VOX: Why cities are full of uncomfortable benches.
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: The round-earth theory is Satan’s greatest lie.
Sam Seder: Sean Hannity freaks out over angry photos he had taken of himself.
The Dotard Трамп and His Co-Conspirators:
- Stephen: Rex Tillerson is rumored to have upset the moron
- Seth Meyers: Трамп and Republicans rush to pass their radical tax plan
- WaPo Opinion: Flynn could have been charged with worse…and that should worry Трамп.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Jared Kushner should be TERRIFIED of Michael Flynn’s guilty plea
- Late Show: Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz joins the “Трамп attacked me on Twitter” Hall Of Fame
- Jimmy Kimmel talks to new opioid czar Kellyanne Conway
- Trevor: The truth about Трамп’s “Pocahontas” slur
- The President Show: The President and the press need each other:
- WaPo Fact Check: Would the GOP tax debacle cost Трамп money?
- Mark Fiore: The Battle of Doughnuts
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Трампing Obama—The repeal of net neutrality
- Stephen: Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz points out that Трамп’s tax bill will hurt Puerto Rico
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Dotard Трамп on tax breaks.
- David Pakman: The Dotard Трамп is now retweeting anti-Muslim videos
- James Cordon: Here’s the thing about Britain First…
- Young Turks: Трамп is furious over undocumented immigrant verdict
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Michael Flynn guilty plea means walls are closing in on the Dotard Трамп.
- Stephen: Трамп’s tax bill helps one man in particular
- WaPo: Will Трамп be a drag on Republicans running in 2018?
- Trevor: From the tax plan to Libya, everything goes back to Трамп
- The President Show: It’s not going to stop
- Francesca Fiorentini: The GOP’s newest efforts to destroy the world
- Maddow: Why did the Dotard Трамп ignore warnings about Michael Flynn?
- Farron Cousins: Трамп is showing clear signs of psychosis, psychiatrist warns
- Daily Show: The Mike Flynn “Lock Her Up” Yule Log
- Seth Meyers: Late Night White House press briefing.
- Late Show: Melania Трамп Is Dreaming Of A Dark Christmas
- WaPo: A timeline of Трамп’s comments on Flynn.
- Trevor: A boss fight at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Late Show: Even Andrew Jackson was offended by The Dotard’s “Pocahontas” crack
- Seth Meyers: John Oliver is trying to educate Трамп through commercials on FAUX News
President Obama on the fight against AIDS.
VOX: The real reason American health care is so expensive.
The Opposition With Jordan Klepper: The globalist attack on Christmas.
Ben and Jerry’s cofounder: What the GOP tax scam sounds like:
Conan: Vir Das presents news from the rest of the world.
VOX: How Technicolor changed movies.
Roy Moore and Other Perpetrators of Sex Crimes:
- Stephen: Why Matt Lauer wasn’t on Today today
- Conan: Roy Moore’s new campaign ad
- Jimmy Kimmel: Jake Byrd at Roy Moore Rally in Alabama
- Young Turks: You’re funding this Congressman’s sexual harassment
- Farron Cousins: Roy Moore picked a fight with Jimmy Kimmel, and he lost BIG TIME
- Michael Brooks: Roy Moore blames socialists, LGBT for how much of a total creep he is
- Seth Meyer’s: Трамп stands by fellow child predator, Roy Moore, and pushes GOP tax plan
- Late Show: Yet Another Morning Show Ridden With Sexual Misconduct
- Jimmy Kimmel on his Twitter war with Roy Moore.
- The Opposition with Jordan Klepper: Was Трамп’s “Access Hollywood” tape fake news?
- News is a flirty business if you work with Geraldo Rivera
- Young Turks: Трамп admitting to hanging out with a pedophile
- Seth Meyers: Matt Lauer sexual harassment allegations & Трамп’s unhinged Tweets
- Stephen: Geraldo Rivera, the lone Matt Lauer sympathizer
Jimmy Kimmel’s epic takedowns.
