Stephen: Sec. Pete Buttigieg on why fixing America’s infrastructure is fun and exciting
LeagleEagle: Ghosts are legally real
Electile Dysfunction:
- Mark Fiore: The Republicans closing argument
- Alex Wagner: How election officials (and individuals) can guard against ballot box intimidation tactics
- The Late Show: This hospital is run by local political leaders
- Robert Reich: The huge problem with voting (it’s not what you think):
- Now This: Chelsey Hall on why local and state elections are crucial
- Jon Stewart: Interview excerpt with Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich
- WaPo: How states are countering the assault on elections
- Chris Hayes: Republicans set stage to rerun Трамп Big Lie playbook for 2022 midterms
- The Late Show: JD Vance neuters monkeys
Jon Stewart: Why are states undercutting their own workers?
Now This: How young people are leading the way on gun reform
The Lying, Cheating and Scheming Cult of The Dotard Трамп:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Pigs may soon fly ♬
- Tommy Campbell: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s debate lies & Mike Lindell’s tech fails
- Alex Wagner: Texas Republican stunt costs police millions and blocks other important spending
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп DESTROYS Tom Brady-Ron Desantis Bromance
- Chris Hayes: Pelosi home invasion comes after years of Трамп targeting the speaker
- Jimmy Kimmel: Repulsive Ted Cruz heckled in New York and Трамп & Marjorie Taylor Greene running mates!?
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ I LOVE America, so I DON’T Love Трамп ♬:
- The Late Show: ♫ Throw Ted Out Of The Ball Game ♬
- Katy Tur: Bob Woodward’s interviews with Трамп shows “His negligence was criminal” on covid
- Jordan Klepper finds out if democracy is dead
- Ari Melber: “Coward” Cruz hid in a closet amid insurrection then fueled Трамп’s Big Lie
- Bill Maher: Twenty four things you don’t know about Marjorie Taylor Greene
- Jordan Klepper: Is America headed to another civil war?
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ This is NOT Where I Thought We’d Be Going ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Trump’s UNBELIEVABLE Woodward interviews, Adidas dumps Kanye & Herschel’s war on Halloween
- Stephen: Dr. Oz wants local officials in charge of abortions and another Herschel Walker abortion scandal
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Buckley Carlson Did NOT Get his Job Because of His Dad. Really ♬
- Liberal Redneck: Inflation and the GOP
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп reacts to Rishi Sunak becoming Prime Minister
- Jimmy Kimmel: Lindsey Graham tries to save Herschel Walker and Kanye’s Hitler bombshell
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Dotard Трамп Ain’t Man Enough to Dare to Testify ♬
- Tommy Campbell: Dr. Oz investigated over the fraud claims Fetterman pressed him on
- The Daily Show: 30 for 30—Ted Cruz, bleacher creature
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard reacts to attack on Paul Pelosi
- Rocky Mountain Mike: The Flaven — 2022:
- Ari Melber: Closing in on Трамп? Criminal probes intensify amid historic subpoena
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ CDC to Require Fox Vaccine ♬
- Alex Wagner: Migrant plane stunt haunts DeSantis as judge rejects effort to conceal records
- Chris Hayes: Трамп is planning to challenge PA 2022 election results
- Jimmy Kimmel: Another Herschel abortion scandal, Eric Трамп’s sad call to daddy & Kanye shows up uninvited
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп—Half Fast, but Proud of It ♬
Desi Lydic: Halloween—Why do we celebrate this?
Jon Stewart and friends: When states compete to win jobs, residents pay the price
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
With threats to election workers, made me remember when ai was a Pollbook Judge for King County Elections. Never had this level of abuse, and often I had to get up and ready at 3AM for it. Biggest worry voters in our precinct was offering the voters tge choice of using an AVU. Remember one person politely refused saying he wasn’t using a Republican voting machine. I wanted to say, I agreed, and I was the Republican judge.
Looks like all the Proud Boys top lieutenants are taking cooperation deals.
Of course, anybody could’ve guessed from day one that these Very Brave Patriots would turn to jello when they’re looking at 20 years.
