Amber Ruffin: America’s history of stealing vulnerable children of color
Zerlina: When will laws catch up to #MeToo?
The Weekly MAGA Chronicles:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Senate Republicans block abortion rights bill, Трамп vs wind & newly-leaked Lindsey Graham audio
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ That’s Tucker, with an ‘F’ ♬
- Ali Velshi: New e-mails show early stage of Трамп’s big lie scheme
- Zerlina: What GOP subpoenas mean For Jan 6 investigation
- Tommy Campbell: Mike Lindell fails to rejoin Twitter, Boebert’s book roasted and The Dotard fears fruit
- Chris Hayes: The Right’s abhorrentresponse to the formula shortage—Starve undocumented infants!
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Dotard Трамп, a man of God ♬
- Desi Lydic: Coup Mobile—America’s most reliable insurrectionist network:
- Seth Meyers: Trump thought China had a “hurricane gun,” and Senate GOP block bill to codify Roe v. Wade
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп reacts to the Washington Post winning the Pulitzer Prize
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Dotard Трамп, Nothin’ Special ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s latest crazy rant
- Rachel Maddow: GOP fields candidates of questionable character as attacks on abortion rights intensify
- Seth Meyers: Rudy dodges Jan. 6 investigation and Трамп calls Pence a “fucking loser”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Just how “monumentally historic” the McCarthy subpoena really is
- Jimmy Kimmel: GOP lawmakers subpoenaed over Jan 6th insurrection
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Why Lauren Boebert Loves Free Speech ♬
- Jonathan Mann: ♫ Fascism in America ♬
- Stee Hofstetter: Proof of Madison Cawthorn lies:
- Michael Kosta: This is every former Трамп official promoting their book
- Robert Reich: Why Republicans are NOT the party of freedom
- Zerlina: More GOP Jan. 6th hypocrisy revealed in new audio from Lindsey Graham
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s Twitter can, his subpoenaed phones disappear & his pretend MAGA Republican Dr. Oz
- Seth Meyers: Трамп wanted to bomb Mexico
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп Backs Трамп Clone In Nebraska ♬
LegalEagle: The Constitution doesn’t say that!
Forced Pregnancy and Other Supremely Fucked-up Issues:
- SNL Weekend Update: Justice Amy Coney Barrett on overturning Roe v. Wade
- Vice News: Will overturning Roe set back our democracy?
- Lawrence O’Donnell: America is living under the obliviousness of the Supreme Court
- Now This: How restricting abortion rights will change the U.S.
- Mark Fiore: Alitos DIY precedentkit
- The Daily Show: Did the FAUX News civility police forget 40 years of anti-abortion protests?
- Zerlina: Surveillance in a post-Roe world
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ Once You’re Born You’re On Your Own ♬:
- Full Frontal Rewind: Health care—for her!
- Now This: Restrictions on abortion rights are the new “Jane Crow”
- Amber Ruffin: ♫ The Supreme Court—Letting uteruses down everywhere ♬
- Joy Reid: Alito’s reason for overturning Roe–the decline in “domestic supply of infants” for adoption
- SNL: Roe v. Wade
- John Oliver: Abortion ruling
- Vice News: How your phone knows if you’re getting an abortion
- Now This: The economic impacts of abortion bans
- SNL Weekend Update: Roe v. Wade leaked draft opinion
- Amber Ruffin: No uterus? No opinion on abortions
- Zerlina: Doctor combats abortion misinfo on TikTok
Mother Jones: The secret economy that runs EVERYTHING
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
A Hurricane Gun? Thought Hurricanes form as Tropical Depressions in the Atlantic?
I guess the Putin Price Spike didn’t stick.
’cause now First Vegetable Joe Biden is blaming the oil companies for inflation.
Of course, the Dallas Fed disagrees.
Don’t Look to Oil Companies to Lower High Retail Gasoline Prices
YLB loved her some Putin Price Spike. Sorry, girlfriend.
“A federal judge in Alabama issued a preliminary injunction Friday blocking most provisions of a controversial new state law criminalizing gender-affirming health care for minors. The court ruled that the ban on measures such as hormone therapy and puberty blockers appears to be discriminatory and violates the constitutional rights of both parents and children.”
The judge in the case, Liles C. Burke, was appointed by Trump in 2017, opposed by Democrats, reappointed in 2018, opposed by most Democrats again, and confirmed by 55-40.
You get what you pay for. Don’t like intrusive government? Appoint conservative judges.
Heading into next week’s election in Australia, polls favor Labor, but probably Winn see the Liberal/National Coalition survive with preference votes from One Nation and United Australia. That’s what happened 3 years ago.
Australia uses Ranked Choice Voting, but unlike RCV advocates here, require every candidate on the ballot to be ranked, it allows for horse trading by the parties. Also allows a rump of a party to block their own party from winning in the case of the Democratic Labor Party vs Labor in the 50s and 60s(Red Scare, and in the case of the 60s, Vietnam).
China’s security and cooperation pact with the Solomom Islands looked to shake up the campaign. With Papua New Guinea, one suggestion for closer ties between Australia and PNG is for the government in Canberra to back PNG’s bid for a National Rugby League expansion team. 80 years ago, Australian Forces were in a pitched battle on PNG with Japanese Forces, trying to prevent a Japanese capture of Port Moresby.(After the US Navy pushed back the Japanese attempt to do a runaround at Coral Sea, and before the landings at Guadalcanal)
@2 YLB hasn’t said anything at all about gas prices in the last 7 days, which is as much time and effort I’m willing to spend checking, since you’re too fucking lazy to provide a link (or don’t have one).
In fact, YLB doesn’t really post very much. He’s one of the least prolific posters, certainly far less than you. Over the last week, he posted something about Mother’s Day and that you’re a dumbfuck. That was about it.
Gas stations don’t make money selling gas. Maybe 10 cents a gallon. They make their money by selling repair services or convenience store items (read: booze and cigarettes). Everybody knows that.
