Martin Sheen: This is what corruption really costs us.
The story of Haru, Japanese internment, and a caution.
Mental Floss: 25 facts about fitness.
The Golden Sociopath:
- Trevor: Drumpf v. Druth—The Russian hacking report.
- Young Turks: Do the Russians have “dirt” on Drumpf?
- Randy Rainbow: Tweets, Tweets and Nothing But Tweets:
- The next American P-P- President
- Stephen: Details continue to leak out about Drumpf’s Russia story.
- Samantha Bee: People are saying…Drumpf likes pee.
- Maddow: Worries that some Drumpf rumors may be true.
- Young Turks: Elizabeth Warren destroys Ben Carson.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Drumpf’s war with the press and conflicts of interest.
- Samantha Bee: Session on Sessions.
- Jonathan Mann: The President is compromised.
- Trevor: Drumpf takes on the media.
- Kimmel: Russian official denies compromising Drumpf.
- David Pakman: Drumpf calls CNN “fake news,” then takes question from Breitbart!?!
- Maddow: Drumpf caught blatantly lying about Putin’s Russian hacking intel report.
- Leaked tape of Drumpf’s golden shower show.
- Young Turks: FAUX News host sticks up for CNN after Drumpf’s shameful slander
- Sam Seder: Drumpf’s Russia dossier scandal
- Seth Meyers: A couple things about Drumpf and Russia
- Stephen: The damage Drumpf can do with his thumbs.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf puts Guiliani in charge of THE CYBER for the U.S.
- Rex Tillerson gets grilled by Senator Colbert.
- Trevor: President Water Sports:
- Are these the worst Cabinet picks ever? Maybe not.
- Farron Cousins: Drumpf gets pissy about golden shower story
- Cameron Esposito: Let’s talk about abortion!
- Kimmel: The Bushie and The Donald travel comedy show.
- Olbermann: Can Donald Drumpf confront America’s gun crisis?
- Young Turks: Drumpf is pissed at Buzzfeed.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Drumpf nominee confirmation hearings.
- PsychoSuperMom: Overrated!
- Stephen: A golden opportunity for jokes.
- Drumpf’s futile news conference
- David Pakman: Drumpf’s abysmal approval rating.
- Daily Show: Goldshower
- Sam Seder: Sen. Al Franken destroys Sen. Jeff Sessions over false claims about work on civil rights cases
- Stephen: Trump’s nuclear plan is funny because nothing matters anymore.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Russian hacking and Drumpf ethics.
- Kimmel: A 10 second recap of Drumpf’s press conference
Samantha Bee: White plight:
Heard on the Hill: The Saga of the Student Painting Heist.
Obama Cares:
- Farron Cousins: G.O.P. governors recognize that ObamaCare repeal is a political death sentence.
- Young Turks: G.O.P. vote on ObamaCare repeal.
- Farron Cousins: While you were sleeping, Republicans were trying to take away your healthcare
The real reason “In God We Trust” is on U.S. currency.
Young Turks: Guess who would make a “rape Melania” sign?
Cory Booker testifies before Jeff Sessions.
Going Out With Dignity:
- Obama says goodbye.
- Obama surprises VP Biden (and Biden gives his response).
- Reflecting on Obama’s sense of humor
- Jimmy Fallon: Michelle Obama says goodbye to Jimmy
- Mark Fiore: Obama farewell addendum.
- Is the U.S. economy better off after President Obama?
What does the World Bank actually do?
Conan: Russia has more kompromising material about public figures:
Sam Seder: Three bizarre Russia-related TV malfunctions.
Mental Floss: Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze?
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Why didn’t the latest Trump revelations come out before the election? Although it is rare for a party to impeach their own guy.
@ ER @ 1
There were hints and murmurs about it, but the GOP and the Conservatives just did not give a shit. They’re so tribalistic and dedicated to their paradigm that they ignored all of it, and continue to deny it even when their noses are being shoved in it. Now, that their man is Vice-President, they can start worrying it in the press.
Now they can impeach the Cheeto-Faced Shit-Gibbon with a clear conscience and present to the public as being “necessary” in the light of “new” revelations about the CFSG’s personal debts to the Russian Bank-Gangers and how the Nation needs the appearance of integrity in the Executive Branch.
They wanted Pence all along. They’ll short stroke the CFSG as long as they can, and for whatever length of time they need, as long as his bullshit lasts.
Pence is a true believer in the Seven Mountains Dominion. He’s a genuine Christian Reconstructionist.
He will put Jesus in charge of the White House.
When the facts of a case conflict with the TRUTH, the TRUTH must prevail in spite of the facts.
And everyone knows, the Bible is all about the TRUTH, not the facts.
Just ask the Schizo.
The Seattle Police continue to show how they aspire to become just as good as the cops in Chicago.
An armed society, is a polite society.
So sayeth the LORD.
Heh. The Birther-in Chief doesn’t like his legitimacy being questioned.
“Donald Trump Fires Back At John Lewis After He Challenged The President-Elect’s Legitimacy”
Republican Propagandist sub-master James “Jimmie the Jammer” O’Keefe caught on his own video attempting to incite riots at the Trump inauguration.
Hoist by his own retarded petard.
Stupid fuck.
Maybe I missed it, Railfan, and you brought it up already.
California’s bullet train is hurtling toward a multibillion-dollar overrun, a confidential federal report warns
Read it all, really. It’s chock-full of so many of the consequences of Democratic rule.
Remember that CA budget surplus last year? Good times, good times.
…Gov. Jerry Brown warned Tuesday that California’s projected 2017-18 budget shows a $1.6-billion deficit.
And of course Brown doesn’t want the cost overruns to be looked at too carefully. After all, why in the world would anyone want accurate project cost estimates?
Brown, meanwhile, has sought to shield the project from interference. He vetoed a bill with bipartisan support in September that would have increased oversight of the project and clarified estimates of how much the project will cost. And last January, a joint committee rejected a proposal to ask the California state auditor to examine the project for the first time in four years.
CA can’t even do its environmental review on the project without spending nearly three times as much as it should have.
The original cost projection, made in a September 2010 grant agreement with the Federal Railroad Administration, put the cost at $388 million. By last August, the authority’s official “funding contribution plan” showed that cost had jumped to $1.03 billion.
The cost increase amounted to 171%.
Oh, and this project is using still-unspent 2009 federal stimulus dollars.
Yeah, this is the state which would have elected #CrookedHillary, had Dems successfully retroactively changed the way that presidential elections are held in this country.
Hey, look at the bright side. At least the rest of it will be fun for conservatives not living in CA to watch and report on, right?
@ 5
Heh. After mocking Trump for not pledging to respect the legitimacy of the election prior to the election, the House #3 Democrat refuses to respect the legitimacy of the election result.