One of them “said Proud Boys leaders used an encrypted messaging service to create a chat group titled ‘Ministry of Self Defense’ (M.O.S.D) and used it to assemble their plans for blocking Congress’ certification of Biden’s win in the electoral college … he and others ‘agreed that the election had been stolen, that the purpose of traveling to Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2021, was to stop the certification of the electoral college vote, and that M.O.S.D. leaders were willing to do whatever it would take, including using force against police and others, to achieve that objective.’”
For lawyers representing those not taking plea deals, jury selection can be tough when 95% of the potential jury pool voted against Trump and your client is guilty as dogshit. Your client probably should take that plea deal like all his buddies are doing.
For all of you elite liberal progressives who have your underwear tied in knots over Elon Musk’s finally forcing Twitter to come to Jesus, you should all learn to code. After all, if coal miners should learn to code because their jobs have disappeared, so can you!
@4 Elon Musk needs customers like everyone else. Unfortunately for him, a lot of people who used to admire him are voting with their feet. According to Reuters, Twitter is suffering “devastating losses” of active users. That “free speech” thing is complicated, and Trump won’t necessarily return to Twitter.
Musk undoubtedly will focus on making money. According to an industry expert, this is what he has to do:
“You can write as many polite letters to advertisers as you want, but you cannot reasonably expect to collect any meaningful advertising revenue if you do not promise those advertisers ‘brand safety,'” he explained. “That means you have to ban racism, sexism, transphobia, and all kinds of other speech that is totally legal in the United States but reveals people to be total assholes. So you can make all the promises about ‘free speech’ you want, but the dull reality is that you still have to ban a bunch of legal speech if you want to make money.”
I have a feeling you’ll be among those who don’t make the cut.
I figure it’s 50/50 if Musk can avoid death-spiraling the company. But outwardly there will be no way to know because there will be no view into the finances.
But if they cut their ad rates and allow bot accounts back onto the platform that will be the first sign. It’s also a big potential opportunity for competitors to gain share. And with declining revenues it may be very hard for Twitter to buy market share for very long.
But why should I care. No dog in it.
6)Supposedly he only went through with the deal because he was about to lose in court.
Crawl back under the rug, dust mite.
I only use Twitter for porn. I think for that reason Twitter will live, but as a porn rag.
I don’t see many ads on Twitter or Tik Tok… I missing something? How are those platform profitable? All i see is porn.
Herostratus on Twittter
“Pro-life” woman seeks abortion and gets denied. Privileged people are used to authorities being reasonable and accommodating. They vote against rights for others thinking they’ll be able to negotiate an exception for themselves. Then they get shocked when this fails.
After Missouri banned abortions, she was left ‘with a baby dying inside.’ Doctors said they could do nothing.
Forced Birth woman says this after she needs an abortion
But do you think she will stop voting for Forced Birth Republicans? Probably not.
G-clown’s parents moved to Italy in order to get away from him.
Oh just the GOP Candidate for VT’s house seat going on the radio and breaking down in detail the illegal means he’s funded his campaign
In response to questions about whether he had knowingly donated to the campaign and how he earned the money, June, the toddler, crammed a couple Cheerios into the furnace registry and went back to watching Blippi while still in soiled diapers.
@ 13
How weak are Dems?
So weak that they feel compelled to point out a mistake/misdeed by a GOP candidate trailing by 38 points in his House race against Vermont’s state senate’s president pro tempore.
Whatever helps take your mind off a 53-47 GOP majority in the US Senate after the midterms, I suppose.
The preferred 2024 candidate of Lock Her Up @ 13 is #CrookedHillary. He admires her consistency.
She’s consistently corrupt. Consistently dismissive of unconventional approaches to… anything. Except campaigning, during which she fully supports ignoring ominous polling results in favor of feelz.
Consistently unlikable. Consistently available for interviews no matter how much most people wish she’d just STFU and GTFO.
Coney Barrett.
And Dems are gonna make the same mistake again.
Fetterman is running an ad in which his parents claim to be Trumpers.
Except they’re not. Not for a long time.
Maybe they mean they supported Trump back when he was a Democrat.
Try guessing my AGI, you might get more closer to being right about that. Shhhhsh
You mean to tell me you don’t think any registered Democrats voted and supported The FuckHump?
You know, you truly are a Dumbfuck, you fucking stupid Jackass. It’s a mirivle you could even think you are a doctors
G-clown settles in to spend the weekend by himself again. Except for that greasy alley take it bareback from a stranger time tonight.
