Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Stephen: Jon Stewart won’t let Mitch McConnell off that easy.
Vox: When white supremacists overthrew a government.
Minute Earth: How to turn cancer against itself.
Physics Girl: Five scary physics experiments!
Rachel Maddow: Clinic prioritizes patient care over GOP anti-abortion stunt
Trevor: Harvard pulls Kyle Kashuv’s acceptance.
Samantha Bee: Mitch McConnell—Dry rot of Democracy:
WaPo: The history behind Juneteenth and why it resonates today
Wendover: How air traffic control works.
The New York Times: Did Iran attack ships in the Gulf? What the evidence shows.
The Dotard Трамп And His Band of Liars and Thieves:
- The Late Show: Putin got a call from his biggest fan during a live Q&A
- Ari Melber: See Mueller’s shocking evidence The Dotard Трамп is trying to hide
- Stephen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shows up in a Трамп tweet
- Rachel Maddow: Pence National Security Advisor kept Maria Butina tie secret at Senate confirmation
- Trevor: Трамп’s weird one-on-one with George Stephanopoulos
- Chris Hayes: The Dotard Трамп gives creator of failed economic theory the Medal Of Freedom
- The Late Show: The Трамп-Macron friendship tree is dead
- Our Cartoon President: The Cartoon Supreme Court visits Mar-A-Lago
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп doesn’t like people who cough
- The Daily Show: The Dotard J. Трамп Presidential Twitter Library takes D.C.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Exclusive with new Трамп rape accuser:
- Rachel Maddow: The Dotard Трамп has chosen lobbyists to run EPA, HHS, DOD, and Interior
- Stephen: Why Preet Bharara didn’t return The Dotard Трамп’s call
- The Late Show: Трамп’s staffers are coughing for a reason
- Trevor: Roasting is Трамп’s game
- Ari Melber: Did FAUX’s Boy Tucker stop The Dotard’s strike against Iran?
- Stephen: The topics Hope Hicks refused to testify about
- Jimmy Kimmel: Words you can’t call Трамп
- Stephen: The Pentagon didn’t brief The Dotard on operations in Russia
- Chris Hayes: Paul Manafort and Sean Hannity (a.k.a. Client #3) exchanged hundreds of texts
- Seth Meyers: The Dotard’s rambling phone interview with Sean Hannity
- Our Cartoon President: Cartoon Трамп’s Mar-A-Lago song
- The Late Show: 45 Fest—The Трамп rally outside the Трамп rally
- Trevor: Tim Ryan is running for President and fighting for forgotten communities
- Chris Hayes: Sexual assault allegation against The Dotard Трамп
- Stephen: Трамп’s next move after Iran’s “big mistake”
- Rachel Maddow: Hope Hicks transcript provides window on 2016 dual Трамп tape crises
- Bill Maher: Cocked and loaded
- Seth Meyers: Трамп sits down with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Трамп T-shirt no one needs
- Stephen: Trump lies to & lashes out at George ‘Little Wiseguy’ Stephanopoulos
- Lawrence O’Donnell: America’s history of concentration camps
- The Late Show: “Real News Tonight” investigates The Dotard’s Orlando rally
- Trevor: Are America and Iran on the brink of war?
- Chris Hayes: The Dotard is finally getting his big parade
- Stephen: Трамп’s 29th TIME cover is still fewer than Richard Nixon
- The Daily Show: Washington, D.C. reviews The Dotard J. Трамп Presidential Twitter Library
Jordan Klepper: Bill Nye talks manned Mars missions.
BuzzFeed: Questions you’ve always wanted to ask a refugee.
The Late Show: A preview of Obama’s new podcast.
Jimmy Kimmel: Backup plan for abortion ban.
Robert Reicht: America is More Radical Than You Think:
Minute Physics: Our ignorance about gravity.
Roll Call: Danny Glover, Ta-Nehisi Coates and Cory Booker on a reparations bill.
WaPo: Congress holds hearing on slavery reparations.
Vox: The weird rule that broke American politics.