VOX: Building a border at 4,600 meters.
Samantha Bee: Full Frontal’s undercover sting:
Minute Physics: The black hole tipping point.
Late Show’s alter egos V.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So Flynn took a plea. Will be interesting to see what he knows.
@1 Apparently Flynn did not know enough to simply take the 5th and tell the FBI I want my lawyer. Perhaps others will learn from his example.
Although at the moment it doesn’t look like it give Mueller all that much.
Still no executive privilege card played, or the pardon card. Still Mueller has proven himself able to indict a ham sandwich. Wow for $100,000 a day. Just WOW. A couple of scalps yep gotta justify our being on the case. Yet not a peep on what Mueller is supposed to be investigating. One would think if there was collusion going on then no would have had to order General Flynn to do a damn thing as the fix was in, yet we gotta talk to the Russians that we supposedly are in collusion with and make first contact?!? WTF this is crap at $100,000 or more a day. Still it’s less than what we have been spending in Yeman the last of Obama’s wars.
@1 What has been spent on this investigation by Mueller would buy a lot of track, and trains for some public transportation somewhere.
@2 and 3 Like every know-it-all I’ve ever met, you’re an incredibly stupid motherfucker and a huge fucking bore.
That’s all the attention you’ll get from me. It’s back to scrolling past your tripe.
Judging from the last thread, the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck, a man utterly devoid of morals, has it in his head that his 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags in support of Putin’s orange child rapist, a child molester in Roy Moore, and now the wetdreams of Blake Farenthold, somehow gives him the moral authority to judge Democrats.
Dumbfucks gotta dumbfuck.
Steve, ya really gotta pace yourself. You’ll have nothing left after Trump’s second inauguration, the way you’re going.
“Shortly after midnight”?
Nancy Pelosi Calls On Rep. Ruben Kihuen To Resign Following Sexual Harassment Allegations
Hey, remember when the Senate passed the ACA really early in the morning just before Xmas and y’all HA libbies cheered about it?
Elections have consequences.
The bill would also be Trump and the Republican Congress’ biggest step in unwinding the Affordable Care Act, eliminating the individual mandate to buy health insurance. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that change will jack up premiums and lead to 13 million more uninsured people than there would otherwise be in ten years and four million more in 2019.
The Senate passed the bill 51-49, with Sen. Bob Corker the only Republican voting against the bill. Vice President Mike Pence was on hand to preside over the vote, and was met with applause after reading out the final tally. Frustrated Democrats, meanwhile, had abandoned the floor after voting.
Fret not. I’m sure the conference committee will put that Obamacare mandate right back in, first thing, amirite?
While y’all were distracted with trying to rationalize Pelosi telling Conyers (black) and Kihuen (brown) to resign while Schumer and Murray protect Franken (unfunny white), a couple of judges are moving nicely through their confirmation hearings:
David Stras – Eighth Circuit
Kyle Duncan – Fifth Circuit
Also, confirmed this week was Gregory Katsas – First Circuit. Call this one a hold for conservatives, as he will replace the retiring Janice Rogers Brown. Y’all know what frequently happens with DC Circuit judges, right? Their very young children get to show up on national TV and cause bloggers to speculate on their future sexuality.
Former Senator Harry Reid, we really cannot thank you enough. Katsas is confirmation #9 for Trump. At this point in his presidency, Obama had three appellate confirmations.
Weaponizing the government only works if you keep control of it, libbies.
Goldy’s not gonna like this:
Eagles’ Malcolm Jenkins will end raised-fist demonstration during national anthem
Jenkins is one of the leaders on the Players Coalition, a group of player reps who have met with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to address social issues. The NFL and the Players Coalition reached an agreement on Wednesday for the league to pledge $89 million toward social justice causes supported by players.
In other news, the Senate GOP and Senator Jeff Flake reached an agreement on Friday for…
The Men Who Cost Clinton the Election
Hey, Goldy was not one of them.
He’s one of the men who cost Bernie Sanders the election.
boat full of dildos.
