Zerlina: Arrested for abortion?
Samantha Bee: The sleep wellness industry is trying to sell you the weirdest shit
Robert Reich: How to stop profiteering and get money in your pocket
Honest Ads: If chocolate commercials were honest
Zerlina: The state of Black America
The Late Show: Elon Musk’s mission—Make earth really bad
The Party of Fraud, Fear and Fascism:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Dotard Трамп Junior, the error apparent ♬
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Trump still can’t bring himself to say Putin is evil
- MeidasTouch: Trump lies at NC rally FACT-CHECKED in real time
- Ari Melber: Trump aide backs down, testifies about elector fraud and insurrection
- Jimmy Kimmel: Marjorie Taylor Greene & Matt Gaetz are NOT HAPPY with Jimmy & Трамп FINALLY admits defeat
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Matt Gaetz had a girlfriend in high school ♬
- Chris Hayes: Gov. Abbott’s anti-trans order is child abuse
- Trevor: Greg Abbott buses migrants to D.C.
- Lauren Mayer: ♫ It’s hard to be a bigot and an artist ♬:
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп says woke Jackie Robinson destroyed Good Friday
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ What I’d Like to Tell Ted Cruz ♬
- Now This: Is Marjorie Taylor Greene constitutionally disqualified to run for re-election?
- The Late Show: ♫ A Rap Song About Matt Gaetz, For Some Reason ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: MyPillow Mike banned from his own commercials and Tucker Carlson not vaxxed
- Mark Fiore: Republicans still all in with Трамп
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Cocaine, Orgies and Flying the Flag ♬
- Al Franken: How close is 2022 to Orwell’s 1984?
- Mehdi Hasan: The violent conspiracy theory that’s driving the GOP
- Tommy Campbell: Mike Lindell gets pranked and Marjorie calls Capitol police on Jimmy Kimmel
- Bruce W. Nelson: The Party of Fraud, Fear and Fascism:
- Rachel Maddow: Massive Saudi payout to Kushner raises new questions about Трамп admin policies
- MeidasTouch: Top Republicans endorse Putin
- Chris Hayes: How Jared Kushner and the Трамп admin traded U.S. foreign policy for $2 billion
- Bruce W. Nelson: Decoding Трамп
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп still won’t call Putin evil
- Jordan Klepper: CPAC and the Hungarian right
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Lawrence explains strongest sign yet the Feds are investigating Трамп
- WaPo: What is the Jan. 6 committee’s endgame?
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ 15 boxes of stolen documents ♬
- Ayman Mohyeldin: Author uncovers fraud in Трамп admin’s COVID aid deals
- Liberal Redneck: Herschel Walker and Georgia Politics
The Late Show: Krispy Kreme takes advantage of global crises
Rachel Maddow: New law puts immediate end to abortion access in Kentucky
WaPo: What Breonna Taylor’s killing reveals about no-knock warrants
Amber Ruffin: Anti-trans bills are disgusting; we deserve better
Andre Antunes: ♫ KAREN METAL! [New Extended Version] ♬
Lawrence O’Donnell: Valerie Biden Owens on a life of running Joe Biden’s campaigns
Stephen: Major Biden embroiled in White House scandal
Supreme Happenings:
- The Daily Show: Republicans walk out as Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmed to Supreme Court
- SNL: Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmation
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Clarence Thomas is a politician
- Joy Reid: Women will be punished for abortions if Roe v. Wade is overturned by SCOTUS
- LiberalViewer: Republicans bring up bogus grievances about the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings
- SNL Weekend Update: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmed & Obama’s return to the White House
John Oliver: Data brokers
Vice News: Conspiracy theorists are creating their own nation
Zerlina: What is the RNC afraid of?
Samantha Bee: The manipulative midterm email scam already hit your inbox
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
When I was listening to the interview with Biden’s Sister, reminded me of something from when my Eagles won the FCS Title. We beat Delaware, coming from behind. Then VP Biden got a few minutes in the booth with the ESPN crew, and he joked his sister graduated with honors and he barely graduated. My Eagles were only down by about 19.
Those crippled wheel chair bound douche bags are a bunch of real winners, I tell you.
To think that these fuckups want to get closer to the nuclear codes
Which one deserved it less?
Putin Sings “Blueberry Hill”, the low IQ traitor Doctor Dumbfuck swoons.
Consumer spending rose. Only whinny little bitches like to cry like a little bitch
God Bless Steve. Happy Easter.
Good to see sheep Dumbfuck Bob Is on board and towing culture war stories
God bless you Gman. May your AGI soar and your A!C remain low.
