John Oliver: American history
The Daily Show: Our best FAUX News mashups.
Foundation Singers: Good trouble (in honor of John Lewis).
The Democrats: Commemorating 55 years of the Voting Rights Act.
Roll Call: Top 10 most vulnerable senators.
The Dotard Трамп and Other Failed Liars and Grifters:
- Meidas Touch: Трамп has no healthcare plan
- Seth Meyers: Трамп twice mispronounces Yosemite and other mostly political observations
- The Daily Show: This Presidential candidate is not well
- Scottacular: Boy Трамп interviewed by Axios
- Priorties USA: Winning?
- Meidas Touch: Трамп donors—Don’t be Don’s next con
- Seth Meyers: Трамп investigated for fraud and says coronavirus will “go away”
- Priorties USA: Racist Трамп
- Parody Project: Failed as the Chief:
- Don Winslow Films: #ConsequencesForТрамп
- Vice News: Meet the guy who planned Трамп’s crackdown in Portland
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп will protect God from Joe Biden!!
- Meidas Touch: Трамп hoaxed America
- Bill Maher: The incredible sulk
- Mrs. Betty Bowers: Ivanka, daddy’s little empathizer!
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп’s train-wreck interview with Jonathan Swan on HBO
- Now This: Robert Reich debunks Трамп’s economic claims
- Mark Fiore: MAGA Mail!
- Seth Meyers: Трамп rushes back to FAUX after disastrous Axios interview
- Meidas Touch: Vote out racism
- br0keb0i: PLUMP FICTION—Cancel Трамп song
- J-L Cauvin and Reggie Brown: The Dotard Трамп wishes President Obama a happy birthday!
- >Lauren Mayer: The way Pence looks at Трамп
- New York Times: He predicted a Трамп win in 2016. What’s his forecast for 2020?
- Really American: Biblical idiot
- Jonathan Mann: Yo, Semites! [Klezmer remix]:
- WaPo: What Трамп’s executive order means for TikTok
- Now This: Who is Sebastian Gorka? Narrated by comedian Shalewa Sharpe
- Vice News: Pop quiz! Can you pass Трамп’s mental acuity test?
- Priorities USAPolice state
- Meidas Touch: #RightFromWrong—The rule of law or Трамп?
- Brave New Films: Трамп vs. Трамп—Hire / Fire
- Now This: Трамп’s mind-numbing interview with Axios
Really American: Republicans are lying about Social Security.
Robert Reich: How Mitch McConnell’s Republicans are destroying America.
Brave New Films: Why are so many women in prison?.
Roll Call: Top 10 most vulnerable House members
Rachel Maddow: : NY AG lawsuit paints vivid picture of how NRA membership money is spent.
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп forms super team
- Now This: Grieving widow writes blunt obituary after losing husband to COVID-19
- Mother Jones: The Dotard twists coronavirus realities by slamming Fauci, CNN, China, and Democrats
- Daily Show: Smart poop—Collecting data from our crap to fight COVID
- Jimmy Dore: Herman Cain calls from the afterlife.
- John Di Domenico: Трамп EPIC rant—Nobody likes me, Fires Fauci, hires Dr. Stella Immanuel w/alien DNA & demon sperm
- Now This: School principal records COVID-19 parody of ‘Can’t touch this’
- Trevor: The great mask war
- J-L Cauvin: Трамп challenges the punisher
- Vice News: How Mississippi became the COVID-19 hotspot
- Seth Meyers: Jared Kushner’s failed testing plan (and Трамп threatens to ban TikTok)
- Now This: Georgia student suspended for photo of crowded school
- Matt Buechele: School open plan.
- The Daily Show: Parodies in the time of coronavirus
- J-L Cauvin: Mike Pence is thrilled Трамп isn’t banning Tik Tok (yet)!
- John Di Domenico: Трамп Rants about interview, “I want a Do Over with more charts & graphs & no Jonathan Swan!
- Now This: Teacher regrets 2016 Трамп vote as schools reopen during COVID-19 epidemic
Jimmy Fallon: Political news of the day.
Bruce W. Nelson: Non-political song.
