Sam Seder: Alex Jones obsesses over sperm on Barack Obama’s face
Chris Hayes: GOP candidate’s parents donate to his Democratic opponent
Bill Maher does Vicente Fox.
Daily Show: Livin’ on the street—Whose fault is it when the stock market drops?
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Ijeoma Oluo—You can’t “win” a conversation about race
The Dotard Трамп and His Clown Parade:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s lawyer paid off Stormy Daniels
- Young Turks: Трамп wants to replace food stamps with food boxes
- Late Show: Dotard Трамп’s Valentine’s day card to Melania Трамп
- Elizabeth Warren talks about the real “Pocahontas”:
- Rachel Maddow: Dotard Трамп administration is giving Russia what it wants on sanctions
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: America’s metaphorical wall is a success
- Farron Cousins: Трамп hasn’t appointed a science advisor; Apparently he is afraid of smart people
- Bill Maher: Traitor Трамп’s toxic trysts.
- Ari Melber: Existential threat to Трамп Presidency in new Mueller indictment?
- Mark Fiore: ТрампBox
- Chris Hayes: Why is Трамп deporting people who call 911?
- Farron Cousins: White House refuses to discuss immigration status of Melania’s family
- WaPo: Wray vs. the White House on Porter’s background check
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard Трамп presidential portrait unveiled
- Young Turks: Anti-immigrant Трамп only hires foreign workers
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Robert Mueller likely has a third cooperating witness
- Sen. Blumenthal: “Rob Porter was a security risk time bomb”
- Maddow: Dotard Трамп team uses gun tragedy as cover, reveals financial documents
- Late Show’s alter egos: Extra White House edition:
- WaPo Fact Check: No, the Трамп tax cut didn’t spark major U.S. investments
- Wanda Sykes with Great fails in Black history
- David Pakman: Is Melania trolling Dotard Трамп?
- Sky News: John Oliver on Трамп, Brexit and fake news
- Jimmy Kimmel: White House Valentine’s day cards
- Jimmy Kimmel: More Valentine’s day cards from the White House
- This Dreamer is suing Трамп.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Dotard Трамп “totally opposed” to domestic abuse and Congress demands answers
- Rachel Maddow: Dotard Трамп’s lawyer says he paid Stormy Daniels from his own money
- Daily Show: No regrets—How a Трамп supporter may have voted to destroy his own career
Mental Floss: Valentine’s Day.
Trevor interviews Heroes of “The 15:17 to Paris”.
CP Times with Roy Wood Jr.: Unsung Black Heroes of Politics.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: At war with machines
Hasan the Record: Free speech—If you can’t beat ’em, troll ’em
Francesca Fiorentini: How tech giants feed off capitalism’s failures:
Wendover: How overnight shipping works.
- Parkland students and teachers direct grief and rage at Washington
- Unacceptable: Analysts, politicians react to Fla. school shooting
- Ari Melber: Gov. Andrew Cuomo on background checks and AR-15s.
- WaPo Opinion: President Трамп, you can do much more to reduce gun deaths
- Farron Cousins: He Republicans, your thoughts and prayers ARE NOT DOING SHIT
- Young Turks: FL shooter in custody.
- Rachel Maddow: FL school teacher describes what happened.
- David Pakman: How to debunk “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”
- See videos students took during the Florida school shooting
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Florida Dad to politicians—Stop taking “blood money” from NRA
- How powerful assault rifles lead to devastating wounds
- Rachel Maddow: Dotard Трамп words on gun tragedy ring hollow given past legislation
What the collapse of immigration bills means for Dreamers.
Bad polling is ruining everything.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Ted Lieu and the Democrats’ push to take back the House:
Jimmy Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
Young Turks: Republican candidate’s own parents don’t want him in office.
Trevor Noah’s Ark-eology: A hidden Mayan village & the Cheddar man
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Very interesting, Not in this indictment seems to some to mean No Collusion. Will be interesting to see what Rick Gates has to say.
@2 I’m getting a little tired of this investigation.
It’s kind of like the Lewinski Scandal to me – where the fact that he lied (about having sex) under oath and was impeached because of it, which to me seemed a little less aggrigious then to actually commit adultry.
Trumps connections to Russia and the likelihood of corruption and money laundering and obstruction is more important to me then any collusion of Russians meddling.