@4. Putin such a handsome gentleman.
If I did the things Elon Musk did I’d be in prison.
If you did some things Nick Hanauer has done you’d be in prison, Goldy.
God Bless Steve. Happy Easter.
Get ready for the Abbott Inflation. You’re going to pay more for fruits and vegetables because he doesn’t like Biden’s immigration policy:
“The ‘financial pain’ was a necessary consequence to ‘get the public to insist that their government leaders’ take action to curb illegal immigration, Abbott said.
“Losses to fruit and vegetable producers are estimated to be more than $240 million, said Lance Jungmeyer, president of the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas.
“Consumers will also pay a price as producers look to recoup some of their losses and supplies run low. Americans can expect to spend more on strawberries, avocados and asparagus as soon as this weekend, with the impacts being felt the heaviest in the Midwest and Northeast, Jungmeyer said.
“‘This is not just a localized issue,'” said Jerry Pacheco, president and chief executive officer of the Border Industrial Association in New Mexico. ‘It’s going to hit you in St. Louis or up in Seattle. We’re connected to a global supply chain.'”
@8 My gym did wonders for my A1C. No, not the alleged dumbbell up my ass, my gym downstairs.
@10 Buying Amazon stock when cheap was a crime? Then I’m sure we can find a stock trade to throw you in jail for, too. You must’ve made money on at least one sometime during your life.
@ 12
Get ready for the Abbott Inflation.
It’s over, actually. Abbott won. He extracted concessions from the governors of each Mexican state.
It’s something Momala could have done, had she the diplomatic skills and the confidence to do so. But she was selected for her genetics, not her skillset. Clearly not for her skillset.
Leave it to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to come a day late and a dollar short yet again.
On my first ferry ride in months, nice welcome change, the Galley is open again.
15 “selected for her genetic” It’s so weird that he doesn’t mention that last 200+ of selecting for white genetics. Oh that’s right. anything that excludes a white or a man is Affirmative Action to him.
Texas forced to reverse Mexican truck inspection plan as drivers block bridges
Greg Abbott hit brakes on policy after a week of backlash and fears of deepening economic losses as food supplies held in protest
The measure was part of Abbott’s response to the Biden administration’s decision to end Title 42, an emergency health order meant to halt the spread of the coronavirus.
>> Don’t republicans scream that the COVID 19 pandemic is over and a hoax? They should be trumpeting that it’s being lifted.
The agency did not mention any drugs or migrants turning up in their inspections,
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s truck inspection policy created a logjam at the border that resulted in $240 million of spoiled produce
The delays caused by the state’s inspections are the latest blow to farmers and produce businesses in the Rio Grande Valley recovering from the pandemic and losses from last year’s winter storm.
>> Wonder if farmer will remember that republicans caused this. Some will.
Greg Abbott Screwed Over Truck Drivers in a Misguided Attempt to Increase Border Security
She said the memorandums of understanding between the Texas and Mexican governors are historic and unprecedented, and only time will tell if they will be enforceable.
“State entities in Mexico are under-resourced at times.” Teague said. “There’s a lot of different factors that go into whether they’re going to be able to meet the standards that Gov. Abbott has mandated.”
Who’s paying for the enhanced border security?
Critics predicted California would lose Silicon Valley to Texas. They were dead wrong
But is life really better in Texas than in California? If data disinfects, here’s a bucket of bleach: Compared with families in California, those in Texas earn 13% less and pay 3.8 percentage points more in taxes. Texans are 17% more likely to be murdered than Californians. Texans are also 34% more likely to be raped and 25% more likely to kill themselves than Californians. Californians on average live two years, four months and 24 days longer than Texans.
In 2021, California created 261,000 more jobs than Texas. California attracted $145 billion more venture capital than Texas. Californians attracted $3,911 per person; Texans, only $364. Far from dying last year, California’s tech industry raised more money than any year on record.
Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/op-ed/article258940938.html#storylink=cpy
California republicans moving to Texas “We’re getting the hell out of this place and moving to the most Californian city in Texas…”
Texas, where republicans fuck with your food supply thinking it will help republican politics. Texas, where 11 year old girls who get abortions will be tried for murder. Texas where republicans have created a power grid fails when it freezes so they go vacation in Mexico.
Vote for Dems, they are better people. They have better politics.
If it was such a great tactic maybe the Cripple should have kept it going. Putin would have. Putin strong. Putin no crack. Cripple weak. Cripple choke.
