Trevor and Barack: Navigating America’s racial divide.
David Pakman: Most Americans realize that things are pretty good under Obama.
How one man found his inner Obama.
Putin Puppet, Pussy Pawing, Presnit Erect Трамп:
- Daily Show: The gift of reproductive rights
- Olbermann: Our new corporate overlords plan to thrive.
- Conan: Трамп and Obama’s last phone calls of 2016.
- Jon Stewart and David Axlerod on what makes Трамп’s presidency horrible
- Roy Zimmerman: My TV
- Farron Cousins: Трамп is the result of years of GOP anti-intellectualism
- David Pakman: Do Трамп supporters realize that Trump has NO mandate?
- Thom and Dan Sisson: Thomas Jefferson would be appalled.
- Michael Brooks: Oh Good! Henry Kissinger is Giving Трамп “presidential advice”
- Young Turks: Those weren’t LIES…Трамп was being “symbolic”
- Rachel Maddow and Seth Mayers on Трамп conflicts of interest.
- David Pakman: Newt Gingrich admits that Трамп is not draining the swamp
- Conan: Трамп calls Obama about line of succession.:
- David Pakman with Richard Cahan: Трамп’s Muslim registry should remind us of Japanese internment camps
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at climate change and a Трамп presidency
- Mark Fiore: The Трамп who stole America
- Thom: To hell with Godwin’s Law… We’re there!
- Sam Seder: The imminent threats to voting rights under the Трамп administration
- Seth Meyers: Tweetin’ with the Prez
Michael Brooks: Alex Jones is back to Birferism!
Mental Floss: 27 things you might not know about Star Wars.
Left behind in the rush for lithium.
The Hostile Transfer of Power:
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at the power grab in North Carolina.
- Michael Brooks: NC just experienced a coup. It could spread.
- Samantha Bee: A very special legislative session
- Thom: The NC GOP power grab.
Samantha Bee: Strange bedfellows.
Young Turks: Michelle Obama responds to “angry black woman” criticism.
2016 Pretty Much Sucked:
- The Daily Show year in review
- Key of Awesome: The 2016 Didn’t Totally Suck Song
- James Corden recaps 2016
- Four heated house moments from 2016
Demographics of the 115th Congress.
Jonathan Mann: Abolish the Electoral College:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Looks like China is planning to target red states for economic reprisals if Trump starts a trade war.
Maybe this explains Trump voters.
In a six-year period, drug manufacturers shipped 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills to West Virginia, a state with a population of about 1.8 million. That works out to about 70 pills per resident per year. Nine million of these pills went to a single town of 392 residents. That’s about 10 pills per resident per day.
In the November election, Trump received nearly 70% of the votes in West Virginia. Presumably, the other 30% weren’t stoned.
Interesting about the power grab in NC, don’t the GOP have a veto-proof majority? Massachusetts 2004 and 2009 were about Senate seat appointments, but so far no moves to change it back, with Governor Baker in charge.
2) For over a year, TRAINS Magazine has been following the decline of the coal industry, and it has been from many angles, including the fracking boom. It’s led to railroads putting Locomotives in the LUGO(Laid Up, Good Order) and dead lines, and even with the Tier 4 emissions mandate, curtailing of new locomotive purchases. Railroads do haul in the fracking sand though.
Both Norfolk Southern and CSX have been improving their routes through Appalachia, but it has been mainly improving or daylighting tunnels, to accommodate double stacks, and the traffic from newer Panamax ships into East Coast ports. If Intermodal drops as well, might see even fewer Locomotives purchased, affecting jobs in Muncie and Fort Worth.
Also, railroad stock went up after the election, except one class 1, Kansas City Southern, which is heavily invested in Mexico, and a good portion of it’s revenue comes from that traffic.
Horst for China! Fuck Russia!
Boob’s gonna drool over this: Human workers are becoming obsolete!
@ 4
I have difficulty seeing railroads as in decline or even challenged, when people like Warren Buffett, an Obama darling, continue to see them as a good investment. BNSF is wholly owned by Buffett’s holding corporation.
Bill Gates is a major investor in CN.
