Samantha Bee: RoboSam and the rise of telemedicine.
The Daily Show: A message for the graduation class of 2020.
John Oliver: USPS.
Jonathan Mann: You chose Alex Jones.
Vox: Why beef is the worst food for the climate.
- The Daily Show: Desi Lydic calls Aunt Jeanine
- Stephen: Tрамп insists we’ve “prevailed” as Dr. Fauci refuses to sugarcoat his coronavirus outlook
- Reflect: Tрамп shows off bio-hazard binder to trick Americans into thinking he knew what he was doing
- J-L Cauvin: Tрамп Tuesday, Episode 2
- Seth Meyers: Whistleblower Rick Bright’s damning testimony on Tрамп’s COVID-19 failures
- SNL Weekend Update: Jeanine Pirro on coronavirus lockdown protests
- Trevor: FBI seizes Senator’s phone & Wisconsin Supreme Court overturns lockdown
- Samantha Bee: How coronavirus is starving the nation, Pt. 1
- Samantha Bee: How coronavirus is starving the nation, Pt. 2
- Now This: Dr. Fauci warns Senators against reopening states prematurely
- The Late Show: Ted Cruz’s hairs seek deliverance from his head
- Jimmy Kimmel with a quarantine monologue
- Stephen: Tрамп throws shade at Dr. Rick Bright as the whistleblower warns congress of dark days ahead
- Mark Fiore: Open for business
- The Atlantic: Tрамп: A study in leadership
- Founders Sing: Barr on the run:
- The Daily Show: Rand Paul’s tie slaps some sense into him
- Seth Meyers: Trump goes off the rails on Twitter and FAUX News
- Trevor: What the fuck is “Obamagate”?
- Ummmm…Tрамп baby
- Stephen: Jake Tapper on Michael Flynn and norm erosion
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard Tрамп DESTROYS 60 Minutes
- The Late Show: Superhero wants “Obamagate” crime specifics
- Now This: Whistleblower of coronavirus tried to warn the Tрамп administration
- Late Night antibody PSA
- Bruce W. Nelson: A salute to angry Tрамп followers
- The Daily Show: Tрамп’s coronavirus response timeline
- SNL Weekend Update: Trump’s valet tests positive for coronavirus
- Trevor and Desi Lydic: Seriously, what is Obamagate?
- Jimmy Kimmel: Fauci testifies & Tрамп pushes Obamagate
- Stephen: Tрамп’s Rose Garden hissy fit, plus the dumbest thing The Dotard has ever said
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard Tрамп wants to get to 401K
- The Late Show: Tрамп will be right here waiting for you
- Robert Reich: The real reason Tрамп wants to reopen the economy
- Sarah Cooper: More cases than anybody in the world
- Seth Meyers: PPP and small businesses
- SNL: Tрамп graduation speech
- Trevor: White House coronavirus outbreak
- Stephen: Jake Tapper on Tрамп’s downplaying of the coronavirus
- Lars von Retriever: MetalTrump…and justice for all
- Jimmy Kimmel: Tрамп & FAUX News vs Fauci and no more pants
- The Daily Show game: What was Tрамп asked about?
- Bruce W. Nelson: Weak men fear strong women
- Lauren Mayer: The angry old man:
- J-L Cauvin: Tрамп Tuesday, Episode 3
- Vox: Dr. Anthony Fauci, explained
- The Late Show: Tрамп crashes the Supreme Court’s oral arguments teleconference
- Full Frontal: Reimagining the nation post-pandemic
- Trevor: The latest in coronavirus science
- Stephen: Republicans are sick of Dr. Fauci reminding them of how many people could get sick
- Now This: Dr. Fauci claps back at Sen. Rand Paul for suggesting schools reopen
- John Di Domenico: Missing uplifting Tрамп speech Americans want
- Seth Meyers: Tрамп and FAUX try to distract from coronavirus with “Obamagate”
- The Daily Show: DUMBKIRK—Tрамп declares war on coronavirus
- Jimmy Kimmel: Tрамп’s whistleblower tantrum & stupidity on parade
- USA Singers: We will resist
- The Late Show: White House staffers worry about catching coronavirus at work
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard re-opens MAR-A-LAGO!
Dulcé Sloan: Why should you fill out the 2020 census?
Barack and Michelle Obama crash a virtual town hall.
BuzzFeed: Everything you need to know about murder hornets in 6 minutes.
The Daily Show: Womansplained—The wage gap, female representation & the E.R.A.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Re-opening early, will be interesting. I hope we don’t see a spike. I miss many at work who are working remotely. Been wearing a mask at work since Wednesday. Don’t mind, everybody in the office is too important to get sick right now, especially me, being the janitor.
I’m sure every Doctor aspired to be a Troll.
By now Rapepublicans should be getting used to it.
Well, they would if they hadn’t killed themselves by injecting bleach, drinking aquarium cleaner, and jamming flashlights up their asses.
The State Department inspector general fired by Trump last night apparently was investigating whether Mike Pompeo and his wife used a federal employee to run personal errands for them.
Wuhan Virus death rate (From CNN):
World – approximately 6.74%
US – approximately 6.08%
From yesterday…Mike Rogers!
Lying is a sin, Piddles.
795 is ‘nearly 800’. When you have to tell a lie proudly to boast (pride, also sin)…
May 16: 306 and it’s only noon EDT
May 15: 795
@5 In other words, the U.S. is doing slightly better than the average third world shithole country with no hospitals, doctors, nurses, or ventilators.
What the hell, we’ve got nothing to lose, so I think I’ll take a chance and vote for the Democrats.
89,000 > 15
“I’m fast tracking finding a vaccine. Today. That’s my plan. Better than his plan. No applause just your everlasting gratitude. No one understands vaccines like a me. I’ve seen people where they have a perfectly healthy child, and they go for the vaccinations, and a month later the child is no longer healthy. People that work for me, just the other day, two years old, beautiful child went to have the vaccine and came back and a week later, got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.
Get back to work you deadbeats.”
Republican nutjob Matt Shea has not filed for reelection. The deadline was yesterday. Good riddance. He was an embarrassment to our legislature.
I’m a lying bitch!
@10 You’re an imposter and identity thief.
@ 4
The State Department inspector general fired by Trump last night apparently was investigating whether Mike Pompeo and his wife used a federal employee to run personal errands for them.
He was leaking documents to Democrats for years.
He was appointed by a Democrat and confirmed by a Democrat-led Senate. To oversee the State Department led, at the time, by a Democrat administration.
This is a nothingburger now unless it was a shocking display of partisanship when he was nominated and confirmed in 2013, too.
Is it really relevant that one of Pompeo’s staff might have gone out for pizza for Pompeo’s family one night? Is that what we want someone in a position important enough to be subject to Senate confirmation to be doing, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
The result of Comey, McCabe, and this now-fired fuck is that a purge of Democrat-appointed people in the executive branch will accelerate. Demonstrate partisanship against your boss and your ass SHOULD be canned.
