The world’s most polluted cities.
Mark Fiore: Pipeline Protector
Roll Call Decoder: How does new member orientation really work?
Trevor: The Dakota Access Pipeline’s reservation reroute.
Denying climate change is like living in a burning house:
Mental Floss: 27 amazing accomplishments of elderly people.
Farron Cousins: The fight for 15 has tens of thousands hitting the streets to fight for a living wage.
Facebook Live with President Obama.
Young Turks: Veterans deploy to Standing Rock #NoDAPL.
The Serial Philanderer, Con Man, Putin-loving, President Elect:
- Young Turks: Why Drumpf’s “landslide” mandate is nonsense
- Keith Olbermann: Can Donald Drumpf possibly believe what he’s saying?
- Jimmy Dore: Mitt Romney humiliates himself at Drumpf Tower.
- David Pakman: Drumpf now trails Clinton by 2.3 million votes
- Maddow: Drumpf does a pre-inauguration ‘Thank You’ tour.
- Thom: Did Carrier fleece both Drumpf & America?
- Stephen: Drumpf will soon acquire mass text capability
- Young Turks: Drumpf picks Sarah Palin to lead largest government agency
- David Pakman: Rumors about faithless Drumpf electors.
- Sam Seder: Romney forced to have intimate dinner of shame with Drumpf for SOS job.
- Roll Call: Who has Drumpf picked for his Cabinet
- PsychoSuperMom: Tweetin’ Donald:
- Trevor: President-elect Drumpf’s conflicts of interest
- Understanding real Drumpf voters.
- Maddow: Drumpf plans to privatize VA? Vets say “NO!”
- Jimmy Dore: Republicans target Medicare despite Drumpf’s promise to protect it
- Sam Seder and Ari Berman: Drumpf & the GOP are trying to destroy democracy
- James Corden: Donald Drumpf and Mitt Romney make nice over dinner.
- Drumpf could violate the Constitution on Day 1.
- More leaked taped calls between Drumpf and Obama:
- Young Turks: Drumpf Tweets out a huge lie about the election.
- Stephen: At dinner with Donald Drumpf, Mitt Romney ate crow.
- Maddow: Drumpf’s scary pick for Deputy National Security Adviser is clueless!
- Don’t freak out about Donald Drumpf! This country has always been run by questionable people.
- Trevor: Adapting to Donald Drumpf’s lies
- David Pakman: Donald Drumpf has been turning down intelligence briefings since winning election
Full Frontal game night.
Adam Ruins Everything: How prostitutes settled the wild west.
Conan: Celebrity survey.
David Pakman: Texas now requires funeral services for all abortions.
White House: West Wing Week.
Jimmy Dore: Low wage workers rise up to demand livable wage.
How to make fake news.
Olbermann: “Government-backed attackers” may have hacked my account.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
So the nominee for Defense Secretary basically will need to be confirmed twice?
Something I noticed years ago has been becoming increasingly more common amongst the ignoratti/asshole set. That is, that they will openly defy the Law in cases where they are negatively affected by it. They will argue that the Law is open to interpretation on their own part, and any attempt to counter their opinion of what the Law means is “just your opinion, man” so to speak.
Case in point.
These idiots firmly believe that whatever they say the Law means is how the enforcement of it should be defined. Donald Trump is a primary example of this, as are those idiots that took over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. They apparently have this idea that whatever they believe the Law says is the correct interpretation, and nobody really has the authority to tell them otherwise.
I’ve heard it described as playing “CalvinBall” with the words of the Law, that there is no solid interpretation, no real rules, and no possible way they should be held responsible for violations of it if they personally believe that it doesn’t have any effect on them. As an example, the Sovereign Citizen types will throw all sorts of phony legalistic shit at the wall during a trial, seemingly with the idea that enough obfuscation and dodging around with the words will get them off even in cases of the most egregious conduct such as murder, rape and fraud. This seems to be an almost universal thing amongst Conservatives especially. They will argue almost (and often including) to the point of violence, even when it is clear they are wrong about what the Law actually states.
This is how a child’s mind works. Small children especially are natural Lawyers, and will stand and argue with chocolate all over their faces that they didn’t take that cookie and even if they did, the cookie shouldn’t have been left available for them to steal in the first place so they shouldn’t be held to account for the theft of it. Thus, it is obvious that such individuals doing this as adults do not have the capability nor the intellect to understand that the Law will be applied to them when they do something in violation of it. They just don’t have the basic maturity to understand why they’re being arrested and put on trial for whatever it is they did to break the Law. To them, it is a mere inconvenience and not something to be too terribly concerned about and if someone with the authority to enforce the Law against them is doing their job, there must be some personal agenda behind their motivation for doing so.
