Jimmy Fallon: Wheel of political impressions with Trevor Noah.
Stephen: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “We can’t just say, ‘Is Miami going to exist in 50 years?'”
New York Times: How Stonewall became famous.
Physics Girl visits the First Gravitational Wave Detector! LIGO.
John Oliver: Mt. Everest.
WaPo: How to spot manipulated video.
Jaboukie Young-White: Rhode Island teens fight for civics education.
Verge Science: The real reasons the US refuses to go metric.
Vox: These photos ended child labor in the US.
Dotard Трамп and Other Rapists and Kidnappers:
- Stephen: Трамп was “cocked and loaded” to strike Iran
- Reflect: AOC Hammers Kellyanne Conway’s Hatch Act violations & Трамп’s racism
- Mark Fiore: Leverage baby
- Robert Reicht: Трамп’s secret tax on ordinary Americans
- Now This: Justice Department lawyer says detained kids don’t need beds, soap, or toothbrushes
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of The Dotard Трамп’s head—Meeting the Queen of England
- New York Times: How Трамп blew up presidential debate traditions
- Ari Melber: Hollywood stars take on Трамп with Mueller report table-read
- Stephen: “Not my type”—Трамп’s unconvincing sexual assault denial
- VICE News: Jared Kushner’s Middle East peace plan isn’t going very well
- Chris Hayes: The Dotard Трамп groupie who got away
- Seth Meyers: Трамп is accused of sexual assault again
- Samantha Bee: How to cover sexual assault allegations against the President:
- Stephen: America’s high ideals aren’t on display at U.S. detention facilities
- Ari Melber: Russia Expert “Can’t say” if The Dotard was joking on abolishing reporters
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of The Dotard Трамп’s head—The dream has finally happened
- The Late Show: Kim Jong Un shares his letter from Трамп
- WaPo: Megan Rapinoe and her attempts to take a stand—and make a point
- Reflect: Kellyanne Conway’s Hatch Act violations explained
- Trevor: Трамп’s 22nd sexual assault allegation
- Stephen: Online knitters stand up to Трамп and other white supremacists.
- Rachel Maddow: Robert Mueller will testify on July 17th
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of The Dotard Трамп’s head—dinner
- Stephen interviews Chuck Todd’s interview of The Dotard Трамп
- Ari Melber: Former FAUX News reporter says The Dotard Трамп is a “conman”
- Now This: How Трамп clearly obstructed justice, according to Mueller
- Stephen: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—“We sent Kellyanne Conway a subpoena this morning”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Why The Dotard Трамп can’t delay the census
- Stephen: A 22nd woman publicly accuses Трамп of sexual assault
- WaPo: “What happens to these kids?”—Protesters gather outside Florida detention center
- Seth Meyers: The Dotard almost started a war with Iran
Samantha Bee: How US meddling in Central America created the modern day border crisis
The Atlantic: Confessions of a Russian spy.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Now This: Rep. Pramila Jayapal opens up about her abortion.
Bill Maher: New Rule—No planet B.
New York Times: What it’s like to be a teenager in Putin’s Russia.
Minute Physics: The portal paradox.
Bill Maher: Future headlines.
Roy Wood, Jr.: Honoring escaped slaves for Juneteenth.
The Twenty-twentypocalypse:
- Seth Meyers: Vice President Joe Biden on the 2014 State of the Union and LaGuardia Airport
- The Late Show: Primarymon—Democratic candidate trading cards
- Trevor: Votegasm 2020—Democratic debates, Night One
- Trevor: Votegasm 2020—Democratic debates, Night Two
- Rachel Maddow: Every candidate made their case in the first debate
- Jimmy Fallon sings Advice to Democratic candidates, “Don’t become a meme”:
- Ari Melber: Interview with Jay Inslee just before the debate.
