Gay man who was denied marriage license by Kim Davis is now running against her.
New Scientist: Interstellar probe Voyager 1 is alive and well
Roy Moore Molested a Middle School Girl and Other Tales of Political Perversion:
- The Late Show: Graduation Cards from Roy Moore
- How to be a journalist: Reporting on Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore:
- Roy Moore spokeswoman gets in heated debates with CNN anchors
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Jesus Christ was a soy boy
- Stephen: Трамп lost to the #MeToo movement
- Young Turks: Roy Moore’s horrendous slavery somments
- Jimmy Fallon: Roy Moore unveils new campaign slogans
- Samantha Bee: Even more creeps: Journalist edition
- Christine Emba: Roy Moore proves we still only believe some women
- Trevor: Republicans renew their support for Roy Moore
- Conan: What Dotard Трамп and Roy Moore have in common
- Stephen: Billy Bush believes the women accusing Трамп of sexual assault
Mental Floss: 21 things that turned 21 in 2017.
VOX: The US medical system is still haunted by slavery.
Jimmy Kimmel: Unnecessary Censorship, Star Wars edition.
The Dotard Трамп and His Merry Band of Colluders, Thieves, and Political Prostitutes:
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of Трамп’s head, “You can’t even read”
- Stephen: Трамп Tweet confesses to obstruction of justice
- Late Show: Frosty the Snowman’s new hat
- Rep. Al Green reads articles of impeachment on House floor
- Maddow: First dossier news lost amid 2016 bombshells:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп, Flynn and obstruction of justice
- Conan: Dan Rather on the dangers of Трамп’s nationalism and authoritarianism.
- Stephen: Paul Manafort is colluding from home
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: #MAGAMealChallenge, Трамп’s greatness fuel
- Mark Fiore: Teddy’s back
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of Dotard Трамп’s head: “You’re pathetic”
- James Cordon: What (the fuck) is Omarosa’s White House job?
- Trevor: #DentureDonald slurs through a White House address
- The Late Show Coral Ensemble: Robert Mueller’s 12 Days Of Christmas
- Seth Meyers: Rick Perry and the Department of Energy
- The Late Show: More Jerusalem declarations from the State Department
- Stephen: Michael Flynn colluded during Трамп’s inauguration
- Conan: Dan Rather points out that Трамп isn’t much of a reader
- James Corden: Vice President Mike Pence is such a narc
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of Dotard Трамп’s head: “You’re not normal”
- Daily Show: Трамп’s best words
- Late Night: One mayor’s courage
- Stephen: Lewandowski book reveals much about candidate Трамп
- Jimmy Kimmel explains the Трамп—Flynn scandal using Star Wars
- Seth Meyers: The tiny voice in the back of Трамп’s head, “You’re not good at this job”
- Stephen: Junior wants more privilege?
- Conan: White House ethics lawyer’s last day
- James Cordon: So Трамп doesn’t write the Tweets admitting crimes?
- Seth Meyers: Al Franken resigns and Don Jr. testifies before Congress
- WaPo Fact Check: What happened between Flynn, Трамп and Comey? The Fact Checker’s Timeline
- Stephen: Трамп is coming for your national monuments
- Conan with Dan Rather: This is NOT normal.
- Seth Meyers: What Dotard Трамп really means when he talks about “crime”
Seth Meyers chats with Samantha Bee.
PsychoSuperMom: If There’s A War On Christmas (Christmas Started It!)
The GOP Tax Scam on America:
- Stephen: Lewis Black has the ultimate “trickle down” analogy
- Samantha Bee: The greatest tax bill ever sold
- Jonathan Mann: Fuck these motherfuckers:
- Conan: Handwritten additions to the GOP tax bill
- Late Show: Christmas presents from Dotard Трамп (largely to himself)
- Young Turks: Paul Ryan hints that now we’re coming for your medicare
- Full Frontal: Speaking of cutting taxes for the rich
- Stephen renames Трамп’s tax scam
- Conan: More handwritten additions to the GOP tax bill
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Conservative affirmative action and taking down big college
VOX: NASA’s plan to save Earth from a giant asteroid.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Trumpocalypse: The End Game.
We are now essentially a Soviet satellite State. Pence is the man that the hardliners in the GOP want as President. Pence is Putin’s man through and through. Fat Donny is just the catspaw to pry the whole thing loose and make room for the Fascists rebuild it in their own image after he’s long gone.
Fat Donny is an utter imbecile, and Putin knows this. Putin and the Oligarchs of the world have spent the last thirty or so years grooming and stroking his ego and supporting his businesses with cash flow, propaganda and legal support while cultivating the Conservative movement through the business schools, Sunday-morning television and Corporate Churches that operate those networks.
“What’s good for Business is Good for America”.
“Pray to Jesus and you will become Wealthy in the eyes of the Lord.”
Etc etc etc. It’s the same people saying the same things. They’re just doing it in different media at various times depending on the venue.
They have already spent decades corrupting and defaming the Unions, Civil Rights, the institutions of public education and the intellectuals that comprise those institutions. They have spent decades denouncing and destroying public works and the need for protected lands. They’ve spent decades creating the narrative that any Government that directly supports citizen’s desires to build a better society is the product of an enemy paradigm. Conservatives just eat that shit up like it’s fucking candy.
Manafort, who has now been revealed as a foreign agent, pushed Pence on Fat Donny as the VP candidate because it lent some credibility to the hardline rightists that want to take possession of the country as a privately held fiefdom. All it takes for those guys to deem themselves the Owners Of Everything And Everybody is money, as that is all they care about.
They know that money can buy them unlimited political power. They know that money can buy them out of any trouble they might find themselves in. They’re no different from the Indonesian, South American or African politicians who pledge in public to do things like crack down on poaching, illegal logging and mining operations, and then take a few hundred thousand in cash payoffs from the mining companies and the poachers when they know nobody is looking. They’re exactly the same. Money is power, and a means to control the message. Any legal establishment (such as Constitutional Law) is either an obstruction or something to be twisted into supporting their efforts. All they have to do is structure their propaganda at the right people with a plausible message that already jibes with the bullshit they’ve already been told to believe from other sources, like the Bible or the Qu’ran, or in the business schools.
This is why other NeoFascist movements around the world have been pretty successful in their own domestic efforts. The Daesh, the Greek Fascists, The rise of a hardline Hinduist political movement in India that is now more or less in control of that country. All have developed out of reshaping the older belief systems that were already in place, emphasizing some aspects of the belief system and de-emphasizing or openly denouncing others to support the thought patterns they’re building in people’s minds with that propaganda.
An example is how the Conservative politicians in the United States are almost continuously hammering the idea that the Second Amendment is absolutely sacrosanct, but the First is practically seditious and any Amendment after the tenth is completely illegitimate.
They are being shaped into a system of beliefs that allows people to rationalize and accept constant, permanent warfare, “official” (meaning legal) murder and open thievery as being just a normal aspect of Politics or National Defense.
Anyone who has less than lily-white skin, or is gay, or is of a minority religion might just want to start thinking seriously about getting the hell out of the country because Fat Donny knows damn well he’s running out of time, in every sense of the word. His only real job is to fuck as much shit up as he can before the shit hits the fan, or he drops dead of a heart attack. Which, considering his diet, his temperament and the nature of his lifestyle, is probably coming up really soon. He hates doctors, spends most of his time on leisure activities, and he eats tons of unhealthy garbage.
Pence is that Pure, White, Christian Man that the Fascists want to take charge of the United States at the beginning of their taking ownership of the entire world. He’s relatively young and healthy, is a genuine True Believer in God and Business, and as far as the Conservatives are concerned, is as slick as a greased hagfish in his public image.
Alcee Hastings is a man of unparalled sleaze.
• Impeached and convicted for bribery and perjury while a judge, prior to his election to Congress. (Fun fact: the attorney who bribed him was pardoned by Bill Clinton. On Clinton’s last day in office.)
• Paid more than $600k to his girlfriend – employed by his Congressional office – over a four-year period.
• Is sued by a Congressional commission staffer, and gets out of being a defendant in the suit because he successfully claims that the law does not apply to him. Because he is in Congress.
Oh, and • makes Blake Farenthold’s settlement seem rather small.
Exclusive: Taxpayers Paid $220K to Settle Case Involving Rep. Alcee Hastings
Yes, for sexual harassment.
Hastings represents an incredibly safe district. He’ll never be expelled from Congress because CBC. So he gets to be used by Republicans whenever they want to bludgeon Democrats.