Stronger TogetherDo What We Say. Not What We Do.@ 1, 2
Party which ignored the revelations about its own horrid candidate chastises the other party for ignoring revelations about theirs. With comedy gold like this, why in the hell would I want to leave?
It would be an unprecedented act for a party to impeach its own president, nicht war?
I’m fine with a President Pence. Make Rubio VP. Then the election result is two true conservatives running the Executive Branch, one of them in a position to do in 2020 what Julian Castro might have been a finalist to do last year.
Gofer it.
@8 Just lay your 10,000th pro-Putin hashtag on us and then go fuck your dog again.
Thanks for the memories, Mr. President.
Assad Linked to Syrian Chemical Attacks for First Time
The U.N.-OPCW inquiry–known as the Joint Investigative Mechanism–is led by a panel of three independent experts, supported by a team of technical and administrative staff. It is mandated by the U.N. Security Council to identify individuals and organizations responsible for chemical attacks in Syria.
Russia and China received your message loud and clear. So-called red lines are meaningless.
@ #7
I don’t know what you’re complaining about. The only reason the thing is being built, is because the Casino magnates in Las Vegas need a high-speed rail service to reduce the number of cars in their fine city, and most of that traffic comes out of Los Angeles. Thus, they demanded and got the State of California to foot the entire cost of building it.
Capitalism at work, baby. The best way to make money is to make other people pay the bills.
The automobile traffic between Los Angeles and Las Vegas is almost as bad as the I-5 corridor though downtown Seattle is sometimes. There are a lot of folks who live in Palm Springs and commute into San Bernardino or Anaheim every day. That or the other direction, all the way to the R&D bases in the desert around Victorville and Twentynine palms.
@ 9
What “revelations”? The ones where everyone with the authority to make the goddamn decision about it, all agree that no crimes were committed, and no actionable response exists. She as the Secretary of State, did nothing different from any of her predecessors did. She did her job as best she could considering the fact of the incredible opposition coming out of Congress. The entire “scandal” you think exists, was created entirely out of nothing by people who really, really didn’t want her as President. Trey Gowdy and others spoke openly about how that specifically was the basic intended purpose of the everlasting GOP-Stomper investigations. They were an utter sham from the beginning.
Keep licking those jackboots boy. Maybe someday, they’ll let you start doing the tops.
@ 12
How does Las Vegas factor into a train that will run from LA to the Bay Area, ‘froggy?
San Francisco Transbay Transit Center Millbrae San José Diridon Gilroy Merced Madera Fresno Kings–Tulare Regional (Wasco) Bakersfield Palmdale Transportation Center Bob Hope Airport–Burbank Los Angeles Union Station Norwalk/Santa Fe Springs station (Option) Fullerton Transportation Center (Option) Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center
Route Fresno River Viaduct Kings River Viaduct San Joaquin River Viaduct
Kind of like elections have consequences.
Little girl picks up mommies gun and kills little brother.
Year-Old Son of Corrections Officer Shot Dead By Sister
It’s like your neighbor or hillbilly cousin votes for a fascist Pussy grabbing Russian loving dumbfuck, because he needs a coal mining job, and gets elected and now Kaboom. Kiss your ass goodbye like little brother.
Then, like our trolls, don’t blame the gun or the dumbfuck voters, blame The little sister (Hillary).
The GOP base, betrayed again.
“A Porn-Free America? Republicans Pledge Expurgation Of ‘Public Health Crisis’ That Is ‘Destroying The Lives Of Millions’”
“Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers”
@7 and maybe if Repuke could do the right thing and get behind something like a bullet train, then maybe we could get it done without all the cost over runs and problem, seeing that Repukes can do everything better than Dems, even though when it comes down to it, the people involved with the construction are not just democrats, but blame a party is best.
So because Repukes can’t get behind something good then we are stuck with Dems fucking things up! Enjoy it. Just like national healthcare – the only solutions Repukes have is, let people die and go without, so that leads to The Heritage plan (Obama care) and because of the. And difference it is Dems fucking up.
Can’t you see that it doesn’t matter. People make up this Country not politicians, it’s the people that are fuck ups not the politicians. Politicians know that and realize you dumbfucks can’t do anything about it or make it anyway right because you are all dumbfucks.
The biggest two dumbfuck are Abigail and PissCan. The only thing PissCan can muster is to call people swishy, which accomplished a ton. He thinks he’s a fucking builder but can’t even build a schedule do he lets his admin assistant do it with Microsoft Project.
Any time you wanna compare resumes, just say the word.
Just remember, people like you work FOR people like me.
Maybe someday, but doubtfuly, you will be in a position to actually make decisions.
Twinky dink….
@19 I hope you left out “swishy” and “twink” from your Resume.
4 – An armed citizen saved an Arizona cop’s life a couple of days ago. The armed citizen didn’t even carry his weapon on him – he carried it in his car’s trunk. He had to stop his car and retrieve his weapon, but he was still able to shoot the bad guy and save the cop’s life.
Google it and read about it yourself. Maybe you’ll learn something.
And for every one of those I can point to 5 children under the eighteen killed by the household gun.
“I found a gun story that fits my view that guns keep us safe. Google it. NonInrefuse to acknowledge the far more numerous accidental shootings by law abiding gun owners on Google. You can’t make me read that for there is nothing to be learned. Neiner Neiner Neiner.”
Seen today in a CBS News comment thread:
“Trump brings a whole new meaning to trickle down.”
Biloxi, Mississippi, renames “Martin Luther King Day.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Very Republican of them …
Our incoming president is so thin-skinned that inauguration workers have to tape over the name of the company supplying Portapotties for his inauguration.
Hillbilly Trailer Trump Americans regard the holiday celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as “racially divisive” but otherwise unimportant.
But “Nigger Head Ranch” is just history.
The battle flag to preserve slavery is just history.
Swastikas are just history.
And by the way, for all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white.
I wonder how many banjos you can buy with $20 million?
@8 And here’s Boob defending Putin’s Manchurian candidate. Don’t you feel even a little bit queasy about the former KGB chief planting his own man in the White House, Boob?
@9 “It would be an unprecedented act for a party to impeach its own president, nicht war?”
See Nixon, Watergate, 1974.
@16 If Trump achieves a porn-free America, there’s going to be a lot of unhappy Republicans out there, and if they get desperate enough they might start raping real people.
@19 And my brethren of the bar sue people like you when you fuck up. Thanks! We appreciate the business. There are entire law firms that do nothing but construction litigation, and they’re doing quite well.