- Stephen unpacks the first debate of the 2020 campaign
- Bill Maher reacts to the debates
- Velshi & Ruhle: Gov. Jay Inslee says The Dotard Трамп is fanning the flames with Iran
- The Late Show: “The Golden Candidates”—Season 2020
- Seth Meyers: The first Democratic presidential primary debate
- Seth Meyers: The second Democratic presidential primary debate
- Jimmy Fallon: Night one of the first Democratic debate
- Full Frontal: A debate showdown in South Beach
- Stephen: Andrew Yang wants to give you money
- WaPo: “What the hell are they hiding?” 2020 Democrats denied entry into Florida migrant detention center
- Bill Maher: Allan Lichtman on the keys to 2020
- Seth Meyers: Kate McKinnon perfectly impersonates Marianne Williamson at the Democratic debate
- FOD: Democratic presidential debate ad 2019
- The Late Show: The Democratic Candidates’ alter egos
Jim Jefferies: America’s drinking age makes no sense.
Nova: The evidence for planet 9’s existence.
Rachel Maddow: SCOTUS makes state races key to next decade of political power
Trevor: The Plain View Project exposes pervasive police racism.
Seth Meyers interviews Rep. Pramila Jayapal:
Wired: Architecture professor explains why malls are dying.
Robert Reicht: Why we need to break up big tech
Mother Jones: The Supreme Court’s “doomsday ruling” for voting rights.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Delaying the Census, which must be held every 10 years? Unfortunately, the last one was held on time.
On Sunday, Washington State Ferries will be retiring Old Faithful, the MV HYAK. Money for repairs has been prioritized towards new boats. I have rode the 1967 vintage boat many times, and it’s interior looks the part. 12 more boats will be hitting retirement age in the next 20 years.
I missed yesterday’s thread, but I see Bob’s got the Pom Poms on again, and the skirt. And PI hasn’t recouped or recovered from his once reporting of plus 33% gains.
Celebrations galore! Before the big crash. What happens when you crash at high speeds? Better have you seatbelts on!
I guess I like to make money the old fashion way, and to some bit of degree I enjoy doing so.
I’ve been moonlighting for last couple of months. Hopefully my employer doesn’t find out and I don’t get fired. But if they do, I’m ready to work part time anyways. Over the last 2 months I’ve invoiced probably more than I could have made and loss in the stock market. And I would have had to watch my monies going up and down and up and down and potentially completely down. As it is PI lost 5% from his high.
I have very little expenses and I only have to work like 40 hours per month doing it to get a little extra money that probably surpasses what PI is making. And I’m only outsourcing myself to one client right now, whom wants to hire me full time.
It’s great not having to live in your parent’s mobile home with the rest of the trailer park hillbillies.
Time to STFU, gman.
The Struggle for Gay Rights Is Over
Only 30 years ago, 57 percent of Americans believed consensual gay sex should be illegal. Today, same-sex marriage has been achieved nationally, gays can serve openly in the military, and most gay people live in states which protect them from discrimination. An openly gay man is running a serious campaign for president and his homosexuality is considered immaterial, if not an advantage that distinguishes him from a crowded field. According to the Pew Research Center, 70 percent of Americans say homosexuality should be accepted, an all-time high.
gman, despite your efforts on HA to prove homosexuality a manifestation of a incredibly disturbing psychosis, the rest of us don’t give a fuck what you go down on.
You remain a sad, sick fuck. Unfortunately for you, your sexual orientation has absolutely nothing to do with it.
@2 Washington State Ferries got their money’s worth from that one.
@3 “I see Bob’s got the Pom Poms on again”
Yeah, he’s starting to sound like that braggart Roger Rabbit.
Hey, Railfan:
Just imagine if Obama’s intention to move the census under White House control a decade ago had succeeded.
President Obama has decided to have the director of the U.S. Census Bureau work directly with the White House, the administration said today, a move that comes as the Census Bureau prepares to conduct the 2010 census that will determine redistricting of congressional seats.