Gas prices are going up because people are driving (and flying) again. And because for several years the world enjoyed cheap oil at the expense of future production, due to a deliberate strategy of the Saudis (not Russians) to destroy the U.S. shale industry. Biden is responsible for this to the extent of his efforts to put the pandemic, which reduced demand, behind us.
By the way, I ran across this in your linked article: “many shale producers are running low on top-quality drilling locations.”
Oops. That doesn’t sound good for future U.S. energy independence. Or cheap gas.
In response to the looming infant formula shortage, Ultra TWAT YLB has graciously offered to breast-feed any infant whose parents are unable to acquire commercially produced formula.
Asked for comment, YLB replied, “I’ve been sucking at the government teat my entire adult life. And my two boys never stopped nursing, so my teabags are good to go.”
@6 Sucking Republican dicks isn’t feeding anybody under the age of 8, so the GOP is making zero contribution to solving the problem.
Thank you Roger for setting the DumbFuck straight @5. And God Bless you.
In fact, YLB doesn’t really post very much.
Oh but when I do, I collect free rent in a kreepshit’s head.
Hey kreepshit, give my love to Mary Kay.
Deathfrogg doesn’t post much either and its kinda funee how often kreepshit babbles about df.
In response to the looming infant formula shortage
Haven’t followed the issue real closely but three producers and a recall? Ain’t monopoly capitalism great? kreepshit of course wants to blame Biden but Matt Stoller claims that it all started with Bonzo and yes, Bill Clinton did just about nothing to fix what Bonzo broke.
some Putin Price Spike
Opec fucking around by cutting 5 million barrels a day doesn’t do shit either. yawwwn… Who you gonna choose, the swarthy types or the toast of the white nationalists?
“Even under the most optimistic view, U.S. production increases would likely add only a few hundred thousand barrels per day above current forecasts. This amounts to a proverbial drop in the bucket in the 100-million-barrel-per-day global oil market, especially relative to a looming reduction in Russian oil exports due to war-related sanctions that could easily reach 3 million barrels per day.”
Oh but Putin’s behavior has zilch to do with that.. It’s all Joe’s fault.
Do Republicans have dicks?
Do people who vote for Republicans have brains?
My president is also responsible for not stopping the virus, contrary to his promise to do so.
@ 10
“Even under the most optimistic view, U.S. production increases would likely add only a few hundred thousand barrels per day above current forecasts. This amounts to a proverbial drop in the bucket in the 100-million-barrel-per-day global oil market…
If one accepts this without question, it follows that the 30 million barrels to be released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in May and June – that’s “a few hundred thousand barrels per day” – are also a proverbial drop in the bucket in the 100-million-barrel-per-day global oil market.
Not the response YLB intended when she posted, but I do thank her for playing. She’s been a few cards short of a full deck her entire adult life – I think it’s the progesterone.
This week First Vegetable Joe Biden took progress to an all-time high.
My president is an imbecile.
Beatings will continue until
morale improvesvoters elect Republicans.Everything exploded and the blood began to spill.
WISCONSIN Published May 14, 2022 7:35am EDT
Milwaukee shooting near Bucks-Celtics game leaves 17 wounded, 10 in custody
At this point it’s unknown whether either of the Porter clan pulled the trigger.
@3 “Don’t like intrusive government? Appoint conservative judges.”
Roe v Wade and its impending reversal. Conservative judges want to allow conservative values to control the bodies of women. Seems rather intrusive.
Do Republicans have dicks?
The men, no. Of course not. But their women? Yes, they have dicks. Odd, that.
I learned that when a Republican woman undressed in front of me.
“Holy cow! You’ve got a dick! Are you trans or something?”
“No. All Republican women have dicks.”
“See ya! I’m outa here.
I see the low IQ traitor is back. I thought he had left HA for good after I humiliated him to very core of his being with what did to him on the Wednesday thread.
Then again, I’ve always said that the fucking low IQ traitor hasn’t a lick of fucking sense.
There he is again @2, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, showing us just how fucking stupid a low IQ traitor can be.
but I do thank
Heh.. And it wakes up and goes to bed with yours truly in its head..
Again give my love to Mary Kay and my gratitude for her liberalism. Thanks for the free rent kreepshit!
“As a writer and intellectual, she abandoned liberal politics, challenged the women’s movement and championed the Reagan Republican agenda.”
94 years old.. dang.. SS check..
It follows from kreepshit’s babbling.. GOOD
for my kids..
have a feeling kreepshit won’t be too mournful.. the progesterone ya know. kreepshit hates it.
Those voters believed Republicans when Republicans told them over and over again that vaccines were unsafe and that COVID was a JOO CONSPIRACY.
Now they’re dead.
And somehow “The Blacks”, Disney and “Gay kids” are to blame.
Texassians are once again paying a price for their electrical IN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE.
Texass isn’t a state, it’s a banana republic.
@ 18
Roe v Wade and its impending reversal.
RBG was on record that the Roe decision was problematic. There was a reason for that. You’re seeing that reason play out. This is what she meant.
This is not new information, Newt. Except to low-information voters like yourself, I mean.
At least you have enough sense to ignore me now, you fucking low IQ traitor.
This is what she meant.
You’re seeing that reason play out.
RGB wanted women to become chattel? I had no idea.
Good grief! The low IQ stupidity will never end.
RBG was on record that the Roe decision was problematic.
Which means that klownservatics want forced birth, banning of same-sex marriage, banning of lgbtq+ in the military and a return to sodomy laws..
cuz’ freedumb… or unintrusive gubmint’…
Not exactly.
The quote is as follows: “Doctrinal limbs too swiftly shaped, may prove unstable.”
It’s reasonable to conclude that in 1992 when she made that statement in a public address, she was concerned that Roe, by extending Griswold’s unenumerated substantive due process right to privacy to include reproductive health decisions reached between a pregnant person and their doctor, it would produce a public backlash. It does not follow that she believed that Roe was in error, or that the unenumerated substantive due process right thus extended was incorrect. That would be false.
Clutching at straws beats clutching at bricks, I guess.
