Stephen: “How about three women?”—Speaker Pelosi looks forward to electing more Female leaders
LegalEagle: The most ridiculous lawsuits ever
John Oliver: Museums and antiquities
WaPo: Five years after #MeToo, here’s why it’s still hard to come forward
Stephen: Biden’s October surprise—Marijuana pardons
Robert Reich: The secret to building grassroots power
Amber Ruffin: Are police in schools doing more harm than good?
Трамп and His Felonious Fans:
- Katie Phang: Oath Keepers leader on trial says group “should have brought rifles” on Jan. 6
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Herschel May Not Be Your Daddy (or Senator) ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Herschel Walker abortion lies add up, Трамп files accidentally released & Gay Velma drives GOP mad
- Trevor: Conservatives launch new dating app “The Right Stuff”
- Stephen: Herschel Walker’s girlfriend kept receipts
- Amber Ruffin: Ron DeSantis getting DRAGGED by Jiggly Caliente
- Katie Phang: MAGA extremism—Violent “civil war” rhetoric spikes online ahead of midterms
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп PRAISES Dr. Oz’ dog experiments
- Alex Wagner: “He was pro-choice, obviously,” new report quotes woman who says Walker paid for abortion
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Automotive Epiphany ♬
- The Late Show: Be a man and drive the new Pontiac Schvantz:
- Alex Wagner: Blizzard of new revelations sends Walker camp scrambling
- Tommy Campbell: Herschel Walker tackled by ex’s receipts and son’s rant
- The Late Show: ♫ Herschel Walker, “It Wasn’t Me” ♬
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп—A Question of Storage ♬
- Alex Wagner: Трамп lawyers deploy slow-down tactics but Трамп’s case doesn’t improve
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Prof. Laurence Tribe—Трамп’s Special Master appeal is a “sideshow”
- Chris Hayes: How FAUX News became a PR channel for Republican Senate candidates
- The Late Show: Hallmark introduces The Herschel Walker Collection
- Seth Meyers: Трамп takes classified docs case to SCOTUS and Rudy’s gross toilet habits
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ I’m Tired of Singing (about Трамп’s Faults) ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s COVID Superman fantasy and Ted Cruz is taking back America on a bus
- Lauren Mayer: Let’s Boot Out Herschel Walker:
- Stephen: Tyler Templeton reports LIVE from Mar-a-Lago for “Tooning Out The News”
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Republican Limbo Song ♬
- SNL Weekend Update: Mitch McConnell and Herschel Walker on 2022 midterms
- J-L Cauvin: Mitch McConnell reacts to Трамп saying he has a death wish
- jimmy Kimmel: Supreme Court REJECTS MyPillow Mike, Трамп weathers tell all storm & Herschel’s concussion defense
- Seth Meyers: GOP stumbles toward midterms as Трамп claims all elections are rigged
- Alex Wagner: What Трамп’s outreach to the Supreme Court is really all about
- Trevor: Who is Herschel Walker?
- Trevor: Maggie Haberman—The Ultimate Guide to The Dotard Трамп
- Stephen: “At this point we can’t ignore him”—Maggie Haberman on covering
- Stephen: “He’s backed himself into a corner”—Why Maggie Haberman thinks Трамп will run in 2024
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп, Just Your Average Sociopath ♬:
- Alex Wagner with Maggie Habberman: Трамп entitlement developed as rich kid, far from his new blue collar base
- Jon Stewart and friends: Herschel Walker’s abortion controversy
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Where else did Трамп leave his beloved classified documents?
- Tommy Campbell: Mike Lindell’s storm report fails and Marjorie’s divorce
- Seth Meyers: GOP reels as scandal-ridden MAGA candidates like Walker and Oz implode
- Chris Hayes: DeSantis auditions for role of green M&M in white boots
- Trevor: FAUX News’s bizarre defense of Herschel Walker
- Alex Wagner: Walker confirms accuser’s identity, but denies knowledge of her abortion
- Jimmy Kimmel: Wild new Трамп tell-all and Herschel Walker’s abortion scandal
- Stephen: GOP pretends Трамп isn’t racist
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ If You Hate America, You’ll LOVE Трамп! ♬
Ari Melber: See Трамп-Nixon drug war shredded in epic Peter Tosh breakdown
Liberal Redneck: OPEC, foreign oil, gas prices, etc.
WaPo: What the Michigan midterms means for the future of abortion
Stephen: “No one fucks with a Biden” and Buttigieg claps back at MTG
The Daily Show: The Kamala Harris Veep reboot
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
With the Marijuana Pardons, would be great if Cannabis was re-scheduled, but tge DEA will probably ensure it is not.
The Kerch Strait Bridge is on fire. Guess some kind of explosion has promoted it to a tunnel.
@2 The Russians claim it’s a tanker fire and the bridge is undamaged. I don’t believe anything Russia says. I’ll bet a precision missile got it.
A Democrat-commissioned poll suggests Boebert’s seat is in play. Mother Jones is skeptical, Raw Story more upbeat, but what I notice is the same polling outfit picked up a shift of 2% from Boebert and 1% from undecided to Frisch from a month ago, which indicates that something’s going on back home in her district. And if you read the polling memo, it says Frisch’s favorability has gone 15 points up while Boebert is now underwater overall, with her highest unfavorability among women and unaffiliated voters.
Maybe her antics are finally catching up with her. Or maybe the 500 folks her now-closed restaurant gave food poisoning to at a rodeo are still mad about it. And maybe the disputed stories that she worked at a nude bar in Grand Junction, was a paid escort, and had two abortions are getting some traction with gullible conservatives who’ll believe anything. After all, they know her and what she’s capable of. Maybe next her husband will divorce her. Divorce seems to be real popular among these conservative sleazebags. They all cheat on each other.