It hasn’t sailed away.
@2 At least you’re consistent. You’re consistently the dumbest troll on here. If Flynn didn’t have bargaining chips, why would Mueller bargain with him? If he was only guilty of minor offenses, why would he plead guilty to a felony? You’re dumb beyond redemption. Not the Doctor Dumbfuck type of dumb, but the low-IQ type of dumb.
@3 About one-fourteenth of what Republicans spent on a dress stain that was neither a crime nor an impeachable offense.
@6 And if he is, you’ll be one of the drunken hillbillies shooting off illegal fireworks and setting fire to his neighbor’s barn.
@7 Two responses to sexual harassment have evolved. Democrats condemn, Republicans condone. How are you guys doing with the female vote? Judging from the polls, it looks like some of you have been laid for the last time.
Next up for a turn in Mueller’s barrel:
Park Ave socialite/chaisaw-killer KT McFarland.
Coming out of the basement of the Nixon White House this will seem like a homecoming for her.
@8 I’m perfectly content to watch you guys run in 2018 and 2020 on a platform of taxing the middle class to line the pockets of the rich while depositing my own millionaire tax cut proceeds in the bank. For me, it’s a twofer.
For me, it’s a twofer.
No, for you a twofer is a catheter in each lower orifice.
I guess some sort of recognition is in order. Congratulations, after 9 years of trying, Yertle finally got something passed in the Senate. That is truly an amazing feat. No wonder you are so proud.
I wouldn’t have so much trouble with the repeal of the ACA mandate if they would change one little rule, and I’m sure for you this is like a wet dream coming true, being a morally bankrupt doctor and all, is to remove the requirement that hospitals must treat anyone and change it so they can refuse treatment to anyone that doesn’t have either 1) health insurance, or 2) a credit card and credit rating of 800+, or 3) a line of credit of $500,000.
Now that we are in the Republican fantasy land, it only seems appropriate to let those folks who can’t afford health care just die. Think of it, no more Seattle Fire Department rolling up and taking drunks, whores, and drug addicts to Harboview. That is one way to solve the drug addition and homeless problem and I’m sure that makes you moist just thinking about how you can continue to screw over less fortunate human beings. How “Christian” of you and your kind.
@ 20
You forgot to mention all the nuns who will get pregnant now that the convents aren’t forced to purchase their birth control.
Think of it, no more Seattle Fire Department rolling up and taking drunks, whores, and drug addicts to Harboview.
But wait! There’s another side to that Hillbilly coin.
All across Communist Treason Murika there are 1200 ft ranch homes featuring proudly waving Confederate flags, ramped entries, oxygen bottles, motorized recliners, and gigantic televisions tuned into CW. Twice weekly 911 calls are the norm. 60-year-old Oxy addicts with diabetes, ulcerating toes, and two-pack-a-day habits “retired” from clerking at Wal Mart dependent upon waivers and cost-sharing subsidies.
That’s the real Republican fantasyland.
Sure. Why not? Fits neatly in with Vince Foster, ChemTrails, #SandyHoax, Britain First, and all the rest of it. I know this shit is still working with you guys. Fuckface delivers the proof every day. I’m just not sure it’s having any effect among Patriotic Loyal Americans.
Only you would think about fucking nuns.
Speaking of Britain First, I’m for putting Theresa May Scrivener on the podium at the 2020 Dem convention.
As it is, she stands to go down as an international eminence, being one of the relatively few foreign “dignitaries” to receive a direct personal communication from the President of the United States.
Weaponizing the police forces and the organizations of the Deep State represent to biggest threat to individual liberty.
Orange Russian Puppet Traitor broke the toilet seat on the Oval Office shitter.
I’m just gonna leave that there without comment.
@ 27
I’ve got a comment.
You’re gonna have to do better than he’s got a Matt Santos
It’s Fauxchahontas, not Pocahontas.
But it got the job done. Yeah. It really is in ThinkProgress.
