Stephen with a polite reminder about polls.
Samantha Bee: “Asking” the “tough” questions: Part I and Part II.
Thom: Why won’t the media push back on liar think tanks & experts.
Jim Earl: An obituary for televangelist Jan Crouch.
The 2016 Sexist, Racist Clown Show:
- Sam Seder: Mike Pence refuses to distance himself from David Duke.
- David Pakman: The truth about Donald Drumpf.
- Seth Meyers with Lewis Black on Drumpf and election coverage
- PsychoSuperMom: Other People’s Money
- Sen. Reid: Drumpf is “a liar.”
- Olbermann:
The fraudulent Trump has to have somebody ELSE say POTUS was born here. The fish is deplorable from the head. Vol.3:
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) September 16, 2016
- Rating Drumpf and Clinton on honesty
- Farron Cousins: Drumpf supporter punches elderly woman in the face.
- Sam Seder: “Daddy, daddy, we have to do this”, or how Drumpf says he developed his family leave plan
- Kimmel: Drunk Drumpf on inner cities
- Sam Seder: Obama eviscerates Drumpf in Philly.
- David Pakman: Drumpf campaign staffers quit because they aren’t getting paid.
- Young Turks: Drumpf drops Birferism.
- Stephen: The Drumpf foundation needs your help.
- The most racist person.
- Joy Reid on Drumpf’s Birfer surrender.
- Mark Fiore: Deplorables.
- Farron Cousins: Drumpf Jr. says Sr. can release tax records because people would scrutinize them.
- Young Turks: Dr. Oz show edits out awkward Drumpf comment about kissing Ivanka
- Maddow: White supremacists praise Drumpf as Hillary calls out “deplorables.”
- Sam Seder: Trump In Flint was forced by Pastor to stop political speech in her church, repeatedly
- Sam Seder: Next day, Drumpf trash-talks same Pastor.
- David Packman: Colin Powell says Drumpf is a “national disgrace”.
- Stephen: Dr. Oz asks Donald Drumpf to diagnose himself
- Drumpf’s pay to play
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Drumpf on Hillary’s phones.
- Sam Seder: Drumpf surrenders, “Obama is OFFICIALLY an American and Hillary started birtherism”
- Thom: Electing Drumpf to fix corruption is like smoking to cure cancer
- Drumpf’s Press Secretary: Will Drumpf bomb mars?
- Young Turks: Why Drumpf can’t become President
- Trevor: Deplorables between the scenes
- Colbert: What do Donald Drumpf’s medical records really say?
- Young Turks: #LoserDonald Jr. makes holocaust joke.
- Samantha Bee with This Week in WTF: Latinos for Trump?
- Young Turks: Angry Ivanka walks out of Cosmo interview
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at the Drumpf Foundation
- David Pakman: NY investigates Drumpf Foundation
- Farron Cousins: Yes 1/2 of Drumpf supporters are deplorable.
- Sam Seder: Megyn Kelly shuts down Katrina Pierson
Stephen with some North Korean leader nukes sarcasm.
Susie Sampson chats with a (rather deplorable) White Supremacist.
James Corden: Political monologue.
Seth Meyers: Dammit! Wells Fargo.
Samantha Bee: Outfoxed by FOX.
Thom: A post-factual world.
- Stephen: Rough week for Hillary
- Seth Meyers with Hey! Hillary and the basket of deplorables.
- Matthew Filipowicz: Outrage over Hillary Clinton’s comments:
- Seth Meyers with Bernie Sanders: The case for Hillary
- James Corden: Hillary has a basket of issues.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Hillary Clinton
- Trevor: Hillary Clinton’s bad week
- Clinton campaign Drumpf doesn’t see Obama as American.
- Stephen: The Lunghazi scandal rages, a healthy cartoon Hillary speaks out
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Hillary Clinton and the Basket of Deplorables
Daily Show with outrage court: Patriotism vs. Protest
White House: West Wing Week.
Seth Meyers: Don’t forget to vote!
Conan with a political monologue.
Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Rudy Giuliani.
Colbert does Trevor Noah Part I and Part II.
Thom: How Higher Education is being folded into the Libertarian movement.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Interesting how the pastor stood up for separation of church and politics. Aren’t some evangelical leaders trying to bait the IRS by doing political speeches in church?
A little present for two of our most deplorable troll buttsplain’ers, boob and little maxie:;1023.jpg
Heh. Especially deplorable boob.
