Josh Pieters: What Is Climate Change?
This is almost as crazy as that viral NRA video.
America Lives Through the Terrible Трампs:
- Full Frontal: Words still have no meaning
- Stephen: This is what is wrong with the President.
- Late Show: New White House briefing rules:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s private prisons.
- Stephen: Трамп rejoices over CNN’s commitment to journalistic ethics
- Olbermann: Why are we appeasing Трамп
- Seth Meyers: Трамп tweets while Republicans huddle on health care
- Трамп’s refugee/travel ban explained
- Women respond to Трамп’s “Morning Joe” tweet.
- Bill Maher: The real housewife of Pennsylvania ave.
- Samantha Bee: ICE unleashed
- Olbermann: Трамп will not be cleared
- Stephen: Stephen returns from Russia with an apology for Трамп
Samantha Bee with Elizabeth Warren: Persisting 101.
Bill Maher interviews Dan Savage.
Grace Parra: Defend immigrants & the immigrant defense project.
GOP Death Panels:
- Samantha Bee: Last call for nasty women.
- How a bill becomes a law: Трампcare edition:
- Seth Meyers: Senate Трампcare would leave 22 million more uninsured
- Thank you, Senate!
- Stephen: “Repeal and Replace” is being “Delayed and Postponed”
- Jim Jefferies: The new healthcare plan is a secret
- Samantha Bee: Medicaid’s last stand
- WaPo: Why health care is so tough for Republicans.
- Mark Fiore: The Institute for Empathetic Studies
- 13 men wrote a health care bill that would hurt women
- American health box:
- Seth Meyers: Трамп doesn’t seem to know anything about health care
- Poll: Senate health care bill is deeply unpopular
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Very interesting on Colbert, reminds me of his act during 2012. Only then it was with a Super Pacific he called “Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow”
And the dumbfuck doctor tried to tell me that same sex marriage wasn’t about money and the conservatives push to prevent gay people from same benefits as the Straights.
He tried telling me that the challenge to same sex marriage was about some other bullshit reason. The Doctor isn’t just a dumbfuck, he’s a tucking Scroogey mother fucker and lives off of the government teet.
Every Drumpf supporter should be deported – I’m ok with this. Hehehe.
@3 Guess he didn’t know the reward for kissing Trump’s ass is another butt fucking (as many of his staffers and ex-staffers are finding out).
I don’t like Trump, but those biased assholes at CNN deserve a little grief.
Can journalism return to just reporting and stop the political and social advocacy? It’s not just CNN and liberal media outlets. Fox is a bad offender on the opposite side of the political/social spectrum.
Remember all your closet racist relatives forwarding emails and FB posts about big brother coming to get you invading your privacy with Obama’s unconstitutional census? Any of them send you anything about the government asking for names, addresses, political party, voting record and SSN?
Wonder why? oh right. It’s not being asked by the darkie.
@5. In the time of a Nazi regime coming to power I think journalists should become political and social advocates. We could use more of this, given that society can’t be trusted with upholding freedom anymore.
Fuck off. I’m not for report g false information but we need people to speak up and uphold morals and not in the sense of the ten commands which every evangelical Christian doesn’t know how to follow.
Long live Ireland!!!
@6. Big thumbs up!
And the bottom line….I personally didn’t have a problem with the NSA survailance so long as the power wasn’t abused and strictly used for the security of the nation as a whole. The problem with that though is that you got renegades who can’t be trusted and abuse their powers.
Like colluding with Russian Government.
When FNC launched during the Clinton admin and promptly went straight to work publishing pure bullshit, acting as a press agent for perverted serial liar Newt Gingrich, peddling idiotic conspiracy theories about Vince Foster and the McDougals, and co-funding the Arkansas Project their ratings soared and so-called “moderate conservatives” cheered them on.
You built that. Now you get to enjoy it. Forever.
a lot of liberals failed to take Fuckface seriously.
But many more “conservatives” failed to take Fuckface literally, and still do. He says exactly what he means. He really wants to deport them all. And he really wants to hire up a vast hoard of poorly trained, armed, violent xenophobes to kick down doors, come into our homes and businesses and round them all up. And he really wants to just drive them across the border into Mexico and dump them in the desert.
There is no pivot. He does not become “more Presidential”. Fuckface will not be “sobered” by the job. He just won’t do any of the hard parts, or grapple with any of the complexities. Nobody will make him. He’s impervious to pressure. He is their nominee now and through at least the 2020 election. Fuckface and “conservatives” deserve each other and every bit of what that entails, including deportation.
From the details emerging about the new state budget, it looks like homeowners in Seattle and King County got screwed over by the Republicans and the Democrats went along with it. This is what passes for “compromise” nowadays.
Always something breaking us in two.
