Trevor: Big Pharma pays up for their part in the opioid crisis.
Samantha Bee: It’s time to cancel the Electoral College.
The Late Show: We’ve got your back-2-Congress supplies.
Bruce W. Nelson: A mangy fetlocks lullaby for tired adults.
Vox: The gun solution we’re not talking about.
Minute Physics: Protecting privacy with MATH.
The Dotard Трамп and Other Sharpies and Racist Dullards:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп wants to ban vaping to protect Melania’s son
- Stephen: The Трамп family—A political dynasty for decades to come?
- Jim Jefferies: Talking to reporters about Трамп’s attacks on the media
- Rachel Maddow: DOJ pursuit of Трамп vendetta against McCabe takes odd turn
- Stephen: Bolton lost Трамп’s support after angering Kim Jong Un
- Lawrence O’Donnell: House Judiciary Committee votes on new rules for impeachment
- Lauren Mayer: It’s Raining Lies:
- Trevor: Трамп fires John Bolton
- Seth Meyers: Трамп faces scrutiny over personal properties and hurricane lies
- Samantha Bee: The well-documented case of Трамп’s undocumented employees
- Stephen: Трамп to rally crowd, “I’m never leaving office”
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard “fires” Bolton & offers more lies
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s sharpie scandal has triggered multiple investigations
- Stephen: It’s a lot of fun to work for The Dotard
- The Late Show: Bigly shop of horrors
- Samantha Bee: Here’s how taxpayers are funding Трамп’s resorts
- Stephen: Трамп ignores Pence and Bolton, invites Taliban to Camp David
- Trevor: Трамп siphons money for his wall
- Stephen: Pro tip, Mr. Dotard…don’t go after Chrissy Teigen on Twitter
- Francesca Fiorentini: How Трамп plans to keep America white:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп lies about the Bahamas & explains Bolton firing
- The Late Show: The Taliban aren’t the only ones getting invites from The Dotard
- Ari Melber: In legal blow court revives corruption suit against Трамп
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Трамп advisers looking for “escape” from China tariffs
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп cancels Taliban & slams Legend & Teigen
- Mark Fiore: The Sharpie presidency
- Stephen: A stupid President saves us from a smart warmonger
NY Times opinion: Why blaming video games for violence is wrong.
Samantha Bee: What’s up With Rudy Giuliani’s 9/11 tribute video?
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Hasan Minhaj testifies at student loans hearing.
Now This: New college student pep talk from Michelle Obama.
The Atlantic: How black Americans were robbed of their land.
Twenty-twenty Vision:
- Stephen: Several Democrats are beating Трамп in head-to-head polls
- Bill Maher: Snap, Crackle and Pop
- Trevor: The Democratic debate
- Now This: Kamala Harris talks about her own Medicare for All plan with Ady Barkan
- NY Times: Best moments of the Democratic debate
- Stephen: Jake Tapper thinks Warren, Biden & Sanders will go all the way to the convention
- Full Frontal: Staffers draw the candidates from memory
- Now This: Why is Beto O’Rourke running for president?
- NY Times: Who are Трамп’s Republican challengers?
- Stephen: Jake Tapper weighs in on Julián Castro’s attack on Joe Biden
- Joy Reid: Beto O’Rourke on how and why to ban assault weapons
- Jimmy Kimmel breaks down the Democratic debate
- The Late Show: Deep in the Heart of Texas:
- Seth Meyers: Eric Holder’s family didn’t want him to run for president in 2020
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The real 2020 lesson from the NC-09 special election
- Now This: Elizabeth Warren’s best moments in the Democratic debate were attacks on corporations
- Stephen: Sparks fly at third Democratic debate
- Samantha Bee: We’re gonna need a bigger vote
Roll Call: Congressional Hits and Misses.
Drunk History: The true story behind the legend of Billy the Kid.
Now This: Alarming map shows sea ice melting since 1984.