@ 5
You’re a useless, bloviating, fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
538 gives Boebert a 98% chance of winning.
Tiffany Smiley has a 50% better chance, statistically, of beating Patty Murray than Frisch has of beating Boebert. Murray’s chance of winning, if 538 be believed, is only 97%.
You’re a useless, bloviating, fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
JFC, when are your antics going to catch up with you?
Signal system failure causing disruptions on Deutsche Bahn. Looks like lines were cut, possible sabotage, but could also be caused by construction. Germany is a country where construction crews need to have the bomb squad on speed dial as unexplored ordinance from WWII is found on a nearly daily basis.
Where are the Churches in helping out the homeless situation? Where are the Synagoges? Do Synagoges only take care of their own?
In NYC they do alot….but in NYC the Churches are of a different breed.
@5 Sure is a nice congresswoman you’ve got there. Clearly you like her. Would be a real shame if something happened to her on Nov. 8. I can tell you’re worried.
American as apple pie and Friday night lights.
In the permitless carry states of BOTH Arizona and Ohio last night gunfire delayed high school football games.
Doc’s Whidbey Grange friends have been paying for Stewart Rhodes’s hookers.
Do what you want but you might want to consider our rating is based on a single pollster that had it +7 Boebert in late July and +2 this week.
Even I would admit our confidence in this prediction suffers from a small data set.
Sez the “educated” “successful” troll now on public display being violently ass-fucked by a laughing, degenerate, brain damaged football bully who flunked 8th grade.
They were warned. Still they persist with the Trumpism.
@ 9
In the permitless carry states of BOTH Arizona and Ohio last night gunfire delayed high school football games.
A permit is required in Illinois.
That’s Chicago according to the HeyJackass page. And it’s actually good news, as only the last shooting on the list involved the coroner.
They should have a carry permit truck drive around like the abortion truck that Planned Parenthood is planning. You know, so people can be legal with shit an’ all.
I mean Duh..
Obviously the way to ease tensions between China and Taiwan is to give some control of the island to China.
Am I LITERALLY the only person who’s thought of that?
Show me on the doll where anything happened at the wholesome family and student gathering in Chicago like the ones attended by millions of parents every fall Friday.
One critical element in any DOJ espionage act case against Fuckface Von Clownstick will involve establishment of intent.
In many normal cases of this nature the person accused is someone with either limited legal access to the material or perhaps no access at all. They breached some secure system or they’ve exceeded their own legal access. But that’s going to be much more complicated in the case of a FPOTUS, whose legal access while in office is essentially unrestricted.
Thus it perhaps becomes necessary for DOJ to establish that the FPOTUS had more than constructive knowledge that there were marked, highly classified materials intermixed with boxes of presidential-porn scattered about in his private sex club in Florida. Today’s reporting in the NYT from Haberman and Schmidt, if it proves to be true and can be established in evidence, would provide proof of that intent.
If Trump instructed his custodian of documents to make a quid pro quo offer to NARA, that proposed offer would establish proof meeting the intent requirements of nearly every criminal statute that the FPOTUS might be charged with, including violations of the espionage act. This one probably impulsive demand would probably be the single greatest self-own in the history of criminal political scandals.
If this turns out to be the case, remember this. Once again he did it to himself. There’s no conspiracy. No dark forces operating behind the scenes struggling to pull down “the great man”. In truth, it’s been mostly the opposite. Pretty consistently first NARA, then the FBI, and even now the DOJ CounterIntel section have bent over backwards to avoid this outcome. Somehow, once again through hubris, irrational impulse, and blind-foolish rage Trump has forced this upon himself despite heroic efforts of everyone involved to provide him an escape.
Pretending that to the average voter there is no meaningful qualitative difference between a drive-by shooting in a narcotics turf war and a drive-by shooting at a Friday Night Lights game between two predominantly white schools is about as tone deaf as Democrats pretending that inflation isn’t a voting issue.
It’s also how you get Four More Years of Dank Brandon.
Here’s the trick: safe schools and safe kids are pocketbook issues. Kitty litter fables are not.
@ 12
I abhor violence in all its forms.
@ 16
Thus it perhaps becomes necessary for DOJ to establish that the FPOTUS had more than constructive knowledge that there were marked, highly classified materials …
And even when such constructive knowledge is established, the DOJ must consider the political ramifications of its actions.
Biden Calls Out ‘Socialist Republicans’ Now Begging for Money From Program They Voted Down
After taking aim at Republicans who want to dismantle Social Security and Medicare during his Friday afternoon speech, the president then pulled out a copy of the CNN story and began reading from it.
“A report that came out at CNN says Republicans call Biden infrastructure program socialism, and then they ask for the money,” he stated. “And it goes through all of the Republicans, those who call it socialism and how they’re asking.” Biden went on to name several GOP lawmakers flagged in the report before turning back to the audience.
“I can go down the list. Look it up. Socialism. I didn’t know there were that many socialist Republicans,” the president snarked.
You know, for an old white guy with a stutter, he’s doing more of what us fed up liberals are asking for.
Guess what else is a pocketbook issue?
It’s the reason that there’s been a 23 point swing +D post-Dobbs in some surveys. Dads sitting at the breakfast table looking at their daughters and thinking about what it would mean if a MAGA-Republican Governor forced her to give birth to her soccer coach’s kid? Is that what the college fund was for? If she becomes a mother at 13 can you really hope to retire by 60?