Joe Jackson taken to hospital after Vegas car crash
@ 11
For how long has Seattle raised taxes on itself for this or that? Now you get one for The Holy Grail – education – and you’re bitching about it?
Cry me a fucking river. McCleary’s funded. And the best thing is you get to whine even more about how the west part of the state covers the east’s bills.
It’s a twofer.
@13 etc.
I’m not shedding a tear. To quote someone doubtless smarter than most of us, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”
I think that Russian hashtag bot is malfunctioning.
Be alert for another phishing scheme out there. Some knucklehead is sending out an email saying “There is a problem with your bank account.” Another bullshit master trying to work a scam. Just delete and don’t click on any links.
@16 “There is a problem with your bank account.”
Just reply, “Yeah, no funds.”
@16 Wasn’t that one circulating about 20 years ago?
This weekend’s news cycle is totally dominated by Pissident Drumpkopf’s meltdown over “Morning Joe.” In this video clip, Dan Rather explains why this administration is beneath the dignity of the American people and what it’s doing to our standing in the world.
Even Charles Krauthammer, who’s no flaming liberal, thinks Drumpkopf has gone off the deep end.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone who still thinks this nutbag is fit to serve should watch “Saving Private Ryan” again then ask themselves, “Is this fucking joke of a government what those guys fought for?”
Thursday, the Lt. Governor of BC, following the vote of no confidence, chose the option that many were expecting. With the BC LIBERALS defeated, The leader of the BC New Democrats gets a chance to test the Confidence of the Legislative Assembly. If that falls, then it is a fresh election.
4 Years ago, Premier Clark led the party to victory when the polls said an Orange wave was coming, although she lost her seat.
You are absolutely correct with your comment about, “Is this fucking joke of a government what those guys fought for?”
Trump’s own defense? “It’s ‘modern day presidential'”.
You’ve got to be kidding me, his actions are anything but “presidential”. I never thought anybody could make G. W. Bush look like a good president, I stand corrected. Trump makes ‘Chimp’ Bush look downright scholarly and refined as a POTUS.
While it might be ‘modern presidential’ to use some form(s) of social media in this modern day, the POTUS should act like a distinguished leader of people when using it. What is it we usually tell the people if they don’t respect the person holding the office that they should remember to respect the office regardless? Trump has disgraced the office with his petulant, petty, vindictive, and low-brow language; he himself has disrespected the office.
Shameful I tell you, simply shameful.
Too bad this video did not make it onto HA. Shame Californian Democrat legislators. No single payer in California, no hope of it in Washington, maybe the courts will agree the Legislature got full school funding, but if we can’t do education, not likely we can get single payer.
@21 I said before, as disgusting as Drumpf is, there is too much focus on him and not enough on the Repukulin Pussies. And that’s exactly what they want.
Forget Drumpf, start to expose every Repukes disgusting actions. They are the scum that the Ape talks about.
While the media and liberals melt down over Fuckface’s digital turd sculptures, Republicans and their treasonous voters are left unaccountable.
@22 What you don’t understand is that in one-party states where the GOP has imploded and hardly exists anymore, e.g. California, the “Democratic” Party consists of both Democrats and ex-Republicans. This is the Republican wing of the unitary “Democratic” Party that you see in operation.
25) Very good point.
Hey Railfan, do we need to wait until Saturday for you to weigh in on today’s Amtrak derailment in Steilacoom?
In Japan, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party took a historic beating in Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly elections, by the new Tokyo Citizens First Party. Worst than 2009, although it looks like the PM may not be calling and early election, this time.
@ 25
This is the Republican wing of the unitary “Democratic” Party that you see in operation.
No, but perhaps a more blue dog-ish faction of the Democrat party. Unlike the rest of the nation, California’s liberals have not succeeded in voting them out of office just yet.
The entire Dem caucus signed a letter referring pretty much to assholes like you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
Alexei Koseff ✔ @akoseff
Entire @AssemblyDems caucus signs letter denouncing “adverse reactions” to shelving SB 562: “Let us not become the persons that we detest.”
1:29 PM – 30 Jun 2017
I am familiar with Today’s derailment of Amtrak 506. A few minor injuries.
It occurred at Chambers Bay, just south of Bridge 14, which in a few months, Amtrak Cascades will no longer be using, as it will be re-routed via South Tacoma, Lakewood, and Du Pont.
If one wonders where the ARRA money went, not on this section of the route. Also, not for a shiny new grade-separated line, but to continue the incremental approach. The Point Defiance Bypass is one of the biggest portions of that, upgrading the Lakeview Subdivision for 79mph operation. It will add 2 new host railroads, but Amtrak shares facilities with Sound Transit, and it was really the track South of Lakewood Station that needed upgrades. It eliminates the choke points at Bridge 14 and Nelson Bennett.,funding,location,division-rail,route#listing