Slate: Why Democrats are blue and Republicans are Red—and why it’s the opposite everywhere else.
NOVA: Climate change’s best hope.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: “Roseanne” gives conservatives a safe space
Jimmy Kimmel responds to Sean Hannity’s vicious attacks.
The “Very Stable Genius” Dotard Трамп and Friends:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Kellyanne Conway on being the #1 White House leaker
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Robert Mueller’s team finds more Russia ties
- The President Show: The President must confess his sins
- WaPo: Here’s why scrutiny over Scott Pruitt’s actions is rising
- Ari Melber: How Manafort’s attack on Mueller backfired on him and FAUX News
- Bill Maher: Трамп the riffer
- Seth Meyers: Трамп sends the National Guard to the border and attacks Amazon
- Jimmy Kimmel: Second grader explains trade deficits to Dotard Трамп
- Eugene Robinson: Трамп lies about what scares him:
- Young Turks: Трамп deploying military to Mexican border because he saw it on FAUX News
- Trevor: Is Ronny Jackson ready to run the VA?
- Our Cartoon President: The manliest first pitch in history
- Heads of State: Why Трамп’s EPA eliminated Obama-era fuel efficiency rules
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп explains Easter & Passover
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard Трамп, Robert Mueller and “subject” versus “target”
- WaPo: Analyzing Трамп’s claims about “caravans” of migrants
- Ari Melber: Rob Reiner on why “truth” is difficult in the Трамп era
- David Pakman: Networks bail on bizarre, garbled Трамп speech/rant
- Young Turks: Трамп going “nuclear” (and stupid) over DACA
- The President Show: You can do so much without a conscience
- Jimmy Kimmel: Porn stars explain private arbitration
- Our Cartoon President: “Who’s the winner?”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: President Dotard Трамп’s “wag the dog” problem
- Seth Meyers: Point, Counterpoint—White House shake-up, bad leadership
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s bashing sparks new Amazon delivery service
- Jimmy Fallon: Dr. Evil gets fired from Трамп’s cabinet:
- Trevor: Michael Wolff on exposing the Трамп White House in “fire and fury”
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s border plan explained by Barista Theatre
- The President Show: The porn star song
- Ari Melber: By denying Daniels payment, Dotard Трамп may ruin his own NDA
- Fact checking The Dotard’s “catch and release” Tweet
- Seth Meyers: Трамп breaks silence on Stormy Daniels as Russia probe heats up
- Young Turks: Democrat wins in latest sign of anti-Трамп blue wave.
- Our Cartoon President: Introducing cartoon John Bolton
- Trevor Noah with Cecile Richards: How Planned Parenthood is faring under Трамп.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Another big progressive win in Dotard Трамп country
- Mark Fiore: Drive the all new Megalosaurus
- Jimmy Kimmel: Surprise visitor at Dotard and Melania Трамп’s Easter egg roll
- Ari Melber: Obama adviser says Трамп’s undoing for monetizing the presidency
NOVA: The science of whoopee cushions.
Young Turks: Billionaire bigots spreading anti-Muslim propaganda
Adam Ruins Everything: How JFK almost caused World War 3.
Eugene Robinson: MLK was complicated. We should remember him that way.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: War on men—The beginning of the end
It’s Like Fucking Ground Hog Day—Another Goddamn Mass Shooting!
- Seth Meyers: Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) isn’t going to give up on gun control
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Cory Booker—Finding common ground to make America safer
- Vice News: Why the best hope for gun control isn’t Congress—It’s with the states
- Young Turks: NRA spews propaganda after YouTube shooting
- David Pakman: Rare female shooter opens fire at YouTube headquarters
The Atlantic: The human face of a prison sentence.
Vox: What America’s shopping mall decline means for social space
Tide CEO: You gotta stop eating Tide Pods.
Bill Maher: New rule—Pencils down.
WaPo: What is the nuclear option?
Minute Earth: Are plastics too strong?
America’s Pravda:
- David Pakman: Leaked memo reveals Sinclair threatening employees over “must-read” scripts
- Young Turks: Watch Sinclair turn local news anchors into creepy Трамп drones.
- WaPo: What is Sinclair Broadcast Group?
