Trevor: Russia and North Korea test the U.S..
Samantha Bee: Kris Kobach’s racist music man:
The Onion: How the GOP can still repeal ObamaCare.
Jim Jefferies: Republicans revive their old bills.
The “this is fine” bias in cable news.
Трамп’s Trashy Turmoil:
- Stephen: This little girl has her own letter for the President
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Donald Трамп—nipping it in the bud
- Trevor: President Трамп’s very bad day
- WaPo: Junior’s contradictory statements about the Russia meeting
- Young Turks: The vacation President takes 3 weeks.
- Stephen: Трамп begged the Mexican President to lie.
- The President Show: Mike learns about ethics.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Donald Трамп on American coal
- Samantha Bee: Sabotaging ObamaCare
- Daily Show: The Celebrity Appresident–Inside the episode
- Olbermann: Трамп’s threats are getting out of control
- Stephen: The White House thinks “not inaccurate” equals “the truth”
- Jimmy Kimmel: New Трамп products
- Young Turks: Republicans block Трамп BIGLY!
- Bill Maher: Scout’s honor
- Jimmy Dore chats with Sean Spicer
- Seth Meyers: Congressman Adam Schiff breaks down Трамп’s Grand Jury problem
- Short Takes: Is the White House a dump?
- Stephen Miller talks Statue of Liberty facts
- Full Frontal: Times Square Stephen Miller impersonator
- A devastated Stephen Colbert sings farewell to the Mooch
- Stephen: The President of the United States (except Alaska!)
- Brian Huskey: “Mooch” bloopers
- Late Show: A tour of the White House (the way Трамп sees it)
- Seth Meyers: Scaramucci and Priebus are out as Трамп threatens to blow up ObamaCare
- Young Turks: Трамп’s poll numbers keep on falling.
- Olbermann: Down goes he Mooch.
- Late Show: Another day, another White House name plate.
- The President Show: The President plays charades
- Jimmy Kimmel interviews Anthony Scaramucci
- Seth Meyers: The check in with Трамп and religion.
- Stephen: Трамп’s cybersecurity expert fell for email spam.
- WaPo: Four big takeaways from Трамп’s calls to Mexican and Australian counterparts.
- The President Show: There is no chaos.
- Late Show: Vladimir Putin publicly breaks up with Трамп
- Jimmy Kimmel: A look back at Трамп’s Tweets about Obama’s vacations
- Jim Jefferies: Трамп’s transgender ban and LGBTQ rights in the military
- Seth Meyers: Трамп in Crisis—Grand Jury, leaked phone calls and low poll numbers
- Stephen wants in on Robert Mueller’s Grand Jury
- Trevor: Jeff Sessions cracks down on racism against white people
- Samantha Bee: First (and probably last ever) Трамп-positive field piece
- Stephen: Actual Трамп quotes read by cartoon Donald Трамп
- Seth Meyers: Getting to know Gen. Kelly
- Jimmy Fallon: Pros and cons of getting fired by Трамп
- 1600 Pennsylvania Ave: The “President’s palace” or Трамп’s “dump”?
- Jimmy Kimmel: An important message about white people from David Alan Grier
- Jonathan Mann: Bye, Bye Mooch:
- Late Show: The Purge—White House edition.
- Olbermann: Why is Трамп reminding us of the pee pee tape?
- Farron Cousins: Reporter confirms the Liar-in-Chief DID call the White House “a real dump”
- Daily Show: Трамп’s theme week fails
- WaPo fact checks Трамп on the stock market.
- Seth Meyers: General John Kelly takes over as Трамп Russia story changes
- Randy Newman performs “Putin”
- Late Show: Трамп wants out of his “dump”
- The President Show: Farewell address—Back to complete chaos
Stephen with Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) reveals which Senators are funny.
Late Show: Get a hot date with Al Gore’s climate change pick-up lines.
Bill Maher: What if Obama said it?
Medicaid explained: Why it’s worse to be sick in some states than others.
The birth of mansplaining.
Adam ruins everything: Alpha males.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
That was a quick tenure for the new communication director. Might need a revolving door at the White House.
That was a quick tenure for the new communication director. Might need a revolving door at the White House.
@ ER @ 1:
Fat Donny has always been known as a back door man. He’s apparently hired his mistress and put her on the White House staff, reportedly making the highest salary in the crowd there.
A halfway decent article on why people who support Fat Donny continue to do so. Basically, they’re people who have been conditioned for their lives to accept rigid authoritarian paradigms as being the norm. The die-hard religious, the former military enlistees who never had much education before they joined, the television devotees who don’t really read any printed material at all, and they never will and never have because books are for faggots and pussies who want to sit around on welfare and are too lazy to work.