Twenty-Twenty Vision:
- Stephen: Трамп kicks off his 2020 campaign with help from The Guzzlers
- Mark Fiore: The classic Трамп collection
- WaPo: Hannah explains how presidential candidates prepare for debates
- Our Cartoon President: Cartoon Трамп announces his 2020 campaign
- Late Show: Трамп workshops new 2020 campaign slogans
- Bill Maher: New Rule—Oprah 2020
- Daily Show: Трамп unveils Fresh New Platform for 2020:
- Samantha Bee: A message to Democratic presidential candidates—Run for Senate, goddammit!
- Conan: Joe Biden’s other stunning campaign promises
- Stephen: Трамп 2020 looks a lot like Трамп 2016
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп launches re-election campaign in Orlando
- WaPo: A tale of two Трамп presidential announcements
- Velshi & RuhleGovernor Jay Inslee on climate, jobs, & Joe Biden
- Stephen: An announcement about Howard Schultz
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп polls Orlando rally audience for 2020 campaign slogans
Samantha Bee: How to take reparations from The hypothetical to reality!
Mental Floss: 31 facts about sharks.
The New Yorker: How space travel will create new laws.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
WaPo: A U.N. report shows Congress must act on Khashoggi’s murder, even if The Dotard won’t.
Roll Call: Why senators waving their hands about on the Senate floor.
Jordan Klepper: Who gets to sell weed in California?.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Sad that the 9/11 First Responders are becoming victims of politics. Wonder if their illnesses were brought on by asbestos in the WTC?
@1 Everybody is becoming a victim of politics.
“Four toddlers were so severely ill and neglected at a U.S. Border Patrol facility in McAllen, Texas, that lawyers forced the government to hospitalize them last week. The children, all under age 3 …, were feverish, coughing, vomiting and had diarrhea, immigration attorneys told HuffPost on Friday. Some … were refusing to eat or drink. One 2-year-old’s eyes were rolled back in her head, and she was ‘completely unresponsive’ and limp ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And Trump’s concentration camp guards (yes, AOC got that right, these are “concentration camps” in every sense of the words) would have let them die, because (1) they don’t care about human life post-birth, and (2) Trump wants them dead, because (a) they’re brown, and (b) as a deterrent to other migrants.
Want proof? Okay, I ask you this: How can little kids this sick be ignored? The only time doctors ever see a situation like this is in severe abuse situations. Just ask Doctor Dumbfuck. This is not a normal way to treat little kids. It has to be deliberate, or at least flow from extreme indifference, the kind of neglect that typically lands parents, stepparents, or caretakers in prison.
After World War 2, the Allies set up tribunals to prosecute Hitler’s concentration camp guards. Maybe the Democrats should contemplate ultimately doing something similar.
Gov. Abbott, always a good and true Republican, wants in on the ToddlerTorture fun.
So he’s heading to McAllen and bringing his National Guard.
Can somebody remind him to stop on the way and pick up some Huggies? CBP would have got them, but they spent all the money on rape cages and cattle prods.
Memo to Doctor Dumbfuck and other minimum-wage deniers: I saw a Seattle Times headline this morning that says in Seattle, 17 restaurants have closed, but 42 new restaurants have opened.
Maybe we can stop the illegals from coming in the first place if we advertise in countries such as Guatemala that, if they enter the US illegally, they could end up in a concentration camp-like setting.
Who would have thought – that this Country, the Country of Freedumb, would like Dictators, Kings and Nazis.
Amazing – nothing but exceptionalism.
It was all a trick on the part of Repukes to make you dislike the guy.
@4 maybe he could bring a diaper or two from his own personal stash and roll right on over there.
@6 yeah, and maybe it would work for some US Citizens too. Freedom!
Ignorant, racist asshole fuck:
It is not illegal to come to the United States and apply for asylum.
While he may not have liked it at first, your very own Blessed, Sainted, Holiest of Holy Lord Commander Ronald Reagan and later his most blessed acolyte Bush 41 made ample use of the asylum provisions to absorb thousands of people displaced by his Crack funded wars in El Salvador and Honduras. Y’all loved you some asylum back then. If that’s changed, why the fuck haven’t you changed the law? You are in charge.
You’ve been in charge for thirty months. That is more than enough time to either change the fucking law, or buy some goddamn Huggies, infant formula, and corn dogs.