Elections have consequences.
Bring charges.
Trump had four fucking years. Obviously neither Trump nor anyone around him inside the White House, the administration, or anywhere in the Republican Party is the least bit restrained. Go get her, you fucking weaklings. If Trump or Grassley has evidence let them bring charges. A party that organizes a cop-killer mob to hang their own Vice President is obviously not going to be shy about indicting a chubby old lady in a polyester pants suit.
Bring charges.
Unless of course you’re full of shit.
In which case you just retreat to Mom’s basement to recycle Butterymales.
3 Jewish women file suit against Kentucky abortion bans on religious grounds
It’s the third such suit brought by Jewish organizations or individuals since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, claiming the state is imposing a Christian understanding of when life begins.
Don’t they know that “religious freedom” only applies to Christianity in this country? /s
Wait until they get to the fun of trying to decide which version of Christianity counts…
@ 17
…a drive-by shooting in a narcotics turf war and a drive-by shooting at a Friday Night Lights game between two predominantly white schools…
Here’s some data on Whitmer, one of the “predominantly white schools”:
If you look at the Diversity Score over time, the diversity of Whitmer HS is increasing at a significantly faster rate than that of the average Ohio HS. That can’t be too comfortable, for either side.
I guess my point is that certain HA peeps are trying awfully hard to make one of these shootings a white-on-white crime. Without evidence other than statistical possibility.
Here’s a photo of the basketball team at “predominantly white” Whitmer HS.
As contrast here is a photo
of the cheerleading squad.
I just corrected a typo. If you remove one letter, Whitmer becomes Whiter. But QoS McHillbilly already knows that.
“At my high school
There was a lot of fights
Between the black and white
There was nothing you could do”
Biden administration has reunited 500 families separated under Trump.
Trump set up a system where families were separated and there was absolutely zero mechanisms put in place to keep track of which families these kids came from. Forced Birth Republicans never intended to reunite the families.
Cruelty is the point. This is who they are. Vote accordingly.
21. Almost 30% of women of reproductive age in the US have lost access to abortions, says new report
In July, Insider reported how many autoimmune patients were collateral damage from the bans as they lost easy access to a drug called methotrexate. The drug helps people with autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, but it is also — at very high doses — used to treat ectopic pregnancies and cause abortions and pharmacists have become reluctant to prescribe it to women. Any treatment can also be delayed while hospital providers look for a fetus whose rights supersede the mother’s.
Abolish Social Security Republicans: “Don’t care, hurting women will keep us getting elected.”
It has been awhile since I have attended a high school football game. Tell me, when a game is played between two “predominantly white schools”, are metal detectors commonly employed at the entrances?
Statement from the Mayor, Chief of Police, and one other individual
@ 26
Lemme know when women cry out that their dry-cleaning now is returned only with clothes folded because the dry cleaners can no longer find a source for coat-hangers.
Methotrexate is also an anti-neoplastic agent. Kills cancer cells by interfering with folic acid’s incorporation into DNA.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, remember a few years ago the report that folic acid supplementation during pregnancy reduces the incidence of spina bifida? Well, with methotrexate the opposite effect on the baby occurs.
Methotrexate also affects the mother’s DNA.
Other sources have described Whitmer, the largest mega-high school in Toledo, as drawing an 83% white student body.
But please note that what matter overwhelmingly to Degen is not the local community, but the test scores and a debate about who’s holding the guns while your kids are fleeing in terror.
That disturbing preoccupation is what will get Degen Four More Years of Dank Brandon.
Yes, actually.
Since Columbine, and the two solid decades of Republicans leg-humping the machine gun industry, many public high schools have installed metal detectors. It’s pretty routine now in plenty of large public high schools outside Texas and Kentucky.
@ 29
Other sources have described Whitmer, the largest mega-high school in Toledo, as drawing an 83% white student body.
That’ll tend to happen when y’all treat Hispanics as no different from whites.
Which, as I understand it, is what the left will start to do after analyzing the midterms.
@ 30
Well, good thing. The shootings occurred outside the Whitmer stadium.
Their kids fleeing in terror because a local police officer operates an illegal gunsmithing business converting Glock 9s into machine guns “for fun” is a pocketbook issue for all parents.
Demanding that these entirely reasonable fears of parents must take a back seat to “muh raights” is but one of the many ways Degen will earn himself Four More Years of Dank Brandon.
@ 33
Explains why so many black women are fleeing in terror to handgun classes.
This Black-Owned Firearm Training Company is On a Mission to Educate Women on Gun Ownership
When I look around at what regular voters see, I’m struck by the glaring distinctions that Republicans draw between different groups of asylum seekers depending on where they present themselves for entry.
Telling yourself that Latino voters are too dumb to recognize when Republicans shit on them for being brown is how Degen will get Four More Years of Dank Brandon.
Apparently First Vegetable Joe Biden plans to expense all of the loan giveaway costs he claims that a pandemic that no longer exists empowers him to spend during the federal government’s 2022, a fiscal year that longer exists, so that when the 2023 fiscal year is over and we’re gearing up for the 2024 election season he can claim that in 2023 he reduced the deficit.
YLB’s fucked kids will owe the government forever for the giveaways to others without ever getting to see the money spent, because when it happens it will be spent last year.
Seems fair, as their mother has been an unserious, ignorant HA cheerleader of First Vegetable Joe Biden regardless of the policy, since the inauguration.
YLB prefers Biden to Obama because now she doesn’t have to be on her knees in front of the guy.
Good thing, too, ’cause now once the zipper’s down she’d have to deal with the Depends.