You might be lucky enough to watch the same thing in a year, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You will have no issues with it if the parties are reversed.
(Clutch pearls, collapse on fainting couch.)
@12. Also Racist Incel: But don’t you worry, republicans will weaponize this as much as they can, when the Democrats are in power.
That’s a warning. Don’t mess with us now and in exchange, we will mess with you later. Trust us.
Because republicans are evil like that.
@ 14
…republicans will weaponize this as much as they can, when the Democrats are in power.
That’s a warning.
No, it’s payback; a predictable response to the precedent Democrats have set.
Democrats started it.
Apparently Joe is getting those percentage points back.
Where ‘leak’ means delivering his work product when requested by house members in the course of an investigation.
“So then Brad Parscale comes up to me and get this, asks if carnauba wax can polish it. They literally were looking for Shinola!” White House maintenance night lead overheard at the water cooler.
Big difference between “weaponizing” the West Wing political staff (goes back before the Civil War – before there was a West Wing) and “weaponizing” the DOJ.
There you have it folks. Prosecutorial and investigatory independence abandoned. The department, and it’s various branches, are to be politically directed from the White House and aligned with partisan political interests.
Bleating Pussy will claim that “it has always been thus” etc. He’ll shout to the heavens about a tarmac meeting.
They’ve got six months in which to figure out how to shift that political monstrosity into low gear and steer it down the road between the shoulders before they run out of gas. And they are counting on Commander Toilet Tweet to do that. While 50 million Americans lose their jobs and they do their best to kill 2 million of us.
Leaving Attorney General Warren to seize the wheel and begin eight years of Rapepublican Grand Theft Auto VI!
Is it really relevant that one of Pompeo’s staff might have gone out for pizza for Pompeo’s family one night?
It’s against the law.
So very much makes it relevant.
@ 16
Interesting that in the only MI poll taken after it was reported that Amash was exploring a run, he wasn’t listed by name. “Other” received 3% of the vote.
Full disclosure.
@ 20
I see our nun-with-a-ruler has joined us.
Breaking News: a State Department intern may have been asked to go out and gas up Pompeo’s wife’s sedan.
This is what we know now; we hope to have more during our 11 p.m. broadcast.
From the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago:
Remember this when you’re slamming the GOP for a persistently high “unemployment” rate when the economy reopens.
On the bright side, Deathfrogg has never been so wealthy.
The guy who insisted that The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 had an “absolute lock” on 252 EVs the day before the election wants y’all to believe @ 16 that the decision by the guy who tweeted this:
to stay out of the presidential race is going to be beneficial for Biden in the Fall election.
Cz-252 has learned nothing from his embarrassment in 2016.
Spoken in anger by The Q Clearance Pussy as his court appointed attorney weeps silently into his hands while shaking his head.
I don’t think there is a Democrat governor who has better managed his/her state’s Wuhan crisis than Jay Inslee.
Smartly, he has walked back the Big Brother-ish requirement for personal information to be collected from restaurant patrons.
If Trump wins re-election, Inslee is in a great position to run for the 2024 Democrat nomination, I think. In 2024 he’ll have something more useful to tout than an excessive willingness to force installation of solar panels on the north sides of houses just below the Canadian border. Think Giuliani post-9/11.
I’ll predict that if Trump wins this Fall, Inslee’s the 2024 Democrat nominee. And Inslee’s the 46th president.
I’ll further predict that in 2024 we’ll be back to calling it The Wuhan Virus.
The guy who within the last two weeks was gleefully pointing out that with Amash in a poll Joe lost 3% to Donald’s 1% and how much worse a I/GOP run would be for Joe.
Never mind that it was 46% Joe 41% Donald with Justin included.
Want to talk about memory loss among retirees?
Pompeo and other department officers are not elected officials.
So it’s a very different set of rules with a very different history.
Cut the the chase, every single future administration may now have the full expectation, starting on inauguration day, that they are entirely free to dismiss and replace the entirety of appointed positions within the ex branch, including DOJ at all levels and including IGs. Which carries with it the very intended consequence that at every level of government, in every single office, and in every position including civil service there can be no independent oversight of the officers appointed by that new administration, nor any practical capacity to hold them to the law.
Now, finally, Ben Carson can have his $50,000 dining room set and Tom Price can have his NetJets flights to Paris cocaine parties.
Only it won’t be Ben Carson and Tom Price. And it won’t be ugly furniture and coke parties. It will be Homeland Security Sec. Susan Rice flying Democratic party donors aboard air force jets to overseas fundraising events in Qatar and Singapore. It will be HUD Sec. Omar ordering contracting officers to rig construction bids. It will be Treasury Sec. Waters steering recovery and pandemic response funding to swing states with Democratic governors.
Put the federal government on Etsy and Rapepublicans predictably put the proceeds up a hooker’s nose. Democrats put the proceeds to work creating more Democratic voters. At this point you’ll want to recall that it was actually Rapepublicans who implemented clean gov civil service reforms more than a century ago. Oh well. How can we not give them what they are asking for?
Hey look!
More idiotic shit for The Q Clearance Pussy to be entirely wrong about.
Tornado shelter anyone?
Don’t forget to bring your flashlight. But not the one you have shoved up your butt.
@12 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck turns a blind eye to a political appointee using federal employees as personal servants. What a dumbfuck.
@13 Nowadays a Democrat is the worst thing you can be except a Republican which is far, far worse.
@15 “Democrats started it.”
Hardly: Helen Gahagan Douglas. Pink sheets. Joe McCarthy. HUAC. Watergate. Swift boats. Dirty tricks. It’s endless.
There’s no dirty, evil, lowdown, filthy trick in American politics that Republicans didn’t do first. In most cases, Republicans were the only ones to do it.
Whatever payback Republicans get from Democrats, they’ve got far, far more coming to them.
@ 28
Want to talk about memory loss among retirees?
What makes you think I forgot? That earlier exchange was national data. What I brought up was state-related, which is the only thing that counts.
Don’t forget it was supposed to hurt Trump that Evan Mullin ran in 2016.
Last third-party candidate to hurt the GOP in the presidential election was Perot. It’s much more recent that they have hurt Democrats – Gore in 2000, The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 in 2016.
Last time I pointed out that Amash’s inclusion would hurt Biden, according to a poll. This time I pointed out that the exit of a Libertarian candidate would likely not harm Trump, according to simple common sense.
I’m being fully consistent, Cz-252.
@16 Florida Atlantic University poll conducted May 8-12 has Biden +6 in that state.
@20 “It’s against the law.”
Dumbfuck doesn’t care about that. No Republican does. In their view, the only thing laws are good for is weaponizing them to use against Democrats. Otherwise, the GOP is a completely lawless group of dysfunctional social misfits.
@22 We were keeping it under wraps, but the cat’s out of the bag: We’re conspiring to hand you over to The Penguin.
