Stephen: Accountability is meaningless unless it’s for everybody.
Seth Meyers: Getting to know Brett Kavanaugh.
Chris Hayes: Mitch McConnell cancels recess, but Flake leaves anyway.
Sky News: The sex slaves of Atlanta.
Trevor: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—Bringing moral courage to American politics.
Samantha Bee: Male sexual abuse isn’t funny
Stephen: Stephen learns macroeconomics on a roller coaster.
The Dotard Трамп And His Co-Collusioners:
- Late Show: Rudy Giuliani vs. Rudy Giuliani on Michael Cohen
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Republicans are “Brainwashed,” and won’t object to Трамп obstruction
- Our Cartoon President: Rudy Giuliani defends Трамп
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of The Dotard Трамп’s head, “Who’s that hot lady?”
- Roy Wood, Jr.: Twitter lashes out at the wrong Michael Cohen
- Trevor: Manafort’s million dollar flower bed
- Mark Fiore: The Трамп—Giuliani tape
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп demonstrates acting presidential at Tampa Rally
- Stephen: A “smocking gun,” Al Capone, and obstruction of justice
- Chris Hayes: The Трамп administration was warned about family separation harms
- Jimmy Kimmel: Perfect voice for ALF remake
- Super Deluxe: The Dotard Трамп thinks the F-35 is literally invisible
- Vice News: Immigration officials have no idea how to fix family separation
- Nicolle Wallace: Former Republican Steve Schmidt says Трамп is ignorant, naive, and a fool on the world stage
- WaPo Opinion: Here’s why Трамп wouldn’t have won without Russia
- Lawrence O’Donnell: George Takei on U.S. government holding kids in camps
- Seth Meyers: The Dotard pushes another tax cut and calls for an end to the Russia probe
- Bill Maher: The party of Putin:
- Trevor: Rudy Giuliani rants about “scumbag” Michael Cohen
- Late Show: Manafort’s ostrich jacket comes back to bite him
- Our Cartoon President: “Dear Mr. Mueller”
- Stephen: How Mueller sparked Трамп’s latest Twitter fit
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of The Dotard Трамп’s head, “It’s speech time!”
- Late Show: Galino & Farnes—Secret tape attorneys
- Ari Melber: Трамп triples down with 16 daily false claims in June and July
- Chris Hayes: What is QAnon?
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп News Network—Collusion is not a crime
- Stephen: Трамп joins the “collusion is not a crime” chorus
- Samantha Bee: Stupid Трампy shit
- Late Show: Manafort’s courtroom sketch as a-ha’s ‘Take On Me’
- Trevor: The key to the Mueller investigation
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of The Dotard Трамп’s head, “You don’t like salad”
- Our Cartoon President: “I’m starting to like being old”
- Sky News: Will Putin be Трамп’s downfall?
- Stephen: Betsy DeVos’ $40 million yacht was set adrift
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Could a White House memo show Dotard Трамп obstruction?
- Ari Melber: Трамп invokes murderous gangster to defend Manafort
- Winlar: ITMFA:
- Chris Hayes: Paul Manafort’s $15,000 ostrich jacket
- Trevor: Team Трамп plans another tax cut for the rich
- Stephen: Jim Acosta walks into the lyin’ den
- Tiny Fingers Resistance: Welcome to America (Bienvenido a ‘Merica)
- Late Show: Ostriches and pythons and Manafort, oh my!
- Nicolle Wallace: Public evidence suggests Robert Mueller is able to bring conspiracy charge
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of The Dotard Трамп’s head, “Don’t lose the Queen”
- Our Cartoon President: “I want the world to see me as I see myself’
- Bill Maher: Enema of the people
- Jimmy Kimmel: Rudy Giuliani flip-flops on Michael Cohen and collusion
- Stephen: Ivanka’s courageous stance of “The media isn’t the enemy”
- Trevor: Трамп fights obstruction with obstruction
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Has The Dotard Трамп Tampered with the jury in the Paul Manafort trial?