From AAA:
Ohio, Nevada, Oregon, Arizona. Hmm.
Doctor’s told me I was infertile. Not my fault.
The pattern of FBI interviewing that is being reported would suggest that they are preparing affidavits in support of search warrants for both Trump Tower and Bedminster.
The priority of effort for DOJ in cases like this is recovery of the stolen materials, followed by investigating and securing any transfer or release, and then criminal prosecutions. This means that the beginning of the process for consideration of criminal indictments may not begin for months. And it may also mean that the initial process will focus on using indictment to leverage recovery. It’s very possible that the 2024 Republican primary will already be under way before that process reaches to any possible consideration of an indictment of Fuckface Von Clownstick.
Trump still has considerable leverage if he still has control over more stolen classified materials. He can deal, only not in the way he apparently thought when he offered to trade stolen classified documents for “Russiagate” dirt. He can trade for reduced charges. He’s always been able to do that. Early on he certainly could have traded his cooperation for complete forgiveness.
He refused. And it appears he will continue to do so.
If his further refusals result in more searches, and if those searches actually manage to produce more stolen classified materials (which at this point should have been destroyed long ago) it will only further confirm Trump’s richly deserved reputation as the dumbest person to ever serve as president.
The NFL and Players Union come to agreement on protocols involving concussions.
I hear it was that they were convinced because of Hershcel Walkfuck.
Yawwnnn.. no troll is more hilarious than lord kreepshit and its kneepads for klown deathsatanist..
From a recent ny times morning letter:
“A worrisome pattern has emerged with Paxlovid and other drugs that reduce the severity of Covid: Many people who would benefit most are not receiving the treatments, likely causing hundreds of unnecessary deaths every day in the U.S.
There seem to be two main explanations for the drugs’ underuse. The first is that the public discussion of them has tended to focus on caveats and concerns, rather than on the overwhelming evidence that they reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. The second explanation is that many Americans, especially Republicans, still do not take Covid seriously.”
Hmmm.. “unserious” repukelicans.. seems to your truly, according to the insane, inane, deranged babbling of lord kreepshit, teh widbee kreepah, the unseriousness of repukes can only be..
for my kids..
Yawwnnn.. no troll is more hilarious than lord kreepshit and its kneepads for klown deathsatanist..
From a recent ny times morning letter:
“A worrisome pattern has emerged with Paxlovid and other drugs that reduce the severity of Covid: Many people who would benefit most are not receiving the treatments, likely causing hundreds of unnecessary deaths every day in the U.S.
There seem to be two main explanations for the drugs’ underuse. The first is that the public discussion of them has tended to focus on caveats and concerns, rather than on the overwhelming evidence that they reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. The second explanation is that many Americans, especially Republicans, still do not take Covid seriously.”
Hmmm.. “unserious” repukelicans.. seems to your truly, according to the insane, inane, deranged babbling of lord kreepshit, teh widbee kreepah, the unseriousness of repukes can only be..
for my kids..
klown “fancy boots” deathsatanist I should say..
or “serious boots”.. heh..
or wait…
how about
Con-klown “serious maga boots” deathsatanist?
A little long but funee…
Good for all of us.
“(D)o not take Covid seriously” is doing a ton of work here. These are people who deny they have an infection as they are wheeled into a resp ICU. I think they take it very seriously. But only as a political issue implicating their loyalty to Trump and their MAGA fam on Facebook.
Good riddance.
@14 I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure Xi beat you to it.
I am 100 percent…
PRO forced birth…
PRO cheap eggs, hot dogs and beer..
PRO cheap doppio espresso macchiato..
on Capitol Hill.. in SEATTLE..
go SEATTLE Mariners!
@48 – There’s a chance Patty might lose, slick. How’d you like it if Patty had to finally go the fuck home to Shoreline and live out the rest of her miserable, useful life, out of the national limelight.
Oh, the horror!
17 days until Fetterman and Oz share a stage.
Friday, LACMTA opened the first segment of the K-Line Light Rail, between Crenshaw/Expo on the E-Line and Winchester/Veterans Station. Next up, connecting with Aviation/LAX on the C-Line, and then the Northern segment to Hollywood in the Long Term. When the Regional Connector opens, will be a major route realignment.
@ 42
HA’s dumbest twat blames underutilization of Paxlovid on Republicans. Those dumb MAGAites just won’t pick up Paxlovid at the checkout stand and put it in the basket next to the pork rinds and Bud.
Why does HA’s dumbest twat and mother of two fucked kids believe this? Why, it’s because a letter-writer whose thoughts were selected by the NYT for publication says so, that’s why.
No thought at all given by our darling YLB to
• the fact that a physician or PA or pharmacist has to prescribe it, and it’s not up to the patient to decide whether to authorize a script.
• rebound effect known to occur in a fair number of patients who receive the drug, including the Don of The Biden Crime Family.
• limited symptom severity of the current variants of The Wuhan; patients don’t get very sick, so for the vast majority of them there’s no reason for Paxlovid.
No, YLB has no fucking clue that opinions published in the NYT might be inaccurate or incomplete, bless her heart.
Fortunately for YLB, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron still wears the crown of HA’s most idiotic commenter, although YLB remains the queen of unseriousness and stupidity in these parts. I believe I read that in a comment in the NYT.
YLB thinks the strongest antibiotics should be used whenever one of her fucked kids has a sniffle. It was advocated, you see, by a letter-writer to Ladies Home Journal. YLB takes seriously every letter written to Ladies Home Journal and to Playgirl.