This is how Donald Trump has managed to stay out of Prison for so long. He has openly stated in the past that there is no Law that can touch him, as he has pretty much bought off every Prosecutor that had a reason to come up against him and it is those individuals who have the ultimate authority to interpret the Law any way they see fit. He can pay people to do whatever he tells them to, and those people exist to prevent him from suffering any legal inconvenience when he gets caught doing something.
It is the Humpty-Dumpty version of legal argument. He has freely shown that he has Guliani, Christie, the various people in Florida etc there working for him and his personal interpretations of the Law, and his personal opinion of the Law means that the Law is whatever he says it is no matter how it is worded and how it is written. Thus, it exists to work in his favor simply because he is Donald Trump. The reality is that the Wealthy have been able to convince hundreds of thousands of people that the Law is only what people can say it is in Court and use their own personal attorneys to back that up, even when they are in obvious violation of it. People who cannot afford those $500 per hour Lawyers are just not capable of defending themselves and deserve to go to Prison, even when they are innocent of the crime. Hell, the current Governor of Texas said several years ago that it doesn’t matter whether someone is innocent or guilty of a committing a crime, the fact of their actual innocence does not matter at all if the trial was fair by legal standards even when the individual is sitting on death row for a crime they did not commit.
This even applies when the trial is clearly show to be unfair, such as when the Police are caught fabricating evidence or the Prosecutor is caught threatening witnesses or suppressing exculpatory evidence. As long as the trial proceeded according to their personal opinion of what constitutes a fair trial and nobody can do anything to counter the argument and make that stick.
It’s weird, man. It is just fucking weird.
I thought this nation was founded on the equal application of the Law for everyone, equal protection under it, and equal responsibility to it. That was the whole purpose of writing the Constitution in the first place.
@2 That’s nothing wait until they do the same thing to science.
The democrats have wet panties now that the sales tax rate in Seattle is 10.1%. They’re shooting for a nice, round 15% by the end of Murray’s second term as Mayor.
@ 1
Remember when Obama was sworn in twice?
@ 2
Something I noticed years ago has been becoming increasingly more common amongst the ignoratti/asshole set. That is, that they will openly defy the Law in cases where they are negatively affected by it.
Not sure about whether he’s an asshole, but this guy sure seems ignorant a lot of the time:
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA Nov 13
(((Goldy))) Retweeted (((Goldy)))
We must fight at the polls, in court, & in the streets—by legal & extralegal means. We must disobey laws we disavow.
I suspect that President Obama will not pardon Bowe Bergdahl. Nor Chelsea Manning. Nor Eric Snowden.
After all, none of them seem sufficiently well-off to be able to surreptitiously bankroll part of a future Michelle Obama election campaign, so why take the heat?
But if you go showing pictures of Chairman Mao
You’re not gonna make it with anyone anyhow.
Grand Rapids’ worker-run, no-tipping restaurant closes
Bartertown’s initial menu was described in a 2011 MLive review as an “imaginative” array of veggie, vegan and raw dishes that came with names like Dirty Dirty Beans & Greens and Raw Trash salad.
And you libbies wonder why so many refer to you as filthy hippies.
Putting the book burners in charge of public education.
Mike Pence is going to do this for the whole country.
So, trolls, I see that after years of your dutifully pounding on your keyboard each day “Benghazi!, and “Leave no men behind”, you are now rewarded with this.
“General Mattis left ‘my men to die’ in Afghanistan”
It’s not like I’m waiting for your outrage. I know you too well. You don’t give a fuck.
“They’re shooting for a nice, round 15% by the end of Murray’s second term as Mayor.”
I’d swap that for a 15% income tax on Amazon programmers. And if any retired radiologist crosses the city limits for even a minute, take everything they’ve got, then drop them in the middle of a BLM protest naked, wearing just a sandwich sign reading “I hate niggers”.
You got that last bit from a movie I did with Samuel L. Jackson. You should cite your source.
@ 11 did bob apologize for his characterization of Castile yet? If not the sign is appropriate. Like his “joke” about the appearance of Africa American girls.
“I hate niggers”. We know you do QPPS!
Kaepernick must choose between football and “being a revolutionary.” – Snoop Dogg!
Your side is very nutz–finance.html Near La Croissanterie Austerlitz, closed on the Sabbath!
The ACLU will be upset
Did you know the Ohio State attacker was taking a class about microaggressions? Instead he tried macroagressions! Way to go libtards!
Yes, You DUMMOCRETINS are Commies…
Meanwhile at K’s alma mater we see where K got his libtard bone fides
I suspect that all of the people who just stood will walk around this campus and talk about tolerance, and all of them will tell you you have to celebrate what? Diversity. Celebrate diversity, preach tolerance, but when it comes to anybody who disagrees with them, there is no tolerance. – Rick Santorum!
