ONN: Grover Norquist confesses to weeklong drug-fueled orgy with corporate income taxes:
Ed: MT Supreme Court takes on Citizens United.
Stephen discusses Superpacs on Monday Night’s “Rock Center”.
- Ann Telnaes: Gitmo, ten years later .
- Alyona: From Gitmo to NDDA.
- Sam Seder: Tenth anniversary
- Mark Fiore: Legal-easy.
- Young Turks: Innocent man in Gitmo for 6 years without trial.
White House: West Wing Week.
Red State Update: Jackie Broyles Racist Newsletter.
Alyona: Barbour misuses pardon power.
Young Turks: Military torture tactics are creeping into civilian policing.
Jennifer Granholm: How Republicans get people to vote against their own interests.
Stephen: The Obama halloween scandal.
The Republican Primary Asylum:
- Stephen considers a run
- Stephen announces his presidential run.
- Newsy: President Stephen Colbert
- Sam Seder: CNN fudges their numbers for our amusement.
- Ann Telnaes: The GOP candidates look to SC.
- The American Hero’s Showcase.
- Susie Sampson’s Rick Not Romney endorsement.
- Red State Update: Ron Paul loves Blacks, Santorum loves made-up gay son, Pope.
- Actual Audio: Santorum versus pre-existing conditions.
- Santorum: It’s a good name.
- A message from Mitt Romney.
- Sharpton: ‘Heartless’ Mitt Romney favors income inequality.
- Sam Seder: Mitt Romney’s bubble.
- Shuster: Why Mitt refuses to release his tax return.
- Buying votes: Gordon Gekko for Mitt Romney
- Ed: The GOP Frat fight.
- Young Turks: Romney, “it’s about envy.”
- Alyona’s Tool Time: Romney’s 1%er version of a pink slip
- Jennifer Granholm: Obama v. Romney means Obama wins.
- Don’t just take our word for it.
- Ed and Pap: Romney the king of government bailouts.
- Mitt defends greed.
- Sam Seder: Mitt Romney—Don’t talk about income inequality in front of the peasants.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Mitt—stinking rich, insensitive and callous
- Mitt likes firing people.
- Buzz 60: Newt going “scorched earth” on Mitt.
- Jon: Newt Gingrich—Black community leader.
- Young Turks: Rush, FAUX News rip Gingrich over Romney Bain capital attacks
- Vote Newt!:
- Ann Telnaes: Pious Baloney.
- Presidential candidate advice: Don’t take a picture of your….
- Newsy: The Ron Paul third-party bid.
Alyona’s Tool Time: TSA’s top 10 catches lacks terrorists.
Jon warns Iran.
White House: Michelle Obama Tweets.
Pap: Racism prevalent at GOP primaries.
Shuster with Lizz Winstead: Warren Buffett’s challenge to Congress.
ONN: MN braces for return of Michele and other news of the week.
Greenman: Climate and sea level: An emerging hockey stick:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Friends of Newt don’t seem to backing off the “predatory capitalism” tactic:
Why’d they’d have a scumbag like Newtie as a “friend” is a whole ‘nother matter.
Newtie is a vengeful fellow. At the moment, I’m happy about that because Romney really pissed him off.