John Oliver: Segregation.
Your mission.
Matthew Filipowicz: How to protest the Bundy way!.
Meet the Alt Right:
- Farron Cousins: White supremacists will win, even if Drumpf loses
- Samantha Bee: Feelin’ alt-right, part 1
- Samantha Bee: Feelin’ alt-right, part 2
- Sam Seder: David Duke tries to explain “Jew-S-A”, melts down.
- Young Turks: Guess who the Newspaper of the KKK endorsed?
- Farron Cousins: White supremacists endorse Drumpf, plan election day disruptions
- David Pakman: White supremacists plotting election day “dhow of force” to scare Black voters away
Al Sharpton interviews Pres. Obama Part I.
Al Sharpton interviews Pres. Obama Part II.
How the Electoral College work?
Holy Shit! You’ve Got To Vote!
Conan: Election battle–Drumpf Tower versus Hillary’s Chappaqua home.
What is the difference between a Ponzi vs. a pyramid scheme.
Mental Floss: 26 scientific studies about animals.
The 2016 Sexual Predator Comedy Tour Staring Donald “Fuckface von Clownstick” Drumpf:
- Mike Daisey: The Drumpf Card
- Olbermann: Is Donald Drumpf a Russian agent?
- Jon: My Twitter wars with Drumpf.
- David Pakman: Christian nutburger claims God will punish America if we don’t elect Donald Drumpf.
- Who is cashing in on Drumpf’s border wall?
- Young Turks: Drump To Investors, “You should’ve known I was a loser.”
- If Barack Obama was Donald Drumpf.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf starts talking to himself during speech…. Voices in his head?
- Daily Show: Envisioning Drumpf’s first term.
- Newzoids: Drumpf on Hillary’s pneumonia
- Kimmel: Drunk Donald Drumpf–Emails (Plus special guest Melania Drumpf)
- Olbermann: Donald Drumpf and his uncanny resemblance to horror
- Samantha Bee: Drumpf’s Rusky friends.
- Behind the scenes at Drumpf headquarters: Meet the speechwriter:
- Stephen: Black supporter mistakenly thrown out of a Drumpf rally
- Behind the scenes at Drumpf headquarters: Twitter troubles.
- Pink Farm: Liar, Liar, Liar.
- Young Turks: Drumpf bullies female reporter during rally.
- Sam Seder: Video surfaces of Drumpf attending WrestleMania with mobster he said he didn’t know
- Maddow: About those Drumpf supporters holding “Blacks for Trump” in Florida
- Olbermann: What is Donald Drumpf’s plan for Drumpf TV?
- David Pakman: Drumpf energy advisor has NO CLUE how electricity works
- Melania is deeply concerned about online bullying?!?
- Could a “silent majority” win this for Drumpf?
- Mark Fiore: Grabbing the White House
- Ivanka, we’re here for you.:
- Stephen: Drumpf wants voters to change their ballots.
- Olbermann: Be angry with Donald Drumpf, but not afraid!
White House: West Wing Week.
Scariest moments of the 2016 election.
Late Show: FBI: Email Reader Unit.
John Batiste teaches you how to vote.
Weed, guns, and minimum wage: What else is the U.S. voting on?.
Farron Cousins: Emails reveal GOP plot to block North Carolina African Americans from voting.
Secret booth.
Tour the International Space Station.
Hillary Makes Herstory:
- Trevor: The FBI (once again) examines Hillary Clinton’s emails
- Seth Meyers: The GOP threatens to paralyze a Hillary Clinton presidency
- Louis C.K. is all in for Hillary
- Sam Seder: Obama calls out FBI Director James Comey for operating on ‘innuendo, incomplete info, leaks’
- Newzoids: Hillary’s country & western album
- I’m with purr
- Trevor: Hillary Clinton lives the Black experience
- Sam Seder: Libertarian VP candidate Bill Weld basically endorses Hillary Clinton.
- Red State Update: Comey vs Clinton over email scandal– Is Hillary done?
- Stephen: Clinton prepares for her victory party
- James Corden: We’re still talking emails?!?
- Newzoids: Hillary Clinton is sick.
Seth Meyers: Polls are tightening….
Sam Seder: Why is the Left fighting a carbon tax in Washington State?.
David Pakman: GOP obstructionists threaten to keep Clinton Supreme Court seat empty.
