The Atlantic: Life lessons—Everything is temporary.
Vox: How your split ends can help clean oil spills
John Oliver: Lost graphics, Vol. 3.
Trevor celebrates Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday.
WaPo: A 50-year-old photo mystery.
Eric Schwartz: I don’t know (A Sadly Topical Blues):
Stephen with Rep. Joe Kennedy III: House Republicans are doing nothing.
Jim Jefferies: Is America REALLY number one?
Vox: How 156 years of British rule shaped Hong Kong.
Mental Floss: The surprising history of Las Vegas and the Rat Pack!.
Now this World: Nelson Mandela’s legacy in South Africa today.
Trevor: Barack Obama’s Mandela address and world emoji day.
WaPo: Technology and luck—how cold cases are solved
Treasonous Трамп And His Tumultuous Treachery:
- Jimmy Kimmel: NRA Infiltrated by Russians?
- Stephen interviews Sean Hannity’s interview of The Dotard Трамп
- Rachel Maddow: New dots connect Mariia Butina case to K.T. McFarland and Mike Flynn
- Rachel Maddow: Sally Yates—W.H. knew flynn was under investigation…
- Seth Meyers: GOP refuses to hold Трамп accountable on Russia
- Trevor: The Putin plot thickens with an alleged Russian spy
- Late Show: Let’s all go to the summit!
- Ari Melber: NRA-linked Russian charged with being foreign agent
- Stephen: Kirstjen Nielsen doesn’t think Russia meddled to help Трамп
- Young Turks: Трамп gets TRIGGERED!
- Mark Fiore: Doubly negative.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Queen Elizabeth threw major shade at The Dotard
- Samantha Bee: Здравствуйте to our new mother Russia
- Seth Meyers: Katy Tur got Трамп to answer a question about Russia by complimenting him first
- SuperDeluxe: The Dotard Трамп doesn’t see why it would/wouldn’t be Russia
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Could The Dotard Трамп’s tax returns explain Helsinki performance?
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп News Network—Putin summit
- Our Cartoon President: The Трамп–Putin press conference
- Late Show: The first interview with Трамп’s translator
- Jonathan Mann: If you don’t bow down to Vladimir and Don
- Trevor: British journalists get Трампed for the first time
- Rachel Maddow: Plenty for Congress to do if it wants to deal with The Dotard Трамп crisis
- Stephen: Was Helsinki a “top-three” worst moment of Трамп’s presidency?
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s royal protocol breaches
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Vladimir Putin made a big mistake in his presser with The Dotard.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп lies about would & wouldn’t
- Ali Velshi: “I have the best words”
- Rachel Maddow: Трамп admin waffles on standing up for Americans against Putin
- Ari Melber: FAUX News defends Трамп’s Russian media gaffe after criticizing it
- Trevor: Трамп blames his Putin summit debacle on a slip of the tongue
- Stephen: Finally there is bipartisan agreement—Трамп Blew It
- Michele Wolf: ICE Is:
- Vox: A surreal moment in US politics
- Jimmy Kimmel: Imagine FAUX News coverage if Obama supported Putin
- Michelle Wolf: Segment Time
- Late Show: The fly on the wall at the Трамп-Putin meeting
- Sam Seder: The Dotard Трамп should be terrified of new Cohen bombshell
- Stephen: Трамп walks back his “would” for a “wouldn’t”
- Rachel Maddow: Time for Americans to face “worst case scenario” on Treasonous Трамп
- Seth Meyers: Republicans fall in line after Трамп–Putin summit
- WaPo: Democrat vets in Congress slam Трамп’s Helsinki meeting
- Trevor: Трамп doing a bad thing publicly doesn’t make it better
- Our Cartoon President: Full episode 11
- Ari Melber: Rep. Lieu, Трамп-Putin summit a “obscene, disgraceful” moment in history
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп Derangement Syndrome
- Seth Meyers: Трамп Derangement Syndrome, et al.