My parents are both conservative Democrats whom are supporting of The FuckHump.
I thought my brother and sister were Democrats, I guess I’d have to check the voter reg rolls, they always seemed it, and to verify if they ever changed affiliation formally, but guess what the FuckHump came along and his racist inflammatory hate and fear mongering appeals to them. Who’d ever guess.
They fit the description, a bit, of poor white trash, can’t deny it.
19 & 20,
You two should get a room.
I’ve concluded that the troll has a screw loose. Please hear me out here.
The troll, who has never pwned a lib on HA, never had much of a repertoire, even less so since his failed insurrection. Now he’s reduced to calling us “weak”. He loves that word. See how he used it above? No matter that he’s never once pwned anybody with that, he simply can’t stop doing it.
There’s a lot of psych literature out there about people who cannot stop repeating the same mistake over and over and over again. It points to two personality types.
Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) features a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions interfere with daily activities and cause significant distress.
Anybody care to disagree that the troll is a narcissist?
I didn’t think so.
We’re seeing both afflictions in this troll. Any disagreement?
It is the troll who is weak. Incredibly weak. I’d call him an incredibly weak man, but that would give him too much credit. He’s no man. He’s too weak to be called a man.
He could start growing a spine if he were to talk about these things, but being so weak, he’ll never do that.
His violent 1/6 insurrection intended to end our democracy.
His ongoing slo-mo coup to end our democracy.
His desire to completely re-write our Constitution.
His leader’s theft of our nation’s Top Secret documents.
He will not prove me wrong about this. He’s simply too weak.
Republicans don’t do funny.
Because look it up bitch.
“Abortion is murder”.
According to you.
According to the NRC.
According to Missouri GOP.
According to fools like our pathetic trolls.
If it’s murder when a “welfare queen” needs one it’s murder when you need one. IF it’s murder.
Maybe, just maybe you’re completely wrong on this one just like you were with Trump.
Perhaps if Glen Youngkin we’re capable of understanding why tasteless jokes mocking the horrible violent politically motivated hammer-beating of a frail old man in his 80s is cruel and inappropriate we could fault him for being a pig like our trolls.
But the sad truth is, he’s not.
He’s a blow-dried robot idiot programmed by consultants and donors to stroll a political runway for tax cuts. The cruelty is an unintended bonus.
@ 22
…a lack of empathy for others.
I dispute this. Steve, I have felt sorry for you ever since Trump broke you.
Jesse Watters is a piece of shit.
@7 More precisely, he went through with the deal to avoid legal discovery of his emails, etc., and all the other things he doesn’t want his remaining fan base to know about him.
@14 Doesn’t look like a mistake to me. Looks like a crime. I thought you guys wanted to talk about crime in this election cycle? Just not Republican election crimes, it seems.
“My pronouns are I’m sick and tired of these pronouns because right now these pronouns are gettin our men and women in the service killed. Let me tell you some China and Russia and Iran aren’t talking about no pronouns they’re talking about war and we talkin bout pronouns.”
This unedited quote from this morning is my closing argument. Vote for me and I’ll save you from pronouns. It’s true our servicemen are so busy ever day not doing warrior stuff cause they in a classroom learnin pronouns. I can fix it.
@22 Doesn’t the American Psychiatric Association counsel us against performing psychoanalysis of public figures from afar? That valid psychiatric diagnosis requires seeing the patient? Based on that, what we need to do is alert the authorities and let them conduct the intervention.
@26 Such a weak response by our weak troll. Our weak troll never disappoints that way.
If he wasn’t so weak, our weak troll would admit that he wants our democracy to fall, to be replaced by a fascist totalitarian state.
Weak people like our weak troll need a strong leader, our troll equating cruelty with strength, of course. Our weak troll once thought that would be Scott Walker. Our weak troll hasn’t so much as mentioned his name for going on eight years now. Then the weak troll thought Trump would be his strong leader. The weak troll doesn’t talk about him anymore either. Now the weak troll’s strong leader is DeSantis.
Typo @20
I typed that my parents were supporting of the FuckHump. I meant to say NOT supporting of the fuck head
Bob is more accustomed to Barns and horses, not my type.