Under the Bush administration, the Census Bureau director reported to the commerce secretary. Obama is adding oversight of the director by senior White House aides, but keeping the bureau itself under the umbrella of the Department of Commerce, White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said.
Obama wanted to politicize it – to weaponize it – a decade ago, back when Permanent Majority was all the rage. Judd Gregg called Bullshit on it.
The census is just as subject to politicization today. But don’t try to behave as if Trump was the first to do it.
Y’all shouldn’t have weaponized as much as was done when y’all were in control. Think on your sins.
Not that there’s been much to brag about lately. It’s Trump’s stock market now, and it’s just spinning its wheels and going nowhere.
But the stock market always underperforms under Republican administration, as sure as it rains in Seattle in winter. Plus Trump’s economic incompetence. So you had to expect this.
@ 7
…not that there’s been much to brag about lately.
And yet, instead of toning it down, you’ve doubled down, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@10 Yes, I sure have, see #9 for details.
I’ll tell you something, though, cashing thousands of dollars of dividend checks this month sure beats working at some shitty job for $7.25 an hour. There’s never a bad month to be a capitalist, and working for a living sucks no matter what the stock market is doing. Working for wages is the worst way to make money there is, not least because wages are the most heavily taxed form of income there is. Look at Trump, for example, he doesn’t pay any taxes at all. I’ll bet Boob doesn’t, either. Capital gains aren’t taxable until AGI hits $77,200 a year, and his Social Security doesn’t count toward that.
3 & 4
Let’s see: I’m a millionaire and don’t have to work. You’re moonlighting to get by. Even the most ardent liberal progressive troll on this blog would have to admit that I am far superior to you in financial skills and accomplishments.
Enjoy your wage slave existence, WTF!?. Maybe there’s room for you in an Eastern Washington trailer park somewhere.
You’re too old, with too many chronic health concerns for any employer to consider you for even part-time seasonal.
“My mom has been dead for nearly 30 years.”
You’re at least in your seventies, but probably in your eighties. Your primary occupation for more than a decade has been watching television and waiting for the mail.
The picture paints itself.
“I’m a millionaire”
Even your own mother says you’re full of shit.
“Even the most ardent liberal progressive troll on this blog would have to admit that I am far superior to you in financial skills and accomplishments.”
You’re the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, inferior in every way to every person who has ever posted here.
“Think on your sins.”
Fuck you. Live in shame traitor.
Happy early Independence Day, Steve.
Hillary will be drunk by 9 a.m. on the Fourth.
Happy early Independence Day, Doctor.
You’ll wake up on the 4th a dumbfuck facist and that night when you pass out you’ll be a drunken dumbfuck fascist.
@8 “Obama wanted to politicize it – to weaponize it”
So what? If you can do it, we can too.
@13 “Even the most ardent liberal progressive troll on this blog would have to admit that I am far superior to you in financial skills and accomplishments.”
Just like the Trump kids are far superior to us in financial skills and accomplishments. Never mind that studies show by far the most reliable predicter of how you’ll do financially as an adult is how rich or poor your parents were. Being a white male helps, too.
I’m an exception. I’m a 100% bootstrap millionaire. I left the nest at an early age and did absolutely everything for myself. I got nothing from Pop and Ma Rabbit to start me out in life. So I’m certainly not saying it can’t be done, because I did it, but you have to be prepared to work your cottontail off when you don’t have a glide path laid out for you.
Speaking of millionaires, you can’t get there this way, if your state bars murderers from inheriting from their victims.
I’ll bet he voted for Trump, too.
Hedge fund daddy sent him to Princeton. He got a degree in economics. He played football. And at age 30, he was still living on his weekly allowance from daddy that was several times what the Republican minimum wage pays. What was wrong with this picture? I mean before he killed daddy?
See? You can have all the advantages given to you, and still be a dumbfuck.