Op-Ed: I am a Cherokee woman. Elizabeth Warren is not.
She was not a hero to me when she failed to foster a haven of support for Native students within Harvard University’s alienating Ivy League culture. She is not a hero for spending years awkwardly avoiding Native leaders. She is not a hero because, despite claiming to be the only Native woman in the U.S. Senate, she has done nothing to advance our rights.
She is not from us. She does not represent us. She is not Cherokee.
It appears that Warren categorized herself as a minority when it served her career and later dropped the marker after gaining tenure.
I really don’t think Warren’s cheekbones are all that high, either.
“Now that we are in the Republican fantasy land”
“You forgot to mention all the nuns who will get pregnant now”
Remember Kansas? Lousy-ana? Bobby who?
And Dubya’s tax cutting and bringing corporate profits home led to the boom in 2008.
And as the actual realife cavity-check de-lousing powder criminal felony net closes around the senior-most Republicans on earth we get to enjoy watching Doctor Dumbfuck take an extended jouyney into Trivial Pursuit. Standing by for a timely update on the “terrist fist-bump”!
@19 At least I don’t shit out of my mouth. That’s gotta be hard on you. Maybe it explains your perpetually foul mood.
@20 If you do that Dumbfuck won’t get any business. He lives on Medicare dole.
@21 For every pregnant nun, there’s a priest to pay child support.
“Only you would think about fucking nuns.”
Kind of fits in with the other people, animals and things they’re known to fuck. Doctor Dumbfuck has already chosen to ally himself with rapists, pedophiles, child molesters, goatfuckers, Nazis, white supremacists, the Klan, Putin and treason, so adding nun-fucking to the mix is no surprise here. More like it was inevitable.
@24 He needs a diversion from fucking horses.
@26 Yeah, only rightwing militias controlled by a fringe party should possess the means of organized violence. That worked fine in another country in the ’20s and ’30s. They got rid of all the democrats like you in short order.
@28 Your fixation on urinary and excretory malfunctions is weird. I’m wondering if the medical board should know about this.
@31 Now I understand. He’s on the delousing staff. They brought him on board to deal with the impacted poop cases. He puts on rubber gloves and digs it out with his fingers.
-So much economic growth that not one single penny will be added to the debt!
-You are guaranteed to see your taxes go down forever!
-Your boss will be handing out huge raises every year from now on!
-Your insurance premiums will not go up because new cost sharing subsidies for insurers are guaranteed!
-Your insurance plans will not be canceled because a huge new reinsurance fund is guaranteed!
-DACA relief is guaranteed!
-If any of these guarantees fall through we promise to blame the lazy black guy and his dirty hippie enablers.
So the wags are calling the next recession for late 2019?
Just in time to make Drumpf (or Pence) a one (or less than one) termer?
And the trolls think this tax sham will save them from a reckoning?
Good luck with that! Get off to your sins trolls.
I mentioned this 2 days ago on another thread. Looks like the world (NY Daily News) is always two steps behind me.
“So we are now heading for the mother of all reckonings and we can only speculate about how it will play out. But given how low the moral standard of the country’s conservative political elite has fallen, and given how, over the past two years, the least probable turn of events has repeatedly become our new reality, we must seriously contemplate the possibility of an American Armageddon.”
Good Luck People. I’d not only buy fast cars and boats, but I’d actually drive them while time runs out.
One McDonald’s french fry from the nuclear button.
Intriguing article about the prime obsession of the HA trolls..
Money.. Note to the glibertarian: the word “gold” is only mentioned once. Bitcoin is mentioned a lot though.
@ 43
People talk about Bitcoin in these parts?
I recall Carl bringing it up as a possible means by which marijuana dispensaries could do business if banks refused them commercial business accounts.
Who else talks about it? To me they’re modern-day tulip bulbs.
It’s a start.