Jim Jefferies: Why we should all care about saving the tuna.
Robert Reich: The secret GOP plan to keep power.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Mixed feelings about Bolton’s departure. Next guy could be worse.
According to IG Horowitz, the report on his FISA investigation ordered by #presidentpussyassbitch has been sent over to AG Quisling for final editing and dramatic embelishment, possibly inculding marrionettes!
Finally, after nearly two years of anticipation and teasing, Teh Dumdfuck will be almost as relieved as when MaryKay lets him out of his ball gag and leather zipper hood.
You must work the graveyard shift.
@1 That’s not possible. Equally bad, though, is possible.
There’s an interesting tension here. On one hand, Trump cares about peace roughly as much as he cares about the environment. On the other, his abject cowardice probably precludes overt warmongering on his part, which nullifies Bolton or anyone else like him.
Conservatives are warmongers. They love spending other people’s lives on ill-advised and fruitless military adventures. For them, a Bolton in the White House is a dream come true, but a yellow commander-in-chief is their worst nightmare.
Our adversaries surely realize POTUS is a chicken. That’s why North Korea fires off test missiles at will, China is making threatening gestures in the South China Sea, and Putin ramps up his aggression against Ukraine. These dictators all know they have nothing to fear from Trump, no matter what kind of advisers he surrounds himself with.
Cluck-cluck-cluck. While that’s not altogether in America’s best interests, given Trump’s supreme ignorance and terrible judgment, it’s the best we can hope for in current circumstances. It could be worse. If you’re gonna have a loose cannon in the White House, then it helps if he’s also a coward, which Trump is in spades.
@3 Or maybe he’s in a different time zone than you. 4:37 am in Seattle is 7:37 am in New York City. Not entirely sure where he is, but not all HA regulars are here in Seattle.
Doctor Dumbfuck, though, gets up with the roosters. He likes to fuck the horse before breakfast to get his day started.
and then there’s mary k’s stallion..
Very interesting article on Clarence Thomas…
It turns out the twin realities of white supremacy and an essentially racist America is central to his jurisprudence. All his fellow always wrong wingers on the court believe racism is in the rear view mirror.
He says assimilation makes no sense to him. That’s incredible. Always wrong wingers when they talk about immigration (Stephen Miller not included) put assimilation at the core.
He’s not a white nationalist (although I believe he serves white supremacist ends).. He’s a BLACK nationalist or at the very least a black separatist.
In 9 years he’ll be the longest serving Supreme Court Justice. He’s written over 700 opinions and writes on average 34 opinions a year. His white colleagues like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh frequently sign on to his opinions
5, I actually work about noon to 8:30. Took me forever to get home last night. Good tging I chose to reload my ORCA Card at Capitol Hill Station, ended up taking the First Hill Streetcar, then a LINK train being used as a shuttle to Stadium Station, and another LINK train to finish the trip.
A few days ago when I posted about the streetcar order with CAF USA BEING cancelled, and suggested the Brookville Liberty would be a better option. It has a drawback, only has doors in the low floor section. Still, it is roughly the same length as the existing cars, and has off wire capability.
Fox News:
Houthi rebel drone attacks against Saudi oil facilities have taken about half of the Kingdom’s oil capacity offline. Given a sudden drop of 5 million barrels a day in world oil supply, expect oil prices to spike, although Saudi officials claim the damage could be repaired “within days.” That remains to be seen.
Sadly, there’s nothing strange about this.
Lou Dobbs signing off, “Have a great weekend. The president makes such a thing possible for us all.”
How shocked are you to learn the suspect arrested in the Duluth Synagogue arson has a Facebook page and the public parts of it are mostly Christian imagery…and a picture of himself brandishing a shotgun?
At least as shocked to learn he’s a mid 30s White Guy?
i feel bad for Lou. Imagine getting all the way into your Golden Years before having your first good weekend.
