The rise of “the new nationalism” in 2017
WA AG’s lawsuit against Motel 6, explained
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper Making football great again:
The end of the H1B visa could send skilled workers elsewhere.
The Chaotic and Criminal White House of Dotard Трамп:
- Trevor: Steve Bannon is Трамп’s latest coffee boy
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard Трамп kicks off 2018 with fresh new Tweets
- Stephen: Our President never planned on being our President
- Farron Cousins: Following release of damning new book, Трамп aides head for the exits
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Will President Dotard Трамп claim they all lost their minds?
- Young Turks: Трамп may seriously have dementia
- Sam Seder: Alex Jones FLIPS OUT on Steve Bannon and whines about Fire And Fury
- Stephen: New footage from Disney World’s Hall of Presidents
- Katy Tur: Dotard Трамп expected protection from Jeff Sessions in Russia probe
- WaPo: A list of striking quotes from the new book on Трамп
- David Pakman: Трамп sabotaging HIS OWN peace negotiations
- Farron Cousins: Psychiatrist warns lawmakers that Трамп is mentally unraveling during secret meeting
- Young Turks: Трамп was horrified and Melania was sobbing on election night
- Stephen took out a billboard for Трамп’s “dishonest media awards”
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper America’s mean girl diplomacy
- Maddow: James Comey notes claims about Dotard Трамп confirmed by Priebus’ notes
- What Lawrence O’Donnell has “100% confidence” in regarding bombshell book
- Late Show: Don’t let “Button Dysfunction” destroy your world:
- Lawrence O’Donnell and friends: The Трамп White House
- Sam Seder: Трамп dissolves voter fraud panel after it couldn’t justify his “Hillary voter fraud” lie
- David Pakman: LOL! Трамп cancels bogus voter fraud commission
- Dotard Трамп’s bizarre obsession with size
- Young Turks: Трамп on sleeping with friends’ wives
- Stephen uses Трамп’s global warming logic against him
- Sam Seder: Трамп proves he’s absolutely collapsing during bizarre pre-recorded press conference video
- Kimmel: New book claims that Трамп sleeps with his friend’s wives.
- Joe Biden on Трамп’s reckless Tweets
- Young Turks: Oops! Трамп attacks Hillary aide for something Ivanka did too
- Trevor: Трамп goes nuclear on Twitter
- David Pakman: Republican ethics lawyer says Трамп nuclear Tweet is grounds for impeachment
- Rachel Maddow: Book suggests new aspects of potential President Трамп obstruction case
- Stephen bites into the juicy new Трамп book
- Kimmel: Dotard Трамп vs. Steve Bannon
- WaPo: Mean Boys, “Fire and Fury”
- Farron Cousins: Ivanka Трамп allegedly ended Kellyanne Conway’s media appearances due to her “idiotic militancy”
- Trevor: Michael Wolff steps inside the Трамп presidency
- Young Turks: Eric Трамп is still dumb as shit
- Stephen unbuttons Трамп’s button brag
- Lawrence O’Donnell: New book chronicles President Dotard Трамп sexual harassment
Joy Reid: Turns out Roy Moore’s Jewish lawyer is Christian
Francesca Fiorentini: The rich want to keep you dumb:
Young Turks: Alex Jones declares holy war on CNN journalist
Minute Physics: The unreasonable efficiency of black holes.
WaPo: Six things you may not have known about the NSA.
Pot Topics:
- Young Turks: Why California pot legalization will sweep across the nation
- Stephen: Jeff Sessions says legal weed…illegal?
- KOMO: Are WA marijuana growers & business worried about Jeff Sessions? Not really!
- Sam Seder: Jeff Sessions kicks off 2018 by creating a war on legal marijuana
- Californians can now buy marijuana for recreational use
- KIRO: Seattle Mayor says Seattle police will NOT participate in a federal crackdown on legal marijuana
- Young Turks: Jeff Sessions intensifies federal war on legal marijuana
- Rachel Maddow with Mayor Jenny Durkan: Legal pot states prepare to resist Sessions:
- Chuck Todd with Gov. John Hickenlooper (D-CO): U.S. to end policy that let legal pot flourish
- Kimmel: Why Jeff Sessions hates marijuana
New Scientist: There is a new bitcoin scam everyday.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper Big Publishing’s attack on Milo Yiannopoulos
Sam Seder: Leaked editor’s notes hilariously TRASH Milo Yiannopoulos’ Book.
