Vox: The biggest corruption scandal in Latin America’s history.
Stephen: Nebraska’s painfully honest new state slogan.
Seth Meyers: Wrong take.
WaPo: U.S. hunters stir controversy with overseas kills.
Second Thoughts: Why the IPCC report is so scary.
Robert Reich: Message to millennials:
Mental Floss: Spooky Halloween facts!
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
Stephen: Florida’s Senate debate hs some mic drops.
Vox: The quest for the perfect apple.
Jimmy Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
WaPo: Megyn Kelly’s rocky tenure at NBC.
The Atlantic: Don’t blame social media for violence
Stephen reveals a sketch of the serial bomber.
Kurzgesagt: Why beautiful things make us happy.
Nationalist Dotard Трамп and other Pre-existing Conditions:
- WaPo Opinion: In the age of Трамп, this was absolutely predictable
- Stephen: Ted Cruz goes from “lyin” to “beautiful”
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп loves talking about the Space Force
- Samantha Bee: Trans rights under attack by the Dotard Трамп.
- Late Show: Трамп stars in new Ted Cruz campaign ad
- James Corden: We’ve got tapes from Трамп’s bugged cell phone
- Ari Melber: Rep. Jeffries—Трамп shows “depraved indifference to human life”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Dotard Трамп thinks women are beautiful
- Stephen: The Dotard paints a false portrait of the migrant caravan
- Ali Velshi: Dotard Трамп’s lies: health care claims opposite of GOP goals
- WaPo: Targets of Трамп’s words become targets of bombs
- Jimmy Kimmel: Russian trolls reveal how they interfere with elections.
- Seth Meyers: Трамп campaigns for Republicans, calls Democrats an “angry mob”
- Stephen: Трамп says he won’t let Russia “do weapons”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard Трамп’s new ad for Ted Cruz
- Ari Melber: Трамп’s Mexico ambassador calls him out—His rhetoric hurts diplomacy
- Seth Meyers: Late Night White House press conference!
- Stephen: Трамп won’t stop using his phone that’s being spied on
- Rachel Maddow: Dotard Трамп is sharing sensitive info on insecure phone worries U.S. intel
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп tell-all book of the month club
- Trevor: Big little allies
- WaPo: Трамп’s bomb response devolves into blame game
- Jimmy Fallon: Dotard Трамп’s message to midterm election voters outtakes
- Seth Meyers: Трамп says he’s “being nice” while lying about health care
- Stephen: The Dotard Трамп doesn’t have a “civil” gear
- Late Show: U.S. troops mobilize to stop the caravan
- Jimmy Kimmel: China & Russia listening to Трамп’s personal calls
- Songify the News: I like beer:
- Samantha Bee: Asylum seekers aren’t scary
- Stephen: Oh boy, The Dotard broke out the “N” word
- Jimmy Kimmel: “I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about” drunk Dotard Трамп
- Ali Velshi: The Dotard Трамп denies cellphone use in Tweet from iPhone
- Mark Fiore: The really dangerous caravan.
- WaPo: Numerous pipe bombs sent to prominent critics of The Dotard
- Trevor: Filling the swamp
- Ari Melber: Hypocrisy—Watch Трамп get demolished over hacked iPhone
- Seth Meyers: Drumpf responds to democrats and CNN being targeted by bombs.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard Трамп’s pipe bomb hypocrisy
Real Engineering: Can we block the sun to stop climate change.
Late Show: One question with Hillary Clinton.
The Daily Show: Black girl midterm magic.
Bill Maher: Peak Florida .
WaPo: How preexisting conditions became a central issue ahead of the 2018 midterm elections
Comics take on Megyn Kelly’s black face comment.
Late Show: Tuesday The 6th: Voting Day:
The Atlantic: Men are socialized to “act inhumanely”.
Amber Ruffin addresses Megyn Kelly asking if blackface is racist.
Jimmy Dore: Utah voters “values” are “shocking” as Mitt Romney reveals.
New Yorker: Andy Borowitz & Adam Schiff on how Democrats can win.
WaPo: Here’s what Florida’s demographic changes mean for the midterm elections.
Robert Reich: The next crash.
Jimmy Kimmel: Utah Senator tries marijuana for the first time.
WaPo Opinion: Political ads want you to be afraid. Very afraid.
Vox: Apollo 11’s journey to the moon, annotated.
Minute Physics: Legitimate cold fusion exists.