It’s the one thing Hastings is good for.
The new Journolist.
The media’s Russia probe meltdown: 3 screw-ups in one week
I was at the gym earlier this week. CNN was on. It was about 445p PST. CNN did a two-minute piece about Trump’s sniffing.
It’s a fucking clown show.
The Trump Effect.
Olympics: Lindsey Vonn injures back in World Cup event
Seems a roller coaster of resignations in Congress. At this rate, will we have one by November?
After Corrine Brown’s sentencing for corruption and theft, and the revelations of Alcee Hastings’ latest embarrassment to his state, Giancarlos Stanton has had enough and is getting the hell out of Florida.
Sources: Yankees have deal with Marlins for Giancarlo Stanton
Maybe he’ll get to run into #CrookedHillary when she’s on one of her pensive walks through the forest behind her home.
@ 5
Hey, look! Congress has self-imposed ‘term limits’ now!
I’m reading a name this week I haven’t seen since, oh, 2012 or so.
Tim Pawlenty.
1 – “Catspaw?” You’ve been reading too much George R. R. Martin.
Trump led a MAGA rally in Pensacola last night.
Pensacola is less than an hour away from Alabama’s third-largest city, Mobile.
The networks gave him plenty @ 3 to talk about.
@ 8, 9
Snark Report: How the rich plan to spend their tax cuts.
Hey, remember Watergate and all those times reporters got it wrong about Nixon?
Yeah, me neither.
@1 brings up treason, and @2 + @4 attempts to redirect the conversation to petty theft. Don’t look here, look over there! I used that old trick as a young bunny when stealing cookies.
@4 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck taunts an injured skier. That really shows what kind of stuffing he’s made of.
@ 14
@ 2 had absolutely no connection to @ 1. Didn’t reference @ 1 in any way, shape, or form. That’s the thing about open threads – they can contain comments with no relationship to one another.
I can understand your confusion, as you treat every single-topic thread as if it was an open one.
You’re what the whores call an ‘old trick’, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Back when the blue diamonds still worked for you, anyway.
You don’t remember Watergate.
where he endorsed the child molester who loves him some slavery.
It may still play in AL but the coal jobs aren’t coming back and 16 women have credibly accused him of sexual assault. 2018 is nearly here.
Stanton led the majors in homers with 59 and was the NL MVP, while Judge was the runner-up for AL MVP. That duo plus Gary Sanchez would give the Yankees the most righty power it is history.
Not only that, but the Yankees apparently may get Stanton at a discount from his contracted price.
Starlin Castro is in the deal. He’ll be Starlin the Marlin when the deal’s done.
@16 “@ 2 had absolutely no connection to @ 1.”
In the same way that whistling Dixie has no connection to Ma Rabbit’s interrogatories about the missing cookies.
@ 18
2018 is nearly here.
According to Pew, Trump’s approval rating among white evangelical Protestants dropped 17 percentage points from February to December, down from 78 percent to 61 percent.
Will someone please explain to Pilsner boy that Trump isn’t on the ballot in 2018?
Oh, and that despite the drop in Trump’s support among that group of voters, it’s a drop from a level that saw him clean #CrookedHillary’s clock by 40 points among white blue-collar voters
last year?
Oh, and finally, if Kirsten Gillebrand be believed, it’s reasonable to assume that the accusations of sexual harassment against Trump would actually increase his popularity among male college student voters.
@16 “You’re what the whores call an ‘old trick’, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
I haven’t heard that one. Probably because I don’t talk to whores as frequently as you do.
@21 “Will someone please explain to Pilsner boy that Trump isn’t on the ballot in 2018?”
Of all the stupid comments you’ve posted this one is the world record.
Ask any GOP strategist if Trump is on the ballot in 2018. Ask Manafort, ask Bannon. Ask Yertle and Ryan. Ask anybody. You’re a dumbfuck.
@10 “Pensacola is less than an hour away from Alabama’s third-largest city, Mobile.”
Yeah. He asked, “Who here votes in Alabama?” and everybody’s hands shot up.
Trump isn’t on the ballot in the literal sense but how did runing against Trump work in VA where he also wasn’t on the ballot?
About 10 seats better than the wildest dreams of VADP.
Nah, no crossover among white blue collar and evangelical
But then midterms of a fist term president have NEVER< EVER been a referendum on that President’s policies. Nobody ran against Obamacare in 2010 apparently.
“A massive storm system … in the Deep South is moving into the mid-Atlantic, the Northeast and New England … some parts of Alabama saw a record 10 inches of snowfall … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentator: Alabama’s confused voters prayed for a sign and they got it. If they don’t pay attention to this one, the next one will be a series of lightning bolts.
The GOP is a gang of haters who hide behind the robes of a guy who preached universal love. They hate minorities, gays, poor people, victims of police shootings, foreigners, college students, workers, wild horses, and caribou. Sometimes they even hate each other. The latter, at least, is understandable. Above all, they hate freedom, and insist that everyone else must be just like them.
@ 25
If a president’s party historically loses seats in the midterm elections, then aren’t you basically stating that on the first Tuesday of next November the sun will rise in the East as expected?
This really won’t be a typical midterm campaign, at least not in the US Senate. Massive amounts of money will be spent.
One could make the argument for Toss-up: Minnesota is actually trending Republican, and while Hillary Clinton carried the state by 1.5 points in 2016, the state’s two-party presidential margin was actually slightly more Republican than the national average for the first time since 1952. If the Republicans can find a strong candidate — former Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) has been a rumored candidate for his old job and could hypothetically consider this race, too — and/or if Dayton makes a weak appointment or the eventual Democratic nominee in 2018 turns out to have problems, this may end up being a Toss-up.
At the very least, the Democrats now have to play defense in yet another competitive seat next year, thanks to Franken’s indiscretions, in a year (2018) where they already were defending 25 of the 33 seats being contested. Now that looks like 26 of 34, and no party has had to defend a more lopsided Senate map in a postwar midterm. The fact that Democrats have so much territory to defend — 10 of their Senate states were carried by Trump in November 2016 — means the Democrats will be hard-pressed to net seats even if national conditions otherwise favor them next year.
Remember, #CrookedHillary’s margin in MN was very small.
We’re about 48 hours from MSNBC claiming that Trump has promised to intervene to ensure that the Crimson Tide is national champion if Roy Moore is elected.
@28 “Massive amounts of money will be spent.”
That’s sorta the point, isn’t it? The GOP is about to hand trillions of dollars in tax cuts to America’s richest people with the expectation they’ll spend billions to elect Republican politicians who represent the interests of 5% of the population. The other 95% be damned.
You have no problem with this because you visualize yourself as part of the 5%, although I’m pretty sure they don’t give a shit about you either.
Maybe we’ll see an HA-style Alabama Senate poll analysis very soon. Until then this might have to do (RCP):
RCP Average 11/27 – 12/8 — — 48.8 45.2 Moore +3.6
Gravis 12/5 – 12/8 1254 LV 2.8 49 45 Moore +4
WBRC-TV/Strategy Research 12/4 – 12/4 3200 LV 2.0 50 43 Moore +7
Emerson* 11/30 – 12/2 500 LV 4.3 49 46 Moore +3
CBS News/YouGov 11/28 – 12/1 766 LV 4.8 49 43 Moore +6
Washington Post 11/27 – 11/30 739 LV 4.5 47 50 Jones +3
JMC Analytics 11/27 – 11/28 650 LV 3.8 49 44 Moore +5
Side note on the approval rating.
But now you know what a Trump Administration stands for and it isn’t middle class jobs and middle class tax cuts. It’s Pedophilia, racism and Billionaires with a side of Paul Manafort international agent thrown in.
It was one thing to vote in the abstract for “Not Hillary”. In 2018 and 2020, if he makes it that long, you’re looking to convince the electorate to vote “FOR Trump.”
And then you get into 30-35% of the electorate who are actually FOR Trump. That’s a problem.
@ 30
The GOP is about to hand trillions of dollars in tax cuts to America’s richest people with the expectation they’ll spend billions to elect Republican politicians…
Which is oh-so-different than Democrats handing special favors to trial attorney, unions, and ‘community groups’ like ACORN with the expectation that they’ll spend billions to elect Democrat politicians.
OK, maybe not a billion. After all, #CrookedHillary spent $1.2 billion and look how that turned out.
