice and quiet again, and that house still stands empty after maybe 7 years. It’s probably going to be torn down, it is a complete wreck and the parcel it sits on is probably worth $400,000. It’s one of the old post-WW2 neighborhoods, where most of the houses had quarter acre yards.
Thanks for that story.
@36 “Like I said, doesn’t your god cry when you lie?”
It hasn’t occured to you that he lies about his faith as well? He lies about everything else. Why not that too? I always recall Eric Fromm’s definition of religion – one’s major frame of orientation coupled with an object of devotion. Consider his over 30,000 lying comments, all intended to push fascism and dictatorial rule in America. Examine fascism and you’ll find his true articles of faith and the man-God he really worships.
One of the strangest things to go on here are the loon’s links to nowhere. After over 30,000 comments there must be thousands of those links. That’s the stuff of a truly fucked up mind.
Liberal Lab-Tech just got pwn3d…
Okay, time for a little contrast.
I lived near Houston, Texas for a little more than a year. The neighborhood was outside of the city, mostly white folks with a couple of black families and maybe about a dozen Hispanic folks. Nice area, not wealthy but the yards were big and the water moccasins kept to themselves most of the time. Mexican-decended family down the street. Nice guy, cute kids. They liked to barbecue and share. I didn’t know them very well but was over there a few times for grilled cow chunks and beers. A few months after I moved in, a bunch of northeastern Texas rednecks moved in right across the street. Hardcore dumb-as-shit rednecks. They parked a couple of dead pickup trucks and a wore-out old Winnebago in the side yard and brought in this giant Kenworth tractor, parked it on their front lawn and dissembled it.
The engine sat on a pallet in the driveway for a couple of months or so. Oil running down into the gutter. The Mexican guy was three doors down from them. His daughter was maybe about 11, beautiful girl, cute as anything, and she was a pretty sweet kid. The rednecks took to catcalling and hooting at her when she’d walk by coming home from school or whatever. They were pretty seriously nasty in some of the shit they said to her.
Finally, after a few weeks of that shit, she must have told her dad about it, and he came down the street to yell at them for being the assholes that they were and to tell them to live his girl alone. What I saw was a very heated argument with Dad standing toe-to-toe with the nasty old man who had bought the place and allowed all his white trash kids in. One of his sons came running out of the garage and started wailing the bejeezus out of the Dad with what looked to be about a 2″ box end wrench. Whacked him a couple of times upside the head and I was on the phone calling the sheriff in a second.
Sheriffs show up, and I went out to tell them what I saw happen, and they went over to White Trash’s house to talk to them. Meanwhile Dad is sitting on the curb in front of his own house with his t-shirt pressed up against his head, bleeding like a stuck pig.
The Deputies talked to White Trash for about ten minutes, then go up the street and immediately arrest Dad. They drew their guns and pushed him down on the ground, with his wife and daughter screaming at them trying to tell them what had been going on. More cops showed up, and they all stood around with Dad sitting in the back of the cop car bleeding like hell with the cops yelling at him and his family.
Redneck White Trash stood around in their yard laughing and palling around with one of the Deputies, obviously making jokes about the shit. I was pissed. I went over to one of the other Deputies and told him what had been going on and why I had called them, and he told me to go back in my house, and “mind my own fuckin business”. He put his hand on his gun and puffed his fat gut up at me when I told him that I was the person who had called them in the first place.
The Dad and his family moved out a couple weeks later. The White Trash took to yelling at me whenever I was outside of my house and telling me they’d fuck me up if I ever called the cops again. I moved out maybe 5 months after that, came home to Seattle and got a better job. Not a goddamn thing ever happened to White Trash. They weren’t arrested, they were never charged with anything, but Dad got 6 months for felonious assault, even though he’d been the one attacked for defending his little girl from these borderline rapists.
My point is I guess, is where is the Justice in all of that?