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The right way to protest school shootings
- David Pakman: The problem with Sinclair isn’t their right wing politics
- John Oliver: Sinclair’s propaganda
Jim Jefferies finds flaws in sex trafficking prevention bills.
Francesca Fiorentini: The fight between progressives and centrists
Vox: China’s trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade.
Minute Physics: Special relativity chapter 3—Lorentz transformations
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
No cats were harmed in the Lorentz’s transformations. Schroeder’s cat may not be so fortunate. It’s fine though until you open the box. Danny DeVito as an M and M also makes my head hurt.
Wonder if Walker is going to go back to not holding special elections after Tuesday ‘s results?
@2 If you’re referring to Wisconsin’s upcoming legislative special elections, last I heard, he lost in court on that.
Of course, what I really want to see is whether a “blue wave” materializes in Wisconsin this fall, and if it does, whether it’s sufficient to knock him out of office and into the unemployment line.
It’s Chappaquiddick weekend.
I do thank Ted Kennedy for what he did to Jimmy Carter in 1980.
When they finally make the movie about Bill Clinton, what will it be called?
Hey, and speaking of politicians taking down other politicians…
Weiner is a fascinating portrait of a political car crash unfolding in slo-mo
There’s also that car crash angle. See what I did there?
I think the Russians planted the classified emails on Weiner’s laptop. OK, not really I don’t. But I certainly think Steve believes that.
Saturday is starting out rather well.
Darryl –
Minute Physics and the Lorentz transformation video was AWESOME! The time globe machine is way cool. Wish I had that back when I was studying this stuff.
Thanks for posting.
@1 “Schroeder’s cat may not be so fortunate.”
Mark, it is, “Schrödinger’s cat”: and his cat was key to his thought experiment related to quantum mechanics, not space-time and relativistic motion.
Try and stick to politics, music and science don’t seem to be your strong suit.
There’s a reason you are called Shortbus. Nice to see you owning it.
Schroeder played a tiny piano on Peanuts. Erwin Schödinger was an Austrian physicist who in 1935 in a letter to Albert Einsten proposed a thought experiment involving a cat in a box whose life was dependent on the state of a subatomic particle as a way of illustrating seeming contradictions at the heart of the Copenhagen interpretation.
If you’re really interested let me recommend books by John Gribbin. No math required (well, not much really). But logic mandatory.
I really don’t see how he can compare to President PornHub.
Certainly one big similarity lies in the way your party nominee continues to keep the stories of sexual deviancy alive while simultaneously creating new ones. In that regard Weiner was a trailblazer, but your guy surpasses him in every way (except perhaps in “hand size” from what we are told – but sounds like we’ll see).
Newt Hoenikker @ 7,
My pleasure. The science and knowledge type videos are fun to sprinkle amid the political vids.
It’s “No one saw it” weekend.
Beat by the two month old super hero movie
Beat by a three week old Tyler Perry Movie.
They arrest you for rubbing one out in the theater so you’ll have to wait a couple more weeks until you can get Chappaquiddick from RedBox and fap away on the privacy of
Your home.
Pay attention @komonews and other Sinclair staffers: this is how you stand up to ownership if you really care about journalism.
There might be a correlation with the Denver Post’s struggle to transition from dead-tree to digital news if KOMO is transitioning from film to digital cameras.
It’s not.
Not only did he own it, he spiked the ball and did a happy dance. Glad to see someone else noticed his miss on that.
@ 10
I really don’t see how he can compare to President PornHub.
Agreed. After all, Trump’s never lost an election.
Lisa Page took down Andrew McCabe, and she didn’t even have to fuck him to do it.
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired last month for committing three violations of the bureau’s ethics code, an investigative source told Fox News on Thursday.
The violations initially were uncovered by the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General and confirmed by the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility. They included lack of candor under oath, lack of candor when not under oath, and the improper disclosure of non-public information to the media about the FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
The violations stemmed from McCabe’s response to an October 2016 Wall Street Journal report about sizeable campaign donations from Democrats to McCabe’s wife, Jill, during her campaign for the Virginia State Senate. The investigation found that McCabe instructed FBI lawyer Lisa Page and FBI public affairs chief Michael Kortan to work with the Journal’s reporter to set the record straight.