Now This: NY AG Letitia James files suit to dissolve NRA.
Foundation Singers: Ghislaine Maxwell’s in the slammer:
Really American: Protect our votes
Roll Call: “We’re so used to it”—Lawmakers talk sexism in Congress
Full Frontal Rewind: Black Lives Matter.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Didn’t expect the announcement about the NRA. La Pierre and others probably thought nothing would be done if caught. I mean they would just attack.tbe prosecutor .
I don’t think we’re going to abolish police. That’s not realistic. We’re just going to renegotiate our relationship with them, that’s all. Their unions will no longer run the police departments they work for. They won’t be able to charge citizens with “obstructing” for standing in their front yards taking videos of them beating up a fellow citizen. They’ll no longer be permitted to use randomly selected black males of all ages for target practice. They’ll be restricted to traditional police functions like directing traffic, responding to accidents, protecting citizens from crime, etc., i.e., the things we pay them to do. And they’ll have to be law-abiding like everybody else. It’s going to be a big change for them, but in time, they’ll get used to it.
When a black guy runs from the police, the cops think he’s running, and the black guy thinks he’s running for his life.
Steve, last Saturday:
Chuck Schumer, yesterday:
What am I to take from this, Steve, other than to believe that the Senate Minority Leader is throwing children to the
wolvesWuhan in order to save the economy?Schumer morphed into a Republican so quickly I didn’t notice it until today.
Ah, but it’s fine for the teachers’ unions to run the schools. Fuck results, just give ’em more money or they’ll strike.
@ 2 Their unions will no longer run the police departments they work for.
Ah, but it’s fine for teachers to fuck their adolescent students in classrooms or in their cars in the school parking lot.
They’ll no longer be permitted to use randomly selected black males of all ages for target practice.
Ah, but it’s fine for the three R’s to be ignored while students are taught that a boy is not a boy if he says he isn’t, that a clansman didn’t serve as a Democrat US senator for more than a half-century, and it wasn’t a Democrat president who locked up an entire race of Americans because of their ancestry.
They’ll be restricted to traditional police functions like directing traffic, responding to accidents, protecting citizens from crime, etc., i.e., the things we pay them to do.
Examples of racial microaggressions:
Biden on Barack, circa 2007:
Dumbfuck @4 is a Putin-loving traitor.
Top US counter intelligence official formally announces Russia working to attack Biden, helping Trump win re-election
Steve @ 7
You caught the part about Iran and China, yes?
Here’s another take, from CNN:
Intelligence community’s top election official: China and Iran don’t want Trump to win reelection, Russia working against Biden
“We assess that China prefers that President Trump — whom Beijing sees as unpredictable — does not win reelection,” said William R. Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, in a statement updating the election threat landscape heading into the November election.
“China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China.”
Evanina also stated that Iran is seeking to “undermine US democratic institutions, President Trump, and to divide the country.”
You know how far to the left Steve went to retrieve his link when I can easily come up with something from fucking CNN to neutralize it.
Brennan has been told he is not a DOJ investigation target.
Because he’s a Putin-loving fascist traitor, the dumbfuck doesn’t care either. .
‘I Don’t Care’: Trump Responds To Intel That Russia Is Working To Get Him Elected Again
What a Putin-loving, fascist traitor the dumbfuck @8 has become.
I think Puddy already deployed that bullshit in the last thread, Cat Lady.
What are the odds that somewhere we can find a single utterance, stripped of context, in which president Stupid demands that states violate the constitution by postponing the election until your side has a better chance of winning?
Oh, wait….
May they each be ass-fucked, daily, while incarcerated. Each one of these POS knew better.
Following the dumbfuck’s “Jonas Salk and Dr. Albert Schweitzer were losers for not cashing in” line of reasoning, Mark Zuckerberg is 10,000 times more a better man than the dumbfuck.
Mark Zuckerberg Gets Even Richer, Joins The Ranks Of The ‘Centibillionaires’
The man who created Facebook in his dorm room is now worth at least $100 billion.
Hell, I agree. Any child, even a little girl, is a better man than a Putin-loving fascist traitor like the dumbfuck.