David Pakman: Michele Bachmann is asking God if she should run for senate
Young Turks: Uh-oh, God’stalking to Michele Bachmann again…
VOX: Takeout creates a lot of trash. It doesn’t have to..
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I notice that when a Trump aide seems to talk, especially after leaving the White House, suddenly the White House barely knew them. Like that they only came on board after the nomination.
Started reading Fire and Fury. Only into Chapter 1 – I can’t but help to think of Drumpf as Bob with rest to “trophy” wife, “A happy wife is a happy life” comments. Now I understand a little better the purchase of the horse.
Blue lives matter. And not just a blue life but one of the truly respected unions in the universe.
@ WTF? @ #1
They were just there to make the covfefe.
In other news, this is not going to end well. I would love to see Steele sit down in front of the entire House, and testify in the public record for 10 hours straight the way Hillary C did and nobody being able to shake him, and letting it all hang out. Every detail.
Seems to me that there are probably several Senators and Housemen that would hate to see him testify. Certainly Jared and Fat Donny have their reasons to whack the guy before he could do that.
Everyone in New York city knows that Fat Donny is mobbed-up and has been for decades. There’s reason why nobody of any real means and reputation would do business with him in his “deals”.
@4 not that I was naive to think that it didn’t exist but after living in NYC for the last 4 years I’ve learned that the mob truly exists, every day I wake up I am witness to it. This city doesn’t operate without any interference from some group or the other. With money comes chaos.
Alex Jones.
More than a passing resemblance to our own trolls here. It’s uncanny, really. I suppose their sources run in the same social circles. They certainly drink the same Jimson Weed flavored Kool-Aid. However, he does set the general tone of their conversations, and is a pretty good source of entertainment on occasion. At least we can get a sense of what our Trolls here are going to say before they come in here and say it.
You know what the problem is with Nuts? They take up a hugely disproportionate share of natural resources to cultivate. It’s no wonder that the Reagan Administration eliminated funding for the Mental Hospitals. They were just too much of a pain in the ass to operate. At this point, we’d have 35% of the country under psychological medical supervision.
It is much easier to let Religion deal with them. It offers another method for people to create wealth for themselves, and it helps the more gullible demographics to steer their delusions into something besides smearing their shit on the walls and acting out in public.
Oh. Yeah.
@ #5:
“With money comes chaos.”
Capitalism, where a business can exist, to hire people to contract out to other businesses in exchange for a chunk of that persons wages. They don’t pay benefits, they don’t pay for holidays, they don’t pay jack diddly shit to the dumb bastards that are actually out there doing the actual work.
Where a Business can exist to make it so difficult to do business with the businesses they do business with that those businesses lose more sales than they gain, just so they can keep prices high and supply low.
Fucking chiselers. Every goddamn step of getting a job or buying an airline ticket or a house or a goddamn decent meal in a restaurant is being taken over by chiselers. Hell, just the basic act of using currency is being privatized and chiseled to dust where it is so diluted that nobody can really hold anyone responsible for shitty service, fucked-up product or even outright criminal behavior. Everything is contracted, and everything becomes a “Civil Matter”. The rule of Law is being replaced with the Rule of Financial Harm.
The chiselers don’t do anything, they just step between the customer and the merchant and take a chunk out for themselves while doing the absolute minimum to keep both in permanent hock.
“Trump was reportedly furious at Sessions’s recusal and angrily told White House officials that he needed Sessions to protect him.”
I do wonder what sort of slimy shit Mr. Sessions has under his fingernails, and who might have knowledge of it. A murder maybe? Knowing the guy it could be anything. Perhaps an old felony fraud, the sort that would have a mob at his gate with buckets of tar, sacks of feathers, blowtorches and rope if they found out. It has already been proven that he’s repeatedly committed perjury.
@ 1
I notice that when a Trump aide seems to talk, especially after leaving the White House, suddenly the White House barely knew them.
I noticed a similar reaction by #CrookedHillary’s minions to Donna Brazile’s book.
Perhaps that’s why the authors of Shattered conducted each and every one of their interviews on background. So there would be no one that #CrookedHillary’s peeps could disavow.
This from longtime #CrookedHillary aide Phillip Reines:
We are supposed to oppose what we disagree with. And I hope millennials don’t fall into a lull of accepting, this is what it is. God knows how many of them will see their taxes go down and base it just on that. But yeah, they are a key demographic that voted oddly in 2016, and I am not sure people understand how to get them to vote productively. In 2020.
This is why Democrats fought so hard against the tax cut. This is why Democrats are trying to hard to belittle the effects.