@24 You’re unemployed. Why don’t you get on that gravy train? Oh, that’s right, when they find out you’re a doctor they’ll put you to work! There’s plenty of work for doctors right now. No need for any doctor to be sitting on his ass at his horse farm whiling away his days posting horsepucky on an obscure liberal local blog.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s gotta be getting paid for doing nothing. I just can’t figure out how. He’s too young for Social Security and he doesn’t have any income from stock dividends. And I can’t see Putin paying him for the drivel he posts here. If he has a wife, he must be embezzling from her checking account. Otherwise, he’s gotta be a feral unicorn that sustains itself by eating wild grass.
@28 “Want to talk about memory loss among retirees?”
Personally, I think he was fired, not retired. In his case they’re probably the same thing.
@ 36
In their view, the only thing laws are good for is weaponizing them to use against Democrats.
Comey discussed the Logan Act in his January 2017 meeting with Obama and Yates, WRT Flynn.
Tell me more about weaponizing laws, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 36
In their view, the only thing laws are good for is weaponizing them to use against Democrats.
Comey discussed the Logan Act in his January 2017 meeting with Obama and Yates, WRT Flynn.
Tell me more about weaponizing laws, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@34 Let me get this straight. Something hurting Biden going away doesn’t hurt Trump. Check. Got it.
Now do Tara Reade.
@42 “Comey discussed”
I discussed your provenance with a local herd of wild unicorns, but they claimed they don’t know you, and insisted you must be the offspring of some other herd.
de Blasio’s career is over.
[DELETED…too much copy, not enough commentary]
Pay attention to the way he and Rapepublicans in general would waive it all off.
It is essentially no different than their approach to most crime involving the people they regard as part of their “in-group”.
Two Southern white men pile into their armed neighborhood technical and race around until they find a young black man to hunt down and shot to death. “Self defense” very quickly becomes “nun-with-a-ruler” as soon as the real world happens to notice.
The law that prohibits ordering a G-8 to run for pizza for your family lies squarely on the same spectrum as the law that makes it a civil rights violation to hunt black men for sport. And as far as Rapepublicans are concerned, if the “right kind” of white man is doing it, it’s okay.
Setting aside all the evidence in transcripts of Flynn’s criminal activities prior to the Kislyak calls, Flynn had eyewitness, personal, first hand knowledge of major felonies committed by his business partners. And the FBI knew that he did. So when he voluntarily lied to them repeatedly about Kislyak they charged it and used it for leverage to gain his cooperation against his sleazy foreign spy business partners.
This is a thing the FBI does every month if not every week in America. They do it in order to convict sleazy foreign spy business partners. The only thing that makes this different is that the target is a Trump appointee and a Rapepublican. And that is apparently all that matters to a “die-hard Trump supporter”.
What does not matter to them is that Flynn, and Barr, and Trump are far more interested in protecting the sleazy foreign spy business partners than in protecting The United States.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
It seems everyone but the night janitor wanted to know who Mr. Flynn was talking to.
Florid example of the sort of insane horseshit the trolls and just about Every Rapepublican You Know are falling victim to right about now.
The identity of the foreign sleazeball secret agent adversary targets of the NSA captures are in the product as distributed to the principals. What they did not know was what was the name of the US citizen, serving on a major party political campaign, with whom the foreign sleazeball secret agent adversaries were having long, late night phone sex.
Michael Flynn!
So yes, they filed routine paperwork in order to learn the name of a US citizen they had very good reason to suspect was selling out his country to a whole bunch of foreign spies. Because that is the business Flynn was in at the time and because these are the kinds of people we pay our counter espionage and national security professionals to protect us from.
Now, there’s a good reason trolls, and Rapepublicans turn this around and get it backwards in this particular way. And that’s because it’s very, very, very important to them that drooling nut jobs everywhere forget all about that dance card of spies and corrupt dictators Michael Flynn was busy servicing on his knees during this particular time frame. They need to turn it around and put all the attention on Flynn in hopes that your Crazy Uncle Liberty will just overlook the fact that after getting his ass canned for being bi-polar and refusing to take his meds, Flynn went into business selling out America to anybody willing to meet the opening price.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
I know. Try this:
Jim Guy Tucker;
John Haley;
William J. Marks, Sr.;
Stephen Smith;
Webster Hubbell;
Jim McDougal;
Susan McDougal;
David Hale;
Neal Ainley;
Chris Wade;
Larry Kuca;
Robert W. Palmer;
John Latham;
Eugene Fitzhugh;
Charles Matthews.
Clinton meets with Reno. She launches her own “summary investigation”. A few months later she fires the line prosecutors while vaguely accusing them of wrongdoing, appoints new prosecutors and orders them to enter motions for dismissal on all counts.
Rule 48(a) says this is okay?
Rule 48(a) says judge has to suck it up?
This is what you get from now on and forevermore thanks to Barr.
Don’t forget it was supposed to hurt Trump that Evan Mullin ran in 2016.
That’s funny. And it was Mittens (the man who “understands [vulture] capitalism”) Romney who voted to convict drumpf in the impeachment trial..
A lot of Mormons especially the sort of Mormons like Willard that are so close to Mormon royalty – they don’t cotton to a reprobate like drumpf.
They at least try not to be whores like Franklin Graham and the rest of that crowd.
Hurting Trump in Utah is like hurting a vampire in a blood bank.
I was going to do a Special Olympics riff.
But respect for Barron.
Ah what the hell…
…like hurting Usain Bolt in a Special Olympics.
There. Sorry, Barron. I needed that.
COVID made me do it.
46 thru 53
My, my – aren’t we just in love with ourselves!
@54 lemme guess…
Gold! Flat tax! Israel’s not our problem! I hate that bitch Hillary! I’m never gonna ride Sound Transit!
The best music is the same music I listened to in high school.. I haven’t changed my political views since I started my subscription to Reason in my freshman year of college.
And shit is my portfolio down! I blame those liberal bitch comediennes.
It objects to the words.
It can’t tolerate the words.
Will nobody protect it from the terrible words.
Better gun up! FREEEEDUUUUUMB!!!!!!!
Interesting SCOTUS decision last month says Georgia can’t copyright annotations to its statutes that were commissioned by the state for publication in its official reporter.
55, 56
Oooh! Must have hit a nerve!
@ 54
He’s tolerable if by comparison you read some of what The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 13, 14 posts.
Got my drive-thru Wuhan test today (my better half was tested yesterday). There were three stations. Two guys in a truck in station 1 to make sure I was on the list on their clipboard. Why it couldn’t be one guy in a truck, I don’t know. Union thing, probs.
Then pulled forward and held up my ID and my medical insurance card to the driver’s side window, which were photographed and God only knows what will happen with that data. That was station 2, and there were four people there. A nasal swab and culturette tube were placed in a baggie and put on my dashboard.
I drove to station 3. There were two people there. Not sure what the second person was for, but the first one tickled my olfactory lobe with that swab, first time I had ever had that done. By the time I was done getting reamed, a second vehicle pulled behind me.