Oh here’s one for the deplorable little maxie:
C’mon kops – why intervene? This is only how adults settled disputes in the bad old days – with guuuunns..
Love them ‘burbs.
#Crooked Hillary widens the enthusiasm gap.
Trump walks onstage to theme of 'Les Miserables,' greets 'deplorables' at his Miami rally
Romney’s comments about the 47% would have damaged him more bad Obama been less presidential about it.
Trump is under no such restraint.
Own goal by the smartest woman in the world.
Non-deplorable ambushes shoots female Philly cop eight times, shoots second Philly cop.
Hmmm. Lemme guess.
The audience were composed primarily of these:
IIRC the Donald read the same poll. Loved his recent walkback huh?
From the same freak who brought “the world” C.U.N.T (deplorable boob was a charter member):;330.jpg
A poster for the home office walls of the ha trolls.
Google “Pepe the Frog” and it’s just about perfect for our deplorable trolls.
@3 Does this mean the wedding is postponed until they get out of jail?
@5 It’s more complicated than that, boob. He also shot at a security guard in a bar, two people sitting in a car, and took a woman hostage. Which look likes (a) a terrorist attack, or (b) a nut going berserk. Let’s wait to find out who this shooter is and what his motivation was, but right now this incident doesn’t look like a purely anti-cop thing.
Just when things looked grim for Hillary, the loose cannon second amendments her again. Despite the personnel changes, it doesn’t look like the Drumpf campaign has their candidate under control. That should help Hillary’s numbers going forward.
Drumpf says he’ll “make America great again,” and liberals shake their heads and wonder what he’s talking about. Well, you gotta understand what “great” means to his followers, which is not necessarily it means to you and me.
I mean, c’mon, not everyone thinks racism, bigotry, Klan rallies, and lynchings are “deplorable.” A lot of people think those things are great, really miss them, and want to bring them back. Damn liberals! Can’t even burn a cross on someone’s lawn or paint swastikas on a synagogue anymore without going to jail. Shit, those liberals have screwed up EV’RYTHANG.
Remind me again who needs adult supervision?
“Something something Palin’ round with dictators.”
@13 Typical Republican idiot who tries to “solve” the homeless problem by legislating them out of existence. No RV camping on streets, no living in cars, no sleeping or sitting on sidewalks, no sanctioned homeless camps; it all adds up to one thing: Pushing the homeless out of Seattle. He doesn’t care where they go, as long as they leave. Problem solved. I wonder why he forgot to throw in the clause that criminalizes feeding the homeless? Starving them out is a lot faster than waiting for sleep deprivation to take effect. Btw, if he runs them out of Seattle, won’t they go to Federal Way, his stomping ground?
@13 Miloscia is running for state auditor. In his website, he boasts about his record of “helping the homeless.” Also says he was a Democrat when he served in the House, turned Republican when elected to the Senate in 2014. What happened, did he fall the Capitol steps, and hit his head? I’ve been there, that concrete is hard, definitely will make you dizzy if you make a wrong step.
We could just eat them. They taste Irish apparently.
A refernce to Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal.”
Fascinating to observe the world that YLB’s brain’s(?) imagination comes up with.
Even stranger is the fact that he convinces himself that it’s real.
lets see who catches my little play on words….
Get real, oh most deplorable and stupid…
Btw, last night CZ deemed you “Milo’s sex toy”.. You know who Milo is right?
Dont know and dont care.
Still trying to convince yourself that you are male?
The best insult you can come up with is saying someone’s not a man. How very Jr high of you.
Definitely a Milo butt plug. Loves his followers on their knees.
Read my mind! Deplorable little maxie aka milo’s butt plug..
Yep. Every freaking troll that’s trolled here has done that. And it doesn’t matter if the troll is male or female. That kind of shit is the worst form of misogyny.
Yeah we got examples. Tons.
It just betrays their fear and loathing of women and their fear of their own fragile status being threatened. SAD!
I meant to say: the WORST thing a dipshit klownservatic troll can “think” of to spew at a male adversary or any male who can’t stand its braindead politics,
is to spew its adversary is a woman.
That is fucked up beyond belief and short of physical violence the worst form of misogyny.
Arent you two just a cute pair of twinks!
A Hallmark moment indeed…..
Junior high forever. Deplorably boring. Yawwwn.
Oh but wait! It admits it’s attracted… Uhhh. Yawwwwn..
It’ll pick up when the babbling jackass gets here for its weekly “need”.
It’s Saturday night, which means the loon is fucking goats with his doomsday death cult, getting stoked to unload another week of hate on us.