Oh, and the public sector unions have had a reason of late to watch their pocketbooks a bit more carefully…
As long as we’re purging sexual harassers from perches of power, I can think of a SCOTUS justice who needs to go.
@33 We’re not into unilateral disarmament. When you stop, we’ll stop. You started it, so you have to stop first.
@ Doctor Nazi Dumbfuck:
This is the world YOU want.
@ 32
But now you know what a Trump Administration stands for …
See, this is your problem, self-stated.
What counts is what voters believe a Trump administration stands for 11 months from now.
That’s after the tax cut shows up in their paychecks as a higher net and after the Obamacare mandate doesn’t take several hundred dollars out of their take-home if they decide not to pay for insurance they can’t use.
That’s after INS pares down the interior illegal alien population some more.
That’s after the upcoming SCOTUS decision on Janus. Most of the electorate resents what public sector unions are getting and how little work they have to do to get it. See WI’s Act 10. I didn’t see #CrookedHillary benefitting from that, did you? (Of course, #CrookedHillary herself didn’t see it because she neglected to campaign there during the general, but I digress.)
That’s after voters get a look at what the lowered corporate tax rate and offshore asset repatriation does to their 401k and IRA balances.
Dems are fighting so hard, now, because they’re petrified of what voters will realize a year from now.
@ Doctor Nazi Dumbfuck:
This is the world YOU want.
@ 34
The only relevance Anita Hill will have is when Gillebrand uses her to take down Biden.
Of course, for a few months after that she’ll end up having to explain to black voters why she used accomplished black women and men as pawns in order to smear a white man. The same white man who warned that others were ‘gonna put y’all back in chains’.
Yes, the 2020 Democrat primary season will be a goldmine for Orville Redenbacher.
This is the world YOU want.
This is the world YOU want.
@31 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck whores for a child molester and pedophile. That’s why we call him a dumbfuck.
That’s after the economy starts to implode like Kansas
@37 “What counts is what voters believe a Trump administration stands for … ”
That’s the problem. About a third of this country thinks it’s perfectly okay for someone to stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot random passersby as long as he espouses the Hitlerian ideology they’re wedded to.
And before you jump me for “playing the Hitler card,” take note that I’m not the only one who sees echoes of Nazism in the Trump movement. When we’ve got a former POTUS warning us about that, I’d say Republicans have a problem.
Shit, oh dear. It looks like Mcconnell and Scott Walker (and probably dozens of other folks) are as deep in Russian shit money as Trump and Manafort.
Putin is reputed to be the worlds first Trillionaire, in a very literal sense. With that much corporate influence, and the full authority of the Russian Government behind his efforts, there really is no good way to shut him down. One of the primary problems being that a third of the American Citizenry promote his style of authoritarianism as being the model of Government they want to see in the United States. MCconnell, Ryan, Walker, Pence etc and unabashedly Steve King are all “racial nationalists” by their own open admissions. They mean White, European descended Calvinist evilangelicals. By their own words they claim for themselves as being the sole purveyors and natural guardians of All That Is Decent And Good in America. Everyone else is the Enemy and they are at War.
I wonder what percentage of the population were seriously sympathetic to the Nazis and the Spanish, Italian and Greek Fascists back in 1937? Even emulating them by repeating their speeches and imitating their rituals.
You had the Silver Legions, the Ku Klux Klan, the Rockwellians etc. It was a very real thing back then.
As it is now.
At this point in time, it is safe to assume with near total certainty, that anyone who still supports Fat Donny Two Scoops is in fact a real, ideological Fascist and will be treated as such. They know damn well what that means for themselves, and they fully embrace all the ramifications of that. They are going to cleanse themselves of all those influences that weaken them in their DNA.
This is the world YOU want.
@ 45
You do realize, unemployable ‘froggy, that your link is from May?
That both sides have since had a careful look at it, and determined it to be bullshit?
The businessman was born in Ukraine, but has long lived in London and New York. His company gave $1.5 million not directly to Walker, but to a super PAC that supported Walker’s run for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination. He has ties to Putin, based on his past ownership of a Russian oil company, but whether he is “pro-Putin” is unclear.
For a statement that contains an element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression, our rating is Mostly False.
No one on the left who is not a fucking crazed moron is talking about this shit, ‘froggy. If Walker were in trouble, it would be lighting up the blue badger blog right about now. Instead, it’s crickets.
Except in your deteriorating mind, ‘froggy. Must be quite the echo in that calvarium of yours by now.
I am hearing rumors that leftist politicians are taking money from a Hungarian Nazi.
might be your firstwont be your last mistake.Forget it. He’s on a roll
And now, back to 30 minutes of:
“Why Hillary Would Have Been the Worst President Ever, and Why She Needs to be Arrested and Executed for Emailing Uranium to Benghazi to Kill Good, Honest Patriotic American Christians in Their Battle to Repel the Invaders of America and Save All of Humanity From the Slavering, Savage Hordes of Islam.”
@ 51
You’re unintelligible within your first paragraph, ‘froggy. Why the hell would anyone want to click on 30 minutes of anything that you think makes sense?
@ Dr. DumbFuck @ 52.
Yeah, run with that, cupcake.
@ 52:
That is a man who spent most of an entire MONTH eviscerating President Obama for the type of mustard he put on his cheeseburger and the better part of another month completely losing his mind over the color of his suit.
That is a man who nakedly denied President Obama’s citizenship for the better part of eight fucking years. That is the man who openly called for violent insurrection over President Obama’s election.
You have no credibility here Bob. You have already been proven to be a baldfaced liar, repeatedly.
@45 Yeah, they’re willing to sacrifice democracy and freedom to preserve white dominance. These are exigent times, you know. Gotta prevent the blacks and browns from voting or they’ll displace the white monopoly on America’s wealth and power.
@47 Nice of you to set the record straight on Walker, as it were, but Walker is only screwing up Wisconsin, and we need to stay focused on the people who are screwing up the entire country. Thanks for your book report, though. Now let’s worry about the dissertation.
@48 Interesting characterization of a Jewish kid whose childhood consisted of dodging the SS and surviving the Holocaust. You sure are a dumbfuck.
@52 Fyi, about 30 seconds is the most I’ll give your rants, so please keep them short. Say, one paragraph or less. Also please keep in mind the only reason I read your crap at all is to kick you for sport.
NYT has a piece, yesterday, about efforts by Russians to engage with Hope Hicks. A couple of excerpts:
F.B.I. officials warned one of President Trump’s top advisers, Hope Hicks, earlier this year about repeated attempts by Russian operatives to make contact with her during the presidential transition, according to people familiar with the events.
There is no evidence that Ms. Hicks did anything improper.
In fact, Hicks ended up asking the FBI for information about who they were concerned about, and the FBI gave her the names.
And there’s this juicy little nugget:
In some ways, the Russian outreach to Ms. Hicks undercuts the idea that the Russian government had established deep ties to the Trump campaign before the election. If it had, Russian officials might have found a better entrèe to the White House than unprompted emails to Ms. Hicks.
You got nothin’, Steve. Nothing except the rotting political corpse of an ethically challenged and generally unlikeable, dishonest woman who married well and did everything in her power to keep her husband in office, if not faithful.
@ 58
Also please keep in mind the only reason I read your crap at all is to kick you for sport.
In which the asswipe who thinks Fleeing Felon Doctrine applied to Mike Brown
learns where own-goals come from.
Oh, look:
YLB, she of HA Heroes fame, is now penning puff pieces in WaPo:
Hillary, please don’t reject romance novels — you are a romance novel heroine
Hey, remember Journolist-er Dave Weigel, who resigned from WaPo when his participation was outed?
1. He’s back with WaPo. Go figure.
2. Today he got caught posting a ‘fake news’ photo about the size of Trump’s MAGA rally last night. Trump demanded an apology, to which Brave Dave replied:
Dave Weigel
Sure thing: I apologize. I deleted the photo after @dmartosko told me I’d gotten it wrong. Was confused by the image of you walking in the bottom right corner. …
2:04 PM – Dec 9, 2017
Tell ya what, libbies: Stop being such incompetent assholes and I’ll stop posting about it.
Yeah. I didn’t think so, either.
Oh. Dave. Next time you’re called out, it’s “I apologize, Mr.President.”.
Damn is boob unhinged these days..
The freak’s political leanings turned it into a frothing at the mouth enabler of a craven child molesting, teen female despoiling religious nutjob’s unhinged lust for power..
Anything for the tax cut… anything..