Was running a few errands today and saw Purple and Gold painted busses on Rt7. Those are the colors Metro assigns to coaches of tge 4300 and 4500 series, electric trolleybuses.Usually on weekends, trolley routes are motorized due to various public and private construction projects, as tge lines need to be de-energized. Forgot, Indigenous Peoples Day/Columbus Day is Monday. The motorization process requires the contractor requesting it to put up a deposit, as line crews will be working overtime for them. The Power Distribution division shuts tge overhead down by hand. First at tge substation, then individual span wires get running jumps to cutoff stray current. Tge deposit is usually $1000.
Personally, wished during times of bad air quality, Metro runs the 4300 and 4500s anyway. They got batteries now, use them on de-energized sections.
Also, been observing the block schedules of 4700 and 4800 series battery electric busses. Besides rush hour commuter routes, Metro is using them on all-day trunk routes 101 and 150. Seem to be gradually finding their limit. Running them on blocks of up to 6 hours between charges. On the 101, that is three round trips between South Renton Park and Ride and Downtown Seattle. Tge 101, 106, and 107 seem like good candidates for conversion to the new off-wire trolleybus system, In Motion Charging. IMC allows gaps in wire sections, plus regenerative braking allows tge batteries to be recharged without wire downhill.
This is what you get when you get a fat fuck hump of a crook who betrays and has no loyalty to his Country.
He marry a “Russian” then you get fucking spies.
Ivanka, Jared and the rest – a bunch of treasonous mother fuckers. Hang them all.
By the way no one person in that family claims to be gay. Bunch of Hetero Nanderthal Traitors.
Hang fucking Lindsey Graham too. That fuckwad traitor.
Bob – how’s the economy doing? We’d be much better if we were like Russia, amirite? You Dumbfuck.
This bald headed fuck is another Russian!
Heteros really have a fucked up situation worldwide right now.
Alexa, play some soothing music.
Nenaderthal Hetero.
Solution! Build the Wall!
Donal Trump. TRE45ON. The biggest fake and dumbfuck in the world….no bigger con man than the Fat fuck.
@ 58
Heteros really have a fucked up situation worldwide right now.
In the sense that one of them gave birth to you, G-clown, you are absolutely correct.
Why do your parents keep moving without telling you? Given your AGI, spending all that money to hire private investigators to track them down is really going to hurt your retirement prospects.
Imagine what comes out of G-clown’s mouth when he’s at the dinner table.
Small wonder that everything he does in life is by himself. Except for those multiple times every Saturday night he bends over in the greasy alley behind the gay bar in order to take it bareback from yet another stranger.
Having already sampled the tasty anal sphincter of Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, First Vegetable Joe Biden is now turning his tongue to the rosebud of Nicolas Maduro.
US frees President Maduro’s relatives in Venezuela prisoner swap
As long as Jill keeps telling him it’s a new flavor of Jell-O, he has no cognition with which to understand otherwise.
Biden: “We’re facing Armageddon”
Macron: “Not even close, Fuckwad”
And once again, the White House is forced to walk back the comments of my senile, imbecilic, incompetent president.
The country is being run by Ron Klain and Jill Biden. Run into the ground.
One less Beto voter.
Dallas woman, 21, killed after beating man in basketball game, family says
It’s risky to feed a liberal.
Another Democrat runs from First Vegetable Joe Biden.
G-clown is incensed that this woman, despite her wishes for a younger Midwestern candidate, will still support my senile, imbecilic, incompetent president over the cocksucking Secretary of Transportation in 2024.
Liberal chickenshit.
After this dumpster fire of an answer to a question
from a friendly onstage with her, it’s easy to understand why this liberal is too chickenshit to appear onstage with her GOP opponent.
Hell, the liberal coward wouldn’t even appear onstage for a debate with her own party’s candidates during the primary season.
Chickenshit female. Just like YLB’s unserious twat YLB.
Not every Democrat in Philadelphia is an asshole.
More fantastic news.
Since a wildly effective incredibly safe free vaccine became widely available in Florida and Ohio, excess deaths due to COVID-19 have been 153% higher among Republicans in those places when compared to Democrats.
The unserious liberal twat in Arizona wouldn’t even take the stage if her GOP opponent was in the audience.
Kari Lake was booted from Arizona town hall audience before Hobbs took the stage
Coward and Democrat are synonymous.
yawwwn… lord kreepshit musta lost munee…
got its first audit notice from the 80k+ Manchinema IRS agents?
@ 71
…excess deaths due to COVID-19 have been 153% higher among Republicans in those places when compared to Democrats.
I have no objection to this. The Darwin Effect is just one way our species takes care of its own.
Bob is very sensative to the hetero failings….speaking of that…..
Another failing of the Hetero kind was Bob’s parents letting the wrong son die, and the wrong one to live.
blames underutilization of Paxlovid on Republicans.
Lord kreepshit seriously misses the point.. take this sentence from the ny times quote:
Many people who would benefit most are not receiving the treatments
benefit the most, i.e. old unserious drumpf election denying, fake elector loving, repuke fucks with co-morbidities. repukes like that, more often than not, DO NOT just get a sniffle.
Just blamin’ repukes for bein’ stupid and unseriousness.. doing stupid shit. All studies point to repukes dying at a higher rate.. lord kreepshit deflects and bloviates.
on kneepads for con-klown deathsatanist and addled by the freak’s “serious maga boots”, lord kreepshit makes us laugh yet again.
How dare anybody to interfere with my God-given right to make money through insider trading! You little people need to understand who your betters are!
I have no objection to this. The Darwin Effect is just one way our species takes care of its own.