Deathfrogg, I know if you had the choice to live in a low income white neighborhood, and a low income black neighborhood, you would chose the white one, which proves you are racist.
Puddybud sounds like one of those hilarious loudmouf’ fat bitches in a Lee Daniels moveie.
No offense.
My other point was going to be at Spuddles up there, and I have a direct question for the man.
Why do you associate yourself with a political ideology that almost entirely consists of people who would like nothing better than to see every single non-white individual in the world kicking their legs at the end of a rope? Are you one of those folks who would denounce your neighbors for enemy sympathies during a pogrom? Plenty of Jewish folks did that throughout the late 1930 in Germany and Poland. You think your friendliness and submissiveness toward them would keep you safe?
The Tea Party is a modern, neo-fascist and openly racist populist movement. It is almost entirely made up of people who would love to see everyone not of Western European decent exterminated or enslaved. They say it flat out.
Gays, bi’s, and orgyers!
Lesbians and gays rarely live past 40 years old!
This is what we’re up against, people. These people are insane.
So why are you trusting it all of a sudden? Why wasn’t this in the Murdoch papers?
Oh they were too busy bribing police and manipulating politicians!
This is my favorite thing on Youtube. Is it racist? I don’t think so. It makes me laugh.
I think this is funny..
YLB, did you see that Youtube video? Wasn’t it funny?
66 – Nope. I don’t bother to click on almost any link left by a troll.
“Nope. I don’t bother to click on almost any link left by a troll.”
Sorry, Troll, but it’s the same here. You can thank the self-loathing loon and his thousands of links to nowhere for that.
@65 The self-loathing loon’s two functioning brain cells could never process this, but much is revealed in his appeal to Troll to “act” a different part. Those are the words of a self-loathing black man.
Did you like the movie The Jerk? Remember the scene on the front porch of their shack where they are all singing? Well, this is the song that they were sining, set to a cartoon.
I doubt any movie producer would be inspired by your life’s story little troll..
You know what?
I think troll is right, I am a racist.
And a sexist.
And a homophobe.
See, I’m a straight white male – the demographic for whom the whole game is rigged to make succeed. I have benefited, at least in part, from my exalted position, I have advanced not for what I did, but for who I am – whether asked for or not, whether conscious or not.
We have an inherently racist, sexist, homophobic society. The first step toward smashing these injustices is the recognition that they exist, and not just in the form of personal animosity, but in structural, entrenched mechanisms deep in the workings of every facet of society.
So, thank you Troll. Not only do you demonstrate that you are a relentlessly reprehensible individual, but you underscore that we all have tremendous work to do to create a more just, more liberal, more socialist utopia where gender and ethnicity and orientation are delicious distinctions and beautiful variations, but never EVER the basis for oppression and injustice.
I have to work every day to see past the bullshit that has been foisted on me by this society, and I have Troll to thank for a wonderful, powerful reminder of this struggle.
Forward, comrades!
@12: Honestly, going back to your example from the other day, I wouldn’t mind one way or the other if the low income housing development were populated by black people or Asians. The black people would have the advantage of already speaking English, whereas there would be a high likelihood of having to wade through some broken, Mandarin-accented English with the Asian immigrants. On the other hand, the Asian women would be very easy on the eyes, and in the unlikely event some of them were from Japan, it would give me a chance to brush up on my Japanese, or to learn a new language.
Both groups are just as likely to be good neighbors, or to field gangs of street punks, just the same as white people, for that matter (racist skinhead groups are a problem in certain areas of the city). Both groups are also known for being excellent cooks, for being able to transform pork and chicken into some of the most delicious food known to man.
In other words, both would have their advantages and their disadvantages… just like any particular group.
I will conclude with an anecdote from my days as a fast food worker. I would often work the front cash register, and so I saw a lot of people. Some of them were assholes, some were very pleasant, most were just average people who were hungry and wanted to eat.