- Stephen: What do you mean Трамп and Putin are meeting again?
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Senate decided in 3 minutes to rebuke The Dotard
- Samantha Bee: Goodbye, Roe v. Wade
- Ali Velshi: Is The Dotard Трамп committing treason?
- Jonathan Mann: Maria Butina is a (GOP + NRA) Russian spy
- Late Show: Double negative junction
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Трамп/Putin summit
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Трамп changes one word. What about the rest?
- Stephen: Maria Butina, the Russia agent, had a Republican boyfriend
- Rob Reiner demands Трамп meets with Mueller:
- Trevor: Трамп’s U.K. visit unites the British
- Rachel Maddow: Butina case raises questions on Russia’s role in Rex W. Tillerson
- Seth Meyers: Трамп meets Putin and Melania’s yellow dress
- Ari Melber: Трамп stands by embrace of Putin, says he misspoke one word
- Stephen with Lewis Black: Reclaiming the summer from Трамп
Vox: We produce 13 tons of hazardous waste every second
Minute Physics: Feynman’s lost lecture on planetary orbits.
Whoopi Goldberg OWNS FAUX News host.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship
WaPo: A key innovation in how we use the pill today.
Vox: Road diets—designing a safer street.
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
Wendover: How airports make money
Stephen: The NRA-linked Russian spy who isn’t The Dotard Трамп.
Vox: The (mostly) true story of hobo graffiti.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Wonder how much longer the Director of National intelligence will be staying in office. Laughing at the President, guess that hurt hurt his feelings.
Since this is Multimedia Extravaganza thread.
Uber Driver. He’s live streaming their trip, what they look like, what they say, what they do. He didn’t tell them that he’s doing it. He’s making money off of it. Buyer beware, you wanted unregulated and cheaper, here’s a result.
In just five years one Ohio Congressman spent $64,000 from his leadership PAC on tickets for Broadway shows.
Orange County CA
53 Year Old Grandfather arrested after he left a gun accessible to children. It was found by his four year old Grandson who shot and killed a two year old cousin.
Firearms keep your homemade family safe.
OK, now HERE’s a self-defense shooter who ought to be tried and convicted for manslaughter.
There’s really good video and the guy he shot was backing up when the trigger was pulled.
The shooter’s got history, too. Although apparently that doesn’t count.
@ 1
Laughing at the President, guess that hurt hurt his feelings.
US Army General – Ret. Stanley McChrystal could not be reached for comment.
@ 2
You’re absolutely right, Red.
If anything is going to support the price of a taxi medallion, it’s this article.
Bombshell, dude.
Two things we know: the United States is full to the brim with handguns and video cameras.
Another thing we know: Dumbfuck will never tire of watching unarmed black men get shot.
Times are tough for people like YLB. It’s gettin’ harder and harder to score some free shit these days, what with all of the Obama-supporting freeloaders with their hands out at the same time. Way too many hands, way too few calluses.
Girlfriend, next one you squeeze out oughta be at a restaurant bathroom stall.
Texas dad delivers his own daughter in a Chick-fil-A bathroom, earning the ‘Little Nugget’ free food for life
Jus’ don’t try it on a Sunday.
Mr. Safety School, Esq. is holding a fire sale if you’re really interested.
Speaking of Mr. Safety School, Esq. Pissident PornSweat this morning during his routine early AM constipation fueled rage-Tweets tossed his former atty under the Red Square tank parade.
This guy is so fucked. SDNY isn’t dealing with him because it looks like his records gave them everything they need to make their cases. His patron has formally abandoned him. And he’s out of money.
If he’s got anything of any value for Mueller he’d better offer it up quickly. His shelf life may be running out.
“‘Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning) – almost unheard of,’ Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday morning. ‘Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client – totally unheard of & perhaps illegal. The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!'”
