Trevor: Hillary Rodham Clinton & Chelsea Clinton on co-writing “The Book of Gutsy Women”.
SNL: Corporate nightmare song.
Vox: The mistake that toppled the Berlin Wall.
Daily Show: Today in Obama scandal history—The Marine umbrellas.
The Dotard Трамп, His Lawyers and Other Co-conspirators:
- Rachel Maddow: Трамп Greenland dalliance distracted NSC from Ukraine crisis
- Stephen: Трамп’s border wall is remarkably easy to penetrate
- Ari Melber: GOP “embarrassed’ after Трамп candidates lose
- WaPo: This week in the impeachment inquiry in two minutes
- Seth Meyers: Трамп lies and stonewalls as impeachment inquiry ramps up
- Now This: Трамп’s “faith advisor”, Paula White, is now a White House “staffer.”
- Stephen: Gordon Sondland, fearing perjury charges, amends his Ukraine testimony
- Roll Call: What to look for in the first Трамп impeachment hearing
- Bill Maher: The impeachables
- Chris Hayes: “It’s time for [The Dotard] to throw Rudy from the train”
- Lauren Mayer: I’m a Jew (but I know that ain’t Christian):
- Jimmy Kimmel: We have a crazy person running our country
- Rachel Maddow: Witness paints Трамп scheme, Russian threat in vivid detail
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Трамп reportedly wanted Barr to hold presser clearing him on Ukraine
- Stephen: The Dotard may return to “The Apprentice” after Presidency ends
- WaPo: The Trump administration’s shifting message on quid pro quo
- Samantha Bee: He’s loaded—How the Трамп re-election campaign raised so much money
- Seth Meyers: Roger Stone’s trial begins
- The Daily Show: Make Трамп happy
- Conan: Andy reports on Трамп’s Ukraine scandal
- Ari Melber: Key impeachment “drug deal” witness willing to defy The Dotard
- Rachel Maddow: Democratic wins big and small may give Republicans pause on Трамп
- Bruce Nelson: Trumpublican party campaign song
- Stephen: Sen. Amy Klobuchar on her duty as a juror in a (potential) Трамп impeachment trial
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп definitely booed at UFC event
- The Late Show: NYC bids adieu to The Dotard Трамп:
- Stephen: Трамп’s GOP defenders are backed into a corner
- Trevor: Трамп’s impenetrable wall isn’t so impenetrable
- Chris Hayes: Chris Hayes on just what Giuliani and Barr were willing to do to help Трамп
- Stephen: “Read the transcript” is The Dotard’s latest rallying cry
- Rachel Maddow: Stone trial opens new window on Трамп’s awareness of Russian help
- WaPo: Understanding the “mess” at DHS
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп hates the Washington Post
- Seth Meyers: Трамп and GOP allies try to out Ukraine whistleblower
- The Late Show: Listen to Donald Trump Jr.’s new audiobook
- James Corden: Hillary Clinton is worried about Rudy Giuliani’s brain
- Trevor: Cory Booker—A White House bid based on inclusiveness and courageous empathy
- Samantha Bee: Scaling the border—Трамп’s not-so-great wall of America:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Election day didn’t go Трамп’s way
- Rachel Maddow: Трамп lawyer’s lawyer is now also Трамп’s other lawyer’s lawyer
- Stephen: Sen. Sherrod Brown on the impeachment trial”
- Seth Meyers: Republicans, losing impeachment fight, call Democrats “dumb”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine ties The Dotard to quid pro quo
- Robert Reich: Would the founding fathers impeach The Dotard?
- Stephen: Something is seriously wrong—Bill Barr refused to publicly defend Трамп on Ukraine
- Chris Hayes: Republicans struggle to find some way to defend Трамп
- The Late Show: Outtakes from The Dotard’s “Bunch of bull” campaign ad
- Seth Meyers: The Dotard moves to Florida
- Ari Melber: “He’s gonna sing”—Giuliani hires 3 lawyers amid Ukraine scandal
- Stephen: Lindsey Graham’s willful ignorance will not be enough to protect Трамп
Samantha Bee: Local elections 2019—Thank you, Kentucky! We love you, Virginia!
Trevor: Hillary Rodham Clinton & Chelsea Clinton—Conspiracy theories & impeachment.