@8 Yeah, the proletariat have come a long way. Now they prefer raw meat dishes on gold plates in a Trump-themed building. they’re still poor as dirt, and about to become poorer, but they fancy themselves the upper class.
Libtards are SCUM!
And you HA DUMMOCRETINS wonder why Trump won?
The DUMMOCRETIN snowflakes are hilarious!
Awwww… the snowflakes are caught and can’t deal with the consequences. Pony up HA DUMMOCRETINS!
And libtard thought loses again. Flag flies again! Isn’t it strange libtard students whom burn the American flag take federal funds to attend colleges? You all are strange goats! QPPS and EKIM are the strangest goats alive today!
And you HA DUMMOCRETINS still wonder why you lost? Real information is not being taught on college and university campi anymore!
Puddy wonders if UW professors felt the same way that day?
Darryl, Steve?
Why didn’t Da Perfessa discuss Dr Evil over these last two Friday Night Comix Times? Apparently Dr Evil wants all these students to lose their funding?
You libtards are a bunch of crybabies…
@27 Yeah, we’d like to know how we can be over 2.5 million votes ahead and still lose. Makes us wonder if the election was rigged.
Seems the friends of DUMMOCRETINS have expanded.
Electoral College @31.
Those high population libtard states can’t overrun other states!
I’m noticing a strange phenomenon tonight. Every time Piddles posts another comment, my computer crashes. He must be a virus or some sort of malware.
Here’s Johnnnnny!
If only senile dumb wabbit @34.
“You should cite your source.”
My bad. But it must have been a good one. Just look at how it made the loon’s head explode. Of course, it could just be that the goat kicked the loon in the head again.
Speaking of goats, it’s so obvious that the loon and his SDA doomsday death cult didn’t get any tonight. Head explosions everywhere!
It’s after sunset on Sat.. The babbling jackass can stink up the place with HATE until..
Poor babbling jackass – it “needs” HATE so bad to carry out the weekly duty.
What buyer’s remorse looks like. Jesus Fuck, and the orange turd isn’t even in office yet.
Trump Voter Who Lost Her Home To Treasury Secretary Pick Mnuchin Feels Betrayed By Pick
What buyer’s remorse looks like.
“But… Wait… The Good Guys Won’t Win With More Crony Capitalism.”
The buyer’s remorse I’m looking forward to is when the Doctor and Mr. Klynical are stringing up the self-loathing loon and the last words he hears is, “Die, nigger!”
“Jesus Fuck”
Uh-oh! I did it again! I foresee more loon head explosions in our future.
You know, this election could have gone worse for you libbies.
Although occasionally I have trouble envisioning how:
Americans’ Support for Electoral College Rises Sharply
This year, for the first time in the 49 years Gallup has asked about it, less than half of Americans want to replace the Electoral College with a popular vote system.
The reason for this shift in opinion is clear: In the aftermath of this year’s election, the percentage of Republicans wanting to replace the Electoral College with the popular vote has fallen significantly.
Currently, 19% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents favor basing the winner on the popular vote, down from 49% in October 2004 and 54% in 2011. Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents already widely favored having the popular vote determine the winner and are slightly more likely to do so now than in the past.
Despite YLB’s girlish cheering that libbies are 60% of the way toward their National Popular Vote compact goal, it appears that libbies have always needed substantial conservative support, and conservatives may be waking up to the understanding that the cost of providing that support will be losing their voice to the assholes in CA and NY.
Ain’t gonna happen.
But take heart: You libbies still have Nancy Pelosi leading the charge in Congress. She’s been so helpful to you over the past four 2-year election cycles, after all.
HAHAHA!!! And where is boob from again???
Nailed yourself boob! Nice to see..
Take heart boob. You have the whole rest of your life to troll HA and finish your life’s work: self actualizing boob.
“You know, this election could have gone worse for you libbies.
Although occasionally I have trouble envisioning how”
I have no trouble at all envisioning how it can turn out very, very bad for you, Doctor. And there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
Ahhh Puddy sees the stalker has appeared @39 right after Puddy posted all those interesting facts above.
The only salt mines are those in its silly head!
What got HA DUMMOCRETINS all upset is Obummer claiming the Carrier jobs were the old economy and what could Trump do to save them. Well Trump is not the president yet and Carrier jobs are still Indiana!
That’s what we can look forward to QPPS @46. Trump accomplishing something Obummer not only didn’t care butt made no attempt to do anything.
People are upbeat again. Senate DUMMOCRETIN senators are up for election in 2018. Imagine these Trump rallies in DUMMOCRETIN senate states QPPS!
Yes, we won’t get in the way. We want Trump to succeed.
Sux to be you QPPS! Stoooooooooooooopid as evah!
