John Oliver: Thailand Hitler problem
AJ+: What happens when you restrict abortion?
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Vox: How America’s CEOs got so rich.
Wendover: Why so many airlines are going bankrupt.
The Dotard Трамп And His Other High Criminals and Liars:
- Stephen: Трамп’s refusal to cooperate with Congress constitutes obstruction
- Seth Meyers: Rudy Giuliani associates arrested as support for impeachment rises
- Trevor: Трамп withdraws troops from Syria
- Ari Melber: Shep Smith leaves FAUX News amid growing tensions over The Dotard Трамп
- Lauren Meyer: The wizard of fraud:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Second whistle blown on The Dotard Трамп
- Vox: The phone call that could get Трамп impeached
- Stephen: Трамп rolls over for Turkey, angering GOP leaders
- WaPo: Трамп’s misleading “border wall” narrative
- Seth Meyers: Hey! Republicans and the intelligence agencies
- The Daily Show: Man keeps imaginary friend for entire life
- Ari Melber: U.S. Ambassador to Russia is shocked by Yovanovitch’s opening statement
- Trevor: Chaos unfolds after Трамп gives Kurds the cold shoulder
- Stephen: Трамп may be brought down by two calamitous phone calls
- Chris Hayes: Where The Dotard Трамп’s conspiracy theories come from
- The Late Show: The Whistleblowers perform “It takes two”:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп is handling crisis very badly
- Seth Meyers: 58% of Americans support the impeachment inquiry into The Dotard Трамп
- The Late Show: The House Intelligence Committee presents “The Masked Whistleblower”
- Now This: Трамп is facing 43 new sexual misconduct allegations
- Jimmy Dore: Mitt Romney bothered by Ukraine transcript he didn’t read
- The Late Show: Guess Who? GOP whistleblower edition
- Chris Hayes: Rudy Giuliani is just a fixer with a law degree
- Mark Fiore: The Dotard Трамп impeaches you!
- Jimmy Kimmel: As impeachment ramps up, Трамп melts down
- Trevor: The Dotard stops Sondland’s testimony & Democrats protect the whistleblower
- Seth Meyers: Трамп declares himself above the Constitution
- Bruce Nelson: If Trump’s Mouth Is Moving, He’s Lying:
- Stephen: The Dotard Трамп really thinks he’s Tony Soprano
- Ari Melber: Rudy Giuliani said to be under investigation for Ukraine work
- SNL: Mike Pence impeachment strategy
- Late Show Nursery Rhymes Presents: Under the Bus
- Now This: Трамп’s hypocrisy on Syria and the Kurds revealed
Lewis Black: Surprise medical bills.
Jim Jefferies: Toys are finally becoming more inclusive
John Oliver: : China’s one child policy.
Francesca FiorentiniCan America let go of being number one?.
Twenty-Twenty Vision:
- Stephen: Crowded stage at next debate not ideal for the Dems
- Trevor: Bernie Sanders’s heart procedure
- The Late Show: Just one question, vol. 2
- Robert Reich: Why 2020 won’t be won by centrists:
- SNL Weekend Update: Sen. Elizabeth Warren fundraises for her 2020 campaign
- Stephen: Awkward moments for Democratic candidates
- Samantha Bee: The worldwide premiere of Full Frontal’$ “Totally Unrigged Primary”
Mental Floss: Everything you need to know about budgets.
AJ+: The very radical politics of Dolly Parton’s ‘9 to 5’.
Jim Jefferies: STIs are stronger than ever.
Full Frontal: The best of big tech at its worst.
Trevor: The NBA’s full-court drama with China.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So Rudyb is now deep in the Ukrainian scandal. Hopefully he’ll at least be disbarred.
I mean usually lawyers care about not getting disbarred, but that is only if they want to practice law again.
He’s a real man of the people, Donald. At last night’s Klan rally in LA…
Yep. I went to get eggs, dish soap and a loaf of bread but I forgot my ID…
This is fantastic!
president peepee gave The White House Counsel’s office a poetry assignment.
Saturday is shaping up as a slow news day so far, partly because Trump’s “trade deal” with China yesterday isn’t much of a trade deal — it’s what you expect from Trump, i.e. a meatless nothingburger ballyhooed by brass bands and flag-waving parades.