Not only do my kids live rent-free in its empty skull, lord kreepshit calls for the culling of unserious repukes..
Let’s go Darwin!
for my kids..
@ 75
Another failing of the Hetero kind was Bob’s parents letting the wrong son die, and the wrong one to live.
The one who died thought a 3.2 was enough to get him into med school. Actually, it is, but not for people like him. If you know what I mean. Allan Bakke knew.
a letter-writer whose thoughts were selected by the NYT for publication says so, that’s why.
The “letter-writer” was David Leonhardt, a journalist employed by the ny times..
The ny times morning letter is a news round up e-mail sent daily to people who sign up for it.
“Serious” misapprehension there, lord kreepshit. Nice try.
@ 80
…a journalist employed by the ny times..
Well, if ever there was a publication known for its unblemished record of trustworthy journalists, it’s the NYT.
Poor, hapless, groveling MAGAT actually believes it has some agency in the trajectory of its collapsing “conservatard” movement.
How quaint.
Like nearly all devoted Republican voters Degen is merely along for the bus ride, bursting through all the abortion guardrail norms for the long screaming plummet into the rocks below, Orange Porn Daddy at the wheel, with brain damaged Football Bully calling the turns.
Pure joy to watch 😂😂😂
The author would like his city to catch up to DC.
Poor, hapless, groveling MAGAT
Because of the threat to its fookin’ munee from the 80k+ Manchinema IRS agents, lord kreepshit has no alternative but to descend further and further into MAGATry..
SAD! it can no longer cling to WSJ, US Chamber of Commerce greedhead politics..
but funee..
Yeah, I do. That’s why we have a bunch of failures in the world. You’ve heard of Darwin, well you idiots are destined for extinction. Breeding will not save you.
A bunch of Hetero failures killing their wives and children, blowing up things and killing people, fighting over bibles and fairy tales prophets, blowing their dear Nazi leader The FuckHump Putin loving traitor. It’s your ass not mine. You will all die stupid and Dumbfuckily.
@ 85
Something to think about, G-clown:
Without heteros in the world, won’t homos as a subspecies quickly die out, too?
After all, nearly all homos come from heteros.
Although I suppose the species could perpetuate itself with only twinks, lesbos, and turkey basters.
Much has been made of low-quality GOP candidates this election cycle, but it’s hard to look at Oregon and not think the same thing of Democrat candidates in that state.
First, there’s OR-5 Schrader’s primary loss to a leftist, who is currently behind in her race with the GOP candidate.
And then there’s the governor’s race. The GOP candidate is currently ahead. The Dem candidate is friends with a Dem candidate for Congress, and that friend is a felon who KNOWINGLY hired a registered sex offender.
Libbies, don’t hang with people who hang with pedos.
On the heels of dumb twat YLB’s unserious and uninformed spew about the sparing number of prescriptions of Paxlovid @ 42 by qualified physicians, PAs, and pharmacists comes the tweeted guidance
from the Florida state surgeon general stating that the risk/benefit considerations regarding COVID-19 vaccination do not favor males 18-39. There’s plenty of global immunity now, said males are healthy enough to get through the infection with little morbidity, and the vaccine injures the heart at an uncomfortably high rate, according to multiyear studies.
Twitter removed the tweet from the surgeon general in which this guidance was provided.
The public backlash was swift and severe, and the tweet and the aforementioned medical guidance have now been restored.
It would be welcome karma if one of YLB’s fucked kids suffers a medical complication related to COVID-19 vaccination, while she’s cheerleading the injudicious use of Paxlovid.
Twitter kills.
I don’t want one of YLB’s fucked kids to die from vaccination, mind you.
I’d settle for one of them to experience an extended vaccine-related malaise and weakness, enough to cause them to spend much of their time unemployed and on their knees, just like their mama YLB. Maybe a frequent arrhythmia detected by their government-provided Apple watches, which causes them to fear that certain day will be today. Several times each day.
Vaccination wouldn’t be good for YLBs kids. Amirite?
You shouldn’t joke around.
Degen really believes in that shit.
With nowhere else to turn, and too frightened to go it alone in a massively fatal pandemic, he no longer had any choice.
@ 87
RCP has moved OR-6 from Leans Democrat to Toss Up. OR-4 was moved from Likely Dem to Lean Dem.
I feel your pain, Oregon.
• Senile, imbecilic, incompetent president
• Incompetent carpet-munching female governor
• Incompetent dick-sucking male Portland mayor
• Leftist Dem challenger ousts reliably moderate incumbent Dem congressional representative.
• Gasoline prices up 84 cents/gallon in the last month
There’s no reason sane Oregonians need to put up with that any longer.
@ 90
Tell me, QoS McHillbilly, when there was plenty of vaccine around why did it take so long for children 5-12, and then children under 5, to be approved to receive it?
It’s because there wasn’t data confirming efficacy sufficient to justify risk. Now there is, so kids can get it.
Now there’s data demonstrating that for one subset of the population, efficacy gains don’t justify the documented risks.
Why is one restriction OK, and guidance to carefully weigh risk/benefit considerations not OK?
Yes, I believe that shit. There are parts of our population who don’t need the vaccine. I believe it used to be called “following the science” or something like that.
In yet more good news for Oregon Democrats, First Vegetable Joe Biden will visit the state on Friday.
And dude, what’s with that monstrous fucking bump growing off the back of your neck? Not even your hoodie can hide it.
Editorial: John Fetterman hurting himself by not releasing records
Dolphins are down to their third-string QB after Bridgewater was ordered out by a spotter, who called “no-go”.
We need a spotter for Fetterman and for First Vegetable Joe Biden.