They know the effects will be seen at nearly all levels.
Link is from the dreaded daily caller, but Reines is quoted from an embedded c-SPAN video. If dKos would link to the same video, then I could give you a dKos link.
Happy wife, happy life? Actually, that’s not a bad course of action to follow. It has worked for me.
This is so sad.
“‘I went to the best colleges’: Watch Donald Trump defend his ‘really, really smart’ tweet in rambling presser at Camp David”
Almost as sad as watching Doctor Dumbfuck hashtag his way to troll irrelevancy. Poor sap will probably be posting his 25,000th pro-Putin hashtag during Gillibrand’s swearing ceremony in January, 2021. SAD!
“This is why Democrats fought so hard against the tax cut.”
Even for a dumbfuck, that is really fucking stupid.
Gillibrand 2021? You may be counting your chickens before the eggs hatch.
No lefty terrorism here. This guy is one of yours, Pud and Doc.
@3 Roy Moore’s “problem” must be contagious. Has he been kissing this cop?
@9 Doctor Dumbfuck is HA’s nice little trained rat. Says “Trump” and he says “Hillary.” Just like ringing a bell.
@12 I once stood on the deck of the USS Missouri but that didn’t make me General MacArthur.
@13 the blinders can get too tight and cutoff circulation, so it’s detract instead.
@11 yeah, especially for appearance sake.
Something about “effects” Let me see now. What was that…
“They know the effects will be seen at nearly all levels.”
“I suppose my answer would be that they have a similar effect. Said effect is less than the respective proponents of each would have you believe.”
Turns out the coast wasn’t clear after all.
Well, Trump can honestly say he’s smarter than 35% of the U.S. population, anyway. He does outsmart his dumbshit followers.
@ 22 RR:
There’s a sucker born every minute.
Stock market… Yawwwwn..
80 percent of stock is owned by the top 10 percent.
50 percent of Americans don’t own any stock.
20-30 percent of American corporation’s stock is owned by foreigners.
A booming stock market means the rich get richer. To be rich (or merely well off) you have to OWN capital… So a piddly amount of tax break is supposed to make the folks who don’t own stock feel better…
Yeah right. Whatever.
Welcome to the Randroid – Yertle future:
All Drumpf had to do was sign a piece of paper. All the other tools then delivered the “suck up, shit down” show at the Worst House.
If there is nothing to hide, then why are they hiding it?
Oh yeah. Actually releasing the actual testimony would conflict with the narrative of the testimony they are pushing out to the public. Ouroboros needs to be constantly kept well-fed or he becomes violently sick.
I remember the moment I realized that FOXNews was pure propaganda. I was flipping channels one day a few days after 9/11. It was all the followup/speculative shit happening on every channel as to who might be responsible, the motives and the witnesses/man on-the-street interviews on camera and the like.
There was one woman who appeared on pretty much every channel at various times, speaking to a whole gaggle of reporters. The only channel to blank out her voice during the interview, and replace it with that of Grechen Carlson, was FOX.
Everyone else put that womans actual voice and words on camera. Carlson did a voice-over narrative during that womans interview which described to the audience what she was saying, and it was completely different from what the woman had actually said, on camera, in the same moment to all those other reporters.
To SnideShow Bob @ 10:
One thing I’ve always found to be the most amusing thing about Right-Wingnuts? The more they talk, the stupider they sound when they start getting desperate to keep a lie on life support long after it’s been called out and debunked. You dumbfucks are rapidly approaching your boy-who-cried-wolf moment.
See ya in the bread-line, Doc.
@14 Yes, it’s early, but I’m not counting on all eggs hatching. The women’s movement has only just begun, and there’s a hell of a lot more to it than #metoo. Millennials are waking up to the fact that both parties are not the same and that the Democratic party is their’s for the taking. Gillibrand’s star is rising. So, yeah, I’d put some money on Gillibrand 2021. But because of the wild-card of Republican treason, I won’t accept even odds.
Three more years of child-molesting, health care-denying, social safety net-destroying, right-wing oligarchy cum-slurping Republican extremists doing the disgusting and decadent things they do isn’t going to help their fascist cause. They know their best bet is Putin, which is why Republicans, traitors, all of them, are doing absolutely zilch about the probability of yet more Russian interference in our upcoming elections.
This is why deregulation is a crock.
“Years after Purdue Pharma was ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for misleading regulators and the public about the risks of its popular painkiller OxyContin, the company continued efforts to heavily market the addictive opiate, … according to a newly unsealed … complaint … by the state Attorney General’s Office.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And I guarantee deregulating the Wall Street banks will end in another financial crisis, just like the last two Republican deregulations did. Boys will be boys.