At least Strzok got laid a few times.
“But I certainly think Steve believes that.”
What I believe is that Doctor Dumbfuck is a dumbfuck.
It’s good to see Bob living in the past…..certainly he doesn’t want to know anything about the present or future because of the big opppss.
Let’s hope he isn’t an alcoholic because he wouldn’t stand a chance to ever kicking the habit. I wonder how many patients that there are that didn’t have to die.
@8 more like he should just stick to the Harry Potter Bible.
Don’t sell the man short. He certainly won in November of 2016. Although it was a close, and some would say “technically” flawed win.
But before that? Boy Howdy! He absolutely ran the board in the 2016 Republican primary. And he did it against an opposing field crowded with some of the most highly qualified, experienced, popular, well financed and politically savvy candidates the PornHup Party has fielded since 1980.
Among Roypublicans President PornHub is probably the single most dominating political presence since Ronald Reagan. Whereas, I’m not sure most Democrats would know what Anthony Weiner’s dick looks like as well as you do.
@18 “It’s good to see Bob living in the past”
It is what Republican’s and conservatives want to do. In fact, they want everyone to live like it is the 1800’s (or earlier).
You never hear the term “progressive conservative.” Nor do you ever see, “forward thinking conservative.”
Guys like Bob just simply hate women and anything that threatens their male dominated world view. There isn’t a known transformation in the world (Lorentz, Fourier, Minkowski, etc….) that can put them in a space or reality that makes their view anything that mysogynistic and hateful.
@ 20
Knowing what Weiner’s dick looks like is what killed Andrew Breitbart.
There’s no longer the slightest doubt the Trump campaign went looking for Clinton’s emails, anywhere they could get them.
@4 Must be tough to stick your head up your ass and then be unable to pull it out for 48 1/2 years. At some point you have to shit. I assume you’ve been eating it, because there’s nowhere else for it to go.
@16 “At least Strzok got laid a few times.”
Your horses know the feeling.
How Scott Pruitt is spending your tax dollars (spoiler alert: not to protect the environment):
“EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is facing renewed questions about the size and cost of his 24-hour security detail, adding to a string of ethically questionable arrangements or actions on his part that have surfaced over the past year.
“Pruitt’s security team currently consists of 19 agents and includes a fleet of at least 19 vehicles, a source with direct knowledge of Pruitt’s security detail said. With the cost of maintenance, gas, and training for agents, that leaves the dollar amount for his round-the-clock security in the millions.”
Father of missing autistic 5-year-old boy charged with criminal homicide – Fox News
Heavy fire at Trump Tower 50th floor being reported.
We might as well face it. The loon has finally been lynched by his white supremacist friends. We all told him it was a bad idea to hang out with those guys. This is so…SAD!
I’m thinking HA should have a loon memorial thread so we can show our disrespect for the loon one last time.
He might be atoning for his offence against the invisible sky buddy last Friday.
I have no idea what the penence for violatin’ the goatday would be. But it’s supposed to rank about equal to the commandments. So the late post last Friday is pretty much like he killed someone or fucked his sister-in-law. At this point, when it comes to PornHub voters I have no idea if that sort of thing is considered bad or just “meh” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But it raises the possibility that he may be otherwise occupied with some serious self-correction. I hope he’s got plenty of Bactine.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to those hurt and killed in the trump tower fire.
“Nearly two decades ago, Trump, then one of the Big Apple’s most prominent real estate moguls, lobbied against legislation that considered whether sprinklers should be installed in all residential buildings.
The future president backed off on panning the proposal after it was tweaked to grandfather existing buildings — such as Trump Tower — or structures for which building permits had already been filed, such as the Trump World Tower. ”
Ted Nugent says Democrats should be shot on sight.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Can we get this guy involuntarily committed for observation? Please? Before innocent people get hurt?
@32 Nugent’s just pissed because a student survivor of a school shooting handed his ass to him.
The sinking of the El Faro during Cat 4 Hurricane Joaquin in 2014.
Has a The Perfect Storm sort of feel to it, but the dialogue was recorded and the data recovered.
Good read.
@ 32
Ted Nugent says Democrats should be shot on sight.
The irony of the HA asshole associated with “Liberals must arm.” suddenly seeing a problem with it when it’s uttered by the other side.