There is no way for you to escape this now. You elected these assholes for this specific reason. It is what you wanted. It is what they promised you. It is what you got. This – pointless torturing of infants for sport – is your political legacy.
@6 I have a better idea. Let’s swap you for them.
Immigrants have much lower crime rates. They work hard for low wages at jobs people like you don’t want and won’t take. They’re willing to serve in our military. They go to school to learn our language and culture so they can become citizens. Overall, they up being much better citizens than your ilk does.
“The Adolf Hitler admirer who plowed his car through a crowd of people protesting a white nationalist rally in Virginia two years ago, killing one person and injuring dozens, has asked a judge to show mercy and sentence him to a prison term shorter than a life sentence.
“Lawyers for James Alex Fields Jr., 22, said in a sentencing memo submitted in court documents Friday that he should not spend his entire life in prison because of his age, a traumatic childhood and a history of mental illness.”
“A Connecticut judge overseeing lawsuits by families of Sandy Hook shooting victims against conspiracy theorist Alex Jones says she has been threatened by people posting on Jones’ Infowars website.”
Because that’s what these people are. And if you’re an InfoWars fan, you’re one of ’em.
Over the last couple years, Arkansas voters have legalized marijuana and raised the minimum wage, and Republicans don’t like it, so they’re trying to shut down the initiative process. So are Republicans in several other states.
Because Republicans hate democracy. They want to be hereditary barons. They also want to bring back slavery, which is what a below-subsistence minimum wage is by another name.
@14 Long Live Ireland – True home of the Free and Brave!
I didn’t know that Lincoln was a queen.
Congrats to Republicans for supporting (in the sense of loving this man and being their go to hero when it comes to the battle of being called a racist) the first gay President of the United States of America!
14)But they like it in states they don’t control.
Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, has been building a light rail system for 17 years. Several attempts to stop it, and a couple municipal elections in the interim, delays in construction of the Bombardier Flexity Freedom LRV and it finally opened this week.
The trolls will probably bring this up, asking why I didn’t.
I did not know that Metro Transit in the Twin Cities ran their LRT 24/7. Knew that they ran 24/7 between Lindbergh Terminal and Humphrey Terminal Stations, but that was just to be a people mover for MSP Airport. Sound Transit usually is done by 2AM, with the last Southbound train clearing Westlake by 12:42AM.
I genuinely wonder where I stand in being a millionaire with respect to the definition as it thrown about here on HA. You know, I’d like to know how far away I am from Bob’s millions.
Is it just the 401k balance that is being discussed? Or the balance of all assets and liabilities that is being discussed here? Can I count my porn collection?
And Hey it’s Sunday! Don’t forget to go see the sky daddy today and drop a dime in the basket! Come on you got millions and sky daddy’s preacher needs himself some more free graft.
Thread’s been up 32 hours, and five people have commented.
Goldy, if that’s not a measure of success…
“Republican voters” = not enough to elect a president unless the opposition runs a horrible human being as its standard-bearer.
Goldy Retweeted
Joshua Holland 🔥✔
“Republican voters” = militia wackjobs with assault rifles.
Jun 22, 2019
It is very unfortunate that this blog demonstrates (see @22) that the constituents and party players of the Republican Party have nothing to offer in the world but complete stupidity. They’re a waste of precious space.
If that’s (@22) not a measure of intellect..,
“Immigrants have much lower crime rates. They work hard for low wages at jobs people like you don’t want and won’t take.”
There are a bunch of Africans from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola showing up at the border in places like Del Rio and Eagle Pass. I’m sure those people are not coming to America to take low-level jobs or any job at all, for that matter. They are coming for free stuff.
@ 19
Actually, Railfan, I’ll ask why you didn’t delve into the reason(s) behind the closure. Click a link in your link and you find:
Metro Transit is ending 24/7 service on the Green Line between downtown St. Paul and downtown Minneapolis.
The change, which is scheduled to take effect in August, comes amid concerns about drug use, assaults and other misconduct on the trains.
And if you look a little further you find out the social services agencies are paying for the fares so that the homeless can commit those assaults and other misconduct on the trains, Railfan:
“Being homeless is not illegal, and when we checked, about 85 percent of the homeless do, in fact, have paid fares,” he said.