Bob, that pile of shit smells like roses to you. You’re a fake, fraud, phony, and a Troll, a Dumbfuck Troll.
Russia is mad about losing their ship. Who cares? When you invade another country and murder their civilians shit happens to your ships, tanks, planes, and troops. Did these idiots think Ukrainians were just going to let them kill their men and boys, rape their women, shoot their children, and burn their villages?
@15 “Abbott won. He extracted concessions from the governors of each Mexican state.”
He also ruined several hundred million dollars of fruits and vegetables. Who’s going to pay for that? He won’t, and Texas won’t. You will, at the grocery store. But it’s okay, because you vote for this, so you deserve it. As for me, I’ll just keep raiding gardens and getting my veggies for free. Being a feral rabbit has its advantages.
@18 “The delays caused by the state’s inspections are the latest blow to farmers and produce businesses in the Rio Grande Valley recovering from the pandemic and losses from last year’s winter storm.”
Actually, it’s Mexican farmers who are hurt (U.S. produce doesn’t have to cross the border), and neither Abbott nor any other Republican gives a shit about them.
I think they should boycott the U.S. market and let these dicks grow their own vegetables. They’ve taken cheap Mexican farm labor for granted far too long.
@19 Right off the bat, any tech company that relocates to Texas is going to have zero LGBQT employees, and few if any talented women. This doesn’t bother Elon Musk, but I think most Californians are content to have Texas take him off their hands. Peter Thiel probably is fine with it, too.
Let’s hope it’s a trend. I’m here to forecast it first before the news outlets catch up. They’re just reporting the uptick. But NYC appears to be leveling out. It seems to lead the nation on the virus. Last couple of days it’s been lowering then went up for a day but now it’s down lowest in the last 7 days.
Another day, another mall, another mass shooting.
I won’t say Republicans cause gun violence (except when shooting at FBI agents and police, kidnapping governors, and overthrowing our government), but they’re not interested in stopping it, and won’t let anyone else stop it. They’re intractably, adamantly, and viciously opposed to any limits on military assault weapons, bump stocks, silencers, drum magazines, auto sears (aka “switches”), or ghost guns. They insist anyone can have guns, and carry them anywhere, including into kindergartens and daycares. In my book, that’s pretty damn close to pulling the trigger themselves whenever some homicidal nutjob who should never have gotten a gun shoots up a school, church, or mall.
@27. Republicans: We are literally helpless do to anything to lessen gun violence. There is absolutely NOTHING we can think of. All we got is thoughts and prayers and remove rainbows from elementary schools.
@28 maybe pass a law that all manufactured guns have to be rainbow colored. Or that everyone needs to be gay.
@ 28, 29
How surprising that Mayor Pete never caught on in 2020.
@30. Not really. To many bigots terrified of sharing privilege. Look how many would rather destroy the USA rather than have a black
or a women in power or gays getting married. I figure we have a generation of backlash another pendulum swing into Jim Crow and homophobia as the old guard dies out, before we dig out into a better more tolerant future.
Florida textbook rejection rates hits 41%. Even math books are getting banned for “indoctrinating” students.
Interesting scheduling tonight, three Seattle Sports teams had home games at the same time. The Kraken, Sounders, and Mariners. At least the Seawolves started earlier, but our Major League Rugby team plays in Tukwilla. Big challenge for LINK tonight, was handling it well when I was coming home from the ferry terminal.
The highest number of Florida’s school books rejected were for grade levels K-5, in which 71% of submitted materials were deemed inappropriate under Florida standards.
>> Probably had a rainbow.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if Florida Republican leaders are preparing to ban Algebra from high schools. They object to the subliminal use of [brackets] as an indoctrination to the concept of inclusion, they don’t like the equal sign, and they hate solving problems,”
>> Publishers will now scrub this from all the books they publish nationwide to maximize profits.
China’s ‘purification’ of classrooms: A new law erases history, silences teachers and rewrites books
“Both activists and bureaucrats know that a nation’s soul is distilled in the classroom; history can be erased with the silencing of teachers and rewriting of textbooks.”
“Educators say they work under a cloud of fear, subject to arbitrary complaints from surreptitious minders policing classrooms. One lawmaker suggested installing surveillance cameras in every school to monitor teachers to see if their speech constitutes subversion of the state.”
Republicans. “Hold my beer”
Florida House Bill would allow for cameras in classrooms
No word, yet, on the benefit to rainbow flag-waving fucking morons.