Maureen Dowd wonders how Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was ever able to reproduce.
WASHINGTON — I’ve noticed a weird pattern, in fiction and life, about sexual encounters: Women decide they’re not attracted to a guy they’re nestling with. Limerence is not in the cards. But they go ahead and have sex anyhow.
de Blasio employs a gang-banger.
A $90,000-per-year director with Mayor de Blasio’s Office of Criminal Justice was arrested along with two men Saturday night in Queens after a loaded gun was found in their car — double-parked just blocks away from the scene of an earlier shooting, police said.
The gun seized from the Infiniti carries an eight-round clip, but only had three rounds in it when it was found, sources said.
The officers were scanning the area for suspicious activity after the NYPD’s ShotSpotter system detected five gunshots on nearby 109th Avenue around 10 p.m., authorities said.
Surveillance video culled from the scene of the 109th Avenue shooting shows the muzzle flashes of five shots fired from a car.
It’s hard to make shit like this up.
For the Fucking Moron and Rujax!, eight round capacity minus five shots is three left in the clip.
And we finally have an answer to the question of what it takes to be suspended without pay from a government job.
She was arrested previously, in 2015. I wonder what for? The record is sealed.
It’s no fun being an illegal alien.
Several injured in human-smuggling crash on I-8 near Campo
A woman who was driving behind the Ford F-250 in the fast lane told investigators that the two-axle, four-horse trailer being hauled by the pickup began to fishtail, according to the California Highway Patrol. The pickup driver was unable to maintain control and drifted off the freeway. The trailer then separated from the truck and tipped onto its right side, said CHP Officer Travis Garrow.
Several people scrambled from the trailer and many ran away. No horses were inside.
Y’all didn’t think I actually used that horse trailer for horses, didja?
Boob desperately wants to know this and that of Bill Clinton before the freak kicks..
Oh and don’t forget “Ed Mole”..
It’s a tribal thing. Or is it a mental illness?
@ 39
More interested in knowing what killed six children little more than a week ago.
Synopsis: On April 7, 2018 around 1:58 PM the California Highway Patrol (CHP) received a call regarding a found body in the surf of the Pacific Ocean at Juan Creek and Highway 1 in Westport CA. This area is in the immediate vicinity of the recent Hart Family crash.
Other than two lesbians who loved them some Bernie and OWS, I mean.
Maybe it’s because her husband died.
Facebook’s Sandberg backs out of ABC News interview
Or because no one treats a woman more viciously than another woman. Or maybe Bill Clinton.
But, according to TV insiders, when “Lean In” author Sandberg learned she would be quizzed by trailblazing journalist Martha Raddatz, and not ABC News star Stephanopoulos, the Facebook doyenne demurred.
And eh.. What’s 84k between fellow dickheads?
Dumbfuckery defined:
Yet it’s the de Blasio hire that’s the shooter or the owner of the gun..
In tail gunner Joe’s day, it was called “guilt by association”..
@ 42
Q: What’s 84k between fellow dickheads?
A: About 20 minutes of a pre-2016 Hillary Clinton speech.
Ba dup bup.
@ 43
Yeah, Ted Kennedy only happened to be in the car with dat bimbo.
She done it to herself.
This might not be the best weekend to credibly claim guilt by association regarding crimes that happen in vehicles, YLB.
LOL! Jealous… Boob topped out at 82 and change..
@36 “Maureen Dowd wonders how Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was ever able to reproduce.”
Pay me 5 bucks and I’ll tell you how I did it. Spoiler: Not by fucking a horse’s ass.
@ 47
I always envisioned Mrs. Rabbit to look more like a cow, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And I imagine it was the milkman who did it, and not you.
@ 43
Turns out you might have some success in claiming it wasn’t her gun, YLB.
The serial number was filed off. She’s also facing a charge of possession of a defaced firearm.
Tell me, YLB, as a fellow woman would you say this improves, or worsens, her situation?
LOL! High hopes for box office records for the bridge tragedy movie. Was that yet another Dinesh D’Souza production?
What’s the next future hope for boob, a flick about Ed’s “mole”?
Never did. Just called you out for being a knee-jerk dumbfuck.