Roy Zimmerman and Deven Green: My Conservative Girlfriend:
WaPo: Virginia turns blue as Democrats win full control of legislature.
Stephen: Republican support collapses in the suburbs, Democrats win big in Virginia.
Bill Maher: The Zuck stops here.
Twenty-twenty Vision:
- Trevor: Amy Klobuchar—Seeking to be the President for all of America in 2020
- Chris Hayes: Michael Bloomberg moves to enter Presidential race
- Now This: Five types of disinformation coming for the 2020 election
- Seth Meyers: The conservative perspective on the Democratic primary
- Trevor: Elizabeth Warren reveals her Medicare-for-all plan
- Jim Jefferies: Why people are frustrated with Congress.
- Chris Hayes and Steve Kornacki: What the suburban shift means for 2020
- James Cordon: Hillary Clinton’s advice to any Dem who debates Трамп
- Stephen: Sen. Amy Klobuchar lists her progressive policy goals
- WaPo: Bloomberg plans to join the 2020 presidential race. Here’s what it says about the Democratic Party.
- Trevor: Wall street is afraid of Elizabeth Warren
- Chris Hayes: Jeff Sessions plans Senate run—Despite The Dotard
Jim Jefferies: Americans are scared of the wrong things.
Vox: When Florida had a committee to terrorize gay people
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Bill Maher: 24 things you don’t know about Lindsey Graham.
Trevor: The invaluable work of California’s inmate firefighters.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Still hard to believe, that the Berlin Wall fell, 30 years ago, because of the misinterpretation of a sloppy press conference.
National Conservative media outlets, “DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN”
Seattle Political Junkies, “yeah we saw this coming. Maybe didn’t want to go all in on a THIRD huge swing from Election Day early count but figured more than a 50% chance CASE was defeated…”
Meanwhile MOMS FOR
Bellevue. SEATTLE celebrated. Fox News celebrated. Federalist cerebrated. Safe Seattle celebrated. Dori, who should have known better, celebrated. Jenny Durkin celebrated. Orion Celebrated. The stranger, yes the stranger, celebrated.Side note my neighbor (1/4 mile) celebrated up 51-49 on election night running in the suburbs on an endorsed by Mayor and ‘make it better for cars’ endorsed by Chambor of Commerce platform on election night. lost.
We’re just not that into you republicans and republican lights.
@2 Basically what you’re saying is Republicans have grown so extreme that mainstream voters now prefer socialists over them. Check. I’ve noticed that.
Now here’s something! A newly unearthed video obtained from the Ukrainian government shows Doctor Dumbfuck learning to mount a horse from the side.
Given the source, though, I can’t vouch for its authenticity.
Lindsey Graham explains what he has in common with Trump: “I like him, and he likes him.” No kidding, that’s an actual quote.
Mrs. Rabbit opines that Graham is an alcoholic. “Look at his eyes. They’re sometimes red. And nothing else explains his behavior.”
As far as I can tell, Graham’s eyes are red all the time, along with the rest of him. But there might be something to her speculation. Stories about Graham’s drinking habits have circulated in the past; see, e.g.:
Perhaps more evidence that the generalized “backlash” against “overreach” being conjured by media corps and industry lobbyists is not what they are saying it is.
Pretty good examples elsewhere, in places like Kentucky, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. King County registrations virtually unchanged since 2015. Based on reporting so far, more than 160,000 more ballots returned in 2019 – a 33% increase over the 2015 numbers. Maybe there’s some local differences an outsider like me would not be aware of. And I trust I’ll hear about that. But if not, the story comports with election numbers we’re seeing everywhere else. Turnout is up. Across the political spectrum turnout is up. We may see record turnout in the upcoming Dem primaries. We may also see record turnout in the Nov. general.
That increase in turnout, indicating heightened voter interest and engagement, has effects on outcomes because that alone changes the composition of the electorate. But we are also seeing big shifts in composition of the electorate geographically, and also in generational terms. And King County probably fits the general pattern. In relative terms, older, working poor, and less educated voters comprise shrinking portion of the overall composition. While younger, high paid, highly educated voters comprise a growing portion of the overall composition.