“Now, those paid fares often times come from the social service agencies who have bought them a bus token or a train token so they can ride, because there’s no more room at Higher Ground. There’s no more room at Union Gospel Mission or one of the other centers,” he added.
I understand the need to help. A social worker doesn’t have a bed to place a homeless person in so purchasing a fare is a quick fix. It’s not unlike agencies calling the chronically unemployed “disabled” when their unemployment benefits run out so they can continue to receive some coin while they continue to be unemployed.
I suppose it might not be so bad if not for those assaults and other misconduct. Riding the train isn’t a crime, after all:
“So, they are not breaking any law by being on the train and so we said we’re not going to take any action against people who are lawfully riding the train.”
It’s the assaults that are a crime.
For how much effort Teh Dumbfuck puts in trying to blame “somebody else” for the Republican party and their peepee president we must assume he is rather deeply ashamed.
Must be the GuatemalanToddlerTorture.
I can see how that would be hard to live with, even for a Republican.
Actually that was pioneered by time limited, welfare-to-work laws. States could earn money by shifting people to SSI. A cottage industry sprang up of private data mining companies who work on commission. State social workers have nothing to do with it.
Power of the invisible hand, entrepreneurial success story, private sector efficiency, etc, etc
@ 27
…he is rather deeply ashamed.
We elected Hitler. We elected a warmonger. We elected someone wholly unqualified to hold office.
And here we are with sub-2% inflation, no wars, economy humming along in its 10th straight year of expansion, and the same type of midterm election result we’ve come to expect – losses by the party in power. It’s like democracy and the Constitution are functioning with no threat whatsoever.
Remove the tweets and bloviations, and what’s left is center-right governance.
My side isn’t the one wearing pink pussy hats or screaming racism at an old man because his family business had a shoplifter arrested, QoS McHillbilly.
Your side went all-in behind a horribly flawed candidate. My side swallowed hard and decided to oppose her with what we had.
In 2020 those roles may be reversed. Or maybe not so much.
QoS McHillbilly, handing the federal government over to the GOP wouldn’t have been so bad if you hadn’t weaponized it while it was in your control. Think on your sins.
Stealing water from a desert ecosystem is something only Trump administration environmental vandals would dream up.
@ 30
The Colorado River runs through the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts and through the Great Basin. Water has been pumped from the Colorado River for generations, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@21 Your net worth is assets minus liabilities. Assets should be assigned their fair market value. Personal effects like clothing, furniture, computers, etc., generally have little or no resale value, and therefore should be valued at zero. Liabilities are what you owe if you pay it off today, i.e. don’t count the future interest that will accrue over the remaining loan life.
Boob has argued that home equity doesn’t count. This is nuts. While you might count just liquid financial assets for certain specialized purposes, your real estate holdings obviously are a valuable asset and part of your net worth. Let me explain why his argument doesn’t hold water with a simple illustration.
Let’s say Joe Blow owns $800,000 of stock and $300,000 of home equity. According to Boob, Joe is not a millionaire. But if Joe borrows $200,000 against his home and uses it to buy stock, so that Joe now owns $1,000,000 of stock and $100,000 of home equity, now — voila! — Joe is a millionaire.
Obviously, this is a stupid argument, which of course is what you expect from a dumbfuck like Boob.
So I say: Count financial assets (stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, bonds, etc.) at current market value; checking and savings accounts at their current balances minus any outstanding checks that haven’t cleared yet; cash on hand; retirement accounts at current market value; life insurance policies at their current cashout value; annuities at their cashout value or what you could sell them for to a third party; real estate using a conservative estimate of fair market value, minus any mortgages, liens, or other encumbrances; vehicles using the lowest blue book value (i.e., trade-in or quick-sale value).
Don’t count other personal property, unless you have valuable jewelry, paintings, etc., that are readily marketable and whose value can be approximately determined, in which case you use a conservative estimate of what they could quickly be sold for.
Don’t count: The present value of future benefits (e.g., pensions with no cashout value, future Social Security benefits, future inheritances, etc.). The treatment of trust funds is tricky, but if you’re a trust fund baby, don’t count the corpus of the trust as a personal asset until such time as you have the right to dispose of it. For example, if your rich uncle left you $1 million in trust, to be turned over to you at age 40, and meanwhile you just get the income from the trust, if you’re now 35 years old that $1 million doesn’t belong to you yet, so don’t count it.