@21 This is the first time I’ve ever heard of an armed citizen saving a cop. (Good for him, btw.) Which makes the ratio of armed citizens doing good to the ratio of armed citizens being responsible for harm roughly 100,000:1, which makes me not wanting to be around armed citizens. I would really appreciate it if you armed citizens out there don’t come to the church where I worship, the schools my kids attend, the stores I shop in, or the theaters I go to. Thanks.
I come away with an entirely different take.
What the fuck is wrong with all these worthless cowardly hillbillies?
The numbers don’t lie. More guns than ever. Yet more cops getting gunned down! More school shootings than ever! More mall and theater shootings than ever! More guns can only keep us safe if the gun owners use the fucking guns for something other than jerking off. The “good guys with a gun” aren’t keeping us safe. The hillbillies are shitting their coveralls and running for cover!
The time has come for a call out to all the cowardly big talking pussy hillbillies. If you overcompensating Barney Fifes go around armed to the teeth with a military arsenal you need to sack up and do your hillbilly duty! The next time one of “the blacks” flashes a gun where will you be? Cowering in your trailer in a puddle of your own urine? Or out there on the streets taking the fight to the enemy?
@ 29
I was wondering which one of you would respond that way. Really, I shouldn’t have wondered, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
1. Nixon wasn’t impeached.
2. Impeachment is by the House of Representatives, and had every single Republican in the House at that time voted for Nixon’s impeachment, it still wouldn’t have been enough. While I’m at it I should point out that had a sufficient number of House Democrats voted for impeachment of Nixon without a single Republican vote, he would have been impeached.
3. Democrats also controlled the Senate at that time. Impeachment doesn’t remove a president from office. See Clinton, William Jefferson.
As I said, impeachment of a president by his own party would be unprecedented. You cocksucking dumbfuck.
@28 I don’t. Hopefully there are nuclear bombs for everyone, that would even be better!
Hey hillbillies!
Did you dive for cover behind your Doughboy Pool, or behind your car on blocks?
Bob throwing in a cocksucking now…..sounds like Trump is getting to him, I can’t wait for the Inaugural Salute.
Hey abundantly armed big talking Trailer Trump Americans!
Did your sister-wife have to use a pre-soak on your shit-stained undies?
@34 “Impeachment doesn’t remove a president from office.”
Now it’s your turn to be a dumbfuck. I didn’t say it did. You claimed it would be “unprecedented … for a party to impeach its own president.” But it was two Republican senators and a Republican representative who persuaded Nixon to resign by telling him Republicans would join with Democrats to impeach and remove him if he didn’t.
Want to know what Trump REALLY thinks of taxpayer bailouts of failed businesses?
Good to see you’re getting a head start on finding distractions to talk about, since the upcoming festival of thievery and incompetence is going to require a lot of misdirection from your lot over the next several years.
You’re equal to the challenge of providing chronic irrelevant distractions, though; the wig, nose and big shoes fit you almost as well as do the knee pads you were born to wear.
Elections have consequences.
Please forgive me, but just to be precise, I believe it was “cocksucking dumbfuck”.
Hillbilly trolls seem preoccupied with precision.
And cocksucking.
Looks like our next USDA chief may be a big-time pesticide promoter.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Better get your gas masks ready.
Why didn’t the latest Trump revelations come out before the election?
Because no one could verify them Mark Adams. Even the NY Times mentioned they were flimsy at best.
This is why only the third and fourth tier toilets sites used by Da Perfessa made all those comments above. BuzzFeed lost a lot of mojo over this too! Been out for months and no one used it. They need eyes and Da Perfessa provides those eyes to these toilet sites!
Keep licking those jackboots boy. Maybe someday, they’ll let you start doing the tops.
Oh vomit producer the only Nazis are those on your side… You see vomit froggy… violent far left occupy wall street thugs you love got together to shut down the UC Davis Milo Yiannopoulos speech yesterday. That’s how DUMMOCRETIN Nazis operate.
You can call conservatives Nazis all you want but the real Nazis appear on the DUMMOCRETIN horizon every day. DUMMOCRETINS hate free speech. This is why Milo was shut down! In fact the #CrookedHillary supporters brought hammers and bottles of urine to the event. Kind of like the shitstorm the OWS peeps did in NYC on the police cars!
@ 34 Whose cock would you like to suck next
Joe Biden
NBC Liar’s
CNN queer boys Donny and Andy
CNN Jake Crapper
Mother Jones
ABC cheaters
All of the above
@godwinha @14,
You dealt FACTS to a DUMMOCRETIN. FACTS are lost on DUMMOCRETINS! Vomit froggy hasn’t answered you all day when you delivered those train FACTS to its extremely small brain!
John Lewis attacked Donald Trump. Well here is what John Lewis failed to discuss in his own district… Puddy remembers!
More John Lewis BULLSHITTIUM from 2008…
Hey responsible gun owning sister-fucking Trailer Trump American traitors!
Did you soil your best New Years party cut off shorts cowering inside your trailers?
“I’m fine with a President Pence. Make Rubio VP.”
Aw, buyer’s remorse already? Why, it’s almost as if you made a deal with Mr. Reality TV Star, only to discover that you can’t believe everything on television.
He Chumped you nice and good. (Nobody could have predicted!)
Welcome to the club, fool.
Live on your knees.
Listen, morons – if you keep acting like elitist assholes, you’re going to lose again in 2018 and 2020. It might be a good idea to stop alienating voters in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio because you’re going to need them to get your candidates into office.
Really? Worried about a cost overrun for a train project under Democratic leadership?
What about two unfunded wars started by Republican leadership?
Read it all, really. It’s chock-full of so many of the consequences of Republican rule.
Remember that Clinton federal budget surplus in 2000 and 2001? Good times, good times. Squandered by the likes of Bush and Cheney.
At the sake of being a hill Billy and not an elitist, you guys can have Drumpf for the next 8 years. Good luck.
@53 It’s really all about priorities. Mass transit: useless. Killing foreigners in their villages: Priceless. For a Republican, no price is too great for you to pay so he can indulge in his favorite recreation.
@52 If you’re talking about Trump voters, you keep ’em. We don’t want ’em. We have standards.
@51 The thing about people like Trump is their only loyalty is to themselves and their immediate family, as the sycophants who suck up to them find out when they, too, get fucked over.
Does anyone know if Trump’s campaign vendors and workers have been paid yet? What’s Katrina Pierson doing now, collecting unemployment? I don’t see her name on any appointment lists.
Somebody else got the White House Press Secretary job she was drooling over. So far as I know, she didn’t even get a typist job.
I’ll pass at at being a hill Billy and stick with being an elitist, even if it means you guys have Drumpf for the next 8 years. Good luck.
Trump supporters, sex between one man and one, or two, animals.
Florida Man Accused Of Repeatedly Sexually Assaulting Pit Bull
@52 people in those states will get their full share and get fed up with the hillbillies eventually.