The important thing is that this financial burden of an expanded federal debt used to hand money to med school graduates will be borne by YLB’s kids. Just what they need, really, along with erosion of earnings power, while they get ready to start paying my Social Security. Fuck ’em, the pathetic little shits.
It’s not inflation itself that’s bad, you see. It’s the Fed’s delayed response to it that’s bad.
Rattner was one of Barack’s auto bailout dudes. He’s writing to bury Biden, not to praise him.
And to tell y’all libbies about President DeSantis.
@30 and not surprising that your a Dumbfuck Neanderthal Bigot.
Breeding will not save you. Breeding is your demise.
@30 and @31
Like I said before losing the nomination to Biden that it probably wasn’t a good thing for hime to win or becoming President….we all know what happen when The Black guy won….it did wonders for racism.
And if you want to disucss how Mayor Pete never caught on with the Black Community, well Trump and Repukes are doing wonders for them too. Bigotry can also be the downfall for African Americans and Spanish people. Maybe one day they will learn.
@37. Are Republicans praying for recession at the election the same way that Republicans think Democrats are hoping that abortion becomes illegal by the election?
Fully 57% of Republican voters, and a much, much higher percentage of Republican candidates for public office, describe the events that took place during the Jan. 6 terror attack on Congress, which included violently assaulting over 140 police officers with things like spears, spiked clubs, and modified tasers, and the planting of a dozen pipe bombs, as “patriotic”.
These are Republicans in their own words.
This is their world view and their vision for an American future.
If Democratic candidates are not using every single opportunity to remind voters of that, then they deserve to lose.
That is not something to be afraid of, or squeamish about. Democracy itself is at stake. There’s no need to be paranoid and alarmist. But pretending that Republicans are a politically stable opposition capable of honestly brokering differences within the framework of a democratic legislative process is self-destructive insanity.
Voters who plead incessantly for an end to partisanship and “bickering” (mostly because they are constantly prodded to do so by the media) must be reminded of this basic fact about who Republicans are. They want to burn it all down. They see that as a form of “patriotism”. And they say so every chance they get.
And to tell y’all libbies about President DeSa[ta]ntis[t].
dishonest harvard yale fat boy desatanist is gonna have to wait its turn..
‘cuz orange blob is running… (roger stone will be its very close adviser..)
and by 2028, the backlash against batshit gqp, authoritarian, extremist forced-birth repukes will make the blue wall stronger than ever…
@ 26
But NYC appears to be leveling out. It seems to lead the nation on the virus. Last couple of days it’s been lowering then went up for a day but now it’s down lowest in the last 7 days.
If gay men were as willing to wear a condom as heteros are to wear a mask, we wouldn’t have had to deal with HIV for more than a couple of years at the most. But here we are, entering our fifth decade of asking the likes of G-clown not to take it in the ass bareback from five strangers every Saturday night.
@ 38
Breeding will not save you. Breeding is your demise.
Fudgepacking is your demise, G-clown.
@ 27
Another day, another mall, another mass shooting.
I won’t say Republicans cause gun violence …
Uh huh. Republicans named Jewayne.
btw shitferbrains @ 42…
supporting forced birth is promoting black genocide..
black women have known this from the start like black parents tell their kids about dealing with kops and we all should have thrown that in your shitferbrains faces long ago…
assholes.. BENEATH slime..
your demise, G-clown.
LOL!! your fantasies about g-man are as silly and worthless as those against roger..
Just the other day he showed us a picture of himself fit as a fiddle and active on a bike.. HA’s own gman..
But if those fantasies make you FEEL better o klown of widbee well they’d be entertaining for us if they weren’t so BOOOORIIIIING…
as for “demise”, your own is eventual and will be GOOD for my kids.. according to your batshit babbling..
Another “Republican” – this time the dude in the beret making him a wannabe Black Panther – engaging in some firearm showmanship at a #BLM protest
To his credit, he didn’t actually aim his weapon at the trapped motorist.. He merely displayed it and cocked it, five feet from the driver. I guess he must have seen that Austin video from awhile back.
@ 45
To prove her point, YLB posts a link to BuzzFeed News. The same entity that published the Steele dossier as if it was some version of truth.
Silly twats gonna silly twat.
engaging in some firearm showmanship at a #BLM protest
Uhhhh. shithead.. cars and protests don’t mix well…
as for guuuuunnnnnsss…
This shit’s just fine for you, andy asswipe ngo and red state..
@48.. asswipe doesn’t have a response to black women more likely to die as a result of forced birth…
even a world class athlete like Serena….