I’m noticing that some of the trees are starting to bud here in NYC, isn’t that special.
Maybe even the trees are gay here in NYC.
Hasan the Record: Free speech—If you can’t beat ’em, troll ’em
Well, yeah. Gullibility should be painful.
The Associated Press
White nationalist appears to have lied to the AP, other news outlets when he claimed that Florida school-shooting suspect was a member of his group.
5:38 PM – Feb 16, 2018
Bad polling is ruining everything.
Well, perhaps. But not polling at all doesn’t seem much better. Just ask Robby Mook.
Do horse have teeth?
How powerful assault rifles lead to devastating wounds
Actually, this is how ALL rifles lead to devastating wounds. Long-barrel projectiles carry more energy than handgun projectiles. Greater bullet energy upon entry means greater tissue damage.
This isn’t specific to any one rifle type. I did like the video – it was well-done, despite the misleading title.
@7 What the hell, let civilians drive tanks, too. What could go wrong?
Oh, look! Barron’s has put out its annual Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit issue.
General Electric’s Dim Prospects
The company (ticker: GE) lost $6 billion in 2017 after a series of charges and impairments, and cut its dividend by 50%. The Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating its accounting. Its stock price has fallen 51% in the past 12 months, to about $15, and its market capitalization has shrunk to $130 billion from a peak of nearly $600 billion in 2000. The long slide has been particularly painful for individual investors, who make up an estimated 40% of GE’s shareholder base.
Yup, that’s a Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit special.
@9 Bleat all you want about GE. It keeps you off the streets. Your wife appreciates it, too.
Now what employer with 144 job openings would hire 143 foreigners and 1 American? Can you guess?
What does this employer have against American workers?
“A sustained 10% drop in the stock market would wipe out the stimulative effect of the tax cut.”
And the Trump economy isn’t so great, either.
A person doesn’t need a tank. A good Glock, S&W, Ruger or similar semi-automatic will work in most situations to resolve most issues. A tank would cost far, far more than a good pistol.
A person doesn’t need a tank. Class and racial resentment born of ignorance will work better still, costs far less, and can be deployed across 63 million toothless, sister-fucking, arm-fishing, treason voters with relative ease.
@13 Yeah, but a tank is more fun.
@14 Now you’re talking A-bomb equivalency.
Let’s let the investigation play-out and find any treasonous bastards, no matter who they are.
Heh. Un-indicted co-conspirators…
Oh yeah and how’s those sanctions passed almost unanimously by the Congress doing?
@16 I doubt the treasonous bastard will let the investigation go that far.
Quick Trolls (Bob and all) – try to find some similar story involving a Democrat, so you don’t have to denounce this or pretend you don’t care.
I wonder if Trolls will start #WhoGivesaFuckAboutTheKids
Puddy knows how to have fun when visiting NYC.
50 years ago, voters in King County rejected a mass transit system, because $1,1 Billion in 1968 dollars was too much.Interesting, if they had got the 60% required at the time, in 1990 instead of opening a bus tunnel, we could have had something like BART.
Nice to see that the loon hasn’t yet soiled this lovely thread with his mindless HATE! But unless his friends finally got around to lynching him, he’ll be back. SAD!
The freak is right now pacing… pacing.. HA HEROES or the little blue pill… every little blue pill means less for the kult… HA HEROES is free.. it’s worked for years…
salt mining duty approaches.. what will the babbling butthole troll dooOOOOOooooooo??? Will the fiend PUT HA HEROES FIRST???? AGAIN?????
For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades
Average hourly wage has the same purchasing power as it did in 1979..
Upper end of the distribution of course gets most of the wage growth.
“Nineteen-year-old Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz expressed a deep hatred for various minority groups, according to private messages he sent in an Instagram group chat … he wanted to kill Mexicans and gays and keep black people in chains. He also accused Jews of trying to destroy the world.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Rightwing fringe nut for sure.
@26 – he didn’t like The Gays…..ohhhh my, but I guess he’s got a friend in Bob now.
@25 I’m really sorry there’s so little left for workers after fat capitalists like doc and me slurp our fill at the trough; I’d fix this system if I could, but the working classes voted the unions out and “right to work” in, so what can I do? My paws are tied.