@13 – Do you remember when Lou Dobbs was doing the local news on KING-5 in Seattle, 40 years ago?
12)Jesus was Jewish.
@15 -Yeah, and it was the Romans that nailed Jesus to the cross (if the myth is true), not the Jews.
So, Texass. Peewee football. Parents start arguing. Guess what happened next?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What kind of moron brings a gun to a kids’ football game? Well, I hate to tell you this, but America is full of such morons. (And they’re 100% Republican.)
Contrary to NRA and gun advocate claims, saturating society with guns doesn’t make you safer. Really, it doesn’t. What it does do is arm people with impulse control issues.
I understand what Eric Holder is trying to say,
but he wouldn’t prosecute the crooked bankers who crashed our economy and inflicted untold suffering on millions of people, either, so who’s going to listen to him?
It certainly doesn’t make sense that he’d find a receptive audience among the angry Trumpers who’ve now been disillusioned twice, would it? But don’t expect those people to be sensible.
“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pinned the Houthi drone strikes directly on Iran, currently at odds with the U.S. as a nuclear arms deal reached by the Obama administration has steadily unraveled in the Trump era.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even with Bolton gone, Trump’s other underlings are still itching to start a war with Iran. Would you like to contribute a son or daughter? Trust me, they won’t. They’re counting on you.
Since when do convicts get to choose the prison they’re in?
What’s next? Room service? You only get that in solitary, and the menu selections there are limited to bread and water.
“President Donald Trump’s acting national security adviser, former Reagan administration official Charles Kupperman, made an extraordinary and controversial claim in the early 1980s: nuclear conflict with the USSR was winnable and that … in a scenario in which 20 million people died in the U.S. as opposed to 150 million, the nation could then emerge as the stronger side and prevail in its objectives.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, what’s 50 or so cities? They’re all hellholes of liberalism anyway.
This guy is now our national security adviser.
As far as I know, the Russians didn’t program exemptions for Kupperman or Doctor Dumbfuck into their warheads. They would’ve gone up in smoke with the rest of us.
Chickenhawk math: They lose 150 million people. We lose only 20 million people. We win.
And some of you are worried about Joe Biden’s gaffes??
If the Democrats run Joe Biden, they will win the White House in 2020.
@25 People used to wonder why anyone wants the job until Trump figured out how to monetize it.
Neither of these three guys look gay to me. They look real heterosexual if you asked me. I wonder if Milo hangs out with them or maybe Pence.
I wonder if deterioration of a society has anything to do with heterosexuality.
@17 what are the chances that those parents were not of the same sex type?
Where is Jeffery Dalmer when the Straights need him?
Today is Sunday – are all the Straights at church today? No?…….I thought so.
It’s the new “six dgrees of separation” for Yale graduates.
Turns out every single person who ever attended Yale is separated by no more tha six persons from someone who was forced to touch Associate Justice DateRape’s junk.
It might be said of the entire Ivy League except for, as always, Cornell.
Dumbfuck picked a good week to re open Kavanaugh discussions, eh?
@ 26
People used to wonder why anyone wants the job until Trump figured out how to monetize it.
Anyone watching Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader was bound to learn a few things.
The presidency has been a stepping-stone to wealth going back at least to Richard Nixon’s interviews by David Frost.
Look at how Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have cashed in. I’d add the Bushes, except they were very well off prior to becoming presidents.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, when you make your weekly trudge to the library to glean from Barron’s what the rest of us put to use the previous day, how do you hide your catheters?
I see that young Julian is using the YLB technique to acquire money that belongs to others.
“This is the biggest challenge my campaign has ever faced. I’ve never needed you to have my back with $5 more than I do in this defining moment. I could either play it safe and give Vice President Biden a free pass like everyone else. Or I could speak up, challenge the conversation, and demand answers for you and your family.
Or, you could admit your stunt backfired badly and that no one thinks you are qualified to be president, which should lead you to quit your campaign in shame. If you weren’t shameless.