Here’s the bbc..
white enough for ya?
limp baldies gonna limp… heh. and what did shithead say the other day about “the messenger”?
black women were responsible for electing Biden.. even babbling butthole said that before seemingly bowing out for good here at HA…
black women knew their lives and the lives of their daughters, sisters, etc.. were at stake..
white repukes wanna see them DIE..
@ 50
…black women more likely to die as a result of forced birth
The article wasn’t about that. You do realize that Serena Williams was not forced to give birth, don’t you, girlfriend?
As far as the statistics, YLB, you are correct. Obesity and hypertension are risk factors, and both of these medical disorders are very common in black women.
HA’s resident Gender Studies maven YLB thinks planned birth and forced birth are the same thing.
Is it just me, or is the intelligence gap between YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron narrowing as the two of them, cock lovers each, race each other to the bottom?
@52 It’s so desperate.. so desperate…. so desperate..
Serena had to advocate LOUDLY for herself because even an elite income black woman like her isn’t taken seriously..
just like most black women who die in childbirth..
cuz’ racism asshole.
your dishonest yale harvard fatboy crush desatanist is causing more black women to DIE in the oh so colorblind state of Florida..
And you babble PP’s agenda is black genocide cuz’ you tag along w/ teh kool kids @ RED STATE… boring.. ignorant.. asshole..
@53.. So desperate to hand wave away its ignorant part in putting black women’s lives and health at dire risk… at condemning black women to death..
some fucking doctor..
Even YLB’s heroes are women. I guess after all these years she’s given up trying to get Goldy to put on a skirt.
@56 herr dicktor’s ZEROES are murderers of black women…
authoritarian greedheads, bigots, racists.. its response is babblin’ misogyny..
Hold on to every cent of your miserable munee o dimfuk.. it’ll keep ya warm for the long dirt nap..
VT: The coming recession is going to play into the hands of DeSantis.
YLB: DeSantis will force women like Serena Williams to give birth and then they’ll have complications!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VT: Serena Williams’ pregnancy and her childbirth were voluntary, desired events, YLB. What does this have to do with a recession?
YLB: Don’t twist this! You know what I meant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VT: I posted about a 2024 recession. How did we get to forced birth and black women?
YLB: Your heroes murder black women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One day you’re going to die and your money won’t do you any good then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YLB’s like a cross between the character Amy Gardner in The West Wing and Pee Wee Herman. She’s all about womens’ issues, but possesses only a pre-adolescent understanding of them.
YLB possesses a shrill and frantic character. which makes her difficult to take seriously.
Also difficult to take seriously: Everything YLB has to share.
Herr dicktor knows yours truly is spot on with the consequences of its fatboy crush Desatanist’s actions.
It doesn’t take them seriously like racists don’t take the health of black women or the racist consequences of the repuke agenda seriously.
It is racist scum.. it has bought in to terrible racist memes, and it’s desperate to shrug this away by babbling misogyny and other kreepee krap.. what a fucking waste it is..
It’s really funny that repukes know the consequences of at least some of their actions..
take away more vote dropoff boxes.. close offices where you can get voter id.. close polling places.. make people wait in long lines… eliminate voting on sundays before election day..
all of these help repukes win elections..
yet sign a forced birth bill that will force more black women, women who are at least three times more likely to die in childbirth, to the certain consequence of MORE black women dying in childbirth..
look how desperate they are to change the subject and invoke the misogynist taunt of “shrillness”…
Is it just me
It’s just you, a put out to pasture, asswipe repuke from widbee babblin’ krap from the beneath the slime at the bottom of HA’s troll barrel…
waitin’ to do a stupid dance over its first SS check in 2024, like it did for Mary Kay many years before…
It’s just you spinnin’ your fantasies.. nothin’ much better to do it looks like.. amirite?
Greedy racist incel, will raped 11 and 12 year old girls who do not wish to be forced to give birth and instead seek abortions, get the death penalty or life in prison for attempted murder in Texas, and Florida and Tennessee and Oklahoma?
repukes are power-mad assholes..
in the Rove days we heard it babble so much about poor doctors.. they need tort reform so..
doctors don’t have to suffer consequences.. and trial lawyers have to find something else to do.. and by extension give less munee to Democrats..
the forced birth shit is so much more evil.. repukes know full and well what black women, “souls to the polls”, etc do for Dems.. and WHY they do that…
so repukes do something to black women.. they force them to birth and die in childbirth.. as they are more than three times likely to do..
they go to war against PP and others which provide black women with safe options to avoid dying in childbirth.. they close clinics.. no biggee for white women as they tend to have options, like better incomes and a pro-white bias in health care.. Serena Williams found that out.. Rich white men can send their wives, daughters and mistresses anywhere they want for abortions.. always have, always will…
Don’t like it? Move out of this battleground state.. Move out of this red state.. we like it white here… go away.. we don’t want your support of Dems, your “souls to the polls” and the like.. Do it or you or your daughters and any other female close to you will more likely DIE..
