The Daily Show: “The Talk” that every Black family has about police
Amber Ruffin: Unvaccinated mascots are back at work!
Robert Reich responds to Jim Cramer’s buffoonery
The Late Show: Obama And Biden—Presidents turned movie stars
Dulcé Sloan: Why low-income neighborhoods have fewer trees
The Worst of the Party of Трамп:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Sarah Palin is running for Congress ♬
- Seth Meyers: GOP Strategist Charles Reinke with some contradictions
- Bill Maher: Rightwing memes
- Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian: Schooling Ron DeSantis
- Joy Reid: Legal Expert says Proud Boys leader “confessed to organizing attack on Congress”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп rips off White House photographer & Sarah Palin runs for Congress
- Samantha Bee: Republican’s “don’t say gay” midterm strategy
- The Late Show offers ♫ Ron Desantis a campaign anthem ♬:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Obama Came Back to See The White House (so Трамп was jealous) ♬
- Liberal Redneck: Tennessee Republicans’ new “gay marriage is bad and child marriage is fine” bill
- Tommy Campbell: Mike Lindell drops his phone, Cawthorn’s wild party story and Трамп’s burner phone
- SNL: FAUX & Friends on Supreme Court confirmation hearings
- Jimmy Kimmel: Jimmy Kimmel responds to Marjorie Taylor Greene after she reported him to police
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп’s posterior motives ♬
- Seth Meyers: Matt Gaetz melts down at hearing & Трамп endorses Sarah Palin for Congress
- Randy Rainbow: ♫ GAY! ♬:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп holds unhinged Michigan rally to continue his slow-moving coup
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Called to Poke the GOP ♬
- Ari Melber: Don Jr. texted Трамп aide with plot to steal election
- Jimmy Kimmel: Sean Hannity cleverly trolls The Dotard
- Ali Velshi: Fake Трамп elector loses reelection bid to volunteer poll worker
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп reacts to Ivanka BETRAYING him to the January 6th Committee
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трампers and Brain Disorders ♬
- Chris Hayes: Sarah Palin set the mold for today’s GOP, now she’s trying to rejoin it
- Jimmy Kimmel: Matt Gaetz pal Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “pro-pedophile” meltdown & Трамп haunted by pizza with Palin
- Parody Project: The banana Republican vote no song:
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Shall I compare Трамп to a painful boil? ♬
- Samantha Bee: The GOP thinks everyone who disagrees with them is a pedophile
- Bill Maher: Bring ’em young
- Ari Melber: Трамп criminal case “ongoing” says NY Prosecutor in unusual statement
- Seth Meyers: House votes to hold two more of Трамп’s coup accomplices in criminal contempt
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Ginni Thomas was a cultist ♬
Seth Meyers: Political news of the day
Stephen: Obama returns to the White House
Robert Reich: How corporations could make your life more dangerous
SNL Weekend Update: First Amazon union formed and Jen Psaki to leave White House
Historic Supreme Court Nomination:
- Zerlina: KBJ makes history
- WaPo: Biden and Harris celebrate Jackson’s confirmation
- Lawrence O’Donnell: GOP attacks during confirmation hearing were painful and sad
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard Трамп reacts to Senate confirming Ketanji Brown Jackson
- Joy Reid: Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmation is a day of victory for America
- WaPo: Republicans praise Jackson then their racism kicks in and they vote against her
John Oliver: Trucks
Lauren Mayer: ♫ Man! (Stop Obsessing About) Who Gets To Be A Woman ♬:
The Late Show: Think you might be pregnant with an alien baby? Try ClearGreen
Ronny Chieng: The rise of Bitcoin and other stupid meme currencies
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The past couple weeks with the confirmation hearings, show tge culmination of televising these hearings. Holmes probably would not get confirmed by some in this Senate, he served in the Harvard Blues. Charles Evans Hughes probably would have to explain being President of the Legal Aid Society in New York.
If you’re a fan of Bill Maher, he recently had a YouTube video about explaining jokes to idiots. If was criticizing the cancel culture and its effects on comedians. It seems a lot of our prominent colleges and universities have simply lost their sense of humor to the effect that comedians are avoiding doing college gigs. In sort, college students can’t apparently take a joke. That’s too bad.