They’re the people who see public schools and libraries as being communistic institutions. They see scientists as being just a bunch of stupid geeks who don’t know anything about the “real world”. They see an individual’s personal wealth as the major indicator of divine favor and the righteousness of superior breeding.
Fat Donny is their ultimate superdaddy. He’s the tough guy at the end of the bar who won’t take any shit from anyone no matter what he says. He’s gonna beat some ass if the world don’t straighten up and fly right, goddammit.
And they want to see that ass get beat good and hard, because they think it isn’t going to be them. They know the United States is the big tough guy on the block and we earned that because God loves America.
They’re gonna whup some communist/liberal/socialist ass and they’re all out of bubble gum. They’re the folks who think it’s normal to straighten out an uppity woman with the back of their hands or fists.
Whattya tell a woman with two black eyes?
Nothing, you’ve already told her twice.
The number of times I’ve heard variations of this told as a joke in the lunchroom of various shops I’ve been in over the years can’t be counted. They’re the guys who go into a gun shop and buy bullets by the case.
“Whatcha gonna shoot today Mike?”
“What kinda cans?”
“Oh, Mexi-cans, Afri-cans, Puerto Ri-cans.”
Hahahahaha…. etc.
You get the idea. Thats machine shops. The same stupid jokes, the same sense of normality of the use of force, the more forceful and violent, the greater the authority. The ability to use force is the ultimate authority.
God just loves a good honest ass-kickin’ and Fat Donny is gonna show the world who’s boss.
It’s kinda funny how differently people react to scary new things.
Watch to the end.
Surprise, surprise.
Sean Hannity has always been a complete, lying asshole.
Christians are more than twice as likely to blame a person’s poverty on lack of effort
Even when the church talks about charity and help. they will have none of it.
“There’s just too many that just rely on government or they rely on family. They just rely too much on other people helping them, rather than just going out and doing it themselves,” he said. “They don’t talk about that in church. They talk more about people in need in church than people who are just lazy.”
@3 Funny thing is, drilling down, Fat Donny is a draft dodger and a coward.
My not terribly bright rural FB friends and family are passing around a meme of “I’ll support President Trump No Matter What!”
No matter what.
No matter what.
They were good Germans. They didn’t know.
Fox News and all you right wing relatives are touting the jobs report and the dropping unemployment rate.
Putting aside that we’re still in Obama’s fiscal year and no Trump/GOP budget is in place and coal jobs are still disappearing…
In the final year of President Obama’s term the economy averaged 186.6k jobs per month.
So far the Trump sadministration (see what I appropriated there?) is averaging 184.3k
If the regulation rollbacks that are showing “excellent numbers” (@realdonaldtrump) have had any effect, that effect is negative.
What is it with these people?
I guess not being able to text a picture of your junk to female co-workers is political correctness run amok.
Right Mr. Bolling
A rightwing moron just told Native Americans to “go back to your country” if they don’t like how they’re treated here.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy writes for Gateway Pundit, one of Puddy’s favorite sources. Now you know who Puddy’s intellectual mentors are.
Interesting picture of the Hunter-Gatherers of the Americas. Looks like two are holding Winchester level actions (on the left in the photo), and I can’t make out one guy’s rifle, but the guy at the extreme right of the photo appears to be holding a bolt-action. Probably a 7mm Mauser, most likely from some encounter with a Mexican soldier of the day. Mexico had a big contract with Mauser for 7mm models back then.
@ RR @ 11:
Right after the Banda Ache earthquake and tsunami, the tsunami wave had swept inshore at Phuket, Thailand and wiped out several huge beach resorts there. I remember an interview with an American guy, something like 2 days after the event and he was going on a raging tantrum about how he’d just gotten into town for a vacation, and his hotel was a complete wreck, the beaches were messed up, he couldn’t find a place to eat and he had no place to stay. His bitching about the lack of service at his hotel was just pathetic. He made a rather large point of making out that he’d saved for years to go on that trip and it was ruined.
Same attitude. Might have even been the same guy.
13: That reminds me of a YouTube video about some people who had their food stamps cut off or reduced. They were not happy campers, but there was no tsunami to deal with.
@14 Nothing builds character like a little hunger, eh?
11)My response if I were Native American, is to tell them “You First”
13)Only 2 days later, here the authorities tend to suggest to expect no services for 72 hours.
I am almost back into town after a trip to Port Angeles. Hazy there too, but 10-20 degrees cooler.
Another responsible, ahem, gun owner.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Guns and idiots don’t mix, but hey, this is America!
Looks like a lot of Republicans think Trump won’t be on the ballot in 2020.