Lauren Mayer: Doin’ The Deficit Side Step:
Rachel Maddow: New data shows why NC Republicans want to end Sunday voting.
Full Frontal: The rainbow wave is coming.
Late Show: How Saudi Arabia is reporting the news
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Of course not. It’s much more efficient to shoot Republicans while they’re practicing softball, or run down a hill and body-block them from behind while they’re wearing ear protection and have no idea you’re coming. That’s what it means to be a leftist. It’s an efficient form of cowardice.
Fox News keeps insisting it’s the “lefties” who are so violent, and yet nobody’s mailing bombs to Fox News. Weird.
Yeah, but what about the guy that shot Abe Lincoln?
My main fear, is how many of those bombs are still working their way through the Postal System? The employees who rail still in danger. Even if not properly assembled, They are still dangerous. I worked for the Postal Service once, during Christmas.
@ ER @ 3
There’s been some scuttlebutt about how there are several more such devices sitting in dead letter offices because the guy is apparently mostly illiterate and couldn’t spell names or addresses correctly. In any case, he didn’t know much about building explosives. If this is the right guy, he’s pretty much a moron.
Fat Donny does love the poorly educated.
4)So far, it’s a combination of professionalism and dumb luck that these did not go off. I was thinking at first, shades of the Anthrax mailings, but 2 postal workers were killed in those mailings.
People are calling me a Lunatic. Well yeahhhh, I’m a Republican.
Remember the pathetic efforts of Blanche Lincoln and Mary Landrieu to save their Senate seats?
Biden to campaign for Heitkamp days before North Dakota election
$12M donated and no presidential aspirations. She’s going down. Guess she’s gotta spend it on somebody. Howz about a large campaign fund transfer to Biden 2020?
Who has more Indian blood, Cesar Sayoc or Elizabeth Warren?
@8 What the hell does it matter? Native American’s have their violent past. Whitman Massacre (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitman_massacre) and Nootka Sound (https://oregonhistoryproject.org/articles/historical-records/under-attack-at-nootka-sound-1803/#.W9SBTRBReV4) to name a few.
@ 9
You accept Warren’s lies about being Indian because you need her to be Indian. Otherwise she’s just a fucking liar who used affirmative action for her own purposes.
You reject Sayoc’s apparent lie about being Seminole because you need him to be white. Otherwise he doesn’t fit your narrative very well at all.
So it’s a hypocrisy thing. Small wonder you don’t see the importance, Newt.
@4 “Fat Donny does love the poorly educated.”
Absolutely because he speaks directly to their fears. He gives their fears validation. When a person of power and influence say something like, “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” is completely irresponsible and gives whack jobs like Sayoc the fuel and ammunition to do such violent acts.
@ 11
Yes, because incendiary rhetoric was nonexistent prior to the ascendance of Trump.
This is what you need. You need to turn support for Trump into something evil the same way you needed to turn Tea Party support into something evil. The latter didn’t work, by the way.
In each case you ignore the reasons for the existence of those groups of people. They exist(ed) because they were unhappy with the shit the elected leadership was pulling.
The post-2008 election Democrat hubris cost your ilk 1,000+ elected seats, nationwide. The choice of an incredibly flawed and corrupt individual to be your party’s standard-bearer in 2016 cost you the White House, probably cost you the Senate, and so far has cost you two SCOTUS seats, the Janus decision, and a massive tax cut bill you oppose.
So keep pushing the Trump-incited violence angle, Newt. It may mask the liberal behavior, like turning white men into a national enemy, which has so far cost you your blue wave and might end up putting someone like Amy Coney Barrett in RBG’s seat not too far in the future.
What it won’t do is cause you to realize that you are responsible for your own weakened position and political influence. It can’t be your fault, Newt. Nothing’s ever your fault.
Think on your sins.
@8. Yeah let’s stick to blood, because we all know who has more Republican loony brains.
Pittsburgh shooting – includes 3 cops. Better be a liberal shooter because you know #BlueLivesMatter!
@10 hey Dumbfuck~ you accept the lies of Repukes and the Hump because you are a Dumbfuck and can’t win any other way other than but to lie. And you can’t believe that Warren has some Indian blood because it doesn’t suit your fears.
Fuck You
@10 you want Cesar Sayoc to be part Indian? Ok, you win – he’s an Indian lunatic Repuke fueled by the fire of The Hump and Repuke Party!
Is that better.
