Jim Jefferies: Racism and homophobia at the World Cup.
Plastic Polution: How humans are turning the world into plastic
How a multiracial populism can build a 21st century economy.
Now This World: What countries have tried universal basic income?.
Trevor: Surprisingly good news for Pride Month.
Mental Floss: Everything you need to know about modern day marvels.
The Dotard Трамп:
- Ari Melber: The Трамп baby blimp to troll Трамп.
- Mark Fiore: Independence Dotard
- Lawrence O’Donnell: GOP may turn on the Dotard over tariffs
- Montana’s Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) doesn’t mind pissing off Трамп
- Young Turks: Jeff Sessions’ cruelty continues
- Chris Hayes: President Dotard Трамп: “I guess I speak well”
- Trevor: Duterte’s “stupid God” remark and Трамп’s travel ban
- Ari Melber: Betsy DeVos’s record of dismantling student protections
- Heads of State: Трамп celebrates the 4th by trying to cut Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid:
- Ari Melber: EPA chief resigns as The Dotard Трамп finally surrenders to scandal outrage
- Jimmy Dore: Rick Perry asks “Do I always sound this dumb?”
- Sam Seder reads Scott Pruitt’s resignation letter
- Chris Hayes: All of Scott Pruitt’s scandals, from the beginning
- Jonathan Mann: Abolish ICE
- MoJo: ICE appears to be using a new tactic to keep migrant families apart
- This deported mom is desperate to get her children back from the U.S.
- Rachel Maddow: Republicans on board with Трамп in odd deference to Russian goals
- Ayman Mohyeldin: Teacher who confronted Pruitt responds to calls for civility
- Ari Melber: President Трамп baby war escalates with “world tour”.
- Young Turks: Трамп’s trade war backfires BIGLY
- Slate: Kids at anti-separation protests explain how they’ve processed Трамп’s policy
- Chris Hayes: EPA whistleblower on Scott Pruitt, “A bigger swamp creature”
- WaPo: Migrant child—“Never let them take me away from you again”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Senate Intel Committee confirms that Russia meddled to help the Dotard
- Rachel Maddow: Michael Cohen’s new legal strategy
- Late Night: Dotard Трамп’s salute to American independence:
- WaPo: Трамп’s bet on Pruitt backfires
- The Atlantic: Migrant kids describe fear of separation from parents
- Is the U.S. paying for Mexico’s border security?
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Volunteer shares gruesome story from detention facilities
- Chris Hayes interviews Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA): The Dotard Трамп does not intend to reunite families
- Trevor: Mike Pence’s ice-cold immigration speech
- WaPo: Protesters march nationwide against Трамп immigration policies
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
Nova: Jurassic World is wrong—DNA has an expiration date
How the U.S. territory of Guam became an American colony.
Mother Jones: Faith and fatigue—Surviving at the border
The Atlantic: How aristocracies work.
Elections Have Consequences:
- Rachel Maddow: History’s echo heard in current concerns about Supreme Court fate
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard Трамп meets 4 potential SCOTUS nominees
- Rachel Maddow: Senate intel report confirms Russian intrusion in 2016 election
Jimmy Dore: Jeb Bush has a meltdown after appearance on CNBC
Young Turks: Alex Jones’ conspiracy theory BACKFIRES
NASA: Fighting cancer from space.
The Atlantic: The Mayor of a ghost town:
Michelle Wolf: Workplace safety—Gun edition.
John Oliver: Gene editing.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Police use of deadly force changed by video.
Vox: Why the US national anthem is terrible—and perfect.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The problem with Pruitt leaving, is his deputy is the same, minus scandals.
Japan has carried out the death sentences of 7 of the 13 convicted in the Tokyo Subway Gas Attack. One of the reasons it took so long, is the way Japan carries executions out. All involved had to exhaust appeals first, and their were 13 convicted.
@ 2
I see what you did there. Gas attack ——> exhaust.
@ 1
And yet HA’s resident unserious twat, YLB, still calls for Trump’s impeachment and removal.
Now, I admittedly give YLB a hard time in the way I employ pronouns when referring to her, although in my defense, she works hard to earn it. KUOW interviewed a drag performer who calls itself Sasha Velour yesterday and all I heard was YLB-style unseriousness, only spoken through an Adam’s Apple.