PsychoSuperMom: Voter fraud is a fraud:
Samantha Bee interviews President Obama.
Young Turks: Chris Christie cronies guilty in Bridgegate scandal
You Make Me Feel.
Kids take time out from trick-or-treating to discuss the election.
Four likely outcome of the election.
Young Turks: How Southern states are rigging the election.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Klan endorsement, probably the endorsement nobody wants, at least in public.
Any bets on how long it will be that Boob disappears after the election if Hillary wins?
I’m not sure what is crazier – what comes out of Boob’s mouth (or mind or fingers) or Drumpf’s.???
Boob’s cagey. Yup.
Despite months of pimping for the racist Orange disaster, he honestly believes we buy his claims of being for “anybody but”.
But he won’t go away. Despite the truth.
This loss, and the accompanying shifts in power in Congress belong more to enabling apologists like Boob than to raving lunatic “low information” fake “conservatives” like the Fuckwad.
It’s Trump’s Republican party now. And guys like Boob handed it to him.
WTF. Two of the first three posts are……
about me.
Yeah, lose or lose I’m not going to be around much after Tuesday. Although I may be promoting my Notadumbfuck Method to successful financial investing, if a certain someone starts again with the braggadacio.
I learned a ton from some of you, and for that I am appreciative.
Maybe I missed a Puddy post, but anyone else notice that the rape case against Trump was dropped yesterday?
Really, too bad the court date couldn’t have been next Friday. Y’all could have had it for another week.
Just as there is likely no truth to that allegation to begin with, there also is probably no truth to the rumor that Anonymous has video of Bill Clinton having sex with a minor child and will release the video today.
Although the rumor that the FBI has video of Anthony Weiner having sex with a minor child, started by me here and now, stubbornly persists.
When I leave, will there be anyone left to read Goldy’s tweets?
Our trolls will be pleased to know that the dead can vote.
I bet boob will want to know how many times a dead person’s vote can be counted.
Maybe the babbling jackass will babble about the cemeteries of Chicago.
Here’s a mistake liberals always make. Calling “voter fraud” a myth is dead wrong. It’s just another right wing lie. Yes, lie! It is clearly a lie used to stop people of color from voting. It’s like calling tax cuts for the rich “failed economic policy” because it destroys economies. It’s not economic policy nor trickle down or whatever. It’s a lie. And you cannot absolve them for being liars by characterizing it any other way. Self serving lies. And the irony is that it doesn’t do anything for them in the long run, but thinking ahead is not their strong point. Neither is any thinking for that matter.
In the “That Can’t be Helpful” bin.
Trump Hotel in Las Vegas is breaking the law by refusing to negotiate with the Union representing their Catering and F&B workers.
Hmmm, Trump is breaking the law in Nevada? How close is Nevada?
What group of Rust Belt voters is Trump trying to court in Ohio? Oh right, Union members.
But there’s the thing. Voter fraud is never “Illegals” flocking to the polls. Voter fraud is almost always a case of a spouse filling out their spouses ballot.
I can do a reasonable job signing the Mrs’ name so this would be easy to do and, “It Ain’t harmin’ no one. She’d’a wanted to vote if she could.”
There’s 1-2 of these people caught each cycle.
@4 I’m under the impression you haven’t learned anything from anyone.
@7 Well, waddya know, an actual case of voter fraud. It’s rare, but does happen. Like the Wisconsin insurance executive who voted for Romney five times in two or three different states.
The most dazzling detail is she is an Election Judge, a poll watcher so to speak. So it’s going to be damn near impossible to testify she didn’t know better and she’s made lots of statements publicly that she is proud of committing a felony.
So well done, you just made yourself ineligible to vote.
I’m starting to notice a pattern of Conservatives (and frankly, many so-called Liberals) insisting that saying particular words in a particular manner is the single most important thing one can do to prove one is on somebodies side.
Their idea of the “magic” of words is similar to the magic of the sovereign citizen’s belief that saying certain “law” words in the right sequence gets you out of breaking the law or out of being required to attend court. I suspect is really is the same thing. It’s an extremely juvenile way of looking at things, I think. Many little kids are obsessively insistent, for instance, that their favorite fairy tales be told in exactly the same sequence of words every time, or that parents use the “right” formula or sequence of actions while putting them to bed or performing some basic action like doing dishes or sorting laundry.