Ginsburg very clearly supported extending Griswold to reproductive choice. Right now Republicans are working to extend the reversal in Dobbs to Griswold. They plan to outlaw contraception as soon as they can. You might even say “swiftly”.
Change the Senate. Change the rules. Change the Court.
I’ve never said Roe isn’t problematic. The thing is, it has been, according to AJ Daterape “settled law.”
Now the religious zealotry is trying to dictate what women can and cannot do with their bodies.
You and your ilk like to see women objectified, nothing but chattel to you.
The Republicans like you won’t care, if as a result of Roe being overturned, Republican women “won’t put out” because you are all too happy with little boys and barnyard animals.
25)Wonder if Mexico has surplus power that could have been used if connected? BC Hydro supplies SCL all the time. It was that or SCL finishes Ross Dam pushing Ross Lake further into Canada.
The low IQ traitor reminds me of the Bozo the Clown Bop Bag. Punch it he pops right back up to take another punch. Of course, the difference being that the Bozo Bop Bag has a higher IQ than the low IQ traitor.
@14 The 30 million barrels to be released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in May and June are a proverbial drop in the bucket in the 100-million-barrel-per-day global oil market.
We don’t need to qualify this statement. It’s true. The SPR release is feel-good political optics in an election year to make it look like Biden is doing something about an irritant he can’t do anything about.
The free market is bringing demand into balance with supply. I thought you were for that, so why are you complaining? Why are Republicans complaining?
@15 “My president is an imbecile.”
Better than an insurrectionist. And he has you beat in the brains department, so what should we call you? Don’t complain about being called a dumbfuck when you are one.
@16 That’s the Russian, Chinese, Iranian, North Korean, Syrian, and Taliban system, too.
@26 “RBG was on record that the Roe decision was problematic.”
What Republicans are doing in state legislatures is a hell of a lot more problematic.
Being the “carefully” considered opinion of a voter who not once, not twice, but three times has cast a vote for Homer Hurricane-Gun.
And he’s preparing to do it two more times in two years.
When a habitual Trump voter keeps using that word, “imbecile”.
I do not think it means what he thinks it means.
A heavily-armed young, male, white supremacist decked out in helmet and tactical gear, who posted an online “manifesto” and livestreamed what the FBI is calling a hate crime, killed at least 10 people at a supermarket in a black neighborhood of Buffalo, NY, this morning.
Another “protest” by a conservative frustrated at not “being heard” …
The 18-year-old shooter was captured alive. If he lives to be 78 years old, that’s 60 years in an 8-foot by 10-foot concrete box. They should make him sit in there with nothing to do, no TV or reading material, just time on his hands. Lots and lots of time.
A heavily-armed young, male, WHITE SUPREMACIST
We will defend our brother’s ass.
On r/conservative some of the comments already up are about how the shooter was obviously set up by the FBI to do this to help the liberals in the midterms.
We all know that pointing out racism is the real racism. /s
I’m not surprised at a white supremacist shooting. This is the greedy racist incel s america, What’s truly disturbing is how the police treated him. No ruffling up, no brutality, no killing, even though it’d be absolutely justified. Imagine if this was a black shooter, a Latino shooter, a Muslim shooter? They would not get this treatment.
If he was a person of colour, police would more than likely have gunned him down at the scene, but being white…he gets to be taken into custody so he can explain he was “traumatized” by “something” and he just “randomly” picked a store in a black neighborhood.
I’d keep the death penalty on the books for cases like this. I wouldn’t use it very often, but I’d use it for this. This idiot doesn’t deserve more birthdays. He deserves the chop.
What about a good guy with a gun?
He wore body armor.
The suspect apparently had the N-word written or etched on one of the weapons, law enforcement sources said.
Eleven of the shooting victims are Black, two are white.
One crazy brown guy unsuccesfully tried uses his shoes as a bomb, and two decade later, we are still taking off our shoes.
But a white supremist successfully shoots and kill 10 people, most, if not all are black, because of racism and fox news, we are helpless to enact change that could lessen mass murder.
The shooter’s “manifesto” is an anti-immigration rant. And a “white replacement theory” rant. The fucking loser probably couldn’t get a minimum-wage job.
@43 “If he was a person of colour, police would more than likely have gunned him down at the scene”
He was shot at by a retired cop working as a security guard, but the bullets bounced off his body armor. He killed the cop.
I guess security guards will now have to be armed with armor-piercing shells. Every Republican has them, so why not security guards, too?
What’s this guys sexual orientation? One only knows. Neanderthal hetero. I mean if your going to ask his political leanings then why not ask about sexual orientation.
Jesse Smolet does something and his sexual orientation was brought up.
@47 Incel, I’d guess.
@41 I guest the “He’s gay” moniker doesn’t work anymore.
I think of many years ago, maybe 5-6, I was driving down South and I split up my trip in half and I ended up staying in Wilmingon, NC. I was having dinner (burger) in a Restuarant/Bar, at the bar. Some yahoo (35-40 yo)comes over nearby and sits and starts talking politics with another single guy that was already there, strangers to each other. Discussion leads to guns and gun violence and mass shootings. And so the yahoo tries to explain that all the mass shootings involving high school kids is because they are gay and troubled.
“A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by several hundred Hanford nuclear reservation and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory workers in Richland, Washington, over COVID-19 vaccine requirements.
” … U.S. Judge Thomas Rice found that lawyers for the Hanford and national lab workers had not provided clear arguments nor specific information about most workers to make their case.
“With the original complaint already changed once, Rice had no confidence in another amended complaint after their ‘continued failures to address the shortcomings in their various pleadings,’ he said in his order dismissing the case.
“The case has been argued by Nathan Arnold of Seattle and Pete Serrano, a Pasco city council member and director and attorney for the Silent Majority Foundation in Pasco, which organized the lawsuit. …
“Attorneys argued that the vaccine mandates violated the U.S. Constitution. But Rice found that ‘a closer examination of the claims reveals only broad recitations of various constitutional principles muddled with repetitive allegations that the executive orders were promulgated in excess of President Biden’s authority.’”