So, one day this big, ugly, sunburned white guy with a shaved head and wearing a tank top comes up to the counter. He says that his wife had come through the drive through earlier, and hadn’t gotten a lot of what she had paid for. I politely asked him to see the receipt so that we could fix his order, as that was the policy at the place where I worked. He said he didn’t have it. I apologized and told him that we couldn’t replace his order without it. He began to get angry and I told him that he would have to talk to the manager. I went to get the manager, and she hashed it out with the fellow, who was getting angrier as the conversation continued, but the long story short is that he didn’t have the receipt with him, and was unwilling to go back and get it. Maybe his wife really had been through the drive through, and had either thrown away the receipt, or never gotten it, or just hadn’t given it to him because she thought he wouldn’t need it. Regardless of whatever the case was, he left the restaurant in an angry huff, with a few parting words about how we all sucked and could all go fuck off, or something like that. The conclusion that the manager and I came to at the time was that he was trying to browbeat us into giving him food that neither he nor his wife had paid for. He gave the strong impression of a low class, crude individual, the sort of person commonly called “white trash.”
Around the same time, perhaps a few days before, a black gentleman had been through the restaurant. He was well dressed, clean shaven, spoke clearly and pleasantly, paid for his order, ate, and left. I thought to myself later on that I would much rather deal with the black man again than the white man. The takeaway here is that class (whether economic or otherwise) matters way more than skin color. I’m much more likely to get along with a pleasant black man than I am with a white guy who’s an asshole.
Did you notice Dorky Dorkman posted and there was no response from Steve on one of headless lucy’s 69 doppelgangers?
Yet Steve will be up front and attack Troll who BTW is a racist like some other HA leftists here.
Nope, Steve is still a dope!
First Fraggy, Tea Party people respect those who respect themselves.
Second Fraggy, Tea Party believe in God and His Son Jesus.
Third Fraggy, retired Col. Allen West is a Tea Party favorite
Fourth Fraggy, Marco Rubio is a Tea Party favorite.
Fifth Fraggy, Tea party people don’t try and blow up bridges like your OWS peeps!
Sixth Fraggy, Tea Party people are not anarchists like your OWS peeps!
That’s a great start to your fart!
@10 “scares the wabbit”
You’re delusional. You seriously need therapy.
Promoters of Genocide Infiltrate Army Training
A controversy has erupted over Army classes that tell soldiers to disregard the Geneva Conventions and advocate genocide against Muslims.
The “training” materials for these classes originated from a private “consultant” who apparently sells this stuff to the Army.
The “consultant” has close ties to Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC), the most virulent Muslim-hater in Congress. Myrick has, among other things, complained about Muslims owning convenience stores in the U.S.
The Pentagon is conducting an investigation, and so far a Lieutenant Colonel who was “teaching” one of these “classes” has been reassigned to non-teaching duties, although he has not otherwise been disciplined.
Myrick has complained about the investigation to Defense Secretary Panetta, saying interfering with this “training” will “weaken” our military.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think Rep. Myrick should be investigated by a psychiatric panel — she appears to be unfit for duty in Congress. I know sounds impossible that anyone could be unfit to be a congress critter — after all, that’s a pretty low bar — but maybe we’ve finally found an actual certifiable case.
I’ve been a bit absent from here lately, but I see that Pudd is back. He seems crazier than ever, however, so I don’t see why he was released from his treatment program. His meds still don’t seem to be working. Another failure of our mental health treatment system, plainly.
The Student Loan Crisis
Predatory lenders didn’t just crash the economy by putting people into mortgages they couldn’t afford and then peddling those worthless mortgages as investment-grade securities when in fact they were below junk-grade.
Predatory lenders — including college loan departments — also preyed on an entire generation of young people by peddling unaffordable student loans as tickets to the good life when in fact those overpriced loans paid for overpriced educations of questionable quality and little or no marketability.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These predatory student loans aren’t just a problem for the students who were lured into them. It’s a societal problem, because these young people won’t be able to get married, start families, or buy homes and cars. We’re talking about the collapse of our entire society here, folks.