The bloodstained GOP is facing a donor rebellion:
“A prominent GOP campaign donor has issued an ultimatum to Republican leaders: Introduce gun control legislation, or lose his support, the New York Times reported on Saturday.
“Al Hoffman Jr., a leading donor to former President George W. Bush and Congressional Republicans, has vowed to halt all donations to the party unless leaders pass legislation to restrict access to guns and ban assault weapons ….
“‘For how many years now have we been doing this — having these experiences of terrorism, mass killings — and how many years has it been that nothing’s been done?’ Mr. Hoffman told the New York Times. ‘It’s the end of the road for me.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Wikipedia describes Hoffman as “the most influential real estate developer in Florida.”
Seems national congress DUMMOCRETINS love meeting with people who want white HA DUMMOCRETINS dead dead dead. Imagine a world free of freaks like roger senile idiot wabbit, the hanging hapless human tea licker going as WTF, the creepy crazed clueless cretin, flat beer froth, the vomit producing dead toad and the Klamath Mountian hillbilly!
HA Hero Maxine Waters was there too…
Yeah baby!
Till Next Time!
Puddy still living free in the creepy crazed clueless cretin’s vacuum packed head @24!
Yeah baby!
Till Next Time!
26 – Funny. If the guy is a white supremacist, why does he have a Spanish name? The guy looks Hispanic to me.
Didn’t yours truly call it?
@2 Likelihood of corruption and money laundering are not what is being investigated. Matters about as much as Aaron Burr’s murder of Alexander Hamilton as VP. How did that work out? Ohh Burr completed his term as VP.
@3 It’s not possible for most trees to be gay, as they have attributes of both sexes. Now boxelder are gender specific and there are male and female trees. The mulberry is odd as a tree can have both genders or be one gender.
Isn’t science fun.
@5 Works for barber shops.
@7 Of course the bullet fired by Dirty Harry’s 357 magnum was more than half the reason it would blow your head clean off, punk. Apologies to Clint Eastwood.
@8 He probable learned how in the army.
And for the civies out there:
And Girls panzer tanks
@13 These are drawn pretty well though.
And they like rabbits, can’t account for taste.
@15 And sometimes they let the navy have fun.
@20 They could suggest the following:
Since these events do not occur at prisons, at jails, at US military academies, at military prep schools, ect. Locations that usually there is some folks around with guns it’s clear Democrats need to put the organized militia part of the 2nd amendment to work
Democrats need to raise cadres at middle, high schools and colleges. These cares will set up firing ranges, armories in schools. They will drill on campus, and instill proper democratic values. They will field strip, clean and become expert in all aspects of the parties chosen fire arm. They will call themselves young pioneers, and will also patrol elementary schools to keep the youngest pionees safe.
These pioneers will be faithful to the party, and will form a right thinking nucleus within all levels of government and particularly police and military units as political officers committed to the party, and answerable only to the party. These cadres will prevent school shootings, or quickly bring lethal force upon any perpetrators. Our Democratic pioneers will be the force to nullify gun violence.
What could go wrong? No other nations have ever tried this right comrades? Of course the real problem could be our gun culture.
@21 Everyone knows to have fun in NYC hang out with the sandhogs. (The folks who make sure you have drinking water and other things,)
@22 And before that it was an expansion of the world fair skyway. And originally highway 99 was supposed to have been a tunnel, instead of the viaduct.
@28 watch out for dinner invitations. Make sure there is an entrée. Watch out for the special guest ploy.
@29 Sounds like the kind of fellow who could offer a new challenge to school shooters to test out their skills in a environment that will test their skills, and bravery as there school kids shoot back
“Was it over when the Russians bombed Pearl Harbor?”
Nadler, on MSNBC:
And the president and the Republicans in the House for that matter refuse, refuse to do anything about protecting us from an attack. Imagine if FDR had denied that the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor and didn’t react. That’s the equivalent.
HAYES: It’s a bit of a different thing.
NADLER: No it’s not.
HAYES: They didn’t kill anyone.
NADLER: They didn’t kill anyone but they’re destroying our democratic process.
HAYES: Do you really think it’s on par?
I’m starting to like Chris Hayes a bit more.
The intelligence of Maddow, with a small streak of honesty thrown in.
@ 22
… if they had got the 60% required at the time, in 1990 instead of opening a bus tunnel, we could have had something like BART.