Mr Cynical and Puddy met long ago. He’s a level headed white guy who loves his country and despises fools like you QPPS! The only persons whom hate blacks are you, the vomit producer and headless lucy!
Sux to be you!
Waytogo, Trumpanzees.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here is ambassadors for the GOP asserting their patriotism after having a few.
See? I told you the loon’s head would explode.
Heh. The loon believes Mr. Klynical and the Doctor are his friends. Sure they are. Right up to the moment they lynch him.
“But, but, but…you’re my friends!”
“Die, you fucking nigger!”
Republicans aren’t against recounts as a matter of principle. They’re only against recounts when they win.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans have no principle. They only care about winning.
@51 I’m against lynching. For example, the exploding-head loon wants to lynch Bowe Bergdahl without a trial or due process. I believe even the loon should get a trial, therefore I can’t support lynching the loon, even if his friends are behind it.
Puddy wonders if these are DUMMOCRETINS? Well they come from DUMMOCRETIN states!
@51 I’m against lynching. For example, the exploding-head loon wants to lynch Bowe Bergdahl without a trial or due proce
Really senile dumb wabbit? The Army provided its commentary along with the NY Times. Puddy posted the NY Times info.
You disagree with the NY Times synopsis senile dumb wabbit? Google it fool!
Please let him be the DNC head!
Wisconsin looks like it’s well on its way to finishing its recount on time. Its Day 3 results show that almost a third of Wisconsin precincts have completed their recounts, accounting for over 705,000 of the 2.975 million ballots cast in the presidential race. The net change has been to find 349 additional votes. Trump has gained 138 votes and Hillary Clinton 126, which means that Trump has extended his lead by 12 points. That’s, er, not exactly what Stein promised donors who coughed up millions for this stupid and futile gesture.
Damn! The babbling fiend is putting HA first (again) before the weekly duty..
Very SAD this fool’s “need” for this website.
And oh yeah, we don’t see the babbling jackass on Fridays after sunset!
Woe be to the babbling jackass if it neglects to put the man upstairs first..
Like it did here..
It’s so nice when it’s not here posting those worthless bullshit links that nobody clicks on.
“I believe even the loon should get a trial, therefore I can’t support lynching the loon, even if his friends are behind it.”
Alas, the loon’s friend’s aren’t into trials for black men. Just look at the doctor. The way he sees it, if you’re a black male, you should die simply because a black man is always guilty of something. That doesn’t bode well for the loon.
Participants had been asked to register scores on handheld meters as news footage appeared onscreen. Stephanopolous and the others could see the scores displayed on the screen in real time, giving them an instant account of the voters’ responses.
And, in this case, the results were ugly: “When a shot of Hillary speaking was played,” he writes, “the line on the screen dropped like a downhill ski run.”
Or like YLB to his knees when …
Seriously, next time y’all go for a First! Woman! President! candidate, maybe consider picking someone the average person can stomach for more than 15 seconds at a time.
That means going with a Tulsi Gabbard, not a Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
So, the Trumpanzees have their man ready to go into the White House. Their primary criteria for voting for the man is the fact that he is White, and the secondary one is that he is very, very wealthy.
See, the Conservatives in this country see a black man, and they automatically know with absolute certainty that he’s a rapist, a drug dealer, a bank robber or something like that. They do not care what his academic achievements are, nor for his knowledge of the world. They do not care what he does while holding the office, they do not care about anything that he says. They only see one thing, and that in and of itself is the totality of what they need to know about the man. Everything else can be assumed, as they know that basic criminality and anti-social behavior is what comes naturally to the Negro Race.
So, they elected a rich white man to the White House, as the White House is called that for a reason.
A man, who has steadfastly refused to attend meetings and briefings about world affairs. A man who openly talks about “getting his information from other sources”.
Those other sources include Brietbart news, Alex Jones, The National Enquirer and other such tabloid scandal sheets. He prefers to watch television over reading. The simple reason for that is, he cannot read above the level of a seven-year-old. He just never learned, and he never saw the need to learn. It isn’t important to him at all. He is incapable of understanding what the words mean. To him, they’re just black markings on a piece of paper and convey no information that he feels he would need to know if he can just get his information from Television and what his lickspittles tell him.
Congratulations, Conservatives.
You elected an illiterate conspiracy monger and a professional thief to the highest office in the land.
Of course, the real Republicans aren’t having any of it. They don’t like Donald Trump much, he’s a buffoon, a pathological liar, and has too many ties to hostile foreign government interests, especially those Crime organizations in Eastern Europe. They’ll let him play at being President for a while, long enough to ramrod their Corporatist agenda through and make a few bucks along the way. But they know damn well that as a leader of the largest Military in the world, he is utterly, completely ignorant and incapable of making even simple decisions about emergent situations that do not personally affect his own interests. He just does not have the basic intelligence required. He has the intellect of a seven-year-old who has never once had their butt paddled for anything, ever.
