Thom: The Good, The Bad, and the Very Very Ugly.
Ann Telnaes: Taxpayer killing of the unborn….
White House: West Wing Week.
Stephen Malkmus and The Jicks: Senator:
Thom: Did Republicans just prove they only care about the top 1%?
- Ann Telnaes: Gingrich, Cain and Cantor on “wall street mobs”.
- Young Turks: Occupy Wall Street epic win.
- Alonya: Speaking to the occupiers.
- Mark Fiore: Then meets now.
- Thom: We are the 99%…let’s get to work.
- Olbermann with Tavis Smiley and Cornel West on occupy Wall Street.
- Ed and Pap: Stop the looting, start the prosecuting.
- Aloyna: Bloomberg backs down.
- Young Turks: Conservatives claim OWS is anti-Semitic
- Ann Telnaes: Newt Gingrich’s trash talk.
Jimmy Kimmel talks to kids about politics.
Ed with some Psychotalk from John Boehner.
ONN: Obama’s approval soars after punching Wall Street banker in the face.
Koch Gives Cancer:
- Thom: Koch and Cancer.
- Young Turks: The Koch Brothers cause cancer.
Tom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Radio host Neal Boortz crazies his way to Worst Person in the World.
The GOP Primary Asylum:
- Jimmy Fallon: GOP political ads (via Huffington Post).
- Aloyna: MSM primary political games.
- Ann Telnaes: Palin ain’t running.
- Young Turks: Herman Cain takes the lead!
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Inside 999.
- Herman Cain: Revolution 999 (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Newsy: Is Cain’s 999 tax feasible?
- Aloyna’s Happy Hour: Bachmann goes all 666 at debate
- Ann Telnaes: Christie will not run
- Thom: Values Voter bigotry over Romney’s faith.
- Young Turks: Ron Paul’s eyebrow?
- Pap: Who’s pulling the strings for Rick Perry?.
- Ed with some Psychotalk from Gov. Rick Perry.
- Young Turks: 999 or 666?
- CNN: Romney policies run up against reality.
- Tweety: The ‘Two Faces’ of flip-flopping specialist Willard Mitt Romney
- Mitt Romney through some Bad Lip Reading:
- Ed: Rush disavows Mitt’s conservative credentials.
- Young Turks: Newt’s moment of crazy.
- Actual Audio: Herman Cain versus the protesters.
- Susie Sampson: Social Security and the Romney-Perry Showdown!
Jimmy Starline, member of the County Board of Commissioners in Camden County, Ga is Worst Person in the World.
Thom: Dems fire-up to fire Walker.
More Hank, Jr.:
- Young Turks: Hank goes on The View.
- Barely Political: Hank’s apology.
Aloyna’s Tool Time: FL Gov. Rick Scott and the Liberal Arts.
Newsy: Parts of Alabama immigration law blocked.
Sam Seder: Corporate tax dodgers are destroying the economy.
Sharpton: The GOP “jobs plan”.
Kill ’em Dead:
- Young Turks: FL lawmaker wants firing squads.
- Aloyna’s Tool Time: FL Sen., Ol’ Sparky, and Firing Squads.
Rush Limbaugh is back in the saddle as Worst Person in the World.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Occupy protesters have a new name: Fleabaggers.
FoxNoise sewer pipe, right on cue.
Herm Cain thinks this is fine. So does the little puddypussy.
Glenn Fucking Beck.
THIS guy is the one who gets puddypussy’s panties in a twist.
Glenn Fucking Beck.
So if it’s possible to bring this cornucopia of lunacity erupting from the puddypussy I guess this might start to do it.
Herman Cain Says He Plans To “Update” “Hail To The Chief”; Fox’s Wallace Asks If That Means “Hip Hop”October 02, 2011 11:44 am ET
From the October 2 edition of Fox Broadcasting Co.’s Fox News Sunday:
Why that’s TREASON!!!!!
Just out of idle curiosity, what news programs/channels do you folks watch on TV?
[ ] ABC
[ ] CBS
[ ] NBC
[ ] CNN
[ ] CNN – HLN
[ ] Don’t watch TV news/don’t have TV
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[ ] Other
That was excellent. “Hip Hop?” Now why would a FoxNoise talking head assume that Herman Cain, when talking about updating Hail to the Chief, mean making it Hip-Hop? Why?
And I think Herman was telegraphing his theocratic intent with his correction about ‘Gospel beats’ in the tune. That, or a fairly naked pander to church-going black people.