@2. We ask you followon questions to your posts and you have not shown the courage of your convictions to reply.
@ 3
Leave it to The Even Bigger Fucking Moron to take exception to a spew @ 2 about the need to explain jokes to idiots.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@2 Cancel Culture and Jokes to Idiots.
Seems to me that people who use the term Cancel Culture around comedy are upset they cannot tell jokes that denigrate and insult and punch down. They want to be able to insult women and minorities and immigrants and LGBTQ people, basically anyone who is not them, with immunity.
And yet those same people who scream cancel culture don’t say a peep about the book burners removing positive Black and Brown and LGBTQ materials from the library. They want to remove anything where the white or straight or conservative or christian or male is not the hero of the narrative. People butthurt about Cancel Culture are not posting their outrage of the “Don’t Say Gay” bills.
So Arthur, show us what you have also posted on Cancel Culture and book burning and “Don’t Say Gay” bills. What is your opinion on those topics.
Every conservative you know after telling a racist homophobic “joke” and getting called on it.
“You have no sense of humor. That was funny! Why do you have to be so politically correct? Damned Cancel Culture is sucking the fun out of the PTA meetings.”
What are you talking about? All those young College Republicans all lapped up what their Orange god bespoke. The CRNC and CRU staunchly stood by him and the constant jokes he spewed forth, such as he cared about them. Jokes on them, he only wanted their money and adulation.
@2 maybe it’s too bad that Bill Maher is a baby too. I love Jew Jokes!
Lancaster County man arrested after putting Joe Biden sticker on gas pump.
Conservatives do not consider that defacing property if it’s done by conservatives. Rule of Laws only apply to the people who are not them.
Elect Democrats. They are better people.
The French presidential elections should be interesting.
It’s admirable that Macron has the stones to support raising the retirement age. It would have been nice had Harry Reid shown the balls to do something about the dwindling Social Security trust fund.
Sometime in 2024 I’ll begin collecting a monthly Social Security payout. I’d like to thank YLB’s kids for mortgaging their futures in support of my payout, a number which will rise smartly between now and then because of Bidenflation. Who knows? Since I don’t need the money maybe I’ll donate it to the Ron DeSantis general election campaign.
Was this a knee slapper for the people who object to Cancel Culture?,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2015_48/1317926/151126-trump-kovaleski-jhc-1415.jpg
The FBI sure covered itself in glory over the Whitmer kidnapping ruse.
This never would have happened if Peter Strzok was leading the agency.
@ 9
Conservatives do not consider that defacing property if it’s done by conservatives.
It was a two-inch sticker applied to a gas pump, little girl.
Doesn’t really compare with the $500 million damage done in Minneapolis after rioting liberals set fire to half the city, nor even to the Third Precinct building damage in Seattle, but you do you, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Continue making your fellow homosexuals wince with each increasingly inane spew.
#13. It’s Rule of Law. It applies to everyone. Liberals AND conservatives. One day it’s stickers, the next day it’s an attempted coup trying to over throw the democratically elected government when the voters had the audacity to not reelected the impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor who hires prostitutes to jerk him off with rubber gloves.
@13. And yet the greed racist incel would object to a two-inch sticker that says “Biden-Harris 2024” put on it’s truck.
@10. Don’t you worry, greedy racist incel, republicans will be getting rid of social security and Medicare so you get nothing. You voted for that. Enjoy paying for prostate cancer treatments out of pocket.
The point is that young college and university students cannot accept a joke that might be aimed at their “sacred” beliefs.
Nothing is sacred.
@ 18
Nothing is sacred.
Sacred cow alert.
From an op-ed in the Jeff Bezos-owned WaPo:
That’s rich.
What the fuck do stand up comedy routines have to do with public universities, academic freedom, or faculty and student rights?
Our trolls are very stupid and a huge waste of time.
Obviously their only contact with higher education has been from watching “Spring Break” porn videos.
Won’t reply because too dumb to understand the questions.
