Trevor with Cecile Richards: The high cost of defunding Planned Parenthood.
Rick Perry’s “oops!” moment with Sen. Al Franken.
2016: Warmest year on record.
And the Justice Said to the Philandering Sociopath, “You’re In!”
- Samantha Bee: Draining the swamp
- Stephen: repeal and erase.
- Olbermann: Trump’s devious plan to destroy the White House press corps.
- Inside the Real Donald Drumpf.
- Young Turks: Drumpf’s laughable speech-writing Tweet.
- David Pakman: Drumpf’s Ed Sec is DESTROYED at confirmation hearing.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf’s “high IQ” cabinet.
- Maddow: Drumpf yet to name directors at major agencies
- Lewis Black: The Drumpf inauguration’s no-star lineup:
- Stephen: Drumpf’s inauguration is really happening!
- Bill Maher: Season inaugural opening (full show)
- Drumpf v. Obama: Inauguration crowds
- Trevor: Drumpf’s pre-inaugural photo
- Conan: Drumpf calls Obama days before taking office.
- Is Drumpf president? Or am I crazy?
- Young Turks: Drumpf’s low-turnout inauguration
- James Cordon: There’s a better answer for grizzly bears
- Jimmy Kimmel and Bill Maher discuss Donald Drumpf.
- With mixed feelings, American’s make the switch.
- Samantha Bee: Full Frontal is scared–Masha Gessen edition:
- Maddow: Powerful ad against Steve Mnscumbag
- PsychoSuperMom: The Drumpf & Putin dance.
- Drumpf has a dream…too.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Republicans repealing the ACA
- Stephen: Drumpf gets ready for day oneish.
- The Drumpf inauguration lineup
- Trevor: Betsy DeVos gets grilled
- Sam Seder: Rick Perry makes an awkward “oops!” with Al Franken.
- David Pakman: Drumpf begins day one with pay-to-play.
- Randy Rainbow interviews Jennifer Holliday
- Samantha Bee: Great Feminists in Feminism Herstory Hall of Lady Fame
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Drumpf taking office.
- Jonathan Mann: Don’t give him anything
Bill Maher with Jimmy Kimmel: Bill’s number one concern.
What you need to know about the 2018 Senate landscape.
With Grace and Humility, Obama Departs:
- Maddow: President Barack Obama departs with a long list of accomplishments.
- White House: West Wing Week–farewell edition:
- Obama departs.
- Stephen with The WERD: Thanks, Obama!
- David Pakman: Obama issues fewest executive orders in 120 YEARS.
Presidential Training Video.
Ezra Klein: Republicans have one major problem on ObamaCare.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
One thing about the crowd size, I wonder if they will spin it as a good thing?
No they’ll photo shop the fake photos by the media and present the real photos.
I just love all this organizing by progressives to fight the emperor. They can’t even fucking vote.
It’s Saturday, and Donald Trump is still president.
Oh, and #CrookedHillary is not. Huh.
I think this is going to be a good weekend.
Trigger this.
In Sydney and Melbourne huge numbers gathered to protest against the 45th President of the United States.
However the demonstrators where left shocked after supporters of the billionaire paid to have Mr Trump’s name written in the sky above Martin Place.
In the footage the skywriting plane can be seen spelling out President Trump’s surname as protesters are marching underneath.
Why is it libbies don’t refuse to permit those who would wear masks from participating in their protests?
What is it about libbie rationale that objects to peaceful rally participants who refuse to do what a couple of #BLM types who took over the stage want them to do, but has no problem with masked assholes in their midst?
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Lee Rosenberg @Lee_Rosenberg
Punching a Nazi is akin to civil disobedience – a clear violation of the law that’s recognized by the masses as a moral act
Well, I suppose that might be the case. But if you want respect for your moral act, pussy, take off the mask when you do it.
I really recommend you turn off the TV today and spend the rest of the day listening to Hot Conservative Country Talk on the AM dial and fixing the broken springs on the yard trampoline.
The sight of so many wimmin and the blacks gettin’ uppity by the millions all over the world is obviously killing your morning beer buzz.
@ 8
Nothing doing. I’m gonna ogle the wimminz at the marches. Must be jelly ‘coz jam don’t shake like that.
Power to the pussyhat!
“Women’s March on Denver swells to more than 100,000”
There’s been a lot of knitting going on.
