Thom: Harold Camping tells us Friday is our last day.
Herman Cain jokes all the way to Worst Person in the World.
Obama Ends the Iraq War:
- Obama: End of combat operations in Iraq….
- Ed and Pap: Obama keeps his promise on Iraq.
Pap: GOP ready to steal 2012 election.
- Young Turks: Rep. West’s bizarre OWS “Nazis” and “Communists”.
- Jon with Scorn in the U.S.A. (via OneGoodMove).
- Thom: Has OWS blown up the Santa Claus theory?
- OWS: Outing the ringers:
- Young Turks: Goldman Sachs run-in at OWS.
- Olbermann with Markos: The GOP’s inability to “get” the OWS movement.
- Thom: How the 1% are reacting.
- Mark Fiore: Dog Boy and Mr. Dan in Thanks for Nothin’.
- The Daily show does OWS.
- Roy Zimmerman: Hope, Struggle, and Change:
- Young Turks at OWS: Americans love a millionaire tax.
- Olbermann with Rev. Jesse Jackson on saving the medical tent
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
ONN: Week in review.
Ann Telnaes: Sen. Graham—Give me your oil….
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News bias on health law constitutionality?.
Lawrence O’Donnell: VP Joe Biden schools Republicans on math.
Sam Seder: Marco Rubio’s fictional biography.
The Teabaggers boycott Aladdin Episode 2.
Pap: How anti-science Republicans are destroying America.
The GOP Primary Asylum:
- ONN: GOP race heats up as candidate in coma more appealing than rest of field:
- Keith and Nia-Malika Henderson (WAPo) on infighting at the debate
- ONN Follow-up: Comatose John Clarkson drops out of GOP race due to sex scandal.
- Alyona’s Tool Time: Bachmann ‘Iraq should reimburse us!’
- Actual Audio: Michele takes on Herman.
- Young Turks: Herman Cain on unemployment, “blame yourself”.
- Stephen: Herman Cain’s electrified fence.
- Young Turks: Herman Cain’s gay “choice”.
- Ann Telnaes: Herman Cain’s, “No abortions ever.”
- Young Turks: Cain’s secret addendum to the 999 plan.
- Did Mitt forget?
- Maddow: Mitt Romney does not understand his own position on birth control!
- Mitt’s housing plan.
- Ann Telnaes: Perry’s inner Palin.
- Rick Perry calls Herman Cain, “brother.”
- The first lady Gaga:
Glenn Beck conspires his way to Worst Person in the World.
The Tea Party Nation Engages in Blatant Sabotage Against America:
- Young Turks: Tea Party Nation’s sabotage.
- Sam Seder: Tea Party Nation’s bizarre new “pledge”.
- Stephen on The Tea Party Nation’s Pledge
Pap and Ed: Republicans now claim to be concerned about income gap.
Alyona: Poverty spreading across the states..
White House: West Wing Week.
Gaddafi is Gone:
- Newsy: How did Gaddafi die?
- Alyona: MSM celebrates a death.
- Obama on Muammar Qaddafi’s death.
- Jon: No ‘Amour Gaddafi.
- Olbermann and Bill Press on Republican’s reaction to the death of Gaddafi
- Alyona: Who gets “credit” for Libya?
Sen. Cantwell (D-WA) on the threat of Salmon anemia:
Obama on The American Jobs act.
Thom: ALEC is targeting your sick leave.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Well, still here. Anybody heard how Harold’s doing?
The homeless fellow, Walter, who sells Real Change in front of my grocery store, noted yesterday that I was still here – I didn’t know what he was talking about. He said the “nut job” predicted the Rapture again for Friday! Who knew?!
Apocalyptic Christian cults – too much fun!
Karl Denninger, Tea Party founder, destroys the Teahadists’ delusional economics with basic math:
Tea Party: The banks were “extorted” into taking money by an overbearing government, and but for that extortion they would have all been just fine.
Really sobering read… You’ll maybe want an intoxicant handy.
Three Approved GMOs Linked to Organ Damage
From the link @3: “Stock prices aren’t opinions, they’re facts. Only price pays, as a trader will tell you. Everything else is BS.”
