How climate change makes hurricanes worse
Why America still uses Fahrenheit.
Adam Ruins Everything corrects itself.
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: What’s the Debt Ceiling?
Toddler-in-chief Трамп:
- Farron Cousins: Трамп Tweets nonsense as Texas drowns.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: President Donald Трамп’s Teleprompter speech trouble
- Keith Olbermann: Could Трамп try to pardon…everyone?
- Jonathan Mann: All I Want To Do Is Maga
- The President Show: Disaster relief:
- WaPo: Fact checking Трамп’s speech on tax reform.
- Keith Olbermann: What Трамп’s trip to Texas revealed
- David Pakman: Uh-Oh, Russian bragged about “getting Donald elected” with Putin’s help
- Trevor: Profiles in Tremendousness—Sheriff Joe Arpaio pardon edition
- Why fact checking can’t stop Трамп
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Potential bombshell in Paul Manafort notes on Donald Трамп Jr. meeting
- The President Show: The President is a great American
- Sam Seder with Digby: Трамп going to war with Mitch McConnell
- WaPo: The fight for control over the special counsel’s Russia investigation
- Keith Olbermann: For whom has Трамп made America great?
- WaPo: Inside the plan to develop a Trump Tower in Moscow
- Daily Show: Questions Sean Spicer never answered.
- Young Turks: Трамп pardoned Joe Arpaio during hurricane Harvey because ratings
- Comedians solve world problems: Donald Трамп
- Farron Cousins: Pardon Of Joe Arpaio proves Трамп is on the side of hate
- Trevor: Did team Трамп reveal their middle man to Moscow?
- Jonathan Mann: Buddy our boy can become President:
- Young Turks: After a tiny rally, Трамп needs to fire someone….
- Francesca Fiorentini: Трамп was right when he wanted less war in Afghanistan
- Stephen: Late Show’s alter egos III—Трамп World
- Fact Check: Is there a ‘surge’ in violent crime as Jeff Sessions claims?
- The President Show: Charm school for manners and diplomacy
- Daily Show: Confederate statues—Some see culture, some see racism
- Keith Olbermann: Would impeaching Трамп truly lead to civil war?
- WaPo: Трамп’s pardon of Arpaio is morally empty. And totally legal.
- David Pakman: Трамп pardons racist Sheriff Arpaio
Sam Seder: Hypocrisy is a term Republicans just can’t understand.
Mark Fiore: The Punch-a-Nazi-kit.
ONN: Silicon Valley CEO explains how the future of Tech is him being wealthy and having a blast.
Minute Physics: Myths and facts about superintelligent AI.
Stephen: Late Show’s alter egos IV—The Swamp
Jonathan Mann: The whole world is going crazy.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Doctor Dumbfuck licks alligator pussies.
I thought Hurricane coverage is not about the ratings. It should be about informing those affected. Love the right wing deflection to Katrina, only they were comparing the wrong President and wrong storm. There were some that accused Obama of deploying FEMA too early during Sandy.
@ 2
What coverage is supposed to be is up for debate. A network is telling a story.
Sandy occurred so close to the 2012 election date that it would have been ridiculous not to cover the effects on the presidential race.
Harvey occurred at a time when the leading network, CNN, is remaking itself on its antipathy toward Trump.
Networks show us what they want us to see. Like stilettos.
Bob Menendez’ corruption trial begins this week.
Dollar Bill Jefferson could have made so much more than he did.
Bill and #CrookedHillary want you to know that their family charity is still open for business.
How to choose a charity for your Harvey donations
Washington has its own Mini-MO:
A memo sent this week to faculty and staff at Evergreen laid out a difficult budget and enrollment situation and called for spending cuts. Registrations are down 212 students from last fall. The student headcount was 3,670 as of mid-August compared to 3,882 at the same time last year.
Conservative news websites and talk radio hosts gleefully publicized the enrollment decline, tying it to the unrest and outside threats related to racial issues and allegations of liberal intolerance on campus that were covered nationally last spring.
It’s not just the drop in enrollments. It’s the higher tuition those missing students would have paid.
Powers noted nearly all of this fall’s enrollment drop came from the category of out-of-state students, who pay higher tuition.
@5- Just remember whose foundation has been found to have committed illegal acts- Trumps
@ 8
I’ll remember which was used as a slush fund by a former president and an assumed future one.
Yeah, but Cleveland Indians mascot!
Former Oberlin College professor faces federal charges
CLEVELAND — A former Oberlin College instructor and an activist for indigenous people was indicted this week for allegedly stealing funds from the American Indian Education Center of Cleveland, where he is executive director.
Robert Roche, 70, of Cleveland, is charged in the U.S. District of Northern Ohio with multiple counts of conspiracy and theft of government funds.
@3 It seems other people are telling stories, too:
“How come we never saw Obama helping the Katrina victims? Oh, that’s right, he was golfing at the time.”
“U R a nut case. It was your Pres Obama who was golfing during Hurricane Katrina.”
“Your [sic] such a pig. Don’t you remember Katrina when Obama was out golfing/vacation & too busy to help Louisiana?”