The further things progress with this, the more it seems like our elected officials (and society in general) is just regressing back into childhood, or perhaps just never really grew out of it. What the hell has happened in the past twenty or thirty years, that people insist on having the “right” words, in the “correct” sequence to get their own way in discussions and by correctly sequencing the word-things they should automatically have “won” the argument, all apparently while believing that just being basically polite is something only the stupid kids do?
Honestly, it’s like being in a kindergarten full of retarded grown-ups.
We’re seeing the ascension into power of a generation that was raised on television and the protracted anti-intellectualism that is represented by that medium, with the result being a total lack of critical thinking skill or ability to comprehend the language when it’s not performed exactly as they require or accompanied by referencing visual images. Hell, even basic spelling is beyond so many people and I find this to be utterly appalling.
They don’t know what the words actually mean and they cannot parse them when confronted with an unexpected sequence of them. They only recognize if particular word-things have been said or not. Instead of being a means to communicate, they see language only as a method to deceive them if the word-things aren’t sequenced correctly in a manner so they can understand the subject being communicated. So if they cannot parse the sequencing, they automatically assume someone is trying to pull one over on them. Thus, many subjects are totally incomprehensible even at the most basic level of understanding and when explained in the simplest of terms. Our own pet Schizophreniac is a primary example of this.
Another primary example is when there was all the hubbub when President Obama called the Benghazi attack an “act of terror” because they don’t actually understand the concept those words describe, at all. They only know that he didn’t say “terrorist act” which was apparently the correctly sequenced response.
I don’t know what a solution would be, other than restricting access to Television or eliminating it altogether. It’s turning people into Idiots, in the classic sense of the term.
@14 The solution is obvious. You stupid humans will vote yourselves into extinction, then a more intelligent species (e.g., rabbits) will run the world the way it should be done.
@14 We have the internet now and more affluent people (19 percent of all Americans) have smartphones..
It’s too early perhaps to say television’s influence is waning – it’s no doubt very strong with the older folks who support Drumpf, listen to always wrong wing hate talk radio, watch Faux Snooze and vote in very high percentages.
I’d say in general that television is on the down trend and the internet and social media is ascending – and the latter is more bad than good.
If you want to see a place where the always wrong wing eat each other, see twitter. And the crowd that’s coming out on top of that horror is too scary – more or less it’s the alt right.
Hell this blog is considered pretty old technology. Do some of us old timers still wonder where all the trolls went? Pretty simple answer – they went to facebook, twitter and loony bins like disqus.
Some recent articles I’ve found very interesting..
Recovering Republican Chris Ladd:
“The Last Jim Crow Generation” – basically people who were born the same year Drumpf was born: 1946.. I was very impressed with Republican Chris Ladd’s writing back in 2014 when he noted that Republicans had gained almost nothing from their ostensible midterm victory – the national political map didn’t change.
I found this article tied in nicely with an article written by Molly Ball at the Atlantic.
Salient quotes: “They hobbled on walkers and canes into the massive amphitheater, searching for a place to sit on the lawn….
Someone who is 70 today was born in 1946 and grew up in the Beaver Cleaver world of the 1950s, an anomalous period of time in America when the postwar economy was booming and the dominant culture had not yet been disrupted by the civil-rights movement and the sexual revolution. Today’s old people are the last Americans who will ever remember that bygone country—and they see the current election as their last chance to restore it.”
Both of the articles confirm quite nicely what Distant Replay has said about the Trump voter – much more affluent than the average having gleaned all the advantages of being born at the right place at the right time to the right parents, i.e. white.
I still believe a good portion of Trump voters are younger disaffected, less educated, mostly white folks – but they are probably the minority.
Two good reads.
7) Speaking of Illinois, I wonder how President Lincoln would see today’s GOP?
17) Sometimes I wonder about the economy from that era, or what is not being mentioned, was the fact that consumer demand recovered from over 15 years of the reattach Depression and WWII, that American Factories survived unscathed, and the Baby Boom?
@19 These days I’m pretty consumed with that post WWII period from 1945-1963, mostly in Southern California.. I really enjoy looking at pictures from that time, studying how the place transformed and reading the memoirs of people who lived at that time.
