John Oliver: Police accountability.
Stephen: Gary Johnson is running his campaign…into the ground.
Lewis Black: Getting out the millennial vote:
Bill Maher with Sen. Al Franken.
The 2016 Pussy-footing around the Alt-Right Clown:
- Donald Drumpf chats with Billy Bush
- Stephen: “All the Tic Tacs in the world aren’t going to freshen his breath after this.”
- Young Turks: Drumpf hot-mic tape leak:
- David Pakman: Is leaked audio the end for Drumpf?
- Amazing CNN discussion segment.
- Drumpf’s bizarre video apology.
- Young Turks: Will rapey Drump audio doom his campaign?
- Olbermann: The most un-American thing a presidential candidate has ever done.
- Stephen: Gael Garcia Bernal has already started building the wall.
- Maddow: The Atlantic makes historic anti-endorsement of Drumpf
- Conan: Dylan Moran knows why Drump is smiling
- Jimmy Kimmel: Coked-up Drumpf.
- Mark Fiore: Absurd Reality.
- Jimmy Fallon: Donald Drumpf calls Madea
- Drumpf catasstrophy
- Chris Hayes: Drumpf still thinks ‘Central Park Five’ are guilty
- Stephen: Donald Drumpf’s one and only newspaper endorsement
- James Corden: Is it Ne-VAD-uh or Ne-VAH-duh? Ask Donald Drumpf
- Olbermann: Drumpf’s 50 most ridiculous excuses.
- PsychoSuperMom: The last time Drumpf paid taxes.
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Drumpf’s terrible week.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Donald Drumpf
- Olbermann: How Donald Drumpf figures he’ll win Sunday’s debate
- Samantha Bee: Party like it’s 1997
- Stephen: Drumpf asks the terminally ill for a huge favor.
- Bill Maher with New Rules: America rules, Drumpf drools.
- Slate: Libertarian VP nominee focusing on stopping Drumpf
- Michael Brooks: Rudy Giuliani claims Drump is an ‘absolute genius’ for not paying taxes
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Donald Drumpf on jobs.
- Olbermann: Why is Drumpf such a weirdo about dogs?
- Young Turks: There was one group Donald Drumpf forgot to insult—the dying.
- Donald Drumpf’s insult-driven campaign.
- Olbermann: Drumpf voters are angry? Here’s what’s worthy of anger
- Jimmy Kimmel: Coked-up Drumpf – sweating
Lewis Black Black to the Future – The Longest Election Cycle.
Kimmel : The week in unnecessary censorship.
SNL: 2016 Presidential Debate:
Bill Maher: I don’t know it for a fact…I just know it’s true.
Trevor: Congress overrides 9/11 veto.
Jimmy Dore: Even FAUX News see through Christie’s BS.
PsychoSuperMom: Dear Internet Trolls.
Daily Show: “The O’Reilly Factor” Gets Racist in Chinatown.
VP Wannabe:
- Trevor: VP Debate recap.
- Samantha Bee: Meet the Veeps
- Conan: How networks made the Veep debate more interesting.
- Stephen: Does anyone know who the VP candidates are?
- Maddow: Both campaigns look for advantage in debate
- Seth Meyers: Late Night Vice-Presidential debate
- Randy Rainbow moderates the VP debate.
- Young Turks: Drumpf jealous of his VP.
- Slate: The VP debate in 2 minutes.
- James Corden: Two guys debated last night.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Mike Pence pretending Donald Drumpr isn’t his running mate
- Sam Seder: Pence distances himself from Drumpf.
- Stephen: Did Mike Penceupstage Drumpf with his strong debate performance?
- Songify Pence v. Kaine:
- Slate: Watch Mike Pence lie in the VP debate.
- Stephen is fuzzing happy the VP debate is over.
White House: West Wing Week.
Seth Meyers: Chelsea Clinton on life-long family attacks and Bad ’90s fashion.
Mental Floss: 44 facts about birds.
Jimmy Dore: Ted Cruz humiliates himself in one embarrassing, slimy phone call.
Samantha Bee: Maine’s personal Drumpf.
Sam Seder: Cruz’s pathetic phone banking for Drumpf.
Adam Ruins Everything: Why your AirBnB may be illegal.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The tape that made the news today is definitely disturbing, but will it change any minds? Perhaps maybe with suburban women?
Hey – do any of you conservative trolls have a hot wife whose Pussy I can grab? She has to look like Marco’s wife, no Rosie and Miss America pigs now.
@1 We’re going to make America Great Again! Pussy for everyone!