“And where was Obama when Katrina hit. Probably golfing. You lefties are all on crack.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You’ve aligned yourself with a mob of morons, Dumbfuck. Maybe you should stay away from politics and stick with something you know like licking alligator pussies.
The Art of the Peal
Surviving at the Mop
Going Brougue
Skilling Lincoln (Jesus etc)
Chicken Soup for the Foul
@4 What’s the docket schedule for Trump’s treason and money laundering trial? Joe Arpiao’s already had his contempt trial, and he was found guilty. No pardon can ever erase the ugly stain of his racism.
@5 Neither of the right’s darling sheriffs are still in business.
@6 I understand your medical practice is shuttering its doors, too. That puts you on a par with Evergreen.
@8 Trump goes the Clintons one better. He turns slush funds into profit centers.
@9 Embezzlers should go to jail no matter who they are or where they work. Unfortunately, this doesn’t apply in practice to the Wall Street types Republicans fill their cabinets with.
Union member behaving badly:
Caught stealing while serving as secretary-treasurer, Pascale McAtee went so far as to try to have her union, the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers Local 161, decertified to block the investigation. McAtee, 58, failed to break the union, which represents private shuttle drivers in Snohomish County, but wrecked morale there.
Disband the union to hide your crime. Clever.
Oh, and when caught she played the race card.
Found out in 2015, McAtee spread rumors that the union lost the money and, eventually, that she was being targeted by federal investigators because she is an immigrant, Peñalver said in court papers. She sought to dissolve the union in the summer of 2016.
Class act, union member.
I’m sure for each union miscreant we can find several CEO’s. What’s your point, other than being a jerk?
Don Jr and Eric are praying for Texas while Obama’s sons do nothing.
@17 “Class act, union member, Trump voter.” Fixed.
@19 I read yesterday that Texass’s GOP secretary of state refused to accept blankets and utility workers from Quebec and told them to pray for the victims instead.
When cops behave like swine, people will think of them as swine.
“The president of a Pennsylvania police union responded to Black Lives Matter activists demanding accountability for the police killing of a black man by calling the group a ‘pack of rabid animals.’ … McNesby also came under fire last year after defending an officer that appeared to be sporting a Nazi tattoo.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t a knock on the vast majority of police officers who do their jobs professionally and well. It’s strictly a knock on swinish cops, but unfortunately, their swinish behavior drags down respect for the entire profession. Union leaders are expected to defend their members. That’s their role. But there’s a right way and wrong way to do it. Most sixth graders could do better than this moron.
21)Mexico also offered help, just like during Katrina.
It’s been awhile since Vogue published “A Rose in the Desert”, its fawning profile of the wife of Syrian leader Assad.
Incorrect in its assumption that enough time has passed, Vogue has published another fawning spread, with swimsuit photo, of traitor Bradley Manning.
Woof. I haven’t met her in person, but I’d bet YLB could rock a one-piece far more convincingly than Bradley does.
Perhaps more than anything else, this photo demonstrates why Obama should never have commuted his sentence.
Of course, for gman it’s stroke material. YMMV.
New narrative: Just ’cause the DNC info was leaked doesn’t mean it couldn’t have been hacked, too.
Freitas lays out several scenarios in which the DNC could have been hacked from the outside, although he does not rule out a leak. Freitas concludes that all parties “must exercise much greater care in separating out statements backed by available digital metadata from thoughtful insights and educated guesses.”
More on this from Erik Wemple, here:
Keep fuckin’ that chicken, Steve.
Walter Becker died.
Donald Fagen has been touring solo. He’ll be at the Paramount on the 13th.
BTW Al DiMeola will be at the Neptune on the 12th. His band includes an electric violinist named Evan Garr, who is really outstanding.
Steely Dan in 1973.
Introduction by…..
wait for it…….
Bill Cosby.
Talented comedian @25. You had may years to practice being a clown – it has paid off.
Chelsea actually could give Ann Culter (yes spelled wrong on purpose) a run for her money.
But since you asked Doctor Dumbfuck – using my work computer at the moment, so I’d rather not fish around and google a hot gay muscle stud that could probably snap your neck….but maybe when I sign on later with my PC I’ll share, since you are sharing all the hot woman……we can turn Goldy’s site into a gay porn site (I’ll have to check the rules) – maybe that is one way for you to disappear from HA…..enjoy the missles from Kim Jun Un – I suggest you start jerking off now.
@25 google Austin Wolf (might be with an e at the end of the last name). I’ve seen him workout at my gym here in NYC on a few occasions……this guy could probably snap your neck – my kind of guy.
@23 As far as I know, Texass accepted Mexico’s offer of help. Trump will call it a down payment on the wall.
@24 You think he should stay in jail because he doesn’t look enough like a woman? Maybe putting you in the same cell might change your mind after he strokes you off a few times and lets you cop a feel.
Here you go DD. Took a break from work and posting from iPad. I’ll try not get things sticky.
@25 You’ll REALLY be clucking when the indictments come down.
@28 “we can turn Goldy’s site into a gay porn site”
Why not? We’ve already turned it into a troll bestiality site.
I’d agree. After all, Obama’s number was not zero.