The solution is obvious: Change the bankruptcy laws that imprison students in these loans and wipe them out. Trillions of dollars in fraudulent mortgage loans will never be repaid, and hundred of billions in fraudulently procured student loans also will go unpaid. Seriously now, young people who can only get minimum-wage restaurant jobs aren’t going to repay $100,000 student debts — they simply aren’t.
The educational institutions and lenders who lured students into worthless degree programs and predatory student loans in pursuit of profits for their own benefit have no reasonable expectation of getting repaid — and never did. They should have known that, and if they didn’t, that’s their fault.
It’s time for Congress to enact bankruptcy reform and give these students a fresh start so they can become contributing members of society instead of destroying the very fabric of our society by enslaving them to unpayable (and unfair) debts.
And if any Republican tells you that “all debts must be repaid in full, no matter what,” tell him your response to that will be to seek legislation that will revoke the bankruptcy court discharges of every Republican businessman or real estate investor who has gone through Chapter 11 or Chapter 7 in the last 10 years.
What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
Look folks, for decades the self-described “free-market” chest-pounders wrote IOUs with reckless abandon and pretended those scraps of paper were money. They aren’t now, and never were! To get our economy back on its feet, we need to go through a process of massive writeoffs of unpayable debts, and the irresponsible lenders who made those reckless loans should take the losses — not the rest of us. It’s this overhang of bad debt that’s holding our economy back, and we’ve got to purge it from the financial system to get our economy moving again. If this means that some people who never really were millionaires have to stop pretending they’re millionaires — well, hell, that’s actually healthy for the economy! So let’s get to work and wipe out these fake millionaires and their worthless IOUs. That’s what the free market would do if Congress would stop interfering.
If we don’t change the bankruptcy laws and wipe out all those worthless IOUs, the U.S. dollar will become a worthless scrap of paper, too.
“California’s budget deficit has swelled to a projected $16 billion — much larger than had been predicted just months ago — and will force severe cuts to schools and public safety if voters fail to approve tax increases in November, Gov. Jerry Brown said Saturday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is really simple. If you want X dollars of schools, roads, prisons, etc., then you either have to pay X dollars of taxes, or borrow the difference. There’s no such thing as free government, although the tax deniers who want to spend trillions on military hardware while paying no taxes would have you believe that everything government provides should be free — just as they believe government workers should work without pay.
Which brings up an interesting question. I wonder what GOP congress critters would say if you suggested they serve without pay?
My guess is they’d vote themselves another automatic pay raise.
@79 Frankly, I think he’s refusing to take his meds.
@37 Well, waddya know, affluent white conservatives (Queen Anne has been a Republican neighborhood for as long as I can remember) use their money to shut out minorities. Who wudda thunk?
@57 I think the best thing to do about that is warehouse all the white trash in Texas and then let Texas go its own way. Just kick ’em out of the Union. Or, better yet, deed Texas back to Mexico. Now that would be funny!
If American were divided right down the middle, and separated into two countries, and Democrats had to move to one half, and Republicans, the other, which half would have more violent crime?
And with that, I believe I just won this argument.
I doubt that most people who commit violent crime vote, or identify with a political party.
You’re essentially offering a choice to live in either Oklahoma or Vermont.
That’s easy. Enjoy the crackers in Enid, asshole, I’ll be living in Brattleboro.
I’d move into the half in which you weren’t, and I’m pretty sure that would be the safest half.
Now we see the real Obummer campaign in action!
Hey proud leftist, sorry to see that frontal lobotomy fail. You are still the same silly factless leftist you were months ago!
Gotta love Jerry Brown. He claimed his libtard policies would fix California’s debt… Ummmm no they haven’t. It’s worse than expected 4 months later.