- Late Show: Who Ya Gonna Call? Religious Liberty Task Force!
- Seth Meyers: Трамп and Rudy Giuliani panic over the Russia probe
Mental Floss: Grizzly bears, Chicago Bears, and Gummi Bears! Oh my!.
Trevor: The silver lining in 3D-printed guns.
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
Jim Jefferies: James Gunn, bad jokes and Twitter outrage.
Stephen: An offer for the newly Jewish Paul Ryan.
Vice News: Who’s afraid of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Everyone.
Trevor: Jim Jordan and the “Locker Room Talk” excuse.
Stephen: How the 2018 midterms became about bigfoot porn.
Jimmy Kimmel: Bigfoot porn is a thing
Michelle Wolf: Untested rape kits:
Pussy Riot’s World Cup protest explained.
Trevor: The world is on fire.
Samantha Bee: Asgardia—The real space nation.
Anti-corruption victory in Michigan.
Wendover: How Africa is becoming China’s China.
Stephen: Obama and Biden at a bakery is weirdly erotic.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So basically Rep. Jordan is being accused of ignoring reports of abuse. If so, how is this different from Joe Paterno?
Looks like CalFire is throwing everything available into fighting the fires, with backup from the California Army and Air National Guard.
Interesting Video about the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. They fight more than wildfires, including suburban and exurban county fire departments, search and rescue, and in one case, beach lifeguard duty.
There’s absolutely no denying the fact that Trump is enthusiastically supported by violent racists, white supremacists, proto-fascists, and neo-Nazis:
“Gibson organized a pro-President Donald Trump free speech rally”
Which not only says something about Trump, but also about other people who support Trump, too.
@2 This happens every summer. California’s hills have been burning regularly for 10,000 years. You feel for the victims, of course, but when will people learn to not build in these places? Same with flood plains … humans have no common sense.
These aged well
@3 He is Hitler recreated – naturally anyone that supports him is by virtue a Nazi.
The downside of democracy is that dumbasses get to vote, too.
As Mrs. Rabbit points out, the “Q” in “QAnon” doesn’t stand for IQ.
The way white supremacist hate has boiled over into the open this last week and a right-wing lynch-mob mentality has been unleashed, I fear for our loon. If riding a tractor while black is a bad idea, you know, seeing as how you can find yourself being strangled to death by cops, being a black loon hanging out with rabidized white supremacists is surely a worse idea. I just hope something bad doesn’t happen our loon! SAD!
@8 I wonder if they would have welcomed the loon to join them in their little beauty of a gathering. Could you imagine if these people got their way – there would no longer be the need of a Loon Decoder.
Do you think Bob would give the loon safe heaven?
@8 Your concern for the loon is touching. I hope he stays away from his friends. Especially those attending rallies equipped with guns, knives, and brass knuckles. They might not believe he’s one of theirs.
In Portland, they’re fighting it out with rocks and bottles.
Hope the loon isn’t there. He’s supposed to be in church.
Why is it that I always manage to get in line in the grocery store behind the guy who wants to argue about the price of everything, and then, after a lengthy hot air barrage, the idiot tries to finally pay by using a third-party check, written against an out-of-state bank?
@1 It beckons back to the halcyon days of a small unpopular group arriving on America’s shows. The Puritan’s and they made guilt by association an American thing.
Still in some ways it never went far enough. As it certainly did not stope the Puritans from acquiring land from the natives cheaply. It does not stop us from hiring un documented workers from watching our children, cleaning our homes, or do our lawns and occasional sign at weddings. We are not like the Germans who collectively are still suffering massive guilt about WWII (a little less so if they were formerly East German).
The combination of hypocrisy and guilt by association is a witches brew newspapers and American’s cannot resist. It may make us glow in the dark, or streak but man we love it.