I’m shocked, shocked at the display of racism on display at Fox.
Can’t wait to see puddles spin that.
These communist/socialist fleabaggers won’t last. Nothing will change. And that’s a good thing.
I predict that Obama will win re-election and that the Senate and House will remain more or less the same. I think this outcome would be best for the country as neither of the main political parties will get to do much other than argue with each other. Sometimes doing nothing is the best alternative.
[ ] Don’t watch TV news/don’t have TV
So… According to my morning paper there were 2 Bush era ATF programs that let guns walk into Mexico.
You’d think that the Obama folks would have been smart enough to not allow failed Bush programs to be repeated.
“You’d think that the Obama folks would have been smart enough to not allow failed Bush programs to be repeated.”
Didn’t Obama also not repeal the Bush-era tax cuts?
@10 What, are you’re going stupid on me? You can do better than that. I’d rather you go back to slipping the “N” word into your comments. You’re at least useful then, as I enjoy using that to humiliate the self-loather.
Good point.
He can’t do that unilaterally. It’s Congress’ constitutional power to tax and spend.
Repeal DADT – he could have done something like that with an executive order, but politically that would have been stupid. So the military was tasked to study it and they signed off and now it’s the right wingers who look like idiots when they want to stand in the way of patriotic americans who want to lay down their lives for their country.
@10 You remind me of a guy standing in the middle of the railroad tracks, dancing and singing and waving his arms, oblivious to the fact he’s about to get run over by a train.
As soon as I glanced at this morning’s headlines, I saw that Italy has exploded into street riots. This should surprise no one. Italy’s ruler isn’t just a corrupt billionaire media baron and notorious womanizer. He’s a criminal who would be serving prison time if he hadn’t used his position as prime minister to repeal the laws he broke. Anyone who thinks Italy’s unemployed youth are going to let this scumbag tell them to tighten their belts and go hungry to save Italy’s banksters has rocks in his head. Berlusconi will be lucky if he gets out of this with his life.
The rightwing garbage can lid bangers claim they don’t understand what the Occupy protests are about. Let me educate them. The bloodsucking moneyed class that siphons off the wealth created by workers has gone too far. It’s as simple as that.
A second Bush administration gun-trafficking investigation has surfaced that used the same controversial tactic for which congressional Republicans have been criticizing the Obama administration.
@20 What would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic, is that our trolls, chump change all, grovel at the feet of the moneyed class. Hell, blue bloods hold new money in contempt. Imagine the contempt they have for the self-loather and the goatfucker. They’re just useful tools, and only because they’re so easy to manipulate. Push a few buttons and they spew whatever hate and lies suit their master’s cause. In the end, they’ll have gotten nothing for it but a pat on the head, and they will then be shown the way to the servant’s entrance. And if that day comes, the self-loather will truly be the “house nigger” that Headless always said he was. The shame is, we’ll all be either “house niggers” or field hands by then.
The Fruits of Immigrant Bashing
“With too few hands to pick the apples in Washington state, Democratic Gov. Chris Gregoire says the farm-labor shortage has prompted a crisis. …
“It’s become an increasingly common refrain this year across the country:
• In Alabama, where a new state law is aimed at cracking down on illegal immigrants, the construction, agriculture and poultry industries all report huge shortages of labor.
• A study by the University of Georgia this year found the state had a shortage of … workers in the fields.
• In California, farmers have complained of too few workers to pick the avocados.
• In Texas, growers have appealed for more employees to help pick their organic crops and vegetables ….
“Gregoire returned home Friday after leading a 15-member delegation of farm-group representatives to Washington, D.C. They lobbied members of Congress to oppose a Republican bill that would force employers to use a federal database called E-Verify to determine whether their employees are eligible to work in the United States.
“In Washington state, the governor and farm groups want nothing to do with it, for one simple reason: About 66,000 of the 92,000 workers who are needed for seasonal harvests … are ‘document challenged,’ according to the state’s farm groups. …
“‘With E-Verify, you’re looking at a catastrophic thing that could happen to agriculture as a whole,’ said Jon Wyss, the president of the Okanogan County Farm Bureau …. Wyss, who represents more than 900 farm families in the county, said growers were facing a bleak harvest this year. He read an email … from one … who complained … the farmer was 200 pickers short …. Wyss said all of his growers were struggling to find labor this fall.”
