Porn stars defend net neutrality.
WaPo: What is the “Right to Die” movement?
Seth Meyers: The EPA.
Minute Physics: What is the shape of space?.
VOX: The high cost of free parking.
Samantha Bee: Louie Gohmert’s freestyle history lesson
- Daily Show: Honoring Трамп’s “Made In America” week
- Full Frontal: When will Трамп be impeached?
- Young Turks: Трамп backers ramp up Mueller smear campaign
- Samantha Bee: Trump’s voter “integrity” commission
- Farron Cousins: Трамп is trying to figure out how to pardon himself and his family
- Kimmel: Drunk Donald Трамп on “Made in America” week
- David Pakman: Bizarre Трамп interview suggests serious mental instability
- Three things lawmakers want to know from Трамп’s Three Musketeers
- Stephen rents the Трамп pee pee tape hotel room:
- How federal employees react to the Трамп administration
- The President Show: The Don.
- Daily Show: Lil’ Donnie’s toy collection.
- Farron Cousins: Трамп’s 6 Month Report Card: 991 Tweets, 836 Lies, 0 Legislative Accomplishments
- Stephen introduces Russia week.
- How Jeff Sessions and Donald Трамп’s relationship turned sour
- Official trailer
- Part 1: The birth of alternative facts
- Part 2: Chicken and choices
- Part 3: Parables
- Seth Meyers: Трамп turns on Sessions amid Russia probe
- Daily Show: So long Sean.
- Young Turks: Meet Трамп’s newest scumbag Anthony Scaramucci
- Stephen: Трамп wants an Attorney General who can time travel.
- How a Трамп steel tariff might affect your sweet desserts.
- Trevor: Toying with Russia.
- Keith Olbermann: The media must fight back
- VOX: The best FAUX News explanations for Junior’s Russia meeting:
- Трамп had a second, secret, meeting with Putin.
- The President Show: Made in America
- Stephen: Трамп and Putin sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G (democracy goodbye)
- Трамп in the Wild: Handshakes.
- Keith Olbermann: A timeline of treason
- Trevor: President Трамп casually makes another damning admission.
- WaPo: Трамп’s top 5 misleading claims…so far
- Songify: NO FAIR—Трамп ft. Eric & Don Jr.
- Stephen: Donald Трамп had no filter in his New York Times interview
- Young Turks: Sean Spicer resigns.
The Kellyanne Story:
Francesca Fiorentini: Can anyone stop fake news?
Eric Schwartz, Matt Nakoa, Jagoda, Neale Eckstein: I Gotta Problem with That:
VOX: Why a total solar eclipse is such a big deal.
Mental Floss: 33 facts about famous landmarks
Republicans Persist in Trying To Kill Americans:
- Stephen: Repeal now, replace later, reelect never
- Trevor: Even Republicans hate Трампcare.
- Young Turks: Трамп thinks health insurance costs $1/month.
- Seth Meyers: Трамп tries to revive his failed health care bill
- Kimmel: Drunk Donald Трамп on ObamaCare
- How Senate Republican women stopped the latest attempt to strip Americans of health insurance.
- ObamaCare repeal bill riles up protesters, as GOP lawmakers head to White House.
- Stephen: Was that Tweet from Shakespeare or Трамп.
- David Pakman: Repeal of Obamacare is a disaster.
- Trevor: How the Republican health care bill came and went
- Farron Cousins: Трамп’s New York Times interview proves he is losing his mind
- Mark Fiore: Repeal and Whatever
- CBO on GOP repeal bill: 32 million more without insurance over a decade
Stephen broke some rules in “The Russian White House”.
Five times politics got nice.
VSauce: How much of the earth can you see at once?
VOX: Why the ocean is getting louder.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Every week,, just when I thought nothing would surprise me , it gets more interesting. Telling Mueller not to investigate, means he probably will be going there, if he has not already.
With all that has happened with the Russian story, it is CRAZY to think how anyone could have any doubt that this isn’t real and fake news. People who think that way should just be shot on the spot; how can anything good or anything real come from them. They are a waste of good oxygen. The Republucan Party and people should be completely ashamed of themselves but they are not. This defies all reality.
This is like watching The Real Housewives of Dumbfucks (Doctors).