Been trying to get my sisters to move here from CA because even here, while just as liberal, isn’t as financially BAD as CA!
So much for that “hope and change” Jerry was spouting.
Raise more taxes and more people will leave the state.
You can’t make this up!
Shorter Puddy… On Mother’s Day send money to an organization that actively promotes donkoinfanticide and your chance NOT to be a mother.
Now this is interesting history. Will the HA libtards diss it for being factual? Remember Obummer’s father went to Harvard while Romney’s father was non-college working class.
You bet we do oppo research, and go for Rmoney’s strength – his money guys.
VanderSloot is a pig, and all that WSJ article is doing is trying to portray him as a poor wounded ‘private citizen’. Not buying. VanderSloot has been deeply involved in politics and is absolutely fair game. Ans as I say, he’s a pig, taking down people in the press who looking into his business practices by ‘outing’ them to the rabidly anti-gay Idaho community.
I see you’re also just injecting the talking point of the day – google him and you get bleating whines from Fox and Weekly Standard about how Obama has injured him.
He’s a political operator, one of Romney’s nation finance co-chairs, and if he wants to play with the big boys, well, this is how the game is played.
You keep defending Frank VanderSloot, puddles – it shows your true colors.
Now fuck off.
California’s budget crisis is DIRECTLY traceable to its insane supermajority tax rules – just like we have here – which allow a minority of insane people – Republicans, that is – to hold everyone hostage and not allow taxes to be raised.
This is more Grover Norquist/ALEC/Timmeh Eyeman type governance and we see exactly what it produces – chaos and the decimation of civic integrity, of the safety net.
It’s Lord of the Flies governance – everyone for themselves!! libertarian paradise.
Is there anything you people touch that doesn’t turn to shit?
puddles jumps shark, again.
Hey puddles, here’s something you could excel at:
Stuff like
Why do we care about this asshole? Well…
He’s part of the noise machine – just like you, puddles!
Daily Kos?
That’s the best you got?
WhatanASS Lib the moron is!
Ohhh Lib the moron, good to see you agree with Nixon’s White House Plumbers tactics being used by Obummer’s gang.
Who knew you liked them!
Rmoney, hiding/ashamed of his Mormonism in front of the rubes at Liberty University (where Theology 678 teaches that Mormonism is a “major cult”), invokes Billy Graham and Pope John Paul II and Ricky Santorum, but not Joseph Smith.
Why is that?
Apparently the man does have a sense of shame, contrary to prior reports, but it’s only been observed when he’s pandering to born-again rubes he’s trying to convince to vote for him.
@96, Once again facts explodes the moron’s mind!
Oh, puddles, take it where someone cares what you think – it’s certainly not here.
It’s too beautiful a day to spar with a mental midget like yourself, and it’s never a fair fight either.
So, fuck off, I’m off to work on the house.
So libtard of you. And peeps care what you think?
Oh my so vain!
News flash… people care very much what I think at my job. That’s why I am sent all over the world you jackASS!
Sucks to be you!
What a crock. Taxes have been raised and Californians fled the state!
Historical moron he is!
@87 You’ve never won an argument in your miserable useless life. You began losing when your mother threw out the baby and kept the afterbirth. But to answer your question, I think the conservative half would be a lot like Iran. It would have an autocratic and theistic government, rigged elections, a crazy leader, frequent public executions, forced marriages, burkha-wearing women, and a rapidly declining population because no one would have sex and everyone left alive would be trying to escape. Eventually it would be completely depopulated and we’d simply annex it back.
@91 We don’t need any more fucked-up Republicans here, especially your type.
(No, I’m not referring to your ethnicity; I have no problem whatsoever with that. As MLK urged us all to do, I judge everyone by their content and character, specifically including you.)
12, 14 — You know a troll is getting overripe when even puddy tells him to give it a rest.