After I’m electected we will make America Great Again be renaming the White House the Pussy Snatch House!
Every time my phone dings with a news alert push notification I feel like it’s an announcement that the Pussy Grabber is dropping out.
And this hot mic talk is a surprise to who, exactly? In addition to all his other disgusting character traits, pervert is just another his basket of deplorables will accept and even celebrate.
Y’all are a bucket of losers.
No, Trump will not drop out. It’s going to be Trump and Clinton. I will write-in Bernie.
Fuck ’em both!
@6 yeah Sloppy, You and I, we will make America the Greatest once again!
Hugh Hewitt on Twitter:
“More and worse oppo coming.”
Hey, no fair use issues!
Anybody know if Rubio can be on the national ticket and still run for Senate?
It’s four weeks before the election, and GOP leaders are talking about firing their vulgar nominee. Bwaaaahaaaahaaaaa!!!! It sucks to be a Republican!!!
@9 Julian Assange can’t save you. He’s a pussy grabber, too.
@ 11 RR
Whats even funnier is that he’s still going to get at least 40% of the total electorate.
There are people right in this County who’ve been saying for a couple of weeks now that if The Don doesn’t win, theres going to be “trouble”.
I think the man was right when he told the world on live television that he could kill someone in public and still have a chance to win. It is obvious that the man has completely lost the plot. Probably years ago now. He’s such a strong believer in the power and ability of his own will to control people that he’s visibly deteriorating every time you see him not getting his dick sucked on TV. He’s like a hot air balloon deflating in a cool breeze.
I can see Ivanka probably just keeping her head down and moving assets around to keep some of them from turning to shit before The Don does something really stupid and gets himself in trouble. She knows damn well what kind of Man he is, especially behind closed doors. I’ll bet that, as smart as she is (and she is much smarter than her brothers) she’s been doing that for weeks or even months by now. She saw the writing on the wall.
Ol’ DeNiro puts in his four bits.
Don’t worry everyone. I’m going to dropout, just having s little Pussy grabbing fun at the moment. It’s the only way Pence could get elected, I’m a genius, it’s all my doing!
Hillary is the best choice. She’s gotten a bad rap.
“Hillary is the best choice. She’s gotten a bad rap.”
Over the years, a vast right-wing conspiracy has become an American growth industry, and yet over three decades and with tens of millions of dollars invested into investigating this woman, all they have ever come up with is the fact that her husband cheated on her and that, out of tens of thousands of boring emails, three meaningless paragraphs had a fucking “c” next to them.
They finally have Hillary’s speeches, more boring emails have been dumped, and yet all anybody is talking about today is the fact that the GOP candidate is a pussy grabber. Needless to say, this isn’t turning well, not for Republicans, nor for our nation. It’s the latter that sucks.
Really, if The Don was half as bad as is being said, he really is the closest thing to an “antichrist” this Nation has ever seen in it’s entire history.
And the Evilangelicals have chosen him and pretty much continue to support him as their candidate for the office.
Gee, whoda thunk that?
@17 Steve, join me, let’s have some fun! Let’s grab some pussy! Let’s make America Great Again. Lots of Pussy for everyone!
@18 they love me. They don’t have standards. So long as I’m hating on gays more than those hippies, they’ll love me! But they really have an erection for my running mate, but without me they don’t get their dick, unless I drop out. Pay me bitches!
The Donald’s shifted its shitshow into high entertainment gear..
Oh well, something to keep us all focused (and laughing) until the ballot arrives and we boot its miserable ass off the stage.
Shit, 11 more days until the ballots are mailed.
I think we’re looking at the tape that ended it all. Looking at the rank and file evangelicals in my Facebook feed, including a couple Pastors they are as sickened by this as everyone else. They know they’ve been duped.
The national heads of the movement are being told by their followers that it’s over. Fallwell Jr, Osteen, Warren, the various Duggars, Darrell Scott. Man they painted themselves into a corner. They can no longer pretend that Trump Is a Christian adherent so they can either come out against him or risk total irrelevancy in the future.
There won’t be enough flock to keep them going if they try to make excuses now.
Lust – “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet.”
Pride – “When you’re a star they let you.”
Covet – “She was married but I stil…”
Adultary – well that ones easy
Greed – well the prosperity gospel already tossed this aside
Donald Trump just re-tweeted Juanita Broaddrick accusing Bill Clinton of raping her in her hotel room in 1978–just 6 days before his own ACTUAL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE for child rape is scheduled to take place October 14th:
“Steve, join me, let’s have some fun! Let’s grab some pussy! ”
Because I love my country, I will grab me some pussy.