Shitty lawyers & shitty case = case dismissed
@49 Just two guys trying to make sense of something they don’t understand within the intellectual confines of the small world they grew up in. I remember meeting a guy in college from a tiny farm town where the high school had 49 boys and 1 girl so they were all fucking the sheep. I’m guessing the girl was still a virgin.
I wonder if they’re the same guys?
Florida Republicans passed a law against teaching kids about gender. They want to teach them bigotry instead.
Ignoring the content of the leak, SCOTUS Thomas speaks,
“When you lose that trust, especially in the institution that I’m in, it changes the institution fundamentally. You begin to look over your shoulder,” Thomas said. “It’s kind of like infidelity that you can explain it, but you can’t undo it.”
Ooh, a Raw Story link. Somebody we know might faint. But then again, maybe not. He could be celebrating the shooters actions by toasting him with champaign out in the barn, prepping for his horse to ride him all night, to ride him hard, really hard.
It might be awhile before we see him again.
Then again, someone we know might be having a sad.
NEWSWatch: Far Right Cable Network OAN Admits ‘No Widespread Voter Fraud’ After Defamation Settlement
I wonder someone we know was experiencing inner conflict this week, wanting to cheer for a black man, but being that the man was black, he also wanted him shot dead.
I was being so distracted by my new cat friend that I forgot to add the link intended for @55.
Chanel Rion OAN
Psaki having just told the room she’s grateful for the press’s pushback takes questions from select few:
#SimonOteba of Today News Africa says aloud what 80% of the briefing room has felt the entirety of Psaki’s reign.
Psaki has taken 0 questions from
Heh 80%. Too funny. Almost as funny as “0 questions from @OANN”
The dickless low IQ dumbfuck was so excited by black people being shot dead, he almost felt a tingle where his non-existent dick would be.
Bob is conveniently missing tonight. I’m sure the moment he’s back he say how horrible of what happened in Buffalo. He’s probably saying thoughts and prayers now
I wonder if Puffy would recognize that the shooter is probably a heterosexual. Twat eater.
@58 I can report to you that Republicans do not eat twat.
‘Having sex with women is gay’: White nationalist praises involuntary celibacy
With that, you may call me speechless.
Want to see what fucked up in the head looks like? Here’s the shooter.
From Raw Story “Prior to the shooting, the white 18-year-old reportedly posted a 106-page manifesto citing the “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory as motivation.”
Jesus Fucking Christ, you goddamned fucking low IQ traitor, it was you and the rest of you fucks who inspired the senseless murder of ten people today.
@53 I give Thomas the short shrift he deserves here. The best thing he can do to improve the court’s legitimacy and credibility is resign.
@59 I suppose that’s true if he’s really a woman.
I wonder when Florida, Alabama, and Texas are going to set up genital checkpoints at their borders?
@60 Oldest of four children in upper-middle-class family. Living in affluent lily-white suburb. Both parents are transportation engineers. Reportedly has mental health issues.
So does everyone else in ADX — Kaczynski, Reed, all of them.
State murder charges, of course. But also federal hate crime charges. Then send him to ADX for the rest of his days, where he’ll die of old age without ever seeing the sky again, and kept totally incommunicado with the world so he can’t spew his hate.
Yes, ADX is the place for him. Mental health counselors are available, experienced in dealing with stir-crazy inmates.
I guess a question is, how does an 18-year-old become a virulent white supremacist and admirer of mass shooters, and acquire camouflage clothing, a helmet, flak vest, and assault rifle, without his family knowing about it? and if they did know, given his mental history, why didn’t they do anything? Maybe this is why they didn’t (second photo down):
The whole family is nuts:
“The family appears to be a tight-knit suburban family that played LaserTag together, when to Autumn festivals, the beach and dined together in restaurants. Neighbors said they were odd. ‘To be honest, the mother was kind of snooty,’ a local parent who asked not to be named said. ‘Like she was better than everyone else. The father was strange. Like when you meet someone and they just seem off.’”
@59 that really is priceless.
See all you have to do is to really focus on not having any sex or sexual thoughts or ever rub yourself the wrong way while showering and you WONT be gay…….or alternatively have sex with a goat, there are some very narrow exceptions. As part of this narrow exception, I don’t think horses count.
But in all honesty, I think Nick is onto something…. I think he finally realizes that he is gay (I sure hope not, I may have to go back to fucking woman if that be the case).
Or he could be gay. It might be what I’ve always thought…that we are all gay. God made all of us gay. Twat eaters are just suppressing their tru feelings. Society shamed you into believing that twats are what you desire.
Another bottom line…something I tell my cousin Mary…..and that is that MEN ARE PIGS! ALL MEN, Gay or Staight…Pigs!
But one thing still holds true – so called Straights are definitely more violent people. It’s probably because they’re confused from all the sauce.
@64. Well with that said…..the boy probably wasn’t getting any sex, so with that said it’s pretty safe to say he was straight.
I bet if you interviewed him and asked him if he was gay he’d say no. And I’m sure he’d then lay into the reasons why, by telling you all the reasons why HES NOT GAY and not by telling you all th reasons WHY HE IS GAY. HE’S NOT GOING TO TELL YOU THAT HE LIKES THE CURVES OF THE FEMALE GOAT BODY OR THAT HE LIKES THE VAGINA AND BOOBS THAT HANG IN CUP FASION. HE IS GOING TO TELL YOU THAT HES NOT A FAG.
Just like I tell people why I like roller coasters and not Ferris wheels. Ferris wheels suck!
@64 that is one strange FAMILY!
Smooth move:
More please. A notoriously paranoid, and hyper-sensitive member of The Court “dishing” before a conference of strident Super “conservatives” and trashing talking the Chief Justice is bound to improve “trust” among the members and help open up lines of communication. /s
Roberts should fall on his sword and resign rather than endure this humiliation before the world at the hands of a midget.
@ 58
Bob is conveniently missing tonight.