No, it’s not, asshole. It’s called a “search warrant” and “covering your ass” when your client is a criminal — in this case, a stupid criminal. See ya in jail, buddy!
Two things have always been obvious: One, Trump demands loyalty and gives none back. Two, inevitably this would come back to bite him someday.
Personally, I think they’re all going to flip. Everybody Trump has screwed. Which is everyone who’s ever dealt with him in any fashion.
@3 I’m sure his lobbyist donors feel they got their money’s worth. Swamp creatures have done very well since Jan. 3, 2017.
Don’t forget, most of those recordings (insofar as they were not in furtherance of any criminal conspiracy) is privileged.
Which of course raises an interesting point: The NYT quotes “…lawyers and other familiar with the recording”. The specific recording in question, regarding the arrangements to payoff the earlier 2006 greasy porn fuck lady, was identified in filings with the court as privileged attorney-client material. The FBI returned it to Cohen and Pissident PornSweat back in May. The SDNY FBI are rather famously pro-Trump/anit-Clinton, etc. So while it’s possible that the NYT’s source is that office, the person responsible would be taking a huge risk that a colleague would be able to identify them. More likely that either Cohen’s lawyers or PornSweat’s lawyers are the source. Within minutes of NYT publishing, Gulie is on teevee talking up the tape, etc. And now PornSweat is rage-Tweeting about it. And obviously lying about it by pretending he just found out. Again, his lawyers would have learned about the existence of these recordings no later than May. I’d like to know what PornSweat is trying to distract from this time.
@5 What, Doctor Dumbfuck is crying in his coffee over a black thug getting shot by a white guy in Florida? Are you having an epiphany, doc? Or just growing weak in your dotage?
In most states, the legal standard for using deadly force in self-defense is: Would a reasonable person conclude the shooter was in imminent danger of death or grievous bodily harm?
As we’ve seen again here, as a de facto matter, “stand your ground” replaces that standard with “getting punched by a black guy,” a much lower burden of justification. Stealing a handicapped parking space from an elderly (white) person piles on “they had it coming” as a mitigating factor.
This guy would be in jail if the thug was white. Keep in mind the cop refusing to arrest him is an elected sheriff, not a tenured civil servant. He’s gotta keep his (white) constituents happy. That necessitates enforcing the unwritten statute that black life is cheap in his racist shithole county. That’s the only law that really matters there.
@9 “Times are tough for people like YLB. It’s gettin’ harder and harder to score some free shit these days, what with all of the Obama-supporting freeloaders with their hands out at the same time. Way too many hands, way too few calluses.”
That’s nothing, wait until Paul Ryan’s ilk dismantle Medicare. Btw, how many calluses did you get from poring over x-rays at a light table?
Doc, sometimes you’re too funny for words.
@14 Even privileged shit is admissible in the court of public opinion.
I thought I should also follow up, that regardless of the source, any legit news org like NYT would not go to publication with a story revealing privileged attorney-client communications without first getting clearance from their legal department. It’s 101 stuff. For any editor interested in protecting their job it’s the first move. If the source were either Cohen or the FBI, the legal department advice would remain the same: you cannot publish. Only the client can release privilege. So the only source that would make it past the NYT legal team would be the client.
This story about the recording is a carefully timed charade with a purpose. A shoe is about to drop…
“Trump waited 27 hours, sent five tweets and sat for two television interviews after his initial comments in Helsinki before claiming he’d used a confusing “double negative” and meant “would” instead of “wouldn’t”…”
Treason Party voters “believe” what they must and act accordingly, knowing it may destroy our country.
@ 15
In most states, the legal standard for using deadly force in self-defense is: Would a reasonable person conclude the shooter was in imminent danger of death or grievous bodily harm?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, with that piece about fleeing felon doctrine you have disqualified yourself as any authority on legal standards. I’d sooner listen to the crack addict on the street who isn’t too strung out to know that if you were shot five times in the front of your body, you weren’t fleeing a cop when the trigger was pulled.