There’s a bunch of oral histories archived at UCLA and I really enjoy reading and listening to the recollections of the movers and shakers of those post war times in Southern California and elsewhere.
Of course there’s a lot of pictures of the old streetcars that went everywhere in Los Angeles back in those days. They used to run right on the street I grew up on. They were gone before I was born.
But the Gold Line now runs on the freight and passenger rails that ran parallel (more or less) to the old street car line and those particular rails were in active use while I was growing up.
I’ve visited Los Angeles twice in the last two years and rode the Gold Line (and once the Purple line) every chance I could. It was too much fun riding from Pasadena through all the familiar neighborhoods of NE Los Angeles right past my childhood neighborhood to downtown Los Angeles to have breakfast or lunch at Phillipes. Too much fun.
The kind of people who support Trump.
20)It’s costing billions just to bring back a portion of what was lost. Ironically, on the grounds of air quality and freeway congestion, the CPUC originally turned down the request to discontinue the last of the Red Cars. They got a measure on the ballot, but it has to get a supermajority.
@22 Indeed, I wonder sometimes where all the money came from. A concise article must be somewhere on the web.
Have you seen “City of Gold”? Makes me rally miss my time in L.A.
@24 Yeah! Jonathan Gold. He’s awesome. I remember when he wrote reviews of grindcore bands for the LA Times in the late 1980’s.
Then he went strictly to writing about food. There wasn’t a single hole in the wall or food truck he wouldn’t try. If it was a fried chicken stand, he’d notice the asian folks running it and then lo and behold they had some killer home-cooked stuff on the menu.
One of a kind. A Los Angeles treasure.
Just dropped my ballot off, usually I wait until Tuesday, but it is very important this year.
At this very moment, the loon and his doomsday death cult are doing truly horrible things to a poor, hapless goat.
@17 That’s my own experience. Same age and demographic, except I’m liberal. But whatever they are or whatever their experience, and I agree with your assessment, they understand the absolutely crucial nature of voting in every single election. And that gives them an advantage we should not be letting them have by being so cavalier ourselves. I still find it shameful that people on the left let them take the senate away from Obama.
I’ve voted so Washington state has something right. Still Tuesday should be a holiday.
@27 Sucks to be the goat, someone should call the SPCA.
A little article on the transportation chaos in Chicago Friday, with the Cubs victory parade and rally. Metra did their best, but the crowds at Union Station and the Ogilvive Transportation Center would say otherwise.
Some writers have lines so good I remember them decades later.
Jonathan Gold on El Coyote the Mexican place on Beverly near Fairfax
Meanwhile back at Pennsylvania Avenue…
Hmmm… A catchy tune…
@32 Last visit, I dialed up my sister and said hey it’s my treat this time. Where do you wanna go?
“Well how about Tepeyac?”
Oh shit. I had made a beeline there last year after the Dodger game. Ok I’ll have asian after the game this year. We’re going.
Had the two tacos combo plate which was quite memorable in my younger days. While still good (loads of excellent cheddar) the shell wasn’t as greasy as I remembered (probably a good thing). Sister had the mini-Hollenbeck.
Later on in the week. What’s for dinner? I can’t leave this town without a Hollenbeck. Went again. Damn I love that place.
Embarrassed to say I’ve never tried El Coyote. I understand the Enchiladas Howard are legend and for some strange reason they make a terrible margarita.
When Assange was disclosing GW Bush information he was the DUMMOCRETINS hero. Now that Assange is exposing Careless Crooked Heilary’s antics he’s the DUMMOCRETIN GOAT – greatest of all time!
Who told Careless Crooked Heilary to use the private email server?
To DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate it’s just a personal computer because Colin said so!
DAYUM that DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate really stoooooooooooooopid!
Remember it was QPPSteve and the vomit producer who TRUMPed up that fake rape story on Donald Trump. Where did they get it from?
raw story – that old web site of lies, lies and more lies.
Two rotten peas in a crusty dried up pod!
Sux to be the loonatic twins!
Wow, If a Republican did this, you know the news cycle of the libtard msm would be running this 24×7
QPPS @27
GOAT – Greatest of All Time – Jesus Christ.
Sux to be you!
Still DAYUM stoooooooooooooopid!
And of course the compassionate progressive left is at it again…
My office was 3rd and Fairax so El Coyote was a regular. It’s not particularly good as LA Mex goes but cheap and ancient by LA trendy standards.