@ 51
Yo, officer, that isn’t my gun with the serial number filed off that was used in that drive-by two blocks away. It’s Montel’s gun.
You’re right, YLB, that’s gonna sound a whole lot better to Hizzoner.
The irony of an always wrongist asshole not knowing the difference between defending oneself and a call for murderous aggression.
A dumbfuck AND a racist.
@ 54
Sure, YLB. Someone in Queens using the term ‘Yo’ clearly is racist.
When all ya got is a hammer…
LOL @ 55
So the garbage at comment 52 was just you wearing blackface.
Yawwnn.. Enough for one day.
@48 Well at least my kids don’t look like unicorns.
@36 Given how often godwin uses gay slurs, I think he’s a gay man so deep in the closet and terrified to come out, he has to project his fears and insecurities onto others.
Like the loudest anti gay preachers and politicians end up being found with an underage rent boy in a cheap motel.
“It’s no fun being an illegal alien.”
On that, we agree.
@37. Does godwin only attack and disparage women of color associated with liberals? is he an equal opportunity attacker? Does he also attack and disparage white conservative women? Or men?
Sean Hannity, who mocked Michelle Obama, says it’s wrong to mock Melania Trump
“Hannity not only called Kimmel “creepy and perverted,” but he shared his outrage that Kimmel would even mock the first lady, whom Hannity described as an “innocent woman.”
Too bad Hannity didn’t feel the same way when it came to Michelle Obama, whom he went after numerous times when she was first lady. For example, Hannity mocked Mrs. Obama for being part of a rap video that encouraged young people to go to college, declaring on his Fox News show: “The Western world is under constant threat from Islamic jihadists, but your first lady, Michelle Obama, is busy making a rap music video about going to college.””
@ 58
Chad Felix Greene
Every time a liberal wants to insult a Republican, they imply they are gay.
Never fails. …
3:04 PM – Apr 6, 2018
Wall-building, immigration-stopping Hungarian PM just re-elected to his third term.
When The Guardian begins pieces like this:
Viktor Orbán has declared victory, after near-complete results showed a crushing win for his rightwing coalition.
it’s clear that conservatives stomped the opposition.
Fuck you, Soros.
Why are Millennials running from religion? Blame hypocrisy
White evangelicals embrace scandal-plagued Trump. Black churches enable fakes. Why should we embrace this?
Millennials are definitely taking note, and continue to abandon the church. A 2015 Pew Research Center study found 35 percent of millennials identify their religion as “none” — that’s twice the percentage of Boomers. If Christian hypocrisy isn’t addressed, organized religion won’t last.
I got taken to a mega church at Easter. It had three campuses and three services on that Sunday. The preacher showed up by helicopter. It was fascinating. Lots of singing, a killer light show, thumping sound system and finally a strongly uplifting message. At the end, the preacher told us to give deeply so he could afford heat, light and another church and to shun all churches but his.
Which reminds me…
Megachurches Are Turning Into MAGA-churches
Megachurches were integrated by blacks seeking to end ‘the most segregated hour in America.’ But now those churches are getting Trumpy, and blacks are leaving.
@62. Methinks you protest to much.
Doesn’t change the pattern you use gay slurs every chance you get. If you don’t want us to think you are a closet case, stop doing using them.
You admire that Viktor Orbán won? What is wrong with you?
As West Fears the Rise of Autocrats, Hungary Shows What’s Possible
Mr. Orban is emblematic of a strongman age. He has courted President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and praised President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. In 2016, he became the first Western leader to endorse the Republican presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump. Although Mr. Orban lacks the global profile of those leaders, what he is doing in Europe is seen as part of a broader decline of democracy in the world.
The Most Dangerous Man in the European Union
But over the past eight years, Orbán has pioneered a new model of what some Hungarian scholars describe as a “half democracy in decline” or a “soft autocracy,” merging crony capitalism with right-wing rhetoric. On the Corruption Perception Index compiled by Transparency International and released this February, Hungary is ranked as the second most corrupt EU country after Bulgaria. By gerrymandering the electoral system, subjugating the free press, and curbing the judiciary, Hungary has also achieved the dubious distinction of being named by Freedom House the “least democratic country” among the EU’s 28 members.
