White House: West Wing Week.
- Young Turks: Could Dems block Supreme Court nominations for entire Трамп term?
- Sam Seder: Republicans are now saying that obstructing SCOTUS nominees is wrong!?!
Trevor with Keegan-Michael Key: A final address from Obama’s Anger Translator:
Farron Cousins: Paul Ryan attaches Planned Parenthood defunding provision to Obamacare repeal.
Young Turks: Proof Republicans don’t give a shit about ethics.
Michelle Obama’s says goodbye as FLOTUS.
Трамп—The Putin Poodle, Sexual Assaulting, Serial Philanderer, Scam Artist Goes to Washington:
- Stephen: Трамп Tweets tough, but he has nothing on Jesus.
- Maddow with Chuck Schumer: Donald Трамп captured by hard right.
- David Pakman: Трамп spokesidiot wants Hillary “punished” for “trying to influence election”!
- Trevor: Russia/Трамп reacts to President Obama’s Sanctions
- Olbermann: What did Трамп know and when did he know it?
- Sam Seder: Kellyanne Conway thinks its unfair That Dems won’t help destroy Obamacare
- Young Turks: Трамп on Russian hacking
- James Corden: Hillary Clinton will make Трамп’s inauguration awkward.
- Maddow: Republicans shift Donald Трамп coverage with packed schedule
- Jimmy Kimmel explains how truth works.
- Is Трамп a crony capitalist?
- Young Turks: Трамп takes aim at CIA
- David Pakman: Трамп whines that hearing was delayed. It wasn’t. Officials call out his lie.
- Olbermann: Still supporting Трамп? This message is for you:
- Sam Seder: Bernie shows YUGE Трамп Tweets on the floor…
- Ari Melber: Donald Трамп biographer thrown out of Трамп golf course
- Farron Cousins: New study confirms racism, sexism propelled Трамп into office
- Some House Members object to the Electoral College vote.
- David Pakman: Why hasn’t anyone hacked Трамп’s tax returns.
- Young Turks: What is the T. R. U. M. P. act?
- Stephen: ТрампCare and “Intelligence”
- Late Night: Трамп and Cover
- PsychoSuperMom: It’s My Patriotic Duty (To Make As Much Fun Of Trump As I Can)
- Joy-Ann Reid: Donald Трамп’s lack pf acts for inauguration getting under his skin
- David Pakman: Трамп is so hated, he has to go to British singers for inauguration entertainment.
- Maddow: Resistance to Donald Трамп grows with local roots
- James Corden: Трамп Tweets.
Ways Hitler was like a teenage girl.
Young Turks: Republicans ban live-streaming from the floor…what do they have to hide?
Vice News: Seattle’s trans law enforcement.
David Pakman: Republican’s bizarre attempt to prevent Supreme Court from citing their prior ObamaCare cases!!!.
Sam Seder: GOP Rep’s Twitter poll BACKFIRES BIGLY, shows YUGE support for Obamacare.
The 2017 Congressional Clown Show:
- Trevor: House Republicans grapple with backlash on ethics vote:
- Farron Cousins: Voter backlash forced Republicans to abandon plans to destroy Ethics Committee.
- Mark Fiore: De-Obamafication.
Obama: President Obama on social progress and equality.
Sam Seder: Megyn Kelly pretends to be sad about leaving FAUX News to join the real “Journalists” at NBC.
Stop Jeff Sessions.
Young Turks: What is Obama’s real record on the economy?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Trying to eliminate the ethics watchdog, very interesting. It would have been better if the ethics committees actually worked,
Good Morning everyone. Nostrovia!
Why do the trolls do nothing but talk abut Hillary and Bernie? Why don’t they talk about Trump and how much they support him?
Ohhhh, wait a minute. I get it they don’t support him. And instead of posting how great he will make America all they have is talk about Hillary and Bernie. They want no accountability – they never have in life. They are not accountable for anything. Their whole lives failures have been because of Democrats and now Hillary.
You schmucks need to get a life.
You own this and you built this and elections have consequences and you breathing has consequences.. Good thing there will hopefully be one big Kaboom!
The biggest troll in sheep’s clothing is Abigail Adams.
1 thru 4 – All of you are trolls, too. Everyone who wastes his or her time bullshitting on blogs is a troll.
Republican censorship of art has begun.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No process, no review, no committee, no nothing — a GOP congressman simply removed an artwork belonging to someone else that he didn’t like. I’m not endorsing the picture, or saying it should stay; all I’m saying is we don’t need some vigilante deciding what people can see, and there needs to be an orderly process for dealing with artworks that some people may find objectionable.
It might not work with normal people.
But when it comes to the dumb assed toothless uneducated rural sister fucking rednecks that Pres. Elect Derp depends on, any scapegoat will do.