Heh. The oldest just graduated college. We had a fine time!
The youngest? Next year’s tuition is paid for… Doesn’t need much more after that and …
Graduation #2…
Life is good!
@1 Harry Truman would fire the SOB so why can’t Trump.
Since Democrats want war with Russia.
Proposing the following as your battle song.
@3 Guess Broadway is popular in Ohio. Particularly if the Democratic congress people from Ohio spend money on Broadway tickets to get money out of their donors. Hey it’s political speech. You do need to make sure the actors don’t get into the game though. Unless it plays well with your base.
“Since Democrats want war with Russia.”
And trolls want appeasement…
blah, blah, yawn..
@14 “Don’t forget, most of those recordings (insofar as they were not in furtherance of any criminal conspiracy) is privileged.”
Not anymore.
@20 There you go, doc, changing the subject. Wanna tell us why you’re suddenly going soft on black thugs who assault white people? Trump would not approve. He might even revoke your membership in his Dumbfuck Fan Club.
@22 Truman wouldn’t have fired this DNS. He did, however, fire a rogue general who refused to follow the president’s orders.
Which is it, Shortbus?
Are you a pathological liar, or just phenomenally lazy?
All anyone has to do is read the fucking report to see that Tiberi is a Roypublican. Just like all anyone has to do is read the transcript to see that Mueller never testified to Congress that Hussein had WMDs.
winninglying@23 Curtis LeMay was a Democrat? I didn’t know. That explains why he and JFK were best buds. (snark)
You might also ask why Trump can’t fire Sessions, Rosenstein, or Mueller. Why can’t he?
There’s no doubt he has the constitutional authority.
If the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and GOP/NRA cooperation is such a “disgusting witch-hunt” why the fuck can’t your bloated orange porn emperor do anything but pussy-Tweet about it?
winningwhining“The League of The South, an organization described by analysts as a neo-confederate hate group, has launched a Russian language page on their website to explore shared ideas on ‘Southern nationalism.’
“‘We understand that the Russian people and Southerners are natural allies in blood, culture, and religion,’ Michael Hill, the league’s president, wrote in a letter addressed to ‘our Russian friends.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It was inevitable that the Old Confederacy — what’s left of it — would become a province of Greater Russia. They have so much in common.
@12 Generally most judges will mot issue a warrant on an attorney because they have so and so as a client. And if it later comes out the state raided an attorneys office because they are so and so’s client rather than the reason given for the warrant they tend to have hissy fits and generally throw the states case or evidence out.
@17 Unless the judge put standard boiler plate in saying the material was not to be released to the public. If it comes out who released it can be held for contempt by the judge. And you will have an upset judge, who will lock everything down as the case is in his court and not the court of public opinion.
@32 Say hello to Seattle sister city Tashkent, Uzbekistan bringing us closer to our southern brothers and sisters. Or are you going to do the right thing RR and insist your city end an association with Russia going back to the Soviet era. In fact was the first US-Soviet Russia sister city. Part of why some feel Washington has always been very communist friendly.
Honestly Shortbus. I think you’ll have better prospects lying about politics than lying about the law.
Since the Repujes want to fuck all the young adolescents
Propose the following:
Post your stupid fucking link here; the most stupid one you can find.
Since Repukes love to fuck animals and babies I propose the following (insert the fucking most pathetic nonsense link ever know to mankind here).
RIP Jonathan Gold..
He loved Los Angeles.
NYPD announced it’s initiating disciplinary proceedings against the cop who killed Eric Garner.
@ 39
YLB, was he a free food critic?
“Yeah, ya gotta stand in line for an hour or so but when they hand out that shit that doesn’t sell it still make your mouth water, lemmetellya.”