The reason I bring this up is that Orrin Hatch wrote an op-ed piece for home-state Utah’s Deseret News. About Trump’s to-be-announced SCOTUS pick. You should really check out his use of pronouns in that piece.
Ain’t that right, girlfriend.
I really hope that ‘froggy didn’t find my use @ 5 of the term ’employ’ to be triggering.
Did Manafort’s lawyer just admit to quid pro quo?
Shit, oh dear.
@ The Quacking Jackass @ # 4:
“And yet HA’s resident unserious twat, YLB, still calls for Trump’s impeachment and removal.”
Oh, it is almost a certainty at this point that Fat Donny will be tossed out on his ass, run out on a rail and hopefully tarred, feathered and hanged from the Capitol Chandelier as soon as the GOP gets it’s majority vote on the Supreme Court. The whole point of the Senator’s little visit to Putin’s people this week was to negotiate a minimum of embarrassment to the Republican Party when it all goes down. They were just there to make sure their asses would be covered. They want Pence in office and they’ll sacrifice the entire Trump Presidency and whatever credibility they have left to get that. They’ll push Trump out as soon as the two-year mark passes and Pence can theoretically get more than 8 years.
Because, and you know damn well, that most of the GOP at every level is entirely corrupted by the same people who own Fat Donny’s ass, and if it all comes out, the fallout to them will never be forgotten. They’ll go down the same political path as the fucking idiot Whigs.
Fat Donny is already going down in the same history books as Benedict Arnold. That’s a given. The academics’ only problem at this point is will Fat Donny go down in the history books as much as that as a Milliard Fillmore or a Calvin Coolidge?
The worry for the Republicans is that the shit hits the fan then everyone gets a good, fat, greasy face full of the mess they created for themselves by selling out to the Multinational Corporations.
Fat Donny is so dirty that even the Turtle can’t keep the stink out of his nose anymore, and he is already known to be complicit in all of this. His best hope is to drop dead of a heart attack or something before he can be arrested, which he most certainly would be if the Russians dumped their dossiers on him and the rest of the Republican Party.
As much as I hate the motherfuckers, I say to the Russians, Do It.
And let the chips fall where they may.
@ 7
Almost a certainty.
I see. How you must have cheered, ‘froggy, when Karl Rove was frog-marched out of the White House.
@ The Blabberist @ 8
Um, he kinda was. He still has multiple felonies to answer for, as do his bosses in that administration, including war crimes and crimes against humanity.
@ 9
I could say the same about Hillary Clinton. It would be as effective as what you just wrote, ‘froggy.
It’s OK, ‘froggy. You know the truth. That’s what counts. Pay no attention to the SCOTUS nomination because it really should be Garland. Pay no attention to the one making the nomination because it really should be Hillary.
And steel doesn’t melt at those temperatures, either.
@ 10
Need I remind you that Hillary got 2.7 million MORE votes than Fat Donny Two-Scoops?
@ 11
Need I remind you that the election of the US president is not a popular vote election?
You can bring that up all you want and it will never be relevant, ‘froggy.
@3 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck thinks murder is funny. Because he’s a dumbfuck.
@4 Some people, you included, prefer national suicide.
@5 Your sense of self-importance is grossly inflated. You don’t give anyone here a “hard time.” You’re our pinata. Btw, thanks for playing — I don’t know what we’d do for amusement without you and Puddy. See #7 for additional details. Shortbus is merely dull and tedious.
@10 “I could say the same about Hillary Clinton”
That’s some powerful mushrooms you’re tripping out on.
@12 “it will never be relevant”
Until Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, and states with another 45 electoral votes do, too. (Florida and Georgia would be enough.)
Bush 43 wasn’t quite enough, but Trump may furnish all the remaining persuasion that’s needed.
@ 17
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, each and every state in the union could sign on to NPV, but that still won’t retroactively make Hillary Clinton president.
There is no “Until…”
Until states vote to permit do-overs. I don’t think NPV addresses do-overs.
Why Washington state should determine FACEBOOK is a public utility. Free speech that is why.
King George the III agrees with FACEBOOK’s that the Declaration of Independence is hate speech. So much he sat up and gave applause.
@1 Hakuna matata
MSNBC as biased as Fox?
You will be missed Ed Schultz.