It’s misogynist to point out that phrases used by a male contributor give others the sense that he is female?
YLB, if you didn’t routinely cause men to think you are female, there would be no reason at all that they would pay any attention to what you have to say. That isn’t misogyny. It’s courting behavior.
Yawwwwwn @ 29 Complete bullshit duly noted deplorable boob..
“Courting behavior”???? Wow! Hey that’s some interesting take there on your own “confusion”…
Now serve up some vaginal secretion krap to make the rest of the trolls here “soft” like a good old bad misogynist and go to sleep.
Bomb goes off in NYC. Second device found. Who did this? A chilling dimension to the war on terra!
New Jersey pipe bomb at 5K military race!
New Jersey pipe bomb at 5K military race!
Double Post on purpose. Wait for the deplorable QPPS head explosion.
@31 Blaming a TWO TERM President in 5, 4, 3, 2…
Oh no, all that Birfer BULLSHITTIUM explodes in the DUMMOCRETINS face…
This was known last light and the Friday Night Comedy Purveyor, Da Perfessa, chose to ignore these FACTS!
FACTS sux when you are a DUMMOCRETIN!
QPPS head will explode in a few minutes!
Oh no, all that Birfer BULLSHITTIUM explodes in the DUMMOCRETINS face…
This was known last light and the Friday Night Comedy Purveyor, Da Perfessa, chose to ignore these FACTS!
FACTS sux when you are a DUMMOCRETIN!
The men and women who run the supposedly “nonpartisan” Commission on Presidential Debates have put their money where their mouths are — and it all has gone to Democrat Hillary Clinton.
More proof the game is rigged!
Idiot @ double post…
Once again, the name “Hillary Clinton” is not seen in the blockquote.
Now why would Birfer News Daily, (a troll favorite) and other favorite troll reads run with something Sid Blumenthal supposedly started?
Not even idiot trolls can answer that.
Idiot @ double post…
Wow a lot of Republicans sure lapped up that Sid Blumenthal perfidy:
Y’all a bunch of gullible and stupid mofos. So many of you, Drumpf had no problem hijacking your silly joke of a party.
The Remembrance Project, fully forgotten by Careless Crooked Heilary and remembered by Donald Trump!
Meanwhile… http://www.theamericanmirror.c.....p-hillary/
Oh my the arschloch doesn’t get it. Sid Blumenthal is Heilary’s right hand man. R senile loves Sid Blumenthal. How many concept guerilla posts did the senile moron post arschloch?
monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch is an idiot!
deplorable babbling jackass @ 40
Each year over 3 million children are reported as victims of physical, sexual, verbal and emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, and death – and those are only the ones that were reported! That means that close to 9 million children are abused every year!
Assuming 9 million incidents, please tells us how many of those are committed by “legals”.
Smelly arschloch… mediaite is a left wrong web site.
Such a fool the crazed databaze arschloch is!
Idiot @ 42
You can’t prove that Hillary Clinton sanctioned whatever Sid did just like no-one is able to prove yet that Chris Christie gave the nod to Bridgegate.
All you can do is guilt by association and that just shows you’re an asshole. Old news around here.
And Republicans easily swallow whatever Sid supposedly served up so the thief Drumpf could grift those fools.
Nice guy you support.
Now why wasn’t this front and center on the Friday Night Comix…
Why isn’t this making the national news? Because the libtard msm have their heads up Careless Crooked Heilary’s ASS! Now this paragraph is hilarious…
Very funny!
With always wrong wing klownservatic scribblers like Noah Rothman – hence the attraction to idiots like you.
Douche bag arschloch… Plausible deniability you fool! No guilt by ASSociation. Careless Crooked Heilary purposely hired Sid Blumenthal over the objections of Obummer you idiot!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh! Pfffffffffffffffffft! Useless blather from the arschloch!
What a tard!
Another Puddy take down @47! Nothing it can say about mediaite!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh! Pfffffffffffffffffft! Useless blather from the arschloch!
What a tard!
Seems the crazed arschloch is abusing its children again! What does this have to do with anything about the Remembrance Project you fool?
Nice train wreck @43. Corny as evah!
Seems the crazed arschloch is abusing its children again! What does this have to do with anything about the Remembrance Project you fool?
Nice train wreck @43. Corny as evah!
Worth a double post!
Heh. So by that measure, Chris Christie caused first responder delays putting lives at risk.
Christie is guilty. Thanks for playing.
It’s this right?