I don’t doubt that each invested when the stocks were beaten down, but neither has divested, either.
If one believes that the country is going to do well, the railroads should, too.
@ 1
…if Trump starts a trade war.
’cause China’s artificial currency valuations, environmental damage in the name of cheap manufacturing, and product dumping could never be viewed as provocations.
To liberals like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, fights don’t get started until someone else hits them back.
@8 what hypocrisy. Conservatives are the biggest cry babies when someone defends themselves and punches back.
Fuck Boob. Bombs awaaaaaayy!
Vesna Vulovic, who holds the record for surviving the highest free fall without a parachute, has died at age 66. Vulovic was a stewardess aboard a DC-9 that was blown apart in mid-flight by a terrorist bomb in 1972. She suffered serious injuries from her 33,000-foot free fall, but recovered and eventually returned to a desk job with the airline. Snow covered pine trees on a hillside broke her fall, and she was found by a man from a nearby village who heard her screams. She had always said she had no memory of the incident.
@7 Did Buffett buy CSX or NSC, idiot? If not, why do you suppose he didn’t?
@8 “’cause China’s artificial currency valuations, environmental damage in the name of cheap manufacturing, and product dumping could never be viewed as provocations.”
First of all, do you think Trump gives a shit about China’s environment?
Second, if you think China is manipulating its currency to screw the U.S., then you’re as misinformed as President-Elect Stupid, because the opposite is true; China has been selling its dollar holdings to defend its currency.
That leaves product dumping. Well, one out of three ain’t bad — unless you totally screw up the policy response to it.
Lookie here. It’s not terrorists that Gays have to worry about it’s conservatives that they need to defend themselves from.
I wonder if Boob would applaud the gays for arming now. As I knew well along, Boob only was calling for gays to arm themselves to exploit a situation. He could care less about gay people being shot in a night club. All he cared about was playing someone as a sucker. Didn’t work fuck face
Fuck he NRA. I don’t need them to own a gun.
I don’t need them to own a gun.
gman/’bagger, with your lifelong history of mental health disorders and restraining orders, what you would need is nothing short of a miracle.
No need to look at the cartoon. Those four words alone are enough to elicit a chuckle or two.
“The Republican Science Committee”
“lifelong history of mental health disorders and restraining orders”
Hanging out so much with his loon as he does, little wonder our Doctor has this on the brain.
Republican science. Heh. Thoughts of our unintelligible loon double-posting about his 6,000 year-old earth.
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
Happy Holidays, Steve.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be replaced by a GOP-nominated justice.
Happy Holidays, YLB.
@18 @19 And here’s Boob celebrating the triumph of ignorance, bigotry, racism, and stupidity.
@ 20
Naw. Celebrating the failure of entitledness, arrogance, incompetence, and corruption.
Thank you to you Obama-supporting voters who couldn’t swallow it.
You know, if this dude were to move to Seattle, he’d be overwhelmingly elected to City Council in no time.
A German politician is facing calls to resign over allegations that he prevented police from sharing pictures of the Berlin truck terrorist when he was at large.
Reports in Germany claim that Till Steffen prevented law enforcers in Hamburg from releasing pictures of Anis Amri, despite him being the most wanted man in the world after Monday’s terror attack.
Read more:
Right now, other traffic is holding up. I saw the dead lines in Balmer and Van Asselt yards around here back in 2009. Nothing like that, yet.
I admire the resilience of the railroad industry.20 years ago, the argument of AC vs DC traction motors, and BNSF during the merger process was an interesting case. Burlington Northern, with heavy coal and grain traffic, saw AC as the future, the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe, with heavy inter modal traffic on the Southwest Transcontinental Route, saw DC traction, the bread and butter since dieselization, as the way forward. Now BNSF is converting the DC logos ordered by the Santa Fe, to use AC Traction motors. Since no DC locomotive has been ordered in awhile, Progress Rail (formerely EMD), and GE no longer offering DC Locomotives in North America.
Boom boom you die.
“And here’s Boob celebrating the triumph of ignorance, bigotry, racism, and stupidity.”