This kind of thing happens from time to time, G-clown, to people who are in relationships that last longer than your average anonymous buttfuck in the greasy alley behind the bar. People do stuff with their life partners, and sometimes it means leaving the computer behind for an evening.
If you ever attended a sports or theater event with another human being you might better understand how this might occur.
Roger, a very common theme in the aftermath of these eruptions of mass violence by white male assailants is a very distinct under-investigation of the suspect by the police agency involved.
Noteworthy in contrast is how much irrelevant detail we learned from police public information officers about the lives of George Floyd, Atatiana Jefferson, Botham Jean, Dennis Tuttle, Rhogena Nicholas or Breonna Taylor in the hours after these unarmed, innocent people were executed by police for sport. We knew if they had ever jumped the line at the ATM or crossed the street against a signal. We learned of every single speeding ticket ever issued to their family members.
In this case, however, since the assailant is a white male, not only will police withhold details of their investigation (as they always should), they will also inexplicably fail to investigate. “We have the guy” is the story. “Where did he come from?” and “How did this happen?” will be deliberately set aside and ignored, and left for local media to get wrong.
@ 70
…police withhold details of their investigation (as they always should)…
This is QoS McHillbilly arguing for the withholding of body cam and dash cam recordings. This way, protests and wholesale “burn this bitch down” torchings of neighborhoods or even whole cities can certainly occur because we’d hate to see video of the deceased racking and pointing a firearm at the head of a LEO before he goes down in a hail of gunfire, the last three projectiles of which might not have been absolutely necessary.
Matt Gratz and that Nazi Nick should just have sex together.
You’re a homo.
You come here to leave your opinioms of bullshit on all the bullshit, but you have nothing to say what happen in Buffalo? Hmmm, so interesting. Just pretend the shooter was Jesse Smollet, maybe then you’ll have something to say.
You don’t even wonder why the shooter wasn’t shot?
Your not vicious your a pussy.
Which one?
George Floyd, Atatiana Jefferson, Botham Jean, Dennis Tuttle, Rhogena Nicholas or Breonna Taylor?
Show your work.
This kind of thing happens from time to time, G-clown, to people who are in relationships that last longer than your
Just how long has that horse been fucking you?
And to think it was really only days ago that Trump/GOP approved candidates for the House and Senate were encouraging their voters to give “white supremacy” a second look.
Nearly 100 of these candidates have at one time or another offered their approval to “replacement theory” or other variations on the theme. While Charlie Kirk is still out there selling a watered down version of Nick Fuentes.
Still, at this point, the only one of them the GOP “leadership” has been willing to turn on has been Madison Cawthorn. And that’s only because he spilled about the cocaine orgies.
When Republicans tell you exactly who they are, believe them.
I think Bob is waiting for some type of information, any bit of information, that the Buffalo shooter had some type of tinge of liberalism or some type of connection to HRC. Until then…..
@ 73
The shooter was shot by the security guard, G-clown.
The shooter was wearing, um, a prophylactic, which saved his life. I know this is a completely foreign concept to you, Fudgepack.
Republicans have an innovative new fund raising appeal.
(Somber piano background music plays) Hello. My name is Kevin Sorbo. Did you know that somewhere, right now, a brown baby is being fed?
But for just one dollar a day, that’s less than the price of a cup of coffee, you can be the difference. Your contribution of just one dollar a day to the Republican Party can make the difference between that brown child being fed, and that child being starved. Just one dollar. Think about it.
And if you call or click right now, we will send you the name, and a photograph of the brown baby your small contribution will starve. Like little Maria here. With your simple, small contribution of just one dollar the Republican Party can take control of Congress and make sure that little Maria starves. You can make that change. Your simple, small act can make world of difference in the lives of greedy brown babies like little Maria.
Won’t you please help today?
@ 77
I think Bob is waiting for some type of information,…
I’ll even let you in on a little secret, G-clown:
• Democrats won’t win by blaming inflation on somebody/something other than First Vegetable Joe Biden.
• Democrats won’t win with abortion. The kerfluffle is already dying down as the wiser liberals are resigned to the decision and begin to work the problem rather than panty-twist.
• Democrats might win by turning this into a George Floyd-level event.
Play this correctly, and you’ve got a real shot. Your challenge is in not overplaying it before additional information is at hand, wherein QoS McHillbilly and his ilk become your biggest problem.
Yeah. There are a lot fewer concealed weapons among shoppers and a more sluggish police response at a Tops in Fruit Belt, compared to a Tops in Conklin. Shooter traveled to a Black neighborhood where he knew he could do a lot of killing without being stopped.
@ 77
I think Bob is waiting for some type of information, any bit of information, that the Buffalo shooter had some type of tinge of liberalism…
Now, if I was waiting for some type of information, it might be something like this:
G-clown, there’s really no reason to react quickly. QoS McHillbilly wrote @ 70 that (local) media get it wrong. He might be correct.
Ferris wheels suck!
So true. But the wheel in Seattle’ sucks more than any fairground Ferris wheel and that is not just because it is so fucking derivative, it is located smack dab in the middle of Seattle’s waterfront. It is not unique in any way, shape or form. How derivative is it. you might ask? There’s over 150 of them around the world. It’s like a cockroach infestation covering the entire planet.
Same with too with Seattle architecture. There are so many examples of that, the worst being the blob of shit museum near the Seattle Center designed by architect Frank Gehry. Believe me, it’s not the only POS blob he’s designed, all looking alike.
It’s the same with so-called art. There are six more hammering man statues just like the one in Seattle in the US alone, and yet more in Europe and Asia. It’s like the only thing Van Gogh could paint was Starry Night over and over and over again. If he had done that, would he have become known as one of the world’s greatest artists who had ever lived? In my not-so-humble opinion, hell no.
Now, if I was waiting for some type of information
We certainly don’t have wait for any more information about you. We all know that you’re a low IQ POS traitor.
That POS in Buffalo? He is your creation, asswipe, and the same for every POS racist in America who is just like you.
Just another reason to stretch your fucking neck.