Thus, they’ll let him play for a while. But then they’re going to make sure he doesn’t get to finish his term, one way or another. As long as he plays along, they’ll let him stay. But he’s far too stupid and selfish to play for very long.
He is an utter, total imbecile. The man they want is Pence. A man who could never ever have been elected to the Presidency on his own merits as he is a religious psychopath among other things.
The establishment Corporatists already holding office know this, and they’ll confirm all of Pence’s selections for the Cabinet. Trump gets to go on Television and talk about himself and how wonderful everything he does is so wonderful. Meanwhile, Pence is going to be running the show from the back office, the same way that Cheney did with Bush.
All they need is another 9/11 type event, probably around next summer, everything will be all tied up nice and tidy and they get everything they want. These are the people that believe that they lost the Second World War, and they are going to do everything they can to rectify that.
@ 62
Their primary criteria for voting for the man is the fact that he is
Whitenot #CrookedHillary, and the secondary one is that he isvery, very wealthygoing to keep SCOTUS control away from Democrats.Fixed that for ya. ‘s why I’m here.
Pence and Reince are doubling down on Drumpf’s bullshit meme that “millions of illegals voted.” I think we should recount the whole goddamned country. At their expense.
They just can’t accept the fact they lost the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes, and the only reason they’re in power is because of a relic of the slaveholding era.
Now we’re all slaves to a handful of billionaires, including the gullible hicks who thought they were voting for a “populist.”
I see that the Doctor who claims he never once supported Trump in in these threads still can’t stop laying lame pro-Trump twitter-bot comments on us.
Bowe Bergdahl has asked Obama for a pardon. I don’t think he should get it. The serious charges against him merit a trial. But if the legal process isn’t completed before January 20, a military judge may have to dismiss the charges, because the incoming commander-in-chief has publicly prejudged the case.
Nixon did something equally stupid in 1970 when he declared Charles Manson “guilty” while the trial was underway. But Manson didn’t get off, because Nixon, as president, wasn’t the judge’s boss. This is different. Beginning January 20, 2017, every military judge in America will be a subordinate of Drumpf, so there’s no fucking way Bergdahl can get a trial that isn’t subject to command influence. And Drumpf didn’t just declare Bergdahl “guilty;” he also said Bergdahl should be executed.
We’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Bergdahl walks, thanks to Drumpf’s big mouth. He doesn’t need an Obama pardon; he’s already got a “Get Out of Jail Free” card, courtesy of the Incompetent-In-Chief-Elect.
“keep SCOTUS control away from Democrats and Republicans alike and hand it over to an unhinged wannabe fascist dictator and his corporatist cronies by instilling fear and telling lies.”
It required further fixing.
THIS is why we have government regulation.
THIS is why we have government regulation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This was only a fire in a warehouse that was illegally used as housing, which merely killed 33 people; the last time Republicans deregulated something they burned down the entire economy. Now that they’re back in power, the question is, what will they destroy this time?
It’s comforting while it pulls on its joystick.. A whole lifetime in the making!
Wow the fetid arschloch Puddy stalker @58-9 was in
rarestandard form today!Lives for Puddy!
THIS is why we have city government regulations senile dumb wabbit.
Butt news reports are sketchy about how fast Oakland (land of really dumb libtards) was moving to enforce those regulations, now that 30 have died and the count will go higher!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A month ago it looked like we’d be getting a third Obummer term with Careless Crooked Heilarypresident along with so-called Trump TV per libtard pundits. A month later it turns out we’re going to get a first Trump term (Mic drop) along with … Obummer TV?
Nooooooooooo! What a narcissist!
Voter Fraud? Hmmm…? Where is Jill Stein again?
Barth interviewed Republican Assembly Candidate for District 15, Stan Vaughan, who had actual proof of the massive voter fraud in his Clark County district. A total number of 17,086 votes were cast in the District for both Republican and Democrat candidates. However, when confirmation letters were sent to the voters in the District, the US postal service returned mail from 9,200 of these voters.
Dakota Access Pipeline protesters are claiming victory after the Corps of Engineers announced today it will deny the permit for the current route and reroute the pipeline.
Now with Trump coming… Iran fears him…
Some guy who nobody ever heard of interviewed a documented fraud. And the con man tells him about something something. So that’s what this guy reports.
It’s wrong to lie, even when your lies masquerade as “news”.
Well DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 @77, we’ll see about Nevada right?
Same DIPSHITTIUM as evah!
DUMMOCRETINS still in denial!
Remember when the senile dumb wabbit, DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252, the Oregon moron AKA Selective Invective and the fetid arschloch gaseous excretion were putting forth Never Trumper comments last summer and fall? Well…
You just pinned your lifetime credibility to this person named Stan Vaughan who you know absolutely nothing about.