So, eight people, total, for mostly just me. I felt…
Snowflakes are…
How many shots do you need to take before you read the Washington Post Magazine’s description of Stacey Abrams without doing a spit-take?
They spelled SSBBW incorrectly.
Ya gotta see this photo of Stacey Abrams.
I yearn to be regaled about the crease in Obama’s pants.
“We’re surrounded by a whole bunch of very, very rural areas of farmers, very small communities, and none of those people are tested, so we really have no idea what the community spread is.
In the county where I live, in one week there were 50 cases, the next week there were 800,”
@59 Oooo!! Somebody hit a nerve!
@60 “Two guys in a truck …. Why it couldn’t be one guy in a truck, I don’t know.”
Security guard.
“That was station 2, and there were four people there.”
Three security guards.
“So, eight people, total, for mostly just me. I felt … special.”
They heard you were coming and scrambled the backup, not because you’re special, but because you’re a dumbfuck and they were afraid you might do something stupid.
@62, 63 – Somebody Doctor Dumbfuck can vote for:
Somebody Doctor Dumbfuck can’t vote for:
Now think of the possible reasons why Doctor Dumbfuck can vote for one but not the other. Hint: It has nothing to do with qualifications.
“…might do something stupid.”
Too late.
Russia may provide a good empirical test of what could happen to a country that adopts Trump’s approach to Covid-19. Putin may not be such a big Trump fan afterwards.
@67 The answer, obviously, is that one of them has a gap in her teeth. The reason this is important is because Doctor Dumbfuck has a gap between his ears.
67 the first pic. Is that how the racist incel sees tulsi?
In its peak fantasies it “sees” Tulsi while sobbing and peering out from within a darkened bedroom closet choke fapping.
The usual weekly routine.
While The Q Clearance Pussy says again, and again, and again that “he can wait”, the admitted rapist he voted for says he can not:
Putin can’t be seen touching it. Zelensky fell through.
It’s gotta be you, Moscow Mitch!
@ 71
1. Swimsuit or wetsuit. Either one works.
2. Doesn’t need backlighting or other photographic effect. Certainly doesn’t need a cape.
3. Knows when an election is over and she was not the winner.
The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 didn’t need blue-collar white men.
Or, as it turned out, the black vote or a lot of women, either.
Biden campaign doesn’t consider Latinos ‘part of their path to victory,’ political operatives say
There are a lot of Latino business owners that Trump would like to see back on the job. He has six months to consistently fight to reopen the country while Democrats consistently fight to keep it shut down. Won’t be enough to win California.
But he didn’t win California last time, either.
Choose a better nominee. You are running out of time.
wash your handsmove your marijuana extract to a safe place outside the house right now.11 firefighters hurt in downtown L.A. explosion that caused fires at several buildings
The cause of the fire is people doing stupid shit with a stupid drug.
Think on this. The only good fascist is a dead fascist.
@ 77
Steve doing Antifa = Jabba The Hutt wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.
Fawkes estate serves Antifa with cease and desist
Steve should cease and desist from the tough guy act. He’s a talking marshmallow.
When doing a lap dance on Steve, in order to avoid touching any part of him the dancer must stay 2.5 inches away.
Pole dancing and hand sanitizer: Wyoming strip club reopens with ‘masks on, clothes off’ party
The girls don’t call him Stubby for nothin’.
“The cause of the fire is people doing stupid shit with a stupid drug.”
If you say so, I guess.
Someone needs to tell this idiot that the pronoun thing was going to go away after the November election, once it was no longer useful to Democrats.
She lost her job six months earlier than would have happened, anyway. Boo fuckin’ hoo.
Learn to code.
Imagine just for a moment that you, as a singularly privileged, protected, and coddled white male, spent most of your free time combing the internet for scarce tidbits, random screeds, and largely overlooked, obscure, and ignored examples of your narrow personal grievances to put on display before those you consider your “oppressors”.
Kill yourself? If that and Time Masheen were your only options, maybe so.
“I need you to do me a favor. There’s this cop sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong.”
“There’s this
cop‘nun-with-a-ruler’ sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong.”ftfatroll
No independent IGs, no functionally effective IG statue, no whistle blowers, no independent Special Counsel authority, the power to order and initiate a criminal investigation into any political opponent for any or no reason, and the power to move for dismissal on any federal prosecution at any time.
This is what Rapepublicans are serving up to us on an orange, jizz-splattered silver tray.
So we have another liar from Shifty Schiff’s hidden transcripts.
Besides the lying lawfare blog used by assesHorse fools here what other e-rag did he crap all over?
Oh wait there is more. This moron was a great friend with disgraced Mueller SCO libtard Andrew Weissmann.
Find a rotten tree. Find even more rotten apples.
One wonders the dinner conversations around the Hirsi home way back when.
Whatever happened to the Sunday Bible study threads?
“Whatever happened to the Sunday Bible study threads?”
My boss decided they were too tame, lacked any overarching narrative of hatred toward brown people, and didn’t have enough porn stars or 13-year-old wannabe models wearing latex gloves.
It’s better this way.
Looks like Australia wants some Wuhan coronavirus answers…
And this too.
“The Australian newspaper article above calls on W.H.O. Director-General Tedros [Chinese toady] to “initiate at the earliest appropriate moment a stepwise process of impartial, independent and comprehensive evaluation” of the international response to the pandemic, the actions of the W.H.O. and its “timeline” of the pandemic.”
So why wasn’t Dr Rick Bright put under oath last week when the latest Congressional DUMMOCRETIN train wreck occurred?
Dishonesty, the trademark of DUMMOCRETINS!
@ 90
So when Bright is found to have lied, a US Attorney appointed when Obama was president can elect not to prosecute him for lying to Congress, justifying it because Bright was not under oath at the time of his lie.
@75 Wherein a dumbfuck explains why Trump has the votes of “millions of illegals” in the bag.
@83 “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged President Trump to fire the official” investigating Mike Pompeo for improper use of taxpayer resources.
Business as usual.
…a US Attorney can elect not to prosecute him for lying…
Can’t say we didn’t warn them.
@85 A Trumplicker calling a Democrat a “liar.” How cute.
@90 A Trumplicker calling Democrats “dishonest.” How clever.
Looking forward to AG Warren’s announcement of the appointment of special prosecutor Yates to “look into” Sesh, Loeffler, Perdue, Kemp, Scott, DeSantis, Cruz, Abbott, etc. etc. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Unto the ages of ages….
They were warned. Still they persisted.
Covid-19 cases are spiking in reopened Texas. But it’s just the flu. Old people die anyway. If young people don’t die from Covid-19 they’ll die from shark attacks, dune buggy rollovers, collapsing balconies, and frat house hazing. We’re all gonna die someday. So it’s all good. Vote for the Party of Death and attend a death party!
Special Counsel McCabe has pleasant ring to it.
I suppose he’ll just have to go where the evidence takes him.