I love it! Wingers can (and do) b.s. about everything else, but they can’t lie about what shares of General Motors, Citibank, or AIG sold for yesterday — no matter how hard they try. Anyone can look it up.
@3 That article opened my eyes. I didn’t think it was possible, even for a rightwing crank, to argue that excessive government regulation of banks caused the 2008 financial crisis. Now I know better. No overreach is too great for those guys. It’s akin to a physics crank arguing that lightspeed is merely a neutrino’s first gear.
This story tells you all you need to know about Democrats.
Piece of human trash, typical democrat hypocrite, and multi-millionaire Madonna, has a brother who is homeless. He has been for over a year.
This isn’t really news, but because puddyidiot and other trolls have wasted so many pixels trying to debunk climate science, I’m posting it anyway.
In a nutshell, previous studies showed the earth is getting warmer, and a more rigorous new study shows it is, too.
Pssst, dummy, the earth has been getting colder and warmer for millions of years. No one denies that.
A powerful tycoon who decided to find out how much a giant corporation could get away with is learning that CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR may not pay after all.
@9 Try reading the article before jerking your knee, idiot, and maybe you won’t look quite so stupid.
It’s obvious the numbskull @9 didn’t even click on the link to see what’s there, because if he had, he’d have seen a big headline in bold black large-font type saying
Climate study confirms what skeptics scoffed at: global warming is real
even if he didn’t bother to skim the article below it.
Make me. You aren’t my dad. You aren’t the boss of me. So I don’t have to do nothing you say.
“Obama Ends the Iraq War:”
Good. Now we need to get out of Afghanistan and the rest of the Middle East. Then Europe and Asia. The empire is no longer sustainable, and we’ve been up to our eyebrows in the shit for decades and decades.
Let the rest of the world take care of the rest of the world, for a change!
The right’s hatemongering is having predictable results in Alabama:
“Spanish-speaking parents say their children are facing more bullying … at school since Alabama’s … crackdown on illegal immigration took effect last month.”
MSNBC headline:
“Wall St. protest isn’t like ours, Tea Party says”
It sure isn’t.
See this post from earlier on a different thread, and posts below.
The study to which you refer was by a physicist ‘skeptic’ motivated mostly, it seems, by a conviction that he was smarter than the other climate scientists.
He went and got funding – including from the Koch brothers! – to try to disprove the very large bulk of existing climate science observations. However, being an honest scientist – he is now saying that his study fully supports the vast bulk of climate science showing accelerating warming in recent years.
Predictably, now the knuckledraggers and apologists for fossil fuel are saying, of course the earth is warming – it’s just not because of human behavior.
The Montana “friendo” has been quiet lately.. I suppose he readied for the Camping rapture and is now blubbering in sorrow that he was “left behind”..
Oh well we’ll be back to FastNFurious and Solyndra within the week I’m sure…
Post 17 should reference this prior post on the 10/21 Open Thread.
Yesterday, in the 10/21 open thread @100, I posted that Saudi’s crown prince had died — and wondered what significance that has for the U.S. Here’s a partial answer:
“‘Nayef [the likely successor] is more religious, and is closer to the Saudi groups who are very critical of the king’s decisions regarding women and other steps he’s taken to balance out the rigid religious practices in society,’ said Ali Fakhro, a political analyst and commentator in Bahrain.
“But it remains doubtful that Nayef — if ever made king — would outright annul Abdullah’s reforms …. More likely, Nayef would put any further changes on hold, said Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, a political affairs professor at Emirates University. ‘It’s not good news for Saudis or for the region,’ he said. ‘(Nayef) is the security guy. He is the mukhabarat (secret police) guy. He is the internal affairs guy.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So, it appears the new situation is more or less equivalent to when Andropov, the KGB guy, succeeded Brezhnev in the USSR. In addition, Nayef has been more outspokenly hostile to Israel than was Aziz. Overall, Aziz’s death and Nayef’s potential accession aren’t very positive developments for the U.S.
The Saudi leadership is an enfeebled gerontocracy. King Abdullah, 87, is ailing. Crown Prince Aziz, nominally the defense minister but unable to function in anything but ceremonial roles, was 80 and reportedly suffering from dementia. His potential successor, Prince Nayef, at 78 is no spring chicken nor a picture of health (he reportedly suffers from diabetes and osteoporisis), but exercises real power in his present role.