@12 Gold star for Dr. Dumbfuck! He finally got something right: “Nothing’s ever your fault.”
Go back in history, when Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence he originally had text in there that attacked slavery (and yes he was a slave owner), however to get all the colonies to sign, he had to remove that text. He did that for the greater good to form a new nation. https://blackpast.org/primary/declaration-independence-and-debate-over-slavery
Jefferson understood the need for the greater good, Trump and your ilk simply don’t.
Sure, Democrats have had a fair amount of hubris, but that never made the angry white men as they have always been there you stupid fuck. Trump just poured gas on it and gave a green light to say it is acceptable in his view to be open about it.
By the way, sins are a for religious people and I’m agnostic, you are wrong again.
@10. Innocent until proven guilty Dumbfuck
Police sources tell KDKA’s Andy Sheehan the gunman walked into the building and yelled, “All Jews Must die.” Sheehan confirmed that eight people were confirmed dead.
I certainly hope none of those devices mailed from Florida are truly functional.
@12 and you need The Hump to be an angel. Good luck with that.
@19 and we all know that Neo-Nazi Republicans love the Jews.
Speaking of dead Jews, how’s Keith X doing these days?
Keith Ellison reeling after abuse allegations
The sad thing is he’s reeling after abuse allegations. His long ties to anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan seem not to be a factor in his disgrace.
For 2 years now, or longer, Doctor Dumbfuck has been re-writing history and narratives to make up for his guilty sins, and so now he wants to falsely accuse liberals of doing that, without even any good examples. The Dumbfuck is pure evil and Satan himself is no match for this fuck.
@22 it’s all fun and games with you Doc, wait for the future of the destruction of this Country, hopefully you’ll find it funny then.
@ 23, 24
Your medication. Refill the prescription. Quickly.
gman, you’re beginning to make ‘froggy look rational by comparison.
It’s conservative incited violence.
It is ongoing.
And it is certainly nothing new.
Ruby Ridge
Eric Rudolph
Operation Rescue
Dylan Roof
Charlottesville TrumpCar
Proud Boys
Jeremy Christian
Patriot Prayer
Unite the Right
Greg Gianforte
Mosque bombings in 5 states
Synagogue attacks
Campaign office attacks
African American church attacks
Etc, etc
Since 911 ideological conservative terror attacks in the US have killed 73 people, and wounded hundreds of others. Liberal ideological attacks wounded a Congressman from Louisiana. Seventy four percent of murders related to political ideology in the last 10 years in the US are tied to right wing extremism.
Right wing violence and terrorism is exploding in America.
The really striking (and alarming) thing about most of this right wing political violence is that it isn’t being arranged and carried out by secretive, underground groups. These folks advertise who they are right out in the open. They make a good living off it.
But don’t forget, there are some very fine people… meh.
He may want desperately for everyone to forget it right now, but just like most conservatives in America, Teh Dumbfuck thinks this is a laugh riot.
This is really who they are now.
@ 26
Were I to take your tally of 73 since 9/11/2001 at face value, I come up with roughly 4 deaths per year.
Four gun deaths is a slow Friday night in inner city Chicago, QoS McHillbilly.
You have far greater reason to clean your own house than you do to demand that conservatives clean theirs.
I will say that I’d be interested in seeing the source you used to post that 73 deaths figure, QoS.
Robert Bowers is the shooter.
Sorry about this, QoS:
In another message, Bowers wrote of Trump, “For the record, I did not vote for him nor have I owned, worn or even touched a maga hat.”
Sorry about this, Keith X:
An hour before the shooting, Bowers wrote on a social media site, Gab, “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics. I’m going in.” HIAS is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
@1 It would be nice if everyone agreed that all political violence is bad. But I don’t think your tribe, especially the leader of your tribe, will agree to that.
Btw, you’re full of shit. Practically all of the political violence in America today comes from your side. And speaking of cowardice, the Republicans who refuse to stand up to Trump — essentially all of them — are world-class cowards.
That’s the GOP fix for the violence they’ve nurtured within their ranks?
Armed militia kooks wearing MAGA hats go directly from GOP political rallies to gunning down worshipers in synagogues and their answer is that block by block drug turf wars between the Gangster Disciples and Vice Lords are being arranged by the ghost of Margaret Sanger?
Geezus what the fuck is happening to these piece of shit people?