Dolphins are down to their third-string QB after Bridgewater was ordered out by a spotter, who called “no-go”.
We need a spotter for Fetterman and for First Vegetable Joe Biden.
@88 Once the seriously addled by the “serious maga boots” of con-klown deathsatanist lord kreepshit can’t comprehend that the comment @43 didn’t apply to younger people..
even shitheaded daily-wire style repukes..
one more time for the densest troll in ha history:
Many people who would benefit most
i.e, just old drumpf butt-licking, jan 6 “patriot”-loving, fake elector worshiping repukes that lord kreepshit resembles more and more each minute..
dang, between the fear and anxiety of the 80k+ Manchinema IRS agents, the toxic cocktail of propecia, bourbon, xiaflex, ed medication coupled w/ the “serious maga boots” of con-klown deathsatanist, lord kreepshit amplifies the laughs around here – off the f’ing charts..
an extended vaccine-related malaise and weakness,
Youngest just got the bivalent booster. Wife got it too..
No problems here.. Gotta getuit myself..
heh.. nice try.. lord kreepshit..
Think of all the votes repukes could get these days if only they were more “serious” but..
based on previous babbling in thread.. not an issue for you.. ho hum…
At last night’s Klan Rally for Trump Alabama GOP Sen. Tuberville told the crowd that “the Democrats” are “pro-crime” because they want all “the Blacks” to come and take all your stuff.
Change my mind.
Send me in, coach!
I’m ready. And I’m armed!
But I might get the center pregnant. I don’t really understand how this stuff works.
Oh and the higher death rate of repukes, the higher rate of repukes going to “that certain day”, all the SS checks that will never be printed, much less cashed..
according to lord kreepshit’s silly, insane, deranged babbling can only be..
for my kids…
And we learn in this thread lord kreepshit wishes only GOOD things for my kids.. Thanks lord kreepshit…
Let’s go Darwin!
This election cycle? You mean from like after George Washington.
Darwinism. It only gets “better”
Social Security killing Republicans say Hershel Walker is allowed to make private choices, but women in Georgia have no choice but are forced to give birth.
The lesson of lord kreepshit’s ilk’s kneepads for con-klown deathsatanist:
The research comes after researchers at the Brown University School of Public Health in May estimated that 318,000 — or about a third — of the COVID deaths in the United States were preventable.
Florida had the second-most vaccine-preventable deaths, 29,200, and the 13th-highest rate, 1,694 per million residents, that analysis said. Ohio had the fourth-most, 15,875, and the ninth-highest rate, 1,742 per million people, it said.
The paper published Monday by the Yale researchers didn’t contrast excess mortality in Ohio to that in Florida, but such a contrast would have been interesting. Both states have Republican governors but particularly early in the pandemic, they took starkly different approaches.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said he would listen to public health experts and he was quick to close schools and impose other health orders. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, by contrast, signed laws prohibiting school mask mandates and blocking private employers from requiring employees to get vaccinated.
So today “serious” kneepadders for con-klown deathsatanist are hopelessly addled by its “serious maga boots”..
@ 100
Send me in, coach!
I’m ready. And I’m armed!
And you haven’t seen the opening scene in The Last Boy Scout.
Erin Covey
“House Majority PAC is planning to cancel the scheduled ad reservations for [Michelle Vallejo] at the end of the month, according to a source familiar with the group’s plans.” #tx15
Quote Tweet
Josh Kraushaar
NEW at @axios Sunday Sneak: “Parties starving weak candidates in final midterm crunch”
1:43 PM · Oct 9, 2022
Well, surely. It’s harder to cheat when everyone knows to watch for it now.
Yeah, another four weeks should do it.
Imagine the challenge to brain-damaged Fetterman to defend his awful crime policy record without shouting out New Jerseeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
We’re still all in with Kanye. Finally we have a popular rapper negro who we can relate to and he sells so many records that we never buy. We live that Boy.
Where’s the lie?
Goldy’s gonna be fuckin’ insufferable this week. Y’all been warned.
@ 110
Not all of us are all-in on this psychotic POS. I also hear that Jenner chick doesn’t like him very much.
Democrats, all.
Racist remarks in leaked audio of L.A. council members spark outrage, disgust
I remember when G-clown had no problem calling Puddy a big ape. He probably still doesn’t.
This wasn’t a Fox News story. It’s from the LA Times.
G-clown doesn’t give a shit, of course, but there’s an angle that might change his mind: Bonin and his husband are raising the black child.
Suddenly G-clown wants Bonin to be the 2024 DNC vice presidential nominee.
Hey, libbies, don’t fret. It’ll be easier to condemn Martinez once you realize that way too many Hispanics voted for the GOP in the midterms and plan to do it in 2024, too.
Correction: An earlier version of this story miscaptioned a statement by Council President Nury Martinez due to the quality of the audio. It has been corrected from “callate ch****to” to “parece ch****to.” We apologize for the error.
The correction makes her overt racism even worse. From “shut up, little monkey” to “like a little monkey”. The kid is black.
Did I mention she’s a Democrat, and the other three people in the conversation are all Democrats, too?
“Paging Tulsi Gabbard. Paging Tulsi Gabbard. Your party is waiting for you.”
Biden’s Marijuana Pardons Don’t Cover Hundreds Kamala Harris Had Convicted
I wonder how many Kamala tried to keep in jail after their sentences ended.
@66 He probably feels she “disrespected” him. Girls aren’t supposed to win against guys. That’s why you hate Kamala, isn’t it?
@68 Why should anyone debate a lunatic? Would you?