When two term Pres.Obama and Sec Clinton are no longer available, theyll find some other enemy to demonize. Its always someone else with the hiĺlbillies. Somebody somewhere will always be taking away their Twinkies or 64 oz Big Gulps or Latvian child porn.
Women still can’t go no respect from campus cops.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A hefty legal judgment might change their minds. In fact, for generations, tort lawyers have been in the forefront of social change. Which helps explain why Republicans push “tort reform” to take away your right to sue people who do you harm.
Meanwhile, a Philadelphia pizza deliveryman who was shot in the head, face, and leg by plainclothes cops who mistook him for a robbery suspect has settled for $4.4 million. As usual, the cops will keep their jobs, and taxpayers will get stuck with the legal bills.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, the pizza guy is black, in case you’re wondering.
@3 Of course they didn’t support Putin’s buddy. Hell, they’ve never even heard of him. Don’t you know Boob is a Bernie Bro? Own this shit? Of course not! They’re Republicans. They don’t take responsibility for anything. It’s all Clinton’s fault! If she had won, like she was supposed to, none of this would have happened.
@5 Sorry, Jack, you’re entitled to your opinions, but not to your own dictionary. A troll is “a person who posts inflammatory or inappropriate messages or comments online for the purpose of upsetting other users and provoking a response.”
Because HA is a liberal blog, liberal commentary is not trolling, only rightwing jackasses like you are trolls on this blog.
@7 Yep, when Russia hacks the DNC, it’s the Democrats’ fault.
I wonder when it’ll occur to President-elect Derp that if Putin spied on Hillary, he probably spied on Derp, too? Derp will find out when Putin says to him, “This is what I have on you, and here is what I want from you.” This is why you don’t put a child in a grownup job.
@6 all that needs to happen is to open up a Museum for Art called “Art you will not see in Capitol Hill” and locate it as close to Capitol Hill as possible.
Shove it down their throats.
Republicans may be right: Humans could be triggering a new Ice Age.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even so, weather and climate are two different things. Snow on the ground doesn’t disprove climate change.
@14 won’t be long before they stop saying how cold it is outside and that it can’t possibly be Global “Warming”. Dipshits don’t realize what Climate Change is. Next they’ll be saying, “see look how Hot it is!”
Half of the Repukes don’t know what a combustion engine is. And if they didn’t drive a car themselves they wouldn’t believe it was real even after seeing one speed by them.
But at this point in time why worry about Global Warming/Climate Change (what ever you want to call it regardless of what is right or wrong), we Nuclear Don to worry about.
@ 9 RR
“When two term Pres. Obama and Sec Clinton are no longer available, they’ll find some other enemy to demonize.”
Don’t worry. They’re already setting up the Jews for the next round.
If progressives really want to protest the destruction of everything they hold dear, they should start by canceling cable on inauguration day. Make a real statement.
17 – Not much chance of that happening. They’d not be able to see CNN, MSNBC, RT-TV, or CNBC.
They’d still have ABC, CBS, PBS and NBC, however.
Trump’s NSC communications director is a plagiarist.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not really surprised. When have you ever met a Republican who didn’t steal something?
Who needs a teevee? Just don’t take away my internet tubes.
I haven’t watched tv since the election. Use to watch only MSNBC news pretty much, but not interested in seeing how much mass destruction and death, bullshit and hypocracy there is and will be. Reading it, in NYC’s two daily (FREE!)newspapers, Metro and AM Daily, and the Internet is bad enough. Good comic relief if you can muster to laugh. And I get those two newspapers more so to do the crossword and soduko puzzles as well as the NYC news.
Trolls don’t like the media because they can’t handle the truth.
I’m sure some of the regulations are a burden. But I think I’d need to see the balance sheet before having any sympathy for this establishment.
And I would have to have further knowledge on details but a lot of business in NYC generate more expenses for the municipality then other business that would ultimately be pushed upon the tax payer. The generate lots of waste as one example. Who pays for the garbage collection? Do they? Or does the city? That’s just one example.
18, 19,
Sister fucking redneck racist pig ignorant Trailer Trump American really doesn’t understand how “the media” works any more than it understands who “the blacks” are.
This may partly explain why it has been so easy for vodka drunk Russian teenagers and Comrade-President Elect Derp to ram their arms up their asses and work them like hand puppets.
Some day the memorabilia documenting this travesty of Trailer Trump American shame and self harm will be priceless artifacts of “Americana”.
The Seattle Times’ death spiral continues.
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit @9,
The city is Philly. Run by DUMMOCRETINS voted by DUMMOCRETINS. They get the police force they voted for by the government. Yeah he was black. Fast trigger finger police in a DUMMOCRETIN city!
Sux to be you!
Seems a plagiarist became a DUMMOCRETIN VP! Nuff said sucka!
Sux to be you!