Bearing in mind that Teh Dumbfuck transcribes this response directly from Druge, WND, and Gateway, these are early trial baloons. If this shit doesn’t stick in the trailer park they’ll keep flinging until something does. Could be anything. Perhaps they’ll blame flouridation.
Fuck me.
@6 I think you’re angling for a padded cell instead of a concrete one. Softer walls, softer bed, softer eggs in the morning. It won’t work. Your future lies at ADX’s Bombers Row. Be satisfied with that, it could be worse, thank your god that you’re not a migrant kid. MAGA!
@ 30
It would be nice if everyone agreed that all political violence is bad.
This from the Liberals Must Arm asswipe who was called out by Darryl for being an asswipe.
Own it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. The Internet is Forever.
But really, can we blame Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, when he’s only following the lead of HA founder Goldy? The Internet is Forever:
I hope that’s not where we’re going, but, you know, if the Republicans take our nation the way they promise to take it, my fellow patriots on the left are going to start looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and ask ourselves, what can we do to turn this country around? And I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take some Supreme Court justices out.
“…take some Supreme Court justices out.”
In case there’s any question of what Goldy meant, his screed was entitled Right-Wing Victories Should Be a Call to Arms.
Why? Because Goldy’s side lost.
Each and every one of you with your “Trump rhetoric incites violence” parroting can go fuck yourselves. You most of all, David Goldstein.
@8 Warren = Native American (not “Indian”) ancestry confirmed by DNA. Sayoc = Filipino father, Italian mother. Let’s see if you can figure it out. I wouldn’t bet money on that. Your wife’s horses are smarter than you are; they don’t volunteer for what goes on in your barn.
@10, I don’t “need” Warren to be anything other than a person that does the job she was elected to do.
I certainly don’t need anything from that whackjob Sayoc other than to serve his time if found guilty of the crimes he has alleged to have committed.
What I “need” is Trump to come out and denounce the violence and admit that his rhetoric isn’t helping. He will do neither.
Last year, “Jews will not replace us!”
Today, “All Jews must die!”
The MAGAshooter is Doctor Dumbfuck’s kindred spirit. You know, just like the MAGAbomber.
“Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist. There is no #MAGA as long as there is a kike infestation. #Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90’s to be the ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp. But go ahead and keep saying you are #Winning.”
Meanwhile, over on the Tea Party FB page, the dumbfucks are still calling for the slaughter of all refugees, Jews and Muslims.
“You need to turn support for Trump into something evil the same way you needed to turn Tea Party support into something evil.”
No, Dumbfuck, it was you who turned support for Trump into something evil.
@10 Who said he’s white? No reason why a Filipino-Italian can’t be a white supremacist. The late Puddy was. Calling someone a white supremacist isn’t saying they’re white.
@33 Boy, you sure don’t like it when I pretend to think like you, talk like you, and threaten to become one of you. I guess you don’t like yourselves very much. You also don’t have enough of a brain to recognize when I’m parodying you.
@36 “kike infestation”
Sounds like he’s distressed that Hitler couldn’t finish the job. But what happened to pandering to Israeli rightwingers? I thought that’s their policy now.
@38 re 33: Those were actually Goldy’s words, not mine, but since he’s busy right now I’m standing in for him. After all, hypocrisy like yours deserves an acid reply. You did put some time and effort into it.
@33 “Each and every one of you with your ‘Trump rhetoric incites violence’ parroting can go fuck yourselves.”
Freisler and Heydrich would approve. Friends of yours?
@28 “You have far greater reason to clean your own house than you do to demand that conservatives clean theirs.”
Really? We didn’t elect a Chicago or New York gang leader POTUS. You and your ilk did.
“called out by Darryl for being an asswipe”
Darryl is an asswipe for banning Marvin and Mark. Carl is an asswipe for hating my pickup truck. See? No big deal.
This is the cesspool. Here you’re either an asswipe or piece of shit. Roger, Carl and Darryl are asswipes. You’re a piece of shit.
You’re welcome.
Look everyone! Another “conscientious conservative” has butt hurt feels!
While his “movement” is bombing places of worship and slaughtering anyone who dares disagree with trillion dollar deficits, the real outrage is Sarah Sanders cheese course was interrupted by someone whose cancer treatment was cutoff!
@43 I’m a patriot doing the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit’s work here.
“No reason why a Filipino-Italian can’t be a white supremacist. The late Puddy was.”