So Da Perfessa didn’t like Puddy discussing how the fetid gaseous crazed databaze arschloch is the lowlife submissive type? The fool is PWND by Puddy.
Why else would the fetid gaseous crazed databaze arschloch perform the weekly countdown each Friday evening Perfessa? It has nothing to offer except living vicariously through Puddy!
Looks like some on CNN are having their second thoughts about being all DUMMOCRETIN all the time…
“I get he doesn’t like Donald Trump. I get he doesn’t accept the results of the election, but is this helpful in any way? If a Republican had said this about President-elect Hillary Clinton, Democrats would be up in arms.” – Anderson Cooper
What is funny is how the Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was in California when Buzz
feedkill ut forth that BULLSHITTIUM and how the low life libtards swallowed the juice and we see it up top!Hillary Clinton lost because she was an arrogant twat. All of you expected a coronation on November 8, 2016 with”Queen Hillary” as the guest of honor. How’d that work for you?
Keep calling people “hillbillies” and “trailer trash” and you will not win much in the next election except for the sycophants states like WA, OR & CA.
Do you guys want to win, or do you want to continue with the snarkiness and elitism because it makes you feel so superior?
No, we expected a former Senator and Secretary of State to become President. She won the popular vote by millions. New York State’s voters — you know, the people who knew both candidates well — chose her. But you folks fell for the con game of a reality TV star.
Have fun defending him.
Hard to influence-peddle when there’s no more influence to peddle.
[Updated.] Following a bitter and controversy-filled 2016, the staff at the Clinton Global Initiative received even worse news earlier this week when CGI announced that it would be laying off its nearly two-dozen staffers.
According to a WARN notice filed by CGI Director of Employee Relations Veronika Shiroka with the New York Department of Labor, CGI plans to lay off its 22 employees on April 15, 2017.
So, only three more months to donate to help Bill and #CrookedHillary aid all those millions of people before they shut it down and cash out, libbies.
I guess this means no mayoral race for #CrookedHillary.
Keep telling yourself that Hillary Clinton is finished. I’m sure it will prevent her return in exactly the same way calling Patty Murray stupid quickly ended her time in the Senate.
And you’re throwing the term “influence-peddling” around like you know what it means. How funny! Any word on when Washington state’s Republican Members of Congress will resume their assault on their own Ethics Committee? It seems the last time they stapled “For Sale” signs to their own foreheads, they quickly had to rip them out due to public outcry. Ouch!
Live on your knees.
@62 that might be right puffballs. But if that was said about Hillary, hillary wouldn’t gotten right to twitter to cry like a. Any. Remember Obama for 8 years? Where are his tweets of cry?
You loser.
More DUMMOCRETIN Nazism on full display!!!
The revelation came as another singer – Broadway legend Jennifer Holliday – last night pulled out of the President-elect’s festivities after being threatened and branded an ‘Uncle Tom’.
And you wonder why you DUMMOCRETINS lost 49 states by 1.7 million votes?
19 Congressional DUMMOCRETINS heads exploded and are whining about not attending the inauguration next Friday!
Arizona Rep Raul Grijalva
California Rep Judy Chu
California Rep Mark DeSaulnier
California Rep Jared Huffman
California Rep Barbara Lee
California Rep Ted Lieu
California Rep Mark Takano
Georgia Rep John Lewis
Illinois Rep Luis Gutierrez
Michigan Rep John Conyers
Missouri Rep William Lacy Clay
Massachusetts Rep Katherine Clark
New York Rep Yvette Clarke
New York Rep Adriano Espaillat
New York Rep Jerrald Nadler
New York Rep Jose Serrano
New York Rep Nydia Velazquez
Oregon Rep Earl Blumenauer
Oregon Rep Kurt Schrader
They are all BUFFOONS!
And you wonder why you DUMMOCRETINS lost 49 states by 1.7 million votes?
Earlier Friday the dunceman said this…
This says it all. Booker is a liar:
– And yet they used him to attack Sessions! Imagine that dunceman!
Isn’t anyone going to post about how much good the Clinton Global Initiative does and how many people it helps?
If that were true, why would it be closing so quickly?
Always follow the money.
@62 If you were black, and your people have been on the getting end of racial violence and discrimination for 200 years, you might react that way to a Klansman’s racist son getting elected to the White House, too. Unless, of course, you’re one of those people who tries to curry favor with your oppressors by licking their boots at every opportunity.
@64 “Keep calling people ‘hillbillies’ and ‘trailer trash’ … ”
If the shoe fits, wear it. And no, we’re not going to cater to ignorant racists and bigots to win elections. If this country isn’t any better than that, you can have it.
@69 “And you wonder why you DUMMOCRETINS lost 49 states by 1.7 million votes?”
Which election was that?
Win? Win what?
Jesus jumpin Jehoshephat you racist hillbillies arent just cowards and traitors. You’re dumb as rocks too! None of the Elites have any desire to rule over your smoldering empire of filthy trailer parks.
You stupid motherfuckers are on your own now. You limbless cripples, Oxy addicts, and Sov Cit Admiralty Law scholars will have to fend for yourselves. Maybe you can persuade Cheeto Jesus and Googly Eyed Granny Starver to take notice of your pleading. But highly educated fit healthy prosperous Coastal Urban Elites are through with you.
@ 74
And no, we’re not going to cater to ignorant racists and bigots to win elections.
No, you catered to #BLM and Special Snowflake types. And to Arizonans.
Meanwhile you ignored millions of blue-collar workers and failed to connect with those of them whose jobs had been lost or threatened. Not only failed to connect, but insulted them instead.
How’d that work out for you, asswipe?
#CrookedHillary Clinton will never, ever be president.
@66 “Hard to influence-peddle when there’s no more influence to peddle.”
Your GOP friends in D.C. certainly realize this. It works conversely, too. That’s why their first act in office was to get rid of ethics oversight. Meanwhile, you’re celebrating the dawning of the next era of Republican corruption.
@77 “Meanwhile you ignored millions of blue-collar workers and failed to connect with those of them whose jobs had been lost or threatened. Not only failed to connect, but insulted them instead.”
And to show how smart they are, they voted for the people who broke their unions, outsourced their jobs, stole their homes, and screwed them out of their pensions. That’ll show ’em!!!
“How’d that work out for you, asswipe?”
Worked out for me fine, as I’m sure it did for you, too. The DJIA is up, what, 8.9% since the election? Sure beats working for honest wages.
Martin O’MalleyVerified account
Now is not the time for reconciliation. Dietrich Bonhoeffer didn’t reconcile with the Nazis. MLK didn’t reconcile with the KKK. Now we fight
If only O’Malley – hey, and Bernie for that matter – had done a better job not reconciling with the #CrookedClintons.