Now watch its partner in crime, a babbling butthole of a troll, arrive for the many thousandth time after sunset on saturday to prepare for its weekly obligation of labor in the salt mines, preparing the best way the freak knows how:
Damn is boob unhinged these days..
The freak’s political leanings has turned it into a frothing at the mouth enabler of a craven child molesting, teen female despoiling, religious nutjob’s unhinged lust for power..
Anything for the tax cut… anything..
Now watch its partner in crime, a babbling butthole of a troll, arrive for the many thousandth time after sunset on saturday to prepare for its weekly obligation of labor in the salt mines, preparing the best way the freak knows how:
@59 “You got nothin’, Steve.”
Nothin’ but two guilty pleas with more indictments on the way.
Only dumbfucks achieve this level of denial.
@60 Wow. Impressive.
@63 “Damn is boob unhinged these days..”
I called it first. See #69 in preceding thread.
LOL! What’s more incompetent than that old Republican lech Bill-O the klown forking over millions to one or more of its victims because it couldn’t stop chasing its dick?
ditto Ailes..
ditto any number of disgraced “family values”, klownservatic icons..
Bill-O the klown cost itself and Faux joke channel at LEAST
Enough said about “incompetence”…
It’s time for Republicans to take a good hard look at themselves.
@59 Calm down, Doctor. This is what happens when everybody else in the WH has already lied their asses off about their ties to Russia and now at long last you’ve finally found someone, a fucking secretary, who doesn’t yet stink of borscht.
Probably because I don’t talk to whores as frequently as you do.
No, but goat sex is right up your alley senile idiot wabbit. You and shitstain steve mention needing goat sex often enough!
Till Next Time!
Trump isn’t on the ballot in the literal sense but how did runing against Trump work in VA where he also wasn’t on the ballot?
Wow flat beer frothy… This was discredited by the NY Times weeks ago! Puddy supplied the link. It’s in the crazed databaze too! Yet, to keep your stoooooooooooopid arguments stooooooooooooopid, you continue to deliver this BULLSHITTIUM! You really are a train wreck per thread!
Till Next Time!
Now here’s a lawsuit the hapless hanging human teabag licker can really appreciate…
@71 No, I just do rabbit sex, but I don’t expect a moron like you to know the difference between a rabbit and a goat.
Speaking of headed toward 2018…
The US Economy is going to have to add about 25 million jobs in December to avoid 45 having the worst year over the past five.
2013: +2.04m
2014: +2.55m
2015: +2.24m
2016: +1.95m
2017: +1.70m
If this is on PMSNBC then there has to be some validity to DUMMOCRETIN actions!
Remember how Robert Mook danced around those when did you know questions! And we know that Yahoo! News and Mother Jones published the dossier after being told about it on purpose by the Fusion GPS morons!
Till Next Time!
@71 No, I just do rabbit sex,
Yeah, well everyone knew you weren’t packing.
Till Next Time!
@ 75
The US Economy is going to have to add about 25 million jobs in December to avoid 45 having the worst year over the past five.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’ll be thinking when the Dow ticks above 25,000 later this month.
@75 @78 The math doesn’t work. Looks like that should be .25 million, i.e., 250,000.
The main point, though, is that Trump doesn’t have an economic program beyond the tired and discredited GOP supply-side mysticism, so nobody should expect more than incremental increases to GDP growth. And inflation might wipe out what little gain the middle class gets from the tax cuts.
@77 First time in 10 years you’ve said something that’s actually funny. Congratulations. 1 out of 100,000 posts isn’t bad. Well … um … it’s not good. But keep trying. Maybe you’ll get the hang of it after another 100,000 posts or so.
Ooooh! Ooooh! Mr. Kotter! Choose me!
Republican Dildo Navy.
Roger Ailes’ penis syringe.
Rep. Jizzcovered Duckpajamas.
Lazy Eye Heart Huckabee.
Yes this hatred is mainstream like how HA DUMMOCRETINS spew HATE here!
Till Next Time!
@77 First time in 10 years you’ve said something that’s actually funny.
Never claimed to be a comedian!
Till Next Time!
The Mueller team libtard identification continues!
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Jim Acosta complains about CNN being called FAKE NEWS! Well…
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Weigel didn’t delete until a conservative site called him on it. Was so quick to post when he thought someone looked like Trump came to arena way before the start of the event!
Imagine if Joy Behar got it on The View?
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Hey Rail Fan, what do you think about this projected BIG TIME overrun in CA?
PuddyCommentary: Unlike the senile idiot wabbit who makes every thread its personal toilet of multi-paragraph copies from multiple links, Puddy follows the rules. Why? Because the blog leaders are arbitrary and capricious!
Till Next Time!
The FREAK @ 82 – 87, 89 putting HA HEROES FIRST
attaining PEAK HATE..
Then (and only then) it’s
Too funny watching the troll getting its freak on while watching SNL Christmas.
Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS agree with this verdict from a libtard city judge…
Nothing about Reagan Appointee and 9th Circuit Chief Justice making his clerks watch prom with him?
Dude ran a porn website a decade ago and kept his job.
My how times change.
The GOP:
“I would like you to have my baby as a surrogate. No, in vitro is a sin so we gonna get busy. It’s for the continuation of the species. I will anoint you with my…seed”
“Put that pipe down and get my pipe up!” Bill O’Reilly
@83 “Never claimed to be a comedian!”
Thanks for clearing that up.
Uh-oh. The loon is back and he’s in Peak HATE again. A couple of weeks ago it lasted five straight days.
I’d bet the orange moron in the WH got the loon and his SDA doomsday death cult really stoked with that Jerusalem-Armageddon bullshit.
To a libtard the unmitigated TRUTH is always HATE. Then all that’s left is the shitstain! Oh wait, the smelly racetracks are in the underwear!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Hence the name shitstain steve @93-94!
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Sooooooooooooooooooo, a leftist org. “Daily Beast” got hold of a donor list. So how did a donor list get transmitted from the IRS?
Seems traitors still roam WA DC!
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DAYUM, these #CrookedHillary loving creeps are everywhere.
Trump leaving them in their positions is proving very bad for DUMMOCRETINS!
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Ahhh the crazed databaze cretin @88 still pining on HA until Puddy arrives. Still trying to get its sucky blog readership above four. (Its family members)!
Too crazy! It watches SNL too! That show lost its luster years ago!
Till Next Time!
Fewer people call themselves Republicans, but they’re not switching parties, they’re just walking away from the GOP holding their noses.
“From November 2016 to November 2017 there was a 5-point drop in the number of people who call themselves Republicans, from 42 percent to 37 percent, according to Gallup. In that same time, the number of people identifying as Democrats stayed flat at 44 percent.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In short, the GOP smells like an outhouse, and some people who still lean Republican find the odor overpowering and want to get away from it. You gotta wonder how the rest can stand it.
Bernie Sanders spoke about impeaching Trump on a TV show today. He says it should follow a process, shouldn’t be rushed, should wait for Mueller’s investigation to wrap up, should be bipartisan, and “you have to bring the American people” on board. He also said Trump “consider resigning,” but when has Trump ever considered anything but his own self-interest?
@98 YLB is right. You’re a freak.
Washington Post reporter apologizes to Trump for botching a news report: “‘Sure thing: I apologize,’ Weigel tweeted. Weigel said he deleted the photo after another reporter ‘told me I’d gotten it wrong.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In what you might call “elite” circles,* a term inclusive of educated, academic, scholarly, intellectual, journalistic, etc. — virtually anyone with standards of truth, integrity, and accuracy — admitting and correcting errors is expected and done, and doing so is not seen as weakness, but as strength and especially moral strength. It’s also a one-way street when you’re dealing with Republicans, because you’ll never get that from either their leaders or followers.
* I really don’t like the term “elite” here, which implies a select few, because there’s no reason why everyone can’t demand and try to live up to certain defined standards of truth, integrity, and accuracy. If our country has an “elite” in that sense, it’s because some people of lesser character choose not to.
Changes in the tax bill “negotiated” by Susan Collins will not be on the final package which will come back to Senate for final vote.
Better not piss off Jeff Flake any more than you already have.
@71 Puffy sounds a bit sensitive to goat sex….what you hiding in your closet?
Ask Boob – he has experience with horses. Maybe he can help you get over the goat sex guilt.
Where is the Sunday Comics post?
Yeah, where’s the Bible study thread?
@71 Puffy sounds a bit sensitive to goat sex….what you hiding in your closet?