@ 20
I left the nest at an early age and did absolutely everything for myself.
Maybe you missed the memo.
You didn’t build that, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I’ve taken dumps that have more monetary value than your portfolio.
Judging by his campaign expense reports, Duncan Hunter has been blackout drunk since 2008.
Chik-Fil-A now open on Aurora in North Seattle, bitches.
“Damn You $15 Minimum Wage!!!!”
Confidential to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: They offer half-off to senior citizens on Sundays.
@5 wow, look who woke up in the wrong side of the barn.
You can through those statistics around all you want, but even if a minority, then why is your party and people like you, whether you give a damn or not, trying or letting people legislatively working to reverse those rights and fight so hard to oppose?
If you could give a rat’s ass then why do you exhibit so much homophobia and make the idiotic comments that you do?
Why are some kids being tossed out of their homes by parents? Why are gay people targeted for violence?
Why is my doorman, a Trump supporter, such a homophobe, when half or more of the people in the building in which I live, and support his paycheck?
@5 sorry I couldn’t respond earlier but I was working and just did $800 worth of work.
I wonder how much you and PI made today in that same time?
@5 I think that’s all gay people are asking for, for people to evolve, evolve away from being bigots.
Believe me, last night I was in a bar and I didn’t appreciate the sassy little twink that thought he could just cut in front of me, after I was there already waiting for ten minutes.
Happy Pride everyone!
@5 and It’s been a while since I have said anything about gay rights in a while. Your too late in telling me to STFU.
Go Mayor Pete. The only normal one in the bunch (Democrat and Republican).
@13. Great you’re a millionaire, at what age?
I’m close, and maybe younger than you, and if I had a bit of balls and not giving a shit about losing I a fake capitalistic market, that only works for the very wealth, I’d probably have a couple of million by now. But I could care less.
You said your mom died 30 years ago – sorryto hear, she must have died when you were young? So your a millionaire, at how old 70? Have fun spending your millions.
@14 you beat me to it.
I’d love to know his age. He might need a new cane?
And not that I am young but I’m only 53.
And I do what I kind of love. Not sure what he PI has done to hate work so much. But then he blames people for not wanting to work and collect welfare instead. I haven’t gone to work in over 10 years hating a day of it.
This chick lies almost as much as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Florida Dem ends campaign after claim she removed ‘77 bullets’ from Pulse shooting victims challenged
But FloridaPolitics.com published a report earlier this month challenging her claims she worked as a cardiologist at Orlando Regional Medical Center
The report listed the following discrepancies: the Florida Department of Health did not have a record of her being a licensed doctor; the parent company of the medical center said there’s no record of any doctor by that name; another company the candidate claimed to be working for denied she worked there; and University of Central Florida officials said they couldn’t find a record of the medical degree she claimed.
Hey, I wonder if thick chick knows that lying shit who claimed to have been assaulted hate crime-style on Capitol Hill during Pride Week a couple of years ago.
She also serves the Florida Democratic Party as the legislative director of the Democrats’ LGBTA Caucus.
This is how y’all gonna get more Trump.
Part of my billing will be traveling 3 hours on a train (round trip). I worked so hard – I slaved for that $500.
@ 30
But I could care less.
gman, if you weren’t focused on money you wouldn’t be trying to impress us @ 27 with $800 in earnings.
Just as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit feels the need to build himself up by flashing his pitiful portfolio, you feel a need to have use believe you possess wealth.
Neither of you impress the rest of us.
And Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, if you possessed any real wealth, each year you’d be far in excess of the AGI threshold @ 12 at which taxation of your capital gains kicks in.
Those thresholds exist, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, so that people without wealth aren’t taxed on their meager gains.
@34 and if you weren’t insecure you and PI wouldn’t try to impress with your millions.
I mean you sleep with a horse and he’s 80 years old and sleeps in his mom’s basement.