I now see it as possible that the loon’s inner white supremacist made accidental eye contact with his black image in a bathroom mirror and he reacted by lynching himself right then and there, using the shower curtain for a rope. A self-lynching. Something only the self-loathing loon could do. SAD!
Either that, or the doctor did it.
11 innocent people are dead and 6 more are injured because some deranged middle aged white guy driven by the white nationalist and eliminationist rhetoric that now permeates the rightwing political discourse in this country concluded our planet isn’t big enough for everyone. That was Hitler’s thinking, too. Also, he thinks “Jews” are behind the migrant caravan. Hitler blamed everything on Jews, too. Says he didn’t vote for Trump because Trump isn’t anti-Semitic enough, but that doesn’t make Trump innocent. The death penalty is too good for this Nazi. Lock him up in ADX and make him live on prison loaf for the next 30 years.
@47 ” make him live on prison loaf for the next 30 years.”
That and tell him the prison loaf was made by Jewish food service folks.
“Trump says Pittsburgh synagogue should have had armed guards” https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/27/politics/trump-jba-death-penalty-pittsburgh/index.html
What a disgrace. It is a disgrace to our country to have A POTUS like this. He can’t see that his lack of denouncing hate-speech does contribute to the overall increased violence. Sure, during his on-the-spot questioning he stated that people that commit crimes like this should get the death penalty, too little too late.
I’m not a religious person but houses of worship should be places people go and feel safe. They should not be required to have armed guards or a police force just so people can pray to their deity of choice.
I’m sure Dr. Dumbfuck is smiling away at all of this and probably wishes he was there because “business is good” at the hospital today. He will also post here that Trump had nothing to do with this and in no way is his rhetoric responsible for this event. Sure you betcha.
“He can’t see that his lack of denouncing hate-speech does contribute to the overall increased violence.”
I’d settle for the GOP no longer promoting hate-speech.
But if they did that they’d never win another election.
“I’m sure Dr. Dumbfuck is smiling away at all of this”
Two right-wing terrorist attacks in one week. Little wonder the doctor is pumped up.
And into this frightening atmosphere of right wing violence and political terrorism marked daily by incidents of Synagogue shootings, MAGA bombing, grocery store shootings, and Nazi riots the leader of the Republican Party today threatened to increase his calls for more violence.
This is really happening.
This is really who Republicans are.
Only one thing to do people. And that is RESIST.
Either that or except that democracy no longer will exist in this Nation.
No coincidence that it is Georgia and Texas.
“Gardening” while Black
-Lives with Mom when his van is in the shop
-Nurtures rich internal fantasies about his “warrior” heritage
-Reveres Hitler
-Compulsive shoplifter
-Desperately preoccupied with George Soros
-Difficulty forming adult relationships with women
-Can’t spell
-Long criminal history
-Fiercely anti-semitic
-Marinated in absurd conspiracy theories
-Infatuated with “Russian friends”
-Obsessed with Hillary Clinton
-Extreme difficulty holding a job… delivering pizza
This guy could be the next Republican nominee.
Maybe he could be a candidate but he is missing from his resume either 1) Sex with animals (horses, goats, or dogs), or 2) pedophile and/or cruises high schools for dates.
New poll shows massive break among EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE and mods in Texas away from GOP. O’Rourke still trails by 6 points. But gap is closing.
What wrong Bubbie?
I mean it’s not like the GOP and their media empire have been demonizing (like literally calling them enemies) ‘Democrat Jews’ for decades.
Their party leader has been barnstorming all over Dumbfuckistan about Soros (Jew) Feinstein (Jew) Wasserman Schultz (Jew) and encouraging people to assault their supporters and the media that lies about dear leader.
Touched a nerve that what everyone could see coming came to pass?
Think on your sins. Start with the lies you tell about Warren and affirmative action. Didn’t happen. Never checked the form for college or employment. Sorry.
There’s blood on your hands too. You spread the hate here daily and probably in your personal life too.
Anyine else catch that Lou Dobbs and Judicial Watch guest were spreading Zionist Occupied Government (google it) theories but calling it Soros Occupied Government just Friday on Fox?
Yep. The mouthpiece of the GOP keeps telling on the edge racists, “You’re right, it is the Jews’ fault you aren’t rich and DerOrangefuerer is not embraced by all.”
@59 Well, I don’t know how much blood he can get on his hands from spreading hate here, because we’re a bunch of pacifists who wouldn’t harm a butterfly. Our entire crowd probably doesn’t have more than a couple AR-15s if that many.