Purchasing Trump’s name written in the sky for a couple thousand dollars seems to impress our doctor more than women holding the largest world-wide protest since the last Republican president decided he was going to invade the wrong fucking country. That latter protest, by the way, was “the largest protest event in human history”.,_2003,_anti-war_protests
But to cut the good doctor some slack, I can kind of see where he’s coming from on this one. With his having already sold out to Russia, why not take take side of pussy-grabbing too?
Trump’s been busy.
Yesterday he signed an executive order.
Here’s the fun part;
Sec. 2. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) and the heads of all other executive departments and agencies (agencies) with authorities and responsibilities under the Act shall exercise all authority and discretion available to them to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement of the Act that would impose a fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications.
See that part about waiving or deferring taxes? That 3.8% Obamacare tax hits very hard if you don’t earn below the threshold.
If this EO is interpreted by the IRS as an opportunity not to assess that tax…
Let’s just say I’m not unhappy about how things have gone over the past three months or so.
The Saturday Wimins March – Not so inclusive of all wimins!
Wait for the first comment from the fetid arschloch. Been waiting for Puddy every since the sun set.
Looks like the libtard msm is on notice!
Ahhh yes, the Nazis warned her…
And Spike Lee went Brown Shirt on her…
Did you know DUMMOCRETIN are SCUM?
This must be really difficult for the
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit to take!
Remember that Rose Garden press conference?
So early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit a simple question…
Why did Obama stiff him with no pardon? Probably Obummer felt it would be unfair to preempt the court-martial process by releasing Bergdahl before he’d faced court-martial justice, right stoooooooooooopid wabbit?
That’s right… DUMMOCRETIN are SCUM!
@10 “Women’s March on Denver swells to more than 100,000”
Trump and his clan will never come to the conclusion that, at least according to the women in various protest marches around the world, that size does matter.
Ah look.. The freak @ 17 has arrived to attain PEAK HATE.. And we all know why!
Shall we place A “NOW WATCH!” here on Saturdays at sunset?
Might as well.. The freak is here on Sat nights ALMOST EVERY TIME!
Too funny!
“Let’s just say I’m not unhappy about how things have gone over the past three months or so.”
So boob is looking forward to singing “happy days are here again”…
Aw, YLB, the individual mandate won’t be enforced.
All those people who pay a penalty instead of buying insurance that doesn’t do anything for them because the deductible is so high won’t have to pay that penalty anymore.
Just as with increases in the minimum wage, the unenforced penalty will mean more dollars in pockets of the middle class, which means more money spent into the economy, which means everyone benefits.
What’s not to like, YLB?
Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS… Puddy wrote this above
Wait for the first comment from the fetid arschloch. Been waiting for Puddy every since the sun set.
And it came true @19.
Thanks for playing fetid gaseous arschloch! You are one subservient freak! Those pink lace panties must be dripping profusely now! Puddy PWNS you every day here!
WaPo gets that there’s a new sheriff in town.
At Liberty Ball, President
Trump is the brightest star
HA libbies, if that article title turned your stomach just a bit, now you know how some of us have felt about things the past eight years.
He was the 44th president. He wasn’t fucking Jesus.
“Aw, YLB, the individual mandate won’t be enforced.”
Awww.. Mittens Romney has a sad…
“All those people who pay a penalty instead of buying insurance that doesn’t do anything for them because the deductible is so high won’t have to pay that penalty anymore.”
Awww, boob you have a solution – HSA’s??? R’member?
I have a solution too – PUBLIC OPTION… Or even better: MEDICARE FOR ALL.
@22 Keep putting HA first freak. Your buddy is depending on it!
That wimins march in DC… P R I C E L E S S!
This is toooooooooo sweet. Looks like your wimins march would rather have her attending then pro-life people!
Wet panties spotted @25.
Saturdays just before sunset: NOW WATCH!
Saturday night just before SNL cold open and another peerless Alec Baldwin parody: BACK TO THE SALT MINES!
The FREAK “needs” this website!
Some of the wimins march signs…
Wow the freak keeps screaming hate at the end of every fart.
Its new formula for enduring the weekly duty in the salt mine?
Heh.. Yeah that’s too funny! #thefreakputshafirst
Giving CIA Full Operative Control because A New Sheriff is in Town…
John Brennan not happy!
fetid arschloch with wet panties @28 and @30,
Puddy showed up when? Saturday, 1/21/17 at 7:47 pm!
Sunset was when? Yeah, thought so!
Yes Puddy was visiting some old ladies friends, one dying from breast cancer and the other slowly dying. Butt that’s okay fetid arschloch with wet panties.
Because fools like you, DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM!