@76 Just wait until the Heartland Elites cut off their disability checks, housing vouchers, Medicaid, and food stamps. We won’t be able to do anything for them, because we’re now outvoted in all the branches of government. This could get interesting.
@80 That’s right, Boob. You guys won.* The coming shitshow is all yours. For better or worse, you’re gonna own it.
* If you want to call losing 2 Senate seats, 6 House seats, losing the popular vote by 2.8 million, and starting out with lower approval ratings than your party’s last failed president had when his corruption and bungling mercifully finally came to an end “winning.”
GOP chief threatens ethics watchdog; calls his meddling in Trump’s conflicts of interest “extremely political.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans claim most of the taxes in this country are paid by the rich, so I guess what he’s saying is, why should we care if the rich rip off their fellow millionaires?
@ 82
Gee. Losing two Senate seats doesn’t sound like winning to me at all. Except the GOP had 54 to begin with. Senators serve six-year terms, and 2014 was a bloodbath for Democrats. Elections have consequences. You continue to experience them. Consider yourself lucky that the magnitude of the red wave in 2014 was sufficiently unplanned for that the GOP didn’t provide Ed Gillespie the support he needed.
Losing six House seats also sounds troublesome, doesn’t it? Except the GOP had 241 of them before the election, and the House is controlled by 218 seats. So the GOP still has, um, 17 seats to spare, by my count. That’s quite a lot.
Overall, after 2014 the GOP congressional majorities were the largest in nearly 90 years. Thank you, former Senator Reid, for all you have done for the GOP’s control until the 2018 election. If not beyond then, given the Senate Dems’ challenges in the upcoming cycle.
Oh, and that popular vote presidential thing you pussies keep bringing up? Rather irrelevant. Just ask the soon to be former employees of the Clinton Global Initiative.
Your ilk has successfully weaponized so much of government over the past two presidential terms, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Now you get to experience the joy of being the target of that which you hath wrought.
Lay back and try to enjoy it.
How’d that work out for you…
Pretty well overall.
None of us Elites care to save you racist cripples from yourselves any longer. Trailer Trump America is all yours.
Well take our huge tax breaks, our lax regulatory climate, and a federal government without ethics constraints and well invest in permits to flood your filthy trailer parks with the tailings of our extravagent consumer lifestyles.
Then well sit back and laugh watching you sister-fucking toothless inbred White Supremacists plead with Vlad’s hand puppet to turn a trade and immigration war with Mexico into millions of coal mining jobs.
Dinner and a show. Thanks, you stupid motherfuckers.
@84 Yes, Boob, the Democrats made mistakes. Their biggest mistake was not growing a backbone and standing up to you lying, thieving perverts when they had the chance. Now the gullible fools who fell for their propaganda are going to pay the price. We elites will do fine, like we always do. Funny how those things work out, isn’t it?
The Seattle Times ran an editorial today summing up Ogama’s legacy. Unlike many ST editorials, it’s objective, well reasoned, moderate in tone, and not partisan. Predictably, rightwingers are filling the comment thread with their mouth-foaming hate. There’s no reasoning with these people; that’s like trying to make friends with a rattlesnake by feeding it rats and then trying to pet the snake. The only safe thing to do is give the fucking snake the widest possible berth. But one thing you gotta say for rattlesnakes is that, unlike Republicans, they usually don’t bite each other.
@ 86
Their biggest mistake was not growing a backbone and standing up to you lying, thieving perverts when they had the chance.
Now, Roger. No sense reliving your side’s primary season failures. Bernie Sanders is a patriot and an elder statesman, and he is to be respected.
Really, though, it was opportunity lost. She was so awful. So, so incredibly awful. And really, you have not learned. Just look at the person still running the DNC.
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president. Why Brazile is not shunned for the things she did is a mystery, really.
@ 87
The Seattle Times ran an editorial today summing up Ogama’s legacy. Unlike many ST editorials, it’s objective, well reasoned, moderate in tone, and not partisan.
Perhaps so, but is it signed?
How many Seattleites won’t subscribe to @SeattleTimes because of its editorials? Unsigned editorials damage newspaper credibility and sales.
4:04 PM – 23 Sep 2016
@89 By “Seattle Times editorial board. Editorial board members are editorial page editor Kate Riley, Frank A. Blethen, Donna Gordon Blankinship, Brier Dudley, Mark Higgins, Jonathan Martin, William K. Blethen (emeritus) and Robert C. Blethen (emeritus).”
Which you would be able to read for yourself if you put on your reading glasses.
@88 As I said, Boob, we elites will do fine. We can adapt to any situation, even when the masses are being asses. That’s why we’re elites, isn’t it?
@ 90
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, The Nation
wouldn’t consider that a signed editorial.
Neither would Goldy.
You’re not @ 91 elite. You’re a shill. Before that you were a failed attorney. You brag about your financial accomplishments, when most people with a law degree would consider your lot in life to be a failed one.
Although there’s a bright side, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: Due to your financial failures, just think of the various subsidies your offspring, and then theirs, will receive in the future.
That’s winning, YLB-style.
A legislative committee of South Dakota’s GOP-controlled legislature has voted 9-5 against a rule making it unethical for legislators to have sexual contact with legislative interns and pages.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans like that young meat too much to give it up.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Waiting for Dori Monson to blame @Seahawks loss on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage.
Well, sure, if you’re gonna use the antiquated final score measure to determine the winner, it was Atlanta.
But really, it should be a popular vote contest, (amirite?), and Seattle is more likable
than Atlanta, so Seattle should truly be declared the winner of yesterday’s game.
You’re likable enough, Seahawks.
More to the point, unlike #CrookedHillary, you’ll come out on top once again someday.
@92 You’re still working. I don’t have to. That’s elite enough for me.
But you’ll get no argument from me that being a doctor sucking on the Medicare teat is a better gig for lazy bloodsucking leeches like us than being an attorney doing honest work for a government salary. You win that one.
The “masses” arent being asses.
Elites won the majority vote by a very healthy margin.
Elites unseated toothless sister-fucking pig ignorant racist hillbillies at every level.
And Elites will benefit very nicely from the coming hillbilly tax cuts. Elite colleges will only improve. Our businesses will thrive. Our portfolios will grow. And our cities and communities will prosper while growing more diverse, better educated, and more progressive.
@94 Somehow what starts out as a discussion of a football game quickly morphs into an elegy to fascists with disagreeable personalities. I’m impressed by how you did that, Boob.
Carl Ballard Retweeted
igorvolsky @igorvolsky 5h5 hours ago
igorvolsky Retweeted Mark Joseph Stern
This is just WOW. Constituents should confront their members about ACA replacement plans at every single town hall.