@ 21
What the fuck do stand up comedy routines have to do with public universities, academic freedom, or faculty and student rights?
What the fuck does gendering have to do with K-3?
@2 Republicans never had a sense of humor to lose. Have you ever seen one of them smile? They laugh at racist jokes, though.
@ 23
I have laughed at your investment skills for years, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s quest to become a millionaire is increasingly silly. A millionaire has to add an additional $79k to his pile every year just to keep up, given Bidenflation.
And for someone with, say $13M in assets, he’d have to add another $1M to the pile every year just so that the purchasing power of his wealth keeps up with the rate of Bidenflation.
A million bucks is a silly, tiny amount of money in this day and age. Which makes Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s never-ending quest to get there a very, very funny thing to witness.
@9 It was an anti-Biden sticker, and he did more than that, he assaulted the cops:
“Thomas Richard Glazewski, 54, of Manor Township has been charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, harassment, and criminal mischief. The incident was captured on video. Glazewski can be heard yelling expletives and ‘I did that. I did that. That’s what I did,’ pointing to anti-Biden stickers at the pump. A gas station employee told authorities that Glazewski had sprayed the stickers with a substance to make the stickers harder to remove …. A police complaint said Glazewski had to be placed in the police vehicle by force.”
Shitheads are doing this all over the country. Amazon sells these stickers for $8.95 per 100.
@10 “The French presidential elections should be interesting.”
I’m sure Putin will be watching closely, too, hoping his friend and supporter Marie Le Pen wins. That would take a big NATO country out of the fray for the time being, until he invades it later.
Not all French voters are head-up-ass stupid, only 30% of them are, about the same proportion as our own country.
By definition, 30% of any given population has to be in the bottom 30% of the IQ distribution, so these people are always going to be around.
@10 “Sometime in 2024 I’ll begin collecting a monthly Social Security payout.”
I’m sure you’re looking forward to that. Meanwhile you’re living on your wife’s Social Security. You married up, and she married down.
Mother? Father? Boy? Girl?
You propose to operate K-3 education without reference to gender.
Explain how you propose to operate an educational system that is sanitized of any reference to gender. Defend your proposal. Don’t refine or change it. You asked a specific rhetorical question that defines your proposal. Defend it. Describe how this works.
Or don’t. Because too stupid.
@12 Or maybe the jurors saw nothing wrong with kidnapping a Democratic governor because it’s something they’d do themselves. A jury acquitted the Malheur terrorists despite the fact they brandished guns, trashed the place, and caused $2 million of damage to federal property. You probably couldn’t get a unanimous verdict against Trump if he stood in the street and shot somebody, either, because a substantial number of Americans think political violence is just fine, particularly when it’s directed against Democrats, people of color, LGBQT, immigrants, Muslims, Jews, abortion providers, peaceful BLM demonstrators, and … cops (“KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!”). Some of the jurors were for convicting two of these guys. That should tell you there’s jury nullification going on.
At least the speculation in Canberra on when PM Morrison will call the Federal Election is over. He visits the Governor General tomorrow. At least the eggiging and heckling at campaign events is multi partisan.
Australian election polls show the opposition parties ahead in both primary and the important Two Party Preferred metrics. I don’t trust them, Australia’s voting system is complicated. Australia uses Ranked Choice Voting but goes further than advocates in the US push. Advocates here allow for empowering the individual voter, if you want to rank only one candidate, ok. In Australia, you have to rank all the candidates, and parties issue how to vote cards to their voters, and Labor, Liberals, and Nationals maKe preference deals with minor parties. Current polls don’t take that into account.
It was preferences from One Nation(Which the Liberals didn’t want) and United Australia that saved the Liberals in 2019.
Also, I hope COVID doesn’t ruin an Australian tradition. Since voting is compulsory, it makes for good charity fundraisers at polling places. The term Democracy Sausage.
27)French elections are two-round, will be interesting to see where the votes go. Same with the National Assembly in a few weeks. Le Pen is trying to moderate, possibly to win votes or abstention from Far Left Voters. Helps her that there is an even further right candidate.
@13 “It was a two-inch sticker applied to a gas pump, little girl.”