Oliver DarcyVerified account
2h2 hours ago
BREAK: ABC has suspended @BrianRoss for 4 weeks without pay for going to air with inaccurate story that said candidate Trump (instead of President-elect Trump) had told Flynn to contact the Russians
Oliver DarcyVerified account
2h2 hours ago
Replying to @oliverdarcy
ABC says the report @BrianRoss went to air with “had not been fully vetted through our editorial standards process”
Yeah, but he was first.
Truly, the best part about the way this turned out is Steve.
Rick Moore
The report which drove the stock market down 350 points and gave false hope to millions of Dems will cost the reporter a bit of change. https://twitter.com/ErikWemple/status/937089619165962243 …
2:47 PM – Dec 2, 2017
God bless us, every one.
Yawwwwn. Ignorance is strength for this troll..
Tulip bulbs can be grown anytime anywhere in greenhouses. Only so much bitcoin can be mined. No more after 2140 AD.
And the blockchain has applications beyond currency.
I’m sure Puffy was invited.
How about some child molesters? Was Milo invited?
Please try to make sense. WTF do I care about the market?
Well, that tweet certainly didn’t help the cause. Dumbfucks.
“White House now blames Trump attorney John Dowd for bonkers ‘I had to fire General Flynn’ tweet”
Nice respite from the loon. But he’ll be back and he’ll be spewing hate. That is, unless his torch-toting friends lynch him. Sad!
@45 Now if only we could get Fox and Breitbart to do the same … and, by this standard, Sarah Fuckabee would never work again. She’d be doing 10,000 years.
@51 The trouble is, the troll who’s still here is the one who’d cheer Jews being pushed into gas chambers.
And the blockchain has applications beyond currency.
Exactly. It provides an unfalsifiable, universally accessible means of verifying any transaction or exchange of value. Think about the volume in daily commerce that depends upon banks to enable and verfy transactions. Then think about if becoming as obsolete as… well…
Here’s a little light weekend reading for the economics-minded:
“President Donald Trump and Republican congressional leaders are rushing to spend a trillion dollars or more on unaffordable tax cuts for the richest Americans in a stunning monument to brainlessness. … The tax cuts will have large effects on the budget deficit and negative effects for low-income Americans. The … healthcare measures in the bill would reduce health coverage by 13 million Americans in 2027. The … growth effects are tiny and perhaps negative in the long term …. Does any of this matter to the President, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and most Republican members of Congress? No. The mega-donors of the Republican Party, who pull the strings, will reap vast tax savings whether or not there is growth, huge deficits, soaring public debt or harm to the poor. Trump and family will win big, despite Trump’s absurd claims to the contrary. This is a cabal that long ago gave up any interest for mainstream Americans, much less for the down and out.”
Like I said, someone who gleefully posts about Trump being re-elected in 2020 is the personality type who’d cheer and gloat as the trains to Auschwitz rolled by.
@53 He’s one soulless creature, that’s for sure.
It is said, “the trend is your friend”.
“The Red-State Revolt Spreads to Oklahoma”
Please try to make sense. WTF do I care about the market?
Soooooooooooooooo shitstain steve @49, that wasn’t you last month jock strapping the senile dumb wabbit’s “market prowess” against godwinha?
Someone playing you instead? Hmmm…? Maybe the clueless crazed databaze cretin could verify!
Wait for the time check call and the obligatory reference to the least read blog on the internet from the clueless crazed databaze cretin!!!
Till Next Time!
“We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn’t make sense to me because if that was any other person you’d be in prison.” – Colin Kaepernick
PuddyCommentary: How come this was never brought up in any news cycle? If you are going to brag about how Kaepernick is so great, a real hero, and shall be listened to, then listen HA DUMMOCRETINS! https://youtu.be/EsAKAOBBGMQ
Wait for the clueless crazed databaze deala time check about HA ZEROES!
Hey shitstain steve it’s YouTube, the leftist vrag owned by BIG TIME DUMMOCRETINS! So much HATE from the leftists at YouTube!
Till Next Time!