There is a battle going on in the Democratic party. Even exists here in Washington in the local and state politics. Well the Democratic party today is owned by Corporate America and is Republican light.
@7 If it helps his client a defense attorney can be quid pro qou. They can even entertain thoughts of bribing the judge. Though this is a sign their client is generally fucked.
@7 Your analysis has a problem if these people own Trump and they own Pence exactly why should they replace Trump with Pence? In fact they could loose four years of power if what you are suggesting is true. To maximize the number of years Republicans are in power they don’t want Pence to take over until two years into the second term. There is too much uncertainty in knowing that Pence would win as President in 2020 after being President for two years, and impeachment and removal of Trump would hurt the Pence brand. While if Trump just says to hell with this job after two years is neutral and a small bump. Or if Trump dies in office gives Pence an even bigger bump. Trump is clearly doing Republican policy with an occasional curve ball that drives Democrats to loathing and then suddenly Trump is more Democratic than establishment Democrats. We had a President who did this before and his name was William Clinton. Now you all know how the Republicans felt for 8 years….loathing and confused.
How sad. Sad that Bob, Puffy and the rest of the homophobes out there will have less of an argument, if it was one to begin with, that the existence of gay people really shouldn’t be because there is no sustainability with a gay inclusive society to their inability to naturally reproduce.
So sad. They should worry about the individuals that want to reproduce but don’t have a healthy “environment” to do so.
Americans Are Having Fewer Babies. They Told Us Why. – The New York Times
While I have enjoyed Pawn Stars over the years I personally am not disappointed in its demise.
Now that the show is going into a hiatus the History Channel will need a replacement. That replacement is right here. Goldie needs to put in a proposal for a show based on HA Democrats. Check out potential locations for the show…maybe a wild club house with a outlier location here in the cow pastures and waterfalls of Whatcom County. This is the big time opportunity that Goldie has been looking for.
My bets are on DeathFrogg, I’d even take him if his odds were 1 in 10.
Anytime Bob opens his mouth you can pretty much bet the opposite happening.
Funny just a few years ago, when Blackie was President (the best President ever in my book), not sure any Repuke fake Indeoendent would call Democrats Republican light.
Lovely spin.
@9 Odd he has not yet been charged with any felonies. Has not been arrested on any overseas business either. Maybe there has been a civil suit that probably got tossed due to standing or jurisdiction. And you can thank President Obama who played by the political norms of the US. You can dream and Karl can keep raking in the bucks. Being frog marched out of the White House can be profitable.
@11 Too bad the number of Representatives in the house is frozen. If California had a more true number of
representatives reflecting the growth of the
American population since 1910 then Hilliary may have won in the electoral college, but then politicians behavior would be different due to the changed circumstances, particularly with even the smallest state having 4 to 6 representatives. So Hilliary Clinton got screwed by the theory the Constitution is a living document rather than a highly fought over compromise whose parts when ignored have unintended consequences. I just cannot see that certain members of Congress who could not do their job after the 1910 census did it to screw a woman running for President.
The amendment to put districts at either 30 or 40 thousand is still waiting approval by enough states to add it as an amendment. If you did not like Hilliary l losing you should support its passage as she would have won, baring changed behavior….It would not entirely eliminate the possibility a candidate could win without also winning the popular vote but any distortion would probably be under 100,000 votes.
I always thought a thousand points of light was a good line.
“After President Donald Trump took a jab at her 94-year-old grandfather, Jenna Bush Hager responded by sharing a letter former president George H.W. Bush wrote her explaining his “point of light” motto and how he found happiness in service.
“A point of light was a vision about serving others, one that lit up our country, one I hope our country hasn’t lost,” Bush Hager, the granddaughter of the 41st president, wrote in a tweet.”
Who is next? Reagan? And when will enough be enough for Doctor Dumbfuck?
George Will has had enough.
“Trump’s summit with Kim could foretell catastrophe with Putin”
@31 Kabbbbbbbbooom!
@18 I’m not talking about Hillary, jackass. I’m talking about what happens next, and how long this country will tolerate minority rule by a corrupt cabal of liars, bullies, and traitors.
@21 “MSNBC as biased as Fox?”
Not by a million miles. MSNBC reports non-fake news; Fox is a thinly disguised propaganda shop for the GOP, radical right, and the personal views of its government-hating billionaire owner.