Correction: There are plenty of missing links around here, but this is the one that was inadvertently left out of @16 above.
@24 I sure hope the moneybags who are bidding my stocks through the roof are foreigners who don’t like us and rich assholes. I made as much this week as Dallas hotel maids make in a year. That part sucks for the maids, but I don’t mind a bit taking money from people who take from maids, and have way more than any honest person needs.
The last few nights while watching the reports of the extraordinary weather on the other side of the continent, I’ve been tempted to double check that I haven’t mistakenly turned on a rerun of the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”.
Ah, but climate change is just a liberal hoax, right?
“Millennials are waking up to the fact that both parties are not the same and that the Democratic party is their’s for the taking.”
It was more or less theirs for the taking in 2008. I think a big part of the problem was that for many of them President Obama was their first big show. So when his tendency toward moderation combined with Roypublican obstructionism resulted in not much change they became disillusioned. Now they get to see what the cost of disillusionment really is. Just as important they get to see exactly who is to blame for it.
Hopefully they’ll just vote and quit worrying about falling in love or changing the world. One of the two major parties is trying to sell our democracy to a shirtless communist dictator. At times like these there’s no room for romantic idealism.
Modern journalism is pretty much all propaganda. News events are simply raw materials to be manipulated to,promote political agendas.
“romantic idealism”
I don’t blame them. As a teenager in 1968 and a young man in 1972, been there, done that.
“I believe that Mexico will pay for the wall. I have a very good relationship with Mexico. As you know, we’re negotiating NAFTA. We’ll see how that goes,” Trump said. “But Mexico will pay. In some form, Mexico will pay for the wall.”
In contrast: to a few short months ago.
Boy howdy, are you Republicans a bunch of suckers or what. Oh yeah, you’d rather just manufacture a phony issue to bloody the Liberal’s noses than actually solve an already existing problem. The funny thing about that is, after you get your punches in, the problem still exists, but now it has been overshadowed by your manufactured bullshit, and the bullshit has created a whole new set of problems that have become real and need to be dealt with by Adults. If you Conservative Morons would have just kept your mouths shut, the damn problem wouldn’t even be a problem.
You do this for the same reasons why you go on and on and on about Abortion being a major Sin and how valuable and precious Babies are, but then the first thing you want to do to “solve” that problem is all but outlaw gender-specific health care for women and eliminate access to health care to children.
You can’t burn your own house down and not get your hands burned. Now your head is on fire, and you’re whining about how it’s messing up your hair.
You bought this turd. You eat it.
Almost $110,000 raised in little more than half a day so far for Tina Johnson, the Roy Moore accuser who appears to have been the victim of an arson attack on her home.
Update: It was at $107,000 when I first saw the page a few minutes ago. Now it’s over $110,000.
@31 “Ah, but climate change is just a liberal hoax, right?”
But just by looking outside you can see it’s not getting warmer, it’s getting colder, so the global warming alarmists are full of it, don’t you see?
@ 37 RR:
Meanwhile, the roads in DownUnderLand are melting.
I once tried to explain to a friend of mine that Australia is seasonally opposite the United States. I don’t think he really understood how that was possible. To this day that guy probably doesn’t understand. I don’t know. I haven’t seen him in nearly 20 years.
@38 He’s probably dead by now from natural selection.
He’s probably the White House Science advisor awaiting a party line confirmation by the Roypublican Senate.
According to Leonard Pitts, a columnist published in the Seattle Times and many other papers, a witness described Mueller’s grand jury as “a Black Lives Matter rally in Berkeley” and griped that the only white male in the room was the prosecutor.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now I understand why Trump is skittish about that grand jury. Of course being guilty probably makes him nervous, too.
@ 31
Hiya Art.
Weather is what’s happening this week. ‘Climate change’ is the longer-term trend, usually considered to be something of greater duration than a cold front.
There’s a difference between the two.
What the hell has happened to you, anyway?
@ 36
Update: It was at $107,000 when I first saw the page a few minutes ago. Now it’s over $110,000.
Hey, last I checked Jill Stein had some excess coin.
Remaining balance: $1,235,385.91 (20Feb2017 update)
Maybe some money can be pried from that dumb twat.
I know y’all HA libbies feel real bad an’ shit about what happened to that home in AL, but before y’all go sendin’ your
wide-mouth MickeySpace Dust IPA dough to a foreign land, maybe consider keepin’ it local.