Meanwhile another DUMMOCRETIN congressman has made friends with Nancy Pelosi
Pelosi calls on Dem Rep. Ruben Kihuen to resign following sexual harassment allegations
Gotta love the list getting longer by the day!
Wait for the clueless crazed databaze deala time check about HA ZEROES!
So much hate from Nancy Pelosi eh shitstain steve?
Till Next Time!
ABC News created FAKENEWS yesterday and caused the stock market to tank 450 points… And yes Puddy saw the great post #45. Just wanted to add more background to the stoooooooooooopid libtard ABC ASS Brian Ross!
Why does Brian Ross still have a job? Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS (owners of very short memories) Ross called the Colorado movie theater shooter a Republican in 2012 – He was wrong then… https://www.politico.com/story/2012/07/abcs-ross-wrong-again-and-again-078793 …and is still wrong now!
PuddyCommentary: Yeah, that instinct to blame Republicans is so ingrained as a libtard DUMMOCRETIN whom votes DUMMOCRETIN every time in the voting booth!
Best tweet because this nails a stooooooooooooooopid HA DUMMOCRETIN response from chechsaaz about the stock market success due to Obummer – Marcia @MarkatMckmsc022 Dec 1
Why would the stock market drop if Obama is the reason it is climbing??
Wait for the clueless crazed databaze deala time check about HA ZEROES!
Hey steve it’s Politico, the leftist erag! So much HATE from the leftists at Politico!
Till Next Time!
ith the burying of the Ronan Farrow Harvey Weinstein report and Matt Lauer being forced out we should call NBC the Nonconsensual Broadcasting Company!
Wait for the clueless crazed databaze deala time check about HA ZEROES!
Hey steve it’s NBC, the leftist tvrag! So much HATE from the leftists at NBC! They really hate wimens after all for the BIG BUCKS! shitstain steve must respond because it has too! Now watch!
Till Next Time!
Now watch the freak @62 attain PEAK HATE!
And notice the FREAK @58 – 62 IS 5 for 5 OBSESSED with YOURS TRULY!
Obsessed with the clueless crazed databaze deala? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Who was the only one to claim it was sunset yesterday FOOL? Each week too! So no reference to your never read “blog” of other people’s hard work?
Sux to be clueless!
Till Next Time Schmuck!
Huh! That was pretty cool!
Sooooooooooooooooo now we know… The DNCC was so involved in flipping a seat in Nevada they ignored sexual harassment complaints! https://hotair.com/archives/2017/12/02/not-yet-icon-pelosi-calls-resignation-democrat-congressman-revelations-sexual-harassment/
PuddyCommentary: With DUMMOCRETINS the ends always justifies the means!
Till Next Time!
Now this blast from the past is interesting regarding Mike Flynn… https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/936962187846934528
Till Next Time!
The score card so far…
Till Next Time!
dildo navy. Not great at all.
@64 Huh! That was pretty cool!
Dont forget to mention NASA’s child sex slave facility on Mars!
Wow. Party identity first word in the title. I bet in previous campaigns he was responsible for stiffing the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Democratic fundraiser Matthew Lieberman charged with racially motivated gun crime in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS • Veteran Democratic fundraiser Matthew Lieberman has been charged with multiple felony gun crimes after allegedly firing a handgun and shouting racial slurs at eyewitnesses at two businesses Tuesday.
Lieberman pointed a handgun at someone at the Amoco gas station on Skinker Boulevard and Highway 40 (Interstate 64) while using racial epithets just after 11 p.m. Tuesday, according to court documents. He then allegedly fired multiple shots at the building from his car.
In court documents, investigators said surveillance footage showed Lieberman with the gun, and bullet casings at the scene matched the make and model of bullet casings found in Lieberman’s car.
We got weapons violations, racism, substance abuse. The whole libbie package. Bet the dude got rich off Mike Brown, too. That was the whole point of the protests in Ferguson.
Is that where you were hatched? We all thought the hillbilly BULLSHITTIUM was other worldly!
Till Next Time!
When DUMMOCRETINS get stark raving rabid mad they let their hair down and their true tendencies are readily apparent.