When you want to post real news, you are blocked… https://twitter.com/pnehlen/status/817899197898833920?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
Did you notice how many posts the fetid arschloch delivered on Puddy and sunset yesterday? A new record… FIVE FIVE POSTS
Puddy PWNS the fetid gaseous excreting arschloch all the time and FIVE TIMES more on FRIDAYS!
@ 26
The Seattle Times’ death spiral continues.
Hey, anyone remember the Committee for a Two-Newspaper Town?
Even when the P-I “died”, we heard it wasn’t really dead:
“The thing that should not be missed here is that the P-I is not going away. The P-I is going online,” Oglesby said in an interview. “Nobody is happy about the newspaper going away. That’s a sad thing. The editorial voice is still going to be here.”
The New York Times will die before the Seattle Times will.
What’s better than that is that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will die even sooner.
This says it all! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfux_C6u0lI
A federal judge has ruled that the Republican racists who rule the city of Pasadena, Texas, where the majority of the population is Hispanic but no Latinos occupy city council offices, violated the Voting Rights Act with their gerrymandering.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t move to Texas, Puffy. You won’t be welcome there. Even if you can convince them you’re a traitor to your race, they only want white White Power voters; black White Power voters need not apply.
@31 If some of your patients are dead, but I’m still here, what does that say about you? =:-D<
@27 et seq.: The Saturday night salt mining shift is over. Fuck.
“The Saturday night salt mining shift is over. Fuck.”
The loon self-bans himself one day a week. That’s a start.
“If some of your patients are dead, but I’m still here, what does that say about you?”
Doctor Dumbfuck goes through life with a sign on his forehead that reads “KILL ME”. But he’s such a dumbfuck, he’ll likely be quite surprised when someone finally obliges him.
traitor to your race early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit?
Some people woke up and realized the DUMMOCRETIN way hasn’t been too good for black people!
The NYT grew 130,000 paid dig the week Comrade-President Elect Derp lost the popular vote. Stupid toothless sister-fucking hillbilly Trailer Trump Americans will cut their own VA benefits, blow up the debt, lose their trailers, and shoot themselves in their junk all while increasing NYT circ.
All the stupid hillbillies are precious. But most precious of all are the ones who think they’re smart.
The Times made a huge mistake when they moved from afternoon to morning distribution; I canceled my subscription at that time, and have never regretted it. Having two newspapers — even web-only ones — on twelve-hour alternating news cycles had served this town really well. Just another brilliant private-sector decision which hurt everyone affected.
Also, as Goldy has noted, the Times editorial page is the last right-wing blog now remaining in Seattle. Reading how corporate interests oppose popular interests keeps everyone reminded of the need to restrain corporate power. Losing that reminder would not be good for this town.
It’s good to see Obama is taking some responsibility. It’s obviously hard to hide that you are black.
Obama Says He Takes ‘Some Responsibility’ For Democrats’ Loss Of Power
Democrats will never recover politically until they learn to quit apologizing for being younger, fitter, smarter, healthier, better educated, wealthier, happier, and morally superior.
It’s time to start owning it.
@ 39
About that NYT subscriber bump:
Give the Facts. Give the World. Give The Times.
This holiday, treat them to a Times subscription.
Get up to 50% off.
We’ll see it they retain them.
Don’t forget to try to weasel out of this too, you incredibly stupid sister fucking toothless Trailer Trump American:
The New York Times will die before the Seattle Times will.
When you aren’t too preoccupied with fitting out your truck with a coal-rolling kit, plinking cans in the backyard with your AR, and scamming for more Oxy don’t forget you have a few other promises to keep: 9 million deportations, the border wall that Mexico is paying for, 3 million new coal miner jobs, ban on Muslims, massive new tariffs, “lock the bitch up”, cancel NAFTA, “take out” Iran and “seize” the oil, affordable healthcare for all without mandates or taxes, ending global terrorism, and balancing the budget while cutting taxes. 100 days hillbilly. You may already have enough on your plate without adding the demise of the NYT. Comrade-Pres. Elect Derp and his Teabag Army gonna cure cancer and fix the college football playoffs too?
Of course. Yes, yes. You all have great big brains and the best words. That, a Twitter account, and a 24 pack of Keystone Light. The world is your Rocky Mountain oyster.
@ 44
That noise is not ‘plink’.
@38 Well, then, see if you can get a better deal from the party that has just been taken over by white supremacists. Go ahead, be my guest. Hahahahahaha …
In just 12 days, all the conspiracy nuts who proclaimed that Obama would be our last president, wouldn’t surrender power peacefully, etc., will be shown up for the idiots they are.
All the folks who called Rep. McDermott “Congressman-for-life” have already been proven completely wrong. Expect them to admit it the way Republicans
in 2009admitted they’d twice voted for W.@45,
oh, whoops. My bad.