That shift is certainly represented in the results from Virginia. And they reflect long term trends that will have significant consequences in the coming years. In nearby counties congressional districts that once welcomed centrist Democrats or moderate Republicans are now seeing shifts in composition as well. Some are aging rapidly, some are shifting toward working poor families, and some are rapidly growing more racially and ethnically diverse.
Many of the warnings emanating from political insiders and corporate aligned media, regardless of ideological orientation, are echos of rapidly fading political alignments. Candidates and campaigns who heed such warnings and cling to those fading political alignments will continue to find themselves surprised by unexpected losses. There is probably no better example of this than Hillary Clinton.
@6 so glad Lindsey comes off as being Heterosexual.
The Hump trying to boost the African American vote.
I wouldn’t doubt if does some gay bashing, specifically targeted towards African Americans, to get more of them on his side, because some would definitely fall for it.
Eager to get this posted early enough that it can ruin a few troll’s days:
The long worked for and long anticipated banishment of Republicans from Virginia, which was certainly pushed across the finish line by the fine work of president Russian SlutPuppet, means that very soon Virginia could become the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.
I sure hope the red hats were worth it.
I’ve said before that I don’t really care that the Fed Soc promotes judicial conservatism. And that’s because judicial conservatism is nothing like political conservatism, even if mouth breathing dupes are tricked into thinking it is. And I’m generally more comfortable with a governmental structure that biases authority toward the legislative branches of government, even when so many of those branches are currently damaged or unresponsive. They are historically the more responsive of the three branches of government in our system. And they tend to be more readily self-repairing than the other two.
But there is something about the Fed Soc that I have always taken exception to. And that is their remarkably poor legal scholarship, often in service to political (as opposed to judicial) ideology. Their support for tort reform is a good example. But here’s another, and it is truly breathtaking:
I won’t link Calabresi’s essay directly because it was written for a website that has a documented history of vicious racial slurs.
But it goes to show something remarkable that is and has been taking place among Republicans, even those we would consider to be of sound mind. Collectively they are undergoing a dramatic shift away from a world view based upon careful weighing of extant facts and evidence in favor of a kind of tribal orthodoxy that rejects entire categories of truth. What Calabresi is saying in his essay is categorically untrue. It is not supported by any facts or evidence. There is no basis for it in legal precedent, in history, or in society.
It has NEVER been the case, anywhere, in the western history of common law or criminal procedure, that any particular aggrieved individual, or even organized groups of individuals, have been entitled as a matter of law to a public examination of a criminal investigation before an indictment has been secured. Demands for this sort of thing are not new. Often it is the press who clamor loudest for a public exposure of evidence during an active investigation. And there are so many reasons why this is bad legal practice, and these reasons are so well known, that I for one absolutely refuse to go over them in this context. It is entirely irrelevant.
It is irrelevant because in his essay, over and over and over again Calabresi compares Trump to a criminal defendant, and cites the 6th amendment. Donald J. Trump is not a criminal defendant. He has not been indicted for any crime. It is a matter of settled policy of this administration and of the current US Attorney General that a sitting President may not under any circumstances be the subject of a criminal investigation, much less indicted for any crime as a result. Trump is not a defendant. He is not under any criminal indictment. Nor can he be until such time as he has been removed from office by whatever means. The guarantees in the 6th Amendment simply do not, and can not as a matter of current law, every apply to President Donald J. Trump.
Calabresi knows all this. He knows that Trump can’t be indicted for any crime. He knows that he is not currently under indictment. And he knows that the House hearings are not a criminal trial. They aren’t a trial at all. And he knows that even if the 6th Amendment were ever intended to apply to impeachment proceedings (it was not), it would never apply to the investigative fact finding that precedes a vote of impeachment and a trial in the Senate. He knows this. But know it is not good for the tribe right now. So he chooses to believe something completely untrue. And something he also knows will embarrass and diminish him in the eyes of almost any legal scholar, regardless of their political or judicial ideology.