Big mistake. Makes you a lying liar.
If you live in Russia, Norway, Canada climate change is not like living in a burning house, in fact because of the luck of where you live and geography then you could be a winner in the climate change lottery.
“I’ll be crystal clear: Bernie Sanders has absolutely no business determining the course of the Democratic Party after the harm he did to us.”
“Until certain Dems get over the denial of how badly Bernie damaged Hillary’s public image, we will make little progress as a Party.”
Puddy loves it when DUMMOCRETIN eat their own!
Lifetime credibility DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252? You claimed Puddy didn’t have any. Now Puddy does?
Make up your silly mind DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252! We’ll see when the ballots are counted!
@2 Welcome to the real world. Calvin ball has been played in the country for over 200 years. Sometimes the guilty go free, and the innocent get sent to prison or worse. Sometimes it’s about political will, money, power, indifference, race, weather, ect, Sometimes it’s about inconsistencies that abound here in America. Genghis Khan never had these issues we have today about the law as he had political will, and was the law. Genghis is pretty popular in Mongolia, but most Mongolian’s wouldn’t want to live under him. Non of them want to headache of ruling China so maybe his descendants learned something and the wall is certainly no longer needed, though it’s been a pretty good Chinese invention to wow the Chinese people and make them think of alien invaders.
@81 “You just pinned your lifetime credibility”
Which, in Puddy’s case, amounts to exactly zero.
@85 So your rationalization of Republican contempt for rule of law is that we should all be happy living under an orange-skinned incarnation of Genghis Khan?
@5 Yes, and that goes into the category of shit happens. The second one probably was not necessary, but with recording and all that. What are we going to do if a President gets sworn in on Air Force One again, will an aide have to record the event on their camera phone (I think Air Force one has a camera on it with one or more Air Force personnel trained on how to operate it)?
@7 If he does it will be in the last 24 hours. Politically speaking he should pardon Berghdahl rather than take the chance he will be found guilty during the courts martial. Pardoning him would be less risky, and would also be a reminder to the military who they work for. The other two I don’t see this Machiavellian administration doing. While there was a lot of rhetoric about being open and transparent, the reality has been different and whistle blowers have taken it on the chin.
@8 What you leave out is that they were successful for 5 years and most businesses based on the Capitalist model fail during the first year, or never show a profit, or not enough profit and are closed by the Capitalist corporation that bought them out. Making the lucky former owner very wealthy, and the new owners having to close the dog.
And we will always have Freeland, WA. And Edison, WA…neither experiment was started by dirty Hippies. and probably not even the dirty Hippies parents.
Sez the senile tool @86!
Sez the “fake news” Jedi.
If Hillary won we’d be living under Genghis Khan’s daughter senile dumb wabbit!
@19 Puddy you are clearly jumping the gun here. No Conservative was supposed to declare it’s 1960 in America again until after the inauguration and repeal of Obama Care. Get the program Comrade Puddy!!
@93 Hmmm Ghengis Kahn’s daughter. Time for a shower. Well where did I leave the after shave. He has many good looking many many great grand daughters. They have many cuties in Mongolia. The summers are hot and dry and the winters really suck. Those cuties love Mongolia and don’t want an American Green card.
Could Hilliary be one well they say after 10 generations you are related to everyone, which I think is exaggeration of statistics.
@31 First past the post system in California and a lot of wasted votes there. The electoral college is the rules of the game, and politicians behavior would change so it’s entirely possible that Trump would have changed tactics and won with more votes. Of course you are leaving out that neither candidate got a majority so should we have a run off election if we had elections by the popular vote? Also don’t you like the Abraham Lincoln as President well he only got 30% of the vote and he got to be President. I know he was a Republican and therefore a Debbie Downer to you who insist all Republicans should not be allowed out in public.
@44 There is no chance of any Constitutional change to the electoral collage, won’t be for 4 years by which time most American’s including Democrats will have forgotten, until the next Electoral surprise which could be the next election or not happen for the next 20 Presidential elections.
I don’t think the National Popular Vote Compact is meaningful. How does the compact force it’s members to abide by the rule, particularly when the members of the electoral collage can vote for whoever. Are a states legislature really going to pick electors who will vote for a candidate the majority of their state didn’t vote for. No self respecting legislator is going to do that as he’s out of office the next election. Assuming California stays Democratic for the next 50 years is California’s legislature going to pick Republican electors if the Democratic loser only took California? Under the Compact they would have to vote for the Republican perhaps giving the Republican a very powerful mandate as in they took all the electoral votes. Wow another Washington!!!