@ RR @ 20:
The Trumpanzees are ready, willing, and apparently consider themselves able to respond to any perceived threat to their Great Leader.
He is the Greatest Leader Who Ever Lived Anywhere In History and they’re openly talking about how they’re going to make damn sure that never changes.
The cult of personality is always artificially flavored and salted with rat poison.
I can hardly wait until the piss vids come out.
They don’t care that he’s a mobster, they don’t care that he has always been a nakedly criminal asshole, they don’t care that their fellow supporters might just be willing to slaughter half the population to preserve their paradigm, and they sure as shit don’t give a damn that he is totally compromised by his business dealings with foreign criminal organizations. They seem to consider this to be the primary reason why they love him so.
America Is A White Christian Nation, and will remain a White Christian Nation at any and all costs. So sayeth the lard.
Chris Christie finally figured out that colluding with Russians to interfere with our elections probably isn’t a very good idea.
Kayleigh is a party hack and partisan propagandist, just like me (except she’s on the wrong side), but if you have seen her on TV or YouTube, only once, you already knew that.
From a NYT op-ed dated Nov. 21, 1922:
“But several reliable, well-informed sources confirmed the idea that Hitler’s anti-Semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded, and that he was merely using anti-Semitic propaganda as bait to catch messes of followers and keep them aroused, enthusiastic, and in line for the time when his organization is perfected and sufficiently powerful to be employed for political purposes.
“A sophisticated politician credited Hitler with peculiar political cleverness for laying emphasis and over emphasis on anti-Semitism, saying: ‘You can’t expect the masses to understand or appreciate your finer real aims. You must feed the masses with cruder morsels and ideas like anti-Semitism. It would be politically all wrong to tell them the truth about where you really are leading them.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you ask today’s Germans why their grandparents followed Hitler, they’ll likely claim that ordinary Germans were victimized by Hitler, too. Really? They didn’t know what they were supporting, even though Hitler spelled it out in his rhetoric? C’mon. Trump is no mystery, either. You know exactly what he is, because he tells you. So, when this is all over and Trumpers try to say, “We didn’t know,” I’m going to laugh in their faces. Of course they know.
Does it strike anyone else here as it has me that Doctor Dumbfuck and the loon have both lost their mojo? Sad!
@25 How can they lose something they never had?
Interesting article here about antifas. Of course, I oppose censorship and political violence (e.g., bombing abortion clinics and mosques), regardless of who does it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Has anybody noticed that Trump and Israel are behaving like antifas? They all want to censor people whose views they dislike. Birds of a feather …
On, during the day room column update, they mentioned the break down of Yakima. The Kitsap was repaired and sent up to the San Juans, eventually. The recently commissioned Klahoya would have been better than nothing, instead it is sitting next to the Yakima at Eagle Harbor. The Super class boats are showing their age, and the ordering and construction of Olympic class ferries is slow.
“In the past two weeks, Trump’s firewall of Republican partisan protection has begun to crumble. The conventional wisdom has been that a Republican Congress would never impeach Trump. This could change abruptly. Since Trump’s election, I’ve been of the view that he won’t last two years. That seems more evident than ever.”
“PaddyPower, an Ireland-based betting site, has seen more users placing bets on President Trump being impeached … bringing the site’s total odds of the President being shuffled out of the White House by 2021 up to 60%—the highest it’s ever been, according to company spokesperson Lee Price. … Not only are PaddyPower bettors … putting their money on Trump being impeached …, but they are also betting on him being impeached as soon as this year, bringing those odds up to 33.3%. … ‘Everyone is betting on the ‘yes’ side of impeachment,’ Price said …. In fact, there is so little money on Trump staying on board for the full term of his presidency that PaddyPower would pay out [peanuts] to the winners.”
Polls show a majority of voters now support impeaching Trump.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This could turn into a wildfire if Mueller comes out with a report saying Trump committed crimes, or if Trump fires Mueller, which would be nearly as bad, because then everyone would assume Trump is guilty.
@ RR @ 30
The mainstream GOP machine has wanted Pence as President at least since the National Convention. Trump was the catspaw to get the GOP into the White House, now they can disseminate any propaganda they want to show Fat Donny for what he really is.
He did it all to himself of course, because he’s an utter imbecile and a total asshole. Pence is the Ayatollah the Corporatist Christians want. He can present himself as the “gentleman” that Fat Donny is not. But he is, like Fat Donny, also a sociopath, probably even more so than Fat Donny because he has real, legitimate credibility as a National-Corporatist Christian and has banked his entire political persona on it.