In other words, he is that man moved, whether by overwhelming circumstance or by mere opportunity, to set aside his mind and just act on pure tribal instinct. In other words, to let his Freak Flag Fly. And in that he is not alone at all. I’ve been watching this unfold since 2016 and the signs have been increasingly common and increasingly disturbing. Otherwise “conservative” people of at least normal reputation becoming straight unhinged. He’s John Robinson Block, banned from his own newsroom. He’s the MLB umpire shitting his professional bed on twitter. He’s Tim Eyman ripping off a swivel chair. He’s all the Karens and Beckys throughout Heartlandia live streamed on a near daily basis having some kind of racist, spitting melt down in the aisle of a candle store.
They are all losing their shit. All of them. And the sooner the rest of us figure that out, learn to read the signs, and take the necessary precautions the better. This will not be pretty. Sadly, it may not be peaceful. But it is going to keep right on happening. When it’s a legal scholar publicly eating his own buggers in front of a nation of his peers it can perhaps be harmlessly amusing, even if it is a little creepy. But if it’s your kid’s middle school gym teacher or the chair of your county commission, bad things can happen. We all have a duty to pay attention and try to limit the damage.
Heteros, please. Please compose yourselves – you monster Pussy Grabbers.
Just because the Women find you repulsive doesn’t mean you get to assault them.
Jim – Quick, look the other way.
Woman should be able to defend herself by getting to kick the guy in the balls.
@13 Man, I’d hate to be graded on a law school exam by that guy. Fortunately, I didn’t have to be.
I like the idea of judicial conservatism, too. As opposed to judges making shit up. That way you don’t get grotesqueries like Citizens United.
@14 “Woman should be able to defend herself by getting to kick the guy in the balls.”
How does she do that when she’s sitting in an airline seat and he’s sitting in the airline seat next to her? I’m not saying it’s a bad idea; I’m simply curious about how to make the mechanics of that work in case someday a Republican traveler makes a grab for my cottontail.
@16 well she could wink at him and ask him to stand up so she could see all his hotness and then, once he’s standing, get up, turn, and knee him in the balls.
Or, if she has an isle seat, she could get up and go to the stewardess and ask for a hot cup of coffee then return to her seat and “accidentally” spill it into his crotch
A growing number of Maine voters don’t trust Susan Collins anymore.
Of course, they never should have trusted her in the first place.
@17 Or how about wrapping a paw around his neck and slamming his face into the seat tray?
“The wealth gap in the U.S. continues to widen, with the top 1% of Americans close to amassing more wealth than the entire middle class, according to the latest data from the Federal Reserve, Bloomberg reports.”
But according to Michael Bloomberg, capitalism is facing an existential crisis because Elizabeth Warren is proposing a tax on concentrated wealth, a crisis so severe it leaves him no choice but to snatch the Democratic nomination away from her.
I would argue Bloomberg is out of touch with Democratic voters if he thinks the Cross of Gold in reverse — i.e., “you shall not press down upon the brow of capitalism this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify Wall Street upon a cross of taxes!” — will lift him onto the shoulders of an adoring crowd of Democratic delegates who will carry him to the nomination.
Fuck. Screwed up the typeface. Also, WordPress lied to me; said I had a minute left when I didn’t. Let’s try that again.
“The wealth gap in the U.S. continues to widen, with the top 1% of Americans close to amassing more wealth than the entire middle class, according to the latest data from the Federal Reserve, Bloomberg reports.”
But according to Michael Bloomberg, capitalism is facing an existential crisis because Elizabeth Warren is proposing a tax on concentrated wealth, a crisis so severe it leaves him no choice but to snatch the Democratic nomination away from her.
I would argue Bloomberg is out of touch with Democratic voters if he thinks the Cross of Gold in reverse — i.e., “you shall not press down upon the brow of capitalism this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify Wall Street upon a cross of taxes!” — will lift him onto the shoulders of an adoring crowd of Democratic delegates who will carry him to the nomination.
@19 that would have worked too.
@18 that woman is a dingbat.
@22 Or reaching up into the overhead bin, grabbing one of the snakes that live there, dropping it down the back of his shirt, then kneeing him in the crotch when he jumps up out of his seat? Let’s get creative!
What do you think Roger?
Meet Trump’s impeachment defense legal team.
Somebody check to see if they still have their bar licenses.
@25 If what he’s selling was so good, he wouldn’t need expensive marketing to sell it. It would sell itself, and people would flock to it without any need to promote it.