Occupy Springfield MO! That’s right folks, there’s even an occupy movement in John Ashcroft’s home town. And these folks don’t look like college students* (well 3 of them do) or burned out hippies.
What’s so bad about college students wanting to build a better world anyway?
O’ and here’s all you really need to know about Ashcroft:
Ashcroft studiously avoided making the had choice (a recurrent theme among boomers) of either going to war or fighting against it. My hat’s off to the folks who fought and the folks who fought against the war or left the country, but I don’t have much good to say about people who used their daddies position or money to avoid making a hard choice.
i Lika da weed, were iz ma fwee stuphf?
The really funny part about that is that you’re the only one saying anything close to that.
Speaking of button pushers,
Good grief, Glenny. Dragged out to the street by lefties? Well, maybe. But I think it’s equally likely that you’ll have your throat slit in the dark of night as you peacefully slumber by a disappointed wingnut “house nigger” who mistakenly believed that faithful service to his overlords would somehow lead to bigger and better things.
@25 I’m not so harsh on the deferment thing, at least pointing a finger solely at the right. I was around then. A zillion liberals were no different than those who later became wingnuts. In fact, some of those liberals are today’s wingnuts. And I believe many of those liberals, like Cheney, had a yellow streak down their backs a mile wide. I do have considerable contempt for cowards like Cheney, who strut around today like they’re some kind of fucking warrior.
@28 Far more likely his girlfriend will do it.
@29 I didn’t want them in my foxhole.
Like I said the other day…
(“God” of course meant figuratively, not a supplication to the dude sending Rick Perry messages through his dental fillings or the voices in P-dud’s pointy head)
I’m not souly pointing fingers at the right. It’s a generational thing. A big part of the reason we’re in the position we’re in now is do to Baby Boomers taking the easy way out of almost everything. Not that us Gen. X. folks don’t do it too, but you folks have been in power for a while now. We haven’t. We need to change the culture of taking the easy way out. Confronting and changing our current economic system is part of that.
Well that’s a fine thing to say about the American people. Talk about anti-Americanism!
Is there a bigger dumb fuck running for the Republican nomination????…wait…don’t answer that.
It’s funny, I’ve heard plenty of people complaining about the OWS’ers, but I haven’t heard a single person standing up for things like the Citizens United ruling or the HP CEO who got canned after a years and walked away with an 11 million dollar payout, (I think he got 23 million total for his disastrous year at HP) which are the kinds of things the OWS’ers are protesting about.
I noticed that too…
…those are kind of universal, cross-party issues. Where IS that other side. We should be able to agree on this stuff.
Clearly…they don’t give a fuck about anything that Rush Limbaugh doesn’t tell them to give a fuck about.
After I ran Goldy off his own blog, I see he’s sputtering over at the slog. He painted himself into a corner criticizing tea partiers for protesting, now he’s having trouble finding his voice with regard to the violent fleabagger movement.
I fucking love it!
Troll’s got his panties in a twist churning out hate and lie after lie..
I love this braindead zombie meltdown!
And we should never forget that the tea baggers were funded in part by the Koch Brothers and directed to play for the cameras by Faux News:
From the slog.
Now, I would really like our trolls to explain why this is dream is invalid.
@38 “After I ran Goldy off his own blog …”
Good job! Now let’s see if you can run me off …
NBC reports that Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan would raise taxes on a family earning $50,000 a year by $5,000. The rich would get huge new tax cuts.
Whenever I hear people telling me how tough the poor have it, I laugh.
Free medical through unpaid emergency room visits. Free food through food banks, soup kitchens, ebt cards, and free lunch for their kids at school. Affordable housing through Section 8. Reduced utility bills through programs that charge the poor less. Free clothes for the family from charities. Free Christmas presents for their kids from charities. Free school supplies from charities. Free money through welfare checks. Free daycare through a state program only for the poor.
And on, and on, and on.
Yeah, the poor really have it tough. Everything being handed to them for free.
@44 You forgot to mention that because the poor buy most of the lottery tickets, poor people win most of the big lottery prizes, too!
Strangely, despite having it so good, 100% of the poor say they’d rather be rich.
The poor are ungrateful. They lay back, mooching off society, getting everything handed to them for free; things other people have to work for, and what do they say? “It’s not enough! We deserve more!”
Troll is very frightened and angered by Americans demonstrating for redress of grievances.