So, apparently Rince Preibus is canceling his appearance on “Face The Nation” tomorrow. His replacement for the day? Rudy fuckin’ Guiliani.
Oh pasta, I wish I had a TV. Maybe I’ll stream it. You wanna see apoplexy? This latest Trumpism is gonna show you what it looks like.
Values voters!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah blah fucking blah, fuck you!
My pick of Mike Pence was genius. Evangelicals love him and they hate Hillary.
Pay me bitches! Pay me to drop out. I’ll sue you.
So some of the fake Christian leaders, I’m looking at you Ralph Reid, are saying they don’t care because Donald is with them on abortion and that’s good enough.
“Yep, he goes against every point in my Bible but one so he’s good. 1 out of ten of the Commandments? He’s in. Really we only believe in a little of this stuff. Shhh don’t tell anyone.”
I have zero patience for Condoleza and other GOP women calling for Trump to drop out. You knew he and others like him were scumbags years ago and you coddled his base and pretended that the tea party wasn’t racist and that so much of the old white guys in the party weren’t women haters
Feminatzi. You built that.
Mexican Rapists. You built that.
(Black) welfare queens (they’re all black). You built that.
Pigs and Dogs. You built that.
Kenyan President. You built that.
Fags! You built that.
You said nothing while it simmered for decades. You built that.
Some good Germans didn’t know either.
I was going to type don’t forget the fags. But I see that you include the fags in @29. :)
The mainstream GOP establishment knew exactly what The Don was when they selected him as their candidate. They knew he was utter slime, and embraced that as being a major factor in his appeal to voters. He exemplified everything the GOP has stood for since Goldwater. That is unfettered greed, open bigotry and naked contempt for Constitutional Law. The GOP voters welcomed him with open arms and most of them continue to voice their support for them. He matches their value systems to a “T”. He is the face of the platform and paradigm the GOP has spent three generations building.
You built that gallows for yourselves, TeaBaggers. Go on and hang yourselves on it. That noose is going to be around your necks for a generation at least, just as it was after the Great Depression.
I have been hoping for the Schizo to come in here and blame the media or gays or Satan or something like that for the betrayals that have occurred, but it is evident that he’d rather be hiding like the coward and liar that he is.
The Seattle Times editorial board endorsed Hillary today. They had to think about it for months, though. Took me less than 2 seconds.
Right now, Trump is our best ally. If he drops out, we’re in trouble. Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit for his narcissism and self-worship. This is when we need it most.
The coward and liar used to babble about “The Whitey House” maybe based on that non-existent tape of Michelle going on about some black power thing.
So how many idiotic spews about e-mail has it wasted? Or about the IRS? Or BENGHAAAAAAZIIIIIIII!!!??!!!???
Such a credulous fool-tool and now MIA because not even it can defend the indefensible.
If the fool-tool’s always wrong wing bullshit is feckless against the politician it HATES the most, Hillary, that bullshit is utterly worthless and those who espouse it FAYLED..
as in EPIC , huh? amirite?
I’m rather stunned and a bit impressed that we still have a Republican posting. Now,even after their nominee has utterly shredded every las vestige of their bygone dignity, they still spout the bullshit. “You can taxcut your way to FREEDUMB!” “The Blacks get all the breaks!” “Union Teachers driving AMC Pacers control everything!”.
It’s all performance art now.
Republicans owe America an apology.
Interesting piece on Maine Question 5, the effort to adopt ranked choice voting in Maine. If it passes, it could potentially be a game changer in a state where strong independent candidates have often seen Governors elected with sometimes less than 40% of the vote. Not just LePage, but I believe his predecessor as well.
@ 36 DR
“It’s all performance art now.”
It has always been performance art. Political campaigning is the very definition of the term. The issue with really dedicated performance artists, is that they tend to lose themselves in the performance. Hell, Johnathan Winters was one of the first to present self-characterizations as his art form, and there was a point where he had to be pulled off stage to sober him up enough to get out of whatever character he was performing.
That being said, it is obvious that most people who present themselves as politicians really aren’t intelligent enough to pull themselves out of character when not on stage, the character they play is their character, and the character is and often always has been either a complete dumbfuck or a criminal sleazebag.