@52 Come one RR your an attorney, and you certainly understand the rules of politics. You know any attorney who wins at the trial court knows the case can be appealed, and know that the winning sides attorney will tell the court the appeal is frivolous and without merit and the trial courts decision was correct. (Even if it was not, and know their client should have lost.)
Of course the winner of an election is not going to want a recount. If you are the loser and it’s close you will try to get the recount. Exaggeration of errors and possible cheating is part of the game of getting a recount, as is saying everyone involved with the original count was angels, and would never do anything wrong, and love dogs and help widows cross the road.
“I don’t think the National Popular Vote Compact is meaningful. How does the compact force it’s members to abide by the rule, particularly when the members of the electoral collage can vote for whoever.”
States belonging to the NPV would direct their electors to cast their votes in precisely the same way they do today. The only thing that would change would be which of the Presidential tickets they would be directed to vote for. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is the law in Washington State.
It works just like any other interstate compact, of which there are literally thousands. They are binding law. No state official, including a state elector, may violate state law in the performance of ministerial duties. This is as true for the NPV as it is for any other of the thousands of interstate compacts. Hundreds of highly acclaimed Constitutional scholars from some of the finest law schools and law firms in the United States have participated in crafting the NPV.
Of course, any elector from any state could at any time vote for anyone. That is just as true today as it will be when the NPV becomes the law in enough states to go into effect. Logically we should no more expect to encounter “faithless” electors with or without the NPV.
“Are(sic) a states (sic) legislature really going to pick electors who will vote for a candidate the majority of their state didn’t vote for.(sic)“
So what we learn here is that you don’t understand when and how a state’s slate of electors are chosen (and perhaps that you hurry a bit while typing?). You should study up on that and learn even more about NPV here:
@62 Well you certainly take it to the conservatives, but in truth it’s us American’s who elected Trump president. Just maybe the electorate has made a good choice. We will not really know for some time yet. Maybe the electorate got it wrong, but President Trump will be. He maybe actually an independent President, and that maybe a very good thing for the country, and there maybe plenty of opportunities for Democrats to work with the President in pursuit of policies they support. It’s time for Democrats to consider the opportunities here than continue to be in this mire of self pity. Things maybe a little more hopeful in the next Congressional election which should mean the Democrats get more representatives, the Senate could see the Republicans getting more seats. Making the most of positive opportunities could help the American people than this pity party. Whichever candidate won this election was likely to be a one term President. It’s just possible that Trump already plans to be a one term President or will decide to be just one term. A President who decides to be one term can be incredible effective and can get a lot done.
“Under the Compact they would have to vote for the Republican perhaps giving the Republican a very powerful mandate as in they took all the electoral votes.”
In California, as in most other states, the slate of electors representing any given political party’s Presidential ticket is chosen by that party in October. As California is a signatory to the NPV, and as the law in the state of California dictates, in the event that the NPV is enacted by states with a sufficient number, then the slate of electors representing the ticket having won the national popular vote would be sent to cast their votes in December.
@64 Recounts seem to be name of the game. Get our votes counted and the other guys thrown out as much as possible.
The millions of illegals meme is the equivalent of Bigfoot. It’s entirely possible some or even thousands of illegals did vote. It’s possible that Bigfoot exists. What is not possible if proving that illegals did not vote or that Bigfoot does not exist.
Of course it’s not mentioned who these millions of foreign illegals are. Perhaps they are all Russian little green men who voted for Trump. Come on Democrats you can play the illegals voted for their candidate too.
Too much of this may bring the integrity of the system into question. Of course we are already at that Rubicon. Folks in both parties seem to want to cross that river though.
@66 Actually because of Senator McCain Bergdahl’s attorneys already have an appeal based on command influence. No drama Obama didn’t want to use the political capital to put a stop on this farce. Due to the charges there is a fair chance the jury will find Bergdahl innocent, but being a military jury and I think they have thrown in a catch all charge he will likely be convicted on that other charge. It’s entirely likely the time has tolled (or that is why the army went with the charge of aiding the enemy).
Lot of politics involved here, which could mean Berghdahl will win on appeal, but one rarely hears of appeal outcomes just the perp was found guilty. Of course he can be found guilty in the first phase, and then innocent due to circumstances in the second phase.
@69 The government regulations you are referring to in this case are local and state. This is clearly a case where no one wanted to spend political capital to enforce those government regulations.
The incoming Trump administration will have no effect on the government regulations enacted by state and local government in California or here in Washington state.
Government regulations that are not enforced are no better than having no regulation, perhaps it’s worse when as in this case tragedy erupts.
Still there are other factors leading to people using and living in this warehouse in an area where it’s tough to find housing let alone inexpensive housing. Leading to landlords and tenants willing to skirt the rules.
@73 Hey you could be his first interviewee. Yep you Puddy could make or break Obama post President career.
Guess he could take up painting.