@3 These folks are going to vote for someone. The question you should be asking is how do we get them to vote democrat, It is a big tent party. Can multi culturalism find space for them? Embrace their differences? Must the party wait until this group becomes the oppressed minority. What happens that day there is no longer a white majority? Do Hispanics rediscover their European roots?
14 – Well, my calling them “deplorable” didn’t help.
@12 Lucky I suppose maybe you should buy a lottery ticket when you get your chance.
@4 If only people built like they did during the time of the Spanish Land grants the buildings would not be so susceptible to fire. That style of building fits in well in an environment that burns regularly. Flood plains can be dealt with in part by building on stilts. These things can be mandated by local ordinance in the building codes. Or local government in self interest can limit building on a flood plain or barrier island, saving money at some point. Yet these are unpopular with politicians and it makes them look unsupportive of the American dream and property rights.
Stock holders also get nervous when governments get uppity as they fear correctly government may slice and dice on the concept that corporations are people. They are not but the creation of the government. Arguable they should not be required to maximize profits or even to plough profits back to the stock holders if they are created for those purposes as well.
Would Cascadia nationalize Boeing and Amazon. Hmmm never seen anything on the subject in their literature. Which could be why the CEOs of those companies might say the brochure sure looks nice.
@8 You are really from Alabama.
The sun is setting. Oh, my, I sure hope the loon’s luck didn’t run out. Maybe he’ll show up and spew some mindless hate at us just to let us know he’s okay!
@12 Shop in a blue neighborhood, problem solved.
On Tuesday there’s a special election for an Ohio House seat held by the GOP since 1983. Voter registrations are 2-to-1 Republican in that district, which Trump carried by 11 points. But he’s underwater there now, and the GOP is pulling out all the stops to try to save the seat.
My neighborhood IS a blue neighborhood.
Speak of the devil senile idiot wabbit FART @3.
So the mayor told the Portland po-po-5-o not to come to ICE’s aid.
You all built this libtards! These are the vomit producing dead toad’s bestus friends. Socialist, Anarchist and Communist unite with the Fascists! The DUMMOCRETIN party of the future!
Till Next Time!
Portland used to be a really wonderful city. I lived there for over 30 years, and throughly enjoyed it. Now, whenever I visit, I’m appalled at what I see. It seems to be vying with Seattle to be the looniest city in the Pacific Northwest. – A dude whom used to live in Portland!
Wait for it…
Till Next Time!
LOL! The babbling bougie butthole @24 has put HA HEROES FIRST yet again…
FIRST ahead of the weekly grind in the salt mines with the salt mining buddy…
Heh. The fiend so NEEDS US! Too damn funny!
Flat Beer Froth … These aged well too
“The sad reality is that Democrats will heap praise on you until they believe you are on “the wrong side of history.” And by that, they mean if you disagree with even minor political points.”
YEP! – click on images
YEP, they aged very well!
It arrived right on time just above… With its gratuitous useless link to its never read blog! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Till Next Time!
POD @25
Once again the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset puts Puddy FIRST on Saturday night! Must be Mrs creepy clueless cretin is at another SEIU event getting out of the hovel dealing with this useless TOOL!
If Puddy needed you why didn’t Puddy post yesterday you FOOL?
Wait for it…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It is sooooooooooooooooooo DAYUM stooooooooooooooooooopid even shitstain steve looks intelligent next to the creepy clueless crazed cretin!
BTW if you didn’t know its monomaniacal too!
Till Next Time!
Notice that the babbling bougie butthole freak @ 27 has…
HA HEROES (especially Rog Rabbit) lives RENT-FREE in its pin head!
“If Poodebutt needed you why didn’t Poodebutt post yesterday”
LOL! Freako, you’ve NEEDED HA HEROES on Fridays after sunset too..
The full report WILL BE POSTED..
Meanwhile the hanging human teabag licker won’t have to worry much…
Till Next Time!
The full report WILL BE POSTED..
POD is strong in this one @29.
379 attacks from the crazed databaze only one was real!