Bullshit is expensive for two reasons. One, it’s hard to sell, and therefore selling it requires expensive marketing; two, people selling bullshit invariably are looking for high profit margins and therefore charge high fees and/or take a large percentage of any profits (while making you shoulder 100% of the losses).
If you know absolutely nothing about investing, and feel totally uncomfortable about doing it yourself, then put your money into a low-fee S&P 500 index fund such as SPY and leave it there, and reinvest the dividends to compound your returns.
I didn’t watch the whole video — just enough to get a sense of what it’s about — but it appears this guy is selling hedge-fund investing to small investors. Recent SEC rule changes allow that, but I saw a piece in Barrons or someplace else this week or last week that basically said this is a really good scheme for the promoters but a really bad idea for small investors. Stay away from this like you would a cottonmouth that got into a swimming pool.
Don’t miss the fact that very late Friday night Mick Mulvaney filed a request to join with Kupperman’s suit seeking declaratory relief on responding to House impeachment subpoenas.
That’s a big left turn for Mulvaney who only a few weeks ago argued from a press podium that the extortion plot did happen, was business as usual, and that America needs to “get over it”.
Both of these guys are seeking immunity from prosecution for contempt and/or obstruction. The contours of Executive privilege are not well established. But it is reasonable to assume that at least the exceptions to attorney client privilege would apply.
Like the crime fraud exception.
This all gets a maybe a tiny bit complicated. But doctrines of qualified immunity would probably apply, and offer good protection for somebody like Mulvaney, or somebody like Kupperman, if in their ministerial capacities they carried out acts under direct order from the President that turned out to be unlawful. But if under advise of attorney they acknowledge that but refuse to testify to it, they would not be entitled to a claim or privilege, nor would the President.
Which acts, by whom, and at what point in time would all be tremendously important. And there are almost certainly a bunch of acts that we still don’t know anything about. But these appeals for judicial intervention are a pretty clear signal that these guys and their lawyers now realize that they probably broke some laws at some point that would vacate any form of privilege. They intend to defy any subpoenas and refuse to testify about what they did any way, citing privilege. And if what they did comes to light later on, they don’t want to be prosecuted for obstruction.
@28 “And if what they did comes to light later on, they don’t want to be prosecuted for obstruction.”
And it will come to light. The fundamental truth that every new pilgrim to Washington D.C. eventually learns is that there are no secrets in that town. With so many hangers-on and journalists around, someone always blabs to their friends who then leak to the press.
So Republicans want to call the Bidens and the whistleblower as witnesses. I’m not entirely sure what their notion of due process and a fair trial is, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t include finding out what Trump did and does include distracting public attention away from what he did, and also has as a principal object turning his trial into a trial of his critics and political opponents.
It’s what an ingenious (and desperate) defense attorney does when his client is guilty and has no presentable defense.
“[Rep. Max] Thornberry strongly criticized the House Democrats’ impeachment effort, which he repeatedly labeled ‘one-sided’ and ‘partisan’ during his ABC interview.”
Of course it’s one-sided and partisan. Because no Republican will participate in or assist with holding Trump accountable for his corruption, Democrats have to do it alone.
Sacrificing its last remaining vestiges of principle, the party that impeached Bill Clinton for private sexual behavior is now defending Trump’s very public abuses of power and corruption.
GOP = Party of Trump Corruption
Is this woman mentally ill or Republican? Not that there’s a difference.
I foresee an evolving legal defense under which lawyers will enter pleas on behalf of their clients of “not guilty by reason of Trumpism.”
It’s an investigative hearing.
Trumpublicans as minority members of the committee are entitled to call witnesses. But the majority can set rules that disqualify irrelevant witnesses. They are investigating the now widely reported extortion for campaign assistance plot being conducted by president Russian SlutPupptet’s personal attorney. The whistleblower’s identity is irrelevant as well as protected by federal laws the Trumpublicans themselves wrote. The Bidens are not relevant to the investigation.
Moreover, the Trumpublican’s permission to call their own witnesses is to be predicated on cooperation by the administration. The administration is actively obstructing in every conceivable way. They get zero witnesses until that changes.
If Democrats on the committee don’t stick to their guns here they deserve public scorn for abandoning their duties. This is not a time for bi-partisanship. This is not a time for partisanship at all. The only interest that the hearings should serve should be the interests of uncovering all the relevant facts. If Trumpublicans on the committee can’t get on board with that fuck them.