Been raped by a stranger or sleaze in your family? Tough shit.. Even teh babblin’ butthole opposed that..
life of the mother? heh.. don’t perform abortions here.. of any kind, for any reason.. Gary Peters of Michigan and his wife found that out… and a widbee kreepshit high fived a forced birther jerk John James for us all to see.. heh.
nothin’ more disgusting than teh repuke/forced birth agenda..
@35 “A new bill that would allow school districts to put cameras in classrooms is making waves. House Bill 1055 in the Florida House would also require teachers to wear microphones.”
Florida isn’t going to have teachers.
Some parents may like this, until they discover all the teachers have quit and left the state.
I mean, would you teach under such conditions? I can’t imagine anyone doing it.
@37 It doesn’t take a lot of brainpower to figure out that shutting off the money spigot that has propped up the U.S. economy for 14 years will produce a recession.
The stock market is still going up anyway. Why? Because Fed policy is still highly stimulative. They’ve barely begun raising interest rates, which are still deeply negative in real terms, and they’re only talking about QT. Bottom line, the Fed is still pumping money into the financial system; and until that ends and monetary policy goes into reverse gear, there will be no stock market correction.
The economy, however, could go into recession for other reasons, such as supply bottlenecks like the one Gov. Abbott created on the Texas border last week to score a cheap political point.
@44 Nice job of double profiling, except you’re supposed to say he’s a Democrat because he has a black-sounding name. How did you fuck that one up?
Shorter Doc version of gun violence: If we didn’t have black gang bangers, the unregulated proliferation of military assault weapons, bump stocks, silencers, drum magazines, auto sears (aka “switches”), and ghost guns wouldn’t be a problem. (Except when deranged white males use them to shoot up movie theaters, schools, churches, mosques, outdoor concerts, malls, bus stops, and subway stations.)
@47 Cops do that all the time when someone drives a car into a crowd of cops. I guess it’s different if you’re a black civilian.
Of course, the fact there have been roughly four dozen violent car assaults against peaceful BLM marchers may have something to do with what this dude did. That doesn’t make it right; just sayin’.
What’s clearly setting Doc off is a black guy carrying a gun to protect himself and BLM marchers from white people in cars.
@52 “both of these medical disorders are very common in black women”
They’re also very common in white male fat slobs.
@52 “both of these medical disorders are very common in black women”
They’re also very common in white male fat slobs.
@53 “YLB thinks planned birth and forced birth are the same thing”
Republicans want to ban planned birth, too, in case you didn’t notice. So yeah, I see how the GOP’s plans for planned birth might look like forced birth to YLB.
Add witness tampering to this asshole’s other charges, if he has any (he’s not on the list of persons charged for the Capitol riot).
This is brilliant! Finally decoded that pathetic, worthless, yearning and scrambling fucktard.
Degen is a housewife.
Barren. Childless and cold. Focused on the horses. Clinging to fertility it will never know. Yearning endlessly for potency and strident, firm, erect “values” to set it apart from the rest. Always doomed to fall short. Unwilling to look “inward”. Furiously silencing its own “monologue”.
Coached soccer until it was asked to step down.
@ 70
They’re also very common in white male fat slobs.
More self-identification from the slovenly Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Those pieces about DiFi not being all there anymore and we really should do something about it?
Just wait until the first Wednesday in November when they start showing up in all the best PC places, but they’re about First Vegetable Joe Biden instead of DiFi.
Fucking monsters that republicans promote this crap.
Gay parents called ‘rapists’ and ‘pedophiles’ in Amtrak incident
“As soon as he started saying ‘pedophiles’ and things like that, I thought he just seemed like he came preloaded with these statements,” Pierce said. “So, I thought, ‘Ugh, OK, we’re dealing with someone who’s consuming right-wing media.’”
The train’s conductor demanded that the unnamed man leave the train, but he refused, Broverman said.
“He said, ‘I’m not getting off. You’re going to have to kill me before I get off the train,’” Broverman recalled. “It was very serious before and even more at that point.”
>> WTF
Police for Santa Clara and officials at Amtrak did not address NBC News’ query about whether the man had been arrested.