I wonder how many people Trump and/or his people have had killed? I mean, intentionally. Fair chance the number is not zero.
11:50 PM – 2 Sep 2017
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA Aug 31
(((Goldy))) Retweeted The Hill
If we ignore him, maybe he’ll go away.
The HillVerified account
CNN cuts away minutes into Trump speech, returns to Harvey:
Hey, remember when it was BAD to cut away from a presidential event?
“Keep fuckin’ that chicken, Steve.”
Proving that it’s just not goats in peril from wingnut traitor trolls, our Putin-loving alligator pussy licker also has chicken fucking on the brain. Sad!
Wingnut traitor troll projection. Ofttimes it reveals things about them we really don’t want to know. Double sad!
And YLB’s afraid that men in elected office might ask her to pay her fair share, too.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Shannon WattsVerified account @shannonrwatts 3h3 hours ago
Shannon Watts Retweeted CNN
“Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them,” Margaret Atwood
@38 Yawwwn… Voted many times to tax ourselves silly boobie.. For things we supported.
May your taxes be what they were under Ike silly boobie. Ike wasn’t much for economic policy but he did build infrastructure, bolster Social Security and fund advances in education.
Things you benefited from shitferbrains.
Oooh that turned you on didn’t it boob? Spewing that comment made the hand jump youknowwhere..
Stop trying so hard to compensate. LOL! Keep on trying – it’s too freaking funny!
Haven’t the seen the babbling butthole in a while. Yours truly likes to believe it’s because the freak’s weak spot was finally found.
What the freak put first on fridays after sunset and on saturday’s after sunset just before performing the weekly obligation in the salt mines with its buddy.
Each case it “needed” HA first.
Boob might have something similar.. It obviously “needs” to spend more time at HA than the “half hour” of “quality face time” with its unlucky buddy.
Nice day outside everyone.
@35 @36 Despite the unfolding disaster in Texas, there’s at least one doctor on the planet who can think of nothing better to do with his time than stalk a local blogger. Goldy should feel complimented. It imparts a sense of importance.
@37 There’s no deviancy testing for MD licenses.
@38 Atwood was onto something.
My apologies to Goldy and HA Staff to the link @32. If you want to pull it down go right ahead.
I thought the link I attached was g rated picture but I guess it pulled up the whole goggle image search link of all the x rated images. The intent was not to put the x rated stuff on.
But I’m sure Bob got hard.
@41 “just before performing the weekly obligation in the salt mines with its buddy”
What’s the big deal? That only takes it 15 seconds.
@46 Don’t worry about Old Boob, you didn’t post the braille version.
May your taxes be what they were under Ike
May your family members’ health and life expectancy be what they would have been under Ike, YLB.
It wouldn’t be Friday Night MM on HA if Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit didn’t perpetuate @ 21 a falsehood.
UPDATE: Quebec agrees Greg Abbott appointee didn’t spurn hurricane aid
Later Friday, the press secretary for Quebec’s minister of international relations responded to an American-Statesman inquiry with an email stating that Pablos had indeed guided the minister to the DPS’s Division of Emergency Management.
“Contrary to what has been reported in the media, Secretary Pablos did not decline the minister’s offer, but instead made sure Quebec made contact with the proper Texas state agency,” Ann-Clara Vaillancourt said. She added: “The Quebec Government’s office in Houston is in constant contact with local authorities and is arranging for emergency supplies to be shipped shortly.”
Canada-based CBC News had reported three days earlier that Quebec’s government offered blankets and other supplies to Texas in the wake of the hurricane that became a lumbering tropical storm. That story said Pablos basically replied not now on the offered aid, but prayers are welcome.
Unrelated, but Mrs. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit reports that the ED medications prescribed for her husband are not, contrary to his reports, effective.
@50 Uh, no. “Alternative facts” are a Republican thing. So is changing their story after the media calls them out on their jackassery.
@50 “Mrs. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit reports that the ED medications prescribed for her husband are not, contrary to his reports, effective.”
Mother Nature knows what she’s doing. I don’t know why you doctors keep trying to improve on her designs. P.S., I’ll bet there are more rabbits than radiologists.
I can’t believe Ann Coulter said Harvey was God punishing Houston for electing a gay mayor. What’s even more unbelievable is some people believe this nonsense.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Conservatives bleat stuff like this, then accuse liberals of “dividing America.” They’re like dogs barking at their own reflection in a mirror.
“Oooh that turned you on didn’t it boob? Spewing that comment made the hand jump youknowwhere..”
My guess would be that Jesse Hagopian does that for him too.
Speaking of the very strange, where’s the loon?
Is there anything this hag touches that doesn’t turn to shit?
Hillary Clinton endorsed a startup — and then it fell victim to a cyber attack
It’s an incompetent variation of OFA.
And it means she’s running. Again.
No time for laughing at trolls today..
Gottta get the Q prepared. Nice dinner planned for tonight.
Happy labor day HA heroes!
What would DD’s new schtixk be if we all started agreeing that she is a hag?
Wait till Ann finds out that God is so mad about the gays that he’s going to drop the H bomb on the US, never mind a little wind and rain.