Some believe this movement is a plot by Obama to destroy America and make it communist. They believe he wants America to fail so it will bring about revolution.
Perhaps the physicians that comment here like correctnotright and Liberal Scientist can prescribe a calming medication for Troll.
Let me first to coin the term Occupy Truther.
If black people are disproportionately poor, and King County is 13% black, why is Occupy Seattle 99% white?
@47 The rich are ungrateful, too. They lay back, mooching off the working class, getting everything handed to them; things other people have to work for, and what do they say? “It’s not enough! We want more!”
@52 You’re the only person idiotic enough to claim Occupy Seattle is 99% white. Nobody else said that.
@49 Yeah, you’re stupid enough to believe that.
Troll not only is a troll he or she went so far as to name him/her self Troll and yet people still don’t get it.
I ask “Now, I would really like our conservatives to explain why this is dream is invalid.”
The conservative says “The poor are ungrateful.”
The man’s dream is of a regulated Wall Street, of affordable housing and medicare for everyone
and the conservative says “The poor are ungrateful.”
The man’s dream is marriage equality.
and the conservative says “The poor are ungrateful.”
The 99% should be grateful that adult Americans cannot marry the adult Americans they love and we should be grateful?
The man’s dream is more war.
and the conservative says “The poor are ungrateful.”
The 99% should be grateful for unpaid-for invasions that never end?
The man’s dream is to see an end to corporate tax loopholes and the notion that corporations are people.
and the conservative says “The poor are ungrateful.”
The 99% should be grateful for that corporations have more rights than you and I?
The man’s dream is to encourage people to vote, not discourage them.
and the conservative says “The poor are ungrateful.”
The 99% should be grateful for voter suppression?
The man’s dream is of a strong and educated middle class.
and the conservative says “The poor are ungrateful.”
The 99% should be grateful for that getting a degree will leave a person in deep debt fighting for a job that was shipped overseas?
The 99% should be grateful they have it so good I guess.
A lot of this trouble we have is all realted to these two ridiculous wars we have going on presently. Let’s just end the damn things because there’s nothing to win in either theater of operations. Also, let Israel take care of itself. Ditto for South Korea, Japan, and all of Europe. We’ve got enough shit going on right here that we don’t have to go looking for it overseas.
Also, end the War on Drugs. That one has been a failure since the get-go.
There are lots of ways to stop spending federal money. Hell, I’ll bet even a few of the ususal suspects here could come up with some great ideas to cut the spending without hurting any Americans.
47% of American workers don’t pay income taxes, right? But they do pay payroll taxes. I believe it’s something like 1.45% of total earned income for Medicare and 6.2% (up to $106,800 in earned income) for Social Security. This is good because those payroll taxes are for the future beneift of the people paying them. After all, I’m sure the government is wisely managing those funds to insure we all have a safe, secure retirement with pre-paid healthcare with Medicare.
Hey, that sounds pretty good to me – 47% of workers aren’t paying any income taxes, but they’re being taxed to fund what they’ll receive in future benefits in Social Security and Medicare. Wow, what’s not to like about that?
“The poor are ungrateful. They lay back, mooching off society, getting everything handed to them for free; things other people have to work for, and what do they say? “It’s not enough! We deserve more!””
You’re starting to bore me. Elevate your game, Troll. Maybe try making yourself useful for a change and talk about “niggers” again. At least I can use that to humiliate the self-loathing black loon.
@59 I paid FICA taxes all my working life, and now I’m getting my Social Security and Medicare benefits. Those promises have been kept for me and tens of millions of other Americans — no one has ever been stiffed by the government.
How many of the private corporations that went trekking into bankruptcy court to rip up their union contracts and walk away from their pension obligations can say the same thing?
Wanna ask me who I trust more, the government or Wall Street banksters?
P.S., I bet Grover Norquist is gonna collect his Social Security bennies and sign up for Medicare when his time comes.
Just like Ayn Rand.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Galt.
Um, no. Aren’t those taxes for paying benefits to beneficiaries now?
Perhaps someone more enlightened about finance, like that lazy bastard RR, laying about all day making money stealing from idiot Republicans, can educate me. I got into this with a Randroid named Eyago over at ‘Stefan’s sucky little blog’, AKA Sound Politics, the other day. I made the same point, that the working poor, the dread ‘47%’, pay a significant amount of their salary to payroll taxes – which elicited a hue and cry that those were future savings, not taxes, because to consider otherwise would be to relegate Social Security to just another form of welfare, that great Satan.