Twisting the knife Fetterman used to stab himself.
PA hold + NV flip = GOP Senate majority
AZ, GA, NH are icing on the cake. 54-46 GOP Senate if they all flip.
Evergreen Railfan would be pleased to know that the south part of Whidbey Island will receive a shiny new electric school bus.
Hey, island people have every much right to see a massive spontaneous electric bus battery fire as anyone else.
And it’s “free”!
Trump broke you
Besides narcissism and OCD, our weak troll can’t help but project his worst qualities on us. He used that one without effect hundreds of times and now he’s repeating it again…to no effect.
It was Trump who broke our weak troll, turning him into a weak fucking traitor. Of course, he was able to break the weak troll because he’s so fucking weak.
All you guys hate Trump because he beat Hillary Clinton in 2016.
@ 37
He used that one without effect hundreds of times and now he’s repeating it again…to no effect.
Pretty rich, coming from the guy who just finished six years failing to complete a sentence without the word “Putin” in it.
To no effect. Other than making Steve into a joke.
YLB knows what it means.
When people can’t afford food, they’re not worrying about abortion rights. They’re worried about where the next meal is coming from.
Which is why there will be a bloodbath in the Democrat party 10 days from now.
Pretty rich, coming from the guy who just finished six years failing to complete a sentence without the word “Putin and traitor” in it.
Fixed it for you, you weak Putin-loving fucking traitor.
Which is why there will be a bloodbath in the Democrat party 10 days from now.
Your weak mind would be better off being wrapped around thoughts of the bloodbath coming your way.
I am shocked to learn that someone set fire to a Fetterman sign. It might not have even been someone from his campaign staff who did it.
36)Wonder if it’s a Chinese bus built in Cali like Wenatchee‘s electric busses. BYD isn’t one of my favorite manufacturers, Not totally on board with battery electric busses yet. Metro needs to be able to run a block schedule on Rt101 where they get more than 3 round trips in a 7 hour block from S Renton to Downtown Seattle.
Some countries seem to be a lot less Neanderthalish.
Congratulations Taiwan!
Happy Pride!
Every time you open your mouth you sound like a 4th grader.
The FuckHump is a con man. A corrupt traitor and would, if not already done, sell this Country down the road quicker than you can say Dumbfuck.
And truly, it is the Repuke Party that is disgracefull more so than The FuckHump, just ask Susan Collins.
A Bus fire on Shitbey Island would help improve it.
PI just wants Herschel to win, so Warnock doesn’t win.
Trying to think… Which mainstream heavily funded Democratic Party darling candidate for governor of state made jokes about me getting shot?
“We’ve hated Trump since he got caught refusing to rent to us and paid a civil fine” Black People
“”We’ve hated Trump since he made all kinds of jokes about us being greedy and good with money.” American Jews
“We’ve hated Trump since he stiffed us on bills and declared Bankruptcy to get out of paying us” -construction
“We’ve hated him since he started insisting on being called “The Donald”” the 80s
“We’ve hated his since he built that soullesss building that he plastered his name on in gold Lamé“ – Architects
“We’ve hated him since he perved out in our dressing room” Underage pageant girls
“We’ve hated him since he lied for decades about his heritage” Austria
“Dude, guys a asshole” Howard Stern
“Guy never wrote the check he pledged. Every single year. Fuck Trump .” United Way Charities
@ 44
Railfan, is there minimum miles covered in an average bus “workday”, or annually, or whatever, beyond which the bus is “worth it”?
As an example, I once read that a Prius needs 84k miles before the environmental benefits of the hybrid technology surpass the environmental injury caused by excavating the rare-earth minerals, building the battery, etc., to produce the Prius, over the enviromental injury caused by producing a Corolla or equivalent gasoline-only vehicle of similar size.
No idea what will end up on Whidbey. I think I heard on KUOW that it’s a $400k grant.
@ 46
Every time you open your mouth you sound like a 4th grader.
Every time you open yours, your parents move without telling you again.
Wait until he sees the line for Zeldin’s inauguration.
@53 Daydream much? Strange that someone who dotes on polls as much as you do has nothing to say about the polls in this race.
Speaking only for myself, I love Trump.