Run police departments the way school districts are run.
– An local board of citizens elected every two years to make all the administrative decisions and set all policy
– Require all cops have subject matter relevant 4 year college degrees at the time of hire
– Require all cops to complete two years of advanced post-bac training before certification
– Put collection and analysis of police performance in the hands of outside experts
– Require police precincts to meet quarterly and annual performance goals or lose funding
– License privately operated, not-for-profit “Charter” police precincts with none of the union requirements, completely separate oversight, and no performance goals.
SPOG would be all over that shit, no?
May the dumbfuck be ass-fucked daily by big black men while incarcerated for treason. The POS should have known better.
But as we all know, he’s a dumbfuck. And a Putin-loving traitor.
Conservatives blatantly lying by quoting Schumer out of context.
Schumer on CSPAN.
Chuck was rambling on about not being able to open schools because schools are not safe and republicans don’t want to pay for safety.
I await your apology.
Yeah, but he should be. In fact, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, et. al., should all be doing time at a super-max prison is a desolate place like northern Alaska.
It could be fairly said perhaps, owing has how Cooley Law’s legal ethics section is photocopied from Boys Life, that Mr. Safety School,
Esq.probably did not know better.But those guys from Skadden Arps sure as fuck did.
Good luck with that. It’s been my experience that Putin-loving fascist traitors like the dumbfuck never apologize for their dumbfuckery. Or their treason.
Sad, though, that it took the dumbfuck 24 hours to come up with that POS comment. At least it should be apparent to all but a dumbfuck that loving Putin and committing treason causes one’s cognition to decline. It’s like a reality off-ramp.
I’d be sad for the dumbfuck, but traitors like him are undeserving of pity. All they deserve is a rope around their fucking necks.
All this bullshit could be your next Whitewater, except for one small detail: in less than six months you lose the White House and last of your committees.
FOIA suits from JW are only vexing if Lindsay Graham hasn’t already released all the materials.
@17 ftfy
What the fuck are you talking about with this “you” shit? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? I will NOT be voting for Trump in November and didn’t vote for him in 2016 either. So, go fuck yourself!
Yeah, you and the dumbfuck. These stupid denials will not save either of you.
The numbers revealed in the NRA suits in NY and DC indicate a fairly massive financial fraud scheme. Included in the grift, almost unbelievably, $200 million strip mined out of the tax exempt charitable arm, the 501(c)(3) NRA Foundation, to backfill deficits created at the NRA 501(c)(4) caused by spending on Brioni suits, corporate jets, Bahamian luxury compounds, shady loans, jewelry, liquor, parties, yachts, but at least so far, no cocaine or hookers… that we know of.
Starting in the 1980s, these guys set the bar for conservatives in terms of fund raising, operational dominance, and splashy spending. And now we get to see where it all ends. This is their future. The future of conservatism. The leaders they have come to trust and rely on rob them of all their resources, gut the infrastructure, spend them into crippling debt, burden them with decades of criminal and civil legal expenses, and walk away leaving the common folk holding the bag.
Refer to the previous thread.
Our very own “brilliant” Oracle of Conservatism, Puddy, has clearly explained how anyone who does not support Trump is a “dummocretin”.
That true? You a “dummocretin”?
You fucking love Trump. You just want it both ways.
It’s been abundantly clear for a long long time why sad little weak individuals like you grind your fingers to the bone, if not pimping daily in favor of Trump, then laboring in the trenches with fake smears of any Democrat who dares to oppose or defy him.
You love Trump. Maybe you don’t love his personality. Maybe you don’t love his consistent record of failure. Maybe you don’t love his corruption and disregard for the rule of law.
But you still love him. You love him because “leftists” hate him.
And for you that’s all that matters. That matters even more than saving democracy, protecting our national sovereignty, or even simple patriotism and national loyalty. You sold out long ago. You are no longer “American” in any real sense.
You are Trumpian.
You wouldn’t lift a finger to save a burning America if it meant manning a Democratic fire engine. You just stand back and warm your hands on the heat, while derisively pointing out petty technical mistakes being made by the fire fighters. Left up to you, the firefighters are pulled off the fire to be interrogated while the house burns to the ground.