Two thoughts on the guy who’s selling Trayvon Martin shooting targets, from a legal perspective:
First, we can’t pass a law making this sort of thing a criminal offense, because it’s free speech.
Second, Martin’s family can sue this guy for intentional infliction of emotional distress, and there’s no limit on how much damages the jury can award.
Just because offensive speech can’t be criminalized doesn’t mean it isn’t civilly actionable. You can’t drag someone like this off to jail, but you sure as hell can force him into bankruptcy.
This is how our trolls see Europe:
Wow, someone offered $150,000 to shut up Jeremiah Wright?
For “Mr. Bill” @ 110.
“Interesting..” And “nothing bad” to say about SEIU either.
Not one eensy teensy little thing..
And of course the crazed data-debased creature of @111 doesn’t describe why I wrote that “tongue-in-cheek”. Nooooooooooosireeeeeeeeeeee. Been talking about Jeremiah Wright since he appeared on the scene before Barack owned him!
Latest in the chronicles of right wing love for “smaller gubment”…
Regulations on “gateway sexual activity”..
What “job creators” those right wing politicians are…
TN unemployment stands at 8 percent. That oughta drop it.
I wonder if these people were killed with Fast and Furious guns?
112 – LMAO!! All you could say was “interesting”..
I get it your views on Obama back then were still “evolving”..
We’re going to have some fun with that “evolution” over the next months.
And if Obama takes the prize in November.. My oh my have we a batshit inane and insane ODS review in store..
I was just watching MSNBC – Alex Witt had Michael Eric Dyson, PhD, on with some crazy ass bigot preacher – a black man as well. (I didn’t catch his name.)
Preacher man was raving – shouting his points and shouting over Dyson – raving about how homosexuals and their marriages are inherently less valuable than straights – no reason, just because – and things like “95% of the people in the world aren’t gay” and that that should suffice for a reason to be bigoted against them.
What was notable was that Dyson used reason – and pointed out among other things that the preacherman’s logic was identical to that used to justify African American bondage. They were also notable for their differences in style. Dyson let the man talk, and then responded, with logic and cogent argument – while the preacherman tried to talk over Dyson, and when he didn’t he had this smarmy condescending laugh the whole time Dyson was speaking.
The preacherman was a total asshole, as well as a bigot.
I was reminding of nothing so much as puddles. Irrational, bigoted, know-nothing, lying, hysterical. Hard to tell if it’s an act or a minstrel show.
Totally reprehensible.
puddles really wants to talk about Jeremiah Wright/Obama’s grandfather/Fast-n-Furious/Fox tallkingpoints/Jerry Brown.
Not a word about the wonders of Mitt Romney? How positively excellent he will be as President?
Not a word about how wonderful McKenna will be as governor?
When confronted about his laughable talking points about conservative governance, he runs and hides behind empty links and smokescreens about abortions in Wyoming, which was never the topic.
puddles only agenda is to inject pointless Republican chaff, talkingpoints of the day, into the discussion on a liberal website.
He is a source of static, nothing less, and the fact that he spends so much time posting relentless bullshit here is testament to how afraid his side is.
I see the words “mental midget” being used to describe our dear Glenn Beck worshipper in chief.
Well here’s the proof of that.
Maybe they were killed with guns that were purchased in straw gun buys, something that the Righties and the NRA refuse to even entertain the idea of cracking down on.
Classic dodge. It doesn’t matter if the joke is a regular on the Sean Insanity show.
This is what we’re up against, folks. We’re not really up against Mitt Rmoney, politically he’s closer to most of us than he is to Fox News and the hard right. So… Why not force Rmoney and Scott Brown away from the far right? It couldn’t be that hard and it would set the most destructive third of the Republican Party adrift.
Puddy’s a culture war Republican. The culture war is over and his side lost.
I was bit saddened to hear of Donald “Duck” Dunn’s passing. He played bass for Booker T. and the MG’s, the Blues Brothers Band and others through a long career.