That excuses it? Maybe someone should apply a “Kick Me” sign to your rear end. Same principle.
Watch this video, a gas station attendant will explain to you why it’s a problem.
@17 There are something like 20 million college students in the U.S., who would be surprised to learn they all think alike, and none have any sense of humor or ever laugh at jokes.
@20 Rich people have always controlled our channels of communication. The poor, working class, and even upper middle class, don’t own newspapers, magazines, and TV stations.
Preview for the latest installment in an animated web series from Canada using the legend that a CF-105 Arrow escaped the Diefenbaker Axe. In this one, Vlad wants the Northwest Passage, and a couple retired RCAF Officers had the key to the break glass in case of war hangar. It’s just airbases in the Arctic changing hands, and they left off in the last one about to push Russians out of Resolute after a climatic air battle. Now some unfinished business with the Kuznetsov. In their show, the Kuznetsov will be putting up more of a fight than in real life. IRL, it barely runs, and tge Flankers launch old school. The Russians never stole our catapult technology.
Count on it.
At some point, sooner rather than later, MAGAts are going to find their “groomer” kill shot. Something appalling and outrageous that you won’t be able to refute on the face of it.
But count on it. It will be wrong.
Somewhere, buried in the granular detail will be a fatal lie that doesn’t emerge for weeks. It always does.
Remember the Republican Senate report about LAPTOP that was rushed out into the world in the closing weeks of the 2020 election? Only months later we learned that they had all the nitpicky details about “irrelevant” stuff like the names of the companies or the dollar amounts completely wrong? And then some more months later we learn that the data they were relying upon was 92% corrupted and tampered with.
Whatever the fuck they call it, “Don’t say Gay”, “Parental Rights”, it’s just a front for anti-LGBTQ bigotry. And it’s all intended to both project and distract from the underlying, inescapable fact that “conservative”, “Xtian”, cis-gendered old white men are the single greatest manifest danger to children everywhere. Always have been. If wealthy old white men aren’t trafficking in adolescents to jerk them off wearing rubber gloves, or pouring drugs into them via their Venmos and ear fucking them in teen orgies, they are cornering them in the wrestling “Gym” showers to shove their fingers inside them. These are the people who nominated Trump, elected Trump, and then rioted and launched a terror attack on the Congress when he lost. And Trump is the “family values” Republican who has been leering at and discussing his daughter’s sexuality and sexual capabilities since she was in middle school. And they are fine with that.
@24 You’re assuming making money the capitalist way requires “skills.” Working for a living requires skills, but a capitalist leech like you or me can sit on his ass, do nothing, know nothing, and not even sign the dividend checks. All you need is automatic deposit.
I don’t recall ever claiming to have “investment skills.” There’s no such thing anyway, and anyone who claims they can predict the market is a liar. Just yesterday I reminded HA readers that my stocks are going up while the indexes are going down because of blind, dumb, random luck. For example, how did I know Putin would invade Ukraine when I bought my defense stocks? I didn’t. It’s just an accident that Lockheed is now worth 5 times what I paid for it. It’s not totally accidental that my basis yield on that stock is 13.2%, but at best that was just educated guessing on my part when I bought the stock, based on the company’s past record of steady dividend increases.
How’s your stockpicking going?
Over in /r/conservative
McConnell pledges to back Trump in 2024 if he’s the nominee – no thanks, turtle, you’re not needed
> DeSantis 2024
> Says Mitch, “I didn’t help you in 2020, but will in 2024” says nobody. He’s awful and needs to be ousted
> We all know McConnell’s concern is about saving McConnell’s job. Hopefully, Rs will retake the senate and vote the turtle out
> He has proven to be incredibly and trustworthy and unreliable. I have a feeling he will flip flop on that because you can’t back Liz Cheney and then back Donald Trump at the same time. It doesn’t work that way.
> Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/Conservative.
Cancel Culture in /r/conversative. This is my shocked face. I’m sure Arthur is outraged also.
Now I don’t think Moscow Mitch has much to worry but fascinating to see him get heat for not supporting the God Emperor hard enough.