Hey Dumbfuck this was GOP House Majority Leader McCarthy on Twitter AFTER the bomb sent to Soros was discovered…
I mean there’s no way a bunch of unstable Anti-Semite Republicans could take that as a call to action.
Blood on their hands.
Now that the prominent conservatives who pushed the “false flag” conspiracy theories claiming a Democrat sent the bombs to make Trump look bad themselves look really, really stupid, here’s what the conservative “intelligentsia” (I use the term advisedly) worried about looking bad are saying about the bomber:
“There was every reason to doubt that the bomber was a legitimate Trump supporter before we knew anything about him,” tweeted Matt Walsh, a widely followed writer for The Daily Wire, a conservative news outlet. “But now that we do have info on him, it would be kooky conspiracy theory territory to stick with the ‘false flag’ hypothesis. Clearly the guy is just a nut.”
Just a nut. Not a Republican. Not a conservative. Not a Trump zombie. “Just a nut.” Has nothing to do with them, their ideology, or their rhetoric. Just a nut who came from a desert island somewhere.
This is the most you’ll ever get out of the best* of them, because admitting error violates every rule in their playbook.
* Relative to the rest.
Problem is they’ve abandoned every other ideology they might have hidden behind.
Murderous political violence in service to empowering white nationalism is who they are now. Of course some of them are just “nuts”. But saying that doesn’t alter who the rest of them are and what they believe.
The Hartford Line is doing pretty good. So much, the Connecticutt Dot has asked Amtrak to add cars to the Springfield-New Haven shuttle trains that use the same corridor.
@63 “Of course some of them are just ‘nuts’.”
I’m inclined to argue they’re all nuts.
These libs really have to stop inciting violence. Libies the real Mob.
And they need to learn how to be accountable for their actions – one of the great principals of the great GOP Patriotic Americans.
Fucking Republicans elected Harry fucking Wormwood to the highest office in the land.
@ RR @ 37
“No reason why a Filipino-Italian can’t be a white supremacist.”
You’d probably be amazed at how hard-core right wing Filipinos are. My sister in law, her parents fled the Philippines back in the late 1960s because of Marcos crackdowns on anyone who would attempt to run for office or even vote against him. Now, her father is dead, and her mother just LOVES Fat Donny and thinks Duarte is the greatest President the Philippines has ever had in that nation’s history.
They aren’t well educated people. Her father was one of the seriously most interesting people I’ve ever met. As a young teenager, he fought as a guerrilla against the Japanese during the Second World War and was in Camp O’Donnell. He spent the late 1940’s and early 1950s in the USMC and Philippine Marines where he fought in Korea and several low-level actions in the Philippines against the Maoists. He’d seen a lot of combat and had done a lot of killing back in his day. On the wall in their house in San Francisco, he had a frame with four purple hearts, a bronze star, a silver star and over a dozen campaign medals both from the Philippino and United States Marines. Some of the stories he told were seriously hair-raising and he talked about killing as though it was something no more outrageous than brushing one’s teeth.
Her mother on the other hand, is the quintessential right-wing extremist type. She’s pretty much a lunatic as far as I’m concerned. She hates Jews, Hispanics and Blacks with a passion and apparently believes that the United States should have nuked Japan and Communist China back into the stone age and left them to rot.
That seems to be the new normal for the Republicans these days. I know a couple of dudes who still insist that we still should get revenge for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the only reason why we didn’t was because the Liberals controlled the government until Reagan was elected, and even he was too much of a namby-pamby to finish the job.
The fucking Republicans are completely insane. There is no trusting them, no reasoning with them, and I can see no reason to respect them for anything.
Resist! And you can have your cake and eat it too.
@69 Walmart Hillbillies
Until it becomes unacceptable to discriminate or disparage against any group of individuals then there will always be these acts of violence against all groups of individuals.
The Pope, and others, can’t come out against what happen in Pittsburgh (or Orlando) and then also recite from the Bible that certain aspects or individuals of society are unacceptable and to be treated differently.
Who you kidding. If you allow or profess, from the Bible, that certain people are not like the others and to be treated differently, then that view will always be acceptable from within another person’s viewpoint of other groups.
For example – aside from going to the extreme to the action taken by the individual in Pittsburgh, why would his view of Jewish people be unacceptable, when the Pope himself has a different view of gay people. What is good for the Pope is good for the common man. How can the Pope preach to Cesar, when he himself can’t accept gay people?