Yup, puddles is all about small government enforcing stupidity in our schools and his god’s dictates in everyone’s bedroom.
Rience Priebus is on Meet the Press right now – and as useless as David Gregory usually is, he’s grilling Priebus over gay marriage, and is making him squirm.
We must be focused on expanding justice and inclusion, and the core of the Republican Party is dead set against this.
@122 I think he’s just nuts. Unfortunately for us, his craziness brings him here. It wouldn’t bother me one bit to see the moderators ban him and perhaps even advise him to seek some professional psychiatric help.
@126 I’m not a moderator, but I’ve already advised him to seek professional psychiatric help. Several times. But he’s so far gone he’s nonresponsive.
PuddySilly was MIA from 12/28/2011 through 4/11 of this year..
Must have taken a jolt at Western State.
Made a beeline to here after it ended.
My God’s dictates Lib the moron? Well since He created the heavens and the earth, I guess that give Him rights to dictate eh moron?
Nuff said to this fool. Time to work on the garden!
Later libtard losers!
Don’t need to think about Steve. His Stupid Solution already did the deed to himself!
Since you all are discussing medication, look in the mirror and ingest first!
Wow that crazed data-debazed one still has me in his head. He tracks me wherever I go.
So good to see my beta boi hard at work.
BTW idiot… I was overseas working on projects. I have a job. I am in world-wide demand. You have NOTHING!!!!!
Sheesh what a moron. Keep doing what you are good at idiot.
One last thing ylb crazed data-debazed idiot… My job allows me to keep my frequent flyer miles. So me and Mrs Puddy fly all over the place FREE!
Suck on that sucka!
So I was right about Western State huh??
I hope you had a pleasant stay! It accomplished NOTHING – still batshit as ever.
I guess that’s all part of your “therapy” prescribed by the doctors at Western State.
Well shit, you fell off the wagon fool! You came here and linked to “the blaze”..
Welcome back dummy! To keep from crying we’ll settle for being entertained!
That ODS will pale in comparison to the BDS that took place in 2004….
134 – zzzzZZZzzzzz … That all you got racist??? It’s enough I guess for the typical braindead right winger.
Here’s a preview of the ODS:
╰─$ ob cs -h puddybud -b obummer -c
| count |
| 248 |
1 row in set
╰─$ ob cs -h puddybud -b “the messiah” -c
| count |
| 348 |
1 row in set
Almost 600 comments.. And that’s just a little preview.. “Deranged” barely does it justice.
Puddybud has “so much” he’s come here to the HA comments threads to share it with us.
─$ ob cs -h puddybud -c
| count |
| 31626 |
1 row in set
At least that many times. Sockpuppets aren’t included in that figure.
My oh my, I came in to leave a ylb in the toilet and the crazed data-debazed moron is at it again.
See how he does my bidding and beta boi doesn’t even know his nose chain is being pulled.
And calling someone a racist when his North Pasadena comments against blacks will live in infamy. Whataturd. Flush. Swirling sound appears.
He’ll be much better than the ObamAA+ guy. $5 Trillion in debt and counting. More debt in less then 4 years than GWBush in 8 years. CBS News said that!
Oh Lib the moron, black ministers are against gay marriage. So are most black people. Remember Prop 8 in CA? No? Well you are a moron. Who helped pass the Proposition ya moron? Blacks and Latinos, ylb’s family excluded. Why did Rosie and Roseanne go nuts over blacks in CA Lib the moron?
Sheesh he’s really stupid!
Ummm no it happened more than that…
See ya lib morons! Back to the garden
@127 “Must have taken a jolt at Western State.”
Maybe they’ll know to use a higher voltage next time.
@128 Anybody got the decoder ring? I have no idea what that gibberish means.