“Officers facing similar charges with less than two years on the force are typically fired, say sources.”
Seems more like nepotism.
@ 30 that “meh” Symbol, looks like a hairy pussy….kind of fits the Pornhub stuff…you should use it more often.
@35 really Bob! Come on you hypocrite….you saw no problem telling “gays to arm” well before “liberals must arm”. You really have some balls not seeing yourself as the problem and the instigator, and for that “problems” will continue. So I guess your nothing but a Drama Queen….maybe you are a Bottom too….hahaha!
“But they go ahead and have sex anyhow.” And many wives should ask their husbands aren’t gay. My dick got plenty hard fucking woman, as a gay man.
Yours and Puddy’s in particular.
@ 64
Black churches enable fakes. Why should we embrace this?
You apparently have not heard Hillary Clinton’s oh-so-realistic accent when she speaks to a black congregation.
Why, indeed.
To be fully transparent, 60% of the spike is due to people who just wanna pop a cap in David Hogg’s ass.
US interest in concealed carry permit training jumps 100 per cent after Parkland: ‘We’ve never seen a spike this big before’
Pretty sure if y’all would just STFU that firearm ownership would decrease on its own.
@66 “What is wrong with you?”
He’s a dumbfuck.
@63 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck celebrates the re-emergence of European fascism and the cynical scapegoating for political gain of a private citizen who is, after all, only a wealthy investor who donates to mainstream political causes. Wanna know why we call him a dumbfuck?
@66 “What is wrong with you”
The same thing that’s always been wrong with conservatives when they admired thugs like Franco, Rhee, Batista, Stroessner, Pinochet, the Contras, death squads, Dutarte, etc. Also, don’t forget that Hitler was a fairly popular guy among American rightwingers back in the early and mid-1930s. Basically, conservatives like thuggery, bullying, torture, repression, slavery, genocide, etc., as long as they’re dishing it out. The only time they don’t like these things is when commies are dishing it out and they’re on the getting end of it.
@73 “just wanna pop a cap in David Hogg’s ass”
Talking about a child who survived a horrific school shooting in this manner is beneath contempt, doc. You are a swine.
Republicans are only pro-life before birth. After a fetus comes into the world as a child, they can’t wait to pop a cap in its little round ass. I’ve always been curious what turns Republicans into child rapists and killers. Are they resentful because their mothers didn’t abort them?
With trillion-dollar deficits looming “as far as the eye can see,” Trump’s $40 billion border wall is a luxury our nation can’t afford.
GOP pollster foresees November bloodbath …
“’I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,’ Republican pollster Frank Luntz said Sunday on Fox News. ‘If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.’”
… however, Democrats must not become complacent.
“The Federal Bureau of Investigation on Monday raided the offices of U.S. President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen, The New York Times reported. …
“Stephen Ryan, Cohen’s lawyer, confirmed that a raid had taken place … [and] said in his statement that Cohen has cooperated with authorities and turned over thousands of documents to congressional investigators for their own probes into Moscow’s alleged efforts to influence the U.S. election.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like Mueller wants to see that stuff, too. After all, a lawyer willing to buy the silence of a porn actress might be willing to buy an election from the Russians, too.
It keeps getting better every day.
“FBI raids office of Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen and seizes records linked to Stormy Daniels payment”
Not much doubt that Justice Clarence Thomas is married to a rightwing asshole.
Meanwhile, Fox has taken to criticizing kids for being too smart.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The problem, of course, is this kid’s not white. But I really don’t understand why Fox’s talking heads are so unnerved by a black kid who’s smarter than they are. After all, EVERYONE is smarter than they are.
A person died in that Trump Tower fire, and all Trump could say was bragging about how “well built” his building is.
There’s one product made in China on which Trump will never, ever, impose tariffs. Can you guess what it is?
Tells me there’s another memo just like this one.
Through all of last year and the beginning of this year the received wisdom among the PornHub Party faithful was that any forays by Mueller into criminal shenanigans beyond what the idiot hairdos at FOX News insisted had to be this made up thing called “collusion” would be “out of bounds” and therefor nothing to worry about. A few of us pointed out that the statute authorizing and describing the method for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor a) does not require that the specific matter to be investigated must be included in the appointment order and b) specifically allows for the specific matter to be kept secret from the general public (and the Congress).