Isn’t it odd and wonderful that throughout 2015 and 2016, as GOP candidates like Rick Perry committed one unforgivable gaff after another before retreating behind the locked gates at “Niggerhead Ranch”, Racist Incels had no comment. And two years later they’re totally cool with him put in charge of nuclear weapons.
Funny world.
All their once lofty pulpits now lie in ruined ashes at their feet surrounded by spent condoms and Quarter Pounder wrappers.
@29 If they are, chances are, they’re listening to rightwing political hate speech.
Too many churches have been taken over by the haters, and Christianity — at face value, a lovely religion — is being discredited by the faux “Christians.”
@32 How many Air Force flights were diverted so the crews could sleep over in financially struggling hotels owned by Bill Clinton? by Barack Obama? How many foreign diplomats were put up in their hotels? How many G-7s were scheduled at their resorts?
Also, they disclosed their finances, and didn’t hide their tax returns.
You are a dumbshit. Go have your first cup of morning coffee. It might make you slightly more coherent. Right now, just about anything that does would be a big help.
@33 “Julian is using the YLB technique to acquire money that belongs to others.”
It’s still a free country, dipshit, despite the best efforts of your tribe to turn it into a fascist dictatorship. If people voluntarily give money to Julian’s campaign, it doesn’t belong to them anymore, it belongs to the campaign. This is basic property law that virtually all first-year law students know before they arrive for new-student orientation.
If you take free legal advice from a radiologist with his head perpetually up his ass, you’ll get what you paid for. The only time he pulls it out is when he wants to make room for a horse’s dick.
Ya, Doctor Dumbfuck wakes up this morning to headlines about prominent Democrats discussing impeaching Kavanaugh for lying under oath to Congress after new sexual misconduct allegations have surfaced against him from people who knew him and were there. Meh. Not a good day for the doctor. Or Susan Collins.
Collins now has to convince Maine women voters already skeptical of her that she was an innocent victim of a mean and underhanded deception instead of a gullible fool when she helped park a rapist and perjurer in a Supreme Court seat.
@36 Bob loves making excuses for his beloved Putin Lover. Treasonous – he, being Bob, should be jailed.
@40 For someone who denies being a Trump voter, he sure defends him. I guess we’re supposed to believe that his affection for Trump, like Trump’s admiration of Hitler, is purely platonic.
@39 she needs to be put to sleep, that old wretched witch – politically speaking of course.
“ofmaryk” after a very brutal evening of “discipline” from its mistress seems pretty despondent upon hearing that its beloved POS judge beerbong is a drunken liar and sexual deviant.
weak cheap shots was all it could muster this morning..
Sux to be “ofmaryk… SAD!
What do you call a liberal Latino who stabs another liberal Latino in the back?
Texas congressman switches endorsement from Castro to Biden
Is it too Sotomayor-esque to answer “wise Latino”?
Hey Evergreen Rail Fan,
Been enjoying videos on youtube about train hopping..
This brit’s two videos about freight hopping in Mexico are narrated, edited, scored, very accessible:
Longer, more detailed and clinical are his travelling companion Owen’s videos. They are for the most part un-narrated but are meticulously captioned. This link starts at the passage through a series of tunnels in the mountains above Veracruz, about 6 minutes before the video documents the train passing through Puente Vaqueria which is not to be missed:
But I bet you know about these kind of videos anyway.
@ 45
I am so surprised that YLB would get enjoyment out of an activity that involves not paying for something that you’re supposed to pay for in order to receive.
YLB also enjoys burglary, grand theft auto, and in her spare time sells stolen hubcaps and iPhones.
@46 notice “ofmaryk” still smarting from the previous evening’s “discipline” from its mistress’ stallion.
What will she command her “precious” to do next? Flashing its junk in public?
hmmm.. “ofmaryk” would never report this to the police. mistress wouldn’t allow it. Risks drawing attention to the “lifestyle”.