Yeah sure. But what does Bill Maher think?
Asking for Shortbus. /s
I wonder if Doctor Dumbfuck would mind if I put a Biden bumper sticker on his horse trailer?
@25 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s quest to become a millionaire is increasingly silly.”
This from a guy who posts about looking forward to getting Social Security starting in 2024 …
They ridicule being “woke” because they think it sounds more insulting than being “enlightened” or “empathetic.”
@43 People who sleepwalk through life have no worries except “woke” boogeymen coming for them.
@ 28
You married up, and she married down.
Agreed. Very much so.
He might even have money left over.
DeSantis raises monster $100 million for reelection campaign
45, 46,
And the answer is because stupid.
@45 What was she thinking?
she didn’t realize that he’d fall in love with a horse.
Australia will be holding their Federal Election on May 21 for the House of Representatives and 1/2 of the Senate, interesting in the category of who can early vote, includes prisoners. Then again in a country where fines for not voting start at $20, guess it don’t make sense to disenfranchise the incarcerated.
One party that might have a big impact, is the United Australia Party, their preferences swung the election last time and saved Morrison’s Liberals. 2019 was pre-COVID, and pre mandates and pre-lockdowns. In Australia, it was a really hard lockdown with state border closures as well, plus Australians abroad unable to return home.
Our primary process has its issues, but it definitely is more transparent. Although the state where the Liberals had an intraparty pre-selection battle that spilled into the courts was New South Wales, state Capitol Sydney. Quite a few votes up for grabs in that state.
@49 She must have realized he was after her Social Security money.
This is from the San Francisco Fed:
Why Is U.S. Inflation Higher than in Other Countries?
I hope your kids enjoyed that free money handed out during the pandemic, YLB. I know you expect the government to pay for everything, girlfriend.
I also hope, YLB, that your kids enjoy the ass-pounding that the additional inflation will give them for years to come. Maybe they can ask G-clown for tips on how to act like the pain is really just pleasure in a different package.
Finally, Galleys are to re-open aboard WSF vessels. Sort of. It will be a phased re-opening, with 5 boats on Four routes. Annacortes, Edmonds, Bainbridge, and Bremerton. Still got aging boats needing maintenance work, and crew shortages. They sold a lot of beer and wine during before the Pandemic, especially during the summer.
@52. It’s easy for greed conservatives to rail against inflation but they didn’t have any effective alternatives for helping regular folk during trump’s COVID depression. They had theirs, fuck everyone else seemed to be their plan.
From the GQP state officials who brought you hysterical fear of “CRT”:
You’re supposed to accept that one of the senior party leaders in Virginia was an “okay” guy and perfectly suited to run elections in the state until just the other day. Then he “suddenly” became unacceptable to Glen Youngkin.
LPT: a guy who drops N-bombs on facebook uses “that word” every single day of his life. And they never had any problem with it until he was caught.
The Vice Chair later issued a statement saying she was looking forward to her party selecting a new Chair who knew better than to use “that word” in published commentary.
Both the offices of The President of the United States under Donald Trump and The Vice President of the United States under Mike Pence openly and gratefully solicited and accepted foreign bribes throughout their final year in office according to official statements to be published in the federal register tomorrow morning.
If you’re a Republican primary voter in Ohio you get to choose between unraveling MAGAt white supremacists like Josh Mandel or this guy.
TFW the “moderate, main street” alternative promises to raise your taxes a bunch.
There’s “groomers”.
And then there’s “groomers” who give. DeSantis took every penny he could lay his short, fat fingers on, and pleaded for more.
@ 58
…“groomers” who give.
Sure. He’s got leftover campaign money and instead of returning to donors he’s chosen to use it to fund future campaigns of GOP candidates.
Worthy of criticism, I agree.
So far, QoS McHillbilly, you’ve been silent about the Clintons’ “Rapists Who Grift” re-establishment of their Clinton Global Initiative.
@ 57
TFW the “moderate, main street” alternative promises to raise your taxes a bunch.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit avoids the NIIT each and every year.
Real capitalists pay that tax. Failed ones don’t.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit avoids the 20% bracket for LT capital gains.