Simple question of philosophical nature.
@ WTF @ 72:
“If you allow or profess, from the Bible, that certain people are not like the others and to be treated differently, then that view will always be acceptable from within another person’s viewpoint of other groups.”
Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities. The entire purpose of the Abrahamic religions (and most others including Hinduism) is to enable and maintain that. The Catholic church has over a thousand years of child rapes, mass murders, armed robberies, destruction of science and art and enslavements to answer for. All the Protestant religions did was cherry-pick some of the tenets and then do all the same things the Catholics have done, only under nuanced rationales.
All deity-based religion is destructive and evil.
The new Conservative normal.
How bad is this Republican? So bad his hometown Republican newspaper feels compelled to endorse his Democratic opponent.
Our independent expenditure arm is independent. But that ad is factual. The Jews, the Wall Street Bankers, and the “globalist” Bilderberg conspiracy really do control the liberal agenda to force everyone to eat babies.
It’s just true.
Long live Ireland! True home of the Free and The Brave. Not the Fake, Phoney, Baloney American style bullshit of Fascist Conservatives.
Might be a good place to retire!
Fuck Conservatives!
“As stock markets steadily climbed during his first year in office, President Donald Trump cheered the rise at every turn. But the president has stayed silent as he watched this year’s gains disappear in recent days.
“Good financial market and economic news greeted Trump after his inauguration in January 2017. … The president gleefully claimed rising stocks as evidence of his success. … Now, he has to grapple with … a stock market that has … slipped … due to the president’s own policies.”
Shorter Trump: An economic illiterate squandered the good economy he inherited from Obama and burdened the middle class with rising deficits and debt to give tax cuts to the superrich.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is a free country, but voting for more of that should be deemed antisocial behavior.
You mean you used to make $125k a year, honey:
“Social media users identified the woman, noting that she worked for … Charter Communications. In a statement … the company said that she had been terminated …”
And no, you’re not “hot.” You don’t even have a cottontail, and I’ve seen longer ears on cornstalks.
@ RR @ 79
“An economic illiterate squandered the good economy he inherited from Obama and burdened the middle class with rising deficits and debt to give tax cuts to the superrich.”
He may be an economic illiterate, but he’s pretty savvy when it comes to manipulating things to stuff his pockets. He’s a real estate scammer, first and foremost.
He and his backers are setting things up to fuck the whole housing economy so they can buy it out at fire sale prices and then rent it back to the people who need places to live and build businesses. This model worked very well for Sears, it was Mitt Romney’s whole program.
The only real difference is that Romney came across as a sanctimonious, whiny little cheesedick that sounded too much like a Mormon Ned Flanders to get the EvilAngelicals on board. There are enough people in this country who know a real estate scammer when they see one. It’s a game as old as the hills.
The problem is with Fat Donny, is that he’s spent decades putting hiself out on the tellervision box and he didn’t need the Religionistas to get elected as much as Romney did, so he concentrated his words towards the trailer-trash Xanax junkies and cheap-beer alcoholics. If Romney had spent a few years pretending to body-slam wrestlers on TeeVee, he might have been elected.
We’re not dealing with the brightest audiences here. For the most part, the people that voted for him are the folks who used to sneer at their science teachers in high school and beat their fellow students up for carrying sheet music around or reading a book during lunch breaks.
How can you tell if Donald Trump is lying? His lips are moving. Another day, another lie, “I remember when we had the attack in Manhattan, we opened the stock exchange the next day. People were shocked.” https://www.seattlepi.com/news/article/Trump-NYSE-false-statement-sept-11-after-stock-13342327.php
@81 ” For the most part, the people that voted for him are the folks who used to sneer at their science teachers in high school and beat their fellow students up for carrying sheet music around.”
You give them too much credit. Even f they were in school, most didn’t take a science class.
Hell, they had to change the name of “voodoo economics” to Reaganomics to get people to buy in because “voodoo” was counter to their religious beliefs, but they could believe in Saint Ronnie.
And today they go “all in” in a guy that has how many bankruptcies? 6. Simply amazing.
Don’t know if this is all that interesting but more people have voted early (already) in El Paso than voted in the entire 2014 MidTerm. So some indication that turn out models on current polls are suspect.
If you were wondering who represents El Paso in Congress, it’s some guy (woman?) with a weird androgynous name…. Beato? Beatrice? Bean? O’Rourke? Never heard of them.