You may not have struck a match. But you enjoy watching the house burn.
You are Trumpian.
@4 “What am I to take from this, Steve, other than to believe that the Senate Minority Leader is throwing children to the wolvesWuhan in order to save the economy?”
Context might help. See @62 of previous thread.
@5 Your logic is flawed. The fact one doctor of thousands fucks horses doesn’t mean they all do. I trust my doctor. He’s okay in the head.
@8 I oppose all foreign interference in our elections. Yours is selective, just as your moral and ethical sense is. At least you’re consistent; you elevate partisan toadying above all other values. Not all consistency is good, though.
The next Leader of the Free World was out cycling today. Wore his mask, but not a helmet.
C’mon, man.
@12 Okay, but please keep your prescription for caged toddlers to yourself. Thanks.
Donald Trump will be remembered as a former president of the United States.
Hillary Clinton will not.
@13 He’s not that rich. You have to discount his nominal paper wealth not only for stock market fluctuations, but more importantly, the amount that Priscilla will take with her when she leaves him. His marriage is time-limited. The rest of humanity can’t stand him, so there’s no reason to believe she’ll stay with him indefinitely. She’s probably waiting for her share of the pile to hit a certain number. It’s somewhat higher than what Dumbfuck got when he separated from his main income source, i.e. not his dividends.
I wish to over-amplify that Joe Biden differentiated Barack Obama from other black Americans @ 6 by his
• cleanliness
• intelligence
• ability to cognitively articulate thought.
@15 Frankly, they’ll look at each other, roll their eyes, and say, “Fuck that? Are you serious?” The strong and ineradicable odor of horseshit doesn’t help.
@22 Relax. We know. Copouts tend to be conspicuous. They’re the guys standing in the temporarily empty space between two prison yard gangs fixing to brawl who won’t pick a side.
@29 So? I haven’t seen your leader with a helmet, either; and a mask, only once. But that didn’t stop you from voting for him, nor will it stop you from voting for him again.
@31 “Donald Trump will be remembered as a former president of the United States.”
And if he’s lucky, he may even be ranked above Buchanan by historians, but definitely below Shrub.
How YLB’s kids were taught:
So stupid it hurts.
Literally no one thinks that’s fine. Pornhub isn’t real, Dumbfuck. And it’s so not fine that in the very very very rare occurrence of a teacher student relationship even if the student was eighteen, can you comb the InterWebs and find people saying it’s fine. Or even the teacher getting to keep the job?
That Mary Kay and Vili made a marriage and family that lasted longer than any of Donald’s marriages doesn’t change anything. But she served her time and got on with life and never was in a classroom again. It’s one of those incredibly rare things one could point to that doesn’t make a larger point about society.
@ 29,
The Biden dude used his fish fork on the salad course too.
Oh the humanity!
If this is the best the Leftists can do we’d be better off with Putin running things. At least he knows formal etiquette.
I wish to over-amplify that in October of 2016 you and Every Republican Voter You Know listened attentively to a recording in which your party nominee bragged about a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults. Less than 24 hours after that you again listened attentively as he confessed to you in a taped statement that what you heard was all true. Then less than a month later you voted to make him your president.
It’s not Trump who is on trial any more. We’re past all that.
It’s you.
Y’all remember #MeToo?
It was tons of fun until it became clear that far more Democrats were caught up in it than Republicans.
So Democrats have ditched #MeToo.
How else to explain Bill Clinton’s speaking role at the 2020 DNC convention?
Others have worried about showcasing Bill Clinton, who has spoken at every Democratic convention since 1980, in the #MeToo era. But several sources confirmed that both Clintons will speak.
A rapist and his longtime enabler will be speaking at the DNC convention this year.
Tu quoque.
You put a rapist in the White House.
And fifty three enablers in the US Senate.
So thanks for making the choice is easy.
Shorter @ 42 re @ 33:
“Vote for the racist. It’s important.”
It doesn’t have to be that complicated.
It’s “Vote for the best candidate.”