Under siege from his own party, and scrambling to fight off the ride-or-die, Hillbilly supply side death cult, Yertle is preparing to try to sneak around the Byrd Rule and nuke the filibuster.
Optimal outcome here would be Yertle blows up the filibuster and still falls short on votes. Then when Real America retakes the Senate in 2020 The Hillbilly-Traitors are left powerless. But mostly that just spares some pain for Fuckface voters who stand to lose their gubmit supported health insurance and addiction treatment under Yertlecare. Either way, blowing up the 60 vote threshold is better for Real America in the long run.
Yeah, just keep up with the “hillbilly traitor” rhetoric and you’ll succeed in helping Trump get re-elected.
Can’t you elitists see that you are very hated by much of the population? Keep calling folks names and brandishing your outright hatred and it will not get you anywhere. Try building bridges versus planting land mines.
Can anyone envision Mayor Jenny Durkan firing police chief Kathleen O’Toole over an apparently incorrect knee-jerk reaction by a newly hired police officer?
@ 3
Optimal outcome here would be Yertle blows up the filibuster and still falls short on votes. Then when Real America retakes the Senate in 2020 The Hillbilly-Traitors are left powerless.
Not unlike Reid-Garland-Trump, really.
Only with the Dems not coming out pantsed, you mean.
@4 Snowflake
LOL! We were told similar about G Dumbya Bush and look what happened: tax cuts that “stimulated” the great recession.
Kiss its ass and the tax cuts might work.
Remember Kim Davis, the nutbag who defied SCOTUS and refused to issue marriage licenses? A judge has ordered the State of Kentucky to reimburse $223k of legal expenses to four couples who sued her.
@1 If you tell a cop not to look inside your car trunk …
@4 If you don’t like being called names, you might start by not calling yourself names. Unless, of course, your entire comment is intended to be satire.
As for “building bridges,” no, we’re not gonna negotiate with Trumpers. When these hillbilly traitors surrender, we’ll let them keep their mules (but no slaves) and go home to farm their forty acres. In other words, the same deal as last time.
@5 No, because there’s a difference between a police chief who fixes things and one who doesn’t, and unlike you Durkan has the smarts to make that distinction.
@6 Power has always switched back and forth between the parties, and probably always will. So, under your scenario, every time the GOP gets in they will repeal everything ever enacted by Democrats and enact their agenda, and then when the Democrats get back in they will repeal everything enacted by the Republicans and re-enact their agenda. Every two, or four, or eight years, all the policies will change again. Nothing will be predictable or stay in place very long. What do you think businesses stuck in that kind of political environment will do? They’ll flee to more stable countries, e.g. Argentina, Phillippines, Yemen, etc. Idiot.
If you really plan to keep leaning on that rusted shovel like that, maybe you could take a minute to tell us all just how deep a hole you Hillbilly-Traitors plan to dig.
The Hillbilly-Traitor putative policy goals are:
-Giant supply side tax cuts;
-Dismantling government benefit programs;
-Massive restrictions on immigration;
-Sweeping establishment of Christian orthodoxy and social traditions in civic affairs;
-Restoring JimCrow de jure seggregation.
A socially conservative justice on the SCOTUS helps you with only 2 of those goals. And it’s true those are the goals most likely to piss off the Pink Pussy Hat wearing Strawman liberal you target so exclusively. They also just happen to be the goals most likely to cost you seats in all the non-Arkansas parts of America.
Two great big news flashes for all you knuckle dragging, sister-fucking, Oxy addicted Hillbilly-Traitors:
You lost the culture wars twenty years ago;
Your supply side faith is experiencing existential crisis as I write this.
Your party is fighting a retrograde brush war over bathroom privileges and losing. And the Senate faithful are openly demanding deficit financing for healthcre support in order to protect their re-elections. And you are probably losing that too.
That leaves you punching hippies and fighting to restore your right to tell racist jokes in the elevator. Please, whatever you do dont stop digging on our account.