Rosenstein has probably expanded the investigation well beyond whatever “collusion” is supposed to mean. Although, Cohen certainly touches on the issues of email hacks and election tampering, his schemes have had much more to do with opening up Trump business in Russian real estate development. A few very stupid people in the administration may still believe that the bribes they paid to get a petroleum concession 12 years ago, or the illegal meeting they facilitated between a foreign espionage agent and a top appointee are still safely off the table. But those probably number fewer than a half dozen. The rest have lawyers on speed dial and have started moving banker boxes to their sister’s storage locker in Passaic. The footrace phase of the investigation has begun.
Who’ll be the “fixer” when the “fixer” is wearing an ankle monitor?
For anyone wondering perhaps how Roypublican President Very Serious PornHub reacted to the news that his “fixer” had his offices, homes, and hotel rooms searched I give you…
Uday and Ousay asked Panamanian Pres. Juan Carlos Varela to intervene on their behalf in a dispute in Panama’s courts over their hotel. They threatened diplomatic and trade repercussions if they didn’t get the outcome they wanted.
#youbuiltthat #drainin
89, more
That the boys would play that card is not very surprising (even if it may be illegal) and probably to be expected. I’m sure most Roypublicans assume that this is just how things are done when white men are calling the shots, etc. No biggee.
What I think is interesting is that Panama told them to get bent. In context that’s kind of amazing, really. Had the whole thing been done in a more “diplomatic” fashion and using carrots as well as sticks, at least in previous administrations the result would probably have been different. But with Tillerson being ushered out, surrounded by a bunch of consultants while the career diplomatic and trade reps are sprinting for the doors, there are no carrots. And damn few sticks either.
This is collateral damage from the administration’s and the PornHub Party’s new attitude about trade and diplomacy. Could be the market corrections were more rational than first impressions suggest.
Sigh! Still mourning the loss of the loon, RIP.
Poor loon. He never should have hung out with those white supremacists. As we told him many times, nothing good was ever going to come from it.
“The rest have lawyers on speed dial and have started moving banker boxes to their sister’s storage locker in Passaic. The footrace phase of the investigation has begun.”
Reminds me of the scene in “Goodfellas“:
@91 “nothing good was ever going to come from it”
I couldn’t honestly say his disappearance is all bad; but like you I’m in mourning, out of simple rabbit decency.
Just reminiscing about the loon. Remember when the loon took down Troll for using the N-word? Heh. Neither do I.
53. Troll spews:
Are you talking about the niggers beat Tubaman to death, and only going to be sentenced to weeks in jail?
04/03/2009 at 6:09 pm
55. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
Troll@53, there are white ones too.
04/03/2009 at 6:21 pm
I’m going to miss you, loon, RIP.
I really don’t think it was the white supremacists that did him in, I really think it was his religious cult that finally had enough of his hypocritical bullshit, unbridled hate-speech, and non-adherence to the religious rules. After all, “Vengeance is mine saith the lord.”
His cult probably took his keyboard and Internet connection and gave him a T1 line straight to his god.
The white supremacists probably have a need for a token to do their biding, however the religious zealots show no such compassion for those that flaunt the rules.
@95 The babbling cornhole once babbled here at HA about what a “secure” network is like.. It was if the butthole was bragging about its own design of
KULT Dot Net…
Its kult’s own private network where kult bidness is exclusively conducted from the prying eyes of google, apple, etc. – in other words “the world”…
Me thinks a better name for that would be
After all landing Vlad Putin would be that kult’s finest moment.. We all know Vlad is the richest which is why maga-debtor drumpf paints its orange face brown to make bank with the murderous fascist freak. 10 percent of Vlad’s hoarde??? Ooooh that’d put the kult on top.
Good luck with that kult freaks..
“Its kult’s own private network where kult bidness is exclusively conducted from the prying eyes of google, apple, etc.”
But wait, Piddle’s god is omniscient; Piddles can’t secure a network from an “all knowing” god. The loon is screwed six ways from Sunday.
Piddles put HA first, more than once. I guess it was time to meet his maker.
Reminds me of the scene in “Goodfellas“
I’m sure many of them are just as strung out, too.
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