Louie Gohmert and Rudy Guliani personify this. Donald Trump has never been “politician”, he’s a salesman, a snake oil huckster and a seriously dedicated flim-flam artist, selling cheap diluted shoe polish as the latest and greatest patent medicine so he really doesn’t have the first clue as to how to tailor his performances to a particular audience. That has been the entirety of his career. He’s never been able to break character, because that is his character. He’s an empty vessel buried in a thick layer of well-oiled bullshit that’s been smoothed down by constant patting.
He’s a twisted, sick little man. The perfect Republican Candidate. Maybe if he’d gotten his ass kicked a few times by someone other than his father when he was a kid, he’d be a different person.
Watch 60 minutes tonight. If you are worried about robots taking our jobs (not the illegal immigrants), then you might want to think a step forward and think about them taking over mankinds existence. They don’t eat, drink water, breathe air, are not subject to getting colds and or viruses, etc…oh and they don’t reproduce like the homosexuals. They are pretty self sufficient at a very low cost. I’m sure most will be workers, at first, but there will be a point where must of them can relax by the ocean, after humans are all buried six feet under.
All they need is one Pussy Grabber to help them until they no longer need it either.
The auto-complete feature is affecting your accuracy and grammar. A little proof reading is in order before you post.
Steve spews:
Saturday, 10/8/16 at 5:14 pm
“Steve, join me, let’s have some fun! Let’s grab some pussy! ”
Because I love my country, I will grab me some pussy.
hey you guys, keep your hands off YLB
@41. Ohh I forgot political correctness = bad. But the grammar has to be correct. How’s this grammar error – go fuck yourself.
Melania and Hillary – two high-profile women whose notorious and very powerful husbands, one a president and the other a major party presidential candidate and rich TV star, humiliated them on the national stage by cheating on them.
I don’t see any way how this is going to end well for Trump tonight. However, I see how it might give Hillary a brief moment to be a sympathetic figure, a real human being, and yet a strong, and capable woman – the obvious choice between the two to lead this nation.
lmao @ 42..
Oh JonnoN, little maxwipe, whoever you are.. such a precious little butt plugg..
Ballots arrive in 10 days.. yours truly is so looking forward to cancelling out your vote unless of course, the butt plugg loosens and shit happens..
Not looking good for you butt stoppers this november.. stay plugged tight till then.
Heh, now the Republican Party is going to be forced to carry their little Demon to term, against their will.
Shoe’s on the other foot I guess. How’s it feel TeaBaggers?
43 – Sure, you go first. Your significant other says you finish quickly, so it won’t take you very long.
Wow, there is a whole lotta gay in that post.
Our little effeminate Herve Villechaiz is having an episode…
Da plane! Da plane, boss!
Heh. Wrong yet again little jonno maxwipe, just some contempt for that which is the most contemptible.
You and those like you. See ya in November, butt plugg!
Joe Biden??? Pleeeeeez.
Bernie Sanders…pleeeeze.
You sure seem to have a fetish for butt plugs. Is that something common among the Moocher class?
Da plane! Da plane boss!
@50, 51
October 20 or so.. You are so cancelled out.
Nothing a butt plugg can do about it. Life sux for a butt plugg.
Not even a nanogram of sympathy will be wasted as yours truly fills out the ballot. Damn that’ll be sweet times.
P.S.: never wasted a minute of my life watching krap tv like that. Everyone can see what it did for you.
“You are so canceled out”
Dude, do you ever read the stuff your write? Hint: there is a reason people legitimately think youre a chick….
Must be be strange to have so much of your life tied up into a make-believe online really do take all this so seriously…it kinda sad.
And really….you have some serious butt plug/anal play fetish stuff going on. I suggest you send a private message to Teabagged- maybe the two of you can do some mutual anal workouts…you never know, he might really be in to effeminate “half-latinos”….lol. could be true love…
@53 Precious little butt plugg you so value your hatred of gays, women and minorities.
You go on-line wallow in hate and indulge in rape fantasies.
No one is more separated from reality than you.
The ballot is REAL and yours truly takes it seriously. You don’t?
I fill out my ballot and it WILL cancel yours out. I have the last word and there’s NOTHING, you precious butt plugg can do about it – save for of course the fantasy you really seem to bathe in the most – physical violence – but that might risk going REAL. REAL things have REAL consequences.
Continue to entertain us butt plugg. It’s what you’re known for around here.
What? When your rhetoric fails you pretend you didn’t really mean it?
Not actually buying it. You motherfuckers built yourselves a giant shit swimming pool. Not gonna pretend you fools aren’t in it up to your noses. Not gonna pretend that standing upwind in the sunshine isn’t just a whole lot better.