Sometime in the early 1980’s, I think 1983, Reagan got the FICA tax raised, 6.2% for employees and 6.2% for employers, so that the baby boomers would pay for their own Social Security. That is why Social Security is 2.6 Trillion dollars in the black and wouldn’t have problems, minor problems, until around 2043. One of the few things that Reagan did that was good.
Now we need the cap to be raised from $106,800 to a million dollars so that future generations will have Social Security.
Beware the 27%!!!
Here is a must-read for arguing with assholes, as we do here so, so often.
HA! I read this over at Feministe, and of course thought of our little community here:
The whole discussion is worth the read, very very worth it.
Read this.
An excerpt:
Some people believe the moom landings were faked.
Some people belive minorities are intellectually and morally inferior to white people.
Some people believe that Jews run the world.
Some people (like this moron) are fucking nuts.
@ 66
Here is a must-read for arguing with assholes, as we do here so, so often.
The previous post is also worth a read.
By the way, another common wingnut line of argument, similar to the urban legend, is what I call “argument from hypothesis.” A hypothesis is stated as if it’s a fact, and the argument proceeds either without providing any evidence whatsoever in support of the hypothesis or any and all evidence that would counter the hypothesis is ignored.
The “liberal media” hypothesis is a classic example of this.
Speaking of which, Brad DeLong points us to James Fallows who explains a couple of more data points that contradict the “liberal media” hypothesis.
Now THAT’S Presidential, goddammit!
Do it to Canada too…keep those endless lines of evil, greedy Canucks from jumping on our “best in the world” health care system!!
Damn straight!
Herm Cain, Koch Whore…like puddypussy. Don’t “Fight…Fight the Power”, dude…suck up to ’em!!!
Quite right – they have been very successful pushing ideology as fact – in part because what they’re selling is hate and ignorance, for which, alas, there is a very large market.
The crazy 27 percent..
Herman Cain is a phony whose entire campaign is trickery and gimmickry.
This was crystal clear as I watched a couple of MSNBC videos of Cain’s “Meet the Press” appearance.
Cain has no domestic or foreign policy. He’s merely a stage magician with a gimmicky tax scheme that soaks the poor and coddles the rich. He plays to the rightwing bumpersticker crowd with incendiary rhetoric that “liberals are on a mission to destroy America.”
Btw, Cain is one of the millionaires who would reap handsome tax cuts from his “999” scheme:
“Presidential candidate Herman Cain made over a dozen stock sales over the past year and a half that earned him between $230,000 and $1.3 million in capital gains … that would not be taxed at all under his ‘9-9-9’ plan, according to his own financial disclosure statement reviewed by NBC News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Do you really want to pay a 9% federal sales tax on top of our 9.5% state/local sales tax — plus a 9% tax on your adjusted gross income — so this guy doesn’t have to pay any taxes at all?
Conservatives Were Wrong About Gays In The Military
For years, rightwing homophobes bleated that allowing gays to serve in the military would tear the armed forces apart.
They were WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Now that DADT is gone and gay members of the armed forces are coming out, absolutely nothing is happening.
“Each of the 200 or so sailors, soldiers, Marines and airmen attending the conference put on by the formerly clandestine group known as OutServe had, to varying degrees, only recently revealed their sexual orientations at work. None had gotten a reaction worse than a shrug.
“‘Out of the 4,500 members we have, we haven’t had any person come to us about one single problem …,’ said Air Force 1st Lt. Josh Seefried, the group’s co-founder. ‘Right now, … there is nothing to relay because everything has been 100 percent positive.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Once again, a conservative justification for their mean-spirited agenda gets shot down by reality. But that’s hardly news. After all, when have conservatives ever been right? About anything? My question is, when will the world stop listening to people who have been proven wrong again and again?
“It is no secret that the relationship between President Obama and Wall Street has chilled. … Mitt Romney has raised far more money than Mr. Obama this year from the firms that have been among Wall Street’s top sources of donations for the two candidates.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know who to vote for next November if you love getting sliced and diced by Wall Street banksters.
Sure, asshole…we ALL believe you.
More asshole bullshit from the jerk who would be King.
Right wingers don’t have anyone to sell their delusional system to the voters at large – the ones that try (Cain, Romney, Perry, etc.) are phonies that even the most dimwitted can see through or whose past actions have betrayed that very delusional system that right wingers have been trained since birth to uphold.
wow…another EPIC posting weekend from Lee Rujaxoff and his fat, basement dwelling buddy YLBarrio…..
nice life.