“Republicans aren’t usually big on raising taxes, but they’re really eager to eliminate the federal deduction for state and local taxes. Why? A look at the states that benefit the most from the tax break helps explain it — they are all Democratic strongholds. … Not a single Republican-leaning state ranks in the top 10. ‘Although Republicans usually recoil at any type of tax increase, cutting this tax break would almost be fun for them,’ said Martin Sullivan, chief economist for Tax Analysts. ‘It provides massively disproportionate deductions to high-tax states controlled by Democrats.’ Proposals by House Republican leaders and President Donald Trump would repeal the tax break as part of their packages to overhaul the American tax code.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I was curious why Trump and Ryan want to eliminate that deduction. That seemed strange, but now it’s clear: Revenge against taxpayers who didn’t vote for them. A perfect fit with the GOP mentality.
Where were those fucking bridges when we were marching to protest the pointless invasion of Iraq?
When WSJ editorials and FOX hate-for-profit celebutards were accusing anti-war Senators of being “treasonous”?
Fuck you, you Hillbilly-Traitor hypocrite.
You people are openly conspiring with our nation’s adversaries, selling our national security for oil leases, and justifying all of it by lashing out at a minority of our fellow citizens for their race, ethnicity, and their religious faith.
We are through waiting for you to catch up with history. You’ve had 50 years to adjust. It’s all on you from this point onward. Change or be left out. America will be better without you.
@4 Pull your head out of your ass and look around you. You and your fellow MAGAers are being played for fools.
It’s clear where things are going: Trump’s business is laundering Russian mob money, and he’s using the White House to shield his confederates (including family members) from investigations and legal consequences. He doesn’t give a damn about the poor saps hoping he’ll make their lives better.
Republicans in Congress don’t care about you, either. They only care about enacting their regressive agenda, and as long as Trump facilitates that effort, they don’t care what he does on the side. They’re eager to sell out our country for partisan gain.
If you vote for, support, or help enable these people in any way, don’t think you’re a patriot. You’re not. Those who collaborate with traitors are traitors themselves.
Jamar Clark, Hazma Jalayni, Mike Span, Justine Damond, zero disciplinary actions in almost 500 citizen complaints…..
Yeah, it was just the one incident that got her fired.
Think of it like your Seattle Mariners. If they’re terrible you can’t fire the owner, Robbie Cano, Nelson Cruz and the entire bullpen so Lloyd McClendon, it’s time for you to go.
I decided to take a little money off of the table this past week. The tech sector is getting a little ahead of itself, so I decided to take a little profit in some of the stocks.
If you have a lot of exposure to the tech sector, it might be a good time to lighten up a bit.
@ 13
They’ll flee to more stable countries, e.g. Argentina, Phillippines, Yemen, etc. Idiot.
Interesting thing about the countries you listed. In the last five decades, each one of them has undergone a major revolution. “Stable” Argentina has defaulted on its national debt. Twice.
There’s substantial reason I always refer to you as a dumbfuck. Even the Fucking Moron knows better than to come up with that list and refer to them as relatively more stable.
Over on Althouse’s blog there’s a link to a long interview of Kid Rock by Dan Rather, 50+ minutes in length.
I really don’t know much about Kid Rock. Hardly anything, really. Not my style. I knew he was married to Pamela Anderson. That Skynrd sound-alike song and that Born Free song are the only things he has done I would recognize and I didn’t know the former was his until I watched part of the video. I’m about a third of the way through it.
It’s worth watching. Stabenow is scared of the thought of his candidacy for a reason.
OK, just keep doing what you’re doing.
fucking see 21. If you don’t get it, you never will.
You are pleading defense for the indefensible.
The Republican Party has degenerated into a raging dumpster fire of Russian treason and office selling surrounded by d-list wannabe celebs. Whether aggrieved low information defensive white voters like yourself continue to vote for them out of habit or out of some outsized sense of race loyalty is no longer important.
Yes, it is absolutely true that The Democratic Party is not the party of “xtian white people”, and hasn’t been for some time. If folks like you need that so much that you are actually willing to trade away your national loyalty and the global security of future generations of Americans for it, fuck you. We will keep right on doing what we are doing.
It’s called the right thing.
The Democrat Party has degenerated into a raging dumpster fire of resistance.
Pink pussy hats. Millions spent on recounts rather than on building candidates for future races. Shooting of congressmen. Hate crimes and property damage in Berkeley. False claims of violence shown not to have occurred when someone goes to the tape. Profanity by party leaders because some poll test somewhere indicated it makes them seem human. Oh, and continuing to prop up the one person most responsible for the state in which the Democrat Party finds itself. OK, one of the two persons responsible. For a second there I forgot about The One.