He ruined the GOP for a generation and reduced one of our trolls to vapid, groveling, open-mouthed worship, exposing his frail character. I hope Trump stays around for another decade.
TRUMP 2024
This one’s a goner:
Only a few months ago I was fairly concerned about NH. Small state with small state (white as fuck) demographics. And there was Sununu lurking in the wings. But looks like another perma-hold for Democrats. And Chris Sununu will just have to retire as a college prof instead.
@55 Can’t say I love him, but at least he’s useful for something.
@56 He didn’t wear his helmet.
51)Block schedule is tge schedule a particular Coach or railcar runs in a service day. Length of route and type of route, and fuel. Drivers can be changed, shift change on
INK is very efficient, They do it as the train passes through the SODO yard.
Some of tge urban routes, have a very long block schedule. Was just looking at the block schedule for coach 6977 left Atlantic Base at 9:24 this morning, running on block 7_18, and by the time it returns to Atlantic Base around 5AM, will have made about 24 separate trips on Rts 7 and 49. Normally this is a trolleybus route but weekend construction tends to require a few substations to be taken offline. The current trolleys have batteries, but tend to be used for emergencies. New Flyer is offering an improved model with more off wire capability. Trolleybus operators in Europe are experimenting with enhanced off wire capability, would probably work good on routes where stringing overhead wire over long distances have obstacles.
He’s trying to get a shiver out of us. But a DumbFuck Dumbfucks.
It wasn’t more than 6 months ago where he was calling NY Blue in negative manner. But all of a sudden, at a drop of a hat, he wants us all to think that it’s Red.
The dude is beyond boring and weak, he’s a cherry picker, a liar, and a spinster to suit his spewed comments.
One minute Blue, Blue, Blue, then next thing, shiver, shiver, shiver the Red.
Now anything could happen I suppose but the point I make is the way the tune of the whistle changes like the wind for the liar.
Arm ourselves against these Nazis! If they can protest in Iran, we can do it here!
House with electricity sometimes catch fire. Some with chimneys even do.
Who knew. But we still make them and live in them.
Shiver, shiver, shiver.
Those off shore oil platforms sometimes blow up. Shiver, shiver, shiver. Never mind that they contribute to wrecking the environment, nothing to see there.
My father, who moved to Italy (not), just sent me a check for $15 g’s, from Italy (not).
Quite nice of him. This will help me stay out of bankruptcy by an extra couple of weeks.
Money bags Pops, gave me, my brother and sister each a check. Early Christmas! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Who’s smarter – Dr. Dumbfuck or Railfan?
Never a doubt in my mind that it’s Railfan, by 10,000 miles of track.
Now we know that all Nudists aren’t liberals.
And we know that STD’s are spread by Neanderthal Heteros.
At least there wont be kids at risk of harm/death…..not so much for the wives, the STD can still get them.
@ 60
One minute Blue, Blue, Blue, then next thing, shiver, shiver, shiver the Red.
Exactly. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
The HA 2016 Election Night thread is an excellent example of that sequence of events in action.
Will Election Night 2022 offer unelected governor Kathy Hochul the same unpleasant surprise?
Shiver the Red. I might have to set Vicious Troll aside for, oh, 10 days or so in favor of a temporary new screen name.
Smiley well within the MOE in this poll, down only 1.2%.
Y’all seem to love it when way-down-ballot Republicans do dumb things, and I feel sorta left out.
So here’s one about a Democrat. Nothing exciting like an illegal campaign contribution by a kid in pre-K. Naw. This is just run-of-the-mill terrorism.
Democrat candidate in Arkansas arrested for allegedly making ‘terroristic’ threats
Now, y’all might think this is a one-off. After all, First Vegetable Joe Biden makes ill-considered terroristic threats against MAGA Republicans on a daily basis. The worse the polls look, the worse ol’ Joe behaves.
But this chick is no stranger to law-breaking:
Upon seeing the bipartisan concern for Paul Pelosi’s wellbeing, John Fetterman rushed out a statement that the big, unsightly “Dark Half” mass at the base of his skull came from a hammer carried by that black jogger he encountered when he was mayor.
Fetterman was hit so hard in the head, you see, that he forgot about his serious assault injury until just this weekend.
And a MAGA Republican set fire to his sign out in the middle of nowhere, except for that liberal who just so happened to have a camera at the ready.