Never mind that the Indiana State Legislature is working at a fevered pace to undo pretty much everything Pence did as Governor of the State. Never mind that his tenure as Governor is considered one of the worst in that State’s history. Their economy is wrecked, the State’s Constitutional responsibilities are in complete meltdown and nobody really knows how to fix it because the damage is too extreme.
@31 Indiana’s wounds are self-inflicted, and the voters there were self-inflicting them long before Pence poured gasoline on that fire. Meanwhile, reflective Democrats understand that we may be better off with Trump than Pence. That’s hard to figure out, though, given the extent and reach of Trump’s destructive impulses. Arguably, a corporate Christianist with political skills might be slightly preferable to a sociopathic vandal.
Insurance companies are making changes that will cost consumers more out-of-pocket for prescriptions:
“The New York Times reports that there is a growing trend among health insurers specifying branded drugs over generics, … saddling patients, in many cases, with higher out-of-pocket costs.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is because for-profit insurers only care about their profits, and don’t give a hoot whether you have to live on cat food to afford your medications. Needless to say, I try to identify these heartless companies, so I can buy their stock and cash in on their unbridled greed — and our stupid trolls still think I’m a socialist??!!! har har har har har har har har
Trump’s attack on Sen. Blumenthal’s phony Vietnam-veteran pretensions is justified, but the Orange Draft Dodger is the wrong person to be calling out Blumenthal’s posturing.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Please, Fat Donny, real Vietnam veterans don’t need you to defend our honor; we can handle that job by ourselves.
@ 25
Hiya Steve.
I’ll be back when Carl’s back.
Yes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, it’s possible to retire without spending 90% of the rest of your life spewing on HA. Although if I had to retire on your pension and capital gains, likely not.
Hey, YLB: Some light reading for you
while I’m gone.
Good to see you make an appearance, Doctor.
@35 Been spending some time in the goat shed, eh?
Two guesses for Dumbfuck’s absence:
Oklahoma arm fishin’!
More evidence that Trump’s support is crumbling where it matters (and I’m not talking about trailer parks):
If Thiel was calling Fuckface/Hillbilly/Treason America “incompetent” in May following Comeygate, what adjective does he use after O’failure, The Mooch, Korean Nukes, Wall-ishFail, Nunes “unmasking”, Sessions threats, Mueller threats, the Fabulous Jury, and the Don jr. Russian McLuvin own-goal?
@28 “The Super class boats are showing their age, and the ordering and construction of Olympic class ferries is slow.”
Yep, due to the incompetence of the WSF leaders and the WA-DOT. I would rate them slightly more effective that the Port of Seattle leaders.
Fridays after sunset.. Boob wallowing in the gulch.. or burning up the goat shed.
Sweeeeeeeet troll-free times here.
May they stay away longer.
Fat Donny has such a short attention span, that General McMaster has to practically slap into him back into focus every few minutes during the daily briefing sessions on our foreign military operations.
A fucking little kid. We elected a dumbass, stupid little kid, with the attention span of a dungfly in a dirty barn, to the highest office in the land.
Maybe you weren’t around here in 2009 when Obummer got the DUMMOCRETIN congress to pass Porkulus I and it was tacked onto Bush’s budget numbers and he was gone! Then blamed the high budget deficit overages on Bush!
That’s what they do and it really sux to be you!
It’s soooooooooooooooooo good to know you are so entrenched in that femtometer sized brain cell @42 that it’s all one can write about in a thread!
Gosh! It just might turn out I’ve been terribly wrong, and all the Fuckface supporters really aren’t just a mob of racist meatheads furiously masturbating to anime in their mom’s basement spurred on by low level con artists:
Oh, wait. Never mind.
Well that does it!
Looks like The Mooch is gonna have to fire Fuckface.
@43 “We elected a dumbass … ”
“They” not “we” — let’s never forget who put our society at risk by elevating this corrupt sellout traitor to the White House.
@44 “Porkulus I”
Are you referring to the inadequate, but better-than-nothing, Obama stimulus package that helped save us from another Great Depression, and helped cash-starved local governments avoid laying off teachers, cops, and firefighters? Only a dope like you could oppose that.
A Republican is someone who thinks the thing to do when the economy is swirling down the drain is more layoffs.
@46 If you can’t attract black supporters (maybe because you’re a racist with Klan connections?), why, just make some up!
Drumpf can take heart, though. He’ll always have Puddy come hell, high water, or Jim Crow.
Olbermann’s latest “Resistance” video is a hoot!
In Fuckface’s 200 days in office so far he has golfed 48 days and run off to Mar a Lago on 25 days. And let’s face it, that was before the disappointment set in.
So much winning.
Drumpf at 32% approval. Ouch! That’s gotta suck bigly.