That’s 0.00263852242 or .26% accurate!
Till Next Time!
Baaaaaaack to the salt mines!
The freak is too funny!
The babbling bougie butthole freak puts HA HEROES FIRST!
Since the above post was called spam… Google Podesta and Pizzagate!
And Mueller gave this guy a walking pass because he’s DUMMOCRETIN and lobbied for foreign governments but was for #CrookedHillary!
Till Next Time!
Since the above post was called spam… Google
What would libtards think if Trump weaponizes the IRS as Obummer did and goes after the Podestas and Perkins Coie? How cum DUMMOCRETIN SCUM get a free Mueller pass when their wrong doing is worse than Manafort?
Maybe we’ll see the unredacted FISA warrant that the NYSlimes received from the affair of their reporter with the libtard senate aide! Of course you HA DUMMOCRETINS forgot that eh?
Now that would be DAYUM FUNNY!
Till Next Time!
Verified account
Aug 2
There’s a very angry man on my light rail train who claims to be God, and says he’s going to kill us all and condemn us to eternal damnation. I’d vote for him over Trump.
But here’s the thing, Goldy: A whole lotta people used similar rationale to vote for Trump over Hillary. And they weren’t fucking joking around.
Is it still funny to you?
I was away for a few days – it’s what having a bit of cash allows one to do, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit – and I don’t know if this was mentioned by anyone.
New deal sets starting pay for Edmonds teachers at $62,688
That’s up $10k from last year and is a result of the McCleary funding. In addition to the pay increase, the ascendance from starting salary to top-of-range salary can occur in 14 years instead of 28.
These two are the “bright lights” of DUMMOCRETIN thought and Mueller decided to use Tony against Manafort?
These are your peeps HA DUMMOCRETINS. And y’all have the audacity to attack Trump when this FILTH is next to your “revered’ leaders?
Sad and so true!
Kinda strange isn’t it.
For some reason Goldy didn’t retweet this:
Judd Legum
Verified account
22h22 hours ago
Average job growth, Trump’s first 19 months: 194,000
Average job growth, Obama’s last 19 months: 205,000
cc: @realDonaldTrump
I think it’s because he prefers stupid snark to factual information that would actually be helpful to his cause.
What does he retweet, instead, from the same source? This idiocy:
Goldy Retweeted
Judd Legum✔
Just a reminder that someone stole George W. Bush’s debate prep book (and videotapes!) and sent it to the Gore campaign and they immediately turned all the materials over to the FBI
Jul 30, 2018
Meanwhile at a bastion of libtard thought processes
In a city run by libtards voting for libtards in a county run by libtards voting for libtards in a state run by libtard voting for libtards you’d think something like this would never happen right? Well them libtards are more nasty than Republicans eh?
Till Next Time!
Podesta and Reddit…
Till Next Time!
@39 Things like that can happen anywhere. Even Stanford has a College Republicans chapter and a Conservative Society. Hey, I’m not accusing anyone of anything, or suggesting a correlation, I’m simply saying that even “liberal” campuses have bad influences …
Yet Mueller allowed Podesta to run and become states evidence because he’s a DUMMOCRETIN loving DUMMOCRETIN!
These two have the ears of Washington Deep State DUMMOCRETINS! Yet all we hear is Trump this and Trump that!
Think on your sins FOOLS! You can’t make this up! You built this since the 1990s!
Till Next Time!
@38 You’re right, turning in stolen goods to the cops isn’t news. It’s only news when people receiving stolen goods decide to keep them and use them for nefarious purposes.
As for the jobs figures, hiring dropped to 154,000 last month. This is all we get for $1.5 trillion of debt? The working class won’t be pleased. They may even feel scammed.
I’m simply saying that even “liberal” campuses have bad influences …
They have senile idiot wabbit FARTS as bad influences just like HA DUMMOCRETINS does!
Till Next Time!
Friend of yours? She’s totally right you know?