Dear, dear. That’s very sad. So many getting sick. So many dying needlessly.
Some President might just want to order his AG to name a Special Counsel Nancy Northup to “look into” that.
@ 94
Clapper lied to Congress.
During a public hearing in March 2013, Mr. Clapper was asked by Sen. Ron Wyden, Oregon Democrat, if the NSA collects “any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans.”
“No sir,” Mr. Clapper responded. “Not wittingly”
Classified documents leaked to the media revealed three months later that the NSA had been compelling U.S. telecommunication providers for copies of telephone records, known as metadata, for essentially every call and text occurring over domestic networks.
DOJ elected to let the statute of limitations expire on Clapper.
Navarro: “We all know about the billion dollars [Biden’s] son took from the Chinese.”
Stephanopoulos: “That’s not factual, sir. … He did not take a billion dollars from the Chinese.”
Navarro: “Be that as it may … this election is gonna be a referendum in many ways on China.”
“Be that as it may” are the magic words that Piddles mutters while clicking his Nike Decades together that always transport him safely away from his most recent lies.
Motte meet bailey.
90,000 > 15
Looks like the latest locale of the goalpost (95,000 total deaths) Donald declared will be reached Wednesday or Thursday.
“We’ve done more than any country. Without me they say millions would have died. No I never said 40,000. Nope didn’t say 95,000 either. What you heard on those video recordings is the LameStream media making up fake news. it was not my voice. it was Alec Baldwin who is unfunny and doesn’t even sound like me. His career was dead before I came along.”
News Flash. People lie under oath and get away with it sometimes. Libby. Cheney. North. Reagan. Trump.
Senate Republicans gave Clapper a pass on that one, to the not inconsiderable frustration of Senator Wyden.
But now Rapepublicans have blown open that Overton Window to include naked lies for purely corrupt and/or partisan political purposes.
That will be the Flynn legacy when the dust finally settles in a year or two.
Thanks. Keep going.
@ 98
No, it’s more testing, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Do more testing, find more cases.
The cases aren’t increasing because of the reopening. They’re increasing because they’re being detected now.
Here was ABC’s initial story headline:
Texas Cases of Covid 19 Increasing By Thousands Since Reopening
Which sounds very similar to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s stupid spew.
Here’s ABC’s headline after it got called out for its bullshit:
Texas COVID-19 cases rise, governor’s office says more testing being done
You’re a useless, fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. The sad thing is that QoS McHillbilly @ 100 took you for your word. He’ll think twice before doing that again.
Greg Abbott will come out of this a winner.
Andrew Cuomo will come out of this a loser. Hence Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit tries to smear Abbott by parroting an ABC lie.
Do more testing, find more cases. It’s the whole point of expanding testing, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. To identify more cases.
That’s shocking. That’s just terrible.
As soon as he wraps up his current investigations, I’ll have Special Counsel Michael Atkinson and Deputy Special Counsel Alexander Vindman “look into” that.
“Greg Abbott will come out of this a winner.”
Not by the time I get through with him, he won’t.
“Be that as it may…”
See what I did there?
“The girls don’t call him Stubby for nothin’.”
Wingnut projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing. And there are times when it reveals more about a troll than I ever wanted to know.
So the girls call you “stubby”, huh? Must suck to be you.
Good afternoon. Thank you all for being here today.
The three previous times that I’ve come to the floor to explain my votes to kill funding for life saving pandemic preparedness, I have begun my floor remarks explaining my decision with a recognition of the solemn nature and the importance of the occasion.
It’s true that on three separate occasions and three distinct pieces of legislation I was absolutely instrumental in killing funding for vital pandemic preparedness supplies like masks, gloves, sanitizer, and testing.
But today I’m proud to announce that I’ve had a very comprehensive and incisive conversation with COVID-19. And I wish to share that with you all today.
I met with COVID-19 for more than two hours in my office. Our conversation was both frank and enlightening. Some have argued that without the vital supplies I was instrumental in blocking, COVID-19 has been free to run rampant through our communities killing tens of thousands of us. But COVID-19 has assured me that things like masks, gloves, sanitizer, and testing are not needed so long as everyone has a flashlight up their butt and drinks plenty of aquarium cleaner every day. And COVID-19 also informed me that all those people died of either the flu or diabetes.
So everything is good. And I’m not to blame if your Nana dies.
Thank you.
“Greg Abbott will come out of this a winner.”
He’ll think twice before doing that again.
NOPE, cuz he’s an assesHorse Libtard.
Piddles needs better sources, part 1232:
Gov. Brian Kemp’s office issued an apology after a Georgia Public Health Department chart wrongly reported a downward trend in #coronavirus cases. The error was at least the third in as many weeks:
“Greg Abbott will come out of this a winner.”
Really? – Really.
Most of those new cases were from the meat packing plant previously identified Steve. Are you becoming another of the mind numb my old crack addict friend?
“A growing outbreak in the Texas Panhandle is a big reason for the surge in cases. More than 700 new cases were reported out of Amarillo on Saturday with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott warning those numbers will continue to climb as the state increases testing in that hot spot.”
“Most of those new cases were from the meat packing plant”
First The TrumPlague came for the people in nursing homes, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not in a nursing home.
Then The TrumPlague came for the diabetics, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a diabetic.
Then The TrumPlague came for the meatpackers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a meatpacker.
Then The TrumPlague came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Shame on you.
How is Puddy wrong in using the OFFICIAL Georgia Department of Public Health data? Man you really are a moron. You confirmed it above @114, Unlike you who throws up BULLSH^TTIUM from unknown sources, Puddy uses the official web sites and provides the links for Perfect Puddy Posts.
For example the AJC places two links in their article from April 23, and April 29th. Yeah, that’s useful data on May 17th since the chart goes back and compares the last 14 days. You just like the NY Slimes look at Goergia and HOPE beyond HOPE that there will be more death and destruction; the new DUMMOCRETIN mantra: Pray for death and destruction!
“In recent weeks, DPH data issues caused confusion over whether novel coronavirus deaths had topped 1,000 — they are now more than 1,490. The agency erroneously posted at least twice that children died.”
And the five counties being FLAGGED in the AJC article are those in the shutdown counties of Atlanta and suburbs.
DAYUM stooooooooooooooopid every day in every way.
Justamoron posting “wabbit turds” again!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
TrumPlague – Still reading the fish wrapper NY Slimes eh dot bombed? Change the name butt the writing style neva changes!
Well now that this spike is coming after Donald screamed “Get it Open” and the governor complied…..
The counties of Potter and Randall that could reasonably be described as “Amarillo” 2016:
Potter: 68.8% Donald
Randal: 80.6% Donald.
How many folks around Amarillo can die or watch a family member die before it becomes concerning for Donald?
Amarillo Fake News
AMARILLO, Texas (KVII) — ABC 7 reported the outbreak at the JBS Plant has had in Amarillo due to the company busing dozens of workers to and from Amarillo last week. Video of the buses arriving near the Walmart on Georgia showing that proper distancing and mask procedures were not followed was shown.