@2 “usually lawyers care about not getting disbarred”
Doesn’t look good on a resume, but it’s not a barrier to future Republican employment in other capacities.
Now here’s an item. By all appearances, Shepard Smith voluntarily quit his anchor job at Fox News. But his departure came just two days after Bill Barr, who’s officially the U.S. Attorney General but is de facto one of Trump’s personal attorneys, met privately with Rupert Murdoch, Fox’s owner.
Smith, unusually among Fox’s on-air personalities, had an air of impartiality and journalistic integrity. It’s what you expect — in fact, is a definining characteristic — of a media organization that claims to be a legitimate news organization.
If Fox is the news organization it claims to be, it would be interviewing Trump or Barr, not meeting with them behind closed doors to discuss who knows what. Internal personnel matters? We don’t know, but the optics sure don’t look good. And you wouldn’t expect an organization like Fox to neglect optics. Public perception and image is everything in their business.
Of course, it doesn’t bother Fox’s core audience if Bill Barr acts as Trump’s personal attorney while drawing salary as the Attorney General of the United states, meets privately with Fox’s owner to complain about its news coverage of his boss’s corruption troubles, and a real journalist gets sacked as a result. That’s just fine with them. They welcome it.
And that’s the point. Whatever the substance is, the optics define what kind of organization Fox really is, pretenses notwithstanding.
All news media is biased. You can forget this “journalist” label they use to justify spewing propaganda. It’s all about achieving the political goals, not reporting accurately.
8 bull shit. All sides are not the same. Troll.
They can’t handle the truth, and jealous that they aren’t smart enough to be real journalists or capable of understanding real journalism. They prefer being fed news from the real fake media
@8 Some media is based on reality, however biased. Some isn’t, being deliberately used to create a alternate reality construct in easily manipulated minds of dumbfucks like you that doesn’t have a fucking thing to do with what is, you know, actually fucking real. You merely cross an orange event horizon, a journey from the shallow and insipid to the batshit fucking insane. Sadly, it is there where you’ll reside for the rest of your miserable fucking life, posting batshit insane dumbfuckery from time to time so we can laugh at you.
And you haven’t a clue. SAD! But that’s what you get for living in an alternate reality.
What’s so liberal biased about this?
I’m not so sure how this would work out for the Kurds, seeing as how America is Russia’s ally. In fact, thanks to the likes of Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron, we’re more than just an ally. We’ve become Putin’s favorite puppet state.
“‘You are leaving us to be slaughtered’: Kurdish general accuses Trump of betrayal — and threatens to ally with Russia”
Hey Bob, do you remember when the liberals in NYC had to deal with terrazzo surface cracks at the brand new Penn Station renovations? What a headache those idiots had to deal with.
Not like down South where they building things super strong and super great with all that cheap labor and cheap materials and smart people. You know where Bridges don’t collapse and Hotels open to the masses to make millions of dollars.
Do you care to expand upon your past comments on the terrazzo?
Speaking of reality, the end game is inevitable as it only gets worse each day.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange freak has known Lev Parnas for years.
I have a little bit of structural engineering background….now just from the picture(s) of the building (particularly the corner that has like 4 levels pancacked), the way the upper floors pancacked…..this just doesn’t look to right to me….looks kind of like the slabs were thin and not much supporting them. Just my stupid observations from a picture thousands of miles away.
Kind of looks like tissue paper to me.
The Russians are all over NYC – they have been for a while now – The Hump and Giuliani knew/know many Russians over many years. A lot of Russian (and other Countries) money laundering going on over here.
NYC is truly a unique and different place from the rest of this Country and maybe even the World.
@10 Well, they won’t have Shep Smith to pollute their closed minds anymore.
@13 It’s worse than that. If Trump succeeds in tearing down all of our postwar alliances, deconstructing the world order in the process, and re-Balkanizing the international community, chaos will follow leading to World War 3, and that one will be fought with nukes. You won’t have to worry about competing national ambitions then; thenceforth, the world will be ruled by cockroaches and insects with algae in a supporting role.
@14 Not sure I’d want to fly on a Boeing plane assembled in South Carolina by right-to-work labor.
Another stupid kid with a red hat is about to get laughed out of court.
In Fort Worth, another person has been killed inside her own home by a trigger-happy cop. Once again, the cop is white and the victim is black. This time, to cop is male and the victim is female.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This doesn’t happen to white people. It just doesn’t. Draw your own inferences.