666 in Hebrew. “There’s a cross. What has Christ to do with an energy drink?”
Flat beer froth or is it still checkmate-252,
Till Next Time!
Freak accident inNew Jersey. While training to be well regulated
, two militia members hit by friendly fire.
Meanwhile, a 65 year-old Idaho militia struck a blow for freedom leaving the insurgent next door with life threatening injuries.
“Pizzagate” is now in the mainstream of Republican ideology.
Trump won. Elections have consequences. This is who they are now.
@44 As I said, nothing good ever comes from College Republicans.
Or any other Republicans.
@47 @48 Anyone who accidentally shoots another person should be banned from ever having a gun again. This will happen automatically if the shooter is convicted of involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide, or, if the victim survives, felony endangerment; but in most cases, endangerment is a misdemeanor, which does not carry automatic revocation of firearms privileges. It may, however, be within the judge’s discretion to order the person to have no contact with guns thereafter. And, if you can’t handle a firearm without accidentally shooting someone, you obviously shouldn’t be trusted with any gun.
“Pizzagate” is now in the mainstream of Republican ideology.
Like Tony Podesta’s art collection Klamath Mountian Hillbilly?
Till Next Time!
Remember CNN FAKE NEWS Jim Acosta “feared” for his life!
Naaaaah naaaaah naaaah
Till Next Time!
It’s nice to see that the loon’s white supremacist friends didn’t lynch him, but OMG, there’s so much mindless loon hate being spewed! This is what Peak Hate looks like. SAD!
2004 senile idioit wabbit FART?
Till Next Time!
When you are a leftist on Twatter you can say anything…
Till Next Time!
Till Next Time!
Till Next Time!
It’s so cute when you don’t read….
Seems like they take this stuff pretty seriously at Stanford.
it’s even cuter when you don’t think.
Stanford has a “population” of students/faculty/staff of roughly 32,000 people
32000/190reports of Sexual Assault/Harassment= 0.59% of people at Stanford.
That’s strikingly lower than the national average for Rape and Sexual assault (not including Harassment) in the U.S. as a whole according to Bureau of Justice Statistics which cites 21.1 victims per 1000 Americans. (Quick what % of 1000 is 21? I’ll give you a hint…it’s nearly quadruple what happened at Stanford when you INCLUDE workplace harassment and not just rape and physical sexual assault) Take it down to just Rape and unwanted touching at Stanford and you get…
Rape physical Abuse experience as a percentage of Population:
Stanford 0.13
America 2.11
Wow, you got a live one there.
Could Stanford do better, of course. Are they doing better than the general population? Of course.
Hmmmmmmmmm……….. You had something to say?
Here, I rewrote your post for you:
Liberal educational bastion has far, far, far lower crime rate than America. Full Stop. But I, the great Piddles will hold up that lower crime rate as to how corrupt Universities are. Because Universities are Libtard and out in real America we’re less criminal than liberals Everyone knows. See I proved it. There’s a study. And it says something. Kablammo. Too Damn Funny.
@47 @48 Anyone who accidentally shoots another person should be banned from ever having a gun again.
Say, what happened to that SS dude who back-flipped, dropped his gun, and shot someone at the bar while he was picking it up?
So 45 admitted on Twitter today that the purpose of Trump Tower meeting with “my most excellent son who if he was a girl I’d sleep with he’s so handsome and strong and damn, I want him!” was indeed to get intel on HRC.
It has been established that Jr. knew they were Russian. It’s established that he LOVED the idea of getting intel from Russia. It’s been established that not only did the meeting happen but it included not just Jr. but Paul Manafort, campaign chair, and current prisoner of the Federal penal system during trial.
No Collusion.