And I’m not trying to impress anyone, just because I’m earning $200/hr. Sure now correct me and tell me that I’m not because I’m being taxed on 50%.
I question PI youthfulness, but anyone who brags about his millions and post using with his stupid moniker can’t be more than 15 years old.
@ 35
And I’m not trying to impress anyone, just because I’m earning $200/hr.
Is that even minimum wage in NYC, gman?
And after you’re done paying for the PrEP Platinum Dose, the poppers, and your thrice-weekly taint waxing, there can’t be much left.
$15/hr-earning teenage Taco Time employee in Seattle: “Dude, that’s not in job description.”
Chick-fil-A worker jumps through drive-thru window, saves choking boy
@37 don’t forget the $1500/hr hookers.
By the way – you are paying for my PrEP. Thanks. Thanks to The Hump too.
@38 hey I just gave two tourists directions on the subway – give me a fucking medal too.
“Chick-fil-A worker jumps through drive-thru window, saves choking boy”
Because only minimum wage Chick-fil-A workers jump through drive-thru windows to save lives. Or something.
“McDonald’s worker jumps through drive-thru window to save police officer”
It strikes me that several years of wallowing in the mud of treason and fascism has fucked with your head, doctor.
@23 “You didn’t build that, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Spoken like a true dumbfuck. You weren’t there, so you don’t know. You’re just making shit up. But that’s what dumbfucks do when they don’t know the answer to something.
@23 “I’ve taken dumps that have more monetary value than your portfolio.”
You must be eating moon rocks then. Or Rembrandts and
Van Goghs. Which Old Master did you have for lunch today?
@25 Rabbits are vegetarians, dumbass.
@32 What lie have I told? Be specific. Cite to your source.
I think you’re lying about me lying.
@32 “This is how y’all gonna get more Trump.”
No, we’re gonna get more Trump by Russia hacking our election again, and you’re cheering them on.
Putin appreciates your service to his country, and has a very special horse waiting for you in a barn outside Moscow, if you ever get up his way; the best in the world, he says.
@34 “the rest of us”
All one of you, now that Puddy’s been lynched. Occasionally two, when pork sauce dips in and out of here.
@37 But he doesn’t have to pay for hay by the truckload just to get laid.
@38 He’d get fired for that by his rightwing employer if the toddler he saved was an immigrant.
“Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday the United States did not plan to impose sanctions on Ankara for buying Russian defense systems, after the U.S. president said Turkey had not been treated fairly over the contract.”
“Six weeks after Huawei was blacklisted by the US government, President Donald Trump had what the Chinese telecom firm described as a ‘U-turn.’ Trump said Saturday that ‘US companies can sell their equipment to Huawei,’ [and] allowing the transactions won’t present a ‘great, national emergency problem.'”
“After threatening to impose potentially devastating tariffs, President Donald Trump pulled back in the wake of talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G-20 summit in Japan on Saturday … if history is any guide to the future, the gentlemen’s agreement struck between the leaders of the world’s two largest economies over the weekend in Osaka offers no clear path to rolling back tariffs and ending a trade war that threatens to tip the global economy into recession.”
Just saw Alec Baldwin with 13 items in the “12 or fewer” line in Narragansett.
This is how we get more Trump.
Whoopie cut Megs off on The View.
This is how we get more Trump.
Forgot to put the seat down.
This is how we get more Trump.
Forgot to use my turn signal.
This is how we get more Trump.
The conservative racist incel is especially venomous today. Who pissed in his Wheaties? Did Warren and Harris scare him?
If he acts in person as nasty as he does online, he is going to die alone and unloved, with nobody bothering to hold his hand.
I think he’s losing his Joementum.
This is how we get more Trump.
This video of Ivanka, who has no official position in the Government getting utterly ignored while trying to insert herself into a conversation with world leaders at G20 is kind of epic.
50)Erdogan is still upset his party lost Istanbul. His guy lost the Mayor’s race by a slim margin, so he asked for a do-over. Lost worse the second time around.