Saudi Arabia is the world’s most prominent remaining absolute monarchy. But the distribution and exercise of actual power within the 20,000-member royal family is complicated. So is royal succession, which is not strictly hereditary. The king can appoint and crown princes. Upon the king’s death, the crown prince is only a transitional leader until named as king, and isn’t entitled to become king; someone else can be selected. The king, however, is chosen by a narrow circle of high-ranking royals. There is no doubt that the top ranks of the royal family hold actual and absolute power in Saudi Arabia, but the varying influence of the members of that group — and their attitudes toward the U.S. and on key policy issues — are crucial questions for American, Israeli, and other interests.
@13 I can’t make you do anything, and even if I could, you’re not worth the trouble. It was just a suggestion.
Time to take a trillion dollars and build massive wind power infrastructure in this country.
Take half a trillion and start the electric car charging infrastructure.
Then tell Saudi Arabia, “Nice knowing you.” Or, label them criminals for feeding our addiction to their products, and confiscate all the ill-gotten wealth. Or invade and topple them (much easier than Iraq, I think) and put a woman in charge.
Rough night for the huskies.. Young UW team vs. a once in a generation squad from Stanford..
Next year should be a little more interesting..
Looks like some small town cops in Utah need a bit of cultural sensitivity training.
Louisiana’s popular GOP Gov. Bobby Jindal easily coasted to re-election tonight. He attracted no serious challengers, and Democrats didn’t field a candidate against him.
Papantonio (at this link: thinks 2012 will be an Obama-Perry race. I’ve felt all along, and continue to think, Romney will be the GOP nominee; but that’s only an educated guess and I could be wrong.
Disclaimer: This comment contains forward-looking statements. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Read the prospectus before putting your money on a betting pool.
FBI corruption probe of Gov. Scott Walker
A Wisconsin grand jury is looking into Scott Walker’s activities when he was a county executive. FBI agents with search warrants searched homes and vehicles, and seized computers, of top Walker aides. Media sources characterize the probe as a “corruption investigation.” This is a criminal probe. Walker has lawyered up, hiring a former Bush-appointed U.S. attorney to “represent his interests.”
@27 I’m not making this up. Being a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist is so easy it’s ridiculous! If I were still a Republican (I used to be one), I’d have to lie, fabricate, fictionalize, photoshop, etc. But all a liberal propagandist has to do is throw darts at a newspaper page and, I swear to the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, there’s so goddamned much Republican corruption you don’t have time or space to post it all! That’s how bad Republicans are.
It’s OK to be competitive. In a general sense, I mean. For example, there’s nothing wrong with USC trying to beat Notre Dame on the gridiron (which they did tonight). Play your best game and thrill the spectators, that’s what it’s all about! But Republicans seem to be trying to out-compete the Nazis for moral depravity, and I dunno about that one, I think competition should be constructive, and I don’t see how out-Naziing the Nazis is useful in any way. They’re not there yet — they haven’t killed 50 million people yet — but they’re thinking about it.*
* I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist. If you don’t lke it, fuck you.
@29 I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist. If you don’t like it, fuck you. Better yet, fuck yourself. Wingnuts (and the fools who vote for them) are good at that.
That’s not a case for more training, that’s a case for firing the cops.
they were Polynesian – read “brown”
dancing – read “doin’ sumthin weird, like”
at a football game – read “OUR game”
didn’t immediately disperse – read “didn’t do what them were told to do, like”
An impromptu dance – at a football game – without a permit, no less – I surprised they didn’t get the TAZERS out.
Cops need to learn to DE-escalate, not create a situation where they feel they have no choice but to use weapons.
I’ve always felt that there were too many police officers drawn to that line of work by the mere fact that they get to wield weapons and tell others what to do.
Dispute with the GIRLFREIND leads to killing of sheriff. Heterosexuals are classy people.
Yep! And that sort of thing ought to get you fired.
Part One.
Part two of three.
I’ve never read a more succinct synopsis of “what happened”.
THIS is also what the 99% Movement is about.
@38: I loved this comment:
Iowa’s up to 20% of their electricity coming from wind.