Where’s Steak Sauce?
Kurdish politician Hebron Khalaf executed by Turkish faction.
Reports coming in that caravan of vehicles including Khalaf were captured on a highway. Khalaf was beheaded and no other civilians in the caravan survived.
Godly retweeted this FYI. Donald is letting Pro USA anti Assad politicians get slaughtered.
Blood is on Donald’s hands but the future terrorists won’t discriminate between MagaBros and sane Americans.
You built that.
This one is really ugly.
Police were called for a wellness check by neighbor.
No lights or sirens.
Parked down the block.
Officer outside house saw movement inside.
Body cam footage confirms did not identify as police officer.
Fired four seconds after ordering hands up.
From outside the house into it because feared for life apparently.
Victim died in her own home and neighbor is telling media if he hadn’t called in a wellness check she would still be alive so his life is pretty fucked up now too.
22)His sister the judge should have told him what he couldn’t get away with.
@ 24
The video of her execution was circulated on Twitter. She was dragged from the SUV she was riding in and shot about 30 times at point blank range by several individuals before being stoned and then decapitated with a small hunting knife. The Free Syrian Army Forces are stopping vehicles and checking to see if anyone is speaking Arabic with a Kurdish accent, and anyone who does is being summarily executed.
Erdogan is building his Caliphate and we just helped him by abandoning the only real allies we had in the area. Turkey was an enemy in WW1 and WW2, and the Kurds were reliable allies in both those wars. The Saudis and Turkey are now free to act as they please, and the US Army is now a mere mercenary outfit in support of the new Caliphate. Watch them being ordered to attack the Kurds sometime in the next few weeks.
Also watch for a blockade of the Bosporus Strait in the next few weeks. Erdogan is taking Turkey back into the Russian sphere and is going to tell the US to piss off.
The Turks want Cypress and Greece too. Romanian and Bulgarian military leaders are rumored to already be in planning conferences with the Greeks, Macedonians and Serbs. The Bulgarians and Greece especially don’t want to have to deal with the Turks again.
Fat Donny just totally fucked the whole system of alliances the West has built since the end of WW1 and probably helped create the next Caliphate with the Saudis at one end and the Turks at the other.
Meanwhile, it seems that Rudy has been burning the candle at both ends and taking his cut out of the middle.
I wonder how much Fat Donny gets out of that? He doesn’t so much as pick his nose without demanding a high return on the effort.
@27, 28
Yeah, but Hilary was sooooooooooooo sooooooooooooo bad.
@25 Plus ghost of Tamir Rice: Rookie cop, on the job less than a year.
@29 I wonder if Boob wears a fez these days … ?
Your move Ivanka&Jerod
A lot of talk about Zuckerberg and Facebook being “propaganda” for the The Hump and Russians. But I have to tell you, I think Google plays more of a role and more a problem.
I can’t stand Google. I like their search engine, by far the best, but I think they are a bigger problem than Facebook.
@31 He does, while riding the horse bare chested.
Above is a picture/article link from the Hartford Courant of the Hotel collapse in New Orleans. If you can’t open the link, it’s one of the typical pictures of the building collapse, search and look at it.
I mentioned last night that it looked really strange to me. Looking at it again – looks like a really flimsy structure. Look at the top two floors, which is kind of typical to the lower ones, where the structures still remains intact. The are hardly any intermediate beams. The beams are only at the columns. Doesn’t look like it would have held up too well in a Hurricane such as Katrina. But fuck the cost of living is so much fucking cheaper in the South!
Looks like the corner where the 4/5 levels of pancaked slabs are failed first – based on the videos that I have seen. The videos show the right side of the structure collapsing towards the street but the corner where the 4/5 pancaked slabs already failed before, as shown on the video.
@32 “This proves his involvement was corrupt! He wouldn’t be stepping away if it was on the up-and-up!”
@34 I’m under the impression he doesn’t wear pants, either, when “riding” the horse.
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@38 Russia is better. Putin has the best girls. He told us so himself. Handpicked for their beauty and charm, and highly trained.
You’re fucking kidding me right? Nope
Arrested for Loitering In their yard. Twice
“You darkies need to take your asses inside so the good law-abiding folks I’m protecting and serving don’t have to see you.”
@40 Playing in their own yard while black? What were they thinking?? They could have been shot!