@22 The Democratic Party absorbed moderate Republicans who were run out of their own party by extremists. This does not constitute a reason to vote for the extremists who perverted the GOP into an instrument for destroying everything good and decent about our country.
@23 See #15.
@24 Nobody owns Trump, and that’s the problem. The German industrialists who supported Hitler during his early days in power thought they could control him. They were wrong. Same with Trump. He’s a loose cannon, and things will only get worse in this country unless he’s stopped, because he has no self restraints.
@26 There’s a Drinking Liberally in your neighborhood, although you may find it boringly sedate. Unlike some conservatives, liberals aren’t plotting the overthrow of democracy, mass incarcerations, or genocides.
@29 “Odd he has not yet been charged with any felonies.”
Neither have the Clintons, despite countless investigations, and hundreds of millions of wasted taxpayer dollars.
@39 Keeps the pundits in the green though. Lot of spilled ink, or more ones and zeros that you have added, Perhaps it balances out and the taxes made off the books has filled in the hole. And as a liberal one should not feel it is a waste of tax payers dollars should the government do an investigation, and have it end with a whimper. One should cheer that the investigation was done, and light was brought in to illuminate the situation. Only an informed public and weigh and consider.
@35 Stating that moderate Republicans abandoned the Republican party and joined the Democratic party is an overstatement, there is not a lot of proof that even occurred. And it has nothing to do with the different wings of the Democratic party and different factions that make it up. It has been a big party tent, and different segments of the party vie for control. Currently a bunch of corporatists are in control. So are you saying to republicans that joined in this mass movement managed to take over the party and now direct the direction of the party? Making the already present stress fractures deeper? That the party has lost its soul and direction? That it’s now just Republican light? Personally I don’t care for light beer, if I have a beer I want a beer with all the calories, though if I’m at your party RR I will politely drink the light beer you give me, smile politely and go vote for the real thing if those are the policies I want. Or alternatively politely drink your beer, and politely kick you in the figurative ass.
@37 Actually it was British industrialists, and British politicians, They forgot about how much control they had had over the Irish separatists they thought they could buy and control. Worked out less well for them than the German’s shipping Lenin to Russia,
@12 And he leaves out a solution that would helped Clinton, or at least make it more likely the candidate receiving the most popular votes will win if they get a majority. States could pass the amendment setting each district at 30 or 40 thousand citizens, Or make Congress di the whole apportion job and increase the number of Representatives as the population goes up. Why shouldn’t Wyoming have 4 to 6 representatives? California would have a bunch more,,,,and Clinton would have won the electoral college. Maybe as having a larger number of electoral votes would change behavior in pursuing victory under different circumstances. And maybe a big state might change from winner take all to apportionate,
@ RR @ 39:
And there have been no comparable investigations of anyone in the Bush Administration.
Interesting take on the Senators’ little visit to Russia the other day. A friend of mine mentioned a few hours ago that one of the things they were probably there to arrange for, was to re-route those tariffed raw materials through Russia, in order to bypass those tariffs. Aluminium, steels, metallic or siliconic ores, copper and such. High value shit that industry needs to run.
These motherfuckers just screwed every goddamn machine shop in the Nation three ways from Sunday.
Boy howdy are we being taken for a ride or what.
@18 “Until states vote to permit do-overs. I don’t think NPV addresses do-overs.”
Hey Dr. Dumbfuck, we as a country get a “do-over” every four years when it comes to voting for the POTUS. Will Hillary run again? Who knows, but this next presidential election will be about Trump and his policies, not about Hillary.
Keep clutching to Hillary not getting elected because it really is all that you have.
@46 Why do you even bother to feed that troll’s sick Hillary obsession? He’s a stalker. He should be reported to the police.
@44 To go from probable (Senators are not the State Department) to definitely screwing every machine shop in America seems a little hyperbolic,
@5 “Ain’t that right, girlfriend.”
Sigh, same old, same old from Dr. Dumbfuck. Spoken like a guy that would claim, “I’m not a racist, I have a black friend.” or even better, ” I’m not a misogynistic pig that hates women because I’m married to a woman.”