Seems fair.
Google “Democrats running from ACA”. I wonder if there will be as many hits as the Dems got.
And really, had Dems swept the ’16 election, constituents should also have confronted their members about ACA at every single town hall.
Your ilk made the mess. You just might not like the clean-up from it.
Obummer’s CIA Director attacks Donald Trump…
Here’s what that ZERO has said over the years…
** Top Obama Advisor John Brennan Says Team Obama Will Reach Out to “Moderate” Elements of Hezbollah
** Top Obama Advisor John Brennan: 20% Recidivism Rate For Gitmo Detainees Is Not That Bad
** CIA Director After ISIS Istanbul Massacre: Brexit More of a Threat Than ISIS
** After #Pulse Club Massacre…. CIA Director Tells Congress he’s Focusing on “Diversity”
** John Brennan calls Jerusalem “Al Quds”
Yeah, what a winner… Goodbye!
#CrookedHillary Clinton will never, ever be president.
Patty Murray is too stupid and ineffectual to be elected statewide.
Just ask the Republicans in 1992.
And in 1998.
And in 2004.
And in 2010.
And also last year.
Live on your knees.
@ 97
Somehow what starts out as an Electoral College-determined election morphs into a shoulda-been National Popular Vote election when your side royally fucks up a golden opportunity handed to it by the GOP’s primary clusterfuck. I’m wholly unimpressed by how you did that, but I’m not at all surprised at your effort.
Elections have consequences when either side wins, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Next time don’t go with such a horrid candidate. Look at how much you will have lost.
Stupidity should be painful.
@ 100
Don’t forget Harry Reid, who made a career of winning squeaker Senate elections, one after the other.
Damn, right now I’m feeling glad he pulled off that last one.
Aren’t you?
“Before that you were a failed attorney.”
Because he didn’t parlay being an attorney into the big bucks. That makes you what? A better man and a better doctor than this guy?
Dr. Jonas Salk. Doctor Dumbfuck’s idea of a failed doctor. He didn’t cash in.
You can peddle it to us non-buyers of your bullshit all you want, but your sense of superiority is merely a structurally defective construct which exists solely in your fucked up head.
@ 103
I suppose that for a party who compared Obama to The Messiah, I really shouldn’t be surprised that one of its members saw fit to compare Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit to Jonas Salk.
Lessee, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was a useless idiot who ended up with little to show for his career and spends the rest of his days bragging about not working and trying to make the rest of us believe he is a financial wizard. He holds the honor of most prolific HA spewer.
Jonas Salk spent a life hard at work and right up until he died was attempting to create a vaccine to combat the AIDS virus. He held a presidential medal of freedom.
Steve, your command of equivalence? This is part of why your side lost last Fall.
Think on your sins.
Horseshit. You have no knowledge whatsoever what Roger may or may not have achieved in law. You judge Roger as an attorney for not cashing in. That’s your only measure. I compare you to Salk in the same way. It speaks to your values, which are fucked up. It also speaks to your comments, which have descended to being nothing but dumbfuckery sprinkled with pro-Putin hashtags. Elevate your fucking game.
Most “sin” is a whole lot of fun.
And thats what Elites expect for the next 18 months until the hillbillies revolt and depose Vlad’s hand puppet.
I’ll be meeting with a bunch of judges next week to go over the design of a new state courthouse. It’ll cross my mind that Doctor Dumbfuck believes they’re all a bunch of “useless idiots” as he does Roger because they’re spending their “nothing to show for it” careers in the public sector rather than in the private sector cashing in.
@98 This editorial cartoon (from today’s Seattle Times) looks like a winner.
@104 You got me there, Boob. I’m greedy like you, but not as good at it. Greed comes naturally to Republicans, whereas I’m still learning. And, like you, I spend all my time spewing useless partisan propaganda on HA. Jonas Salk would laugh at both of us, as well he should, because we’re two of a kind.
“I suppose that for a party who compared Obama to The Messiah”
Doctor Dumbfuck has been reduced to making up shit about “The One”. Probably due to too much time spent with Limbaugh and Hannity prattling on about “the Messiah”, the “Anointed One”, and “The One” more times than the doctor has left us hashtags about a “crook” who has never been convicted of a crime.
Speaking of things messianic, remember this?
“The One”
How’d that work out for Doctor Dumbfuck?
“Sarah Palin Slips into Self-Parody”
Not so good. Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck needs to pick better messiahs.
Jesus Fuck. The last four Republican presidents gave us “I’m not a crook”, Chevy Chase, Bedtime for Bozo, “JOBS, JOBS, JOBS”, “My Pet Goat”, and now the next hasn’t even taken office yet and he’s already given us “small hands”, “pussy grabbing” and “golden showers”.
Keep up the good work, Doctor Dumbfuck.
Well lookee here, Reince Priebus went on teevee this afternoon and said President Obama should “step up” and vouch for President-Elect Trump’s legitimacy. “You didn’t have Republicans questioning whether or not Obama legitimately beat John McCain in 2008,” Priebus added.
No, we didn’t. We merely had Republicans questioning whether Obama was an American citizen, asserting his birth certificate was forged and his birth announcement in the Honolulu newspaper was fake, and loudly proclaiming that he was an illegitimate president. But they never questioned the fact that he soundly beat Senator McCain at the ballot box.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans have been hypocrites their entire lives, so why should they change now? Besides, we’re not questioning Trump’s legitimacy. We accept the election results. The only things we’re talking about are his racism, bigotry, sexual assaults, childlike temperament, policy ignorance, conflicts of interest, perverted behavior with Russian prostitutes, and whether he’s Putin’s stooge.
Not much to show for Obama being the messiah that’s coming from the left. But the right and Obama as the Antichrist? That’s a different story, although some believe he is the seventh king of the Book of Revelation. The loon believes the Pope is the Antichrist, so I can’t hang that one on him.
“The Antichrist and President Obama”
@112 Yes, yes, Obama is the Antichrist who will soon seize the U.N. in order to impose a world government on us, the Rev. Duck assures us.
“The President has a duty and obligation to comply with the law, but again he’s exempt from almost all of these things,” Chaffetz said. “Now the Emoluments Clause, he’s going to have to look at, and we’ll see how that rolls out.”
United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 9, PP 8:
“No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.”
Is any of that unclear somehow? This man Chaffetz, who has spent the entirety of his legislative career doing literally nothing other than hounding a woman who “might someday” become a candidate for President. Now, he’s openly stating that he will defy Constitutional Law as he sees fit, as it apparently no longer applies to anyone not firmly ensconced in the Republican Party Hierarchy.