Real capitalists pay at that rate. Failed ones don’t.
I sure hope the troll is holding its breath. At least until a Clinton comes out of retirement.
“He can wait”. Sure Jan.
It’s a church day Bob. Get going you fraud.
God Bless President Joe Biden.
God Bless Steve and Rawstory.
Speaking of taxes. Still can’t do math and say what my AGI is
In May of 2015 David Washington suffered a stroke while driving in Fredricksburg VA. His car struck a parked car and a street sign before coming to a stop at a median. He remained trapped in his car incapacitated while surrounding motorists ignored his groans and pleas for assistance and dialed 911. Police responded to the scene with weapons deployed, tasered Mr. Washington repeatedly, and emptied an OC canister into his face before they physically dragged him from the vehicle and threw him face down on the pavement next to it. They applied multiple pain compliance techniques while placing him in handcuffs face down and they neglected to secure his vehicle. As they were standing back to admire their work his vehicle rolled forward and crushed the bones in his foot.
Oh. Did I mention that Mr. Washington is not white?
For two years Fredricksburg police denied fault for Mr. Washington’s injuries and fought to have his case dismissed for over a year while he struggled with the debilitating injuries, loss of job, and no insurance coverage. Without access to the treatment and assistance he desperately needed to survive and faced with massive hospital and rehab bills, Mr. Washington was forced to accept a low dollar confidential settlement in 2017.
This is what police do for your community.
Looking forward to The Evan Bigger Fucking Moron‘s defense @9, 14 of the Rule of Law now that a Texas woman has been arrested for murder. Her crime? She self-induced her abortjon.
@52 So are you gonna be patriotic and give yours back?
@55 So you have a guy who describes “white nationalists” as “conservative, freedom-loving” and calls for “lynching” SoD because he wants to kick them out of the military.
He apparently owns a company that sells prepper supplies, or something like that.
A major whackjob, he is.
@60 Even an idiot like you knows gains aren’t taxable until realized. To pay the stock flipper’s tax, you have to flip stocks. In other words, day trade. And make money at it; losing your shirt doesn’t count. Given that you’re complaining about it, I assume you pay it, and from that I infer you possess options on Gamestop stock, or similar, on and off. In other words, between HA posts, you’re reading teen stock flipper message boards while gambling with your wife’s inheritance money.
Degen is likely to regret climbing out on that limb.
The officer who swore out the arrest affidavit was unable to cite the precise statute for the alleged violation. Red flag that. Arrested on a Thursday, and first appearance on Saturday, and yet still no statute in the orders. That tends to blow these things up, even in Texas. A village of 14,000 with about a dozen patrol officers, volunteer elected officials and a part time, contract city attorney.
Zealotry is exciting. But it never makes good law.
District attorney moves to dismiss murder charge against Texas woman for ‘self-induced abortion’
“The issues surrounding this matter are clearly contentious, however based on Texas law and the facts presented, it is not a criminal matter,” Mr Ramirez said in a statement. “Going forward, my office will continue to communicate with counsel for Ms Herrera in order to bring this matter to a close. It is my hope that with the dismissal of this case it is made clear that Ms Herrera did not commit a criminal act under the laws of the State of Texas.”
But that law imposes civil, not criminal penalty; employees of the state are prohibited from enforcing it, and pregnant women seeking an abortion cannot be prosecuted.
Rule of Law says she has not commit a criminal act under the laws of the State of Texas
As chair of the state board of elections he was positioned to oversee every torn up ballot, every “mysteriously” closed polling place, every lost record of votes from “those people”, every canceled and burned voter registration, and every “GO AWAY BOY!” sign.
Every Republican has a grift. I don’t really care what his grift was. I care that he was an overt and avowed racist who Republicans knowingly placed in charge of elections.
For a reason.
She should hire an attorney. They’ll be lining up.
Rio Grande City will have to plead with their liability carrier not to cancel them. Continuing coverage will be dependent upon the firing of Major Delgado and the hiring of a full-time, experienced City Attorney.
Time to disincorporate. That will save the taxpayers of Rio Grande City. But there’s no saving Degen.