Yeah, that one was just plain ol’ arson without political motive, too.
Wasn’t it. Steve.
It will be felt at all levels. Like when they can’t afford even the most basic health insurance. And when student loan interest rises. And when roads and bridges keep falling down. When their tax cuts expire. When food aid, should they need it isn’t there. When the homeless population explodes for lack of Federal assistance to a myriad of aid programs. It will be felt as the deficit explodes. It will be felt when the Middle East no longer worries about the U.S. and aligns with GYna. It will be felt when they can’t hike in a federal park unless they have $75. It will be felt during the next oil spill. It will be felt during the next hurricane. It will be felt when the ‘job creatirs’ lay them off and pay dividends to shareholders.
It will be felt if someone they know goes to prison for pot.
You own that.
@ 44
Why would it matter if student loan interest rises, if you can walk away from your student loan debt after 10 years?
Senator Cantwell, call your office.
Police: U.S. HHS employee solicits ‘teen’ via Craigslist, requests lewd sex acts
Court filings list Goldrosen as the director of State/HIV Programs for the Health Resources and Services Administration’s HIV/AIDS Bureau.
Police say the federal government employee went on to share that he preferred to engage in oral sex, be urinated on, was “ddf” (drug and disease free) and required use of a condom during any “hook up.”
Hey, no biggie. Pretty low risk of contracting HIV from a golden shower, I think.
Although my AIDS education didn’t cover that specific issue. I wonder if it’s different if the mouth of the recipient is open. gman? This is the one time I might actually give a shit what you have to say.
Fuck you, Gaza.
Tapes Reveal Egyptian Leaders’ Tacit Acceptance of Jerusalem Move
Not just Egypt, either.
King Salman of Saudi Arabia, arguably the most influential Arab state, also publicly denounced Mr. Trump’s decision.
At the same time, though, the kingdom had already quietly signaled its acquiescence or even tacit approval of the Israeli claim to Jerusalem. Days before Mr. Trump’s announcement, the Saudi crown prince, Mohamed bin Salman, privately urged the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, to accept a radically curtailed vision of statehood without a capital in East Jerusalem, according to Palestinian, Arab and European officials who have heard Mr. Abbas’s version of events.
I think we might have an oil relationship with them, or something. I remember GWB43 holding hands with a dude.
Bush, prince showed respect by holding hands
Kissing, even.
@43 Funny how they never burn down horse burns belonging to rightwing doctors. It’s always some mosque or sexual abuse victim’s house that gets it. Why is that? Does fire have an ideological orientation? Just asking, ‘cuz you humans are strange.
Meanwhile, Doc is a big fan of student deadbeats and Saudi princes.
@43, 45, 46, 47 Dumbfuck much?
None of us in Asgard give a shit about student loan interest, where the capital of Israel is or conservatives and liberals and all their baggage.
@46. I highly doubt you do give a shit of what I have to say. You left the door open by saying might, but you could have won the Powerball jackpot last night too because you or someone you know bought the winning ticket in New Hampshire recently. But dude you are a Doctor. Or at least to profess you know so much about the medical profession with an education in medicine. You should know this answer. It’s 2018. I know you are retired but you must have some idea of what is going on in the medical field. Heck you know so much about the stock market but you know shit about medicine. You sure the horse is for the wife?
Now there truly is an answer to your question, or a plausible one, but let’s see if you can answer it first, hopefully without the help of Milos, or Puffy’s boyfriend.
If you truly want to know “what I have to say”, or the plausible answer, then you’ll have to ask in a more convincing manner that you really want to know what I have to say.
Without sounding like I am defending the person that you commented on above, but this one example doesn’t balance the many other examples that are out there, nor does it make up for you missing Xmas service.
The trolls will like what I’m about to say but I don’t like what I’m about to say.
Drumpf is winning. And he will go for a second term and probably get re-elected.
Meanwhile in real news (not the BULLSHITTIUM delived by the HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards above)
Saudis Slash Oil Price To Save U.S. Market Share
Till Next Time!
Hapless Hanging Human Tea Bag Licker @52,
Puddy thought you were Puddy’s boyfriend “boyfriend”!
Hmmm…? Giving up the title so easily?
Till Next Time!
@ The Loone @ 54
It would be much better for the US, if we could stop using petroleum as an engine fuel, and cease importing petroleum completely. That way, we wouldn’t be dependent on foreign resources to support our economy and we wouldn’t have to kill a million people a year to protect it.