In fact, four of the six buses sent for JBS workers were not even used.
During Monday morning’s COVID-19 briefing, Mayor Ginger Nelson was asked about the portion of the city disaster declaration that allows Amarillo to regulate ingress and egress from the city.
Nelson said then, as she said Friday, there have been discussions, but no plans, to supervise the loading and unloading of the JBS buses.
“We’re really relying on business owners and individuals to step up, step up their own personal responsibility to make sure they are staying distant and wearing masks. Those are the two most important things,” Nelson said.
At the briefing, leaders announced no plans for any meat packing plants in the area to close.
If only there were someone somewhere in Texas who could force meat packers to be responsible. Someone with some real power.
Why didn’t the use the buses?
“Gov. Brian Kemp’s office issued an apology after a Georgia Public Health Department chart wrongly reported a downward trend in #coronavirus cases.”
Oh, my gosh. Falsified charts is bad. People dying is bad. Okay. Well, fine then. We’ll just have to “look into” that one as well. Many of my top Special Counsels are going to be busy for some time. Maybe Robert Mueller can come back? I don’t know. He’s probably tired of the death threats.
If Kamala is available she’d be great. Wait. Stacy Abrams is an attorney? OMG! That’s perfect!
Yeah it seems most of those Georgia deaths are in the “locked down” counties around Atlanta.
Exceptional cowardice even for The Liar. Incredibly pathetic.
Shameful. Deplorable even.
Run away!
Gallup has Trump approval at 49% in its poll released May 15. MOE +/-4.
He’s been at 49% in five of the nine polls Gallup has published in 2020.
At this point in 2012, Obama’s approval was 47%.
All of this is as useful as any other national poll. It’s not.
Meanwhile the leftist libtards at Politico are shocked that Florida with a similar population to NYS has way less death and destruction, hallmarks of DUMMOCRETIN led states.
“”First, let’s just come out and say it: DeSantis looks more right than those who criticized the Sunshine State’s coronavirus response. According to the latest Florida figures, fewer than 2,000 have died, and around 43,000 have been infected. That’s a fraction of the dire predictions made for Florida when spring breakers swarmed the beaches, and those numbers are dwarfed by similarly sized New York, which has seen 12 times more deaths and nearly eight times more infections. (Check out POLITICO’s coronavirus tracker for more.) More people reportedly died in New York nursing homes than in all of Florida.“”
Oopsie, poor BeerPong. When you lost Politico, you are losing most of the battle.
jackASS sighting at @122. Using official data is unknown to a libtard DUMMOCRETIN!
Thank you your honor!
The number I cited that you lied about on Friday (nearly 800) was on the state website.
Now that you know the state website is often wrong, don’t use it anymore.
The state website line graph of New cases is often wrong. It doesn’t take much to see that. It’s like they’re not updating it in a timely fashion. If say, you read the attached data file that says the 9am updated included 119 new cases but hovering over the dot in the line graph for the current days says zero cases. this has been consistent for weeks.
And if you go in past the 7pm update where the data says 795 cases but hovering over the line graph shows 119 cases….well someone with half a brain would notice a problem and not rush to the interwebs with ‘PROOF’ and ‘FACTS’.
Almost like the script they wrote to generate the line graph and produce the chart on the website is only queried once every few days. Example, it still says 15 new cases for yesterday (preliminary). I’m not a moron so I know that isn’t accurate so I can look at the raw data provided elsewhere.
The number I cited that you lied about on Friday (nearly 800) was on the state website.
Really? Puddy searched and it was from three days previous. The actual website used by Puddy each day and posted above that Friday had 323. This was after the time you posted your comment. And most of the cases were from the five counties from Atlanta. Puddy only counted four of them because I had to run and get something done!
So who is the liar BeerPong?
The state web site is updated thrice a day. It says that right on the front page.
“Beginning Monday 5/11/2020, the Daily Status Report will be updated three times a day at 9 a.m., 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. “
Once again you proved to everyone how much you lie and how often you lie! You haven’t visited the web site or you’d known this!
Rabid Trumpalo Karen going after grocery store for FREEEDUMB!!!!:
[ ] a) Flat Earther
[ ] b) Anti-vaxer
[ ] c) Essential Oiler
[ ] d) Tea Party AF
[ ] e) Has her own YouTube “Truth Seeking” Channel
[ ] f) Trump2020
Bonus question:
[T]/[F] The Q Clearance Pussy has journeyed so far beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon that he now actually gains confidence in Trump’s chances when he reads these kinds of reports about the “growing” base.
Wow dot bombed gets references to visit reddit! That there is a fountain of “real” knowledge!
triggered by Flat Earth Trumpalo Shelley, who btw is also stolen valor and a “Certified Lymphologist”. Which is nice.
While Piddles the Liar was being triggered about “references” that give him sad but hurtz, one of his favorite reliable sources, Jim Hoft, the Dumbest Man on the Internet, was predicting that Fauci and Brix will go to prison for fucking up BEACH WEEK!!!
And frankly, I think that is precisely the timeline we all deserve if America gives these degenerate freaks another four years.
@101 A Trumplicker feigning indignation over Clapper’s misunderstanding of the question asked him. How quaint.
@105 “No, it’s more testing, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Do more testing, find more cases. The cases aren’t increasing because of the reopening. They’re increasing because they’re being detected now.”
You seem real sure of that. Not hedging your bets at all. Obviously you don’t mind looking like a dumbfuck if it turns out otherwise, and I don’t blame you, because in that respect you have nothing left to lose.
Michigan state police are “monitoring all of the conversations” of protesters planning to descend on the capitol Thursday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer told reporters.
So Puddy went to the leftturds at Alternet from the waaaaaaay back machine.
So what’s the probable cause Witless?
Did you get a legal subpoena? – Did you call Eric Holder, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates?
How did they get all those phone numbers? – NSA?
How are you tracking the phones? – Google or Apple gave them permission?
@106 “Rabbit tries to smear Abbott by parroting an ABC lie.”
I said, “Covid-19 cases are spiking in reopened Texas.” Simple observation. Didn’t attribute it to any cause. Didn’t cite or link to ABC or any other soruce. Didn’t mention Abbott.
You’re making things up, doc. You’re inserting blanks and filling them in. Sure looks like you’re trying to smear Rabbit.
@107 “DOJ elected to let the statute of limitations expire on Clapper.”
Yeah, that’s terrible, and I hope the Attorney General. when we have one,* will go after liars, wherever they’re found, regardless of party affiliation. Hunt them all down and bring them to justice! America needs a War Against Lying!
* The U.S. doesn’t have an Attorney General right now, only Trump’s personal lawyer keeping the desk chair warm.
@111 Damn you. You made me spit carrot juice all over my computer screen.
@112 “The latest number of of coronavirus cases in Texas jumped by 1,801 in a single day, the highest daily rate since the state started tracking data.”