I have a shamrock at Bergin’s.
Drumpf’s “closing argument” – save America from the Jews!
Nice candidate the babbling jackass troll “jockstraps”.
Comey writes to the klownservatic kooks in the kongress..
Just duplicates of already know shit.
But we do know who was “infuriated” at the FBI – Hillary hating, Breitbart slobbering, FBI agents with close ties to the ugly, corrupt, execrable racist jerk Rudy Guiliani.
F those klowns. Sux to be boob and the babbling jackass troll.
Golly salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, those are The Puke Moron’s words.
Dog whistles. Only called when a DUMMOCRETIN rag thinks they are used. Yet, when DUMMOCRETINS use them, naaaah; those are not dog whistles.
Glad you swallow their juice!
Still DAYUM stoooooooooooopid!
Oh a Drumpf-loving thug carrying a freaking GUN intimidates a voter at a Virginia voting site.
These freaks have no shame.
@45 What is this babbling? Your truly just wrote that some at the FBI were “infuriated” like you babbled…
They read (swallow) the same swill (juice) aka Breitbart you do!
What gratitude.
Silly jackass – that white nationalist hate site you love – Breitbart is run by a notorious anti-semite:
And now that Jew hater runs Drumpf’s kraptastic kampaign.
That klownservatic Shapiro ran screaming from that hate site.
Where’d the babbling jackass go?
Here’s a jew hating “bullhorn” at a Drumpf rally (forget the whistle):
This delights the babbling jackass.
It’s rigged, thenthe FBI are great, and now it is rigged again.
What better way to communicate as a Presidential candidate. Boob must be confused.
44) I wonder why announce it today, instead of Friday? By the way, anybody take Trump up on his offer of changing already cast votes?
All those posts from the fetid crazed databaze jackASS arschloch and nothing worthwhile was said!
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETINS admit they want illegals forever!
@53 Like Melania?
Hmmmm. Why hasn’t Drumpf released its tax return?
Hillary did that a long time ago…
Heh. Drumpfhole’s got something to hide. And the babbling jackass cares not because it HATES!
@ The Schizo @ 53
That’s fine, you go on ahead and kick all the dirty messicans out of the country.
You realize who is going to be left picking the vegetables us white folk are going to eat when they’re all gone. It sure as shit ain’t gonna be the white folk.
Stupid fuck.
So the final push is Hillary can’t be president because Republicans in Congress will be continuing to investigate her (can you say 4 more E-mail inquiries?) so vote Trump.
Interesting. Trump University will end up in “Bigly” (big League?) civil settlements and in a sane world would involve a Congressional investigation if he were president.
Trump’s taxes are now an issue so the IRS could very well bring tax evasion charges against him within the year.
The Trump Foundation is under a criminal probe and could very well lead to actual felony charges against him.
Tell me again how this closing argument works?
Gotta love how the vomit producer @56 thinks eh HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Racism at its best!
Well, well, well
My second job out of college was as a producer of corporate and PR videos and one of my best clients in terms of paying bills on time, never batting an eye when I billed him for legitimate last minute add-ons, and never nickel and diming me on an invoice was a guy at Harrah’s named Phil Satre.
The in room info video you used to see at all his resorts, maybe still I haven’t been in Vegas in forever, was mine. Every time a new show opened at one of the properties if you saw “rehearsal video” on the news, that was me. The PSA that ran in all the strip hotels and McCarran about problem gambling with a somber Phil Satre looking into the camera and reading the 800-help message? That was me too.
Good guy that Phil Satre. I know Trump. Don’t vote for him: Ex-Harrah’s executive
messed up the link
23)A little info on the ballot measure I mentioned, Measure M.It’s a half cent sales tax, plus an extension of another half cent sales tax, passed in 2008.
If more DUMMOCRETINS had his guts!
rich irony there, as the Fuckwad is repeatedly on record in these comments spewing avowedly racist anti-Latino hatred and even death threats. It’s animus is so deeply hard wired that it cannot even recognize it when it has been carefully laid out in excruciating detail for all to see. Which is quite consistent with the normal racist mind-set. Once the concepts of racial superiority have been internalized, often through early childhood experience, the cognitive mechanics of it are rendered invisible to the adherent.