Tomorrow morning Harvard gets to explain with a straight face to the five right-leaning justices on the US Supreme Court, and to one squish, why discrimination against Asian-Americans is constitutionally protected behavior.
Dr. Allan Bakke could not be reached for comment.
Also unreachable at the present time is the dude who got the spot Dr. Bakke deserved:
She’s an awful senator, too.
Polling is very close; the last two are from right-leaning pollsters.
Nine days until Election Day and Steve’s got nothin’.
Speaking of repeating the same mistake over and over again, I see our incredibly weak troll is still posting GRU-generated, pro-Putin hashtags. That’s 10,000+ times our incredibly weak troll has posted that dumbfuck shit and nobody here has ever been triggered to do anything but LOL at his incredibly weak, self.
We’ve reached the point where there’s nothing left of our incredibly weak troll but unbridled narcissism and OCD. Sad!
Where Will This Political Violence Lead?
Look to the 1850s. In the mid-19th century, a pro-slavery minority — encouraged by lawmakers — used violence to stifle a growing anti-slavery majority. It wasn’t long before the other side embraced force as a necessary response.
The Right uses guns as identity.
The Left uses guns as tools.
Stuff you can’t make up:
Elon Musk tweeted to #CrookedHillary a story that alleges Paul Pelosi is secretly gay and was in a quarrel with a male prostitute early Friday morning.
Twitter gon be much more fun.
@76 I heard rumors that Elon has been with guys too, sexually, try that on for size.
Tweet tweet. I thought I saw a pissycat.
Tweet Tweet
Failure. Shiver the Red!
Tweet Tweet
Obama is the best even if the bottom line is that he’s a pol.
The horse that is getting more sex than Bob’s.
@67 “in this poll” is key here
@68 and here’s Doctor Dumbfuck slobbering over a down-ballot Democratic candidate in a deep-red state who has zero chance to win. This is a crime blotter story, not a political story, doc. Unless, of course, you want to make an issue of the fact that Democrats throw criminals under the bus, unlike their Republican counterparts.
Anybody reading this blog quickly realizes HA has the world’s dumbest trolls.
@72 She’s consistently better than 50 other senators; and much, much better than some of them; see, e.g., the one fist-pumping the violent rioters trying to kill him and everyone else cowering in the Senate chamber. And she isn’t a wife-beater, either.
@75 I’m against all political violence, but it’s simple reality that people who are physically attacked will defend themselves.
When Republicans talk about “civil war,” they seem to assume they’ll do all the killing, with no casualties on their side. Civil wars don’t work that way.
It’s usually pretty close to one-for-one.
@76 Twitter gonna be gone, not more fun. Can you see advertisers sticking around on a platform like that? I can’t. Nor do I see how this helps the World’s Richest Man’s other business interests. If he keeps this up, investors and business partners will flee like he’s a hot stove. He needs a minder to tell him when to shut up.
In today’s news, Pelosi’s hammer attacker broke into his house with a supply of zip-ties.
“Every time you open your mouth you sound like a 4th grader.”
Every time you open your mouth you sound like a whiney-assed little bitch. Hillary lost. I didn’t vote for her in 2016, nor did I vote for Trump in 2016 or in 2020.
Looks like Brazilian voters have barely voted out Bolsinaro. Still votes in San Paolo to count. Wonder if he’s going to have his supporters storm Brasilia?
85)The advertisers will be bullied into sticking around. Or they will be back once the firestorm dies down.
The arson of the Fetterman sign @ 69 was so obviously staged that libbies aren’t trying to take advantage of it. Conservatives are having a field day pointing out how ham-handed the effort to smear the GOP turned out to be.
I’ve never complained about Hillary losing. The FuckHump is a piece of shit……but without the rest of the gang of GOP Nutjobs he is nothing….The whole GOP is my beef….fuck Trump!
Degenerate grew so desperately lonely that now he’s budding off new sock puppets.
Apparently even Degen can recognize how weak it makes him to mock and trivialize a brutal, politically aimed hammer attack on a frail old man in his eighties.
So he invented an “FB friend from CO” to do it for him.
Which is actually even weaker.
Describing the brutal, GOP inspired hammer-beating of a frail old man as “much more fun” is a pretty good indication of Trump Effect working on an individual level.