How could Covid-19 cases have gone up Texas by 1,801 in a single day?* ABC lied. Doctor Dumbfuck said so.
* The ABC story does make clear it’s referring to “reported” cases. Reported cases, of course, can jump because of better reporting; but this implies the state’s reporting was fault to begin with, which implies the decision to reopen was based on faulty data. But see #115 for a possible alternative explanation from doc’s friend Piddles.
@117 Posted by a government-hating Trumplicker who embraces DERP STATE conspiracy theories:
“How is Puddy wrong in using the OFFICIAL Georgia Department of Public Health data?”
Are you trying to get kicked out of your party and ostracized by all of your friends?
Jim Hoft asking a viable question. The moron that created the Imperial model was busted for breaking quarantine.
This is after his model was waaaaaaaaaay wrong!
FACTS sux to libtards.
Notice the senile idiot wabbit did not dispute the FACTS @139.
@123 “One of the big questions when we look at national polls is whether or not they’re an accurate representation of what is going on at the state level. One of the easiest ways to check is to compare state poll results to the past presidential vote in a given state. I did so for all telephone polls that called cell phones since the beginning of April. When we average out these state polls, they suggest that Biden’s running about 6 points ahead of Hillary Clinton’s final margin.”
The good news is that state polls are about as useful as national polls at this stage. They’re not. They merely furnish sport for partisans shouting past each other.
@128 You left one off:
[ ] g) Special
[x] h) All of the above
Gavin Newsom wants to give illegals money and other stuff and then wants the Feds to pay him back.
Direct from Jake Crapper’s Sh^T on the Union
See ya!
@134 “Michigan state police are “monitoring all of the conversations” of protesters planning to descend on the capitol Thursday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer told reporters.”
I’m glad somebody’s watching armed subversives.
@144 Jake Tapper wants people to believe he’s one of “those of us” who have to “stand in bread lines”? How cute. When did he become unemployed?
“Jake Tapper Net Worth: $8 Million”
“Jake Tapper’s Salary: $4 Million”
The newest hero of assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS is not well liked in Italy
“Her claims and accusations are long and manifold but can be summarized as follows: Bill Gates is a power-hungry elitist set on dominating the world through a campaign of genocide masked as charity—all in the hopes of controlling the population and preparing the world for slavery.”
gotta love those Italians
@147 “Bill Gates is a power-hungry elitist”
He’s come up in the world. I remember when people thought he was a ruthless, greedy businessman.
I don’t actually believe that Clapper misunderstood the question in that way. I believe he probably reckoned that tacking on the qualifier would be good enough for the leadership who understood that, as a member of the intelligence committee, Wyden already knew the answer and also knew that Clapper could not answer it honestly without exposing a surveillance program the existence of which was itself classified. It was a trap set by Wyden who was frustrated about the program.
There’s a world of difference between the Senate declining to refer that to DOJ in order to protect the surveillance program and a President ordering the AG to move for dismissal to buy the silence of a co-conspirator in a criminal conspiracy to commit treason.
Bill Gates is the new George Soros.
I used to play golf now and then with his dad. He never struck me as the type to raise a genocidal maniac, but if Puddy says so…
Seems Jake Crapper been squandering some of that salary. His show began March 18, 2013. This is kind of strange his net worth is so low.
Puddy wonders if Anderson Pooper thinks he’s one of “those of us” too?
Anderson Cooper’s Salary
$12 Million
Anderson Cooper Net Worth:
$200 Million
That’s their plan to win white suburban “security moms”.
No. Really.
Just when you thought they couldn’t get any dumber than Associate Justice BeerBong McGangBang.
Oh Steve,
Read the post again… Unless, of course, you are being brain addled by:
A-Crack Cocaine
B-Your Stupid Solution
C-Innate Stupidity
Does Piddles somehow not know that Cooper is a Vanderbilt?
“Puddy wonders if Anderson Pooper thinks he’s one of “those of us” too?”
Sean Hannity Net Worth:
$250 Million
Sean Hannity’s Salary
$40 Million
Associate Justice BeerPong McGangBang? Going to elevate an assesHorse cretin to SCOTUS?
“Read the post again…”
Do you mean this part?
“Bill Gates is a power-hungry elitist set on dominating the world through a campaign of genocide masked as charity—all in the hopes of controlling the population and preparing the world for slavery.”
OMG! He might be even worse than George Soros.
@151 Now Puddy’s attacking his own source. Funny. Notice how I sucked him into that?
Now show me where Anderson Cooper described himself as one of “us” and insinuated he was standing in a “bread line.”
Be careful. I’m trying to embarrass you again.
Oh Steve,
Those words are not Puddy’s! Try again!
Sorry. No Puddy. This is you lying about shit again.
Hoft was arguing that two people Trump hired to help repair his disgracefully inadequate response to a deadly pandemic should be prosecuted and go to prison for policy decisions. “Asking a viable question” is you fleeing from the degenerate Jim Hoft bailey to hide in the “viable question” motte.
More lying just makes Father-God hate you even more.
Satan is gaining the upper hand.
@154 Yeah, but he’s only a Gloria Vanderbilt Vanderbilt, who was only a great-great-great-granddaughter Vanderbilt and not a Biltmore generation Vanderbilt, so he doesn’t have the whole fucking railroad. Plus his mom was a big spender, and lived almost forever, with the result that, according to Wikipedia, “Upon her death, Vanderbilt left her son, Anderson Cooper, almost her entire estate, evaluated at less than $1.5 million.” (Heck, I’m worth that much.) So the poor sap has to work for a living.
Now admit that for at least a while, when “Clippy” was annoying the fuck out of a billion users, you didn’t think that maybe, just possibly Gates was the anti-Christ?
Yeah, sure. But when your mom is Gloria Vanderbilt I think you grow up knowing that you are not “one of the regular people”.
Doesn’t make him a bad guy. But probably made him exceptionally driven to succeed.
Covid-19 no longer was concocted by a Chinese lab as part of a Democratic plot to defeat Trump.
Until it is again. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, for the time being, it’s your own damned fault. Especially if you’re black.
Not content to have your head so far up your ass you can smell a kidney you’re trying to get a bit of fresh air from the lungs…
After being shown that GA has apologized for continuing to report false or incorrect information on their website you still want to go with what’s on their website. Piddles has clearly never been to a website that says “Our Tap List updated daily” and clicked through to notice that it is updated rarely if at all. If it says three times a day, it must be so.
But as of this very moment 4:40pm PDT the site indicates there were 16 new cases found on May 16. And yet the data sheets that you can click through, and what the state reported to the CDC yesterday is 440 cases.
There is no data reflected for today on at all as of this moment and it’s after 7pm eastern. But CDC indicates 493 new cases in GA for Sunday. “They’ve updated it. It says right there they are updating at 9, 1 and 7. Clear as day.” Piddles
Piddles “Believe the WEBSITE. You’re a LIar.”