85 – an asshat…
Sure sucks to be him.
A investment of a billion dollars in cruise missiles and other support will mean a people will be free of an eccentric tyrant and western countries will have added access to the critical resource of Libyan oil.
Sure will pay off better than that fiasco in Iraq.
But some weak-minded right wing asshats suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome (and even believing the U.S. imports oil from Iran!) were too invested in their mental illness to see the forest for the trees.
The emperor max-minidick is feeling the heat. The serfs are revolting.
Breaking News — Indy 500 Racer Dan Wheldon Killed
Dan Wheldon, winner of the 2005 and 2011 Indy 500 races, was killed today at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Three other drivers were hurt in the 15-car crash.
wE is teh wurLd
we is the childs
we is teh 1s whoe make a briter dae
sO lets start gitten are fwee stuphs
Thers a choece we is makeng
we iS saevin are oen lifes
It be tru we is make a beter dae
just yu an mE!
Breaking News — Cain Exposed As Front Man For Koch Brothers
Herman Cain’s cover is blown. The Associated Press released a story today revealing Cain’s longstanding and deep associations with the Koch Brothers. He’s their front man and candidate in this election, and he’s pushing the Koch agenda. His “9-9-9” tax plan was devised by another Koch operative.
“Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain has cast himself as the outsider … But Cain’s economic ideas, support and organization have close ties to two billionaire brothers who bankroll right-leaning causes through their group Americans for Prosperity.
“Cain’s campaign manager and a number of aides have worked for … the advocacy group founded with support from billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch …. Cain credits a businessman who served on an AFP advisory board with helping devise his ‘9-9-9’ plan to rewrite the nation’s tax code. And his years of speaking at AFP events have given the businessman and radio host a network of … fans.
“The once little-known businessman’s political activities are getting fresh scrutiny these days since he soared to the top of some national polls. His links to the Koch brothers could undercut his outsider, non-political image ….
“AFP tapped Cain as the public face of its ‘Prosperity Expansion Project,’ and he traveled the country in 2005 and 2006 speaking to activists who were starting state-based AFP chapters …. Through his AFP work he met Mark Block, a longtime Wisconsin Republican operative hired to lead that state’s AFP chapter in 2005 as he rebounded from an earlier campaign scandal that derailed his career.
“Block and Cain sometimes traveled together as they built up AFP: Cain was the charismatic speaker …; Block was the operative helping with nuts and bolts. … Block is now Cain’s campaign manager. Other aides who had done AFP work were also brought on board.
“Cain’s spokeswoman Ellen Carmichael … was an AFP coordinator in Louisiana. His campaign’s outside law firm is representing AFP in a case challenging Wisconsin campaign finance regulations. At least six other current and former paid employees and consultants for Cain’s campaign have worked for AFP in various capacities.
“And Cain has credited Rich Lowrie, a Cleveland businessman who served on AFP’s board of advisors from 2005 to 2008, with … helping to develop his plan to cut the corporate tax rate to 9 percent, impose a national sales tax of 9 percent and set a flat income tax rate of 9 percent.
“‘He’s got a national network now that … he wouldn’t have had 15 or 20 years ago because of his work with AFP,’ said Republican Party of Wisconsin Vice Chair Brian Schimming ….
“Cain’s recent victories in straw polls in Florida and Minnesota highlight the importance of organizing supporters and Block, who has a deep network in the tea party, ‘gets that side of it,’ Schimming said. …
While Cain is quick to promote his career at the helm of the Godfather’s Pizza chain, his ties to AFP aren’t something the candidate appears eager to highlight. His campaign did not respond to repeated messages seeking comment between Thursday and Sunday, and Cain does not include his AFP work on his biography on his website. But Cain continues to work with the group. …
“AFP spokesman Levi Russell said Cain has spoken at dozens of AFP rallies and events over the years …. AFP has often covered his travel expenses … but he has not been paid since becoming a presidential candidate, he said. …
“A spokeswoman for the Koch brothers did not respond to The Associated Press’s request for comment on Cain.”
91 – Surprise, surprise… but surely this must have been known before this article.
@92 It wasn’t a well-kept secret but he’s getting closer scrutiny from the media now that he has jumped to the top of GOP polls.