Or perhaps like WPPSS.
@ 25
Oh, look, YLB haz a sad over wages.
Of course, in typical YLB fashion she fails to comprehend some important points.
Wage stagnation has been a staple of economic analysis and commentary for a while now, though perhaps predictably there’s little agreement about what’s driving it. One theory is that rising benefit costs — particularly employer-provided health insurance — may be constraining employers’ ability or willingness to raise wages. According to BLS-generated cost indexes for wages/salaries and total benefits, benefit costs have risen about 60% since 2001 (when the data series began), versus about 37% for wage and salary costs.
@41 Yeah, let’s turn all our public schools into military preps and workplaces into jails, that’ll solve the problem there, which leaves only churches, daycares, and concerts to worry about.
Were you born stupid, or is this something you practice?
@ 50
The Conservatives in the United States of America have already long since made the decision that the occasional theater or school massacre is a perfectly acceptable aspect of our liberal firearms laws. Weapons manufacturers consider such massacres to be an excellent demonstration of their product’s capabilities and are a major boost to sales. This is borne out of the fact that every time a mass murder happens with someone using their products, they increase advertising of those products as well as taking out full page editorials in weapons publications about how the Government is going to forcibly disarm the people.
Money is the only thing that matters. If it makes someone money, it has value. Restricting ownership of weapons cannot be monetized, and therefore has no value. Children in school cannot be monetized except in the context of educational products, therefore they do not have as much profit potential as someone purchasing the weapons and ammunition that those companies manufacture for use in those schools. The companies pushing State Legislatures to build privately-owned prisons at public expense are the same companies that are lobbying those Legislatures to privatize schools, Police Departments and the Military.
When the retail price of rifle ammo is a buck or more a round, do you think those companies are going to be interested in making pencils that they can only sell for 10 cents a piece?
@ 51
The Conservatives in the United States of America have already long since made the decision that the occasional theater or school massacre is a perfectly acceptable aspect of our liberal firearms laws.
The liberals governing Chicago have already long since made the decision that the monthly gun deaths of roughly 50 young people in the inner cities are a perfectly acceptable aspect of their iron grip on municipal government.
Money is the only thing that matters. If it makes someone money, it has value. Restricting ownership of weapons cannot be monetized, and therefore has no value. Children in school cannot be monetized except in the context of educational products, therefore they do not have as much profit potential as someone purchasing the weapons and ammunition that those companies manufacture for use in those schools.
Money is the only thing that matters. If it makes teachers money, it has value. Restricting ownership of weapons cannot be monetized, and therefore has no value. Children in inner city Chicago cannot be monetized except as units of consumption used as bludgeons by teachers who expect the politicians to whom they funnel cash to funnel cash right back to them in return. And since so many of those dead young people are the same ones who have already been failed by those teachers, what do they matter?
Always follow the money.
I just never appreciated how situational the oathes of office were…
for traitors.
Thanks to Doctor Dumbfuck for the expertise.
Balding and limp boob gets hope of new hair and improved circulation. Unfortunately it goes limp yet again…
Did it just argue for universal health care? SAD!
Friends of the HA trolls just divided americans yet again:
Trolls on Twitter make false claims of being assaulted at screenings of ‘Black Panther’
The babbling butthole troll was in ecstasy over this trolling..
Da! Da! Da!
A white klownservatic bobble-head babbled this:
“Oh, and LeBron and Kevin: You’re great players, but no one voted for you. … So keep the political commentary to yourself or, as someone once said, shut up and dribble.”
A white klownservatic woman ordering black men to “shut up”.. This is ecstasy yet again for the babbling butthole troll.
Oh and check out my gravatar where a white man cuts the mic of a black man speaking.. A bit dated. I’ll change it soon.
Oh and check out my gravatar
No thank you buttspigot! Louis Farrakhan is looking for you!
Till Next Time!
Seems Big Marco was right then and would be right again today! The FBI admits it fell down on the job. Looking for that Russian collusion!
Pooooooor WaPost!
Till Next Time!
Seems small hands Drumpf was right for once when it called the tool “little Marco”…
A babbling idiot who just recites what’s dictated to it..
Even an obese, failed idiot like Christie could see it and call it out for what it was.