I didn’t clean the lint filter in the dryer.
This is how we get more Trump.
A Judge Just Permanently Blocked Trump From Using $2.5 Billion in Military Money For His Border Wall
This is how we get more Trump.
Japan gives Trump colourful map to help him understand its investment in US: ‘Kudos to Japan, they figured out how best to interact with a toddler. So sad’
This is how we get more Trump.
Illinois Set To Expunge Up To 770,000 Marijuana Convictions
This is how we get more Trump.
Americans Arrive in Canada to Get Cheaper Insulin
This is how we get more Trump.
Portland coffee shop Nossa Familia is charging people extra for disposable cups.
This is how we get more Trump.
If AOC said “fuck the Navy” the NYT would go front page above the fold and FOXNews would hold a series of televised townhalls.
Oh. And it would also be how we get more Trump.
After voting for “a MS-13 loving Democrat” over Trump on his push-poll, I received an email from the Trump campaign thanking me for being a loyal supporter.
This is how we get more Trump.
First they rooted for France. Now it’s “Go England!”
I say, “Go USA!”
This is how we get more Trump.
The first thing that happened when Trump arrived at his DMZ meeting with Little Rocket Man is his new press secretary, as one of her first official acts in her new job, got into a physical brawl with North Korean officials.
Fuck! This is how we get more Kim! And more Trump! And more chaos!
I got my dick sucked today.
That’s how I orgasmed and how we get more Hump.
The Hartford Yard Goats stopped selling peanuts in the ballpark.
That’s how we get more Of Fat Fuck.
Have you ever wondered why our doctor posts his racist shit anonymously on blogs instead of directly confronting black men with it? Our doctor is a dumbfuck, but he’s not stupid.
WATCH: Black man walking with Swiss wife makes ‘random white supremacist’ wish he never used the N-word
Of course. That’s the plan, right, Doctor? The rise of Russia and the fall of America.
“Russia gaining more influence in world as Trump’s chaos hampers US efforts: leaked Pentagon report”
I hope you don’t spend much time wondering why I’ve called you and your ilk traitors.
“I’d Rather Be A Russian Than A Democrat”
Make you proud, Doctor?
“According to Russia media analyst Julia Davis, Donald Trump spoke with reporters from Russian state TV where he expressed his admiration for President Vladimir Putin before taking shots at the late Senator John McCain (R-AZ).”
I’d be glad to think on my sins provided you’re willing to live the rest of your life in shame.
@72 Funny how the people wearing those t-shirts are still here in America.
P.S., I’ve noticed there are a lot of Russian-speaking immigrants in my neighborhood. I wonder how many American expats live in Moscow?
@71 What a heartwarming story!
Remember when Rodney King asked, “Can’t we all just get along?”
The answer is a resounding “no.” Only a fool tries to get along with these people. You can’t get along with neo-Nazis, racists, bigots, and other pot stirrer, no matter how badly you want to or how hard you try, because they’re on a mission to not get along with you. You might as well try to get along with a criminal who’s trying to rob you. The only thing you can do with people like this is send them running.
I know of a white supremacist who won’t be picking any more fights with defenseless female pedestrians. From now on he’ll have to pick his fights with big black guys who lift weights in their spare time, and who have a lot of spare time. Unless they send him to ADX to be housed with the other terrorists. His name is James Alex Fields Jr.
@72 Get your Roger Rabbit t-shirts while supplies last!
“I’d Rather Be American Than A Republican”
@78 Odd, how Republicans aren’t migrating to Russia, seeing as how they love it so much. Instead of settling for Putin’s orange stooge, they could be ruled by the real deal.
Way to play into Putin’s hand, Doctor Dumbfuck. At least you can say got a horse trailer out of selling out your country. But I reckon the real win for you was the opportunity to post snide, treasonous comments to loyal, patriotic Americans on an obscure political blog.