>> I think we can assume the answer is ‘No.’
The most important part of the story was, before berating the gay parents, the man followed the 5 year old boy into a one occupancy bathroom on the train and told the boy he had been kidnapped. The boy is now traumatized. Also, let’s be clear. This man is basically accusing these two gay men of being predators, but this man followed a 5 year old boy into a single occupancy bathroom!
>> Republicans: This is war and nothing is off limits. We will do anything to win. Anything. It’s a useful stepping stone to acclimate their base to feel justified murdering Democrats.
Republicans shout all this nonsense about banning abortion, but aren’t lining up to adopt any babies. Then get outraged when people who are not in their tribe, do adopt the babies that weren’t aborted.
“How dare you give those kids a loving home. They are supposed to suffer!” Republicans probably.
I see how the GOP’s plans for planned birth might look like forced birth to YLB.
No.. Not my point.. It’s just a plain fact that black women die more often in child birth in this country and other countries like the UK.. AT LEAST 3 times more likely here in the US and 4 times more likely in the UK..
Whether they’re forced to birth or not.. Even a black woman of high net worth and accomplishment like Serena Williams is discounted when she tells her doctors that she is ailing.. cuz.. racism and sexism…
Black women in this country KNOW that if they are forced to birth, they are more likely to DIE..
So black women support the Democrats. Their lives depend on it. Black women elected Doug Jones. They elected Biden.
The fucktard degenerate widbee kreepshit is in thrall to this evil meme of PP being somehow motivated to kill black people when what PP is actually doing is saving the lives of black women so they can give birth when they’re absolutely ready to do so of their own will.
Kreepshit has been called out and in response is pulling every nasty, worthless trick it can to deny what has been plainly obvious for years..
Every forced birther like its fatboy crush DeSatanist supports a policy that will kill more black women than ever.. the mean spirited desatanist freak put its imprimatur on this all too real policy of black genocide.
@ 78
Whether they’re forced to birth or not.. Even a black woman of high net worth and accomplishment like Serena Williams is discounted when she tells her doctors that she is ailing.. cuz.. racism and sexism…
Black women in this country KNOW that if they are forced to birth, they are more likely to DIE..
Girlfriend, we’re in the 10th year out of the last 14 in which a Democrat has been in the White House. For eight of those, that Democrat was married to a black woman.
Given the failure of Democrat presidents to reduce deaths of black women during childbirth (this is not a huge number, BTW – 700 per year, all races, in the US), what is the rationale for continuing to vote Democrat? Given the failure of Democrat presidents to reduce deaths of black women during childbirth, why is it DeSantis’ fault?
And YLB, why aren’t you shrilly advocating for fewer inner city deaths due to gun violence, which occur in far greater numbers than deaths of women during childbirth, and which persist no matter how many Democrat mayors are elected? Obama is from Chicago – why isn’t gun violence his fault?
You’re such a priss, YLB. You’re dying to blame the guy who hasn’t even announced that he’s running, all while protecting TWO TERM !!!!!! former president Obama and the brain-dead turd currently occupying the Oval Office.
The Democrat pain to come, YLB? It’s coming for you, girlfriend.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 76
Not a word about it on the Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office FB page. Not a word about it in the San Jose Mercury website.
So how did it make national news, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?
You got played, asswipe. Amazing, isn’t it, that a journalist manages not to get any of this on video, and he “documented” it on Twitter.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, if any of this happened it could very easily have been a mental health issue on the part of the purported aggressor.
Maternal deaths, white women, 2020: 352
Maternal deaths, non-Hispanic black women, 2020: 293
This is the hill YLB wants the Democrat party to die on in 2024.
Meanwhile, so far this year there have been 152 homicide deaths in Chicago. That’s in about three and a half months. YLB doesn’t want to talk about that, because they happened in a Democrat stronghold and she can’t place the blame on DeSantis for it.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, are you sure the aggressor didn’t throw in a “This is MAGA country!” line while he was at it?
More on the gay dads on Amtrak. One of the “victims” is EiC at The Advocate. From his web site:
He’s also EiC of Plus magazine, which I had never heard of:
This is Jussie Smollett redux, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
And who the fuck takes a “vacation” to Oakland, anyway?
Here’s the two gay dads Amtrak “victim” endorsing Elizabeth Warren in early 2020.
Not Mayor Pete. He’s an afterthought in the piece. The two gay dads “victim” went with lying sack of shit Liz Warren.
Says something about how he values the truth, doesn’t it?
@ 82
From his FB page, not his web site.