You’re so bound up in saying or doing anything to preserve your sense of self-worth after having betrayed your own country that you can’t ever see it. It’s your Orange Event Horizon.
No candidate will ever be perfect. And clearly no Democratic candidate will every be perfect enough for you. So instead, intelligent voters who aren’t preoccupied with their own morbid shame are free to make a simple choice: which is the least imperfect candidate.
You have consistently stood by and offered voters a deeply flawed, infinitely corrupt, astonishingly incompetent self-confessed rapist and historically vicious bigot. Biden just doesn’t have to be all that perfect in order to be better than that. And he clearly is.
@ 46 You need, then, to nominate the best candidate. Not a walking vegetable with hair plugs.
godwinha hates all liberals and will post anything, true or not, that will denigrate them. His racism and his obsession with greed seem to be his only defining attributes.
The Republican Party is a symptom and reflection, not a cause.
The GOP didn’t create Republicans; they made the GOP what it is.
If the GOP went away, Republicans would still exist.
We need to keep the cause-and-effect straight. The GOP is merely a warehouse in which to store Republicans, who are derived from natural elements the same way plutonium is.
Nope. Again not “best”.
Just “better”.
In 2016 you didn’t have to sweep aside thirty years of conservative ideology and institution building in order to nominate the most dominant member of an extremist conservative lynch mob. But you did. It made you feel good doing it.
And in 2019 you didn’t have to burn down every conceivable rule-of-law barrier erected to protect democracy in order to protect him from his own crimes. But you did. It made you feel good doing it.
And in 2020 you didn’t have to completely set aside the normal party nomination process and structurally rule out any challenge to his re-nomination. But you did. It made you feel good doing it.
It is not Democrats fault that now, standing with 30 million unemployed American voters amidst the smoldering ruins of your ideology choking on the rising stench of 250,000 dead Americans, you no longer feel good about it.
You were warned.
Still, you persisted.
All my google adds on DU and here are all pro trump and they have noting to do with leadership or a policy of some sorts.
I wish I could reply back with a big “Go Fuck Yourself”
@48 he does have a love for horses though.
@47 hopefully you’ll be one of the 300,000 dead by December.
Sorry Bob. You can school me and tell me how bad I am, but Ill always still be better than any fucking Repuke scumbag, that deserves to be told that.
Have a great day!
Not sure you know this but many landlords have options to buy and apply a portion of past rent to the purchase.
Evict. Evict. Then follows Default. Default.
“Not sure you know this but…”
gman, never stop being you. It’s too fuckin’ funny.
$400/week. Paid for, eventually, by YLB’s kids.
Which is actually a step down from the $600 of the past few months, also to be paid for by…
wait for it…
YLB’s kids.
Meanwhile, the S&P 500 index is at nearly 99% of its all-time high.
YLB, thank your kids for me.
Look at The Cat Lady still peddling BEACH WEEK!!!!
What could possibly go wrong?
51)Same here.
The dumbfuck can’t relate to pussy, obviously, but racism? Oh, yeah!
Vote Out Racism
Of course the dumbfuck voted for his orange moron. A write-in vote for Putin would have been so ineffective.
You fuckers use the terms “racist” and “racism” so much that they have lost their meaning.
@ 60
You forgot Steve’s use of the word “traitor”.
@60 Of course we do, stupe. We’re talking about Republicans. So of course we also use “pedophile”, “traitor” and “goatfucker” a lot. Speaking of which, I’m pretty sure all three of those struck a nerve with you.
I’m here to offer free therapy to dumbfucks. Wanna talk about about what ails you?
How so?
Is it simply a matter of numbers?
If I say “the sky is blue” a certain number of times does the word “blue” lose its meaning?
A long time ago, at the outset of the civil rights era you were told a lie. You were told that the word “racist” can only mean Bull Connor with fire hoses and dogs beating the shit out of 15-year-old girls in downtown Birmingham. You were told that the word “racist” can only mean night riders in white hoods hunting down children and whipping them to death with barbed wire.
The sky is still blue. Comes in all shades and hues of blue. Still blue.
