Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Veteran’s Day:
- Obama honors veterans at Arlington National Cemetery
- Maddow wishes DeMint a Happy Veterans Day (via OneGoodMove).
- Alyona: The MSM on Veteran’s Day
- Patty Murray calls for passage of her major veterans employment bill.
- Ann Telnaes: Veterans Day at Dover Air Force Base.
- Alyona’s Fireside Chat: The 1% that fights our wars
Prosperity for WA: What does it look like?
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
America Occupied:
- Young Turks: Occupy protester shot with rubber bullets.
- Alyona: Winter comes to the Occupy movement
- Garfunkel and Oates: Save the Rich:
- Alyona’s Tool Time: N.Y.Post.
- Olbermann: The ACORN conspiracy!
- Young Turks: Police attack UCB Occupy protesters
- Alyona: Police beat OccupyCal protesters.
Greenman: Ben Santer crushing the myth of global cooling.
Thom: There are no “free” markets.
Extended Daily Show interview with Bill Clinton.
The G.O.P. Primary Asylum:
- Sharpton: Enjoying the comedy show.
- Pap: The GOP’s search for a hero.
- The Debate in 100 seconds (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Pap: GOP debate filled with STOOPID talk.
- Thom: Republican debate…more than one “oops.”
- Young Turks: Can Romney win the GOP nomination?
- Ann Telnaes: Romney aims for the GOP base.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Mitt Romney, “I’ve got to worry more about ME than anybody else”.
- No Mitt, you didn’t care at all.
- Young Turks: Mitt Romney pretends he isn’t rich
- Hit the road, Mitt.
- Sam Seder: Herman’s secret harassment message.
- Young Turks: Herman Cain’s epic debate fail.
- Stephen on Herman’s Jimmy appearance.
- Maddow: Herman’s excuse (via The Political Carnival).
- Ed and Pap: How much did Cain cost the Koch brothers?
- Keith and Markos on Herman Cain’s statement.
- Young Turks: Rush Limbaugh smears Cain’s accusers
- Herman Cain makes some promises
- Ed: ‘serial’ sexual harasser Herman Cain on Nancy Pelosi
- Young Turks: Cain hurt in polls by sexual harassment charges.
- Sam Seder: Don’t dare ask Herman about sexual harassment at the debate.
- Actual Audio: Herman Cain sure loves the Koch Brothers.
- Jon: Oh! The Hermanity (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- The 12 best Herman Cain pick-up lines.
- Jon on Herman Cain’s growing pile of accusers
- Jon on Brain Freeze (via Political Wire).
- Rick Perry does the post-debate Walk of Shame (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Sam Seder: Why is nobody asking the obvious question about Rick Perry?
- Young Turks: Rick Perry’s EPIC FAIL.
- Rick Perry’s top 10 excuses…
- Conan: On that Perry ad….
- SNL: Rock Perry explains last week’s problem
- Stephen on Rick Perry.
- Perry v. Perry: The ultimate reel (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Alyona’s Tool Time: Michele Bachmann, “No work, no food.”
- An Occupy message for Michele (via Crooks and Liars).
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Here comes The Newt!
- Maddow: The scam that is Newt Gingrich
White House: West Wing Week.
Stephen on SuperPAC issue ads.
Rep. Joe “Dead-beat-dad” Walsh (R-IL-8) Comes Unhinged:
- Rep Joe Walsh yells at his constituents (man…he was much mellower with The Eagles).
- Thom: Breaking down Joe Walsh’s big fat lie.
- Sam Seder: Rep. Joe Dead-beat-Dad Walsh lies loudly at his constituents.
- Alyona’s Tool Time: Rep. Walsh yells.
- Young Turks: Rep. Joe Walsh, “Don’t blame banks!”
- Ed talks with woman screamed at by Dead-beat Joe (via OneGoodMove).
Young Turks: GOP pretend to attack the rich.
Alyona: Drone policy will come back to haunt us.
Rick Santorum nominates his way to Worst Person in the World.
Mark Fiore: SuperCommittee.
Jay Inslee for Washington:
Thom: Why is FAUX “palling around with terrorists?”
Campaign in 100 seconds: Why Obama’s numbers are on the rise. (via TalkingPointsMemo).
ONN week in review: Latest GOP debate concludes with candidates wrestling a pig and slaughtering it, and other news.
About Last Tuesday:
- Lawrence O’Donnell with DNC Chair: Democratic victories.
- Pap: Victory for women in Mississippi.
- Ann Telnaes: Personhood according to Mississippi.
- Olbermann with Markos on the big win in Ohio.
- Maddow: The booze vote
- Sam Seder: “Satan” wins in the Mississippi personhood vote!
- Pap: Corporate money loses in Ohio election
- Alyona: Voters reject Republican extremism.
- Young Turks: Wingnuts get their asses handed to them.
Bill Maher with some New Rules.
Joe Paterno is Worst Person in the World.
Maddow: A Pantheon of Pregnant Pauses:
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
It’s time for campuses to pay their local law enforcement to take care of law enforcement on campus.
This thread has been alive for almost 11 hours and only two posts so far (counting this one)?
Where are all of the usual suspects this morning?
Republicans are Ugly.
You obviously have a wonderful economy with your use of words. I anxiously await your next pithy utterance!
@4: The truth is usually simple.
Republicans are in fact ugly, even the perfectly coiffed spokesmodels (human shell, reptilian core).
(And BTW: The Gman prompted a response, which was probably the point.)
Good Morning Horses Ass!
Nothing is sacred anymore.. Even traditional right wing sorts of recreation are trashed.
Money, money, money…
#5. Many Republicans Cheney, Rove, Bachman, Glenn Beck, Rush, etc are ugly characters from the inside out.
I hear you :)
I understand this article would have been relevant 5 years ago when only some bloggers out there were ‘reporting’ this:
Even in the Raygun days, Savings and Loan fraudsters went to jail. Now for some reason, it’s impossible.
Obama only gets my vote for the Supreme Court Justices.
John Stewart freaking nailed it. Again.
All we’re doing by voting for B. is keeping someone even worse out of office.
Lordy, lordy…
The Bible Belt’s just full of news today.
12 – Ever read the Grapes of Wrath???
Stories about preachers filling the faithful full
of the “Holy Sperit” and then taking the daughters “out in the grass” are as old as the hills…
Doesn’t make it right but just sayin…
It gets better.
Wasn’t there something in the bible about not coveting your neighbors wife?
I’m going to have to read the Springfield News-Leader more often.
Nothing says “hey it’s the weekend” like a bunch of people getting shot.
They must have been handing out free 40’s of Old E in the projects.
Maxie @ 16
You’re not even going to try to claim your post isn’t racist, are you?
How would you know proud leftist? Even been to Schenectady NY?
Well, well, it seems insider trading is perfectly legal for one privileged group of characters — congress critters.
Jay Z, one of the big time leftist 1%ers with Beyonce who supports ObamAA+, was going to selling Occupy Wall Street T-Shirts with no plans to share his T-Shirt profits with protestors.
Damn, another rich DUMMOCRAPT, telling the world he jock-straps the OWS movement, making money off of the OWS movement and keeping the proceeds.
Heh heh heh