Young Turks: Barney Frank to marry his partner.
Darcy Burner: Never Give Up:
Young Turks: Conservative’s more likely low IQ and racist.
White House: West Wing Week.
Countdown with Dan Savage: Same-sex marriage equality.
The GOP Gladiatorial Games:
- Stephen on Mitt and Newt in Florida.
- Jon on Newt’s moon base
- Countdown: How Citizens United is keeping Gingrich viable.
- Newsy: Newt in space.
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: On Newt.
- Young Turks: On the “invented Palestinian people”.
- Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Newt’s clapping conspiracy.
- Newt caught in a little white lie.
- Young Turks: Romney’s family baptized his atheist father-in-law as Mormon 14 years after death.
- Sam Seder: Newt Gingrich will take us to the moon.
- Libral Viewer: Gingrich on SOPA proves that even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
- Ann Telnaes: How Gingrich sees himself.
- Jon: The Gingrich who stole South Carolina.
- Callista Gingrich on open marriage.
- Young Turks: GOP establishment attacks against Newt almost make you feel sorry for him.
- Red State Update endorses Newt!
- Ann Telnaes: Newt’s transformation.
- D.C. Swinger’s Connection: Client #1327.
- Spin Room: Newt wins South Carolina.
- Sam Seder: Santorum says to make rape a gift.
- Rick Santorum to rape victims: It’s a “horribly created gift”.
- Stephen on old people’s right to say whatever….
- Santorum’s unfortunate campaign initiative acronyms
- Sam Seder: Santorum bets all on C.U.M.
- Miami Womanspeaks out about corporate raider Mitt Romney
- Nobody loves me a Mitt.
- Mitt v. Truth.
- Romney turn deaf ear to dreamers, Hispanic community
- Ed and Pap: What is Mitt trying to hide in his taxes?
- Jonathan Mann: Mitt Romney pays less taxes than me.
- Actual Audio: Mitt v. OWS.
- An “ordinary” Swiss bank account.
- Mitt: Believe in Switzerland.
- Ann Telnaes: Mitt Romney’s worst enemy.
Obama addresses House Democrats Issues Conference.
What the fuck, Huck? Mike Huckabee goes Birfer by insinuating that Obama received college loans as a “foreign student” (via Crooks and Liars).
Young Turks: Yet another debate, debate.
Anderson Coper does Bill Maher.
Thom with the Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Comcast Newsmakers Interviews Mayor Mike McGuinn:
Sam Seder: Sorry conservatives, science says you’re stupid.
Greenman: Katharine Hayhoe, “..Much of this is intended to intimidate.”
Thom: A legal nuclear bomb dropped on Gov. Scott Walker.
Newsy: Analyzing Obama v. Brewer.
Obama: I want a second term ‘badly’.
State Of The Union:
- Obama: 3rd State of the Union address.
- White House: Behind the scenes writing the SOTU address.
- Jon on State of the Union.
- Mark Fiore: Leftie SOTU
- Obama responds to the GOP response to his SOTU address.
- Top Lines: President Obama reclaims spotlight with SOTU speech.
- Alyona and Chenk: SOTU.
- Stephen on Obama’s spilt milk:
- Jimmy Kimmel with The rim shot heard around the world
Alyona’s Happy Hour: Mmmmmmm…Fetus in our Food.
Pap: The new Right Wing Confederacy.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Young Turks: Gov. Scott Walker exploits loophole to raise unlimited cash.
Bill Gates: People like me don’t pay enough taxes:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Republican Corruption In Mississippi
Outgoing Mississippi GOP Gov. Haley Barbour has issued hundreds of controversial pardons during his last days in office — “10 times as many as his four predecessors combined” — many of them to convicts, including killers, who come from prominent, wealthy, well-connected, Republican families.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you’re poor or black in a Mississippi jail, don’t bother to apply. Clemency is only for the rich, powerful, and above all, Republican.
Same as it ever was.
@1 To some people — e.g., victims’ families — it looks like Mississippi’s GOP governor is literally handing out license to kill to his party’s friends and donors.
Barney Frank wants to marry his partner. Fine with me.
There’s a gal named “Babylonia” who’s going to marry a building in Seattle tomorrow. Heard about it on the radio yesterday. That’s kind of stretching things a bit, dontcha think?
@4 I commented about this in a previous thread. This young woman is a neighborhood activist and the “marriage” is a stunt to draw public attention to the city’s land use and development policies.
Wonder where she has registered for wedding gifts – Home Depot? Ace Hardware? Do you suppose she needs a belt sander, paint brushes, drop cloths, electircal outlets, insulation, screens for the windows? how about the simple stuff like hammers and nails?
Nothing says “Congratulations on your marriage!” like a Home Depot gift card!
Actually, there’s something to that idea. How many first homes don’t need sprucing up?
Where is everyone tonight? Has the human species been wiped out? If there’s none of you stupid humans left, I need to notify my bunny pals, so we can organize to fill your ecological niche.
Cain Endorses Newt
Herman Cain has endorsed Newt Gingrich, according to MSNBC.
After Man