For someone that harbor that much hate and resentment, there must be a very good reason. I still say he suffers from a form of OCD scrupulocity-like syndrome: https://psychcentral.com/lib/scrupulosity-when-ocd-targets-your-religious-and-moral-values/
@41 “Stating that moderate Republicans abandoned the Republican party and joined the Democratic party is an overstatement”
Yeah, maybe you’re right, one King County prosecutor switching parties in an election year isn’t necessarily a trend. But can you tell me where all those people went after being kicked out of the GOP? Did they drop out of politics, quit running for offices, and stop voting?
Satterberg was one of the last holdouts. He can call himself a “Democrat” all he wants, but I’m going to vote for his opponent. He lost my vote when he refused to prosecute Lori Sotelo for perjury back in 2004, when she tried to purge the voter rolls by submitting hundreds of false affidavits to King County Elections.
@13 He enjoyed your first movie and shorts and is waiting for a sequel, Everyone knows you cannot murder a toon, and you are all digital now, so destruction of film does not murder toons, Though you maybe slaves until copyright frees you, Gee RR you are a corporate slave, that is too bad, Say Hi to Master Walt for me.
@25 There is plenty of proof that gay men are perfectly capable of reproducing. Or perhaps a lot of gay men who have done so are bi. At least long enough to make a baby. Could just be experimentation, though American society has been more excepting of women experimenting, or is less threatened by women experimenting as they had no power and clearly did so either to please their man or were just rebelling.
@51 Better a dividend slave than a wage slave. At least dividend slaves get raises.
@52 PS I think Hilliary Clinton is bi and in the closet, and will remain there for 5 years after she gives up on running for public office.
@52 It doesn’t matter whether you stupid humans reproduce. You’re going to blow yourselves up. Then rabbits will run the world the way it should’ve been done in the first place. More fucking and less fighting.
@49 Or he could be a normal person with biases, Being biased due to the natural that person is not like me, or ignorant does not make one a bigot or racist. Getting people to recognize bias and to do things in their daily life is not easy as it is easy to sit with the persons like you rather then expose oneself to risk and interact and sit with those unlike you.
@55 Gay rabbits manage to reproduce, Bi rabbits reproduce more, Enough radiation or poison will kill rabbits and other mammals at a higher rate than insects or lizards. I think you exaggerate our ability to kill all humans though. Now a 6 mile wide or larger asteroid could be an extinction level event. Or if Beatleguise has collapsed and Earth is in the path of an intense x ray bombardment of the collapse and formation of a black hole. Energy equivalent to a million or billion H bombs, Possible in nature, no human or rabbit involved, and hard to grasp. Clearly the Easter Islanders were unable to grasp the loss of the last tree, Perhaps they cut it down or nature killed the last trees, It is a tragedy because men not rabbits can grasp the significance.
@56 Elevated dumbfuckery is not normal. It’s a medical emergency.
Wow, just wow. There is nothing “normal” about Dr. Dumbfuck. You can’t expect anyone to believe that a person that has endured as much schooling as required to become a medical doctor remains “ignorant”? Add in that if you actually read and comprehend what Dr. Dumbfuck is saying by his written word, it clearly demonstrates racist, hate-filled, homophobic, misogynistic, and bigoted content. It isn’t a simple matter of “he isn’t like me or you.
Try and keep up Mark, legal, psychological, and sociological discussions really do not play into your strengths. But hey, thanks for playing and trying to contribute.
@57 You may not realize it yet, but Trump is a potential extinction-level event.
@ 61
So is your prostate.
And Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you will have left your family in far poorer shape than you will ever admit.
GE. ’nuff said.
@61 My family only needs lettuce. Yours needs hay. Which is easier to grow and harvest?
What no babbling butthole putting HA HEROES first on sat night after sunset?
How disappointing. Was it something I said?
Oh well there’s always..
“serious boob”..
Too funny..
Hanging human teabag licker @25,
Puddy doesn’t hate you. Puddy loves you in a Christian way. Your kind wants to force me to “like” you and “accept your ways”. Biblically Puddy can’t do that! That’s the rub hanging human teabag licker. God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Bible comes first. If my non-acceptance of you trying to force Puddy to like you makes me a homophobe, then SO BE IT!
Till Next Time!
Was it something the moist pink lace panty freak said?
Nothing it may say has any meaning monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset!
Till Next Time!
Senile idiot wabbit ain’t talking about “CrookedHillary? Well someone is… https://nypost.com/2018/07/07/is-hillary-clinton-secretly-planning-to-run-in-2020/
Maybe your good bud Sidney Blumenthal!