LOL! I’m so scared babbling butthole. You’ve gotten your way now that a birther, Putin ass-kissing for money troll has hijacked the Preznitcy..
We’re going to take it back and your miserable ass will be kicked once again! Why do you keep carrying water for freaks?
Like attracts like, one would guess.
Republicans say they love the Parkland students who were killed, and yet they hate the students who survived.
“Rush Limbaugh attacks Parkland students for marching and ‘bashing’ NRA: ‘This is totally political’”
“Like attracts like, one would guess.”
Explains why child molesters are to the GOP what flies are to shit.
If kids were beaten by school officials more often, school shootings wouldn’t be a problem.
“Andre Bauer: Mass Shootings Happen Because Schools Stopped Beating Kids With Paddles”
Anytime now – conservatives will be tossing out #FuckTheKids tweets.
Or has it all ready started. “Poor misguided kids”. Hahaha – kind of hard to really get too pist off at them without looking like assholes – oh they are trying so hard to be politically correct.
Go get’em kids…..tell all the grown ups to go fuck themselves and tell them what dumb mother fuckers they are!
with reference to @64 see @20. Didn’t take too long for it to happen….
Go get’em kids – roll right over them. Take them to the ring and knock their fucking heads off.
@61 see @20, @64 and @65.
It doesn’t take a lot to figure out these fucks.
YLB was creamin’ at the thought of Adam Rippon joining Johnny Weir as an Olympic skating commentator.
Alas, ’twas not to be. Rippon decided he’d rather hang out in the Village.
The Olympic one.
I bet conservatives will start to wish for it to be at an elementary school next time there is a shooting, because the little ones won’t call out the grownup Dumbfucks like them bastard kids can.
It’s what youth is for. But Doctor Dumbfuck wouldn’t know. While his peers raged epic and lived he wasted his digging around in buckets of buffered formalin, prodding breasts for lumps, and sniffing hobo scrote.
@69 Also, the dumbfuck didn’t short GE when he had a golden opportunity. He doesn’t believe in his own convictions.
These kids now are just being pricks.
Conservatives had to hijack religion because they can’t turn against religion and demonize it like pretty much everything else they demonize as soon as it doesn’t fit their narrative.
But then you have kids… can you demonize kids? These kids at that Florida school – what is the demographics? Hispanic? They’ll try to find some angle to continue to attack them.
Thanks to the RoyPutin Party obedience to the Putin Presidency,
The Magical Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone has become self aware!
Boeing overcharges an additional $10 or $20 million, then donates the money to fund a stupid parade, then President Putin stands in front of the parade saluting, then President Putin approves the overcharges from Boeing, then Boeing overcharges an additional $20 or $30 million…
Wasn’t it like two weeks ago when Abigail was telling everyone that Electric Utility Companies that weren’t going to go with renewables?
Abigail should stick to the Bible, Sci-Fi and Harry Potter books.
Each time they accompany a picture with his golfing they always show him in the Weeds. Is it the same picture recycled or is he just a really, really, really great golfer and always looking for the challenge?
The Fat Fuck needs to lose some weight.
What a snowflake that Pence is.
Goldy, stop mocking Vee Pee Pee Pence.
Gov. Scott – what you going to do about it? Mr. Member of the Do-nothings.
Damn Kids!
Didn’t their parents teach them some manners!
This is what I’m saying.
“Unlike my brother’s elementary school peers, who were unable to fully grasp what had happened in their school on Dec. 14, 2012, the teenagers from Marjory Stoneman Douglas are speaking out on behalf of themselves and their classmates whose lives were violently cut short. They are giving a voice to the voiceless. And they are demanding change in a way we’ve never seen before. They are calling out politicians who have accepted hefty donations from the National Rifle Association (including the president). They are organizing marches to demand action from American politicians on the gun violence epidemic. They are turning their grief into action so that no more parents, siblings, or friends have to experience the despair and anguish of losing a loved one to senseless gun violence.”
Boob is just bald and limp.. Till the end of its days. The northern euros make the over-the-hill shill look so..
Dominoes. Plop-plop-plop.
“Special counsel Robert Mueller’s interest in Jared Kushner has expanded beyond his contacts with Russia and now includes his efforts to secure financing for his company from foreign investors …,” e.g., selling visas to wealthy Chinese …