@162 Admittedly, I was probably more susceptible to such thoughts when Windows 7 came out.
Yes dot bombed Puddy knew he was a Vanderbilt. Butt as you probably forgot, he went on Howard Sterno and proclaimed
Since he’s one of those rich Hamptons guys, you know,
Hardly any of them are voting for Trump!
@167 “I don’t believe in inheriting money.”
That apparently didn’t stop from taking it. And his mother’s celebrity and connections probably helped his career prospects, too, e.g. making his first TV appearance at age 3. But to be fair, Cooper went to considerable personal exertions to get where he is today.
@167 “Hardly any of them are voting for Trump!”
They have more brains than you. That’s why they’re rich and famous, and you’re not.
From the Friday morning thread
I’llHaveAPilsner spews: #69
Friday, 5/15/20 at 4:51 pm
Somebody was talking about Georgia…
They reported a pretty bad day with almost 800 new cases and 44 deaths.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews: #84
Friday, 5/15/20 at 7:10 pm
Seem BeerPong is talking about Georgia, again. Claimed 800 cases.
Just as Puddy originally wrote above.
Puddy highlighted BeerPong’s use of the word They
pronoun: Used to refer to the ones previously mentioned or implied.
So who is implied by your they BeerPong? It certainly is NOT the CDC or Johns Hopkins!
BeerPong is such an F’IN Liar! Changing its tune like always.
Anderson Pooper is one of yours! Naturally you forgot that!
Yeah. That’s okay. I’ll leave Howard Stern, satellite radio fart gags, and celebutard home tours to you and The Q Clearance Pussy.
Bill Clinton testifying under oath would be so fucking proud of you right this minute.
Jesus, not so much.
Oh for fuck’s sake. The raw data is there on the GA site (they) but you insist on just looking at the homepage.
What they are reporting on their spreadsheets and to the CDC does not match what they are displaying on their interactive chart on the main page.
If I could find the correct number in @67 you should have been able to to since you are a master at computers, sitting in first class, clients all over the world, rental car upgrades…
Or maybe you’re lying about all of it?
Oh dot bombed, those are BeerPong’s words. I realize you are a thick skulled Neanderthal!
Since you love to critique when all the facts were still out, now you figger it out dot bombed. There was no reference to the CDC or Johns Hopkins
Bowling alleys, GA, Governor’s mansion – All that coverage at the CDC, eh?
So the only sphincters tightening this weekend were yours dot bombed and BeerPong!
dot bombed – sucka’d again by another assesHorse libtard!
91,000 > 15
At this rate the new “Doing Great!” goal Donald said this week “Could be 95,000 deaths by the time this is over) could come as early as Tuesday. There is no Trophy or performance bonus check for getting this kind of thing done early.
You know it’s eating Donald alive that the Darkie got to give a commencement address that is now widely being praised and spread on social media yesterday while Donald ate a Big Mac and listened to Melania saying, “Don’t fucking touch me! I’m not one of your golf clubs. Or a fifteen year old. Grip it yourself.”
Ohhh BeerPong@174,
When did you introduce the CDC to the conversation
See ya!
dot bombed,
I’ll admit I listened to Howard Sterno years ago when I got my first XM radio in my car. Way too vulgar, like you! Not my cup of tea then and certainly not my cup of tea now.
I listen to Fox – 115
ESPN – 80
ESPN Xtra – 81
most of the time!
Me @158: “Be careful. I’m trying to embarrass you again.”
You @171: “Anderson Pooper is one of yours!”
Mario Cuomo offers an incredibly dismissive take on the deaths of the elderly.
He gave himself a get out of jail free pass for his decision to inoculate hundreds of nursing homes by parking patients infected with the Wuhan in them.
How convenient.
@176 Passed Vietnam casualties 10 days ago; now aiming for WW2.
No. Really.
That is their plan. And to get there fast enough that Barron can still enjoy a sixteenth birthday partying at a private compound on St. John hunting prostitutes with a machine gun.
What? It’s a Trump family tradition.
Seems those foreigners really like WA State…
Seems that most of the false claims were filed in Washington state.
DAYUM Funny!
Friend of yours, Spud? He’s from your tribe.
Really piddles. How dumb can you be?
The state of Georgia is reporting numbers to the CDC. They are the numbers that can be found if you actually read the datasets that are on the State website.
Those numbers, provided by them TO the CDC and the public if you take the time to weed through the data and not the summary (eds. note, the summary is inaccurate and they got caught, resulting in an apology) are not the same as the numbers you cling to from the main page bar graph onTheir website. That main page is your link that you say is the ‘real’ number. It really doesn’t matter if they were reporting those oddly different numbers to CDC, Swedish Hospital, NASA, Guy Smiley or the NHLs Guy Lafleur. The numbers are being provided by them and are not what is on the main page you linked to. But they exist. In the data sets that apparently you refuse to look at relying on the now proven
lyingerroneous summary.Point two, now at 10:10PDT the chart on the page you link to through all of this has no data past 5/16/20 where they continue to display only 16 cases were found. Yesterday. This we know is not true as they provided ‘real’ data to CDC and in their data sets publicly available that you refuse to look at.
Do go on another rant about how the page is updated at 9am/1pm/10pm since even the most partisan of morons can clearly see that updated at some point yesterday is not updated daily at 9am/1pm/10pm.
You even put in in bold @127
Those numbers that you pretend don’t come from the Georgia State Department of Health are then being reported into the larger world.
I’ll call your attention again to this.
If AJCs numbers are not from GDPH and are in any way inaccurate, GDPH hasn’t raised a peep of objection. A normal person would say, “those numbers are accurate.” A freak like Piddles will say, “Show me where I said AJC?”
430 new cases today (no data on GDPH main page for today, 430 in the data sets main page links)
440 new cases yesterday (16 on GDPH main page 440 in the data sets main page links)
795 new cases Friday (342 on GDPH main page 795 in the data sets main page links)
Good DAY! Sir! I said good DAY!
Channeling Nixon Dep’t
I wonder if Trump has a secret plan to end the pandemic …
You really keep trying when you are caught.
So are you tweedledee or tweedledum? How do you think Puddy came up with the 323 number vs. your 800 number?
There are three Excel spreadsheets updated in the thrice daily. In one there is the age of each person who dies. In another it contains the numbers per county. From that and a previous version you can see the change delta. The third has the demographics data. Now how would Puddy know this unless Puddy actually “downloaded the file”?
You love to deliver flowery responses to never posted commentary. Since you never posted on Friday where your data came from Puddy used the same link as before when you said last week there was an outbreak in Georgia. Back then Puddy used the same GDPH link. Puddy has not changed his data source. You have. First it was the AJC then it was the CDC now you compare the AJC to the CDC and GDPH. It’s no wonder you ramble on so much. Your mind is very scattered.
You don’t post links. Then when someone identifies your data as being hijacked without attribution, you stoooooopidly scream LEEENKS LEEENKS!
Weak sauce arguments!
Good DAY to you too!