Nuthin. Animals have no effect! Female humans do! Puddy doesn’t call itself a wabbit!
Till Next Time!
I really don’t like the term “elite” here, which implies a select few,
Well senile idiot wabbit, the Oregon Moron AKA Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom calls itself “elite”! It wants to shed the hillbilly image!
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@101 Senile idiot wabbit,
Puddy would rather be a FACT delivering freak than an clueless crazed cretin panty wearer!
Sux to be a senile idiot wabbit!
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DUMMOCRETINS getting rid of stoooooooooooopid delegates? Really?
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Now that Republicans have Al Franken’s resignation in their pocket, they’re preparing a path to seat Roy Moore.
And, of course, the GOP long ago ceased to be an institution that puts character above party or politics.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Americans decide they want to be governed by this party, those who voted for them will deserve what they get.
@103 The GOP is reneging on promises it made to one of its own senators? You don’t say! Who would’ve guessed?
Maybe Collins should switch parties. She won’t and her constituents won’t be treated like that if she becomes a Democrat.
@107 “Puddy doesn’t call itself a wabbit!”
Doing so would be pointless, because it’s obvious to everyone here you’re not smart enough to be a rabbit, or even pretend to be one.
@109 You don’t even know what a “fact” is. Facts bite you in the ass every day and you’re unaware of it.
The hypocrisy of a party that demands Franken resign, but defends Trump and intends to seat Moore, can no longer be denied.
Even Indians are crapping on CNN!
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Double post for shitstain racetrack steve!
Even Indians are crapping on CNN!
Meanwhile CBS (C the BS) and their FAKE NEWS…
Gotta love it! Double post for shitstain racetrack steve!
Till Next Time!
Meanwhile CBS (C the BS) and their FAKE NEWS…
Gotta love it!
Till Next Time!
More blowback against Trump’s foreign policy incompetence.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course it’s not good for the country when competent people quit because they can’t stand working for an incompetent president. But it is what it is.
DAYUM funny!
@121 Gov. Brown didn’t blame California’s fires on Trump. He blamed them on climate change, and he criticized Trump’s position on climate change. If you bothered to follow your own links, you would know that.
Twitchy? What’s that? Another rightwing website, founded by Michelle Malkin, that can’t shoot straight. Don’t expect Twitchy to correct their mistakes. They’re propagandists, not journalists.
Roger Rabbit links to news sources, while Piddles links to propaganda shops. The result is posting inequality.
Look out! The loon’s head is exploding! This is what Peak HATE looks like.
@124 And it’s not even 3:00 pm yet. He’s hitting the sauce early today.
“The indictment alleges that Mr. Joyce ran his office as a criminal enterprise.” – from the accompanying video.
Brian Joyce, 55, was arrested at his Westport home shortly before sunrise Friday, hours before authorities unsealed a 113-count indictment stemming from a two-year investigation that charges the Democrat with racketeering, extortion, wire fraud and money laundering.
He took 700# of free coffee as part of one bribe.
‘‘We believe Mr. Joyce was greedy, plain and simple,’’ FBI Special Agent in Charge Hank Shaw said.
Greedy, Plain, and Simple. Nicknames for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, his wife, and his first-born.
Of course the Senator is a Democrat.
Sensing an opening because the Unites States elected a shit-fer-brains who is not a Christian but surrounded himself with Evangelical American Taliban who only want Israel there so they can be burned when the Messiah returns…
China is making a pretty big play at being the mediator between Israel and Palestine.
No one could have imagined…
@126 You forgot this: “Joyce is under scrutiny for various ethical improprieties alleged by Boston Globe reporters”
He was caught, not by some rightwing website, but by reporters for a newspaper. You know what “reporters” are and what a “newspaper” is, right? Republicans like to disparage reporters and newspapers. Except when they blow the whistle on misbehaving Democrats. Then they cite and quote them.
Heh. That miserable cult already has an in with that silly Karson koo-koo…
However, Drumpf has fake wealth. Must be Vlad Putin as their ultimate target. His wealth is fake, too. Made it by shaking down other thieves but still the Putin freak is a lot richer than that fake Preznit.
@126 (cont) If Joyce is guilty, he should face the consequences. That should apply to everyone, regardless of their party affiliation or position.
Your move.
No, the babbling butthole loon doesn’t touch the sauce.
Doesn’t need to. It’s naturally schnockered from its own brain chemistry. (If you can call a vacuum a brain.)
Its natural sauce is commonly known as mental illness.
More blowback against Trump’s foreign policy incompetence.
Wrong again senile idiot wabbit. She won an award for what – her groundbreaking work to make Somalia a veritable oasis of peace and prosperity under Obummer?
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@126 “Greedy, Plain, and Simple. Nicknames for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, his wife, and his first-born.”
Criticizing my capitalist greed, are you? That doesn’t make you a communist, but it does make you a hypocrite.
@132 Come back when you have a clue what diplomats do for a living.
It seems shitstain has comprehension issues. To a libtard the unmitigated TRUTH is always HATE. Then all that’s left is the shitstain! Oh wait, the smelly racetracks are in the underwear!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Hence the name shitstain steve @124! Keep calling TRUTH and FACTS hate!
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Of course the senile idiot wabbit would equate FACTS and TRUTH links to drunkenness! HAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s the way senility attacks someone!
Sux to be senile!
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I think there’s about a 45% chance Jones will win the Alabama senatorial election on Tuesday. There are Republicans down there who are going to write-in another candidate other than Roy Moore. It’s gonna be a horse race, no doubt about it!
Oh poor poor senile idiot wabbit @134. Seems Puddy struck a nerve! Shackleford was an Obummer crony. Good riddance to another DUMMOCRETIN!
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@135 You hate the truth.
See? I can use those two words in the same sentence, too. Not only that, but also in a way that explains why you use “sources” like WND, Twitchy, Washington Times, Faux, etc., instead of reputable news sources, which takes it to the next level.
Roger Rabbit links to news sources
Yeah Daily Kooks is a news source!
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@138 “Seems Puddy struck a nerve!”
Must be yours, because I didn’t feel anything when you stepped on your dick.
Oh senile idiot wabbit @139 and @141… Prove Puddy wrong on Shackleford! Is Somalia a hotbed of peace and prosperity? How about Yemen?
FACTS really suck to a DUMMOCRETIN!
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@140 “Yeah Daily Kooks is a news source!”
I’ve never said Daily Kos is a news source. It’s liberal commentary. However, unlike your bullshit “sources,” DK commentaries link to reputable news sources and don’t publish deliberate distortions and lies like your nonsensical “source” above that equated criticism of Trump’s climate policies with “blaming Trump” for California’s fires. But then, nobody here expects you to have critical thinking skills.
Still waiting for the Shackleford proofs!
Till Next Time!
While roger senile idiot wabbit’s right paw is up its ASS here is news from the empire state…
— In March, America Rising PAC called out Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) for “using the New York state government payroll to build up his political machine.” Then, in May, the Albany Times-Union exposed that Governor Cuomo’s administration had been hiring former top Obama and Clinton aides for political jobs, and paying them from agencies that had nothing to do with their day-to-day responsibilities. —
PuddyCommentary: Yes, Puddy brought this to your attention months ago. Just ask the panty wearing clueless crazed cretin for a crazed databaze replay!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! More FACTS shitstain will call HATE!
Till Next Time!
@142 How can I reply to this level of stupid? I’ll try spelling it out, but I have no expectations. Diplomats represent their governments. That’s all they do. Our diplomats didn’t create Somalia or Yemen. They may offer the president advice about what our policies in those places should be, if he’ll listen, but diplomats can’t do anything about stupid presidents, except resign. Which is what two top-tier diplomats did last week.
Our diplomats didn’t create Somalia or Yemen.
Where did Puddy claim we created Somalia or Yemen? They are to negotiate peaceful outcomes… That’s what Puddy said above. You really are senile! You are BEYOND stooooooooooopid!
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@145 Another of your “sources”?
Exactly what we’d expect from a tool like you.
@147 “They are to negotiate peaceful outcomes… ”
Actually, that’s not their job. Their job is to represent our government. For example, they might be called upon to deliver an ultimatum or a declaration of war. They may have a negotiating function, for example, trade agreements, in which cases they are acting as negotiators but not policymakers. In negotiations, they simply follow the instructions they’re given by our government.
Is the FBI investigating Cuomo senile idiot wabbit? Need more sources?