I don’t imaging it matters to Dr. Dumbfuck, Piddles or the resident pop in in the middle of the night to drop 10-15 comments Adams that 45 just admitted his campaign accepted campaign aid from a foreign intelligence service which is actually, for real, against the law. 45 Described it in his Tweet as “Perfectly legal”
52 U.S. Code § 30121 – Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition It shall be unlawful for—
(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
(A) a contribution or donation of money or thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election
Off to The Isle of Mercer to watch the fast boats and ridiculous planes do ridiculous things. Til Next Time
Uncritical thinker @ 59
Provost Persis Drell wrote in a letter accompanying the report. “I believe the actual numbers of incidents of wrongful sexual conduct are probably larger than are being reported to us.”
If the numbers are higher than reported, then your Stanford:America comparison is bullshit.
Which is fully consistent with your posting history on HA.
Republicans set up meetings with Russian spies to form cooperative agreements on how the White House should be run.
Trump won. Elections have consequences. This is who they are now.
Flat beer frothy is a real moron! Did Puddy discuss anything that flat beer froth put forth in statistics above?
Puddy asked… In a city run by libtards voting for libtards in a county run by libtards voting for libtards in a state run by libtards voting for libtards you’d think something like this would never happen right?
Every answer flat beer froth puts forth is a genuine TRAIN WRECK! Change the subject or better yet confuse dem libtards with magical figures!
When you can’t beat them use statistics! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Till Next Time!
Maybe take a sec to look up how many rapes and sexual assaults in the U.S as a whole are believed to go unreported.
Otherwise, someone might think you are monumentally dishonest. Wait…
Til next time.
Republicans respond to reports of their own elected leaders setting up meetings with Russian spies to form conspiracies by inventing literally impossible conspiracy theories about satanic ritual child sacrifice within the “Black Guy” White House.
Trump won. Elections have consequences. This is who they are now.
Republicans respond to reports of their own elected leaders setting up actual real meetings with Russian spies to form actual real conspiracies by seeking weak causal correlation between something, something dirty hippie and … BENGHAAAZIIII!!!!
Trump won. Elections have consequences. This is who they are now.
There will be rampant sex crime at Texas A&M
They’re raping every woman in Utah
There is daily sexual harassment at U of Tennessee (google Manning, quarterback sexual assault Tennessee)
Because those places are not Liberal bastions they are nearly exclusively GOP controlled cities and legislatures and Governors and republicans are Expected to be sexual predators so it’s just natural.
Well played Piddles. You got me there. I think I’ll vote Republican now.
Yes, yes. Because some baby-talking cult member lit his hair on fire and began punching himself in the face over and over again, and because somebody, I can’t remember who, might have mentioned that Michelle Obama said “whitey”, maybe, but can’t be sure, millions of voters find themselves too distracted to notice all the treason meetings.
So they will also vote Republican. Because… reasons. But absolutely positively not racism. No way. That’s “uncivil”. Also MS-13!
Another TRAIN WRECK @68.
Not well played at all. BULLSHITTIUM from a three miles away! You scream and shout butt nuthin you scream and shout about is worthwhile commentary!
How did Peyton get off?
Till Next Time!
Meanwhile more proof vomit producing dead toadie’s friends are DUMMOCRETIN SCUM…
Beating up old ladies. Waytogo libtardos!
Till Next Time!
What will the Klamath Mountain Hillbilly think about this?
“Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) reportedly had a Chinese spy infiltrate her office for some 20 years.”
Well the LA TImes told us about it in 1997…
“Already, federal investigators have detected that the Chinese government might attempt to seek favor with Feinstein. Last year, she was one of six members of Congress who received warnings from the FBI that China might try to improperly influence them through illegal campaign contributions. There is no evidence that Feinstein received such contributions.”
Amazing the TRUTH we learn about DUMMOCRETINS!
CRETINS all of them!
Till Next Time!
The “grandmas” in question are well known white supremacists who have frequently attended neo-Nazi affiliated East Side White Pride events, re-blogged and retweeted overtly racist and pro-Nazi slogans, and routinely associate with convicted criminals and white supremacist organizers.
Trump won. Elections have consequences. This is who you are now.