77)Even the Catholic Church called the law outdated, supposedly.
Republicans had to remove 350,000 valid registered voters from the rolls in Georgia or the unruly mobs of Jews would win.
We had no other choice.
Mike Pence is no Christian….he’s a Scumbag. Homophone fucking Scumbag.
See – The Hump isn’t the problem….the Repukilan Party is the problem.
Tell these mother fuckers how wrong they are.
@82 unfortunately the dumbfucks like our resident doctor believe him and if they don’t believe they’ll even still defend him or worse yet stay silent.
Truly, the problem here isn’t The Hump. Well he’s part of the problem. But the real problem here is the Republican Party and the Republicans. They are the only ones that could do The Hump in by standing up to him, but that would mean that they would have to sit back for a couple of years, but they aren’t willing to do that. They are more of the problem here.
Bob is more of a problem or could be a bigger part of the solution here, but we all know he is as useless as a tit on a bull. And we should thank him for this bullshit.
This is the shit doctor dumbfuck likes to not think about and liked in the Hump.
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Dodgers’ Rich Hill responds to Donald Trump’s tweet criticizing Dave Roberts
Ok, enough already. Let’s all come together for the better of this Country. Bob, you be the big man and lead us. Can you do it?
The Hump has got to go and Republicans need to repent, the Christians that they are.
CNBC reports an air disaster in Indonesia, where a Boeing 737 passenger jet has “crashed into the sea.”
@87 “Tell these mother fuckers how wrong they are.”
What good will that do? I’ve been telling ’em for 14 years and haven’t made a dent. You can’t teach the unteachable. I just do it for sport now.
I wonder if I’m up to 200,000 comments yet?
In short order the right has gone from the rape of refugee children and prep-school girls to an attempted mass assassination of political foes and murdering Jews. I wonder what kind of atrocities the Republicans are going to come up with next?
@90 I don’t know what went on at the mound, and Trump doesn’t either. For all I know, Hill told Roberts, “I just dislocated my shoulder, and my next pitch is going to be into the stands.”
But a lack of information has never stopped Trump from shooting off his mouth. He isn’t exactly the thoughtful, reflective, professorial type.
“I wonder if I’m up to 200,000 comments yet?”
That’d be interesting. Maybe YLB will give us an update. And for sake of remembrance, perhaps he’ll also be so kind as to post a link to the thread where the loon (RIP) was talking with his sockpuppet about his dick.
“Letter to President Trump from Pittsburgh Jewish Leaders”
“President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you fully denounce white nationalism….”
“President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you stop targeting and endangering all minorities….”
“President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you cease your assault on immigrants and refugees….”
“President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you commit yourself to compassionate, democratic policies that recognize the dignity of all of us.”
The next few weeks are going to be something else.
@97 The problem is Trump doesn’t give a damn what the Jewish leaders of Pittsburgh think or say. Trump only cares about what he perceives as his reality. Knowing Trump and his psyche, he will show up just to spite them.
Trump is probably ok with Holocaust survivors being gunned down in the very country that risked and sacrificedo so much to save them from the horrors and atrocities of the Nazis. Even worse, Dr. Dumbfuck will still support Trump and his actions and be here to try and put a positive spin on it and try to infer that it’s somehow Clinton’s fault.
@98 “the very country that risked and sacrificedo so much to save them from the horrors and atrocities of the Nazis.”
Actually, our country didn’t give much of a shit about them — after all, we refused to take even one boatload of them just before Hitler started killing them — and we did a damned poor job of saving them; the death camps were still intact at the end of the war because we had other bombing priorities. The atrocities were only a convenient excuse to hang the Nazi leaders, which our government wanted to do anyway, and we were remarkably light on the rest of them.
@99 we risked a lot to defeat the Nazis. True, we didn’t do much to save the Jewish people due to other prioritis as you aptly pointed out, but we did liberate some of the camps.
The US did take in survivors and support the creation if Israel. They didn’t do all of that to have some jackass leader give tacit approval for anti-semitic whack jobs to start killing Jews in the US.
100) The irony of the 522nd Field Artilley, who assisted in the Liberation of Dachau.
Another mostly unknown little tidbit about the Army Air Corps and Royal Air Force bombing campaigns was the Bayer facilities in Germany. Bomber crews were instructed to avoid these facilities. It seems there was a bit of hanky-pinky about that, but there are a lot of things about World War II that is still classified in order to protect the politicians and flag officers of the times.