Not to be outdone, Delaware promises a bill permitting abortions to be performed by janitors who have special interests in railroad trivia.
With legislative overrides, Maryland paid leave and abortion access bills become law
@ 67
@52 So are you gonna be patriotic and give yours back?
We earn far above whatever income limitation there was in those giveaway laws, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Although clearly you do not. You spent yours on Depends.
@74. More of your fantasies I see.
I wonder if this is projection about how you were in as a doctor?
Were you afraid the Janitors and medical receptionists were considered as good as you were? It would explain how vicious you are to people you think are less than you, they threaten you.
If she is pregnant, why not?
Here, have an abortion!
It won’t get through to libbies until Goldy’s kid or one of YLB’s kids becomes a victim.
– Andrew Lewis, Seattle City Councilman
Call it another type of “that certain day”.
@ 77
If she is pregnant, why not?
Here, have an abortion!
Safe, legal, and rare – pick any one of the three.
More homeless appeal in The Emerald City:
Here, have @ 77 a tent fire!
65)Sounded like a situation for Medic One, not SWAT.
Instead of fantasizing that kids get assaulted, why not advocate for something positive be done.
Summary of Responses to Homeless Encampments
It seems sensible and doesn’t agree with either liberal or conservative dogma. But it will cost money so it won’t happen. Conservative christians HATE spending money on people that are not them. They would rather punish without doing of the positive actions.
@73. And like that. He changes the subject from Texas abortion law and order gotcha to Homeless encampments.
Safe, “not a criminal matter”, and none of Texas’ goddamn business.
We are still waiting to confirm if Ms. Herrera had ever worked as a maintenance engineer or had any interest in railroading.
Shocking to find out within minutes of his fucking the dog that Degen’s model case for Texas is pinned on a poor Latina who apparently obtained a medication abortion, got ratted out by a white nursing assistant, arrested by ignorant, overzealous authoritarian cops with delusions of grandeur for a crime that did not exist and could not be prosecuted. Hospital gets sued. City gets sued. Nurse too I hope. Plenty of defendants with deep pockets. Well played. Just the media circus we might have expected. Should poll really well.
Could Degen wait? Nope.
It won’t get through to libbies until Goldy’s kid or one of YLB’s kids becomes a victim.
shrug.. all these kids are grown up, graduated college, have jobs (yes the youngest is now employed in stepping stone job to professional school).. have grown up in the city.. are street smart.. know how to handle themselves or avoid trouble..
In contrast to a “hi iq” shitferbrains moldering and shivering in fear in widbee..
Falling short by a factor of ten the number of incidents of illegal explosives and airborne incendiary devices ignored by the same agency every summer over a time period 1/10th as long.
We see what you did there.
How does the risk of catastrophic urban fire and injury in Seattle in the first 13 weeks of the year compare to the risk in the 1.3 weeks surrounding EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE Day?
Asking for a Seattle cop who suffered third degree burns from his own homemade “firework” (and then attempted to file a duty-related claim).
It sure is heartwarming to see SPD and SFD working together like this.
It does serve cop dogma however. Which maybe should not surprise.
A fully funded housing first approach combined with treatment and support services obviates nearly every other listed response which rely on increasing policing in our communities. It’s nice that the study mentions treatment, support, and housing. Two out of twenty six is not great. Especially when the other 24 don’t work and/or produce the kind of apocalyptic horror-scape police love to justify bigger budgets and more aggressive and violent public engagement. Let’s face it, Goldy’s kids and YLB’s kids are probably at greater risk of being injured by a roid-raging, unaccountable cop policing a Sounders game.
Another day… another farrago of cheap shots closer to “that certain day” for teh widbee kreepah..
the day.. according to its own deranged babbling….that will be so GOOD..
for my kids…
I’d like to thank YLB’s kids
I’d like to thank widbee kreepah for doing a stupid dance over mary kay getting her first SS check..
many, many, many years before 2024..
And what else? checks to liberal causes, putting her in a room of “stupid old people” at senior “teh wuhan” shopping hour? Loads and loads of “hi iq” slips and prat falls..