Think of every time you hit the senile idiot wabbit under its skin. What two word epithet comes to mind from its leetle tiny wabbit brain?
Think about the vomit producing dead toad. It writes many incomprehensible paragraphs of gibberish.
Think about the clueless crazed databaze deala. No belay that request! Don’t need to think about the pink lace panty wearer and the moist gusset.
Think about the Oregon hillbilly moron. It screams how you are a traitor!
Think about shitstain steve. It rushes out for the 2039th time about some inconsequential hashtags.
Think about dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252. It changed its name to flat beer froth for “special effect”.
Each loses it when you deliver FACT and TRUTH!
The rest of the DUMMOCRETINS here are not worth any consideration because they are useless insipid DUMMOCRETIN bots especially 2K!
Till Next Time!
@76 Repukes like that you keep your hair up….easier for them to get the noose around your neck.
Soon Again!
Frankly I’m not really sure how he expects this bit to work.
You can’t reject your lunatic daily bread with one hand while simultaneously gavaging Alex Jones/Jimmy O’Keefe with the other.
Well, I guess a Hillbilly can. That’s what makes them so funny.
The Republican Dildo navy rules the waves!
Matt Lauer and sex toys hillbilly moron @78. Matt is one of yours; plain and simple!
Till Next Time!
What is the hapless hanging human tea bag licker screaming about above @77? The St. Louis moron is a DUMMOCRETIN!
Of course that’s lost on someone who licks human tea bags! http://www.news.com.au/enterta.....62e343ae7e
Till Next Time!
The pervert navy filled with dildos, lube, condoms, and porn still rules Republican waves.
Ignoring it won’t make it go away.
Dec 1 – Senate passes its version of the tax bill, which removes the individual mandate.
Dec 2 – Sandy Levin, who ran the Ways and Means Committee at the time of Obamacare passage, announces he’s done.
Which may mean so is Obamacare.
Matt Lauer is fired without compensation.
Jimmy O’Keefe is still employed by Republicans and pulling down what must seem like a lot to loons living in trailers next to rural tire dumps.
Used to be there was right and wrong. Now there’s right and Republican.
Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly both left Fox News Channel with settlements worth tens of millions of dollars,
The Republican way.
@ 83
$3.7M contributed and only $210k spent on fund-raising.
Show me a liberal cause that can accomplish that.
Black South Carolina Tim Scott (no racists trying to put a noose around his head Oregon hillbilly moron or hapless human tea bag licker or roger senile dumb as a stump wabbit) smacks down libtards about growing up poor! http://www.theblaze.com/news/2.....-the-truth
Till Next Time!
@ 83, 84
Oh, look. A liberal is arguing that Matt Lauer was not treated fairly in his dismissal for sexual assault and harassment.
Neither was #CrookedHillary. Times are changing. Get used to it.
Meanwhile the DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS at The View were called out for their lying ways! Well nuthin is new on that libtard show! https://twitter.com/KellyannePolls/status/936940183919972354
Matt Lauer is fired without compensation.
Well he signed a contract without that stipulation Oregon hillbilly. If Matt Lauer is so stoooooooooooooopid then so be it!
Till Next Time!
$3.7M contributed to a Republican dildo navy and only $210k spent on fund-raising.
Show me a liberal cause that can accomplish that.
Liberals aren’t trying to launch a dildo navy. Not interested.
As your team is discovering, accomplishment in governance is harder than sloganeering.
Oh, look. A liberal is arguing that Matt Lauer was not treated fairly in his dismissal for sexual assault and harassment.
Does it really look that way to you? That’s kinda interesting. To anyone not clouded by your obvious biases, I argue that Lauer’s firing is the right way to do it. Sending Ailes and O’Reilley into the sunset riding on a pile of cash is wrong. And keeping Admiral Dildo in control of $3.7 million of your money is the Republican Way.
I’m sure every Republican has enough dildos to go around that even thier horse gets one. Whatever makes the wife happy because my mom wn dick doesn’t.