“New documents show that one month before the 2016 elections, the FBI sought permission to surveil Carter Page, the one-time foreign policy adviser to the campaign of Donald Trump, because they alleged he had been recruited by the Russian government. ‘The FBI believes the Russian government’s efforts are being coordinated with Page and perhaps other individuals associated with [Trump’s] campaign,’ the application with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s your collusion, trolls. Oh, and btw,
“The chances that President Trump will be impeached are rising, according to one Irish bookmaker, … from 8-1 to 2-1 … the betting company also increased the likelihood of Trump being impeached this year, from 12-1 to 8-1.”
The FISA application to spy on Carter Page was released today, pursuant to a FOIA request filed by NYT.
Yup. It’s the dossier they relied on. A Clinton campaign-funded document used by the FBI to obtain a warrant to spy on a former Trump campaign person.
Think about this during Trump’s re-election victory party.
I can wait. Plenty of time.
Michael Horowitz, the department’s inspector general, said in March that he would review whether the FBI and the Justice Department followed proper procedures when they applied for a warrant to secretly conduct surveillance on Page and his ties to Russia. (Reuters piece)
“was he a free food critic?”
He was a talented writer about the city he loved.
He wasn’t a hateful freak.
First food critic to win a Pulitzer. Long after I left LA I would still read his column.
I’m seeing some of my favorite LA chefs on Social Medias, both of the celebrity and hole-in-the-wall ethnic variety, paying tribute. He championed the little Philippino grocery and the Vera Cruz seafood spots near my Palms/Culver city apartment and they became regulars for me.
Legend. Farewell.
“the application also contained evidence against Mr. Page unrelated to the dossier, and an unredacted portion of the application discussed efforts by Russian agents in 2013 to recruit Americans as assets. It has previously been reported that Mr. Page was one of their targets, although any discussion of Mr. Page’s interactions with them in the application is still censored…
The materials also revealed which Federal District Court judges signed off on the wiretapping of Mr. Page: Judges Rosemary Collyer, Michael Mosman, Anne C. Conway and Raymond J. Dearie. All were appointed by Republican presidents.”®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well
Can’t wait till Pence is defeated in 2020..
Some ideas being pushed with Greyhound Canada withdrawing all service west of Ontario. One would be to restore Via Rail service cut 28 years ago. Good luck with that. The Federal Liberals went along with those cuts. One of them, was rerouting the Canadian via the Canadian National route. Would have to be a new service, the Canadian serves remote communities along the CN route in Western Ontario.
@ 48
I’m sure it will be as cost-efficient and as effective as the US Postal Service is.
Would be cheaper to just shrink Canada. Then people can walk.
When the economy is doing so well you know you can’t run on the poor performance of the economy and be successful at the ballot box, this is what you come up with instead:
Replying to @GoldyHA
3/ We spend so much time worrying about GDP or CPI or the unemployment rate or the trade deficit or the gross profit margins of intellectual-property-owning corporate giants, that we lose sight of the actual purpose of the economy: to broadly improve the lives of people.
Jul 20, 2018
Replying to @GoldyHA
2/ “Harms the economy”…? Really? Who the fuck is “the economy,” and why should I care about it? Give me more information about how digital theft might harm actual PEOPLE, and I’ll listen. But fuck the economy.
Jul 20, 2018
Goldy has stopped listening.
Millennials to Democrats: It’s the Economy, Stupid
When it comes to economics, the party is in danger of losing young voters to the GOP.
At a glance, this generation would appear to be the natural grassroots fuel for a midterm cycle that leaves Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan licking their wounds.
But in fact, a new Reuters/Ipsos survey suggests that the opposite could be happening. More than 16,000 registered voters between the ages of 18 and 34 responded to the online survey. The conclusion? Millennial voters are losing their enthusiasm for the Democratic Party, and a growing number of them now believe that the GOP is offering better economic leadership. What’s curious about the Reuters/Ipsos survey is that it doesn’t suggest any change in the millennial generation’s negative perception of Trump.