Till Next Time!
@64 Don’t worry, Puddy, he’s not hitting on you. You’re too ugly.
freako @ 65
Thank you for acknowledging what you are..
What HA HEROES have know about you since you started babbling here over 13 f’in years ago.
You KNOW you ARE
a babbling butthole.
O can’t leave out you PUTTING HA HEROES FIRST before the weekly obligation in the salt mines with the salt mining buddy. That entertains HA HEROES! Thanks again for playing.
The FREAK SHOW AKA the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset is:
Till Next Time!
Christian love? It’s time for the asylum to pull the plug on loon’s internet access again.
Apparently the Pacific NW states of OR and WA don’t have a sufficiently large number of Democrat US senators.
My dream Congress would have @SenJeffMerkley as Senate Majority Leader and @RepJayapal as Speaker of the House. It’s time for the prosperous and progressive Pacific Northwest states to lead our nation out of darkness.
Jul 6, 2018
And then she changed her story.
Goldy Retweeted
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez✔
Replying to @Ocasio2018 @johncardillo
3. Your attempt to strip me of my family, my story, my home, and my identity is exemplary of how scared you are of the power of all four of those things.
Jul 1, 2018
This never gets old.
I’m waxin’ nostalgic today @ 73 on the reports that Hillary is gonna run again.
Hey y’all libbies, remember when Hillary was expandin’ the map by visiting Arizona and Georgia in the last week of the campaign?
Trump was narrowing that map at the same time. Narrowing it to what mattered.
Trump Out-Campaigned Clinton by 50 Percent in Key Battleground States in Final Stretch
I’m sure the third time’s a charm for Hillary. Amirite?
Will there be a countdown next Friday just before sunset?
HA HEROES love that time of the week! Every week now till December the sun sets on Friday earlier and earlier.
Watch the freako @ 69 go
How sweet it is!
@67 yeah, I’m not really much into primates or things of the animal kingdom.
POD @75.
What a clueless FOOL!
Till Next Time!
Gotta love how NYC is becoming a cesspool under leftist DiBlasio!
Till Next Time!
@78 Actually, part of the problem are the people. The ones that can’t seem to be responsible or have no accountability are also the problem. Quite a few, or even most of them, represent you.
@ 76
No one here is surprised that you do not choose primates as sex partners, gman.
People like you are the reason there’s a goat award in these parts.
POD @77
KULT POD PERSON! Watch the freako go
On fridays at sunset. Best time of the week in these threads for over 13 years.
YLB’s got a ways to go before she’ll be as serious as…
… Kim Kardashian.
Kim Kardashian Quietly Continues To Prove She’s Serious About Prison Reform
Hell, YLB’s got a ways to go before she’ll be as serious as RuPaul.
Reading YLB’s effort at seriousness is like watching Neymar get bumped a little bit.
“People like you are the reason there’s a goat award in these parts.”
No. The Golden Goat Award was for goatfuckers like Mr. Klynical.
Steve, any guesses on tomorrow evening’s SCOTUS Sweepstakes?
Smart liberal money’s on Merrick Garland, I hear.
“serious boob”
Bob – you get the Horse Award…..that Horse probably has one big cock and you one big mouth with the ability to take it real deep.
Seems some of the people who adhere to the shitstain religion are racists… Why didn’t this make rawstory shitstain?
Must be some libtards behind it!
Till Next Time!
Useless FOOL @79,
Republicans in NYC?
Now dats funny!
Till Next Time!
Serious POD in that one with pink lace panties!
Till Next Time!
Friday night at sunset
Too damn funny!
13)Thought they would say something about how it took so long to carry the sentences out. The attack killed 13, severely injured 50, and 1000 others had minor injuries, including temporary vision problems.
I remember when this happ9, and saw the footage on tv of police in tactical gear, gas masks, and carrying canaries as they stormed a suspected cult safehouse.
@89 no. Black people.
And those “that can’t seem to be responsible or have no accountability black people” vote DUMMOCRETIN over and over and over hanging human teabag licker. They vote for those whom keep them from having no responsibility or have no accountability!
What a nice racist thing to say there hanging human teabag licker.
Fat dumb and happy DUMMOCRETINS is what your party wants!
Till Next Time!