Do they have opera in Alabama?
“Liberals aren’t trying to launch a dildo navy.”
Maybe the best analogy would be mobsters and hit men. Not much overhead for the hit man. But I never heard of the mob fucking goats, so the analogy ends there.
I stand by Dildo Navy.
James O’Keefe’s criminally perverted antics perfectly encapsulate the Republican Party today. Their entirely racist commitment to make “President Obama a one-term President” drove them straight past any kind of politically advisable restraint and well beyond the Hillbilly Event Horizon. The result is that today, with control of all branches of the federal government, they are using the rapidly closing window available to them to transform the entirety of the federal government into a comically perverted joke of misdirected rage tweets, pointless nuclear provocations, diplomatic embarrassments, economic uncertainty, and disgraceful public attacks on grieving Gold Star widows. A boat full of dildos would be a relief.
Don’t forget, he’s a big guy. And twice daily rounds of golf can get might aerobic.
Are you ready for Senator Chelsea Clinton?
Clinton Should Run for Cotton’s Senate Seat
1. Be born well.
2. Have your parents send you to the finest schools.
3. Have a major news organization pay you as much as it would pay 8 qualified journalists.
4. Marry well.
5. Make sure some voters feel sorry for your mom.
The plane’s cupboards were stacked with Vienna Fingers, potato chips, pretzels and many packages of Oreos” Wait. What? No dildos?
About the idiot freak putting HA HEROES FIRST on Fridays after sunset. AAAAAANDDD
before the weekly obligation on Sat after sunset in teh salt mines with its salt mining buddy.
What else?
Oh there’s boob hating the Clintons for the billionth time.
Fixation on Puddy @99. Can’t live without Puddy!
What a useless tool!
Till Next Time!
What exactly are “Vienna Fingers”? And can President Russian PeePee grab a pussy with them?
Till Next Time!
Because whitey really deep down is racist. Just read HA DUMMOCRETIN commentary!
Till Next Time!
I sure wish Purity Thomas had been there when The Dotard was forcing me to set up all those abortions for him back in the 80s. The Dotard would have grabbed her by the pussy! Those sure were some swinging times in Manhattan at 54!
A DUMMOCRETIN has “good character”? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/msn/matt-lauer-might-lose-his-new-zealand-farm-too/ar-BBFYffn?li=AA4ZnC&ocid=spartandhp
Till Next Time!
Puddy been telling you for years libtard msm DUMMOCRETINS are racist homophobic ASSholes! https://www.mediaite.com/online/joy-reid-apologizes-for-past-anti-gay-articles-insensitive-tone-deaf-and-dumb/
Peter Strzok is anti-Trump SCUM on the FBI team hidden by Mueller for months. Why did that happen?
Till Next Time!
Once again Byron York nails it! http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2642434
Awesome! High Five!
In 2008, the voters in Santa Fe passed a charter amendment adopting ranked choice voting as soon as certified equipment and software was available. Now that the New Mexico Secretary of State and the Santa Fe county election administrators have done just that, Santa Fe is trying to avoid doing it. Well, the judge has said otherwise.
Starting local is good, but too bad it is not being used for elections involving the Roundhouse.
HA DUMMOCRETINS will never get this. Why?
Till Next Time!
Remember, here’s how libtards look at sexual misconduct…
Every leader (and each of us) is human and flawed and makes mistakes, but there is a difference between those who are flawed who work for the common good and those who are flawed who could care less about the common good. Huge difference. — Matthew Dowd ? @matthewjdowd 6:47 AM – 22 Nov 2017
Seems libtards don’t care about abusing wimens if a libtard is for the common good. Who cares about some poor DUMMOCRETIN wimens being abused.
To a DUMMOCRETIN who is always power hungry, the ends always justifies the means! That’s the big difference between DUMMOCRETINS and Republicans Oregon hillbilly moron! Your kind never cares!
Till Next Time!
Republican Dildo Navy