We gave up the Gold Standard, and replaced it with a petroleum Standard, and now we’re rat-fucked into supporting terrorists.
In other news, the first attempt at filing charges in the Fascist takeover of the Federal Government has been made, against the guy who actually did his research and has yet to have a single point of it disproved.
It isn’t the content of the dossier, it is the fact of it’s mere existence that matters I guess. I wonder if the Constitutional Law regarding Bills of Attainder would be applicable here.
Authoritarians are gonna authoritate. They don’t care that they have had a decades-long program of committing open treason, they care about someone blabbing about it. Somebody is gonna end up getting whacked.
The GOP cannot afford to have their authority questioned. To have someone successfully do so in a way that would see real justice done, would see them all end up being lined up against a wall and shot.
I prefer the guillotine meself. Much more symbolic.
Nice of the loon to drop by to lay some HATE on us.
Yeah, yeah. Both sides. We get it.
While I don’t have direct knowledge for the comparison, nevertheless when it comes to baggage I feel safe assuming that “treason” weighs a shit ton more than “closet email server”.
But then again I suppose you Asgardians see things differently from behind the white robes and Tiki torches.
“Obsequious toady” pretty much describes the lot of them. But the way some Republican have transformed themselves into obsequious toads of late, Lindsey Graham and others, it raises a red flag. I doubt that it’s from ingesting Kool-Aid. It’s more likely these days to be borscht.
“‘Rest in peace, your career’: Internet buries ‘obsequious toady’ Bannon after he begs Trump for forgiveness”
@51 Just stay in your little fjord, and don’t fuck with us, and everything will be copacetic.
Pastor Privilege – you get to rape (assault) and get away with it, even put on a pedestal for it.
15) Surprised that they have not suggested that the engineers be armed, perhaps at least with a tazer.
If they can only solve this one:
One Amtrak Employee was killed in that act of domestic terror, although the FBI also considered the possibility of just trying to wreck and Rob a freight train. The perpetrators were never found.
The point at which you have lost all moral authority for anything. There wouldn’t be anything stopping YOUR party from impeaching him. You just need a majority in the House. Unless you don’t expect that any time soon.
Hypothetical question: If the mental health of a US president were to pose a clear and present danger to the nation and the world, and his own party refused to 25th or impeach him, at what point would extraconstitutional measures be justified?
@ 63
… the engineers be armed, perhaps at least with a tazer.
More lives probably would be saved if the engineers were armed with alarm clocks. Might have saved eight lives in Philly. It’s no surprise Bostian doesn’t remember anything. He probably was asleep.
Here’s this weekend’s YLB Special:
New Trump book “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff. Full PDF:
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) January 7, 2018
The book, in full, as a PDF. Won’t cost YLB a dime.
I’ll bet it’s worth every penny. Enjoy.
Update: There are, apparently, a lot of YLBs out there. As if you needed verification that she’s unoriginal. The PDF is hosted on Google Drive and the ongoing downloading is massive, and probably won’t last long once the author realizes he’s not gonna be able to fleece libbies the way he thought he was gonna fleece libbies.
@2 So is it up to the World’s level of political discourse or the Sun?
@4 Her Majesties service will not allow that.
@1 That is what being burned is about. Sending them to Thule would be preferable, but the Air Force only has a small amount of room for new meteorologists.
@7 You are describing the 200,000 North Korean workers who will be going home soon. Hope it is to better conditions, but you accurately describe the poor bastards lot in life.
@18 You probably did not stand at the bow and think you were Jack. Of course it would have helped if the ship were not tied up at dock.
But in your mind you could have been Doug. Or Jack.
Wow! Boob @67 is handing out free stuff to HA HEROES…
Such “principled” klownservaticism..
Who’d a thunk it?
@27 And just what did President Obama and the democrats do about Russian (and other nations) interference in the 2004, 2008 and 2012 elections? Other than shamelessly make it a partisan issue in 2016 when the anointed Queen was rejected, then there was a Russian problem and Obama thought that Republican views on Russia which the 90s wanted back in 2012 were the correct policies. So now you all agree with Candidate Romney on Russia? Hey he’s coming back, can he count on your support in 2020? Since you all agree with his views on Russia.
Pretty sure they didn’t arrange multiple meet ups and start giving out hand jobs, pardons, oil leases and repeal sanctions.
If the best defense you traitors can conjur up for conspiring with an adverserial foreign espionage service to steal an election is random finger pointing you’d better strap in. You’ve got quite a lot of falling yet before impact. They say chewing gum can help with the sudden loss of altitude.