And white conservatives are still racists. They come in all kinds. Still racist. Some of ’em are “Soccer Moms” who worry that “poor minority children might be a bad influence”. Some of ’em are licensed real estate agents who think “those folks wouldn’t feel comfortable in a neighborhood like that”. Some of ’em are employers who pass on the most highly qualified candidate for the promotion because “not a great fit”.
And some of ’em are the 63 million Trump voters who over the course of eight years became so viscerally outraged by the idea of a black family using the White House toilets that they drove themselves insane and elected a corrupt, racist, traitor.
If that makes you feel bad, quit. After all, it’s not like anyone is paying you to be a stupid asshole.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s black cellmates during his first night in prison…”Uranus is so tight, white boy!”
Still not one harsh word from the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck or his orange moron has been directed at Putin since we learned that he’d put a bounty on our troops. In fact, no harsh word for Putin about anything.
@ 67
Steve, any harsh words from you about China or Iran?
Of course not. Clown.
Same shameful treason you know and love.
Now with 10% more tu quoque!
@43 The difference between us and your ilk is we fire people for it. Your side doesn’t even fire for treason, if it’s one of your own. But you’re quick to demand a firing squad for anyone you dislike.
@46 It’s “Vote for the best candidate.”
It isn’t even that. We’re now down to “Vote for the candidate who isn’t awful beyond description.”
@47 “You need, then, to nominate the best candidate.”
No, we don’t. As the yard signs say, against your candidate “any functioning adult” will do. Actually, less. I’d vote for a dog before I’d vote for the candidate you voted for in 2016 and will vote for in 2020. I’m not a dumbfuck like you.
@52 You think he loves the horse? He’s incapable of loving himself. He’s only in it for self-gratification.
@53 “hopefully you’ll be one of the 300,000 dead by December”
No! no! no! What will we do for a troll to abuse if he dies? That would leave only Puddy. All the rest have run away. Cowards.
@56 “$400/week. Paid for, eventually, by YLB’s kids.”
Actually, if you were paying attention, it’s $300/week. Paid for with disaster relief money that won’t go to hurricane or wildfire victims.
Trump dumped the obligation for the other $100/week on states. Paying it is optional. They won’t because they don’t have it.
China and Iran can go fuck themselves, Putin-loving traitor.
He also speaks for the dumbfuck. But they really do care.
‘I Don’t Care’: Trump Responds To Intel That Russia Is Working To Get Him Elected Again
Because they haven’t a chance without Putin and Russia, Russia, Russia.
Give Trump credit. Really, Mark Meadows.
$300 a week is better than $0. We may be fucked either way. But if this scam works we’ll be that much less fucked.
The real story in all this is how the insane orthodoxies of the modern GOP render them utterly unfit to govern in a time of crisis. The structure and rules of the Senate in combination with Republican leadership all but guarantee this paralysis in the face of crisis. America has got to notice and realize that we can never again afford to leave the Senate in the hands of Republicans.
Cowardice. The dumbfuck and his orange moron have it in spades.
Trump flees Bedminster press conference after reporter busts him for lying about veterans
YLB’s kids
Young enough to look forward to the day when they’re standing over dimfuk’s grave…
when the freak strokes out after a mary kay donate to a librul cause…
But first they have to know about a hateful freak like dimfuk.. thankfully they don’t… but yes kids, such freaks do exist.. they have sick rape fantasies in liberal forums like HA and almost always have ugly skeletons in their fetid closets..
Anyone notice how nice it is around here hours before sunset on Friday all the way through to early sunday morning.. save for hate screeds from dimfuk..
Some fool no longer puts HA HEROES first during that time…
Yours truly takes credit..
Just to underscore and also clarify the depth of Senate GOP failure in the face of an unprecedented national crisis, House Democrats passed their bill in May. Moscow Mitch took three months of doing absolutely nothing before suddenly throwing he hands up, issuing threats, and then finally storming out of DC having accomplished zero. Senate GOP leadership refused to even begin negotiating on a bill until last week. And in all that time, holding all the Senate cards, Moscow Mitch and Senate Republicans couldn’t even come up with a proposal their own members could agree on.