In other words, only count assets you legally own that you can turn into cash, and count them at their cash value, then subtract from that total all your current liabilities. For example, if you owe taxes or unpaid medical bills, that reduces your net worth.
This method is only for estimating your net worth for your own information. If you’re applying for a mortgage loan or other credit, and the lender asks for a financial statement, they’ll tell you what assets and liabilities to list. But keep in mind that methodology is only for the purposes of that loan application. Most people have assets above and beyond what lenders are willing to count for purposes of extending credit.
@22 “Thread’s been up 32 hours, and five people have commented.”
Wrong. Four people, one rabbit, and one dumbfuck, counting through comment #22.
@ 32
Let’s say Joe Blow owns $800,000 of stock and $300,000 of home equity. According to Boob, Joe is not a millionaire. But if Joe borrows $200,000 against his home and uses it to buy stock, so that Joe now owns $1,000,000 of stock and $100,000 of home equity, now — voila! — Joe is a millionaire.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has a penis but has ED. He is unable to bring Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit to orgasm because his penis is non-functioning (and I digress but he also couldn’t when it was). But Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit has a 10″ dildo. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit paid for it with his dividends over the past four months. Now Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit is able to bring herself to orgasm.
Voila! Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has a functioning penis.
@23 Here, I have to take issue with Goldy. He left out some notable demographics. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but in addition to militia wackjobs, Republican voters include:
People in the lower 20% of the IQ curve.
People with less than 6th-grade educations.
Billionaires with no social conscience.
Neo-Nazis, racists, bigots, and homophobes.
Rapists, child molesters, gropers, and other sex offenders.
Russian intelligence agents.
Climate change deniers.
Holocaust deniers.
Fox viewers.
Note that these categories can overlap. Also, as I said, this is by no means a comprehensive list. What you won’t find on any list of “Republican voters” is anybody with even a modicum of functioning intelligence, critical thinking skills, and social conscience. The near-total absence of all three of those traits is what defines Republican voters.
The reason I qualified “intelligence” with “functioning” is because it’s possible to be intelligent and stupid at the same time. We all know of smart people whose brains are turned off. Exhibit A: Doctor Dumbfuck.
With a huge surplus of Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers, dismembered journalists, and TikiTorch Klan Riots.
So weird that in the midst of so much “bemusement” he overlooked that. Huh.
Your “side” is the one ignoring all those “accomplishments” of the “center-right” in order to remain focused on a retired political has-been and invisible PizzaCannibalDungeons.
@25 How do you know? Did you talk to them?
But let’s talk about free stuff. Billionaires, for example, who take all the advantages this country offers but pay little or no taxes. Warmongers who send other people’s children into battle. Farm subsidies. Below market grazing fees on public lands. Cheap oil and mining leases on public lands. Taxpayer handouts to corporations. Bailouts for banks and Wall Street. The list of welfare for the rich is endless, and dwarfs the welfare provided to the poor.
Free stuff indeed. Businesses and Republicans are the greediest welfare queens of all.
@26 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck’s little weasel mind, like a primitive CPU in a prototype computer built by kids in a garage, transorms “amid” into “because” and ignores “the two-hour shutdown will also give crews more time to clean train cars and repair tracks.”
@29 “And here we are with sub-2% inflation”
Caused by deflation that existed years before your Orange Messiah showed up on the scene.
“no wars”
You might want to reserve judgment on this one. The Orange Messiah almost started one two days ago, there’s still next week, and he still has Bolton whispering, no, shouting in his ear.
“economy humming along in its 10th straight year of expansion”
Eight of which occurred on Obama’s watch.
“and the same type of midterm election result we’ve come to expect” a couple times every 50 years.
@31 Read the article, then look up “groundwater,” then compare to “river water” and see if they’re the same.
But, even apart from that detail, the Colorado River is fully appropriated and you can’t take more water out of it without violating someone’s water rights. That’s why they want the groundwater, stupid.
Also, you don’t need a pipeline through the Mojave Desert to transport Colorado River water to California coastal cities. You let the river carry it there, then suck it out of the river near the cities.