Actually, this one is so fucked up it’s kind of amazing that someone didn’t get shot.
@41 Turns out the “loitering” ordinance under which they were arrested was struck down by the courts 7 years ago.
This one should settle out of court for, oh, I’d say about $150k. Maybe $250k. Or even $350k. And, of course, taxpayers and insurance premium payers will pay for it. Won’t cost the cops a cent. And they’ll keep their jobs.
You have to expect bad behavior from people in positions of power over others as long as the bad behavior is cost-free or someone else picks up the tab. That’s just the way you stupid humans do things. Been going on for thousands of years.
Good for them. Maybe even Russia will help out! Thank God. Thoughts and Prayers.
Maybe has something to do with their orientation….. just saying. I wonder if Sheriff Joe has any pink uniforms for the armies as mandatory dress code.
Oh, well. Makes sense, I suppose. Putin’s already commanding our Navy through his moronic orange puppet he put in the WH.
“Republican wishes ‘Happy Birthday to the US Navy’ — with a picture of a Russian battlecruiser”
This is the first video I am seeing that shows the full extent of the collapse. Prior videos were only partial, after the initial failure. Kind of just like I thought, it failed at the top corner of the building were the slabs we’re pancaked.
Looks liked it failed like 1 bay in from the corner.
Looks like the crane was lowering a load
@46 Well, that’s going to throw them off their construction schedule. Probably their construction budget, too. I’d guess the crane operator sitting in that swaying cab hundreds of feet above the ground was scared shitless. Very lucky for him the crane didn’t fall with it.
yeah, that could have been a lot worse. You can see the tower cranes sway.
Earlier, I was viewing the video on my iPhone. Now that I am home and can see it on my computer it appears that it started in the back not the top right corner as I first thought. Before it collapses at that area you can see a large cloud in the back of the building (from the view of the video).
It will be interesting to see what happen. Maybe they didn’t reshore the concrete slabs after placement or didn’t leave the reshores in long enough. But I am just guessing at what I see from the video. I’ll stop to continue to hypothesize, but I continue to watch the video.;videoId=1
Videos of the building under construction from the Contractor’s website. They are slow to load and they slow down my computer but interesting to see.
Something about the structure that looks funny to me – looks kind of flimsy to me – not enough steel framing and no moment frame framing (or cross bracing) for wind/lateral stability.
My god….Morgan Chesky is hot!
@48 You’d think these people would know how to build a building. It’s not like this particular structure was cutting edge and nothing like it had ever been done before. Mafia construction company, maybe? After all, that was in New Orleans. To make something like this (e.g., a crane falling over) to happen in Seattle, you need dumbfucks.
Trump ordered we cut and run.
@52 And the result? This morning’s CNN headlines say, “”The war against ISIS was all a waste,” and “In less than a week, all that was achieved, and sacrificed, in the fight against ISIS has come undone.”
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, er, resort:
“A disturbing video of a fake President Donald Trump shooting, assaulting and stabbing his critics and the media was played at a conference held by a pro-Trump group at his Miami resort last week, according to footage obtained by The New York Times.
“… One part of the video, the Times said, shows a fake Trump’s head edited onto the body of a man opening fire in the ‘Church of Fake News’ on a group whose faces were edited to appear as a group of Trump critics and news organizations. … [T]he clip ends with Trump driving a stake into the head of a person who has the CNN logo for a face before standing and smiling as he looks around. The clip appears to be edited from a church massacre scene in the 2014 movie ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service,’ the Times reported. …
“‘Sadly, this is not the first time that supporters of the President have promoted violence against the media in a video they apparently find entertaining — but it is by far and away the worst. The images depicted are vile and horrific,’ CNN said in a statement Sunday night. ‘The President and his family, the White House, and the Trump campaign need to denounce it immediately in the strongest possible terms. Anything less equates to a tacit endorsement of violence and should not be tolerated by anyone.'”
But they won’t, because they’re fully on board with this — Hitler and his good little Brownshirts, that’s what the GOP has become.
@54. Hope the Democratic candidates and the Democratic Leadership in the house and senate have hired really good security. Wonder if republicans will care after the first person is wounded or killed?
Wonder if this is why the racist incel is spewing Hillary kills her competition conspiracy theories as fast as he can type today? If someone does get hurt, he can insinuate she did it.
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