Far worse than that, Doctor Hashtag is becoming a bore. No greater failure for troll. Or a traitor.
“And here’s Boob celebrating the triumph of ignorance, bigotry, racism, and stupidity.”
It looks like Doctor Death and his loon sidekick don’t like Jews very much.
“‘We can march through town carrying high-powered rifles’: Neo-Nazi plans march against Montana Jews”
@21 As perfect a portrait as you can get of Republicans in power. Well done, Boob!
@22 Sounds like one of yours.
@24 What I’ve been saying all along.
Just a little interesting tidbit, the Italian cop who shot and killed the terrorist in Germany grew up in the small little Sciciliam town where both my mother and father were born. A town of only about 2-3,000 people. And my parents know the family.
@ 25
Far worse than that, Doctor Hashtag is becoming a bore.
Ah, perhaps that signals my work here is done, Steve.
It’s been a several week celebration of liberals in despair. Sort of like a fiery car wreck with numerous fatalities. You know the wise thing to do is to stare straight ahead and move on through, but the urge to peek at the carnage is overwhelming.
And so it is here, Steve. S&P 500 up nearly 6% since the November 9th and the GOP holds the presidency and both houses of Congress.
After 6+ years of dealing with the shit you and your ilk have tossed at me, I’m really, really enjoying watching your dissemblance, Steve.
Careful, tho. That lump of coal wasn’t meant as a suppository.
Fröhliche Weihnachten, y’all.
Everyone needs a cup of Xmas cheer.
The Daily 202: Governors lead a Republican renaissance in New England
Drink up, gentlemen. You as well, YLB. Maybe it will taste better if you put an umbrella in it.
This week’s Barron’s magazine lays out a frightening vision of the possible future. This publication’s editorial slant is pro-business, pro-free trade, and politically conservative, although its editors were not Trump fans. In fact, they ran several feature articles warning against electing Trump. But now, with Republicans in control of the White House and Congress, they’re expressing their vision of the future with relish.
A federal budget balanced entirely with massive spending cuts, which fall almost entirely on programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, disability programs (SSA and SSI), and federal matching grants to states for similar programs.
Calling it a “prescription for growth,” Barrons’ economics editor lays out the following policy proposals:
– Cut $8.6 trillion from the federal budget in the next 10 years, of which $7.8 trillion is actual spending cuts and $725 billion is interest savings on the debt
– Undertake an “aggressive plan” to reduce “waste, fraud, and abuse”
– Balance the budget by 2024 and generate a surplus by 2026
Like other conservatives, the writer bases his arguments on a belief that the U.S. is on an “unsustainable path” and the only solution is to dismantle the social safety net — at a time when the average American is economically insecure and income inequality is at all time highs. His specific policy prescriptions:
– Save $1.8 trillion by eliminating Obamacare and replacing it with “a program limited to subsidies for purchasing high deductible insurance for catastrophic care.”
– Cut $2 trillion “from disability payouts and other health care programs.”
– Cut another $400 billion from SSI and SSDI. His rationale for this is “fewer people are doing dangerous work, and dangerous work is getting safer.” He sees disability programs as a windfall for lawyers.
– Raise the eligibility age for full Social Security benefits to 67 quickly, and eventually to 70.
– Cut $950 billion from Medicare by targeting “improper payments” and eliminating health screenings for “terminal” patients ($400 billion), raising Medicare premiums ($400 billion), and boosting deductibles ($150 billion).
– Cut $600 billion from Medicaid by giving states block grants instead of matching funds.
– Cut $950 billion of military spending. He specifically mentions canceling the F-35 fighter and replacing it with “F-16s and F/A-18s with improved capabilities.” Exhibiting the same ignorance of military strategy and technology displayed by Trump, he doesn’t explain how a non-stealth airframe will survive the future air combat environment, no matter how many new electronics you load into it.
– Cut another $300 billion of Pentagon spending from funds formally budgeted for base operations but being used for “overseas contingency operations” (e.g., fighting ISIS).