That’s how incompetent and useless Republicans have become.
At a time of America’s greatest need, they fold up on themselves and sob like bitches. It shouldn’t have been possible. But they actually make Trump look good.
Are you kidding, the horse stretched him out. But maybe one of Puddy’s cousins is as big as a horse.
Good grief.
The White House reportedly asked South Dakota’s governor how to add another president to Mount Rushmore, and she later gave Trump a 4-foot replica with his face on it
“I shook his hand, and I said, ‘Mr. President, you should come to South Dakota sometime. We have Mount Rushmore.’ And he goes, ‘Do you know it’s my dream to have my face on Mount Rushmore?’ “I started laughing,” she said. “He wasn’t laughing, so he was totally serious.”
Given what we know about Republicans, it’s kind of disturbing how the doctor talks about them all the time. General rule of thumb, never, ever leave a Republican alone with a child.
Democrat Kai Kahele wins Hawaii primary to replace Tulsi Gabbard
State Sen. Kai Kahele (D), an active National Guard member, won the primary in Hawaii’s 2nd District on Saturday in the race to replace retiring Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii).
She voted present and retired to a regular guest spot on Fox.
Republicans. Refuse to budge from an unreasonable position, then when negotiations fail, blame the Democrats.
Notice how every one of Trump’s plans involve you paying more after he promised to cut your taxes?
Works with the base. As long as it hurts the hated liberals, they will let republicans do anything to them.
Trump Admitted on Live Television He Will ‘Terminate’ Social Security and Medicare If Reelected in November
Trump pledged to permanently scrap the payroll taxes used to fund Social Security and Medicare if he wins re-election
Old folks in Florida will still vote this man because they think it’s for the good if it hurts Democrat’s.
“When I voted for Trump who said he would cut Social Security and Medicare, I didn’t know he would cut my Social Security and Medicare. How come nobody warned me this could happen?”
I guess she can always surf in Florida. 🙄
Funny to think that, starting today and henceforth forevermore, conservatives can no longer bitch about Obama EOs.
By my count they have mostly run out of excuses. All that’s really left is their deep, abiding revulsion at the idea of an African American family using the White House toilets.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s options are getting limited:
If you can’t fly, I guess a road trip to Sturgis is one of your few options for watching a bunch of strange dudes pull train on “the old lady”.
5,010,000 confirmed cases
162,000 dead
And it’s all the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck’s fault.
Today I learned how much of the population in the states the seceded were slaves. For example, 57% of the people in South Carolina were enslaved, and 46 % of white households owned slaves.
The civil war was not fought for States Rights. It was fought to perpetuate slavery.
“What this statistic does is begin to show how entrenched slavery was in southern society. Those who count only the slave owner present a phony view of slavery. It assumes that a slave owner’s sons, who stood to inherit slaves on their parent’s death, the same way Robert E. Lee inherited slaves on his mother’s death, had no interest in perpetuating slavery. One can easily see how absurd that is.”
It is impossible for me to express how fucked up that was. And that we needed Civil Rights in the 60s and need Black Lives Matter still now.
@92. Him and everyone who voted republican.
“One person was killed and an off-duty police officer was injured in a shooting at a motorcycle club … the off-duty officer was visiting the club known as the #1 Stunnas Motorcycle Club in Birmingham.”
Are they hiring bikers as cops now? Details about why the cop was there and whether he was a member are lacking.
That’s Doctor Dumbfuck’s kind of cop, I’m sure. Trump’s, too, although I think Trump prefers Nazis.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is on a smooth glide path to become the next House Rep from GA-14.
Among Ms. Greene’s important campaign issues is the need to arrest George Soros for being Jewish, the need to root out Obama-built Androids from the State Dept. and FBI, and the importance of launching a global swat team intervention to stop the baby cannibalism.
Nothing appears likely to stop her from winning the seat, and that includes Every Republican You Know who have all stood meekly aside and held the door for her. She isn’t the only dangerous lunatic that the Rapepublican Party will be electing to Congress this year. But she may be the most dangerous. And while Democrats are all-in to stop her, Rapepublicans have not spent one single cent to support her Rapepublican primary opponent.