More DUMMOCRETIN TRAIN WRECKS! Senility is an insidious disease and we’re seeing the real mental breakdown of HA’s favrit DUMMOCRETIN!
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Poor poor roger senile idiot wabbit @147… You are sooooooooooo wrong again…
— Washington (CNN)A top State Department official — Wendy Sherman — will depart following the completion of the Iran nuclear talks, a source confirms to CNN. Sherman has been the lead U.S. negotiator with Iran as the Obama administration has pursued a nuclear agreement. —
FACTS really suck eh senile FOOL!
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Even libtard Glenn Greenwald has identified the FACTless HATEful libtard media…
Friday was one of the most embarrassing days for the U.S. media in quite a long time. The humiliation orgy was kicked off by CNN, with MSNBC and CBS close behind, with countless pundits, commentators and operatives joining the party throughout the day. By the end of the day, it was clear that several of the nation’s largest and most influential news outlets had spread an explosive but completely false news story to millions of people, while refusing to provide any explanation of how it happened.
PuddyCommentary: Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS journalists are not required to protect the identities of libtard people who lie to them. Soooooooooo why haven’t any of these libtard DUMMOCETIN loving outlets revealed their “sources” to the public? Maybe they are embarrassed by their FACT checkers!!!!!
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@150 “Is the FBI investigating Cuomo senile idiot wabbit? Need more sources?”
Yes, it is, and what does that have to do with anything? The FBI is investigating hiring practices, dating back to GOP Gov. George Pataki, that make the New York Governor’s Office payroll look smaller than it is by putting some of those employees on other state agencies’ payrolls.
“The investigation is being conducted by an F.B.I. agent in upstate New York, in conjunction with prosecutors in the United States attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn, according to a person with knowledge of the matter, who could not explain the unusual arrangement. … It was also unclear what law, if any, may have been broken.”
Unusual arrangement. Unclear what law was broken. Also, “political observers seemed skeptical the investigation would lead to criminal charges.” Make of that what you will.
Not exactly on the same level as Mueller’s investigation of Trump’s dealings with the Russians.
@151 I hadn’t heard of that one. That makes three quits in one week. When this happens in the corporate world, investors dump their shares in droves.
@152 “libtard Glenn Greenwald”
Greenwald is hardly a liberal but in your lexicon “libtard” includes anyone who isn’t a rightwing brain-dead zombie like you.
Not exactly on the same level as Mueller’s investigation of Trump’s Russia ties.
And where did Puddy make that comparison?
And the Pataki/Cuomo comparison… Cuomo taken it to a new level!
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@152 “Friday was one of the most embarrassing days for the U.S. media in quite a long time.”
That’s made possible by the fact legitimate journalists are capable of feeling embarrassed, unlike nutjobs like you who spout BS all day long and don’t feel a thing.
@156 “And where did Puddy make that comparison?”
You didn’t. I did, because not all FBI investigations are of equal significance, which is obvious to everyone except you.
Greenwald is hardly a liberal farts Roger senile idiot wabbit…
Google glenn greenwald View how the HA DUMMOCRETIN thread heads used Glenn! They loved Glenn senile FOOL! Sooooooooooo stooooooooooooooopid 24×7!
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This is a sign of the end of western civilization. Sponegbob Squarepants the musical!!!
Will HA Heroes get together when this goes off Broadway and comes to Seattle? To enjoy the show?
Will Ha Heroes celebrate by making a petition to make our favorite guy Mr. Eyman turn in his next petition and signatures as Squidworth? We need to act now!!!
This is your opportunity to get the worlds most realistic video game for your Republican or Democratic friends. It’s from Penn and Teller. Get it now before supplies run out. It’s bound to be a hit this year. And it’s multiplayer now so you cam play with your friends.
It’s truly an epic game. Enjoy!!!
You didn’t. I did
Hence another senile idiot wabbit TRAIN WRECK!
Till Next Time!
Two more raps against Roy Moore (as if there aren’t already enough):
(1) He appeared on a radio show hosted by conspiracy theorists who “have argued that the US government is illegitimate and who have said that the September 11, 2001, attacks, the mass shooting at Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, and other mass shootings and terrorist attacks are false flag attacks committed by the government” and appeared to endorse their views.
(2) On that show, he advocated getting rid of all U.S. constitutional amendments except the first ten (i.e., the Bill of Rights). Presumably this includes getting rid of the Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery.
Roy Moore is too extreme for the U.S. Senate.
And #CrookedHillary gathered more popular votes.
Russell Wilson’s 61-yard touchdown pass to Paul Richardson gives him 16 fourth-quarter TDs on the year. That’s a new single-season NFL record, according to the Elias Sports Burea.
Brady Henderson, ESPN
Voyager hmmm well in a few centuries that will be Vejur and Captain Kirk will save humanity. Is Captain Kirk a ha hero?
@164 “#CrookedHillary”
What was she convicted of? Or is that just a nickname without factual foundation bestowed by people who have no regard for facts?
Then Russell had a 70+ yard pass to Tyler Lockett for number 17.
Till Next Time!
@ 165
Is Captain Kirk a ha hero?
I don’t see why not. He’s no less realistic than YLB’s other heroes
(Insert ‘…where no man has gone before’ joke here.)
@1 Ummm what the fuck. Obviously according to the IOC we are not a Soviet client state. We will be playing in the winter Olympics while Russia will not be. This would never have happened when the Soviet Union existed. And just where are the first line Russina troops? Those guys are fun to party with, and then when they go to Mother Russia they get sent to the gulag. Can’t have them spreading American ideas and all that.
Just why the Democrats are calling for Trump to resign so we have Pence in the office would suggest the Democrats are the Russian clients.
By the way Clinton, Obama and Chuck Shumer support the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Is this why there is no Bible study today? Is Goldie ill? Did the program crash?
Jefferson’s behaving more maturely than #CrookedHillary did on election night.
@159 We cite you all the time, too. Does that make you a liberal?
@160 What civilization? There are no civilized people in these parts. Certainly not at Trump rallies.
@162 What a comeback. Yawn. Stretch.
@169 “Just why the Democrats are calling for Trump to resign so we have Pence in the office would suggest the Democrats are the Russian clients.”
No, it suggest Trump is so dangerous to our democracy, and possibly to our physical survival, that Democrats see Pence as an acceptable alternative to Trump’s incompetence.
@5 Yes there will be. And frankly the people resigning are totally stupid. The voters don’t care.
Also if the Democratic party becomes the pussy party this does not bode well for its future success.
The Republican’s will be the masculine party and will be totally successful , because of the women who like men. Even if it’s only 10% of women who follow men into the Republican party it’s a winning scenario.
Perhaps the Democrats should maybe talk about policy. The tax bill. $15 dollar minimum wage. Medicare for all. Stuff like that, but no they want to eat their own. What a winning proposal. Unity is the word and I guess it will be Unity until the crying after the 2018 Congressional elections when Democrats seize defeat from the jaws of victory.
@ 174
What’s the danger to democracy here? It is your worry that Trump might issue more executive orders than Obama did?
God doesn’t like it when Goldy skips out on Bible Study.
Source: Eagles QB Carson Wentz feared to have torn ACL
@ 175
Also if the Democratic party becomes the pussy party this does not bode well for its future success.
@10 I don’t know for sure, but it looks like the next Senator from Alabama will be Roy Moore. The Democrats have not offered a damn thing. And in Alabama being in support of abortion is a losing proposition so you may as well go full out progressive.
Getting Al Franken to fall on his sword in order to screw Roy Moore is the stupidest thing the Democratic leadership has pulled in a long time. It’s not going to get Trump to resign. And Roy Moore will be in Washington and he will fight for the seat, and in the end the Democrats don’t have the votes to keep him out, And after 2018 in the Senate they very likely will have fewer votes.
@178 I’m not against identity politics, the thing is most voters don’t give a flying fuck. While there maybe broad support for identity politics it’s shallow support. Many other things are more important. War and peace, Taxes.
Like the environment identity politics has broad support, but shallow support. There are Republican’s who support both, but a Republican is more likely to be more supportive of the environment because of their children or grand children, and their love of where they are from and or representing. There is much more common ground in today’s America. There can be much more common ground in identity politics, but if you vilify the folks who represent a lot of American’s based on their political affiliation that broad but shallow support quickly dissipates.
@12 More importantly how are you going to spend your tax refund should you receive one? Money bags rabbit.