What a dumbfuck.
Robert Friend, 99, has passed. One of the oldest of the original Tuskegee Airmen, he flew 142 combat missions in WW2, also served in Korea and Vietnam, and later worked on the Space Shuttle program. He was an honorable man.
Trump will be remembered for a lot of things, but he’ll never be thought of as an honorable man.
Even the best can have troubles. I guess JR Kyushu officials had to sign a lot of Proof of Delay slips for passengers.
Then there was the glitch with the automated line in Yokohama.
@32 currently I am not yet there then….but I am pretty close. I wonder if it would bother Bob to know that I was currently a millionaire or as close as I am. I’m just south of it. Thank god my 401k is 90% invested in the Stable fund – just my preference, I know it isn’t the smartest thing to do sitting there not making much when I could make more but with risk. 401k + Home Equity + Liquid Cash in the Bank.
But it’s all subjective – current status can “evolve” in either direction. And your health is more important than the money. I’d prefer to have the guarantee of good health than a million dollars. The stock market could crash tomorrow and you could loose it all or to a point where you no longer are that millionaire.
Hopefully Bob has millions where any significant crash wouldn’t then change that, or maybe he doesn’t even have to count the stocks and/or 401k. And if so, good for him. Doesn’t change that he’ll never be right in his life. Ha!
@45 Once you have what you need more doesn’t make you happier.
@34 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck turns dollars into dildoes with a few keystrokes. What a (dirty) mind!
Three militias settled their differences at a California trailer park Friday morning. Nobody won. Two camp followers also were permanently demobilized.
Republicans in Oregon are too chicken to take a stand on cap and trade. You’d think they’d vote no as a block but they’re AWOL. What a bunch of chickenshits.
Funny that California has had cap and trade since 2013 and oh wow has that been a disaster for that state!
You can see the trend line here:
Don’t “caaleefuuurneeecate” Oregon!
Saturday, police near London Stanstead Airport reportedly getting calls from people reporting an explosion. Turns out it was just Typhoon fighters from the Q Force(Quick Reaction Alert) at RAF Coningsby scrambled to intercept and escort an airliner reporting a disruptive passenger.
Not sure if they had to use the warning that is in this video though, to the airplane.
Earlier this year Turkey’s ruling party took a beating in local elections, specifically losing mayors races in Istanbul and Ankara. This weekend they reran the race in Istanbul because Erdogan did not like the close results. The AKP candidate lost by a bigger margin.
I hope history is not kind to these vile people and their supporters
“US government lawyer: detained children do not need soap and blankets – Sarah Fabian, a lawyer for the US Department if Justice, argued at the US court of appeals for the ninth circuit that such children do not always require certain sanitary products”
“Ex-hostage suggests Trump’s treatment of migrants worse than his captors: “Somali pirates gave me toothpaste and soap””
“‘There Is a Stench’: No Soap and Overcrowding in Detention Centers for Migrant Children”
Call your congressmen. Vote.
“… Warren said the United States needed “an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where problems are” and immigration laws “that focus on people who pose a real threat”, adding that separating a mother from her child was not making the country safer. ”
I wonder, could WALL funding be diverted into child care?…..doc, stop laughing.
@54 “Call your congressmen.”
If your congressman is a Rethuglican, don’t bother. They want those kids dead.
@54. All three are republican but I call them anyway. I want them to know that one voter does not approve.
“I wonder, could WALL funding be diverted into child care?”
Precisely backward. The fake “crisis” has arisen in part because GOP has diverted money from all areas, including care for UMs, community stabilization funding in the Northern Triangle, and processing asylum claims, in order to build useless vanity WALL.
Useless, because it is refugee asylum seekers that GOP voters have been taught to hate with the power of a thousand suns. And because by law, once a person is inside the United States, they cannot be barred from applying for asylum and their claim must be afforded due process. Both sides of useless vanity WALL are inside US. WALL is not there to keep out refugee asylum seekers. WALL is there to funnel refugee asylum seekers into BABY RAPE CAGES. These are Republicans. No money for soap. Plenty for zip ties, lube, and condoms.
And that’s what Teh Dumbfuck is laughing about. Get it?