So why are millennials embracing Trump’s party right before a crucial round of midterms? Three words: the tax cuts.
Question for ya, Goldy: How does blowing off the economy and losing another election cycle because of it serve your desire @ 50 to “broadly improve the lives of people”?
Goldy has stopped listening. This is how you get more Trump.
@43 “A Clinton campaign-funded document”
You don’t expect Trump to pay for it, do you? That guy doesn’t even pay his carpenters and plumbers.
@ 52
The left has not yet begun to pay for it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Is there ANYTHING Trump can’t do? Here he is placing a Russian spy into meetings with the Obama administration:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Accused Russian agent Maria Butina had wider high-level contacts in Washington than previously known, taking part in 2015 meetings between a visiting Russian official and two senior officials at the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury Department.
I guess this is what having a little more flexibility after the 2012 election gave Obama the freedom to do:
The April 2015 visit by Butina and Torshin came about a year after Obama’s administration imposed sanctions on Russia for its annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region.
Good Morning! How are all our traitorous trolls doing this fine morning!
Hello Comrades, yes Obama helped me bring America to its knees. Me love horses and the Sky Daddy so much I say I go to America, especially now that America have Black man in charge!
Have you gotten those oozing sores looked at yet?
Might as well take advantage of the free medical attention available while you’re staying in FDC. It’s a far better deal than those Honduran babies crying in WalMart jails in Texas get. They don’t even get their diapers changed.
“How are all our traitorous trolls doing this fine morning!”
LOL! Better than the typical glibertarian bore for damn sure…
Betcha there is a high chance this senseless killing was done by a Trump hating leftist FASCIST SOCIALIST loving COMMIE!
Till Next Time!
While it’s nice to see that the loon didn’t get lynched by his white supremacist friends, it’s too bad the loon is still batshit insane and full of mindless hate. SAD!
@59 Given that 90% of the guns in the USA have “Owned and Fired by GOP” stamped on them, I’d say he’s more likely one of your “friends.” And the bike probably is stolen. Killing and stealing are Republican specialties.
@56 Although I haven’t met you, I’ve seen pictures of you, and you look like a horse. Which makes me suspect Doctor Dumbfuck is fucking you (along with everyone in D.C.).
@54 “Is there ANYTHING Trump can’t do?”
He can’t write a check that will clear an American bank.
49)In Switzerland, the Postal Service is the biggest intercity bus operators, as well as transit bus operator. Apparently they run it too well, got busted for hiding profits, and then using the money to subsidize a money losing French subsidiary,–audit-reveals/43883480
@56 In my Country we have special ointment. Vlad give us with the #MAGA hats. This ointment, it so special that it can also send radio signal to Comrades.
But, this Country, America, oh so special. Just like my Country. Horse and Sky Daddy people so good.
What wrong with horse? You no like horse? Why Rabbit no like horse. My Country we like rabbit too.
This doctor – who is this doctor? He like horse – this doctor? Maybe I like to meet doctor.
Some say I puttana. I no puttana, I Maria Butina. No puttana.
Photos of the Clintons dining with Harvey Weinstein and David Boies five weeks after Trump cleaned her clock. Weinstein’s wife is there too. Every single one of the people at that table knew what a fucking sleaze he is, and yet there they are shoveling food into their faces and acting like it’s no big deal because he brings in the big bucks for the rest of them.
Don’t miss the photo (circa 2004) of Hillary and her missing tooth. Those are some seriously yellow choppers. Bet her liver’s that color now.
What do Donald Trump and ‘froggy have in common?
@54 “Is there ANYTHING Trump can’t do?”
He can’t write a check that will clear an American bank.
@ 64
In Switzerland, the Postal Service is the biggest intercity bus operators, as well as transit bus operator. Apparently they run it too well, got busted for hiding profits…
Railfan, you know that there’s a difference between excessive subsidies and profits. Don’t you?
Don’t you?