@1 and @14 For there to be treason the United States must be at war with the nation. Read your United States Constitution. I’m sure you all have pocket sized copies by now. Just like Republican’s used to. Very corporate of you.
@17 I do at least the Democrats had the votes in the House, and nearly as many votes as needed to toss Nixon out in the Senate. That does not remotely exist at the moment. Meanwhile Republican in the House and Senate are you the finger.
@20 And neither have any remote connection to local or state politics of Washington state that is allegedly the purpose of horseass. Not that could not be Horseass the board way musical, but only if Mel Brooks has notices this little blog.
I wonder if the ‘danger to our democracy’ that has Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s urethral catheter all knotted up is the same one that Glenn Greenwald refers to as a ‘grave threat’:
Virtually every false story published goes only in one direction: to be as inflammatory and damaging as possible on the Trump/Russia story and about Russia particularly. At some point, once “mistakes” all start going in the same direction, toward advancing the same agenda, they cease looking like mistakes.
No matter your views on those political controversies, no matter how much you hate Trump or regard Russia as a grave villain and threat to our cherished democracy and freedoms, it has to be acknowledged that when the U.S. media is spewing constant false news about all of this, that, too, is a grave threat to our democracy and cherished freedom.
Probably not.
@1 Furthermore Trump is being a lousy Russian tool. You can’t cry over what he might do in North Korea and then tell me he is a Russian puppet. The Russians do not want the buddies in North Korea reduced to ash, they have too many rubbles invested, ect.
They want North Korea to survive.
A President who states Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is not a Russian puppet. Russia’s allies in Syria and elsewhere would not tolerate a Russian puppet doing that and the state would be totally locked down. Well NFL is happening on TV so the Russians clearly are not in fucking charge.
@22 Well you should be out talking to whores since you are a Democratic party official. After they vote in this state. Ou should be concerned their concerns and support sex workers, and their rights.
The Seahawks is over so you can get on this right away as I’m sure in spite of the cold you can find them on Highway 99 in your Ford.
Oh the burn from the senile wabbit FOOL @171!
You really are a senile joke! Glenn Greenwald is a friend of HA DUMMOCRETINS. Puddy is not!
Till Next Time!
@24 Hold on are you inferring that the President is right about there being a problem with illegal voting in a US state? Voters voting in two states perhaps?
@188 Puddy I like Glenn and I think he does a pretty good job as a journalist and he pisses both sides on some issues. Which is why I think he is a real journalist. And he sometimes pisses me off, but I would happily have a beer with him. Or you for that matter.
@32 Oh my god Trump is a Republican doing Republican policies!!! The world will not end as we know it.
@34 Supposedly you are an attorney so you know he will go when he retires or dies. He could be impeached by the House and removed from office by the Senate, but that hasn’t happened for like a 150 years. So I think that justice has nothing to worry about. You should have coffee with him and share your opinions though. Good luck with that.
@37 Damn he has good points. He must remember Ronald Reagan too. Those first two years sucked for him. The dems tried to make hay, and then he got reelected easily. Wonder why.
@42 Unfortunately Alabama voters certainly know their state laws. The law of consent is 16 in Alabama. That take most of the energy out of your statement. There is one claim that cannot be verified and Roy Moore is not going to be arrested or tried over that claim, though the Senate ethics Chair maybe bothered by the claim, and they will have to come out and say there ain’t diddly to most of the claims and we are not going to waste time on them. There are perhaps two claims they may look into., but those claims are over 39 years old. So Roy Moore is likely to be the Senator from Alabama. He may have a harder primary next time around, but that is reality,. Your statement is exaggeration, and your are not in Alabama and not voting in that election. And you aren’t not helping the Democratic party of Alabama come up with a winning strategy. As they are frankly in the same boat the Republican party was there for decades after the civil war, and before. A meaningless little bump on a log. With the occasional victory in a local or state election.
Yes just like the Democrats after the civil war the Republican’s could run John Wilkes Booth for Senator and he would win.
@44 So Trump is a Russian Puppet and a NAZI. I’m sure Putin hates NAZI’s Especially Ukrainian NAZI’s that the US supports. So both of these things cannot be true. Pick one and stick with it. Voters are confused easily (or are wiser than the pundits on here) .
@45 If you really believe the manure you are spreading here you really should become a member of the American NAZI party, they have a site on line. This way when they take over you will not be immediately located and shot. They will have to at least get to Goldie’s website, and they maybe a little confused with your name being on their list as well. I suggest that you travel south to Mexico as more than likely the Canadian’s will also be NAZI’s only more so.
Here is something libtards in media would never do!
Of course Roger senile idiot wabbit will call this FAKE NEWS!
Sux to be the senile wabbit FOOL!
Till Next Time!
@54 The man clearly has a hobby. Maybe you think he should take up stamp collecting like President Roosevelt. Still he is the President, perhaps you like him to spend more time on the greens?
@56 Of course retired Wisconsin governors usually end up running for the US Senate and usually get in. Or they run for President. But yes he is for the time being Wisconsin’s problem. So how are American unions doing these days? They don’t seem to be doing too well here in Washington state.
@176 “What’s the danger to democracy here? It is your worry that Trump might issue more executive orders than Obama did?”
No. It’s vote suppression, gerrymandering, the influence of corporate money, inciting violence against political opponents, attacking the media for doing its job, delegitimizing dissent, and prosecuting demonstrators who didn’t commit any crimes.
“What jurors haven’t heard, and prosecutors don’t intend to offer, is evidence that any of the six individuals currently on trial … engaged in any property damage or violence. Under the government’s theory of the case, in which anyone arrested in the group is part of a conspiracy and is responsible for any actions taken by others, the lack of individualized wrongdoing doesn’t matter.”
Even a former two-term president is concerned about the direction our society is taking.
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@69 And like many Democrats they take a hard look and respond LOOKING GOOD!!!! Gods gift to all.
@177 Yeah, that’s gotta be it, God really misses Goldy’s weekly Bible study. So, apparently, does Doctor Dumbfuck who clearly didn’t have anything else to do this weekend.
@70 So exactly why did the WH need Flynn to talk to the Russian ambassador to ask would you all just be cool until we get into office? Explain that please.
@179 “The Democrats have not offered a damn thing.”
Merely the survival of Social Security and Medicare, and a rational foreign and defense policy so the country itself (or at least the portion within range of Little Kim’s missiles) survives, among other things.
Also a tax policy that doesn’t punish workers by taxing wages more heavily than any other form of income. And not legalizing discrimination or sucking up to Nazis and the Klan.
There’s more that might come to you if you think real hard about it.
@75 That is not what your chart implies. 200,000 jobs in December would do it. Assuming the 2017 includes Novembers numbers that might not even be available.
Even a former two-term president is concerned about the direction our society is taking.
Obummer news from the HuffPo senile idiot wabbit?
Too DAYUM Funny!
Till Next Time!
@180 “I’m not against identity politics.”
Of course you aren’t.
@181 On my higher Medicare Advantage premiums.
@79 It is just not Republican thing to do public works jobs. It is unfortunately not much of a Democratic thing either, much too progressive and the corporate masters just would not allow Obama to put people to work that way in the worse economic collapse since the Depression.
@86 I think if she got a double dildo on the that would be hilarious.
Heil Hitler
@182 “For there to be treason the United States must be at war with the nation.”
Going all legal on us, are you? For your information,
“At times, the term traitor has been used as a political epithet, regardless of any verifiable treasonable action. In a civil war or insurrection, the winners may deem the losers to be traitors. Likewise the term traitor is used in heated political discussion – typically as a slur against … officials in power who are perceived as failing to act in the best interest of their constituents.”
But it does seem to me that Robert E. Lee and other Confederates committed legal treason, as they waged war against the government of their own country. In fact, Jefferson Davis was indicted for treason, but for political reasons was not brought to trial.
“but a Republican is more likely to be more supportive of the environment because of their children or grand children, and their love of where they are from and or representing”.
I’d love to diddle with your grand daughters, please elect me!
@87 Well Jerry Brown’s dad could have done this, Why California can’t have nice things. Well this means the pressure is off our Washington politicians. It’s ok they are not getting single payer either in California.
Lost in the coverage of the full throated endorsement of the Pedophile who loves him some slavery of 45s Pensacola rally is his now repeated threat not to defend NATO allies. Criticizing Merkel and Germany for not paying us enough and asking rhetorically, “We end up in World War 3 for someone who doesn’t pay? … we have 40,000 troops in Germany, nobody knows that.”