@70 “Not every Democrat in Philadelphia is an asshole.”
Just the ones that don’t endorse Republicans.
@72 “Kari Lake was booted from Arizona town hall audience before Hobbs took the stage” for intentionally and premeditatedly breaking the rules.
Kinda like the Capitol rioters did, only they’re being prosecuted for it, whereas she was only escorted out of the area of the building she wasn’t supposed to be in.
This assholery has to stop somewhere, and the D.C. courts and Arizona townhalls are as good a place as any to stop it.
@79 “The one who died thought a 3.2 was enough to get him into med school.”
Why not? A 2.7 was good enough for you.
This season on the Handmaid’s Tale, Gillead is punishing Mrs Waterford worse than what’s left of the US Government could, although for a different kind of Treason. After the Gillead Information Center in Toronto was closed(Code Violations), she was taken to a safe house run by a mysterious pro-Gillead family, only her movements are tightly controlled. Being treated, because she’s pregnant (ironically, if one even reads the book, or the spoiler pages about the book and show), like tge Handmaids, who she helped torture. Irony. Plus, unlike June/OfFred, the books done with her, she’s not really needed for the sequel series.
@90 “Degen really believes in that shit.”
What do you mean? Degen posted it.
@99 Tuberville did say that, but you have to make allowances for the concussions he suffered from being frequently tackled during his brief high school and college playing careers.
He isn’t entirely stupid, though. As someone pointed out, he made millions of dollars from the free labor of black athletes.
The irony of a white guy coming to take all their stuff probably is lost on him.
@105 Degen has interesting taste in movies.
@111 Compare and contrast with an HA poster who’s fuckin’ insufferable all the time. But we don’t want you to leave, Bob. You’re the only troll we have left, and this blog would be insufferably boring without you.
@ 126
…this blog would be insufferably boring without you.
This blog would be virtually abandoned without me. Who the fuck would come here to interact primarily with you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
@127 Well, I could get attention by choosing to be a dumbfuck pro-Insurrection Party troll like somebody we know, but I figure being boring reflects better on my character than being a traitor.
More trouble for Brett Favre; Mississippi welfare money was diverted to buying stock in a drug company in which he is the largest outside shareholder. A participant in the scheme has already been convicted and is cooperating with authorities. Now Favre’s emails with the crooked ex-governor who diverted $2 million of welfare money that was used to buy stock have been subpoenaed.
Looks like Putin is launching a revenge barrage against Kyiv and other cities for damaging his precious bridge to Crimea.
@120 Moscow Mitch and down have show that Social Security destroying Republicans follow the rules when it helps them, and break those rules when it helps them.
Vote for Democrats, they are better.
@ 128
… I figure being boring reflects better on my character than being a traitor.
Your lies about being a millionaire at the expense of Republican investors and your repeatedly use of racial slurs tells the world all we need to know about your character, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Imagine spending decades in full-throated support of illegal immigration, only to watch helplessly as legal immigrants, who became citizens through the proper path, begin to vote in their self-interest, which expands the Republican party and flips control of Congress from the Democrats. For generations.
Don’t worry libbies, FLOTUS is making headway by comparing Hispanics to catered breakfast burritos, so it’s all good.
@133 “Imagine spending decades in full-throated support of illegal immigration, only to watch helplessly as” the Republican politicians they voted for deport their workforces.
Republicans voted against Bernanke’s plan to save the American economy after Republican deregulation of mortgage lending crashed the housing market and threatened to take the banks down with it.
Bernanke won the Nobel Prize, they didn’t. The Swedes aren’t stupid.
How could Trump possibly not know a Trump-flag-waving mob was attacking the Capitol? But McCarthy said he didn’t.
“McCarthy himself said he considered asking Trump to resign in the immediate aftermath of the attack, according to previously released audio of a private conversation between the House minority leader and other Republican lawmakers.”
Which, naturally, a congressional leader would consider if Congress was under siege and POTUS didn’t know wtf was going on.
Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck trolls Biden’s cognitive function. Between two presidents, it’s obvious which one has more situational awareness. Unless, of course, McCarthy was lying …
House Republican defends racist Senate Republican: “I’m not going to say he’s being racist.” Of course he won’t.
Did anyone believe for an instant that Republicans wouldn’t play the “black crime” card in this election?
@78 “Partisanship is a bigger source of division than race, the survey found, with 78 percent of Democrats and 76 percent of Republicans agreeing they have little or nothing in common with the other party.”
As a lawyer, I have little in common with a doctor who’d rather be a traitor than boring.
However, I can’t honestly say I have nothing in common with him, if both of us are millionaires. I say “both” because I’m not sure he is.
You needn’t be a lawyer to distrust the Rightwing Court. Among Americans in general, “faith in the high court plummeted over roughly the same period that former President Trump’s three nominees transformed the court into a 6-3 conservative majority, according to the new polling from the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.
“In June, the conservative-dominated court voted to overrule Roe v. Wade, scuttling the constitutional right to abortion that had been the law of the land for nearly 50 years in a decision that was significantly out of step with public opinion.
“The court’s Republican-appointed justices also moved the court aggressively to the right on a range of other issues last term, issuing decisions along ideological lines to expand the Second Amendment and religious rights, while shrinking the U.S. government’s power to curb climate change.”
It didn’t help, of course, that the author of the decision taking back a constitutional right cited medieval texts as his reason for doing so. Inevitably this would lead many people to believe this is a medieval court trying to drag us back to the Middle Ages.
Put everyone who hires an illegal in prison for breaking the law.
You social security killing Republicans are not serious about stopping illegal workers.