Yes, thanks for the laughs, widbee kreepah…
we’re saving the date for kreepshit’s own stupid dance. Birthday.. amirite? Dang.. we’ll even age teh freek…
Arson destroying some of the last Ringling Bros coaches. NCDoT was going to restore them for use on the Piedmont. Unfortunately that fell through when they were able to finally jump at the chance to purchase modern equipment for the state-supported service. They had some of the last rail cars purchased by a private railroad in the 20th Century, dating to 1964-65.
State supported services, rolling stock is purchased by the state, although Siemens has the market share with the FRA Compliance issues. Last I heard, the reason the Wisconsin TALGO purchase fell through, was Washington state walked away from the table, as they would be a short term solutions as Amtrak promised delivery priority if WSDoT joined the current multi-state order. Also, the maintenance contract was up for renewal, and TALGO and Washington couldn’t agree on any short-term extension. The Wisconsin trains are headed for Nigeria.
being injured by a roid-raging, unaccountable cop policing a Sounders game.
How disrepectful to LE… 1-6er alert…
Gosh! That’s a lot.
In the latest disclosure filing as required by law Trump reported $110 million cash on hand (not “raised” – PACs report actual deposits).*
And only a measly $250k in disbursements to federal campaigns. Very sad trombones.
And also, of course, he’s running.
*And this doesn’t include any of the Russian SPAC money.
Interesting that I’m France, the overseas departments vote first. The first precincts to open are usually Saint Pierre and Miquelon, France’s last foothold in Canada. Consisting of two islands off Newfoundland. Almost became a thorn in the side of Allied operations against U-Boats. Saw a story that the Alliies(UK and USA) were planning an invasion, but De Gaulle beat them too it.
During Prohibition, it was a major smuggling hub of illicit Canadian alchohol bound for the Eastern Seaboard.
Tennessee Republican Rep. David Byrd admitted to molesting three children. Democratic Rep. Gloria Johnson tried to expel him from government, but the Republicans refused and continue to support and protect him.
Corrupt bunch of republicans Tennessee has.
The greedy racist incel will likely now lie about Bill Clinton rape accusations to do some pointless whataboutism. Maybe they didn’t happen, maybe Bill is really good at avoiding charges. But they have not been legally proven, so he still has deniablity, unlike the endless republican sex crime convictions.
The Republican Sexual Predators Abusers and Enablers is up to screen 30. Not that it will make a bit of difference to republicans.
They will support anyone who keeps them in power. Like Putin.
@96 Great resource!!! May it long be rubbed in the greedee racist incel’s nose.
I’m shocked. Shocked, I say.
A “conservative”, Xtian, family values, cis gendered white male Republican raped children.
Meanwhile all Degen, Glen Youngkin and Ron DeSantis can offer is a bonfire to purge your local public library of Art Spiegelman and Ruby Bridges.
“Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife floated an outlandish conspiracy that members of the ‘Biden crime family’ and ‘ballot fraud co-conspirators’ were being sent to barges off of Guantánamo Bay to face military trials for sedition in newly-uncovered text messages with former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.”
I think Ginni Thomas should be sent to a barge off Guantánamo Bay to face a military trial for sedition. That’s a joke. But I don’t think she’s joking.
@60 Real capitalists don’t pay gains taxes, they retain their holdings and add to them. Daytraders, teenagers, and dumbfucks flip stocks. But dumbfucks don’t pay gains taxes, either. They don’t have gains.
Ukraine has now captured a few Russian Orlan-10 UAVs* and done some engineering analysis.
The Orlan is produced the Special Technology Center in St. Petersburg at a cost of $120,000 each.
The captured units now reveal that the UAV features a Cox RC model alcohol engine with a soda bottle fuel tank, an expanded poly styrene hull, and a “sensor array” consisting of a Cannon DSLR purchased on Amazon and held in place with a velcro strap.
For $120,000.
As with Republicans here in the United States, with Putin and his cronies it’s all about the grift. And this is the kind of “advanced defense system” we can expect if Republicans succeed in returning Donald Trump to White House.
*The “captured” units simply ran out of fuel and fell to earth.