“Russian Strategic Intentions
A Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) White Paper
May 2019”
“Russia’s gray zone tactics are most effective when the target is deeply polarized or lacks the capacity to resist and respond effectively to Russian aggression. According to Russian strategic thought, deterrence and compellence are two sides of the same coin.”
“Only with a aligned and synchrozined whole of government approach will the US compete and win against emerging powers like Russia and China. Such collaboration requires a common understanding of our competitors, their tactics and desired endstates and we intend that this white paper will achieve this critical objective.”
The Noor Abu Dhabi project, which is not state-financed is the work of a consortium that includes Abu Dhabi Power Corporation, Japan’s Marubeni Corp and Chinese solar manufacturer Jinko Solar.
World’s largest solar plant just switched on.. Wait a sec..
“not state-financed”
Didn’t some dumfuk troll say solar can’t be built without ‘gubmint subsidy?
Oh well, dumfuks will dumfuk..
Oh and more solar and less fossil fuel???
Fuck! That’s how we get more drumpf!
Tucker on Kim Jong-Un,
Well there you have it. A major intellectual of the American right wing saying killing dissidents and journalists to remain in power is not only required but understandable.
6)Definitely did, even when taxpayers didn’t appreciate it, like in 1999. In the late 90s, as the Super class was reaching 30, They went in for mid life refit, reliable boats last, and unfortunately that meant the HYAK. Personally, would have seen the Elena be retired first, but it at least has I-SOLAS certification, so it can back up the Chelan North of Friday Harbor.
@82 “A major intellectual of the American right wing saying killing dissidents and journalists to remain in power is not only required but understandable.”
Nothing’s changed. They’ve always thought that. You have to understand these people don’t believe in democracy or freedom. They’re all Nazis at heart.
@82 That stinking pile of shit isn’t an “intellectual” by any stretch of imagination. No advanced degrees. No publications. Never taught or did research. Just a rich white boy born into power and privilege. His dad was boss at Corporation for Public Broadcasting and Voice of America; his stepmother (who raised him) was an heiress to the Swanson frozen food fortune. He’s never had a real job. After being shipped off to private school, then graduating from a tiny private college nobody ever heard of, he went to “work” for the Heritage Foundation and rightwing publications like the now-defunct Weekly Standard. He’s not an academic. He’s not a journalist. And he most certainly is not an intellectual; to call him that is to debase the term. He doesn’t know anything. He’s just a frat boy who never grew up. Simple as that. Rupert Murdoch saw something in him he liked. That’s all you need to know; that tells the whole story.
Great to see Tuck and FOX have finally come ’round on choice. I take it this means we will no longer have to tolerate those tedious right to life arguments anymore.
I mean, if Jamal Kashoggi doesn’t have a right to a life that merely embarasses a Trump investor, then a fetus doesn’t have a right to a life that depends upon a woman keeping it alive for 39 weeks. And Ben Shapiro can’t go on Tucker’s show ever again.
Last call for the Hoosier State. Should have been exempted from the under 750 mile rule, due to the role it has ferrying coaches too and from Beech Grove shops.
How Republicans behave in the Pennsylvania state senate.
@88. Republicans demanding that others adhere to the rules when it benefits republicans, and yet republicans bending and ignoring the rules when it benefits republicans.
@90 But we already knew that about them, didn’t we?
Also, you left out the following:
(1) Shouting down the opposition
(2) Seizing the gavel and taking over when the presiding officer leaves the podium to try to negotiate with them
(3) And, of course, this dustup is all about Republicans terminating general assistance for disabled poors
The word “hypocrites” doesn’t begin to describe these people. If you have a family member, relative, friend, neighbor, or colleague who votes Republicans, that’s worse than a meth addiction, and you should encourage them to immediately seek intervention before they become beyond salvaging.
But if they voted for Trump, and intend to vote for him again, it’s too late; they’re already beyond help.