I don’t vape and I think theses people should consider the health risks of vaping for themselves, but I can’t blame them for felling the way they do.
@35 The fine print here is these folks don’t intend to kill themselves with these products; rather, they want the FREEDUMBZ to make a buck by selling these lethal products to kids.
@36 yes, but alcohol kills too. And sometimes alcohol can kill innocent bystanders. The same could be said about alcohol users and brewers, distributors and advertisers, all making profits over the product too.
Funny that both products come with such consequences, yet same sex marriage doesn’t really have any those consequences but some will try to argue points against it, points that are so less caustic, for lack of a better word.
Remember, alcohol played a role and plays a role in all the women being assaulted on airplanes too.
Don’t get me wrong, I drink, I probably too much to drink Friday night into Saturday morning.
But I don’t see how one standard can apply to one thing and not the other.
Everything come down to personal responsibility. Unfortunately everyone wants everyone else to be have personal responsibility but not the same for themselves.
If beer and sports don’t go hand in hand then I don’t know what does. Maybe a college STUDENT can now be a spokesperson for Bud…Bud Light of course. Or maybe some brand of soda, for all the diabetics out there…this Insulin is for you!
A college STUDENT can be a spokesperson for anything they want. Unless they wish to remain eligible for participation in NCAA Div 1 athletics. Then they can’t even have a paper route.
There are certainly a great many examples of college students being paid enormous sums for appearance,s endorsements, modeling, “social media influence”, etc. Just none who happen to be NCAA Div 1 athletes.
Wherein Ann Coulter promotes criminal vandalism:
“Conservative commentator Ann Coulter on Sunday praised the stabbing of a giant “Baby Trump” protest balloon during President Donald Trump’s visit to Tuscaloosa, Alabama this weekend.”
But this is nothing new. She’s written about locking up liberals in “concentration camps.” We’ve known for years she has the heart and conscience of a Nazi.
The blimp stabber, who was arrested, set up a GoFundMe page that has already raised $35,000 for his legal expenses. Heck, that would pay for half a dozen coal roller conversions! So this dude has already made a major contribution to cleaner air in Alabama.
The blimp probably will cost about 20 bucks to repair. His legal expenses and fines could run into tens of thousands. AND, unless the D.A. lets him plead down, he’ll have a felony record for the rest of his friggin’ life, if he doesn’t already. Which means, among other things, he can’t get into the Naval Academy.
In military terms, this is like taking out a dock by ramming it with an aircraft carrier, causing $2 million of damage to the dock and $200 million of damage to the ship. Asymmetric warfare in reverse. If I were a military planner trying to sink a fleet run by these guys, I’d build lots of docks! The rubes spending thousands for a 20-buck rip in a balloon aren’t exactly the smartest admirals in the harbor.
Isn’t that about to all change? Where NCAA Div. 1 STUDENTS will be able to hawk for Big Pharma, and producers of such things like Vape, booze, beer and cigarettes?
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Where NCAA Div. 1 STUDENTS will be able to hawk for Big Pharma, and producers of such things like Vape, booze, beer and cigarettes?
Which would make them no different from Karlie Kloss, Ariel Winter, or Dakota Fanning.
Yet another Trumper in Congress is pulling the rip cord.
Peter King is out. King’s winning margins dropped 11 points during the first two year of Trumpism, going from 17 to just 6. With the district now leaning D +3 and with the trend line of Trumpism steadily stripping away King’s incumbent advantage, the seat looks ripe for a flip.
Hope the red hats and sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers were worth it.
Wherein Nikki Haley proves her unfitness for public office by demonstrating that she couldn’t pass a grade-school civics test; or, alternatively, that she’s so cynically ambitious she’ll sign up on the Baby Hitler Team to get ahead. Also, she’s got a book to sell — maybe it’s only about the money. With her kind of people, it’s always about scooping up money without working for it.
Investigating Ukrainian corruption dep’t:
“Two political supporters of U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry secured a potentially lucrative oil and gas exploration deal from the Ukrainian government soon after Perry proposed one of the men as an adviser to the country’s new president.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Pork sauce is on it! Expect a no-holds-barred report from him any day now.