@78 not a foreign concept. I said, which you conveniently want to ignore, shot by LEO, not a security guard. Did LEO even waste one bullet?
You are the fucking clown, a pussy clown at that. And your a homo, a saucy homo
Inflation. What’s the republican solution besides blaming Democrats? I thought so.
Abortion – 26 states of women will not agree that’s is a “kerfluffle”. Please, mansplain more that Forced Birth is not a big deal for women.
White supremists murdering black people. – Should be a big deal, won’t be. Not enough white people care.
Play correctly? Not trying to play anything. I could care less, a bit, what happens in the election. Damage is already done, and this Country is fucked, so why stop it.
It would be nice for you to speak out against white supremacy, you bigot. And horse fucker.
But sounds like you are afraid.
Like I said, you are waiting on your knees before Putin, that there is some little evidence to spin it with a ribbon around the rose.
Maybe you’ll find out like the guy use to where pink when he was young and he liked to knit
Shorter 82:
Trust the mass murdering white supremacist to accurately describe himself in his manifesto.
For example, I know of this guy who constantly describes himself as a “stable genius”.
I guess the only white supremacist that Bob will not envy is a more liberal one, if they exist. His are fine, good people on both sides.
Now, if I was waiting for some type of information, it might be something like this:
The shooter’s manifesto. Good fucking grief. With all the evidence to the contrary of course you, a POS fascist fucking racist traitor, holds that up as proof positive that he is a liberal.
You are a stupid fucktard, and so fucking predictable that you are a total fucking dickwad bore and your sole purpose in life has been self-reduced to serve as our punching bag.
So glad that your a sick fuck who for some batshit insane reason gets off on being punched repeatedly by us every fucking day.
Bob’s approach to denouncing racism or a mass shooting, is wait and see who the racist is or who the murder is.
Look in a mirror hackass, you’ll see you and the horse attached to your ass.
A punch bag is to kind, he’s a pussy troll with no purpose in life
Love this, the Social Democrats took a beating in Germany’s North Rhine-Westphalia state election, but could still unseat the CDU as the leader. The CDU only got 35%, but the Free Democrats, the CDU natural coalition partner only got 5%, not enough to form a stable coalition. It could see a CDU-Green coalition, or a repeat of the Federal SDP-Green-FDP coalition. In a way, the Chancellor winning by losing.
Reality bites.
That one’s gonna leave a mark.
95 whats the Republican plan to fight inflation?
It’s good that Degen is deluded. It’s very good.
He’s nothing if not a weather vane for the “conventional thinking” of his assortment of carefully curated “conservative” illogic. He’s our window into Teh Stoopid.
And in all probability, Democrats will need their help to hold the House. But one big way Republicans are helping, and will help, is pretending that stripping the right to control their own bodies from 82 million voters, while pushing for even more extreme rollbacks of civil rights is “No biggie”.
Here is the thing about Republican elected officials in the summer of 2022: They know this decision is bad for them politically. They know it is not popular. But they also know that with this decision they are going to have to act. After five decades of beating this drum they can’t walk away now. They have to pass new laws. And they know those new laws will be unpopular with most voters. So they also know they have to lie like crazy about all of it.
• In Data for Progress polling taken after the leak, only about a third of all likely voters believe abortion should be illegal in most cases, which is the moderate version of the Republican view.
• 63 percent of all likely voters believe abortion should be legal in most cases, which has been the consensus position of Democrats for decades.
• 37% of independents and 10% of Republicans say the decision in Dobbs will make them more likely to vote for a Democrat in November. Among all likely voters, following Dobbs, “more likely to vote for a Democrat” now leads by eleven points.
• 71% of all likely voters believe the statement Women and their doctors should have control over their medical decisions. The government should not interfere in personal matters like this. Families and individuals should have control over their reproductive decisions. Including 87% of Democrats, 78% of independents, and almost half of Republicans.
• In similar Navigator polling 81% or registered voters believe that abortion decisions should be left between a woman and her doctor. While only 9% believe it should be decided by politicians and the government.
But Republicans are not just blind to all this. They really have no choice but to pretend it isn’t so. Having worked, waited, and campaigned for five decades on the principle that “abortion is murder” they are now compelled to act in ways that will hurt their chances in the fall.
All of the leading Republican candidates for governor of Pennsylvania say they will enact a total ban outlawing all abortions in all circumstances, including putting doctors in jail. The leading Republican candidate running for the Senate in Arizona has said that contraception should be restricted to married couples only. Leading Republican candidates running for Attorney General in a dozen states have said they would outlaw in vitro fertilization. Mitch McConnell has now said that if he wins back the Senate he will move forward with a nationwide abortion ban. And leading members of his caucus say that they will propose similar bans for same sex marriage and contraception.
The only way they can avoid all that insanity hurting their chances in November is to lie like crazy about all of it, and demand that media repeat their lies. So they have to start lying about it now.
Looks like Bob wants to avoid the subject of Buffalo. It’s that bad.
One reason might be that, like Degen, the Buffalo MAGA-Slaughter guy also blames trans-kids and “CRT” for “INFLATION” and “Low-T”.
Incels of a feather…
Interesting explainer about the parties in this weeks Australian Federal Election.
Even though polls say differently again, I still believe the center-right Liberal/National Coalition will still pull it out. It will depend on how those voting for the smaller parties redirect their votes. The Teal Independents are interesting. They got the Liberals scared, they are well financed, and even been suggested to be Labor plants, especially since the Labor candidates in those seats are barely bothering to campaign.
The Liberals could be saved by One Nation again. A few years ago, it’s leader had to be schooled by a RAN Admiral over how submarines work. Feel bad for the Admiral, all that effort, and the government chose to scrap the deal and go nuclear and buy American. Still, I believe our SSNs are ditching traditional screw propellers for pump-jet propulsors. Traditional screws and their blades are a threat to the submarine, because of noise.
A lot of good, decent people died.
The 2024 Republican nominee thinks it must be about him.
When Republicans tell you exactly who they are, believe them.
Who are Republicans?