We now know how to deal with Cain’s bullshit — we’ll call him the “Koch candidate.”
Cain’s handler, Mark Block, is another corrupt rightwing bastard.
“Block … settled a suit in 2001 accusing him of illegally coordinating a Wisconsin Supreme Court justice’s re-election with an outside group. Block agreed to pay $15,000 and sit out of politics for three years.”
See the Wikipedia article on Mark Block for additional controversies.
Wow! Less than 4 more hours till “The Walking Dead” on AMC..
aka the HA trolls!
Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaahhaa, lmfao, hahahahhhhhahahahahha
ohhhhh, Im so scared!
Herm Cain…the gift that keeps on giving.
What a putz.
i iS 2 bIg 2 fael! WaRe is bee mi bael out..mi deT is noT kount…pweese maek me dEt dizapear!
This is the beginning of the end of this version of the Republican Party.
I really thought the predictions of their demise were incredibly optimistic…but I am happy to say I am seeing it now.
Real average folks are finally realizing just how badly they have gotten screwed by the “Reagan Revolution”.
It is sooooo bad that Eric Cantor has changed his tune about the protests.
The Oligarchs are seeing writing on the wall they really don’t like, but whatever they do now is too little too late. They over-reached, and fucked themselves.
Couldn’t happen to a shittier group of assholes.
98 – Believe it or not, Cain’s position on abortion places him to THE RIGHT of the stinkiest most batshit insane zombie in the joint..
I’m sure all the regulars knows who that is..
No it’s NOT the sauce-addled twerp @ 97
Is the emperor max-minidick this drunk ALL the time…
…time for another trip to rehab?
no matter what happens, rujaxoff will always be a failure.
luvn it.
101 – OK to see that moron Cantor moderate his tone a little but nothing has really changed save for more than a few people not taking it anymore and it won’t change until Cantor and his ilk thrown out of Congress on their asses.
AND their paymaster’s asses are thrown in jail.
The corruption runs very deep.
I is has pHd…terefor I is spose has everting free or i is gona poop on poliec kar an waiv dis sine arond!
@105 It’s hard to believe, but Cantor is actually trying to blame the lousy economy on Democrats instead of Wall Street greedheads.
Did anyone else see the headline on today’s Seattle Times? There were 3,000 protesters at Westlake yesterday — 3,000! Except for WTO, this town hasn’t seen a protest that big since the Vietnam demonstrations. This movement has oomph! behind it, and can no longer be dismissed as a couple dozen fringies. It has the feel of history being made.
@106 You couldn’t waive a sine with a scientific calculator and a laboratory full of Ph.Ds.
@91 Hmmm, looks like Rujax beat me to it @72, although I went a bit farther with connecting the dots.
Does Duncan Hunter look a little bit gay to you?
I’m betting he gets outed soon.
All sorts of Republicans are walking back their statements on the protests. It’s not rocket science. The could say that stuff (and Democrats could ignore them) when it was a handful of people protesting in a handful cities. The dynamic changes when its large protests all over the country.
@112 I think the message of the protests is that a lot of people want to renegotiate the terms of the social contract the 1% shoved down the throats of the 99% without any discussion, compromise, or vote.
Democrats at the Portland protest sing Fuck the USA.
I think that was because it’s hard to set “Fuck the sociopaths who’ve taken over the USA” to music.
Here’s a clue, lib sci, everyone who is forced to play thge social security game is gonna stand their with their fucking hand out the instant they get old enough to claim benefits. The problem with social security is that the guys that started in realized that, as long as the average age at death was 62 or lower, more than half the workers participating in it would nver get any retirement bennies. Aslo, politicians along the way increased what social security covered so as to garner votes for themselves and constantly get re-elected.
So, if you want to make social security last forever, raise the retirement age for SS to reflect increased longevity. Maybe something like age 75 as a minimum is a good place to start. Also, why are ss funds invested in American short-term bonds only? Those don’t have s a triple-A rating any more, so why are we investing ss funds into them? BECAUSE IT’S A TAX STREAM USED BY POLITICIANS TO CONSTANTLY BUY RE-ELECTION!
Invest the money where it earns the most, balanced with risk-taken. What’s wrong with investing ss funds into German or Swiss government bonds, if they pay higher rates than US bonds? What’s so fucking sacrosanct about US bonds?
I know you’re an ivory tower type, lib sci, but the real world is a lot different from academia and tenured teaching positions in comfy labs and classrooms.