“the Joe Biden inflation”
That’s what Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp said in his debate with Stacey Abrams tonight. It’s a stupid argument aimed at low-information voters.
Smart people won’t fall for it. Inflation is global; right there that tells you Biden isn’t at fault. How is it that he caused inflation in U.K., Europe, Japan?
Some inflation is due to deglobalization. Even if we sucked up to China (e.g., gave them Taiwan), they don’t necessarily want to sell us cheap goods anymore. Xi Jinping is more focused on their domestic economy.
About half the inflation rate is due to central bank easy money policies during the pandemic. Not just the Fed, but all major central banks. The Fed is now tightening. You can’t continue to have low interest rates without inflation. A stable currency requires keeping M2 money supply from outpacing GDP. M2 growth comes from credit expansion, which has led to too many dollars chasing too few goods and services.
Then there’s Russia. That’s affecting fuel, food, and fertilizer prices across the globe. How is that Biden’s fault?
The pandemic also caused inflation. Kemp bragged Georgia’s economy is better off because he opposed Covid restrictions. But Georgia has twice Washington’s Covid-19 death rate (382 vs. 191 per 100k pop.). He bragged about jobs, but didn’t mention his state has more graves, too.
What about fiscal spending? Biden’s infrastructure program, which Republicans signed off on and happily took credit for in their home districts, couldn’t have caused this inflation because it only passed a few months ago and the money hasn’t been spent yet.
Blame Biden’s $1400 Covid relief checks? Go right ahead. Technically, they’re a tax credit, which makes them a working class and middle class tax cut. Wanna criticize giving those folks a tax cut, after billionaires and corporations got theirs? Go right ahead.
Kemp is full of shit. All Republicans are, when they blame Democrats for this inflation. Their solution? Cut Social Security and Medicare. Reinstate high drug prices. Do away with child care and other tax credits that help working families.]
Only rich people and dumb people vote for what Kemp is selling.
Republican violence and terrorism are out of control.
It has to be eradicated.
In a recent nationwide survey nearly half of registered Republicans agreed with a statement that “violent attacks aimed at the government can be justified as a way to obtain a political objective”.
This compared to fewer than one quarter of registered Democrats.
Trump is not what is driving the Republican embrace of violent political extremism. And to make that mistake about this shift in Republican attitudes, as nearly all journalists do, could ultimately prove fatal to democracy in the US.
Race and gender are of course the driving influences. And only by accounting for that openly and honestly will we as Americans be able to convince them to turn away from violence.
The inevitable decline of white male political dominance is well understood and well documented. And the consequence that this decline of privileged position and voice would find its most extreme and violent expression among sub groups of whites, and especially white males, with fewer political and social resources was well predicted. But the solution does not lie in falsely curating for them a fantasy worldview in which non-whites, non- christians, and non-heteros are dishonestly erased.
They are scared. Scared to death of having to share control of public life with their neighbors who are different. Scared to death that any small reduction in their own perceived privilege will lead to their elimination.
Trump and all his many assorted mini-Trumps did not create that fear. They merely exploit it more openly and aggressively than any before them. The danger to democracy that Republicans now represent will not disappear nor even significantly diminish with the decline of Trump. It is now a permanent feature of the GOP.
Paul Pelosi = frail
Joe Biden = spry
Old people according to HA libbies.
The troll is so….weak because he’s broken.. I didn’t break him. We all broke him.
Stepped right into it, Degen.
Weak and foolish.
Now you have to live with it. Is 82 frail or not?
Your call. But your “character” must live with whatever conclusions logically follow.
Did you cruelly mock and make fun of a brutal, Republican-inspired hammer attack on a “frail old man”? Or was it an attack on “just another leftist”?
Sleepy Joe wants to know, Dumbfuck.
I love these real world examples, nearly every day, of how the pointless cruelty of Trumpism inevitably disarms the GOP and deprives them of their own rhetorical weapons.
Whether it’s an unguarded moment by Tucker, or a violent outburst by one of their right wing AM Hate Radio programmed meat-puppets, they always manage to invalidate their own talking points. One way or another “parental choice” is reduced to “litter boxes for Furries” and “traditional gendering” becomes an invasive swimsuit inspection of nine-year-olds.