You know why these guys were going after her so hard? Because she believes in the Rule of Law. The Republicans believe only in the Rule of Man, that is, a King. They don’t care what The Don does, as long as they get to keep their seats in Congress and they continue to make money on everything they touch.
As President, she would have enforced the Law. I think, pretty damn well, and they would have been the targets for this as they are all apparently Felons of one type or another. Hell, much of the time they don’t even deny it. Clinton had a pretty strong reputation as a hellava litigator, and was as sharp a Lawyer as anyone could be. She ran rings around guys like this.
They hate her for the same reasons that criminals hate Prosecuting Attorneys. They hated Obama because he was the same sort of individual. He knew the Constitution all the way around and inside, and out.
Oh, that, and the fact that he had African ancestry, which is really the greater part of their hatred.
Congratulations Conservatives, you put the Russian Mob and their domestic representatives in charge of the entire US Government. You sold the nation out to a man who would rather see a nuke dropped on San Francisco than lose a couple hundred $Million in a business deal. If he can make a buck off of something, he will. And that includes any military conflict we might enter in to.
He’s fucking Milo Minderbinder on methamphetamine and steroids, and he has nobody to tell him no, about anything.
@114 Most Republicans have always thought themselves exempt from nearly all laws. There’s nothing new about that.
That is a good sharp ad that has Martin Sheen in it. I don’t agree with the caption, as it’s about getting money out of politics. Or at least evening the playing field by placing limits.
This is one area our alleged politicians in robes don’t really understand politics though. Some justices do have a real understanding of how politics, political parties ect actually work. They are most likely not to be even nominated to the Supreme court. So we end up with justices who have spent the last 10 to 20 years on the appeal and trial Federal courts, which means we don’t get enough of a breadth of different experiences on the court. We really could use a Joe or Sandy on the court.
“he has nobody to tell him no”
They have only themselves.
Wall? Nope.
Dirty Mexican Roundup? Nope.
Filthy Mooslim ban? Nope.
Giant “infrastructure” jobs bill? Nope.
VA waiting times eliminated? Nope.
Get to keep your doctor? Nope. You don’t even get to keep your insurance.
Lock her up? Nope.
Re-opening the shipyards? Nope.
That’s all just a rumor that was spread around town by the women and children.
The list of nos grows daily. And The Hillbilly Pervert Jesus isn’t even sworn in yet.
I get my giant tax cuts. That’s for sure.
But all Comrade-President Elect Pepe gets are his appointments and an oversight free hand to make of them what he will. And that is all. Ryan won’t even give him money for a fucking Cyclone fence. The Hillbillies have been had. Again. Big fucking surprise.
Don’t forget Harry Reid, who made a career of winning squeaker Senate elections, one after the other.
We were not talking about “squeaker” elections. We were talking about elections where Republicans opposed Patty Murray.
Do try to keep up.
Live on your knees.
So unsurprising, it’s hardly worth noting.
“Conn. Republican Arrested On Charge Of Grabbing Woman’s P*ssy”
@114 and @115 You are worried about this section that is being taken out of context particularly if you read the plain language and calling Republicans lawbreakers when Obama has suspended Habeas Corpus?
So why is it some service members have gotten France’s Legion of Merit and other foreign medals? And the article does not cover the Russian mob after all it was perfectly ok to deal with that pirate Jean Lafayette in New Orleans if you were a business man.
@119 Please let us know the outcome of the criminal case.
@100 A squeaker might be a good thing for the Senator and citizens of Washington. Of course she is now the embodiment of our typical Senator who will be returned to the Senate by the voters, Her Washington insider ticket has been stamped a couple of times now. Perhaps having the Legislature vote for Senators had a point, at least it was entertaining and kept the legislators busy for a day or more. Would our Legislature send her to the Senate? Who would they send and why?
@116 “We really could use a Joe or Sandy on the court.”
Sure, why not a bricklayer or waitress on the Supreme Court?
While there are some concerns about a rich guy with foreign business deals being our next President are more than a bit overblown. Our first President was a rich guy (as were several of the first 9 Presidents) and he almost did not accept the $25,000 annual salary congress gave him. He took it so the Presidency was not limited to rich men who could afford to be President without being paid. (Of course he expected Congress to pay his expenses, but something about 6 white horses Congress found excessive and passed the salary.)
Clearly these early Presidents had other income and businesses. Some of the current arguments are about things that have become commonplace only in the past 50 years. Still when you consider President Washington perhaps there is a lot of unnecessary thunder out there.
@120 Well, actually, the president has authority to suspend habeas corpus in cases of rebellion or invasion. Now, whether the South Dakota protests fit that interpretation is open to debate, I guess.
@124 Was Washington cutting real estate deals with King George? Or getting peed on by London prostitutes?
@7 Or in part the cost of government doing a major project. Eisenhower’s mega project the Federal Super Highway system didn’t come in under budget or on time. Some sections came in under but they were the exception, and benefited from experience of what had been built.
A system built for profit would try to build such a system as quickly as possible. Buying the land quietly and then getting the crews out and building it, getting more bang out of those 2009 dollars. Overruns may happen but they will tend to be smaller, and things like environmental reviews will be ignored if possible, done sloppily, or just fabricated. The best solution won’t be used if it’s too costly. (Which is why there is a viaduct in Seattle.) Earthquakes: What earthquakes California is totally stable.
Of course there could have been some low estimates to sell the project.
Hee, hee.
Good ol’ Eb and the rest of the inbred sister-fucking Hooterville hillbillies got conned again by that darned Mr. Haney!
That weekly countdown is really “living rent-free” in the empty space between the babbling jackass’ ears!
Nice to know it! Next week it will be SO NICE to hang in the HA threads without that puerile babbling from that insane troll..
So nice.. Life is good!!
@25 Then again some maybe shadow Democrats.
Fo Fo could be Republican light. He is a politician who wanted to be elected sometimes you gotta run with the Bulls and sometimes the Bears. A capitalist as Roger shoudl know that. Maybe a little research is required before broad brush strokes.
@123 Why not? We are a nation of talented individuals who are free people. Why not have the common person on the court. Are they too ignoble? Too ignorant? Why could not one man of the ten tribes qualify to participate on the court? Or is it only for a few select perfect individuals like Justice Scalia? You loved his as a court justice or would you have preferred a brick layer? So when will we have a Native American on the court? Or an Asian?
@125 That would be Congress with that power. And when Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus (probably a correct move on his part when he did it) the Supreme Court did rule the action unconstitutional. We won’t know if the President could apply it to the protests up there in the Dakota’s (the oil companies would love it if he did) until a President does it, and someone has actually been harmed by the action. That should apply to the guys being held at a place President Obama promised to close in part because when he put his constitutional scholar hat on it seemed to candidate Obama a breach of habeas corpus as wrong. Not so much President Obama.