Oh no this guy left the DUMMOCRETIN reservation…
Till Next Time!
Oh my…
Till Next Time!
So that gives the right to physically attack two elderly ladies because you don’t like them Klamath Mountain Hillbilly?
You DUMMOCRETINS are speshul!
Till Next Time!
This demonstrates the lowest level of stooooooooooooooooooooopidity of media libtards
Till Next Time!
I never attacked the white supremacist neo-Nazis grandmas.
But as a good Republican you certainly came to their defense.
Republicans respond to reports of their own elected leaders setting up actual real meetings with actual real Russian spies to form criminal conspiracies by re-Tweeting Russian bot-farm sourced videos of some glue-sniffing, 17-year-old skate punk spitting on a cop. And this actually works.
Trump won. Elections have consequences. This is who they are now.
Psycho-laughs. Double posts. Mindless hate. The loon is really bringing it! Gotta love it. Nobody does Peak Hate like our loon.
Seen on a shirt worn yesterday by one of the
ProudFat Boy “very fine people” our Republican Trolls have decided to defend:“PINOCHET DID NOTHING WRONG!”
Trump won. Elections have consequences. This is who they are now.
@61 Well, of course, the stolen emails that Fat Donny and Junior got from the foreign power were not a “thing of value” because Putin gave it to them free out of the goodness of his heart, expecting nothing in return.
@62 Unless there’s a similar incidence of unreported rape in general society you’re overlooking, in which case you’re the uncritical thinker.
“I never attacked the white supremacist neo-Nazis grandmas”
Heh. But I do remember when Mark Musser of the BIAW attacked the Grandma Cookies for Charity Club for being a den of commie-fascist Jihadists.
@64 “you’d think something like this would never happen right?”
No reasonable person would think that, but a moron might base his argument on such an unrealistic expectation, especially a moron with ulterior motives. Kinda like Republicans demanding onerous barriers to voting because 10 out of 5 billion votes were fraudulent.
Everything is relative; a co-ed is safer at Stanford than at Ken Starr’s Rape University, so which would you rather send your daughter to?
“Kinda like Republicans demanding onerous barriers to voting because 10 out of 5 billion votes were fraudulent.”
More significant is their consistent inability to draw any kind of rational relationship between the proposed barriers and any measurable reduction in fraud, while simultaneously leaving behind mountains of records attesting to their expectation that the barriers will reduce turnout among the young, the poor, and the elderly.
It’s well past time to stop pretending that Republicans have sincere, public minded motivations for anything. They’ve crossed a line and sided with foreign enemies over their own countrymen. They are no longer Americans. They are just Republicans. Full stop. Politics is war by other means. They understand that. It’s time for Democrats to understand it also.
Damn! Pizzagate???? The babbling bougie butthole troll has been in a
HATE FRENZY!!! Salt mine musta caved in!
Hysterical! Keep entertaining us. It’s too damn funny!
Keep putting HA HEROES FIRST O fiendish fool!
It doesn’t stop with Pizzagate.
Remember Corey Stewart’s running mate? The one with the Facebook author page promoting his Bigfoot Erotica novel?
Well, because the 63 million arm-fishing meatbags who voted for Russia-First! are nothing if not instantly re-programmable, the LA Times reported last week that thanks to exploding interest among the not-so-closeted pedophiles of the alt-Right, “Bigfoot Erotica” is shooting up the rankings on Amazon.
In a desperate bid too fuel the rise of Trump, they burned their pulpit to ashes.
If you are in Washington’s 9th district you may want to watch this.
“Protesters were searched as they headed into the park and multiple weapons were confiscated, including clubs, a baseball bat and shields emblazoned with the Confederate flag.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gee, I wonder who the troublemakers in Portland are?
@ 90
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gee, I wonder who the troublemakers in Portland are?
Well, that might be easier for you than doing something about Chicago, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
In less than 7 hours, 40 shot, 4 fatally as violence rips Chicago
Be sure to point out the Confederate flag sticker on the butt of one of the handguns used, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Come on Chris! You know that you and Faux Faked News have started many wars!