“The freak @ 17 has arrived to attain PEAK HATE..”
So much hate spewn right out of the gates by the Chrome-challenged, double-posting loon! I’m thinking we could see a triple post this week.
This is the Donald Trump you won’t read in raw story or HuffPo!
At the end, Trump put his hand on Bouvet’s back and told an aide, “Send him a check for $10,000.”
“Sunset was when?”
Sunset on Friday is SOOOOOO SWEEET! Yours truly LOVES that time! Yesterday the FREAK was screaming right up to that time!
then it went silent… NICE!
Sunset on Saturday is the time when a NOW WATCH goes out!
As the latest fatuous pretender-in-chief would put it:
Keep screaming peak hate fool!
You need readers to the “salt mines”
Wow the fetid dripping wet pink lace panties arschloch @35 missed #13. Notice how moist this moron is now! Pleading for HA DUMMOCRETINS to visit the moist web site!
This is Saturday night ya moron!
Called it! Puddy is the dominant in this discussion. Puddy PWNS this fool. A real stalker! If it had a life you’d know it. There is no life in the moist one!
Keep on screaming FREAK! We know why you do it!
You gotta get warm before you slink off to the salt mine! YOU “NEED” to put HA FIRST before the weekly duty.
Don’t forget to thank us HA HEROES for enabling your miserable ASS!
Wow the fetid arschloch is super moist now @35.
It has lost it. Maybe it needs to change its panties before sleeping?
You are the freak ya moron! You need Puddy. Your life revolves around Puddy!
You’re a joke. You’re entertainment!
YOU PUT HA FIRST! Then it’s time for YOU KNOW WHAT!
Damned FOOL!
Watching the news… So many beautiful people who love their country, marching, protesting and pushing BACK against GREED and CORRUPTION..
They’re being part of the solution to the PROBLEM the FREAK @ 39 SUPPORTS!
Take that to the salt mine FREAK!
Lil’ Suzie Hutchison is looking forward to people losing their health insurance..
Another freak..
“Yes Freak was visiting some old ladies friends, one dying from breast cancer and the other slowly dying. ”
And you support shitty or NO health insurance for them! FREAK!
You want a death panel for them?
TexASS STYLE! Signed into LAW by your SECOND favorite Preznit.
It’s that time. Late Sat Night…
BACK TO THE SALT MINES goes the babbling FREAK.. (after putting HA first).
Vlad Putin parodied on the SNL Cold Open.. The ultimate mancrush of the HA trolls!
Hilarious but I like Alec Baldwin better.
A little preview of a private sector passenger train in Florida, the Brightline.
Interesting about the ADA compliance, instead of just accommodation for wheelchairs, the aisles are designed so the train is fully accessible, a first.
Wow, fetid wet panties arschloch really lost it last night!
Kelly Anne Conway handing UpChuck Todd his ASS…
Kelly Anne Conway handing UpChuck Todd his ASS…
Double Post for SPPS
Watch SPPS head explosion coming real soon!
Libtards are pigs… well we knew that just from dealing with Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Mysterious Moronic Moonbattic Malodorous Memory Malady Lunatics all these years!
No look at how conservatives leave their area…
@ The Schiz:
“Alternative facts”?
Good fucking lord…
“Klownservatics are pigs…”
When they crave power they sure like hanging around and consuming dead pig flesh…
Peak Hate is back and the Chrome-challenged loon is giving us head explosions and double-posts! Knowing how the loon and his doomsday death cult are, I’m willing to bet a goat suffered for that.
Here’s a DUMMOCRETIN Nazi going Brown Shirt on this guy! She’s kicked off the plane. Betcha she’s from Seattle!
Liberal berates Trump supporter on an airplane, gets escorted off by cops
DUMMOCRETINS are the real Nazis.
Puddy gonna have much fun over these next 1400+ days!
In this corner ladies and gentlemen we have some random drunken SJW misbehaving and giving some poor flight attendant a shitty day.
And in this corner we have the Super Tremendous Revolutionary Orange Savior to all the Real American Hillbillies going into business with one of the guys who put the Cali Cartel on the map.
I may not agree with the SJW, and I’m glad she had to wait for the next flight. But I’m pretty sure she hasn’t got anywhere near the blood on her hands as the Calis and their chief money washer Vova Putin. It’s okay though, hillbillies. Just crack another beer and tear into another bucket of hot wings. Tomorrow morning’s beer hangover will extinguish any memory of the Narco blood.
I see that the loon is still batshit insane. Sad!