@126 How about that Thomas Jefferson guy. Another plantation owner. Buyer of foreign wines particularly French. Hobnobbed with the King of France, Also hobnobbed later with some folks close to King George. And George Washington did have a commission in the Kings army up until 1776 and was a loyal citizen to King George. Who knows what kind of deals he had in old England. Odd no George Washington slept here outside of any bed breakfasts in jolly England. I don’t think they have forgiven the old boy yet.
@39 Well it did not happen in 1974. Nixon resigned before the House voted. It has been argued that Nixon should not have resigned, as the Democrats did not have enough votes and could only impeach Nixon with Republican votes. Perhaps he should have hung in there as the Republicans thought they had the votes in impeach Clinton, and way back when the Republicans thought they had the votes to impeach Andrew Johnson a life long Democrat, but a Republican when he was Vice President, but failed by one vote. And it’s entirely possible the Republicans may have tried impeaching Lincoln if he hadn’t been assassinated, Winning a civil war also has consequences.
I hear Trump will be wearing his old military school dress uniform at the inauguration.
Republicans aren’t satisfied to legalize carrying guns in kindergartens, daycares, churches, schools, and movie theaters. Now, they want mass killers to have silencers, too.
This “Golden Shower” business. I wonder if that’s why Trump turned orange? The urine of mutant prostitutes born in Chernobyl? And is it true that there’s video tape of them mocking Trump for his, um, small hands?
@130 Yeah, uh-huh, refusing to recognize MLK’s birthday is a Democratic thing. Republicans would never do that. Yeah right. Now we have three babbling jackass trolls on this blog.
@131 I don’t have a problem with an Asian or Native American on SCOTUS who is a lawyer capable of handling the complexity of the legal issues that come before the court. For example, someone who can read this opinion, then demonstrate that s/he is conversant with the court rules and procedures, legal concepts, legal issues, statutes and common law, and precedents bearing on the case before the Court, and is capable of factual and legal analysis at this level.
Law, like any other profession, requires specialized knowledge, training, and experience. It’s possible for a bricklayer or waitress to fill a job as a surgeon, astronomer, computer programmer, airline pilot, or Supreme Court justice if s/he has the relevant background and skills. Laying bricks or waiting tables does not disqualify one from any of those jobs, if one has the relevant qualifications, but lack of requisite qualifications does.
@137 We’ll find out when Putin decides to call in his chits.
Oh SPPS @110,
You really are one DAYUM moron. DUMMOCRETINS called Obummer “the messiah”
Puddy has covered this many times SPPS, butt you choose to forget and act stoooooooooopid which everyone knows comes naturally! Remember all those halo shots like this…
Google these names you idiot…
Barbara Walters
Ezra Klein
Oprah Winfrey
Toni Morrison
Chris Matthews
Mark Morford
Charles Rangel
Louis Farrakhan
DNC Artwork
James Hickman
Mark F. Bozzuti-Jones
Frank James
“This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light.” – Michelle Obummer [A good one]
“Barack is our Savior” – Michelle Obummer [the best one]
“Apostle Barack” – Barbara A. Thompson {another good one]
And there are others using messianic terminology about Obummer SPPS!
Your move sucka! Prove that 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady doesn’t exist!
Not much to show for Obama being the messiah that’s coming from the left.
That’s because SPPS @112 you have 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady! Puddy has many entries on HA DUMMOCRETINS with the national DUMMOCRETINS own words. See #141 sucka!
Sux to be SPPS!
Poor poor vomit producing froggy @115,
DUMMOCRETINS in Congress passed a law in 1989 which exempted the president and vice president. Puddy gave this information last week to the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit!
Maybe instead of spreading smelly froggy vomit everywhere you should go back in time and speak to Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill!
Wow Obama has suspended Habeas Corpus and the response from the retired lawyer was @125?
Amazing how the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit delivers weasel words as needed!
fetid arschloch @129 see #61,
Do the pig ignorant sister-fucking racist hillbillies ever stop to wonder how many RU 486 DIY abortion kits have been distributed over the decades by Vlad’s tax cheating golden showering perverted hand puppet?
When a voter is confronted with evidence that he’s a gullible moron, and absolutely nothing else works, he can always resort to denial.
Meanwhile, Drumpf is now accusing the CIA director of leaking his Russian whore dossier.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Putin’s gotta be ROFLHFAO.
I have had a few issues with the way HSR in California is being built. It’s easy to build in the Central Valley for now, although land acquisition in the cities is a hurdle. The toughest part is Tehachapi, and it would have been a good idea to ask the Swiss Federalike Railway if a base tunnel like the recently opened Gothard Bse Tunnel would work.
Also, the San Francisco Peninsula line will be upgraded so part of the blended plan, with electrification. The Stadler KISS EMU ‘s have two sets of doors, one on the lower deck , and another on the mezzanine level, to accommodate the high floors of the rolling stock to be used with hsr. There are efforts to maintain cargo operations at the Port of San Francisco, and Union Pacific still has three freights on the Peninsula line, but not enough traffic that they are spinning it off to a short line. This is one where I hope that the biggest short line operator in the US wins it, because Genesee and Wyoming owns few operations in Europe, and one in Holland runs with Electric Locomotives. The Peninsula line is perfect territory to try Bombardier ‘s TRAXX Last Mile locomotive.
Do the pig ignorant sister-fucking racist hillbillies ever stop to wonder how many RU 486 DIY abortion kits have been distributed over the decades by Vlad’s tax cheating golden showering perverted hand puppet?
No, butt we can see how one of those RU 486 kits failed miserably and unfortunately we have Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Elijah Dominic McDotCom @146 spewing worthless recycled DUMMOCRETIN hate in every thread multiple times per day! CDC data proves DUMMOCRETINS abort more babies everyday. Need to view it again? It’s so bad California will not submit their state data to the CDC because like the 2016 vote, so many DUMMOCRETIN babies are overwhelmingly aborted in DUMMOCRETIN cities!
Sux to be Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Elijah Dominic McDotCom!
Maybe you should change your name to Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom! No one gets a rise anymore from your vile insipid bile. Each day we witness the full dysfunction of that femtometer sized single celled amoeba in that neanderthal granite encased cranial orifice!
Butt butt butt ERF @149,
The vomit producing deadfrog from @12 told everyone that HSR was only being built for Casino magnates in Las Vegas to get car-less people en-mass to Vegas! And we know how many times the vomit producing deadfrog has been right on this blog. You can count those two times on your left hand!
Why your left hand? Because you wipe your butt with your left hand and eat with your right hand. The filth spewed by the vomit producing deadfrog is only wipe-able.
It looks like the loon is more batshit insane and full of hate than ever. Sad!