How did the Buffalo MAGA-Slaughter guy “get radicalized”?
He didn’t. Within the Republican Party Replacement Theory is not radical. It’s mainstream.
Within the mainstream of Republican politics conspiracy fears and paranoia are entirely routine, and commonly held beliefs. Take your pick from any topic. Clinton conspiracies, Deep State conspiracies, ANTIFA conspiracies, JOO conspiracies, election fraud conspiracies, Chinese Hurricane Gun conspiracies, vaccine conspiracies, FBI conspiracies, Q Anon conspiracies, NFL kneeling conspiracies, the list is endless. And all of it finds its way onto FOX “just asking questions”, into their living rooms, and is incorporated into their thinking and their daily lives.
Right here, barely over a year ago we watched the degenerate, lying, incel troll hysterically peddle laughably absurd conspiracy nonsense about expired vaccines. Imagine what they share among themselves. You don’t have to imagine. Because they all habitually re-tweet, share, and publish their stupidity every single day. Homebrew remedies for deadly viruses made of deworming paste and aquarium cleaners. Dead Venezuelan dictators secretly altering vote counts with JOO MOON LASERS.
It’s nothing new. The paranoia in “conservative” politics has been there for decades. It’s just gone mainstream now. The deadly attacks will become more frequent, and more extreme until we do something to stop them from getting started.
@69 “This kind of thing happens from time to time, G-clown, to people who are in relationships that last longer than your average anonymous buttfuck in the greasy alley behind the bar.”
Debt collectors on your porch again?
@70 I think the police should investigate whether the parents put a gun in the hands of a mentally disturbed child known to have made mass shooting threats.
@82 So white replacement theory is now a “leftist” ideology?
That one’s gonna leave a mark.
So would be a rope around your stretched neck. So would a bullet through your fucking head.
John Fetterman, the frontrunning Democrat in Pennsylvania’s Senate race, suffered a stroke on Friday and is in a hospital, but says he’s “doing well” and staying in the race. The primary is on Tuesday.
If he wins the primary, and Barnette is the GOP nominee, voters should pick him even if he’s brain dead in November.
My God, Elijah, what an epic roll you’re on. Amazing.
If you were to through in some cuss words, you would be my God. As it, you are a demi-God. Meanwhile, I’m glad to be the one cussing like a sailor in these threads
All of you, well done! All of you are my demi-Gods. You too EvergreenRailfan, for keeping us grounded and on ‘track’.
“Investigators are reviewing a 180-page purported manifesto posted online in connection with the shooting. The author of the document, who claims to be Payton Gendron, confesses to the attack and describes himself as a fascist, a White supremacist and an anti-Semite.”
The shooter just shot doc down.* Lucky for doc, only figuratively. (But you wouldn’t find doc shopping for groceries in a black neighborhood anyway, would you.)
* Unless fascists are “left-wing” now.
“The manifesto’s author … writes about his perceptions of the dwindling size of the White population and claims White people are being replaced by non-Whites in a ‘White genocide.’ This ‘replacement theory,’ once a fringe idea, has recently become a talking point for Fox News’ host Tucker Carlson as well as other prominent conservatives.”
Actually, it’s been the GOP party platform for some time now.
Reports are coming in of a mass shooting at a Presbyterian Church in Laguna Beach, California at 1:26 pm today. At least 6 people shot, 1 dead, 4 critically injured, reported so far. Shooter in custody.
* Unless fascists are “left-wing” now.
You might recall that ‘Liberal Fascism’ was title of a right wing book published in 2007. A point made in it was that since Hitler was veggie, liberals are fascists too. We were also being told by trolls here that we love Jihadists.
We were also being told by trolls that we love Jihadists. That’s why some years back I described myself as being a Jihad loving commie-fascist.
Similarly, since the German political party of Hitler’s was called the National Socialist Party, it means that socialists are Nazis. I saw that recently on a right-wing idiot’s Facebook page, recalling how we beat Germany’s socialists in WWII. I replied that during WWII, socialist America (as they described FDR and his social programs), sided with Imperialist Great Britain to fight Imperialist Japan, and we also sided with communist Russia and Imperialist Great Britain to fight Nazi Germany.
It’s a way that Republicans try to say that today their shit doesn’t have the stench of fascism, when indeed it does.
@111 Autocracy comes in many different shades, and frankly, I think Republicans like all of them. About the only form of government they don’t like is democracy.
Reports are coming in of a mass shooting at a Presbyterian Church in Laguna Beach, California at 1:26 pm today. At least 6 people shot, 1 dead, 4 critically injured, reported so far. Shooter in custody.
Dumbfuck has found God and is presently on his knees desperately praying for it to be a black shooter this time.
About the only form of government they don’t like is democracy.
A breakthrough?
Fox host acknowledges ‘white replacement theory’ could have led to Buffalo shooting
Nah, he’ll be fired.
115)By tomorrow morning?
I agree.
But that isn’t what happens.
Literally tingling with sensitivity toward white family members and “their rights”, police tread as if walking on rice paper when it comes to inquiring of these families, their friends, neighbors and co-workers. And that’s if they inquire at all. Every question is open ended and vague and every response is “Who could have known?”
Meanwhile as Philando Castile’s life partner sobbed and cradled his head as he bled to death, St. Anthony police held her at gunpoint and demanded to know if she’d had anything to drink that day.
Police aren’t interested in knowing who or what contributes to “white” violence because police don’t believe there is any such thing as “white” violence. Try telling Emmett Till or the Parkland parents.
John Wayne on civil rights:
(Have your barf bag ready)
@113 There’s more. A Texas flea market. TWO mass shootings today.
I hate to use your words, and the distinction or outcome of it is unlike the death of an African American man or woman, but I truly think that the word “heterosexual “ can replace “white” and still hold true.
I’m mean are there any gangs of any race or nationality that are just or predominantly made up of gay people? Are they knitting? Clubbing?
Remember pols, at the federal level more so, are heroes. Heck you can’t even be gay and player in a pro sport. The results and issues in society are being governed by hetero failure.