And that includes our own Trolls4Trump.
Because aside from being a mentally ill, unmedicated psychotic she is also a Trumpolo. And in 2020 for conservatives Trump is more important than America.
Commemorating 55 years of the Voting Rights Act. Who voted for and against the Voting Rights Act.
Among currently serving Republicans in both the House and Senate how many have argued that the Voting Rights Act is a bad idea?
Yes, Puddy did. Then Puddy went to explain how the dummocretins are trying to feed the dummocretin led cities and states with their “HEROES” act with $3 Trillion of which $250 Billion was mostly for the dummocretin. dot bombed didn’t cover that.
Then Puddy wrote public universities when Puddy should have looked at some of the rich public universities. Instead Puddy remembered the private universities that got the first covid monies and they fought to return it. My mistake.
These funds need to be directly given to the school systems and not through the dummocretin cities and states. Puddy could support that.
Voting Rights Act for 2020? Hmmm…? Republicans want voters to show their ID to vote. You have to show ID for many other things in America yet dummocretins are all aghast over having to show an ID for voting.
That’s the way it is.
Evict, evict, evict. Default, default, default. Economy go poop, poop, poop.
Hump Virus beautiful! Spectacular!
Come up with some plan to get every eligible voter a voting ID card, or some type of form of ID, if they don’t have one, and I’m ok with having to show ID.
Besides I’ve lived in and voted CT and NY, and I have to show ID each time, it wasn’t an option, it was required, so without looking at what states don’t require it, I don’t understand why it’s always brought up by the Loons
Puddy still living free of charge in the femtometer sized brain of the yellowishleakingbuttspigot.
Still monomaniacal as evah HA “HERO”
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa
Its so funny!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa
There is a way to provide an ID to everyone except national dummocretin equate an ID card to Nazism or Fascism. So we get no where!
Go ahead, Seattle city council, defund the police. We can hardly wait for the next BLM protest after you defund the police.
@97 Too bad all the racist southern ex-Democrats are in your party now. I feel for you, man. If you can get past the zygote thing, and your friends don’t lynch you first, feel free to come over to our side. Over 90% of your people are already here.
@100 Republican voter ID in Texas:
CCW card: Okay
U. of Texas student ID card: Not okay.
You expect GOP voter ID laws to have any credibility when Republicans do things like that? Everybody knows all they’re for is keeping elderly people who don’t drive anymore, students living in university dorms, and people who look like you from voting.
Here’s the lowdown with Trump’s 4 executive orders:
Almost no one will actually get the newly extended unemployment benefits. To be eligible, your state has to kick in $100 a week and set up a parallel unemployment benefits system to pay it because the money can’t legally be paid through existing state unemployment programs.
The eviction moratorium hasn’t actually been extended; the executive order only requires a study.
The deferred payroll taxes are still owed and eventually must be paid unless Congress decides to forgive them, which is opposed by virtually all Democrats and some Republicans.
The good news is the executive order extending student loan relief provides real relief to real people, and 1 out of 4 is better than nothing.
If that’s the case why am I having to show my I’d in a Democrat CT and NY?
I have to wonder why Steve is friends with this moron.
Whats a CCW card?
One of the generalized terms for a concealed carry permit.
Also, Puddy is just full of weak watery shit again. Surely it must pain him to know how many active and currently elected and serving Rapepublicans have stated on the record that the voting rights act of 1965 was wrong. Republicans have been caught and documented using racial identification to restrict ballot access in at least a half dozen states with the support of the RNC and national not-for-profits like Heritage.
He just needs to create a distraction from what a remarkably stupid post he made at 97.
Bozo sentence of the day. What does a U of Texas ID card prove senile idiot wabbit? Proof of citizenship? Proof of residence? Proof of having voting rights restored or not?
Man you really are moronic senile idiot wabbit!
FTFY. dummocretins in all their political messaging throw out how they are the party of voting and civil rights. Puddy loves to remind dummocretins of how they looked at black people in the 60s as chattel.