You reap what you sow. Take it like a man you Dumbfuck. You mother fuckers created this Nazi. Live with it; you fucking war mongerers.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Grills John Bolton Over Trump’s Attacks On Media
Man that’s a lot of shit the loon laid here today.
Nothing at all is happening. Shelby County TN held an election. It did not go well for GOP who lost a Mayor and really any say in anything for at least the next two years.
@91 ohhhhh Bob, stop ignoring and sweeping shit into you ass and burrying your ass in the sand, you Dumbfuck
Fake news! Rigged by Derp State Globulists in league with the Bilderberg Satanic Pedophile Pizza Dungeon conspiracy!
“Be sure to point out the Confederate flag sticker on the butt of one of the handguns used, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Why bother? When every Republican candidate faithfully comes through with Bigfoot SizeQueen tattoos on their actual butts, the Stars and Bars are kinda anticlimactic.
Trump won! Elections have consequences! This is who you are now…
@97 Notice that when I mention Trump’s loyal little Nazis, he changes the subject …
7)Q Clearance is Department of Energy, not the White House.
What other real choices do any of them have?
They’ve thrown everything they ever were behind a mob of incompetent, Nazi loving, Russian puppets. To avoid looking at that they’ll do whatever it takes. Why do you suppose Dumbfuck’s little Loon sidekick is suddenly experiencing “The Rapture” and discovering coded messages from Satan on every bus bench ad? The only way for loyal Roypublicans to get through this is for them to get really weird really fast. If Dumbfuck can adjust to finding out he married a lesbian, I’m confident he can adjust to this. Their chicken dancing is just getting started.
“Portland’s police chief has ordered a review of her officers’ behavior at a far-right rally Saturday after police were accused of a bloody, heavy-heavy crackdown against anti-fascist protesters …. [W]itnesses said the police protected the right-wing protesters … fired flash-bang grenades at counterprotesters … [and] rushed anti-fascist protesters and shoved some of them out of the street. …
“Police ‘targeted Portland residents peacefully counter-protesting against racist far-right groups, including white supremacists, white nationalists, and neo-Nazi gangs,’ the Oregon chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Portland chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America said in a statement Saturday. The groups called on officials to investigate.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The police chief has ordered an investigation, and we’ll just have to wait for the results, but if this is true, there should be disciplinary actions. Police are supposed to protect citizens and maintain peace, not take sides — especially the wrong side.
More dumbfucks who think Sikhs are Muslims.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump incites these haters, so if you support Trump, you’re facilitating it.
Hey kiddies, it’s play time! A liberal intellectual offers his liberal-biased predictions for 2018 and 2020. Keep in mind this is only for entertainment purposes, so don’t get your panties twisted in a knot over it.
(1) Democrats will retake the House this fall.
(2) Pelosi will serve 1 more term as Speaker, then step down.
(3) Elizabeth Warren will be the 2020 Democratic nominee.
(4) Neither Trump nor Pence will be the 2020 GOP nominee.
Trump will be the Republican nominee. It’s his party. And he won’t be going anywhere. It just isn’t in his nature to ever admit he can’t win and step aside. And by now he’s got enough of his party’s base of degenerate meatbags to go along with whatever insane conspiracy nonsense he comes up with that it’ll be a trivial feat to convince them that a “Derp State” Satanic EEEMail conspiracy “stole the election”.
By cutting a deal with Russians and Nazis, Trump bought himself the bot-farm enabled undying fealty of 63 million credulous dupes for him to use as he sees fit for as long as he likes. It’s his party and there is absolutely nobody on the right wing horizon willing, much less capable of taking it away from him. He’ll play with these tools, and milk them for their disability checks, for as long as he lives, and the Roypublican party will play right along.
Trump won. Elections have consequences. This is who they are now, and for a long, long time to come.