The Republican Party very much hopes libbies keep doing what they’re doing. Call it whatever you wish.
Rising Appalachia coming to the Showbox October 21.
I thought that was funny. Elijah.
“The Democrat Party has degenerated into a …”
Horseshit. Democrats have their problems but at least they aren’t America-hating fascist traitors and they don’t fuck goats.
“Keep calling folks names and brandishing your outright hatred and it will not get you anywhere.” You should probably take your own advice, name-calling people “elitists” and brandishing your hatred will not get you anywhere either.
No doubt. Let’s look at what “libbies” have been doing that led to Fuckface Von RussianPuppet becoming the leader of the Republican Party:
We gave you a white southern Democrat devoted to market solutions, balancing the budget, and entitlement reform.
Republicans impeached him. For a blowjob.
We gave you a northern Wall Street Democrat who staffed his domestic policy team with Republican supply side financiers and bankers, muzzled his Justice Dept from going after White Nationalist terror groups, and gave you a Republican crafted health insurance reform bill written by your Presidential nominee’s policy shop.
Republicans sat it out in protest and stole a court nominee all the while demanding to see his birth certificate and questioning his citizenship, and his religion. The witch doctor masks were a nice touch too.
Pink pussy hats
Says something that Врач немой ебать lists that first. Tops his list of “libbie” offenses. They’re hats. Could be pink. Could be red. I admit probably most of us think MAGA hats are stupid. But I sincerely doubt they would make the top 100 of major offenses to our nation being currently committed by Republican Hillbilly Traitors. Somehow there just seem to be one or two other things preoccupying “libbie” Americans these days. Go figure.
@19 I have zero exposure to the tech sector, but I agree with reducing exposure there, and getting a little more defensive.
Given the current dysfunction in D.C., October 1 could bring both a government shutdown and a Treasury default. The last time this specter hung over the country, in August 2011, the stock market dropped 20%.
Wall Street believes these things will get resolved, which is why we’re not seeing a selloff. CW is that the market will continue oozing higher on strong earnings and synchronous global growth, and FAANGs will resume going up after some short term choppiness.
I’m holding off on buying for now, and I’ve sold a couple of vulnerable stocks this year. For example, I swapped PM for MO.
@20 I was being sarcastic, you twit. Obviously the point I was making flew over your head. And you call ME a dumbfuck? Or maybe you’re still in denial about the ever-diminishing odds of the GOP congress and Trump presidency turning out to be good for business and the economy. Why don’t you ask Jamie Dimon what he thinks of how they’re doing so far?
Shooting of Congressmen
@24 “The Democrat Party has degenerated into a raging dumpster fire of resistance.”
This, coming from a Republican after his party spent 8 years laying obstruction on Obama, is fucking laughable.
The difference between us and you, dipshit, is that we have the best interests of our country and fellow citizens at heart, whereas all Republicans care about is lining their own pockets at the expense of the middle class and poor. Especially the poor.
The irony is they were elected by the poor-as-churchmice hillbillies who stand to get the worst of the reaming the GOP has planned for them, i.e., funding tax cuts for the rich by slashing food stamps, Medicaid, disability, and drug treatment.
Hate crimes…
…and property damage.
Huh? What’re those?
@32 He doesn’t look much like a Democrat. Looks more like a skinhead. One of Bannon’s boys.
@34 Funny how rightwing terrorism isn’t seen as a problem by our trolls, or by Republicans in general.
maybe it’s because Republicans have always trafficked in violence toward groups and individuals they consider worthy of marginalization.
It’s the water they swim in and breathe. It’s woven into the fabric of their existence. It’s not about whether someone points a gun at law enforcement. For Hillbilly Traitors it’s all about who is pointing the gun – Full Stop.
10)First place they will look.
10)First place they will look.
More on American Bad Ass Kid Rock in Politico:
Well, we’ll see.
@40 Why not Kid Rock? If you intend to lose by triple digits, you may as well go all in. He’s as qualified for public office as any other Republican. So is any randomly picked stray dog.
@41 You see nothing. You’re blind as a bat.