Now tell us how many of the 9 million kids who are victims of violence were victimized by the:
Heh. The babbling jackass is taking “legal” violence against kids to the salt mine tonight…
Stolen lives. Wow.
Or maybe the babbling jackass will have a vision of a mexican financed “wall” in the empty space between the ears as it pounds away in the mine tonight.
It’d be so much cheaper if cheap labor klownservatics just hired Americans. Better relations with Mexico, etc.
Seems Obummer’s special forces to battle ISIS are welcome…
Skipped right over by the Friday Night Comix Purveyor!
is taking is taking “legal” violence…
Huh? Why are you smacking those kids around crazed databaze arschloch? Seems this gives you a hard-on.
Why are you such a shady individual monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch?
double post idiot @ 56,57
Legal system harassment of an indidvidual by unhinged klownservatics aka assholes.
In the meantime:
Progressives keep winning victories against klownservatic vote suppressors.
@56 Give us the number of kids victimized by the
the “legal” stolen lives.
Are you saying that’s beyond you? Man, you are weak.
Meanwhile Facebook strikes…
Silly troll @ 60
Why file a lawsuit?
This is what a true klownservatic kop does to uppity people of color in a klownservatic state.
Keep screaming crazed arschloch… This is not a topic from Careless Crooked Heilary!
Sux to be you!
Damn this troll has a lot of “need” tonight..
HA comes first otherwise…
It’s the “softening” in the salt mine.
Heh. That shit don’t work.
@23 claims observation that someone is feminine and call it JR high………
Next sentence calls that person a butt plug…
Czechsays self awareness points = 0
Sux to be the arschloch,
HA DUMMOCRETINS was not first! Butt you keep thinking that because Puddy PWNS you!
Sux to be the arschloch,
According to tax returns filed by the Clinton Foundation, only 5.7% of the funds raised actually went to charitable organizations. The rest went to salaries and benefits for employees and “other expenses.”
@64 CZ was spot on.
So you used the little blue pill for the salt mine and HA is the cigarette? Got it.
Got up early this morning trolls. Turning in.
Circle jerk amongst yourselves.
The Moocher Class seems well represented by YLB….of course he was a Bernie supporter. The best way to secure votes from the moocher class is to offer them #freestuff.
Gnight ylb….say hello to your husband for us…
Guess what tune Careless Crooked Heilary used when she returned?
BTW the lady changed her name to deliver a Mike Rowe Agreshun to the Oregon moron!
Blue pill? Still the drug addict eh buttspigot?
Colin Powell threw shade on Bill Clinton and his bimbo eruptions. Powell threw shade on Careless Crooked Heilary! Colin called Careless Crooked Heilary “greedy” and “not transformational” then said “everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.”
The Friday Night Comix Purveryor skipped over that too!
“New Jersey pipe bomb at 5K military race!
As though we needed it, yet more evidence that the batshit crazy loon hates America.
“Idiot @ double post…”
The loon can’t stop fist-pounding his keyboard in hate. Sad!
Huh! And Bob apes Trump. And the loon? He’s just an ape, six rungs below human on the evolutionary ladder.
“Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates Says Trump Is ‘Beyond Repair’”
If Trump is “beyond repair”, imagine what he’d say about the batshit insane loon.
While #Crooked Hillary tries to remain vertical this Sunday, Kaine will be on all five Sunday news shows.
Trump up nearly 7 points in the LAT tracking poll.
#CrookedHillary hemorrhaging so badly, YLB running out of tampons.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
The sole purpose of a free press is the defense of Democracy. If Trump is elected, no need for a free press. …
Apparently not much need for a free press, anyway:
“Apparently not much need for a free press, anyway”
Let’s give Bob some credit here. I’m just glad to see one of our resident HA Trump supporters finally come around to the idea of freedom of the press, even if it is just whining about a fucking rope.
“Donald Trump wielded an authoritarian press ban against various media outlets for more than a year”
“Reporter arrested at Trump campaign event”
Bans, arrests and physical attacks on the media…I’m sure it’s not a harbinger of things to come in Trump’s America. So let’s all talk about Hillary’s rope with Bob.
In doubt, send them to the men’s room.
“Lesbian booted out of women’s bathroom at L.A. music hall after guard insisted she was a man”
Wow. That was some betrayal by Drumpf of the birther crowd…
It said that TWO TERM President Obama was born in the U.S… period..
and then in the next breath said Hillary started it.
Wow it looks like all the birther idiots and Drumpf put their FAITH in someone they loathe.