As a result yours truly will be here at HA to celebrate Nov 2020.. Just like Nov 2012 when “ofmaryk” had a most painful episode.
Looking forward to it.
@44 I’d trust my back to the worst Democrat with a knife long before I’d turn my back on the best Republican with or without a knife.
If there were no Democrats around, there still wouldn’t be peace, because when Republicans aren’t bashing Democrats they’re eating each other. They’re cannibals.
@46 A Republican shill whining about getting stuff without paying for it? (sarcastic rabbit laughter)
What do you think the whole GOP platform is about? Republicans are the ultimate welfare queens.
A lot of politicians want to go to Washington to do good, and many of them end up doing damn good – for themselves!
“Trump advised via Twitter that ‘Brett Kavanaugh should start suing people for libel, or the Justice Department should come to his rescue.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s starting to sound like Roland Freisler.
@51 If that’s another lame attempt at false equivalency, stuff it. Only Doctor Dumbfuck buys that shit, and he’s not worth the effort. Most corruption in D.C. nowadays involves Republicans, just as most of the political violence and domestic terrorism in the U.S. now comes from the right. Democrats are not just like Republicans. The difference is night and day. Republicans are profoundly morally challenged, and if you vote for them, something is wrong with you, and you should seek help.
@53 – Democrats are EXACTLY like Republicans when it comes to looking out for themselves, so YOU stuff it up your fucking ass, sideways, you degenerate mothefucking piece of shit!
Looks like somebody has his dander up. A bit of a fit, I’d say. SAD!
Like that time in ’78 when Rosalyn Carter arranged a kickback scheme with Ukrainian real estate investors.
Or that other time back in 2009 when Malia Obama sold E Visas to chinese businessmen.
Who can forget that?
I remember so vividly when Amy Carter was underwater on that massive Manhattan money pit that she over-borrowed on, but then she scuttled the Camp David accord in exchange for a huge bailout from the sov wealth fund of Qatar.
So memorable.
Fucking sponge @54,
Careful now.
With the way you’re getting all “My GOP Bodyguard” on RR there, you wouldn’t want us to suspect that meybe, possubly, yur not quite so EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE after all.
PS – Looks like you might have dribbled a little orange throat yogurt on your chin.
Then there was that time when JFK used other people’s charity money to buy paintings of himself to hang throughout his offices.
Such a card, that guy!
@55 Lacks self control, too.
Or that time Harry Truman ordered X Corp to purchase new boots from Truman and Jacobson in Kansas City before sending them off to freeze to death at the Chosin.
What a hoot!
Not to worry, it’ll come out in a day or two.
Locked and Loaded is what you get when you have an incompetent Hetero in the Whitey House.
@63 It’s not clear to me why Trump is getting involved in this. Can’t the Saudis take care of themselves? Do we need their oil? I thought we were self-sufficient now. But the biggest problem I have with all this is that Trump, who doesn’t trust our intel agencies, is going with his gut and I wouldn’t trust his gut even with a bedpan under it.
When you’ve got nothing left, you wag the dog …
Poor John Bolton. After years of lobbying for and trying to instigate a war with Iran, he won’t be there for the big show … missed out on it only by a few days … you almost feel sorry for the guy.
Recession Already Grips Corners of U.S., Menacing Trump’s 2020 Bid
After two boom years the picture has changed for America’s factories. Battered by rising uncertainty and the damper it has put on capital expenditures, slowing export markets, a stronger dollar, and higher input costs due to tariffs, U.S. manufacturers are making less than they did a year ago.
Don’t vote republican next time.
You can only put so much MAGA on the credit card before the bank cuts you off.
@67 Trump couldn’t deliver “millions and millions” of factory jobs
at “right-to-work” wages and working conditons; meanwhile, Jeff Bezos is hiring tens of thousands of software engineers at six-figure salaries. He has warehouse jobs for Trump voters, too.