– Cut a further $121 billion by phasing out military bases “that protect countries that have long been able to protect themselves, including Germany, Italy, South Korea, and Japan,” and an additional $370 billion by reducing civilian personnel and maintenance.
– Save $700 billion by eliminating the Education and HUD departments. He says education and housing are none of the federal government’s business.
– Save $1 trillion by eliminating subsidies to individuals and business. He specifically singles out farm subsidies and foreign aid.
– Cut $500 billion from grants-in-aid to states.
There isn’t enough space here to explain how stupid, uninformed, brainless, and dangerous some of these proposals are. For example, some of these cuts would simply shift costs from the federal tax base to state and local taxpayers; the federal budget might realize savings, but any potential benefit to taxpayers would be offset by commensurate increases in state and local taxes. But probably the biggest objection to his arguments is that the GOP’s track record indicates they wouldn’t use the savings to reduce deficits or debts, but instead would give the money to the rich in the form of tax cuts.
WSJ’s Xmas editorial, each and every year since 1949. Get your head start on HA Bible Study.
What do Tyler Lockett and Joe Theismann have in common?
@34 Do you have anything for HA readers who weren’t born and raised in a Christian tradition (e.g., Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.), or choose to be agnostic about the question of whether there’s an actual intelligence out there that gives a damn about what happens to us?
@33 continued: There’s a reason why generations of blue collar workers were in FDR’s coalition and reliably voted for Democratic candidates. Maybe when disabled coal miners in Kentucky and West Virginia suddenly find themselves living under the New Republican Austerity, and find their income and medical benefits cut off, they’ll understand why. By the way, I wouldn’t put it past these Republican radicals to screw over disabled veterans, too. After all most of them, including Trump, were draft dodgers back in the day.
@35 I don’t know and I don’t care.
@ 36
I choose to be agnostic. It doesn’t bother me.
Not like I interrupted your Westlake area rally and demanded four minutes of silence over it.
You don’t like it? Fine. Don’t read it.
@39 I didn’t read it, and not knowing what it says, I’m agnostic about it.
As for your other stupid and snide remark, I neither held a Westlake rally, nor interrupted one. Mistaken identity. Get new eyeglasses.
@ 41
Seen one useless old fuck with no concept of economics and finance, seen ’em all.
@42 Your bathroom mirror must be busted up pretty bad if you’re looking in it and seeing me.
Christmas Eve News Dump
1. A maniac with a gun killed four people at a house in North Carolina.
2. A Russian military plane carrying a famous Russian military band to Syria has gone missing over the Black Sea.
3. Jason Miller, a spokesperson for Trump’s transition team, has rejected a job offer on the White House communications team “to spend more time with his family.” Maybe he’s pissed that he didn’t get the press secretary gig. As far as I can determine, that idiot Katrina Pierson hasn’t been offered ANY job. Hey, when you work for Trump, loyalty is a one-way street: You give your all to him, and in return, you don’t even get paid.
4. Netanyahu is pissed about the UN vote on West Bank settlements. Hey, payback is a bitch, Benjy. Did you really believe a seasoned politician like Obama wouldn’t knife you in the back after you did it to him?
@ 44
You give your all to him, and in return, you don’t even get paid.
Bill and #CrookedHillary always get paid. Or, at least they did before last month.
I’m really hoping Santa brings the loon a brain. And maybe somewhere in Santa’s bag there will be a new shtick for Doctor Hashtag. But I suppose it all depends whether or not fascist traitors can make Santa’s ‘nice’ list. Probably not.
@ 46
If I had strived to make Santa’s nice list…
Leo Durocher had a point.
Sure is amazing how petulant Obummer is as he leaves the Oval orifice!
When DUMMOCRETINS do anything weird or strange, it’s A-OK! When DUMMOCRETINS feel wronged, oh noooooooooooooo!
Even the WaPost and Chucky Schumer are not impressed! DUMMOCRETINS really are SCUM!
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit… has a holiday ring to it.
Senile Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is more like it!
Jingle Bells!
Looks like Senile Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit friends are on the run in Nigeria! Poor Senile Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit!
China has been selling its dollar holdings to defend its currency.”