Eh it could also be they’re all just a bunch of racist dipshits. Love them WND readers.
@80 Of course, Trump’s kid talking about gas chambers* isn’t a harbinger of anything, either.
* Wouldn’t electricity be cheaper?
@82 Now you know where payday lenders get their business from.
Had my first Uber ride ever yesterday. How slick. No wonder Goldy’s buds in their urine-smelling cars are nervous. 2015 Mazda CX-5 for four of us, less than 3 minute wait.
@ 84
We’re that true, RR, why would anyone around here object to lenders’ tactics?
You are becoming more stupid as you age and lie.
@81 This is the America you will get if Republicans run the country: Cops standing outside restroom stalls checking people’s “credentials” before they’re allowed to pee.
Hell, don’t argue with them, just do what they say, and relieve yourself out in the hall. When ya gotta go, ya gotta go. That’s what we rabbits do. Wherever we happen to be when the need arises.
And you stupid humans call us “feral” and “wild” …
Actually, given your miserable reading material, you’re that false, misguided, yadda, yadda.
Guess it’s because all the policy choices we’d like to see tend to benefit all people..
Even people who grow more ugly, mean spirited and deplorable as they approach being put out to pasture like you.
Silly us.
Going for “the one” this silly season trolls? Heh.
If only. Every 8 years Republicans wish they could reanimate his corpse.
Five years of Drumpf the birther:
Ending with “born in the United States. Period.”
And apparently just under 50 percent of Republicans were gullible enough to believe… Hillary?
Well isn’t this interesting.. The Rupert Murdoch Journal says:
GOP candidate also raises discredited theory that Hillary Clinton started ‘birther movement’
Discredited? Interesting.
An exercise for the babbling jackass: please find the “credited” theory from
The New York Post. Shouldn’t be too hard for you.
From the Murdoch journal article linked @ 90
Falsely.. From the Murdoch journal no less..
Why does the babbling jackass troll believe in false things?
Oh, great.
“Mike Pence Calls Dick Cheney His Role Model For VP”
I assume he’s talking about outing CIA agents and shooting people in the face.
@94 SEATTLE Seahawks to you little maxwipe.
It rankles doesn’t it?
NFL back in Los Angeles. Not sure about the Rams organization but still.
Yes, fuck you very much Donald Drumpf and your birther idiot supporters..
And their enablers – you know who you are.
I said SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!
……I didnt say Seabitch….so not sure why you chimed in, you sociopathic freak.
Now go be a good wife and suck your husbands cock….them make him a sandwich
Not a single player from your shithole of a homeless city…
The owner lives on Mercer Island
Most of the crowd that attends are from the eastside or other suburbs.
Go watch a soccer game or something, you sociopathic freak.
Where did little maxwipe say it went to get its spectator sports fixes? Yes, SEATTLE..
Little maxwipe OWNED!
Now little maxwipe can see a SEATTLE Thunderbirds game in Kent and feel at “home”.. That’s some consolation isn’t it?
Silly little maxwipe:
Plenty of NFL Players from SEATTLE listed here:
Such an ignorant, hopelessly bigoted, diminished “man” you are.
And yes, deplorable.
You really are strange little girl arent you….
Someone who’s whole social life is wrapped up in this worthless blog page….
And Im a Thunderbirds season ticket holder…. hockey rulz….much too many for a tenderhanded sociopaths like you.
Gotta go check the smoker and watch the game….
Dont trip over any bums, needles, or bum droppings when you venture out of your house….
HAHAHAHA!! I bet you went to the Key Arena in SEATTLE and the SEATTLE Mercer arena to see them too.
Yeah, little maxie was one of those red-faced screaming jerks wasted on beer. Your kind is too funny. The Seattle cops kept a close eye on you freaks.
It was fun to watch the cops every time there was a fight on the ice.
Your candidate is confused…
DUMMOCRETIN, you built that!
Seems a nutcase friend of the Oregon moron went wild in Minnesota…
“And it just mind-boggles, mind-boggles that Barack Obama’s mother was a honey trap for the Central Intelligence Agency — a sex operative — and now her son is the President. I mean, you just cannot make this stuff up.“
Just one of our local Liar’s favorite sources. How many times have they posted links to InfoWars in support of their arguments?
Obummer caught in another lie…
Will go down as one of the worst in history!
Obummer caught in another lie…
Will go down as one of the worst in history!
@106 So according to Alex Jones Drumpf was selling false information to his gullible followers for years, i.e. almost 50 percent of the Republican base.