(The full text of this part of the speech is rambling, barely coherent mess like he’s suddenly distracted by a shiny object dangled just out of reach.)
Actually, everyone knows that. We’ve kept bases, airfields and hospitals there for 70+ years to counter the Soviet/Russia threat. And we don’t pay Germany to lease the land which is worth billions.
Piddles\Dr.Dumbfuck. The president you pimp and salivate over is a certifiable moron.
But then you knew that.
@183 “Meanwhile Republican in the House and Senate are you the finger.”
Yes, they certainly are. They’re perfectly okay with having a traitor in the White House, as long as he signs the billionaires’ tax bill and sucks up to Israel. We know how little Republicans care about corruption, character, or honesty. They made that very clear with their unstinting support of Trump and Moore.
@96 Obviously the organization provided the information to the IRS and that information is available to anyone since the organization is a 501C3, the organization did not have to provide that info to the IRS, but did so. Of course those tax payers including those funds as a tax write off might get questions from the IRS who may want to verify said deductions with the organization.
@187 “you are a Democratic party official”
For the record, I am not a Democratic party official. I was a PCO once, but that was years ago.
@188 “Puddy is not!”
Sure you are. You have no idea how useful you are to anyone who wants to prove Republicans are ignorant, immature, and irresponsible.
@130 In any case he clearly loves coffee, and is ready for the apocalypse. Any survivalists in Boston should note his homes location as a source of something that will be in very short supply.
@134 They are official spies.
@146 The US has no diplomats in Somalia or Yeman. Special Forces and CIA which maybe diplomatic in some circumstances, but no diplomats.
@189 It’s not unreasonable to think there may be more cases like these* out there.
* This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. These are only samples.
@190 Agree with you on both counts.
@149 Actually you are wrong they are spies. Just in this post Westphalia world few actually saw what diplomats are, though they may do the other stuff you mention. Still Russians have no problem saying diplomats are spies. Excepting their own diplomats unless you are in private then yep their diplomats are the worlds best spies.
@191 I agree that race-baiting, bigotry, inciting violence against political opponents, attacking the press, climate change denial, destroying the environment, hostility to workers and consumers, deficit spending, and warmongering are Republican policies.
AN excellent read of scam artists! Prolly a DUMMOCRETIN!
@192 There’s no “supposedly” printed on my J.D. degree or license to practice law. That I am an attorney is an unqualified fact.
@193 “Those first two years sucked for him.”
The last six sucked for Reagan. He had to raise taxes 5 times after his supply-side (or, in Stockman’s words, “voodoo”) economics crashed and burned, and even then he ran monster deficits exceeded only by those of the World Wars and Great Depression and Great Recession.
@194 Even in Alabama having sex with a 14-year-old is child molesting.
@195 “So Trump is a Russian Puppet”
It’s more precise to say he’s a business partner of Russian mobsters associated with Putin, but “Putin puppet” is adequate as a description of his policies toward Russia.
“and a NAZI.”
I didn’t say “Nazi,” I said “echoes of Nazism,” and if you’re not disturbed by that something is wrong with you.
@196 In other words, you’re arguing the solution to a Nazi takeover of our country is becoming a quisling. I’d rather be shot. You’re going to be shot anyway (see Quisling’s fate), so you might as well be shot as a patriot than a traitor. They don’t erect memorials to traitors.
@153 They are clearly after Cuomo. Perhaps reading the underlying article would help
The last two paragraphs may provide the federal interest. Though the investigation may not go anywhere. Still a very inventive way to hide the true cost of the advisors to Cuomo, those poor Obama folks are doing pretty well. Wonder if our governor is doing something similar, probably not, but this kind of stuff is why we are a Progressive state with our state constitution.
@156 Actually since Cuomo maybe running for President this is exactly in the same vein as the Mueller investigation. Only this time it may bring Cuomo down before he even throws his hat officially into the ring. (Assuming Hilliary doesn’t beat him in the hat throwing. Then again this time he fight figure she couldn’t beat Obama, could not beat Trump, well doubt she can beat a Cuomo)
@163 Did it play well in Alabama?
1) So he appeared on a radio program. Politicians appear on all kinds of radio programs.
2) It’s a free country and he can have opinion, though as a US Senator he has to apply the whole US constitution and if he does that in spite of his opinion, then he no worse than Scalia.
@168 Then Horatio Hornblower must be a HA Hero to.
@197 “Here is something libtards in media would never do!”
Do what? Report the Keaton Jones story?
CBS News:
Huffington Post:
New York Daily News:
Washington Post:
USA Today:
New York Times:
Seattle Times:
@203 Allah must really be missing it. He’s always up that guy Mohammed. You would think he plays for the Seahawks. Too bad they lost. Must be Goldie’s fault after all he’s an Eagle’s fan. No bible study and the Seahawks lose. Suspicious.
@198 “perhaps you like him to spend more time on the greens?”
Now there’s an idea that could grow on me. I might even overlook his criticism of Obama for spending less time on the greens than he does. The less Trump works the better.
@199 No, unions aren’t doing well, and neither is the middle class. Maybe there’s a connection there.
@201 Sez the idiot who uses Twitchy, WND, and Moonie Times as “sources.”
@205 Maybe but all that stuff is being shouted out by TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Hopefully soon what you are saying will be said louder, but some of that isn’t enough unless you are already in a Democratic state or area. How do you make inroads in the more rural states?
@202 Yes, Republicans think racism, bigotry, misogyny, plutocracy, collusion, corruption, and child molesting are peachy keen fine.
@204 It looks better if they get caught. Deniability, you know.
@213 Of course when the losers of the fight or whatever call the winners traitors it becomes meaningless and stupid. When the United States won the Revolution the English had to stop calling American patriots traitors. The English still called them traitors, but only at private parties and behind American’s backs. They did not like what happened when they said it to American’s faces. There were some incidents on the high seas and it did take the War of 1812 to fully get the few remaining Britons to stop using the traitor, and use the more appropriate fucking Yankees.
@230 Politically he was successful. He was reelected and his Vice President was elected President. While your criticisms are correct, his last six years did not suck, he was politically successful. Ask any political scientist and they will acknowledge he was a successful President. Personally I did not vote for him, and I think he did horrible things, and damaged these United States. President Clinton’s response so changed the Democratic party that even more serious damage was done, and now there really is a deep political divide in these United States. Making real issues such as North Korea, the environment, and our overcrowded prisons problems that elude sensible solutions.
@207 Cackles the idiot who uses Twitchy, WND, and Moonie Times as “sources.”
@210 “It is just not Republican thing to do public works jobs.”
It sure isn’t. Every bridge in America could fall down, and millions of construction workers could be unemployed during a depression, but they wouldn’t spend a dime if a Democrat could take credit for it. Even under a Republican, they’ll repair roads and bridges only if private companies can charge tolls.
@215 They’re sure as hell not getting our water.
@226 Spies posing as diplomats aren’t diplomats, they’re spies. You have no evidence the foreign policy adviser and two diplomats who quit last week were spies.
@228 Fascinating story. Thanks for the link. Elizabeth Warren wants to protect the public from these predators. Trump is protecting them from her. As usual, you’re on the wrong side of the fight.
@234 Where’s the crime?
@235 Cuomo isn’t president, and hiring state employees to work for one state agency and paying them from the budget of a different state agency isn’t “in the same vein” as using the office of president to cut deals with a hostile foreign power for personal gain.
@236 “as a US Senator he has to apply the whole US constitution”
Like he did when, as a state supreme court chief justice, he ordered all the judges of his state to disobey a U.S. Supreme Court ruling? That should’ve landed him in jail. In any case, it shouldn’t make him a U.S. Senator.
@238 cum hoc ergo propter hoc
@246 Keep your eye on the ball, son. What matters is not whether a president is “politically successful,” but whether his policies and decisions help or hurt the citizens he took an oath to serve.
Looks like Megyn Kelly is going after Trump big-time.
This article will do nothing to calm your nerves about who’s at the controls.
“For most of the year, people inside and outside Washington have been convinced that there is a strategy behind Trump’s actions. But there is seldom a plan apart from pre-emption, self-defense, obsession and impulse. …
“Even after a year of official briefings and access to the best minds of the federal government, Trump is skeptical of anything that does not come from inside his bubble.”
But it’s worth reading anyway if you like watching train wrecks.
The display of Nazi sympathizing Nazi trolls is really disgusting.
Another rat jumps ship.
So much winning!