It’s a trad party primary in MI.
So what we’ll see is the canibalized carcass of The Party of Lincoln nominating another rich kid turned criminal to represent them.
God help Michigan if Stabenow ever used email.
From the Libtards over at Forbes
Well Forbes may not be dirty hippie communists, but they are “elites”.
So pretty much if you don’t approve of the superstitious bigotry and intollerance that makes you an “elite”. Get it?
Pluralism is an “elite” value.
… the emails.
@45 Chris Ladd is a good read these days. He’s a staunch Republican even though he broke with the party over Trump. Yeah, he’s no Demo..
He’s the only Republican I know of who writes regulary about racism and regards today’s Republican Party as a racist mob.
I like that he thinks the Democrats are too racist for him.
He may have a point.
But that would require believing that purity is more important than progress.
We now know why Trump hired Scaramucci to run his press relations. Scaramucci’s mission is to stop the press leaks. This administration doesn’t want you to know anything except what they tell you.
@45 Yeah, Forbes is a commie magazine, alright, the Wall Street version of Pravda. Or, alternatively, maybe their capitalist editors know a clusterfuck when they see one.
Odd this did not make it on this weeks suggested videos
For progressives
He may be funny, but your dancing monkey loses my attention when he can’t figure out how to use the term “neo-liberal”.
Purity angels don’t help. Purity angels saddled us with Russian mole in the White House.
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority is looking into trials with Battery Electric Buses. If it happens, the goal would be to replace all 2200 buses in their fleet by 2030. It could happen. They transitioned to Natural Gas within 12 years of the purchase of their last diesel bus.
The test on the Orange Line will be interesting, being a bus rapid transit route that under Measure Monday, will be converted to Light Rail.
Basket of deplorables,
Here’s a partial quote from Elijah McDumbass. I saved it because it succinctly sums up how LPDTs view themselves vis-a-vis the rest of the country:
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
Last November, the LPDT class thought Hillary was a shoe-in for president because she was a liberal progressive Dem and it was her turn to be president, by golly. After all, the above quote says all you need to know. The “…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives” think they have the right to run your life, and you should never question them. They think themselves better than anyone who has even a slightly less different opinion on any subject.
On November 8, 2016, they all got a big, blue-collar, Midwestern dick shoved up their ass, and they’ve been acting like crybabies ever since. Their own arrogance and hubris got Trump elected, and they have no one to blame but themselves.
For the record, I did not vote for Trump or Clinton last November.
Voter file data from the 2016 Presidential election are public records and have been widely available for months now.
Pretending that “the poors” rose up in populist furor and ushered in a new orange “populist” utopia in America is almost precisely equivalent to the persistent pretense that huge tax cuts for the wealthy will produce jobs for coal miners and tool and die makers.
There are essentially only two characteristics that tightly correlate with Fuckface support nationally, even now months later: race and gender. White men. Just like you. Otherwise Fuckface’s win is merely another run-of-the-mill Hillbilly-Traitor victory in an electorate split by partisanship, media hate-for-profit lies, and economic resentment. Could have been Romney, but for the Comey memo, the emails, the media’s Clinton fetish, and the Russian hacking.
You insist on applying the analysis that explains Fuckface’s win in the primary to explain his win in the general election. Fuckface won the Hillbilly-Traitor primary in the summer of 2015 when he broke with establishment norms and openly declared himself the only White Nationalist candidate devoted to shutting down non-white immigration, monitoring non-Christians, excluding foreign trade goods, and curtailing international cooperative agreements. He’s the Jerry Maguire of White Nationalism: He had you at “hello”.
While it’s basically true that liberal voters skew healthier, more educated, and wealthier than “conservatives”, it’s really not by very much. It’s much more geographic as liberal voters tend to be located in more economically dynamic, urbanized coastal areas that foster innovation and global trade outside of the Confederacy. What sets Hillbily-Traitor voters apart (at least for now) has been their concentration in rural and less densely developed areas and in the former slave states.
So consider yourself well trolled. I hope it gets you off at least to fantasize about sodomizing hippies with your “big, blue-collar, Midwestern dick”. You deserve something to distract you from the shame of treason, racism, and authoritarian nationalism. Hail Fuckface!