@79 More worthless noise…
Given the failure of Democrat presidents to reduce deaths of black women during childbirth (this is not a huge number, BTW – 700 per year, all races, in the US), what is the rationale for continuing to vote Democrat?
Democrats passed PPACA which put an end to the pre-existing conditions death policy and made it harder to push phony insurance policies that take people’s money and don’t do anything when they get sick..
Why don’t you try asking black women why they choose to terminate their pregnancies? You don’t care what they have to say because you’ve read RED STATE and other shit and you want to tag along with the latest nutjobs and their sick shit.
Given the failure of Democrat presidents to reduce deaths of black women during childbirth, why is it DeSantis’ fault?
You still have no answer to a shithead like DeSatanist putting its imprimatur on a policy that can only lead to more deaths of more women, black women being most likely by a factor of at least three..
Now for some real worthless noise..
And YLB, why aren’t you shrilly advocating for fewer inner city deaths due to gun violence
Why are you changing the subject o kreepshit? Seems a bit desperate. I won’t take the bait.. I’ll address this worthlessness from you at a later time.. Actually I have addressed it. Redlining? Racial covenants? Racist policing policies? Ring a bell? Hello?
You’re such a coward kreepshit. When caught with your pants down, you can only scramble.. The widbee emperor has always been buck naked..
You’re dying to blame the guy who hasn’t even announced that he’s running,
LOL!! That’s right he hasn’t announced cuz desatanist knows too well a dishonest yale harvard fatboy doesn’t have a prayer against an orange, pathologically lying, serial sex assaulting, twice impeached pos, son of a slumlord.
the GQP still loves it some drumpf.. and shows little sign of changing..
And I’m merely pointing out that actions have consequences. DeSatanist has signed into law a policy will kill black women just like Putin has made it more expensive to fill your gas guzzlers..
Those are REAL actions..
Actions have consequences.. bad outcomes at times. Doesn’t fault for those bad outcomes apply to repukes? Hmmm.. It appears you don’t agree.. Heh.. like that’s news to anyone around here.
Maternal deaths, white women, 2020: 352
Maternal deaths, non-Hispanic black women, 2020: 293
Percentage of African Americans in the US: 14.2 percent.
Black women still at least 3 TIMES more likely to die in child birth
This is the worthless noise we can expect from a “hi iq” dumbshit from widbee.
You got more mileage over your worthless shit about the abortion rate of black women.. At least you regurgitated some fanciful shit about black genocide.
PPACA also enabled a lot more low income people to get medicaid..
Saved lives.. Repukes couldn’t hate it enough.. Some red states still refuse to accept the medicaid expansion..
A policy choice that kills people.. Becoming..
@74 I was thinking more of you. I have a gym. All you have is a horse.
@79 A Republican blaming inner city gun violence on Democrats, are you shitting me?
@84 What’s that got to do with anything? Is there a law that says a gay dad has to endorse the gay candidate?
They’re victims, and your quote marks don’t change that fact. Above all the children are victims of that homophobic asshole. Whether he gets arrested or not, he got kicked off the train, and harassment charges and banishment from Amtrak may still be his future. I wouldn’t be surprised if this fucker has already been kicked off the airlines.
Putin very badly wants a land bridge from Crimea to Donetsk, and Mariupol is in the way. That’s why he’ll do anything to capture that city.
Just a few years ago, Putin spent billions of dollars on a bridge across the Kerch Straits connecting Crimea with Russia. I got to wondering about a couple things. (1) Why does he still need a land bridge? (2) Why doesn’t Ukraine attack it?
The answer to both questions is the bridge is built on quicksand and destined to collapse even if Ukraine does nothing. See article here.
65)On YouTube, stumbled on a song about an Indiginous Australian veteran, that I doubt would get much AirPlay on commercial terrestrial stations in the US. Even though it was honoring the First Australians serving in the Australian Defense Forces, and was commissioned by a General in the Australian Army, it has some lyrics that could be swept up under the umbrella term of Critical Race Theory. Loved the response on why he fought, “One invading mob is too many”. Although said invading mob wasn’t exactly Britains Best and Brightest.
The Song is titled “On Every Anzac Day”, done by the same Australian Artist who did”I was only 19”, about an Australian vet from the Vietnam War with PTSD.
91)There’s already a push to bring more airline style security to Amtrak, especially the NEC. It’s a little harder elsewhere on the system, especially with the stations in Starwood and Wenatchee. Wenatchee is just a shelter, no indoor waiting area, would be hard to drop it entirely, being an engineer change point.