So much for Drumpf and the best “investigators” his money could buy. Or other’s people money I should probably say.
I kinda missed having my own sociopathic internet stalker….
@110 Don’t flatter yourself little maxie. Nobody cared the least about you going MIA after your gun and suburbia fetishes blew up in your stupid face over the slaughter in Newtown, CT.
Damn! Idiots like you should be prosecuted for child abuse raising kids in places like that. (sarcasm at troll idiocy)
Now be a good little freak and disappear again. We won’t give you a second thought let alone “miss” you.
And yet here you are, stalking every post i make…..even one about the seahawks.
You truly are a sociopath…..hiding behind a keyboard.
??? Newtown???? Ya, that was it. More like having a life beyond HA… should try it sometime, you sociopath freak. Keep playing in that imaginary world you twisted head comes up with. If your husband had any sense, he would slap the taste out of your mouth.
@ 109
Bear in mind that The Don considers Jones to be one of his most reliable and trustworthy media figures.
Not to mention loyal supporters.
The Fascists sure know how to pick a hero.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! After dumping over 6k spews here under 150 aliases, you claim you had a “life” to return to?
Welcome back little maxwipe. So much for your “life”.
@112 sounds like you are the stalker. Sounds like you are a real nutbag
@114 this guy makes Donald Drumpf sane and not such a bad deal after all. Maybe Don she bring him along the Campaign trail.
sociopath internet stalker
how ya figure that, SJW?
sounds like sounds like sounds like sounds like sounds like sounds like….
you should invest in a Bose….might clear up those “sounds”
@86 “You are becoming more stupid as you age …”
You won’t have to worry about that, because your IQ can’t go lower than the one you were born with.
@ 120 RR
That ain’t gonna stop him from trying.
The babbling jackass trolls is an idiot. Here’s the truth about the origins of the birther bowel movement:
Yeah I know. We all know the babbling jackass troll is a dipshit.
@119 sounds like you got a bug up your ass.
Even the Fuckwad troll’s own source says precisely that. But in light of the “CHROME!!!! unh, unh, unh, aaahhhhh,” double posts, he probably didn’t read that far, having to go clean himself up again.
So the libtard at McClatchy News is lying about Sid Blumenthal monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch?
Why hasn’t The Sid called the McClatchy News person a liar in public these last three days monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch?
DAYUM you are a sick moronic twit! A real dumbASS! Stooooooooooooooopid as evah!
And almost right on cue the returned troll posts again about being a girl and felating and manliness….
Because of course the worst thing a person could be is a female.
I have theories…
As opposed to the cock thats shoved up yours?
…thinking i prefer the bug….
Most men dont get repeatedly mistaken for being female…..unless you are a particular poster on a particular blog….
There is nothing at all wrong with being female….unless you are actually a male…lolz
How thems theories working for ya?
@122 Even the Rupert Murdoch Journal says you’re an idiot.. See my previous comments in this thread.
Birtherism did NOT start with Sid Blumenthal in 2008 – it started with REPUBLICAN Andy Martin in 2004.
What YOU are saying @ 122 is that almost half of Republicans are credulous and stupid dupes of Sid Blumenthal if they believe what they believed in 2011 when Drumpf picked his marks.
The truth is you are the most credulous and the most stupid. We laugh at you.
Useless TURD @128,
Even CNN’s Mark Lamont Hill conceded Heilary was a birther in 2008… “This was absolutely repugnant. First of all, Donald Trump has never given a speech this short before, on any issue. He talks for hours sometimes when it’s supposed to be five minutes. he gave essentially a 30 second, perhaps, message that President Obama was born in America, period. And even then he didn’t take full responsibility for his contribution to the dialogue. I don’t disagree with him that Hillary Clinton had some soft moments of birtherism, sending out the Kenya picture, doing other things, in 2008, but Hillary Clinton has unequivocally said that Barack Obama was born here. Donald Trump pushed an agenda for years.”
DAYUM U B a real tard dere!
Consider the Fuckwads of the alt-Right fever swamps, how they babble;
they counteth not, neither can they read.
bullshitting asshole @ 130…
ONCE AGAIN, The Rupert Murdoch journal says YOU”RE AN IDIOT..
See my comments @91 and 92…
“soft moments” like the “softening” you use this website to remedy on Sat nights?
Is the idiot troll saying almost one-half of Republicans were programmed to be birthers by “soft moments”?
You’re too fucking stupid..