Jesus Fucking Christ, do any of you?
And what were the treasonous mother fuckers doing with the whore? You and your ilk = treasonous mother fucker. And Trump = Whore. Your over compensation is quite the reflection. Seek help.
How about a little wrestling match with the senator or rep of Ohio. Give it up jackass.
“you know that there’s a difference between excessive subsidies and profits. Don’t you?
Don’t you?
Jesus Fucking Christ, do any of you?”
Dumbfuck hypocrite.
@ 72
Exxon share price down about two bucks since passage of the tax bill.
Chevron share price down about three bucks since passage of the tax bill.
That’s despite the price of a barrel of oil up eight bucks since passage of the tax bill.
You’d think that with higher oil prices and lower taxes there’d be some positive movement in the share prices – you know, a ‘bonanza’. But no, or at least not so far. Maybe that $25B payday is a secret.
It’s almost like it’s more complicated than something Steve reads while taking a dump.
Stoooooooooooooooooopid solution shitstain taking a dump is how it recycles its brain cell.
1. ExxonMobil – Total revenue: $486 billion
Net income: $41 billion – Income taxes paid: $27.3 billion
Effective tax rate: 42%
Not enough for the shitstain!
2. Chevron – Total revenue: $254 billion
Net income: $26.9 billion – Income taxes paid: $17.4 billion
Effective tax rate: 43.3%
Not enough for the shitstain!
Stooooooooooooooooooooopid solution shitstain steve not too bright! One of the dim watt bulbs of the HA DUMMOCRETINS. Just a watt or two above the .25 watt monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset!
Till Next Time!
Can you believe it?
Putin’s Handpuppet got completely hosed by Kim in Singapore.
So naturally he blames Pompeo.
winningwhiningTrump still moving forward better with NK than Obummer ever did Klamath Mountain Hillbilly FOOL!
Till Next Time!
In the Swiss case, it was underreporting profits, to get more subsidies, which led to 80 million Francs being repaid to the Federal Government and Cantons. It’s a bad mark on an iconic Swiss entity, and combined with the Swiss Federal Railway, and various Cantonal Transportation Authorities, is a well-oiled machine.
To fill the gap on cutbacks in British Columbia, BC Transit had been working on a plan for the Highway of Tears. A highway where hitchhikers, mostly Indigenous Women and Girls, have disappeared and been murdered.
I can no longer deal with traitorous fucks. Deal with this DOCTOR
“They went to the court. They got the judges to approve it,” Rubio said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “And there was a lot of reasons unrelated to the dossier for why they wanted to look at Carter Page.”
Only a true treasonous dumbfuck would like to let a currupt treason party get away with this shit.
As you and Republican Senator Rubio know, there is not just a single FISA app but a series of four apps going back to October of 2016 when, a a Republican Presidential campaign employee, he traveled to Moscow, ended up hobnobbing with Putin’s circle while watching soccer, then gives anti-US speeches two successive days in a row in front of Russian dignitaries at a university funded in part by oligarch Len Blavatnik. All this just a couple of weeks after Russian government cyber espionage agents broke into the DNC data servers, stole key voter analytics data and strategy plans, and offered them up to Republicans.
I’d love to see the NRA Treason Party embrace FISA reform and push for more transparency from the FISC. Until the douche-spy Page came along they were adamently opposed, arguing that restrictions on FISA warrants and transparency would make us vulnerable. This politically motivated display of the process in the case of the douche-spy Page has demonstrated that transparency does not endanger us… well, at least not those of us engaging in treason with foreign dictators.
…pants around his ankles, tiny dick in one hand, Russian rooted iPhone in the other.
40% of the Republican Presidential campaign foreign policy advisory team turned out to be foreign espionage agents. And the guy who oversaw them had to recuse himself from the investigation because of repeated lies under oath.
From the very beginning, they did all this to themselves. They did it because it was the only way for them to win.