Here you go:
What Trailer Trump America sounds like.
Cheers, stupid hillbillies!
I just tried something, and it works.
@ 44 reads especially well if you do it with One Tin Soldier playing in the background.
Here, let me help:
wait, seriously?
Holy fuck that is just awesomely, howlingly perfect!
The Party of PTSD! Re-litigating the only war they ever lost. Because they lost.
I honestly recommend you jump in your truck right now, drive down to “The Ave” from wherever (Maltby? Granite Falls?) and punch out the first hippie you see. Just keep circling the block. One is bound to show up eventually!
You get what you vote for:
” … if the ACA is ‘repealed’ and not ‘replaced,’ communities that voted for Trump would see some of the biggest drops in coverage.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What can we say? Elections have consequences.
Where’s Goldy’s Bible study this week?
@44 Why not? They persuaded the New York Giants to lay down for Aaron Rodgers.
@53 Probably stuck in an airport on the east coast.
Was Goldy out of town this past week?
@52 I use to defend ACA but now I can’t wait till it is repealed and not replaced. Ohh, I can’t wait. Needs to happen tomorrow! Fuck the People!
I want to see that Republican Congresswoman, that was crying when the Supreme Court Upheld, with a big smile on her face, jumping for joy and screaming alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Poor Elijah still trying to figure out if it should use the mens or womens restroom.
at what? The big dirty urine soaked professional sports palace?
I’ll pass.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I mean, for you it’s fine. More than fine. Well done! Way to go! You’ve worked so hard for all those years gobbling down unspeakable mounds of your supervisor’s serial humiliations. You’ve earned yourself another glamorous night out watching half millionaires crippling each other while eating pig snout dogs slathered with pump cheese washed down with flat lager. Not too many lagers, though. Remember that long drive home on the crowded freeways back to your pre-fabricated vinyl hillbilly castle by the casino in Puyallup. She’s waiting up for you.
@59 Yup. The ascendance of hillbilly culture is at hand. And folk remedies will make a comeback now that the morons who voted Republican aren’t going to have professional health care.
why not? They already eat clay.
Meryl Streep uses the Golden Globes to call out Trump for the lowlife he is. Good for her.
@59 Chromosome North Carolina.
Too funny
Wow early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit, Puddy can see how you are drawn to unimaginative and uncreative speech commentary! Did Meryl forget those dead journalists in Syria and Iraq and their need for protection?
How about her attack on American football and mixed martial arts combat? Apparently you hate them too!
No wonder why Hollyweird’s influence is waning! Puddy notices you still get your whoop dee dos from the barely graduating high school drug and alcohol problematic types! People who create fake realities are right up your alley early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit! You need to have Hollyweird to make your miserable life feel good. Puddy has a great life. Puddy don’t need plastic people to tell Puddy how to think!
Clint Eastwood was right. Discussing facts with the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit is just like talking to an empty chair!
Maybe Meryl should have discussed the bad home training these city dwelling trailer trash youth received under Obummer! Don Lemon and Symone Sanders did! http://www.zerohedge.com/news/.....ecial-need
If this had been perpetrated on a black special needs person by four whites, Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Elijah Dominic McDotCom along with every libtard on the libtard msm would be denouncing this as more evidence of trailer trash living in the country. The Hanging human teabag licker would claim more evidence of hetero hate. Instead we notice Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Elijah Dominic McDotCom, the hanging human teabag licker and early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit completely silent on this type of DUMMOCRETIN hatred along with DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate-252. In fact we see Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Elijah Dominic McDotCom and its buddies cheer these DUMMOCRETINS against Trump actions!
DAYUM early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit, you really are one dumb chump!
time for you to learn, you pig ignorant racist sister fucking aggrieved hillbilly Trailer Trump Americans need to stop pleading for Kindly Uncle Liberal to come to your aid and protection.
Elections have consequences motherfuckers.
So does your choice of friends.
Choose a blood thirsty cannibal for your best bud and “idol” and you’re liable to be eaten alive, idiot. The Chicago kid chose Jordan Hill. And Trailer Trump Americans chose Donald Trump.
All you stupid motherfuckers are on your own.
Good luck!
Someone translate #66 while Puddy is out. The Chicago Four are Obummer loving DUMMOCRETINS with that special home training Puddy noticed #66 also received. If that’s what DUMMOCRETIN learning is please send Puddy to another class!
Stunningly ignorant Trailer Trump American @67,
The all new, revolutionary Trailer Trump America is a master class in self-reliance for you and all the other “special needs” Americans. Just like that Chicago kid, you volunteered for this beating. Stop asking Kindly Uncle Liberal to come to your rescue. And next time choose better friends. There are no chaperones on the short bus anymore. Funding has been cut. You’re fucked. Just like that kid.