A Republican is someone who complains about the unfairness of impeachment rules adopted by Republicans to go after a Democrat.
What Kentucky Democrats are doing to knock Moscow Mitch off his Senate perch. It’s not a pipe dream. Kentucky’s political complexion is complicated:
“If success in gubernatorial contests translated directly to victories in Senate races, McConnell never would’ve made it to Washington. Democrats have now won 11 of the past 13 governor’s races, but they’ve lost nine consecutive Senate races dating back to 1992, and haven’t come within 100,000 votes of McConnell since 1990.”
Executive summary: In Amy McGrath, Democrats have a plausible candidate, but taking out McConnell hinges on reconnecting with black voters and getting them to turn out. It’s doable — especially if 2020 turns into a bloodbath with Trump taking the whole GOP ship down, although Democratic strategies can’t count on that. And, as Tip O’Neil famously said, in the end, all politics is local. McGrath will have to speak to Kentucky voters about the issues that concern them — health care, jobs, choice, among others. But she’s a strong candidate and if her fellow Kentucky Democrats succeed in building a robust campaign infrastructure — as they just demonstrated in the successful governor’s race that they can — and field a strong GOTV effort, especially in urban black neighborhoods, then beating McConnell might be doable. The fact he’s “deeply unpopular” in his home state can only help.
Misquoting the Bible.
“Tennessee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn dragged Jesus into the impeachment fray Sunday, insisting he had an attitude about lawyers and had warned people against them. Actually, he didn’t. It was Shakespeare.”
Misinterpreting, too.
“To top it off, the Shakespeare quote — from ‘Henry VI, Part 2’ — is widely interpreted as a message about how lawyers are capable of protecting the rule of law from a corrupt leader out to grab power. … In the Shakespeare play, character Dick the Butcher listens to a cohort dreaming of becoming an all-powerful king. Dick pipes up: ‘The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.'”
But given the literacy level of the average Republican voter, you can’t really expect a GOP senator to be able to read and understand either the Bible or Shakespeare, can you?
It’s 10:30 AM and no Doctor Dumbfuck. I wonder if the horse killed him this morning? He should’ve mounted from the side.
Wherein John Cleese minces no words about Trump, his fans, and Fox.
I wouldn’t give up on America’s voters just yet. I doubt the majority of them are inclined to vote for civil war, mass murder, and torturing toddlers. Some are, mostly out of ignorance, but even some of those might turn tail and run when confronted with the actuality of what they voted for in 2016.
Not Doctor Dumbfuck, Not The Real Thomas Jefferson, PI, or pork sauce, though. They’re incorrigibly stupid.
Is that the best you got?
“…and field a strong GOTV effort, especially in urban black neighborhoods…”
Not really how this works anymore. And if campaigns or groups are doing it this way, they are not only wasting money and resources that could be put to better uses, they are probably helping get Trump re-elected. So let’s hope not.
There are huge reservoirs of non-participating registered voters in all of these states and districts. Their registration information and voting participation records are publicly available. But beyond that, with names, street addresses, DOBs, and phone numbers, campaigns can tie these individual voters to huge data arrays identifying patterns of consumption, education level, employment history, social networking activity, church membership, organizational membership, subscriptions, recent major purchases, etc. etc. That totality of individualized data can provide a remarkably reliable score telling a campaign which voters to target and in what order. In the end, the objective is to build an individualized profile of every single voter to be targeted, identify their issues, and reach out to them directly and repeatedly through an array of channels including knocking on their door.
That’s what we did in Virginia. That’s what we are doing in Michigan and Pennsylvania. That’s what Democrats need to do in every state and district. Roger, we know who you are. Even if you proudly don’t have a Facebook account (and you should not) Democrats know you through a thousand other individualized data points. If you are receiving GOTV direct mail, or email, or phone calls, or any kind of contact, you are receiving it from a shitty campaign. A campaign that is wasting money. And you should notice that.
Last week the NYT’s Nate Cohn reported his analysis of the Times’ polling results targeting a random sampling of non-voters in key battlegrounds. But the fundamental problem with Cohn’s approach comes right at the start. Random.