Above should say heteros and not hero’s.
And the analogy was in reference to society and not the police.
Look at the whole Johnny Depp thing, is it just normal activity? Or do you have to be a hetero to get that kind of sympathy and story coverage.
Could you imagine if they were two gay celebrities.
What the fuck is going on in hetero land?
The current formula shortage is traced in part to a contamination-induced shutdown at a key manufacturing plant.
Ain’t monopoly kapitalism great? We have catastrophic shortages and contaminated products..
cuz’ greed…
And here I thought they had already taken over the Republican party in all states. My bad.
Idaho Republicans scrambling to avoid party takeover by militia members: report
WTF is the low IQ traitor up to now??
New study links support for Brett Kavanaugh to the endorsement of hegemonic masculinity
Not so much as a scratch on him.
I’ll bet they even brought him a Fresca down at the station.
Poor kid. Let’s just all hope that he gets the help he needs. Right?
Hey, here’s an idea.
Instead of shutting down the internet, and limiting access to public expression to only “approved” expressions mostly from “approved” sources of media or the wealthy, why not try what we’ve always done before when faced with such threats?
Why don’t we start to police white, male, heterosexual (for you G-man), gun-hugger spaces and communities with the same aggression and the same zeal that we police Blacks, Latinos, and Muslims? Why doesn’t NY stop-and-frisk white males “who fit the profile”? Maybe some surveillance of gun clubs, incel chat rooms, and Proud Boy meet ups are the answer. For as long as I’ve been alive, whenever “the community” has been panicked by fears of random, unprovoked violence we’ve always gone directly out and begun to crack the fuck down on “the likely suspects”.
Central Park Jogger, anyone?
124)Oklahoma Republicans are threatening tribal sovereignty over abortion. Guess they think they won’t lose at the Supreme Court like the last time they lost to the tribes at the Supreme Court.
@124 McGeachin has been on my radar for a while.
The Raw Story piece pulls it together into a coherent narrative: The armed militias are trying to take over Idaho’s Republican Party, and by extension, its state government.
The question is, if they get it, what will they do with it?
@128 I don’t really see this going anywhere, unless the Supreme Court walks back tribal sovereignty as part of their assault on all Americans’ liberties (if free speech and civil rights go, why wouldn’t tribal sovereignty go, too?).*
There’s nothing new about state-tribe conflict. For 150 years, the federal government has protected the tribes from the states. Since the Indian Wars ended, state governments have been the tribes’ principal adversaries.
And no state is more revanchist than Oklahoma. The tribes should be (and are) wary, but nothing has really changed. As for whether reservations will become abortion havens, I doubt it; see my analysis here:
* Interestingly, whatever his other shortcomings, Gorsuch is sympathetic to the tribes, so there probably isn’t a 5-vote majority on the court for fucking with them.
After reading this story about Supreme Court leaks, a thought occurred to me: Do justices take work home? Could the leaker be a family member?
MSNBC pointed out there have been 3 leaks in 9 days, 2 to Politico and 1 to Washington Post, and the latter contained information about what was discussed in a meeting attended by the 9 justices and no one else.
The Washington Post described its source as a person close to the conservative justices.
These stories also suggested the conservative justices are retaliating against Roberts for upholding Obamacare.
Republicans in Congress aren’t talking about the leaks anymore; they’ve shifted gears to insisting Alito’s opinion won’t endanger other non-enumerated rights. Maybe they aren’t as stupid as they look. Or maybe someone leaked word to them to shut up about the leaker.
130)In the decades since U,S. Vs Washington, we’ve gone from being hostile over fishing rights, to partners with the tribes on some issues. Plus, thanks to past not honoring of treaties, non members occupying reservation land, like the Puyallup and Squamish reservations. In the case of the Puyallup reservation, people drive through part of it every day on I-5, or if you are in the Port of Tacoma.Although I hear tge tribal smoke shops aren’t as cheap as they used to be, with the tribe sharing the tax revenue with the state. Although at the same time, the gas station/convenience store at EQC’s Fife location is pretty big.
“One of the growing powers in the region is the John Birch Society, which dominated the far right in the 1960s and 1970s by opposing the civil rights movement and equal rights for women while embracing conspiratorial notions about communist infiltration of the federal government,” he explained. “The group was purged from the conservative movement decades ago but has found a renewed foothold in places like the Idaho panhandle.”
I grew up with the John Birch Society being broadcast on the radio daily in my home town. They sure had a twisted toxic view of the world.
Since the conservative court justices lied about supporting abortion why would we believe them when they say they’re not coming after other enumerated rights like gay marriage, contraception or anything else that keeps Republicans in power.
Republicans read polls.
It has belatedly dawned on them that if they are successful in driving out the Chief Justice, President Harris will name his successor.
Yes they do. And yes, Ginni Thomas is a likely suspect.
Where is the outrage from the right about teenage boys being groomed to be racist mass murderers?
@138 How can there be outrage when that is their intent?
I think you let them with a stink. Then let America see who these assholes are really about.
And when they start taking away all the rights, you tell your brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, mothers and fathers, and cousins to go fuck themselves, especially when they ask for your help.
You let the people know how wrong and rotten these fucks are.
Too many employers, at the moment, at least here in NYC, are making it a point of inclusion is what is right (Except for Pro Sports because they don’t have to)…..well the Justices of Fuckwads are going against the grain…..let them!
Buffalo: AR-15
Boulder: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Aurora, CO: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
Waffle House: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Midland/Odessa: AR-15
Poway synagogue: AR-15
Sutherland Springs: AR-15
Tree of Life Synagogue: AR-15
I see a pattern.
@134 In my youth, I enjoyed the exquisite pleasure of personally meeting Robert Welch, the founder of the John Birch Society, at the ribbon-cutting and dedication event for a new JBS bookstore and reading room a local industrialist was opening in my community. My picket sign said, “Robert Welch go home”. He was not amused. I was.
@135 And why would we believe the sincerity of their posturing about the leaks?