Yeah so that’s why in 2014 CHina and Russia signed a deal to replace the $$$ as the golbal currency of record eh Senile Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit? That’s why China has publically stated it wants to replace the $$$ with the renminbi, right Senile Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit! In reality China has recently actually wanted its currency to steadily rise, for political reasons and to keep capital from flowing out of China and not have imports. A strong $$$ messes with their currency and makes it harder for the central committee to stay in control. You know like the DUMMOCRETIN National Central Committee.
Sheeeeesh you are a moron Senile Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit
@31 your life in general is done. Go jump off a bridge. By doing that you can control your destiny as opposed to waiting for a nuke bomb drop because of Dear Leader tweeted a fart.
Boob had to put up with 6 years of us….how funny.
Like he was forced to come here, bound in chains, and put up with our shit. Like what SNL does to Drumfie – forcing him to watch every Saturday night and tourturing him with the boring stupid show.
Steve – easy on the dumb fuck, he may be a doctor (or just an idiot with a big name) but he’s too stupid to realize he needs help. Like any mean drunk he’s lashing out due to the guilt and upsetting let down of his party that could never materialize from being more than just a bunch of deplorable. Think how hard it is to know you invested years and years only to end up with all the deplorables. Imagine a doctor being amongst the deplorables, it can’t be, it can only be so upsetting to him he has to lash out.
Rog, like every Repuke, this might be why he has to spend more time with his main Pussy, because he’s been out grabbing to much other pussy, having babies out of wedlock.
Ohh how sad, more dead Russians, Drumpfies relatives. Little tears for them.
A shame that the plane wasn’t fuller or could hold more people and be full.
It’s unfortunate that my comment above only drives the deplorables to live Russia more. Who in a million years would think that Conservatives would love Russia, but I guess he’ll can freeze over… there goes that expression.
See if you hate Russia and then sone liberal gay guy tosses some hate on them too, then that is the time to do the sympathy for Russia routine and start to loving them.
@ 44 # 3
“Congratulations to the baby-daddy on being named WH Comms Director!” she wrote in one now-deleted tweet.
“The 2016 version of John Edwards,” she wrote in another, referring to the disgraced ex-Democratic senator who fathered a child with his mistress.
How embarrassing. The part about being compared to a Democrat, I mean.
Lindsey Graham is such a drama queen. I picture him wrapping a faggy scarf around himself after doing a press conference over this.
“How embarrassing. The part about being compared to a Democrat, I mean.”
I knoooow! There might even be some of the deplorables amongst them Dems.
Nice to see that the loon woke up Christmas morning spewing hate.
@48 Hey Benjy, payback is a bitch! Did you really believe for a moment that a seasoned politician like Obama wouldn’t repay you in kind for knifing him in the back?
Boob, here is an opportunity for you to take advantage of. Don’t let it go to waste. Maybe the loon could also contribute something.
Crisis with the gays. Giving them some freedoms results in all hell on earth. Have to make sure we keep it one Pussy and one dick, with bunch of babies that would all better off if they were aborted. Abort. Abort.
I wonder if Lindsey Graham has an alias? Poor thing got bitch slapped.
So, Netanyahu came to Congress to play footsie with POTUS’s domestic political opponents, and now the U.S. administration in power (we have only one president at a time), i.e. the branch of our government in charge of foreign policy, dishes it back and Benji and Puddy are whining about it? Hey guys, remember Joe Kennedy’s adage: “Don’t get mad, get even.” Obama just did. Peace.
@62 You realize how bad it is when Lindsey Graham is one of the most reasonable voices on the other side.
@58 Why not cut U.S. funding to the U.N.? That’s been a Bircher dream for decades. With the Birchers now in full control, they may as well go full bore! Do the isolationist thing, toss our allies overboard, start trade wars, and of course shred the safety net at home! This is the Koch agenda on steroids. But then, the Koches own everything, don’t they? You can’t take a shit in this country without using their toilet paper, because they make all of our TP (if the package says “Georgia Pacific,” you bought it from them).
I found my inner Obama after I ate a few too many enchiladas at Azteca. But no worries, it swirled down the drain well enough…