Good campaigns don’t do random. The days of national campaign managers leaching commissions off of massive sweeping advertising budgets shotgunning out mild, centrist messaging are coming to an end. And we should all be grateful. And to whatever extent we see Democratic campaigns and progressive groups fronting that kind of advertising effort we should be very, very worried.
So yeah, for sure, we should be doing every efficient thing to get African Americans to vote in every election. But we should be targeting those voters by state, by district, by zip code, and by individualized voter profile that provides us with a reliable data score indicating that the voter will vote, and that their vote will count. Their race, or their neighborhood are only two of the thousands of data points that go into scoring outreach to such voters.
Consider Amber Guyger and Botham Jean. Nearly the same age. Living right on top of each other. One a white female. The other a black male. I know nothing about the politics of either one. And not a helluvalot about their neighborhood either. Except that it is gerrymandered to concentrate minority voting influence. At this point, short of redistricting, TX 30 will never be an R district. And for the sake of taking Cornyn’s seat, I want every one of Botham Jean’s African American neighbors to vote. But statewide that will never even come close to being enough to win a senate seat in Texas. We need the votes of millennial single white females like Amber Guyger too. And to get them we have to find them wherever they are, whether they live in a neighborhood that is 83% minority or only 8%.
@55 Want something meatier? OK. Let me explain the physics of the Orange Event Horizon to you.
It’s a place, not a surface. You don’t know you’re passing through it. There’s no buffeting, flashing lights, or sonic boom. You can’t tell. But once you’re on the other side, you can never escape. Your descent into Orange Hell is eternal. There’s no way out. Kind of a Hotel California on steroids.
And you can no longer think for yourself. Your brain still weighs the same, but is squished to an infinitesimally tiny mass from which no thought can get out. It’s still possible for Orange Event Horizon victims to post on HA, of course, but there’s no intelligible content. Inside those comments there’s only a vacuum.
Trump understands this well. It’s why his base will never fall below 36%. His supporters are trapped there forever. He can do whatever he wants to them, because he knows the Orange Event Horizon is a one-way trip.
That absolutely sucked.
I think that is stretching the equivalency of the NCAA College STUDENTS with the people you mention, and the rest of the non sports people – those you mention seem to be the rarity and not the norm when it comes to a college student.
I should just leave it at that, so that you can address the equivalency aspect. But……
When the Colleges and Universities start funding Academics to the tune of what they do for their Sports programs (Stadiums, Practice Facilities, coaches, trainers, equipment, energy to heat and light the facilities and maintenance cost), at similar monetary loss than they do for their Sports programs then maybe you have a point. And at that point in time, then let’s just home school everyone for Higher Education, or they can just learn on their own in their own chosen dwelling.
Maybe I am just misinformed. Do colleges, as a whole lose as much money from the Academic side as much as they do from the Sports side, at the same equivalency? That’s what this comes down to for me, to me this is no longer education, it’s a sports training camp. Maybe the sports programs was always intended to churn out Pro athletes instead primarily providing an education – but I personally don’t think so.
Furthermore, if that be the case, that Academia loses a proportional equivalent amount, I don’t have as big an issue with it because at least the STUDENTS are there for an education and not being trained to be a pro athlete. And if they are working they are working to afford the education, and not to be rewarded for being a sports figure.
I would propose that the NCAA start their own campuses and institutions for the sole purpose of turning amateur athletes into pro athletes, at their own expense, and if they want to toss in a little education then so be it.
Or maybe if I knew more about the guidelines and rules imposed on limits or what kind of earnings the athletes can acquire from, then maybe I could be in favor of this a little more.
Or maybe – they should open up the practice facilities, free of charge, to the general public when the STUDENTS aren’t using the facility, so I no longer have to have a gym membership, seeing that I helped pay for some of the facilities.
For the record, I don’t vote for Republicans or Democrats. I stated this several years ago on this blog. I haven’t changed my opinion of the Republicans or the Democrats since: both are evil.
I vote for third party candidates, I write-in people sometimes, and sometimes I simply leave the position blank and don ‘t vote for anyone.
Really dude. I don’t think they believe you.
You might as well get on board. You know it’s what you want.
C’mon! Why fight it? Come in out of the cold and warm yourself by our beautiful hate!
If you’re not against us, you’re One Of Us!
Gooble, gobble, One Of Us!