@87 No, but I do think you and others exaggerate the Republicans supposed contempt for rule of law. Most Republicans only have a little more political will than the typical Democrat. Your argument becomes petty when compared to a guy who had political will, and would cut your head off if you opposed him and it really was his way or the highway, and had no problem playing a game of polo with someone head (it was the national sport), and I do enjoy making fun at comparing American politics to Genghis Kahn. That and I like to laid by one of Genghis Kahn’s great grand daughter in Mongolia.
@105 So far as I’m aware, the anti-government types don’t distinguish between government regulations based on whether they’re federal or local. They don’t want to be told what to do, period. They think if you install a traffic light you’re a socialist or worse.
@99 No what happens today in Washington state is the party who wins electors get to meet in Olympia to cast their votes. Folks who are electors are party stalwarts so they are going to cast their vote for the parties candidate. Under your scenario whatever candidate gets the popular vote has their electors sent to go cast their vote. So if Trump had also won the popular vote then the Republican’s would be sending their electors this election. I just cannot see that outcome as being at all popular in the state of Washington compact or not. Nor is the Presidential election have anything to do with interstate commerce which applies to the majority of interstate compacts. I think if this state were to send a bunch of Republicans to vote as electors when the state voters voted for the Democratic candidate a whole bunch of folks in the Washington legislature and the Governor would be voted out next election, and I think that would happen in other states.
All this is theoretical as your compact isn’t going to happen. It can only appeal to a few large states, and it will be decades before they have 60% of the population in three or four states. Can states get out of the compact? Is there a time the proposal expires if it doesn’t make the 60%?
@71 Thank you for acknowledging that you are the babbling jackass of these comment threads..
You LIVE that!
Here. This is from your Secretary of State’s website:
Each presidential ticket provides a list of electors prior to the presidential election
The nominees for President and Vice President that receive the most votes in Washington’s 2016 General Election will receive all 12 of Washington’s electoral votes and that presidential ticket will send 12 electors to Olympia on December 19th to cast their votes for the nominees. If an elector votes for a person not nominated by the party for which they are an elector, they are subject to a civil penalty of up to $1,000.
And here is a link to the relevant section from your Washington State Revised Code:
I quote from that document:
” The party or convention shall file with the secretary of state a certificate signed by the presiding officer of the convention at which the presidential electors were chosen, listing the names and addresses of the presidential electors. Each presidential elector shall execute and file with the secretary of state a pledge that, as an elector, he or she will vote for the candidates nominated by that party”
In Washington in 2016, had the Republican Party ticket naming Donald J. Trump as the party nominee won the nationwide popular vote, and had the NPV interstate compact been in effect, then by Washington State law, the electors sent to Olympia on December 19th would be the slate of electors named and certified to the Secretary of State’s by the presiding officer of the Republican convention prior to the election. So the Republican Party slate of electors would be casting their votes for the Presidential campaign ticket they had previously pledged to support and vote for. That is the law in your state today as it currently stands. It was sponsored into both houses in part by Democrats and passed with bipartisan support. Many dozens of Democratic state legislators in both houses voted in favor of the bill in 2009. It was signed into law by a Democratic Governor. In both state and national polls, NPV is overwhelmingly popular. Most Washingtonians, and most Americans support the idea of electing the President based on the nationwide popular vote.
” Nor is the Presidential election have anything to do with interstate commerce which applies to the majority of interstate compacts.”
I’m not at all sure what you mean to imply here, although it would appear that some of it is probably untrue.
There are literally thousands of interstate compacts in place throughout the United States. The have been upheld and supported by the federal courts literally thousands of times. The authority of the states to enter into such compacts is spelled out in Article I, Section 10, Clause 3, of the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution itself is mute with respect to subject matter limitations of the compacts described in Article I, Section 10. But it is with regard to this specific passage within the Constitution that spells out the authority of the states to enter into these agreements that the federal courts have examined these agreements. And in particular whether Congressional approval is required. Since 1842 only compacts infringing on asserted Congressional authority and threatening Congressional Supremacy are deemed to require Congressional approval. As the selection of electors is not nor has it ever been an authority asserted by Congress, and moreover, as the selection of electors is an authority specifically reserved to the states by the Constitution, no such Congressional approval is required for the NPV interstate compact to go into effect.
Whoa! I see that the angry, hate-filled loon has unleashed a torrent of batshit insanity on us!
Calling the “Fake News” Jedi a liar causes an explosion every time.
Stalker alert @110!
Your argument becomes petty when compared to a guy who had political will, and would cut your head off if you opposed him and it really was his way or the highway, and had no problem playing a game of polo with someone head (it was the national sport), and I do enjoy making fun at comparing American politics to Genghis Kahn.
That’s because the senile dumb wabbit makes petty arguments all the time!