The Return Of Freedom Fries
Now that austerity has (again) proved to be voodoo-economics, and France’s political right has collapsed, we can expect conservatives to hate France all over again for electing a Socialist (as if it’s his fault that rightwing economics doesn’t work). And, as usual, they’ll kick off their Hate France campaign by banning “french” fries and reinstituting “Freedom Fries.” Take that, McDonald’s!
Try reading before dumb wabbit! It’s all from Lib the moron!
Of course it’s hard figgering out Lib the moron’s comments!
I think it’s great France elected a socialist with three homes.
@141 I downloaded a trollspeak app but it doesn’t work on the loon. It goes in as gibberish anf comes as gibberish. The problem seems to be that he’s just too damned crazy.
A treatment plan utilizing a 100 Amp, 480V, Three Phase Brain-O-Matic with extra heavy-duty electrodes ought to get his mind right. Crank that dial up to 11 and let the treatment begin!
That’s “interesting” dummy. The asshat troll said I made remarks against southern blacks.. Funny that both of you don’t cite these remarks when asked.
But in your case I can easily cite your remarks against certain relatives of mine.
Which side of my family did you describe that way?
did ylb make remarks about blacks in north pasadena?
tell me where!
tell me when!
Up yours fool. Those comments have been replayed over and over and over. Marvin Stamn kicked your ASS all over the blog that day!
I don’t do your bidding. You are my beta, boi. I am your alpha. When I jerk your chain 135 & 136 appear!
can I see what you said about ylbs relatives?
oops sorry I just saw the link..
@148 Google it with Marvin Stamn and you’ll see the full response. It was sooooo funny! The crazed data-debazed moron ylb was apologetic for days in his standard daze!
Google it! Still wondering if his are the white latinos like George Zimmerman or black ones like Hugo Chavez!
“We already know how her vineyards don’t hire union labor but cheap relatives of ylb.”
puddybud! awesome!
You are an interesting dummy? Well I guess that works!
Awwwww. Puddybud’s got a sicko-phantic brown-nosing fan now!
I leave you two to your love-fest.
How quaint!
I see the puddydope fan boi ran like a stocking.
Quaint??? He was the answer to your prayers dumbass. You crave your own personal suck-ups and tag team partners!
Because he was you per the WordPress computer trackings!
Quaint was your stupid comment!
Someone could get rich by writing a software program that would automatically filter out all of pussybutt’s comments.
Portrait of a 99-Percenter
He’s the kind of man rightwing bigots dislike. He’s an immigrant. He has a strange-sounding name. He came from a former Communist bloc country. He worked at humble jobs — busboy and janitor. He thinks living a “humble and honorable” life is better than seeking fame or fortune; he’s simply not interested in making money. “The richness is in me, in my heart and in my head, not in my pockets,” he says. This weekend he graduated from Columbia University with a useless degree in classics. He hopes to teach someday, but for now, he’s still a janitor. Oh, and btw, he’s also now an American citizen — and he votes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wish I could meet him someday. He sounds like my kind of guy.
Hmmmmm. How would Puddybud be able to read such “trackings”???
I wonder.
Maybe I’ll ask Darryl. But I suspect he’ll just wave it away as yet another fib from a pathological liar..
U tell me fool? Remember how you told me I was in Seoul (Soul Man)?
Dumb Wabbit,
He is the perfect conservative person. Self reliant, not on the guvmint dole, looking at how he can improve himself vs. his hand out like ylb!
164 – Had nothing to do with wordpress dumbass.
Your right wing bullshit is at times interesting – in a pathetically sad, hysterically funny kind of way.
One can be “interested” as to how someone can be so batshit insane.
As for “dummy” – that refers to YOU. Once again, you can’t read for beans.
Now the Liberal Bastian of America, California, is 16 Billion in the hole! Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group.
Oh yeah you thought Rush Limbaugh was Rush the band! And my right wing commentary is spot on. Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Yeah you is a dummy!
And you haven’t denied it either!
@165 He got free tuition as a fringe benefit, thanks to a good union.